055 – A Walk In The Park
Well I’m always enthusiastic about finding and trying new places and I must say I’ve been in some pretty crappy toilets in my time so the sound of this park didn’t scare me at all, in fact it gave me an air of excitement.. secluded and a fair amount of students.. just like the cafe back down south.
Toilets can be extremely arousing and while I’m not opposed to playing in the stalls the idea of a glory hole and not knowing who is sucking you.. male or female, young or old.. might be your mum or sister or even your dad.. the excitement is on a different level, It’s such a shame the councils shut down all the opportunities toilets gave.. oh how I miss my youth.
It was a warm day so I figured I’d put on a pair of short but baggy shorts allowing easy access and a button front shirt that I intended to keep open and take a walk through the park and check out the local scenery, may even venture into the woods.. I’d missed the lunchtime escapades which was a good thing as it would hopefully allow me to get accustomed to the surroundings without walking into an awkward situation with everyone waiting their turn standing on line pretending they don’t know why everybody’s there.. Oh the innocence of polite conversation.
Based on my afternoon legs show when the girls walked past my house I had just over an hour before school kicked out and while afternoons where students walk home that way may differ from lunchtime when they are all at school anyway remains to be seen I was hoping to find a few things out.. I know from my own experiences that you’re not always lucky.. back in the day I’ve sat wanking for hours without success whereas other times I’ve walked in.. got blown.. and walked out again.. I could tell some stories about my youthful experiences but I digress…
I walked past the school enjoying the sunshine and rather than walk across the open park I snuck into the woods where a pathway ran adjacent to the open space heading in the direction of the old toilet block which I could see in the distance and Tina was right, it did look secluded barely visible from the park.. no wonder nobody knows it’s there.
I kept my eyes peeled for any dog walkers or others with the same intent and just acted like I was having an afternoon stroll, stopping to admire the greenery when really I’m looking for people who hide in the bushes waiting for someone to go in.. the amount of times I’ve walked in and within a minute someone else has come in.. uncanny!!
There wasn’t even a sign saying it’s a toilet and with nobody in sight I diverted myself down a little path that led to the shabby old block.. only one door which creaked as I pushed it, always a good sign as an early warning system and then you walked down and turned right to be faced with 3 cubicles with old wooden doors, all slightly open telling me nobody was about which was excellent as I could survey the land, no it wasn’t clean but it had an air of mischief about the place.. all 3 cubicle doors had either peep holes drilled in them or gaps between the slats.. certainly no privacy there.. I went in the first cubicle and there was some interesting graffiti on the walls which would take hours to read but what was interesting was the dividing partition.. it was just over head height but a good 18” gap at the bottom allowing for all kinds of fun but more interesting was the size of the hole.. could easily get a hand through there… the middle cubicle was the same except it had 2 glory holes which really got my imagination running riot as the cubicles weren’t that wide.. Hmm.
Nobody had followed me in so I had a few moments to take in the ambiance.. I was excited.
The lighting was quite dim which added to the atmosphere and just as I was deciding which cubicle to go in I heard the door creak so quacking went into the left hand one and quickly dropped my shorts sitting down on the pan, it was difficult to make out who had come in through the small gaps in the door but whoever it was came into the middle cubicle so maybe I was going to get lucky.. my cock was starting to respond and I gave it a couple of playful tugs to get it primed as out of the corner of my eye I could see a figure moving about through the hole but still couldn’t figure out if it was male or female however I was sure they had seen me as their breathing increased as they watched me tugging away and then I saw this finger rub the hole which is usually a sign to confirm interest, from the size of the finger I would guess it was definitely female but wouldn’t swear to it but having got the signal I stood up and turned towards the hole.
I inched my cock through the hole and held on to the top of the dividing partition and the hole was so big that my balls easily went through leaving me standing with my belly flat against the wall.. “Oh yes.. Mmm” I heard whispered as I felt fingers all over my shaft followed by a warm tongue swirling around the exposed bellend before running down the shaft to my balls sucking and licking as they slowly masturbated my lubricated cock.. it did feel so good and the excitement of the situation had my knees trembling which knocked against the wall.. my body went weak as my mystery cocksucker took my meat deep into their mouth and I could feel the hard suction as they squeezed and massaged my wet balls.
I think it was still too early for school kicking out time so whether the person was just a passer-by or attached to the school I had no idea but what I did know was that my first oral experience here was exhilarating to say the least.. they were really getting into their stride as my breathing increased and it wasn’t long before I felt my cock pulsating shooting a heavy load straight down their throat, I felt them tighten their grip on my balls squeezing the last drops of juice from me as they continued to suck and gently clean me up.
As I felt my cock softening my mystery cocksucker pulled back so as I withdrew my dick from the hole catching my breath they flushed the toilet.. “Thank you” they whispered and the door opened followed quickly by the creaking sound and I doubt I’ll ever know who that was.. I sat back down to regain my composure with my cock hanging down between my legs.
Nothing else was happening so I decided to check out the area outside to see if there were any spots of interest and as I walked back to the main pathway the was another small track leading into the undergrowth so knowing that good spots are never easy to find I decided to follow it and about 10 yards in was a small clearing with a couple of fallen trees which allowed for a seating position with a view albeit obscured of the toilet block.. this was perfect but I had no idea who else knew about it but it was partly shaded and had the potential to be a nice sun trap.. I sat down on the log listening to the birds singing and have to say it was quite pleasant. As I sat there with my elbows on my thighs I noticed that my flaccid cock was hanging down the leg of my shorts but as I was alone I didn’t worry about it and sat thinking about the potential this place had.. in a way it was far better than my old area.. I was excited.
I heard a rustling in the bushes and out from one of the other little tracks came a young lad from the school.. I guess they were starting to finish.. “What ya doing mister?” he said as he stood on the edge of the clearing about 6 foot away, I looked up and could see her was glancing down between my legs albeit trying hard not to let me see his looking.. “Oh just taking a rest from my walk.. it looked shaded” I said with a giggle as I looked at him in black trousers and white shirt unbuttoned at the top and half untucked… “That’s cool mister, I sometimes come here too.. it’s my thinking spot” he said with a smile and I guess everyone has a secret thinking spot.. “Do you want me to leave so you can have your place?” I asked as I didn’t want to prevent his ‘alone’ time.. “Nah.. it’s cool, I don’t mind a bit of company sometimes.. Mum says it’s good to talk and not having a dad I tend to talk to older guys.. sort of like a father figure I guess” he said softly as he stepped out into the open and his movement gave him another opportunity to look between my legs at my exposed donger.. which by the way was behaving itself and just hanging.. “Oh yes.. it’s always good to talk.. even talking about nothing in particular helps” I said pretending that I was unaware of my exposure.
“Oh yeah.. do you mind if I sit here on the grass? It’s better sitting opposite, don’t you think?” he said as he sat down just a few feet away where her had a perfect view of my dormant dick.. “Sure mate, make yourself comfortable” I replied with a smile and I looked down at him sitting with his legs outstretched and his arms supporting him.. “Sometimes sir I come here sunbathing.. it’s a real sun trap” he said glancing around and he was actually in the sun which he seemed to enjoy.. “But not today.. I didn’t bring my shorts” he said giggling and again glanced between my legs just as my cock started to react and pulse.. he didn’t want to say anything in fear I might adjust myself but I knew he saw it.. “Aww I’m sure you don’t need shorts mate; I don’t mind if you strip down to your undies and catch some sun.. it’s pretty secluded so I’m sure nobody will see you” I said with a cheeky grin and I could see he was thinking about it.. “Really.. you wouldn’t mind.. for real sir” he said with some excitement in his voice, after all I had stolen his spot.
“So you don’t mind if I take my shirt off then… cool” he said as he undid his shirt and slipped it off showing a reasonable body for a lad of his age.. I did notice as I looked at him that something was stirring inside his trousers and seeing him topless certainly made my cock react as not only did it start to grow but lift up the front of my shorts.. he pretended he didn’t see it but I know he did.. “Ahh this is great having the sun beating down on you” he said smiling as he continued looking in the direction of my rising boner.. “Why don’t you take your trousers off too” I suggested and again his eyes widened.. “Aww I don’t know.. what if anyone sees?” he said and I had to combat that quickly.. “Oh I’m sure they won’t mate, it’s pretty secluded” I replied and he had a quick look around.. “Ok” he said excitedly as he undid the belt, pulled the zipper down and slipped them down his legs revealing a nice pair of tight white boxer briefs and I could see straight away that although he wasn’t fully erect he certainly had something in there to be proud off..
“Are you sure you don’t mind me like this sir” he said as he continued to sit up looking directly at me, I couldn’t help but look down at his growing package which was becoming a nice size.. “Of course not.. we’re both guys and it’s not like you’re naked or anything is it and we’re only chatting so no problem.. you actually look good if you don’t mind me saying” I said softly and I saw his cock pulse inside his briefs and I still pretended to be oblivious of my growing boner being in full view of this young lad which as we chatted he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off..
“Do you ever sunbathe sir?” He asked.. “I see you got nice, tanned legs” he added giving him another reason to look at my boner but I was quick to counter.. “Well mate, yours are coming along nicely.. your starting to get a bit of colour especially on your upper thighs.. the white of your boxers enhance it.. you have nice legs if you don’t mind another guy telling you" I said with a giggle and he took it well.. “Oh no sir, a compliment is a compliment and it doesn’t matter who it comes from.. to be honest I think you got nice legs for an older man.. I like them anyway sir” he said with a sense of excitement in his voice.. we both seemed to feel comfortable and there was absolutely no foot traffic along the main pathway.. “Thank you mate, that’s nice of you to say.. I try to look after my body.. shall I take my shirt off and show you?” I asked and noticed his cock was now angled and pushing up against the waistband.. it was impressive and it wasn’t like he was trying to hide it either.
“Really sir.. I’d love to see if you don’t mind.. it gives me something to aim for in later life” he said and I could see he was excited from the glow in his eyes.. I didn’t stand up as I didn’t want to disturb his viewing pleasure and was amazed at how we’ve both got boners and nobody has mentioned it.. I pulled my tee shirt up and over my head and with my shorts on my hips I was revealing a fair bit of my short and curlys… “Wow sir.. you look amazing.. how old are you?” he asked, “55” I replied with a smile and his jaw dropped.. “I got just over 40 years to get a body like that.. you’re so fit sir.. not like my scrawny body” he said inviting me to survey him.. I looked over at him and he sat right back allowing my eyes to cover every inch of his young smooth teenage body.. not a hair in sight although I don’t know what’s under those tight white briefs apart from the obvious which was clear to see, I smiled at him.. “Well sir, what’s good and what’s bad?” he asked as I finished my tour.. “Well mate, you are average for a lad of your age however there is something that I would consider well above average..” I said with a giggle as I focused again on his impressive bulge.. that had to be knocking on 7-8” packed away in there.. he laughed, “Oh.. you mean my penis” he said giggling with no sign of embarrassment.
“From what I’ve seen at school sir I think it’s bigger than most.. hehe.. do you want to see it sir?” he said and again was looking at my semi-naked body and if he was prepared to show me his cock then who am I to refuse such an offer.. my cock was rigid and very exposed.. “Sure.. why not, that is if you don’t mind mate” I replied feeling excited by his offer..
I focused my gaze down at his bulging briefs and as he reached down grabbing his waistband with his fingers he slowly pulled it away from his body which allowed his dick to straighten up and then as he pulled them down to the top of his thighs I had a full view of his erection and what looked like swollen balls.. “Oh that’s so nice mate, very impressive” I said as he grabbed it pulling the foreskin back exposing the swollen youthful helmet. “What do you think sir.. you like it?” he asked softly and the way he held it and the look on his face told me he was quite proud of his penis.
“Oh yes mate.. it looks very nice.. and you’re starting to sprout hair too.. would you like to see mine too.. just for comparison of course” I said and could see that although he’d been looking at mine for a good half an hour he was still excited to see it fully.. “Sure sir, I’d love to compare.. thank you sir” he said with a smile.
I stood up and carefully lifted my shorts over my boner and down my legs to my knees.. my cock sprung out loud and proud as the young lad gasped.. “Oh Wow sir.. you got much darker hair than me.. will mine go dark in time” he said looking down and running his fingers through his little tuft of hair.. I was about a foot or so from his feet so pretty close as he looked allegedly admiring my dark pubic bush.. “Oooh… you don’t have hair on your testicles sir” he said with an excited giggle and I had to tell him that I shave them as I like them smooth.. “Oh wow.. mine are smooth naturally” he said laughing as he lifted his cock out the way to show me his smooth nuts which did look pretty full..
“Nice mate, they look pretty full.. when did you last ejaculate.. if you don’t mind me asking” I said softly as I watched him cupping his balls excited at how the conversation was turning.. “Oh that would have been yesterday sir.. I have to empty out daily.. sometimes multiple times or it builds up.. Oooh I hope you don’t mind talking about this kind of stuff sir” he said and seemed happy talking personal stuff to a father figure.. I smiled.. “Oh hell no.. that’s what a father figure does.. feel free to discuss anything man to man” I said as he sat upright more just as my cock pulsed a yard from his face..
“That’s a healthy release mate” I added trying to build up his confidence.. “Thank you sir.. you’re a nice man and understanding too.. I know this is stupid but as we’re kinda comparing do you think I could feel your testicles to see if they are as smooth as mine.. I understand if you say no sir” he said rather hesitantly and glanced quickly up.. “Sure mate, I don’t mind seeing as we’re comparing, there’s nobody about” I said smiling and watching his cock pulsing.
I stepped forward so he was in reach and his teenage face lit up seeing my throbbing rod and swollen balls in front of his face.. “Oooh you look pretty full too sir” he said with a giggle which I chose not to reply to as he tentatively reached forward keeping one hand on his own balls and gently cupping my balls with the other, “Oh wow sir” he said giving them a gentle massage and doing the same with his own.. “They are smooth aren’t they sir.. not much difference” he said softly as his warm touch made my cock pulse in front of his face.. “Take as long as you need mate, be happy with your comparison and then maybe I’ll do my own” I said and he looked up at me smiling.. “Thank you sir.. of course you need to do your own” he said looking back down at my stiff meat as he gave my nuts a nice soft massage.. Mmm.
“It’s difficult to choose sir.. yours are so smooth.. so you want to compare now, I can’t decide so maybe I’ll have another go after you” he said unable to make a decision.
“Ok, lay back and is it ok to pull your briefs off? I’ll be able to get a better comparison” I said as he had a quick look around and then laid back.. “Ok.. I guess it’ll be alright” he said with a giggle as I reached down and pulled his briefs off and I have to say he did look hot naked.
He spread his legs as I knelt down between them and looked at his throbbing cock pulsing and his full balls which was a delightful sight.. I reached out and cupped his swollen gonads and heard him sigh softly as I gently squeezed and massaged them.. “Oh yes mate, they are very soft and smooth, very nice” I said softly as I looked down at his solid meat just inches away.. as I explored between his legs pushing my finger through and into his crack.. he didn’t complain as I pushed towards his arsehole searching out his hole.. he continued to moan under his breath.. “Tough choice isn’t it sir.. take your time” he said softly as he laid with his eyes shut enjoying the moment.
So with his balls in the palm of my hand and my finger inside his crack I was so tempted to grab hold of his dick but refrained which was difficult.. “So what do you think sir?” he asked and I had to appease him.. “Personally mate, I think yours are smoother.. very close to being equal” I said pulling my hand up and standing back up reaching out to help him sit upright but whether it was the right decision or not was questionable but it was a decision.
To Be Continued…..
Toilets can be extremely arousing and while I’m not opposed to playing in the stalls the idea of a glory hole and not knowing who is sucking you.. male or female, young or old.. might be your mum or sister or even your dad.. the excitement is on a different level, It’s such a shame the councils shut down all the opportunities toilets gave.. oh how I miss my youth.
It was a warm day so I figured I’d put on a pair of short but baggy shorts allowing easy access and a button front shirt that I intended to keep open and take a walk through the park and check out the local scenery, may even venture into the woods.. I’d missed the lunchtime escapades which was a good thing as it would hopefully allow me to get accustomed to the surroundings without walking into an awkward situation with everyone waiting their turn standing on line pretending they don’t know why everybody’s there.. Oh the innocence of polite conversation.
Based on my afternoon legs show when the girls walked past my house I had just over an hour before school kicked out and while afternoons where students walk home that way may differ from lunchtime when they are all at school anyway remains to be seen I was hoping to find a few things out.. I know from my own experiences that you’re not always lucky.. back in the day I’ve sat wanking for hours without success whereas other times I’ve walked in.. got blown.. and walked out again.. I could tell some stories about my youthful experiences but I digress…
I walked past the school enjoying the sunshine and rather than walk across the open park I snuck into the woods where a pathway ran adjacent to the open space heading in the direction of the old toilet block which I could see in the distance and Tina was right, it did look secluded barely visible from the park.. no wonder nobody knows it’s there.
I kept my eyes peeled for any dog walkers or others with the same intent and just acted like I was having an afternoon stroll, stopping to admire the greenery when really I’m looking for people who hide in the bushes waiting for someone to go in.. the amount of times I’ve walked in and within a minute someone else has come in.. uncanny!!
There wasn’t even a sign saying it’s a toilet and with nobody in sight I diverted myself down a little path that led to the shabby old block.. only one door which creaked as I pushed it, always a good sign as an early warning system and then you walked down and turned right to be faced with 3 cubicles with old wooden doors, all slightly open telling me nobody was about which was excellent as I could survey the land, no it wasn’t clean but it had an air of mischief about the place.. all 3 cubicle doors had either peep holes drilled in them or gaps between the slats.. certainly no privacy there.. I went in the first cubicle and there was some interesting graffiti on the walls which would take hours to read but what was interesting was the dividing partition.. it was just over head height but a good 18” gap at the bottom allowing for all kinds of fun but more interesting was the size of the hole.. could easily get a hand through there… the middle cubicle was the same except it had 2 glory holes which really got my imagination running riot as the cubicles weren’t that wide.. Hmm.
Nobody had followed me in so I had a few moments to take in the ambiance.. I was excited.
The lighting was quite dim which added to the atmosphere and just as I was deciding which cubicle to go in I heard the door creak so quacking went into the left hand one and quickly dropped my shorts sitting down on the pan, it was difficult to make out who had come in through the small gaps in the door but whoever it was came into the middle cubicle so maybe I was going to get lucky.. my cock was starting to respond and I gave it a couple of playful tugs to get it primed as out of the corner of my eye I could see a figure moving about through the hole but still couldn’t figure out if it was male or female however I was sure they had seen me as their breathing increased as they watched me tugging away and then I saw this finger rub the hole which is usually a sign to confirm interest, from the size of the finger I would guess it was definitely female but wouldn’t swear to it but having got the signal I stood up and turned towards the hole.
I inched my cock through the hole and held on to the top of the dividing partition and the hole was so big that my balls easily went through leaving me standing with my belly flat against the wall.. “Oh yes.. Mmm” I heard whispered as I felt fingers all over my shaft followed by a warm tongue swirling around the exposed bellend before running down the shaft to my balls sucking and licking as they slowly masturbated my lubricated cock.. it did feel so good and the excitement of the situation had my knees trembling which knocked against the wall.. my body went weak as my mystery cocksucker took my meat deep into their mouth and I could feel the hard suction as they squeezed and massaged my wet balls.
I think it was still too early for school kicking out time so whether the person was just a passer-by or attached to the school I had no idea but what I did know was that my first oral experience here was exhilarating to say the least.. they were really getting into their stride as my breathing increased and it wasn’t long before I felt my cock pulsating shooting a heavy load straight down their throat, I felt them tighten their grip on my balls squeezing the last drops of juice from me as they continued to suck and gently clean me up.
As I felt my cock softening my mystery cocksucker pulled back so as I withdrew my dick from the hole catching my breath they flushed the toilet.. “Thank you” they whispered and the door opened followed quickly by the creaking sound and I doubt I’ll ever know who that was.. I sat back down to regain my composure with my cock hanging down between my legs.
Nothing else was happening so I decided to check out the area outside to see if there were any spots of interest and as I walked back to the main pathway the was another small track leading into the undergrowth so knowing that good spots are never easy to find I decided to follow it and about 10 yards in was a small clearing with a couple of fallen trees which allowed for a seating position with a view albeit obscured of the toilet block.. this was perfect but I had no idea who else knew about it but it was partly shaded and had the potential to be a nice sun trap.. I sat down on the log listening to the birds singing and have to say it was quite pleasant. As I sat there with my elbows on my thighs I noticed that my flaccid cock was hanging down the leg of my shorts but as I was alone I didn’t worry about it and sat thinking about the potential this place had.. in a way it was far better than my old area.. I was excited.
I heard a rustling in the bushes and out from one of the other little tracks came a young lad from the school.. I guess they were starting to finish.. “What ya doing mister?” he said as he stood on the edge of the clearing about 6 foot away, I looked up and could see her was glancing down between my legs albeit trying hard not to let me see his looking.. “Oh just taking a rest from my walk.. it looked shaded” I said with a giggle as I looked at him in black trousers and white shirt unbuttoned at the top and half untucked… “That’s cool mister, I sometimes come here too.. it’s my thinking spot” he said with a smile and I guess everyone has a secret thinking spot.. “Do you want me to leave so you can have your place?” I asked as I didn’t want to prevent his ‘alone’ time.. “Nah.. it’s cool, I don’t mind a bit of company sometimes.. Mum says it’s good to talk and not having a dad I tend to talk to older guys.. sort of like a father figure I guess” he said softly as he stepped out into the open and his movement gave him another opportunity to look between my legs at my exposed donger.. which by the way was behaving itself and just hanging.. “Oh yes.. it’s always good to talk.. even talking about nothing in particular helps” I said pretending that I was unaware of my exposure.
“Oh yeah.. do you mind if I sit here on the grass? It’s better sitting opposite, don’t you think?” he said as he sat down just a few feet away where her had a perfect view of my dormant dick.. “Sure mate, make yourself comfortable” I replied with a smile and I looked down at him sitting with his legs outstretched and his arms supporting him.. “Sometimes sir I come here sunbathing.. it’s a real sun trap” he said glancing around and he was actually in the sun which he seemed to enjoy.. “But not today.. I didn’t bring my shorts” he said giggling and again glanced between my legs just as my cock started to react and pulse.. he didn’t want to say anything in fear I might adjust myself but I knew he saw it.. “Aww I’m sure you don’t need shorts mate; I don’t mind if you strip down to your undies and catch some sun.. it’s pretty secluded so I’m sure nobody will see you” I said with a cheeky grin and I could see he was thinking about it.. “Really.. you wouldn’t mind.. for real sir” he said with some excitement in his voice, after all I had stolen his spot.
“So you don’t mind if I take my shirt off then… cool” he said as he undid his shirt and slipped it off showing a reasonable body for a lad of his age.. I did notice as I looked at him that something was stirring inside his trousers and seeing him topless certainly made my cock react as not only did it start to grow but lift up the front of my shorts.. he pretended he didn’t see it but I know he did.. “Ahh this is great having the sun beating down on you” he said smiling as he continued looking in the direction of my rising boner.. “Why don’t you take your trousers off too” I suggested and again his eyes widened.. “Aww I don’t know.. what if anyone sees?” he said and I had to combat that quickly.. “Oh I’m sure they won’t mate, it’s pretty secluded” I replied and he had a quick look around.. “Ok” he said excitedly as he undid the belt, pulled the zipper down and slipped them down his legs revealing a nice pair of tight white boxer briefs and I could see straight away that although he wasn’t fully erect he certainly had something in there to be proud off..
“Are you sure you don’t mind me like this sir” he said as he continued to sit up looking directly at me, I couldn’t help but look down at his growing package which was becoming a nice size.. “Of course not.. we’re both guys and it’s not like you’re naked or anything is it and we’re only chatting so no problem.. you actually look good if you don’t mind me saying” I said softly and I saw his cock pulse inside his briefs and I still pretended to be oblivious of my growing boner being in full view of this young lad which as we chatted he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off..
“Do you ever sunbathe sir?” He asked.. “I see you got nice, tanned legs” he added giving him another reason to look at my boner but I was quick to counter.. “Well mate, yours are coming along nicely.. your starting to get a bit of colour especially on your upper thighs.. the white of your boxers enhance it.. you have nice legs if you don’t mind another guy telling you" I said with a giggle and he took it well.. “Oh no sir, a compliment is a compliment and it doesn’t matter who it comes from.. to be honest I think you got nice legs for an older man.. I like them anyway sir” he said with a sense of excitement in his voice.. we both seemed to feel comfortable and there was absolutely no foot traffic along the main pathway.. “Thank you mate, that’s nice of you to say.. I try to look after my body.. shall I take my shirt off and show you?” I asked and noticed his cock was now angled and pushing up against the waistband.. it was impressive and it wasn’t like he was trying to hide it either.
“Really sir.. I’d love to see if you don’t mind.. it gives me something to aim for in later life” he said and I could see he was excited from the glow in his eyes.. I didn’t stand up as I didn’t want to disturb his viewing pleasure and was amazed at how we’ve both got boners and nobody has mentioned it.. I pulled my tee shirt up and over my head and with my shorts on my hips I was revealing a fair bit of my short and curlys… “Wow sir.. you look amazing.. how old are you?” he asked, “55” I replied with a smile and his jaw dropped.. “I got just over 40 years to get a body like that.. you’re so fit sir.. not like my scrawny body” he said inviting me to survey him.. I looked over at him and he sat right back allowing my eyes to cover every inch of his young smooth teenage body.. not a hair in sight although I don’t know what’s under those tight white briefs apart from the obvious which was clear to see, I smiled at him.. “Well sir, what’s good and what’s bad?” he asked as I finished my tour.. “Well mate, you are average for a lad of your age however there is something that I would consider well above average..” I said with a giggle as I focused again on his impressive bulge.. that had to be knocking on 7-8” packed away in there.. he laughed, “Oh.. you mean my penis” he said giggling with no sign of embarrassment.
“From what I’ve seen at school sir I think it’s bigger than most.. hehe.. do you want to see it sir?” he said and again was looking at my semi-naked body and if he was prepared to show me his cock then who am I to refuse such an offer.. my cock was rigid and very exposed.. “Sure.. why not, that is if you don’t mind mate” I replied feeling excited by his offer..
I focused my gaze down at his bulging briefs and as he reached down grabbing his waistband with his fingers he slowly pulled it away from his body which allowed his dick to straighten up and then as he pulled them down to the top of his thighs I had a full view of his erection and what looked like swollen balls.. “Oh that’s so nice mate, very impressive” I said as he grabbed it pulling the foreskin back exposing the swollen youthful helmet. “What do you think sir.. you like it?” he asked softly and the way he held it and the look on his face told me he was quite proud of his penis.
“Oh yes mate.. it looks very nice.. and you’re starting to sprout hair too.. would you like to see mine too.. just for comparison of course” I said and could see that although he’d been looking at mine for a good half an hour he was still excited to see it fully.. “Sure sir, I’d love to compare.. thank you sir” he said with a smile.
I stood up and carefully lifted my shorts over my boner and down my legs to my knees.. my cock sprung out loud and proud as the young lad gasped.. “Oh Wow sir.. you got much darker hair than me.. will mine go dark in time” he said looking down and running his fingers through his little tuft of hair.. I was about a foot or so from his feet so pretty close as he looked allegedly admiring my dark pubic bush.. “Oooh… you don’t have hair on your testicles sir” he said with an excited giggle and I had to tell him that I shave them as I like them smooth.. “Oh wow.. mine are smooth naturally” he said laughing as he lifted his cock out the way to show me his smooth nuts which did look pretty full..
“Nice mate, they look pretty full.. when did you last ejaculate.. if you don’t mind me asking” I said softly as I watched him cupping his balls excited at how the conversation was turning.. “Oh that would have been yesterday sir.. I have to empty out daily.. sometimes multiple times or it builds up.. Oooh I hope you don’t mind talking about this kind of stuff sir” he said and seemed happy talking personal stuff to a father figure.. I smiled.. “Oh hell no.. that’s what a father figure does.. feel free to discuss anything man to man” I said as he sat upright more just as my cock pulsed a yard from his face..
“That’s a healthy release mate” I added trying to build up his confidence.. “Thank you sir.. you’re a nice man and understanding too.. I know this is stupid but as we’re kinda comparing do you think I could feel your testicles to see if they are as smooth as mine.. I understand if you say no sir” he said rather hesitantly and glanced quickly up.. “Sure mate, I don’t mind seeing as we’re comparing, there’s nobody about” I said smiling and watching his cock pulsing.
I stepped forward so he was in reach and his teenage face lit up seeing my throbbing rod and swollen balls in front of his face.. “Oooh you look pretty full too sir” he said with a giggle which I chose not to reply to as he tentatively reached forward keeping one hand on his own balls and gently cupping my balls with the other, “Oh wow sir” he said giving them a gentle massage and doing the same with his own.. “They are smooth aren’t they sir.. not much difference” he said softly as his warm touch made my cock pulse in front of his face.. “Take as long as you need mate, be happy with your comparison and then maybe I’ll do my own” I said and he looked up at me smiling.. “Thank you sir.. of course you need to do your own” he said looking back down at my stiff meat as he gave my nuts a nice soft massage.. Mmm.
“It’s difficult to choose sir.. yours are so smooth.. so you want to compare now, I can’t decide so maybe I’ll have another go after you” he said unable to make a decision.
“Ok, lay back and is it ok to pull your briefs off? I’ll be able to get a better comparison” I said as he had a quick look around and then laid back.. “Ok.. I guess it’ll be alright” he said with a giggle as I reached down and pulled his briefs off and I have to say he did look hot naked.
He spread his legs as I knelt down between them and looked at his throbbing cock pulsing and his full balls which was a delightful sight.. I reached out and cupped his swollen gonads and heard him sigh softly as I gently squeezed and massaged them.. “Oh yes mate, they are very soft and smooth, very nice” I said softly as I looked down at his solid meat just inches away.. as I explored between his legs pushing my finger through and into his crack.. he didn’t complain as I pushed towards his arsehole searching out his hole.. he continued to moan under his breath.. “Tough choice isn’t it sir.. take your time” he said softly as he laid with his eyes shut enjoying the moment.
So with his balls in the palm of my hand and my finger inside his crack I was so tempted to grab hold of his dick but refrained which was difficult.. “So what do you think sir?” he asked and I had to appease him.. “Personally mate, I think yours are smoother.. very close to being equal” I said pulling my hand up and standing back up reaching out to help him sit upright but whether it was the right decision or not was questionable but it was a decision.
To Be Continued…..
2 years ago