A Vixen Hotwife

A Vixen Hotwife

A Vixen Hotwife is any foxy woman that is allowed to have occasional sex with other men with the
encouragement and full consent of her straight heterosexual husband or boyfriend.

Her husband or boyfriend, known as as stag, is however monogamous to her and does not seek out
sexual encounters with other women in return. This should not be confused with cuckoldresses and
cuckold type relationships in which humiliation and degradation of her partner play a key role often
accompanied by homosexual behavior.

Vixen hotwives are at the center of all their straight partners sexual desires and while sexual teasing is
often present between herself and her partner it is only done in a playful way between a genuinely
loving couple to increase the erotic experience.

Vixen hotwives engage in a variety of very foxy activities from mere fantasy role playing with their
partner to various degrees of actual real sexual activity with other men. This takes various forms such

1) merely kissing and fondling with other men in a bar,
2)sexual activity with other men but not full intercourse,
3)having sex with other men and then retelling the event in detail to her stag
4) having her stag listen or watch her have sex with other men or having him join in a straight sex
threesome with her and the other guy.

Key to all these activities is the practice in which her stag, increasingly aroused by sexual competition
for his own Vixen hotwife, has sex with her by way of reclaiming her as his own. She engages in this
activity because of a combination of her stag’s desire for such sexual play in seeing his lady as being
both universally desirous and his pride in sharing her and her own foxy desire to enjoy pleasure and
passion with other men, with his encouragement while still in a real committed loving relationship
based on love and mutual respect.

Her activity with other men, while generally fun and friendly, is solely sexual and her stag always
remains her primary emotional and sexual focus in the longer term. This foxy hotwifing is a subset of
swinging in which only the female partner plays and is a rapidly growing sexual lifestyle choice
enjoyed by many couples.

Some couples discover stag and vixen hotwifing early in their relationships while others find it much
later. The reasons for vixen hotwifing have always been around and lie deep in our evolutionary history
as a species. Now, factors such as female empowerment, better contraceptive/safer sex technologies,
ease of online information, communication and anonymity have combined with other things to bring
such activity out of the shadows to the edge of the mainstream.

The foxy sexy vixen is the partner to the proud stag. Vixen is a better more inclusive term than hotwife
as many such lifestyle couples are not married.
Published by TheWanderlusts
3 years ago
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