Chapter 7
Chapter 7
That was it. Our amazing week was coming to an end. One last night in this BDSM dream of a chalet.
Papi and I have enjoyed every corner and kinky tool in this place, and we were planning to go out with a bang. This evening was going to be special.
We spent the morning running errands around the city, filling our suitcases with food and wine to take with us back to UK. We went to my parents’ place and had lunch with them, and Papi was showing off his newly learned Italian words – he spent most of his spare time learning my language on Duolingo…
We had amazing food and chatted a while, then after coffee we said our goodbyes and left. My heart always breaks a little bit every time I leave my parents, they are getting old and I would love to spend longer with them but my job keeps me away, although I try and come back as often as I can. Papi knew that and he was very caring and hugged me a lot.
It was a beautiful day and we decided to spend a little time in the garden with a cold drink. We sat on the bench and I snuggled into Papi. Quiet tears were running down my cheeks and Papi squeezed me even harder. He was not going to let me fall and I knew he would always be there to catch me. After few minutes we decided to go pack our suitcases.
“Princess can you do me a favour as you’re by the wardrobe? Can you get me the red velvet pouch please?”
“What’s in the pouch Papi? Feels like a rod and some cables…”
“Well Princess, I wanted to use this whilst here but we did not have a chance”
“Papi. Are those your e-Stim insertables??”
“hm. Yes… Do you think…?”
I grabbed the pouch and Papi’s hand. I remember that my friend showed me the machine downstairs. There were lots of cables and I remember seeing a metal dildo por something of that sort. Papi’s eyes went really big when he saw that!
We went into the dungeon and I opened the armoire where I remembered I had seen all the stuff. Yes, I remembered correctly. I turned to Papi.
“Papi, we have never used the electro stimulation machine before. I think it’s time. I think this is the best place and time. What do you think?”
“I think that this is a splendid idea and that makes me very happy Princess.”
We took the machine out and Papi started fiddling with the cables. He carefully took out the rods and cables from his pouch and made sure they were fitting with the eStim in the house.
I was watching Papi’s careful and expert hands sort out the cables and the insertables. He then disappeared in the bathroom, after a couple of minutes he emerged drying his hands with a paper towelette.
“Princess… I think we’re good to go!!”
“Oh my gods Papi… exciting!! But I want to ask you one favour… Can I please see you cum first?”
“My pleasure is to see that you are well satisfied before I will allow myself to cum so that’s a no Princess.”
I put my best sulking Princes face on and went to sit on the bed. “Hm. OK.”
“Princess… don’t test me. You have been a very good girl this week, don’t ruin it all at the end”
“Ok Papi, sorry. I AM a good girl. Your good girl. Not going to spoil the most amazing week of my life” then I got up and planted a kiss on Papi’s lips and gave him a good hug.
“Promise me you will do that after? Please? What do you want me to do?”
“I promise, I will cum after you. Just get undressed, Princess. I am going to clean the insertables with antibac and then with this toy cleaner here in the armoire. Keep an eye on what I do as you need to learn” And he winked at me.
I did as requested, took my trousers and panties off, then shirt and bra. And I sat on the bed again and looked at Papi cleaning the dildo and connecting all the cables.
He then picked up some rope with wrists and ankles cuffs. He took his shirt off and proceeded to strap the cuffs. These operations are always conducted in absolute silence. All I hear is the clinking of the little metal rings and the buckles. It’s like religion, rituals, and you always approach them with reverence and respect.
I was then blindfolded with a black silk scarf. I loved to be blindfolded, not knowing what was happening, and the sensory deprivation only made the pleasure intensify.
“Lay on the bed face up Princess”. He then put a cushion under my bum and started attaching the red ropes to the top posters’ rings. These ropes then were connected to my wrists’ cuffs.
“Are your arms comfortable? Can you reach the knot? Undo it for me please” We always tested that one of the arm ropes could be undone with just one hand. All I had to do was pull the end of the rope with my left hand and the know came undone.
“Excellent.” And he did the same know once again.
He moved to the bottom of the bed and pulled my legs apart. My glistening and aroused pussy came into full view. “Beautiful” and I could fell Papi’s hand caressing me and spreading my folds.
My legs were attached to the bottom posts and I was now fully prepared. Open for Papi.
“Princess, tell me you’re comfortable, nothing is hurting and there is no tension in any of your limbs”.
“I am ok Papi. Very comfortable and ready for you”
“Good girl.”
“We need to prepare you a little bit…” and Papi approached me from the top, his fingers pinching my erect nipples, then his mouth, sucking and biting. His hand then moved towards my pussy, caressing my belly, entering me with two fingers.
“Princess is ready and needy… this greedy pussy is so wet…”
“Yes Papi… always when you’re around”
“As this is a first for you I want you to talk to me when you feel to, no need to ask permission. If you need to drink let me know, if you want me to stop you know the rules, yellow to regroup and red to stop altogether”
“Yes Papi, understood”
“I am now going to stick a pad above your pussy. There are two electrodes, one in this pad and the other one will be in the insertable dildo, so that the current will travel through your clit. By the way, the metal dildo may be a bit cold but you’re molten lava so I wouldn’t worry too much”
He attached the pad then opened my fold and started pushing in the metal dildo, which was indeed very cold! It felt like I was going to be fucked with an ice lolly!!
“You’re doing great Princess. Both pad and dildo are attached to this TENS machine. I am going to turn it on now, very low frequency.
“OH!!” I jolted when I felt the buzz.
“Steady Princess. I am going to intensify” and the buzzing increased. I could feel my whole insides vibrating and buzzing, and my clit was getting stimulated as if it was getting sucked but with no intervention.
“Holy crap Papi this is gooooooOOOOHH” The sensation was so intense I was sure I was going to cum in about 3 minutes flat. If not less.
“DON’T CUM!” Papi’s Dom voice brought me back to earth. I was going to hold for Papi.
“Yes Papi… holding. Holding for you” and I started counting in my head. Breathing, concentrating.
“I am changing the frequency. Hold your orgasm Princess. Beg me to cum”
“Oh PAPI Yes… ooohh my gooooood!! Please please Papi can I cum??”
“NO. Hold it” and I could feel my whole body shaking. I was too close, this was too intense and I was going to break down. Breathe! Count to ten and then back to one… nope, not working, I needed to release!
“Papi I cannot hold it anymoooOOOre please Papi please Papi can I cum PLEASE!!”
“yes Princess, cum for your Papi NOW”
And my orgasm came strong, long and powerful. I screamed and thanked Papi. But the thing was still buzzing and already another big orgasm was building.
“Papi… what are you doing… I… I… I need to cum again!!”
“Don’t hold it Princess, let it go. Papi wants to see your beautiful juices gushing out of you, your pink pussy swollen and glistening, your face get flushed. You’re beautiful when you cum…”
My second orgasm came. And then another. And another.
After what felt like an eternity and a number of orgasms (lost the count after 3) the buzzing subsided and the blindfold was removed. But I was floating.
“My very good girl, MY Princess… if you could look at yourself. Your cheeks are beautifully flushed, you are glowing and content…” Papi quickly detached me from the bed’s posts, brought a blanket and a bottle of water. He laid next me and hugged me.
“Papi is here Princess. Close your eyes and let me cuddle you. You were so good for Papi. My good girl… so so good!”
He made me drink some water and pushed a cube of dark chocolate in my mouth. We spent few minutes like this, in silence, Papi’s arms around me, kissing my neck and back. God I never wanted this to end.
“Yes Princess
“Papi, it’s your turn now… you promised”
Papi laughed softly and got up. “as you wish, my Princess.”
He removed his trousers and boxer shorts. Picked up the rod and the cables and sat on the armchair opposite the bed. I was sitting upright on the bed, covered with the blanket and watching in awe as Papi drizzled some lube on the thin rod and pushed it into his urethra. I felt a little queasy but Papi looked at me and winked with a smile, which made me feel a little better.
Once the rod was all in he connected the end with the cable coming out of the TENS. Another cable was tied with a rubber tie at the base of the cock, tight just behind the balls.
“Come here Princess, you will need to operate this”
Still wrapped in my blanket I got off the bed and sat on the foot stool.
“I am going to turn it on. I will show you how to turn the intensity on or change the frequency”
He pressed the button and the screen lit up. He selected a program and turned the dial of the intensity.
“mmm feels good Princess. Have not done this for some time. Forgotten how good it feels. Go slow or Papi will spurt in 30 seconds!”
It felt good that Papi wanted me to make him cum by eStim. He trusted me enough.
I turned the dials bit by bit, played with the different modes and we found one that Papi felt gave him the best sensation.
“Lets go Papi” and I started increasing the intensity. Papi was sitting in his chair, hands on the armrests, eyes closed. His cock was twitching. “More, Princess… More… Papi has some way to go”
I kept increasing the intensity and pleasure for Papi, slowly. I wanted him to enjoy this moment to the fullest.
I was giving Papi small bursts of pleasure by turning the dials up and down. Papi was increasingly groaning and lots of precum was sipping out.
I wanted to be naughty and give him a helping hand with my tongue but decided not to in case it all got too much.
I got off the stool and sat on the floor between Papi’s legs. Papi’s breath had increased, his cock was really hard and twitchy. Papi was close.
“Princess, up a little notch please, Papi is going to cum soon… will you be a good girl and open your mouth?”
“Yes Papi, that’s why I am sitting here…”
“Open please… Papi is cumming… now… NOW!!!” and after a loud growl Papi spurted hot cum on my face and mouth.
I licked it all off then scuttered to the bathroom to take a wet flannel to clean Papi up.
Papi was spent, still sitting with his eyes closed. I waited until he regained his breath and unwired his cock. He carefully removed the urethra rod and I started cleaning him.
“Thank you Princess, that was one amazing orgasm you gave me. You are a natural with that machine!!”
“Ha thank you Papi!! I really enjoyed it, we need to use it more often!!”
“You have no idea how happy that makes me… stay here, I have a present for you”
“A present? But it’s not my birthday”
He went back to the suitcase and picked up a small packet.
“You know how I feel about you my Princess. You are the best SUB I have ever had, and you made me the happiest Papi ever. I want you to wear this so that you know you are mine and mine only, and I trust you and I would never want any other sub.”
He placed the packet in my hands, I opened it and inside there was a necklace, a silver sparkly chain with a beautiful small padlock.
“Papi… it’s beautiful! Thank you!!”
“You are forever chained to me Princess. I am not letting you go. This padlock means just that.”
“Papi, I won’t go anywhere. You are everything I have ever dreamed of. Thank you for coming into my life.”
He helped put the chain on and kissed me gently on the lips. We then went in the bathroom and had a shower, but we spent most of the times embraced under the stream of hot water.
We went upstairs and got into bed. It was late and the suitcases could wait until next morning.
Next day I opened my eyes and Papi’s arms were still around me. My hand went straight to my neck and I touched the precious gift Papi had given me. It’s value was so much more than the gift in itself. I was Papi’s. For ever. And I was a very happy Princess.
Papi stirred “Good morning electro Princess!”
I turned around “Good morning electro Papi. I need coffee. I am going downstairs to make some.”
Got out of bed, put a tshirt on and went downstairs. By the time the coffee was ready Papi came down and we both sat at the table with a cup of steaming hot black gold.
“That looks good on you”
“I will never take it off Papi. It’s beautiful and it means so much… thank you”
“You deserve it Princess. You make me happy and I can’t bear the thought of sharing you with anyone else, so I have to keep you chained to me for ever”
“For ever Papi.”
Reluctantly we went to get dressed and finish pack our bags. The flight was at lunch time but we needed to pass by my friend’s studio to give the keys back.
I did a little bit of cleaning whilst Papi was preparing a breakfast of eggs and sausages.
We then did the dishes, checked we had taken everything, put the suitcases in the car and locked the door.
I gave my friend a quick ring so he was waiting for us downstairs. We hugged, and I thanked him so much. He then saw my necklace and with a wink he told Papi “You need to keep her under lock, she is precious” and we all laughed. He also told us that whenever we feel like having a super kinky week we could just let him know and the chalet was ours to use. We also invited him to come and see us in UK although we did not have such an amazing place like his!
And then we were off to Naples. On the way I called my parents and said goodbye again.
At the airport we left the car with the rental company, checked in and went to have lunch in the lunge. Until it was time for our flight.
And as the plane was flying on the beautiful bay of Naples I was holding Papi’s hand, and with the other I was touching my beautiful padlock. For ever Papi’s.
That was it. Our amazing week was coming to an end. One last night in this BDSM dream of a chalet.
Papi and I have enjoyed every corner and kinky tool in this place, and we were planning to go out with a bang. This evening was going to be special.
We spent the morning running errands around the city, filling our suitcases with food and wine to take with us back to UK. We went to my parents’ place and had lunch with them, and Papi was showing off his newly learned Italian words – he spent most of his spare time learning my language on Duolingo…
We had amazing food and chatted a while, then after coffee we said our goodbyes and left. My heart always breaks a little bit every time I leave my parents, they are getting old and I would love to spend longer with them but my job keeps me away, although I try and come back as often as I can. Papi knew that and he was very caring and hugged me a lot.
It was a beautiful day and we decided to spend a little time in the garden with a cold drink. We sat on the bench and I snuggled into Papi. Quiet tears were running down my cheeks and Papi squeezed me even harder. He was not going to let me fall and I knew he would always be there to catch me. After few minutes we decided to go pack our suitcases.
“Princess can you do me a favour as you’re by the wardrobe? Can you get me the red velvet pouch please?”
“What’s in the pouch Papi? Feels like a rod and some cables…”
“Well Princess, I wanted to use this whilst here but we did not have a chance”
“Papi. Are those your e-Stim insertables??”
“hm. Yes… Do you think…?”
I grabbed the pouch and Papi’s hand. I remember that my friend showed me the machine downstairs. There were lots of cables and I remember seeing a metal dildo por something of that sort. Papi’s eyes went really big when he saw that!
We went into the dungeon and I opened the armoire where I remembered I had seen all the stuff. Yes, I remembered correctly. I turned to Papi.
“Papi, we have never used the electro stimulation machine before. I think it’s time. I think this is the best place and time. What do you think?”
“I think that this is a splendid idea and that makes me very happy Princess.”
We took the machine out and Papi started fiddling with the cables. He carefully took out the rods and cables from his pouch and made sure they were fitting with the eStim in the house.
I was watching Papi’s careful and expert hands sort out the cables and the insertables. He then disappeared in the bathroom, after a couple of minutes he emerged drying his hands with a paper towelette.
“Princess… I think we’re good to go!!”
“Oh my gods Papi… exciting!! But I want to ask you one favour… Can I please see you cum first?”
“My pleasure is to see that you are well satisfied before I will allow myself to cum so that’s a no Princess.”
I put my best sulking Princes face on and went to sit on the bed. “Hm. OK.”
“Princess… don’t test me. You have been a very good girl this week, don’t ruin it all at the end”
“Ok Papi, sorry. I AM a good girl. Your good girl. Not going to spoil the most amazing week of my life” then I got up and planted a kiss on Papi’s lips and gave him a good hug.
“Promise me you will do that after? Please? What do you want me to do?”
“I promise, I will cum after you. Just get undressed, Princess. I am going to clean the insertables with antibac and then with this toy cleaner here in the armoire. Keep an eye on what I do as you need to learn” And he winked at me.
I did as requested, took my trousers and panties off, then shirt and bra. And I sat on the bed again and looked at Papi cleaning the dildo and connecting all the cables.
He then picked up some rope with wrists and ankles cuffs. He took his shirt off and proceeded to strap the cuffs. These operations are always conducted in absolute silence. All I hear is the clinking of the little metal rings and the buckles. It’s like religion, rituals, and you always approach them with reverence and respect.
I was then blindfolded with a black silk scarf. I loved to be blindfolded, not knowing what was happening, and the sensory deprivation only made the pleasure intensify.
“Lay on the bed face up Princess”. He then put a cushion under my bum and started attaching the red ropes to the top posters’ rings. These ropes then were connected to my wrists’ cuffs.
“Are your arms comfortable? Can you reach the knot? Undo it for me please” We always tested that one of the arm ropes could be undone with just one hand. All I had to do was pull the end of the rope with my left hand and the know came undone.
“Excellent.” And he did the same know once again.
He moved to the bottom of the bed and pulled my legs apart. My glistening and aroused pussy came into full view. “Beautiful” and I could fell Papi’s hand caressing me and spreading my folds.
My legs were attached to the bottom posts and I was now fully prepared. Open for Papi.
“Princess, tell me you’re comfortable, nothing is hurting and there is no tension in any of your limbs”.
“I am ok Papi. Very comfortable and ready for you”
“Good girl.”
“We need to prepare you a little bit…” and Papi approached me from the top, his fingers pinching my erect nipples, then his mouth, sucking and biting. His hand then moved towards my pussy, caressing my belly, entering me with two fingers.
“Princess is ready and needy… this greedy pussy is so wet…”
“Yes Papi… always when you’re around”
“As this is a first for you I want you to talk to me when you feel to, no need to ask permission. If you need to drink let me know, if you want me to stop you know the rules, yellow to regroup and red to stop altogether”
“Yes Papi, understood”
“I am now going to stick a pad above your pussy. There are two electrodes, one in this pad and the other one will be in the insertable dildo, so that the current will travel through your clit. By the way, the metal dildo may be a bit cold but you’re molten lava so I wouldn’t worry too much”
He attached the pad then opened my fold and started pushing in the metal dildo, which was indeed very cold! It felt like I was going to be fucked with an ice lolly!!
“You’re doing great Princess. Both pad and dildo are attached to this TENS machine. I am going to turn it on now, very low frequency.
“OH!!” I jolted when I felt the buzz.
“Steady Princess. I am going to intensify” and the buzzing increased. I could feel my whole insides vibrating and buzzing, and my clit was getting stimulated as if it was getting sucked but with no intervention.
“Holy crap Papi this is gooooooOOOOHH” The sensation was so intense I was sure I was going to cum in about 3 minutes flat. If not less.
“DON’T CUM!” Papi’s Dom voice brought me back to earth. I was going to hold for Papi.
“Yes Papi… holding. Holding for you” and I started counting in my head. Breathing, concentrating.
“I am changing the frequency. Hold your orgasm Princess. Beg me to cum”
“Oh PAPI Yes… ooohh my gooooood!! Please please Papi can I cum??”
“NO. Hold it” and I could feel my whole body shaking. I was too close, this was too intense and I was going to break down. Breathe! Count to ten and then back to one… nope, not working, I needed to release!
“Papi I cannot hold it anymoooOOOre please Papi please Papi can I cum PLEASE!!”
“yes Princess, cum for your Papi NOW”
And my orgasm came strong, long and powerful. I screamed and thanked Papi. But the thing was still buzzing and already another big orgasm was building.
“Papi… what are you doing… I… I… I need to cum again!!”
“Don’t hold it Princess, let it go. Papi wants to see your beautiful juices gushing out of you, your pink pussy swollen and glistening, your face get flushed. You’re beautiful when you cum…”
My second orgasm came. And then another. And another.
After what felt like an eternity and a number of orgasms (lost the count after 3) the buzzing subsided and the blindfold was removed. But I was floating.
“My very good girl, MY Princess… if you could look at yourself. Your cheeks are beautifully flushed, you are glowing and content…” Papi quickly detached me from the bed’s posts, brought a blanket and a bottle of water. He laid next me and hugged me.
“Papi is here Princess. Close your eyes and let me cuddle you. You were so good for Papi. My good girl… so so good!”
He made me drink some water and pushed a cube of dark chocolate in my mouth. We spent few minutes like this, in silence, Papi’s arms around me, kissing my neck and back. God I never wanted this to end.
“Yes Princess
“Papi, it’s your turn now… you promised”
Papi laughed softly and got up. “as you wish, my Princess.”
He removed his trousers and boxer shorts. Picked up the rod and the cables and sat on the armchair opposite the bed. I was sitting upright on the bed, covered with the blanket and watching in awe as Papi drizzled some lube on the thin rod and pushed it into his urethra. I felt a little queasy but Papi looked at me and winked with a smile, which made me feel a little better.
Once the rod was all in he connected the end with the cable coming out of the TENS. Another cable was tied with a rubber tie at the base of the cock, tight just behind the balls.
“Come here Princess, you will need to operate this”
Still wrapped in my blanket I got off the bed and sat on the foot stool.
“I am going to turn it on. I will show you how to turn the intensity on or change the frequency”
He pressed the button and the screen lit up. He selected a program and turned the dial of the intensity.
“mmm feels good Princess. Have not done this for some time. Forgotten how good it feels. Go slow or Papi will spurt in 30 seconds!”
It felt good that Papi wanted me to make him cum by eStim. He trusted me enough.
I turned the dials bit by bit, played with the different modes and we found one that Papi felt gave him the best sensation.
“Lets go Papi” and I started increasing the intensity. Papi was sitting in his chair, hands on the armrests, eyes closed. His cock was twitching. “More, Princess… More… Papi has some way to go”
I kept increasing the intensity and pleasure for Papi, slowly. I wanted him to enjoy this moment to the fullest.
I was giving Papi small bursts of pleasure by turning the dials up and down. Papi was increasingly groaning and lots of precum was sipping out.
I wanted to be naughty and give him a helping hand with my tongue but decided not to in case it all got too much.
I got off the stool and sat on the floor between Papi’s legs. Papi’s breath had increased, his cock was really hard and twitchy. Papi was close.
“Princess, up a little notch please, Papi is going to cum soon… will you be a good girl and open your mouth?”
“Yes Papi, that’s why I am sitting here…”
“Open please… Papi is cumming… now… NOW!!!” and after a loud growl Papi spurted hot cum on my face and mouth.
I licked it all off then scuttered to the bathroom to take a wet flannel to clean Papi up.
Papi was spent, still sitting with his eyes closed. I waited until he regained his breath and unwired his cock. He carefully removed the urethra rod and I started cleaning him.
“Thank you Princess, that was one amazing orgasm you gave me. You are a natural with that machine!!”
“Ha thank you Papi!! I really enjoyed it, we need to use it more often!!”
“You have no idea how happy that makes me… stay here, I have a present for you”
“A present? But it’s not my birthday”
He went back to the suitcase and picked up a small packet.
“You know how I feel about you my Princess. You are the best SUB I have ever had, and you made me the happiest Papi ever. I want you to wear this so that you know you are mine and mine only, and I trust you and I would never want any other sub.”
He placed the packet in my hands, I opened it and inside there was a necklace, a silver sparkly chain with a beautiful small padlock.
“Papi… it’s beautiful! Thank you!!”
“You are forever chained to me Princess. I am not letting you go. This padlock means just that.”
“Papi, I won’t go anywhere. You are everything I have ever dreamed of. Thank you for coming into my life.”
He helped put the chain on and kissed me gently on the lips. We then went in the bathroom and had a shower, but we spent most of the times embraced under the stream of hot water.
We went upstairs and got into bed. It was late and the suitcases could wait until next morning.
Next day I opened my eyes and Papi’s arms were still around me. My hand went straight to my neck and I touched the precious gift Papi had given me. It’s value was so much more than the gift in itself. I was Papi’s. For ever. And I was a very happy Princess.
Papi stirred “Good morning electro Princess!”
I turned around “Good morning electro Papi. I need coffee. I am going downstairs to make some.”
Got out of bed, put a tshirt on and went downstairs. By the time the coffee was ready Papi came down and we both sat at the table with a cup of steaming hot black gold.
“That looks good on you”
“I will never take it off Papi. It’s beautiful and it means so much… thank you”
“You deserve it Princess. You make me happy and I can’t bear the thought of sharing you with anyone else, so I have to keep you chained to me for ever”
“For ever Papi.”
Reluctantly we went to get dressed and finish pack our bags. The flight was at lunch time but we needed to pass by my friend’s studio to give the keys back.
I did a little bit of cleaning whilst Papi was preparing a breakfast of eggs and sausages.
We then did the dishes, checked we had taken everything, put the suitcases in the car and locked the door.
I gave my friend a quick ring so he was waiting for us downstairs. We hugged, and I thanked him so much. He then saw my necklace and with a wink he told Papi “You need to keep her under lock, she is precious” and we all laughed. He also told us that whenever we feel like having a super kinky week we could just let him know and the chalet was ours to use. We also invited him to come and see us in UK although we did not have such an amazing place like his!
And then we were off to Naples. On the way I called my parents and said goodbye again.
At the airport we left the car with the rental company, checked in and went to have lunch in the lunge. Until it was time for our flight.
And as the plane was flying on the beautiful bay of Naples I was holding Papi’s hand, and with the other I was touching my beautiful padlock. For ever Papi’s.
3 years ago