Dream Diary 04

[A long long time ago, an old friend asked me to help her write some erotica and suggested that I should do the same. While her an I are no longer friends, I did keep copies of everything I wrote. I will be posting them here on Xhamster with all my other creations.]

Dream Diary 4: True North Strong and Free

About three days ago I received an unusual letter in the mail. It was from my cousin Chris. Chris and I are pretty good net buddies. We share a lot of what goes on in our personal lives. But in real life we don't hang out much at all. We only get to see each other at major family events. Holidays, funerals and the like. Maybe once a year at best. While we do spend at least a half an hour online each or every other day, we have never used tangible correspondence at all. So when I opened the letter I was very surprised to find a very short note and a very expensive plane ticket.

"Dear Randy,
It would please me greatly if you were to come up for a while and spend some time with Scott and I. We have just bought a new house that has a spare room, Spartan such as it is. Scott would love to meet some of my family. Things are going well for us, but our respective works keep us busy and away from home. However, I'm starting my vacation on Monday and would love for you to come up this weekend and maybe spend a week with us. The return ticket has no date on it, so you can leave whenever you wish. I've ensured that there are flights leaving twice daily from the Yukon and you can get back to Ontario on a moment's notice. If you are uninterested, please just return the tickets and I'll hope to see you soon.
Love Chris (and Scott)"

Needless to say, I left the next evening, an early Friday morning. It was an uneventful flight with one stop-over. Five hours to Vancouver and then another three hours on a skipper up to the Yukon. I landed approximately eleven in the morning that same Friday. I called Chris to let him know that I had arrived, alone, at Whitehorse Airport about half an hour ago, and to ask when he could pick me up, or should I rent a car. He told me he'd be there in an hour. When he arrived, I noticed a vibrant energy about him. Like he'd just gotten lucky. I assumed this was most likely not the case as he and Scott work opposite shifts. However, homosexual lovers are usually more spontaneous than heterosexuals, so I couldn't be sure that a surprise lunch quickie hadn't just happened.
"Good afternoon Cuz!" he positively beamed at me.
"Hey hey!" I answered dropping my bags for an incoming hug. I make a note that we've never hugged all our entire lives. Handshakes were about it. However, he now knew that while I was living straight, I was very comfortable with both homosexuals (male and female) and my own sexuality. We had been sharing masturbation secrets and stories for the better part of a year. I was not surprised at how long this hug lingered, and was not at all ashamed, but still felt a little awkward. I felt it was clearly a "gay" hug. If you could clarify a hug in such a way. It did not escape my notice that his manhood could be felt through our clothing and I was surprised that mine was flooding with heat at the sensation of his pressing against me, already hard as steel. I'd never seen him in real life, but through pictures I knew exactly how massive this private python was!!
After a brief reminiscence, we left the airport in his truck. A rather large truck. It always struck me as funny. Chris is not your stereotypical effeminate gay man. He doesn't have a lisp. Doesn't walk funny. Only some things he says allude to that lifestyle. A total stranger would not be able to discern his sexual preference without coming out and asking for it. Since he is "out" he can be stereotypically flamboyant when he wants to be. It just seems that he only lets his "hair down" when it really pleases himself. The ride was longer than I thought it'd be. I had no reference for Yukon geography. His house was on the outskirts of town almost an hour to drive. We spent it remembering various family gatherings and not talking about ourselves at all. Which was odd. He's very comfortable flirting with me online, but now there was an odd distance to our conversation. Not that I was expecting purely sexual conversations to dominate the entire vacation, but I still couldn't get the thought and feel of his cock pressing against my pelvis during our post flight greeting. Since we last spoke online, I knew that he and Scott had not been intimate for a long time. I figured with buying the new house and having company coming to visit, the ongoing excitement might have sparked something. That thought was definitely wrong, but it'd be more than a day before I found out.
We spent Friday night on the town. Dinner was great. A local, non-chain steakhouse with a clear Northern Canadian atmosphere. Chris had a show to perform that night with his theatre-group. So I got to see the play he'd been performing in for the last couple months. Then we stopped by a convenience store to pick up some refreshments and went to bed. Scott had to work that morning, and while Chris was still raring to go, I had been up for almost twenty four hours. I retired to the spare room. It was very Spartan indeed. A simple white dresser. A simple white double bed. Curtains over the window. It was the start of an "Order by Mail Ikea" spare bedroom with the exception of the carpet. The carpet looked like some things that may have been shot and killed and skinned and sewn together. Like several polar bears maybe. Lush fur at least an inch in length, luxuriated my feet and toes. Tired as I was I spent five minutes just pacing around on that silky floor. I fantasized about what it would feel like to lay down on it and make love until the wee hours.
I could hear Chris or Scott was having a pre-sleep shower, and I waited patiently for my turn. I was lucky enough that Chris was taking a cold shower to cool his excitement, which only built up mine. When he finished I passed him in the hallway, he was stark naked and was still slightly dripping as he passed with his towel over his shoulders. His cock was now soft, but no less scary for its size. I thought I was large. I may be well endowed, but that thing is scary. Not to be crass, but I now knew why Scott was the pitcher! I took my shower and made it pretty warm. Washed the last 24 hours away, thinking only of that super shag rug. Toweled off completely so that I would not dampen that carpet that must have cost thousands of dollars. Then I too proceeded to my room, naked with just a towel d****d over my shoulders. I could feel Chris on the other side of his bedroom door. I fantasized that he was watching me while Scott slept. Slowly stroking his hot fleshy rod, completely ruining the effect of his cold shower. I stopped in my doorway. I bent over as if to pick up something or scratch my toes without lifting my foot. Completely exposing my freshly shaved and washed ass to whomever might possibly be spying through slightly cracked doors. My suspicions were proven correct by a slight gasp as I reached between my legs and slowly dragged a finger down my own crack exposing my anus. His knees buckled as he came, lightly nudging the door. I smiled to myself. Stood back up and turn around to slowly close the door allowing a final glimpse of my now fully erect cock.
I latched the door but did not engage the lock. I felt that while I would not make any outward invitations, not wanting to cause any disruption in their relationship, I would not hesitate to take advantage of any intrusions into my room. I lay down upon that white furry expanse of carpet, dropping my towel within hands reach beside me and started slowly dragging my fingertips up and down my body. I could feel my steamy serpent throbbing and flexing. Touching my stomach and then standing up repeatedly as I dragged my fingers to and fro, across my thighs, over my scrotum and shaft as I worked my way up my belly to my chest, stopping to lightly pull and twist at my small hard nipples. I waited patiently but he had already come. Pun intended. In my previous fantasy the fur tickled and tantalized. In reality it was starting to itch my ass as it clenched and relaxed as I eventually brought forth a pulsing orgasm that leaked slowly and steadily all over my stomach. I shuddered and laughed quietly at the thought of how fast sex with a woman would destroy this precious floor covering. I could see Chris wanting to turn this room into a Eros play-room. I could also see Scott not wanting anything to do with it. I grabbed my towel, cleaned myself off and retired to my bed to sleep, nude as always. My night was not disturbed. This was not unfortunate. I was very tired despite my excitement. Tomorrow is another day, and I'll be completely refreshed.

The next day was almost uneventful. I say almost, because while not much happened, there was this excitement in the air that was very palpable. I mean, we toured some local sites. Mostly native landmarks of some spiritual value. A small museum and a couple nature trails. So we did a lot, but didnā€™t really satisfy any curiosities. When the day was over we went out for dinner.
Scott had found this all-day breakfast place that heā€™d been frequenting for his lunches while working. We went in and I ordered a ā€œtruckerā€™s breakfastā€ which has pretty much everything you could want over the course of three breakfasts slammed down into one meal. Eggs, bacon, sausage, ham and toast with your choice of pancakes, waffles or French toast on the side. I went with the French toast but never even got to it. I was pretty ravenous, so I wolfed down everything, saving the sausages for last. Which I nibbled on slowly and suggestively while we were enjoying our coffees and small talk. I definitely had Chris worked up, and I was starting to think that Scott was still ā€˜in the closetā€™ as he took notice of my culinary behavior and started to blush. I knew he was in fact ā€˜outā€™, but it turns out heā€™s very shy and private when out in public. This didnā€™t be front me as I have a very strict policy of ā€œDonā€™t be or do anything you are ashamed of.ā€ Also, ā€œIf you canā€™t be proud of it, you canā€™t really enjoy it.ā€
After dinner, they stopped by the only video store in town to rent a few movies. I waited in the car, playing a line about my stomach being a little sensitive from having eaten too much. While they were walking from the truck to the store, my excitement got the better of me and I slid my hand into my jeans. My foreskin was flooded with pre-cum. My initial thought was that this must be what it feels like to be a girl getting wet in anticipation. Iā€™d never leaked that much fluid before. It had to be half a full cum-shot. I almost believed that I must have cum in the restaurant and not even noticed. Being able to ejaculate without orgasm can be fun, but this was kinda scary. Then the thought of the smell hit me. Had I left myself alone, it wouldā€™ve been fine until I got home to shower, but now the scent was on my hands. I started to lick my paw clean. Ravenously, I started to suckle my fingers. I was supposed to be cleaning them, but I kept reaching back for more. And my cock would not disappoint. Even with only a semi-erection, I could feel the distinct throb of an ejaculatory push. I was cumming. This time a full gob of cum, not pre-cum oozed out and into my fingers, hot, white, thick and ever so potent in its smell and taste. Thereā€™d be no hiding this. I slowly placed my fingers in my mouth, taking care not to waste a drop. Smiling as my wet cock fell against my abdomen, sticking into place with my human glue. I didnā€™t even suckle at them, just letting the fluid leak from my fingers and ooze into my mouth onto my tongue.
Enjoying the few minutes I had to myself. I quickly gathered up as much jizz as I could and swallowed it down. I was trying to think of anything non-sexual to keep myself from cumming further. Failing in earnest I simply did the best I could to clean up. Had I still been in my twenties I woulda just folded over and sucked myself dry, but as Iā€™m approaching my forties Iā€™ve gained a bit of a spare tire and canā€™t reach anymore. However, I was able to clean my cock and lower torso, but I had no way to clean the funk from my hands. The smell of sex was permeable in the air. I tried to roll down the windows, but they were powered and Chris took his keys. So, I simply opened the passenger door and hoped for the best.
When they returned with no movies in hand, I could sense that an argument had broken out in the video store. When they jumped into the truck, they didnā€™t even ask about the door being ajar. However, with a tentative sniff from both of them I felt Iā€™d been found out. I blushed, but neither one of them said anything.
ā€œNo movies?ā€ I asked.
ā€œNah, we couldnā€™t agree on anything.ā€ replied Scott with a tone that brooked no futher inquiries. We went straight home and Scott immediately retired to their bedroom. I could tell Chris was on the fence about whether or not he should go upstairs and work through this latest bout. Not wanting to get involved and definitely feeling out of place, I excused myself and retired to my guest room. As I stopped by the washroom to wash my hands still smelling of my latest stolen moment, Chris stopped and whispered through the crack in the doorsill, ā€œNice show last night.ā€ I blushed freely and couldnā€™t help but smile.
ā€œI never lock the door. Consider that in whatever way you feel is appropriate.ā€ I instantly flushed from head to toe in scarlet. Did I just say that out loud? What was I doing? This is my cousin! Too late. Iā€™ll just have to prepare myself for what ever happens. I did however take notice that he did not proceed to their bedroom, but instead went back downstairs to their living room. I undid my pants, quickly washed my flaccid meat and hands and retired to my room.
It seems as if dayā€™s passedā€¦ All alone in that room waiting for the door to creak open. It was over an hour at the very least, maybe even two. I had just given up waiting and was starting to rub my self enjoying the tingling sensation of getting an erection slowly by the gentle touch of lightly dragging fingertips. Lying back on the bed with my feet resting on that lush carpet. That carpet. I didnā€™t even hear him come in. However, as soon as I grasped the base of my cock and pointed to the ceiling enjoying the fullness of my shaft that does not allow my fingers to touch my thumb as I grab it, I felt wet warmth on the head and heavy breathing on my fingers. I didnā€™t even have to look. Chris had snuck into the room and squeezed in between my legs without touching me and was going to town on my meat. It had been over a year since anyone had come on to me. Two years since Iā€™d last gotten some head. I used to do it myself when I was a teenager, but just couldnā€™t reach anymore, old age and a bad back and all thatā€¦
He was surprisingly gentle for a man of his size. Heā€™s not portly, but just big. My height and my weight, but more toned, where I have a bit of a gut now. I still canā€™t believe I didnā€™t hear or feel him enter the room. Itā€™s not like I was in a jerk off frenzy. However, I wasnā€™t going to complain. His mouth was warm and he was a professional at keeping it just the right amount of wet. Wet enough for motion, but not making a mess of my groin. I let go of my cock to allow him the freedom to take over, and obviously in a little hope of his moving more up and down my shaft. Iā€™m not the longest but I am a little girthy. He had no trouble managing me. In fact, as soon as I let go, he made three quickly little head jerks to judge his ability to handle me and then on the fourth he slid his lips right down to the base and took my entirety into his mouth. Several slow slides later, I was as hard as I could be, and ready to fuck or be fucked. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love head as much as the next guy, but wanted to experience more before we got caught.
I eased him off away and off my cock. ā€œStand up.ā€ I whispered. As he rose, I slid down to the floor easing myself onto my knees as my lower legs slid under the bed. I grabbed his massive rod in both hands. Flaccid heā€™s twice my size, but now that we were both hard he was maybe an inch longer, but easily had fifty percent more girth. No wonder Scott never lets Chris in. This thing is the size of some of my more impressive dildos. Which donā€™t scare me anymoreā€¦ I was salivated at the thought of this thing pounding my ass. But I had to taste it. I hadnā€™t had another manā€™s cock in my mouth since early high school. I lost control and opened my mouth wide and drove it in as far as I could on the first try. Big mistake. I didnā€™t get sick, but I definitely gagged. I didnā€™t care. I closed my mouth and slowly eased it out again. A long 30 second slide at best. Quickly I gulped it back in with closed lips this time and did a second slow slide out. I could feel myself gagging again. It was just too much cock for my inexperienced mouth. I pulled off after the second slide and apologized, ā€œIā€™m sorry man, I just canā€™t keep it in my mouth, its way too big. Now I know what my wife used to complain about.ā€
He snickered silently and let show a half smile. I could tell he was happy and disappointed all at the same time. Without trying to be crass, he always sucks and gets fucked. Trying to be crass, heā€™s the ā€˜hole.ā€™ He turned around and grabbed the far wall and put his ass out to me. ā€œLetā€™s just move on.ā€ I donā€™t think soā€¦.
I got up and embraced him from behind my cock sliding between his ass cheeks and resting up between our bodies. ā€œI donā€™t think so Chris. Every time I use my big dildo I pretend its your huge cock.ā€ I say quietly in his ear as I reach around him and grasp his massive snake. ā€œIā€™ll fuck you if you really want it, but I have no interest it penetrating you. No offense. I know for a fact you never get to do that, and itā€™s been more than 20 years since Iā€™ve been penetrated by someone else at all. Youā€™re fucking me first.ā€ I slide my hand down his shaft and lightly drag it around his hip and caress his backside as I slowly back away to the bed. I sat down ever so slowly while glancing at the door to make sure he closed it on his way in. I canā€™t tell if its locked or not, but donā€™t really care one way or the other. I lay back and raise my feet to the edge of the bed with my knees folded and in the air. I reached down to finger my anus and get my juices flowing. Having mastered the ability to milk my prostate eases the need for spit which dries up way too fast anyway. Chris slowly turns to me with his cock throbbing and dancing in the moonlight. He lowers himself to his knees and is about to spit onto his cock, not sure if he should proceed. ā€œThereā€™s no need for that,ā€ I interrupt, ā€œIā€™m ready for you.ā€
He shuffles forward and presses the tip against my hole. I immediately feel the searing heat of his manhood touch me. Was another manā€™s cock always this hot? It has been way too long to accurately remember. He gives the slightest push. Just easing the tip of the head in a half an inch. Iā€™m not concerned, he couldā€™ve thrust it right to the base on the first try. But his gentility was actually more arousing this way. I didnā€™t need him to be gentle, but the anticipation being built by his hesitation was lighting my nether regions on fire. He finally eases the head in with a pop. ā€œAre you okay?ā€ I answer him by wrapping my feet around his back and pulling him off balance so he slides into me right to the hilt. I can feel his scrotum and sizable balls snuggle in between my cheeks. He gasps as he falls into me, ā€œHoly fuck, I guess so.ā€ He approaches me to kiss me as heā€™s now pretty much laying on top of me. I turn my head to avoid his lips. He kisses my neck. Thatā€™s fine with me. Afterwards he props up on his hands to hold his torso away from mine. ā€œAre you sure youā€™re okay with this.ā€ A bit of doubt showing on his face.
ā€œChris understand me, I love you as a cousin. I hunger for your body as a man. But Iā€™m not in love with you. Kisses are reserved for the most trusted and cherished in my life. Itā€™s a personal boundary of mine. You can do pretty much anything you want below the neck but thatā€™s it. The rest is just flesh, but my mind and heart are something you can enjoy but not possess. Please know that Iā€™m in ecstasy right now, but thatā€™s all it is. Hunger and flesh. Fuck me till youā€™re done with me. Love it. If you have to have more to do this I understand, but as for me, no more relationshipsā€¦ Just intimate, yet string-free sex with people I care about. Is that okay with you?ā€
He thinks silently to himself without pulling out. I can feel his cock pulsing the whole time. Heā€™s not losing erection, but heā€™s not sure how to proceed. ā€œI do love my man and want things to work out, but I also want this to be something special that Iā€™ll never forget. I have the feeling itā€™ll never happen again.ā€
ā€œIf it never happens again, itā€™ll be because Scott knows about it and has asked me not to do it again. Or simply because the geographical distance between us is too great. That being said, trust me youā€™ll never forget it, I HAVE something special planned, just fuck me a little more for a bit. But you have to warn me when youā€™re getting close. Not too close, but say about five minutes away.ā€ This being said, he proceeded to churn my innards with his enormous tool. Slowly thrusting in and pulling out gradually building up speed until we had a nice rocking motion going on the edge of the bed. I could hear the slight movement of the bed, but didnā€™t care at all. I was in heaven. It felt so great to have something inside me that was alive. Iā€™d been using rubber toys for way too long. Every time his hips nuzzled my ass when he touched bottom was bliss. That spreading warmth is just impossible to describe and happens to be the most important thing missing when youā€™re utilizing a phallus. Thereā€™s no body contact, just anal penetration and thatā€™s it.
After about ten minutes of rhythmic rocking he breathed out saying, ā€œOkay, Iā€™m about five minutes away.ā€
ā€œGrab your cock at the base to make it swell up and slowly pull out of me like when I was sucking on you. Take a full 20 to 30 seconds.ā€ As he did this I felt my already loosened ass tighten up a bit. I gasped a little, thinking to myself, ā€˜If we ever do this again, Iā€™m going to have to try and get a cock ring on him and see how big we can make it.ā€™ As he started sliding out, I reach down to grab my now soft but full cock and balls as low on the base as I could manage. I spun it around on its base as we self-fuckers can and turned it to face him. As his head popped out, I gave him a quick little show as I slid my own cock into my ass. I pushed it in and pulled it out a few times. Firmly cupping my balls in my right hand and using the fingers on my left hand to keep my shaft inside me. After two or three thrusts I could feel my erection coming back, it having been lost to me from the intense penetration in the first place. Knowing that self-fucking is more difficult to maintain the harder you are, I pushed myself into myself as deep as I could get it and held it there. ā€œNow, slowly come back inside me.ā€
ā€œHoly fuck, I knew you could do this, Iā€™ve seen your videos, but its another thing to see it in real life. If I fuck you again, I really will cum inside you.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s the idea Chris. Iā€™m less than minutes away myself!ā€ He pushed his cock against my now full ass. I could feel his heat against my ass and my shaft. I went from heaven to hell. No one should feel this good. However, he really had to push this time. His cock while still full was close to bursting. He was reaching that point of not wanting to cum and have it be over, so heā€™d either pop and cum all over me or lose his erection entirely. He reached down with a second hand to push on his glans with his fingers. The engorged head popped right in. He immediately started cumming and I could feel it wash over the part of my shaft inside me. ā€œSlowly keep goingā€¦ Make this one thrust last foreverā€¦ Ease it in to me. Rub our cocks together as you fuck my ass!ā€
He did this for me. In the agonizing seconds or minutes or hours that it took for him to bottom and out and get his entire cock into my ass sliding under my cock and forcing my own head against my prostate I started to flood my own cavity with my hot jism. It was flushing my prostate and washing back down over the nuzzling heads of our cocks deep inside my ass. It was about then that I noticed that I wasnā€™t even holding my balls anymore. I didnā€™t have to the way I do when I fuck myself alone. His body against mine was doing that for me. I was in an orgasmic rush that Iā€™d never felt before. I was still oozing. The intensity of the orgasm was the most powerful but also one of the shortest Iā€™d ever had, however, I was still ejaculating slowly. The pressure of my glans being forced against my prostate by his hard cock was causing a constant flow of cum to leak out of me and ironically enough back into me. He could feel the juices coming out of my cock two fold. The obvious flow of semen washing over the head of his cock and lubing up our shafts, but also the actual flow of the sperm traveling through my shaft as the top of his cock was pressed against the underside of mine.
He fell against me and kissed my chest and neck again as he rested upon me. Our cocks still throbbing, but losing rigidity. I wanted him to keep going, but at the same time, the day had gotten me so worked up I just wanted to sleep. I told him, I was starting to pass out from all the excitement. ā€œShould I leave?ā€ he inquired.
ā€œPlease do not be insulted. Iā€™ve wanted to experience double penetration for a long time, and Iā€™ve fantasized about double penetrating while soloing myself constantly for the last three years. Iā€™ve had a dream come true tonight, but it has wiped me outā€¦ I tell you this. Iā€™m going to fall asleep exactly as I lay like this. Iā€™m not even going to wash up. I want to lock this moment in my memory and in my dreams. As I slumber you can do whatever you wish to me. Enjoy yourself. Fuck me. Suck me. Ride me. Slide your cock into my mouth. Fill me anyway way you wish. Write your name all over me. Believe me when I say that I want you to abuse me while I drone off. I may wake and continue, I may sleep right through it. I have no idea, but you donā€™t have to leave.
He didnā€™t leave. I droned in and out and he played with my ā€œhelplessā€ form for hours. I donā€™t remember him leaving, but I do remember him cumming on my cock and massaging it in because it tickled very much. I also remember waking up with a bit of a start as he slowly slid his cock into my mouth. It woke me because I was dreaming about him and Scott double fucking my ass and remembered that he and I had already fucked for real. Iā€™m not into ass to mouth, and started to panic. However the slight sting of trace amounts of soap on my tongue told me that heā€™d thoughtfully cleaned himself before forcing me to give him head in my sleep. I welcomed the warm treat that parted my lips and slid across my tongue, but I kept my eyes closed and feigned sleeping. When he was about to come off for the third time he started to pull away, but I grabbed his buttocks firmly with both hands and slid both index fingers into his anus forcing him to ejaculate deeply into my throat. I swallowed the entirety of his gift in one gulp. Being the third load it was a smaller amount but knowing itā€™d be mostly sperm and less semen the taste would leave something to be desired. So I kept him as deep as possible and swallowed it all as it slid past the back of my tongue.

Despite being able to stay for a few more days, I decided to leave the next evening. I did however tell him about the dream with him and Scott. I told him if he ever confessed what happened the previous night and Scott was okay with it, then Iā€™d be back to bring that dream to a reality. If Scott was interested in fucking me while I fucked myself, I might be cool with that too, but Iā€™m really not sure. Iā€™d leave it up to Chris. However, I would definitely love to have them both fuck me at the same time. But that littleā€™ DP with meā€™ treat was for him and him alone. Well, Iā€™d do it with Mario too if I ever got the chanceā€¦. However, if I ever get Mario and Chris together I may have to attempt a sandwich with them and have them both fuck me while I fuck myself. Triple penetration is scary, but Iā€™m sure I could do it if motivated properly.

TTZ-RMT 2012
3 years ago
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