Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Today was going to be an amazingly beautiful day. My mountain was resplendent in the sun, covered in green against a stunning blue sky. We decided to have coffee in the garden, leisurely, enjoying each other’s company in silence, just gazing into each other’s eyes and quietly smiling.
“why don’t you show me your coast, Princess… the one you keep raving about…” Papi said all of a sudden.
“Well, that’s a very good idea Papi. We can have lunch there. It’s not major tourist season so we could find a parking spot”
“That’s it then! Lunch on the Amalfi coast is a brilliant idea!”
So we decided to have a light breakfast of more coffee and toasted bread with butter and home made plum jam and we started getting ready.
Around 11 we set out, stopped to refuel the car and we went towards Salerno. I have never been a good navigator and although I remembered the way a little I was not confident enough to show Papi where to go, and ending up in Africa by mistake was not on my agenda for today.
So we programmed the navigator and off we went. I was ok in directing Papi on the motorway up until Salerno. The day was gorgeous and we had our windows down and the music on the radio in the background. Papi’s driving was smooth, I had my hand on his thigh and he had his on mine. And again like this morning, and like many other times, we were just content being with each other. Papi would turn around to look at me every little while when it was safe for him to do so. And he would meet my smile.
We took the exit for Salerno and finally I could see the sea, my beautiful sea, which is as part of me as the mountains. Every time I come here I have to go see it. And having Papi with me this time makes it even more special.
We navigated the streets leading to the port, which could be seen from above, busy and bustling with huge ships and thousands of containers. I have always been a little scared of this road because of all the big trucks going to the port but Papi seemed very at ease and made me feel very safe.
We took the coastal road and finally the queue of trucks stopped. The windows, which we had to close because of all the exhaust fumes from the trucks, went back down and I suddenly felt I was really at home. The sea was glistening beneath us and from time to time you could see some solitary sail passing by.
The road follows the jagged coast, so it’s all a succession of rugged rocky mountain side and back onto the sea. Every turning is a surprise because of the stunning landscape displayed in front of your eyes. It was familiar to me but this place has always the power to make me forget all the times I have seen it before and making me awe in amazement whenever I come back. I cannot believe I have left all this to come and live in grey London.
“How could you leave all this and go to live in London?” Papi said all of a sudden.
“Yeah, exactly what I was thinking Papi. But You know the story by now… I could have never found a decent job by staying here… but it makes coming back even more special”.
I know Papi was really enjoying the day trip. His eyes would tell me so, and at times – although concentrating on the difficult road so full of turns and bends – he would mutter a quiet WOW when turning a corner and seeing another piece of paradise.
“I am glad you went to London. Because I have met you”.
There was really no need to reply to this statement. Many times we recounted how we met and how we believed to be incompatible only to discover we were always meant to be together. Things that broke our hearts happened and then the planets aligned and pushed us together and the rest is history.
So I just squeezed his thigh in acknowledgment. My Papi.
We had arrived to the place I wanted to stop at, called Minori. We found a parking spot at the end of the promenade and we went for a little walk along the beach. We sat on a bench in the shade for a little while then told Papi that it’s tradition for me to go and wet my feet in the sea every time I am here. Somehow I convinced Papi to do the same so we went back to the part of beach near to where our car was parked, we took our shoes off and we slowly advanced towards the water. The sea was calm and the tiny waves were crashing on the gravel beach.
When my feet touched the water I hoped I had a bathing suit with me and I would be brave enough to jump in – the water would still be too cold.
But having my feet in the sea was enough for me. I was absorbing its energy and with the sun shining on my face I felt like a new woman. And best of all my man was next to me, laughing and giggling and holding my hand.
After few minutes splashing around like two k**s we went back to the bench and waited for the heat to dry our feet so we could rub off the tiny gravel grains and put our shoes back on.
It was lunch time so we stopped at one of the restaurants on the road. I told Papi I remember coming to this restaurant with my parents and I wanted to eat something I had when I was here last time. Papi looked at the menu and ordered a frittura, whilst I went for a pasta with zucchini and shrimps. We also ordered a glass of white wine each and some water.
When the waiter asked if we wanted a dessert I said no as I wanted to take Papi to another amazing place. So we paid the bill and left. We went back up the promenade, walking slowly, hand in hand, in silence.
When we reached the part of the beach where we went splashing around I started pulling Papi to drag him to my favourite cake place in the whole world. We got a table on the terrace and before ordering e went inside to take a look at the myriad of different cakes and sweet. I knew what I wanted because I had been here before but Papi was having a hard time deciding so I helped him picking up his slice of heaven coated in sugar.
We went back to the table, ordered our cakes, then a coffee for Papi and an ice tea for me.
Papi had picked up a coffee mousse based cake and mine had to be with pistachios. Every morsel was a MMMM and eyes rolling back sort of thing! Almost better than sex. Almost!
We stayed there looking at the sea and the few tourists mingling with the locals passing by. We then finished our drinks and decided to go back home. I was looking at the sea all the way back until it disappeared from my view. Took loads of pictures and videos and again I left a tiny bit of my heart there.
We were chatting all the way back, talking about the food, the cakes we wanted to try next time we’d be there, our splashing in the sea and how bloody painful that little gravel is! It had been an amazing morning and having shared this part of me with my Papi was the best thing of all.
We got home and decided that a shower was needed. We undressed and both jumped into the huge cubicle. Papi started lathering me back, my front, my hair. But all was very delicate, calm, not sexual at all. It was affectionate, like he was cleaning a very precious object, and made me feel like one.
“You are very dear to me Princess. Thank you for what you are and thank you for allowing me into your world. You are my perfect SUB.”
I am not sure if he could see my tears but they were mixed with the spray of water on my face. Papi always managed to get me very emotional for all the nice things he always said to me. My perfectly amazing Papi. I was so so lucky to have found him. And I am sure he thought the same of me, as he kept reminding me.
So we washed and snuggled into our huge fluffy robes, made turbans out of our towels and shuffled giggling to the kitchen. Papi asked me to sit as he prepared coffee. It was too nippy now to sit in the garden so we took our cups to the lounge and dived into the uber comfy sofa. We put Netflix on and choose a sci fi movie. Took us a while to find one that we had not seen but we managed.
My parents had invited us for dinner, very informal one, some slices of pizza and some local specialities. After the movie we got ready and drove the small distance to my parents house. I told them of the morning trip to the Amalfi coast and the lunch and cakes we had.
We sat down at the table where my parents had prepared an array of cheese and cold meats with red wine from the county, small taralli and bread, home made pickles and nibbles. The intercome rang and it was my brother with the family and the pizza. It was one huge table with many people and I could see the joy on my parents face for having us all around.
I forced my mum to use disposable plates and cutlery so that she did not have to clean after we had done. My 11 years old nephew had decided to sit next to Papi and was doing his best to have a conversation in English with him.
The evening went along with laughter and amazing family time. This has been a perfect day, one of those days you will remember until your very last breath. I was so blessed for having had the opportunity to spend it with Papi.
Around 22:00 my brother said it was time to take the k**s home and after I helped my mother to bin all the disposable stuff and clear out the kitchen we decided to call it a night as well and went back to the chalet.
Once there we made a cup of chamomile tea and went straight to bed. I turned on my side and Papi wrapped his arms around me.
“Buonanotte, Principessa” – “Buonanotte, Papi” and we fell asleep.
Published by chas104418
3 years ago
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