Say you love to Suck Cock Honey

Dave's dick twitched as he waited for what he knew was going to happen. He thought back to how this whole thing had started and knew that deep down, he did want this. In the dark recesses of his mind, these thoughts had made themselves known and he had started everything with his question.

His wife Sharon was sucking on him in that slow and deliberate way she did, taking her time to get him hard, his balls swelling as she delayed his release. He watched as her head bobbed up and down, her lips sliding easily over his saliva-covered cock.

"What would you say if you saw me doing that?" he casually asked her.

Her head shot up and she looked at him, asking, "Where the hell did that come from?"

"Just a question. Something I read on Lit. The question was posed to women about how they would react if they saw their man sucking on another man's dick."

She looked at him, her hand still wrapped around his shaft, contemplating her answer.

"Don't know, never thought about it." She paused, then finished, "Have you?"

This was a tricky question. While he was as straight as they came, he couldn't deny that on occasion he had become aroused looking at images of men sucking on each other.

"Not really. I was just asking for your opinion."

"Not really? Either you have or you haven't," she replied. She released his dick and sat up on her knees, looking down at him. "Do you want to?"

Another tricky question. While it's not something he wanted to do, he had thought about it. But only under the right circumstances.

"I don't know," he told her. "It's not like I want to get on my knees at the first sight of a guy on the street."

"So you have thought about it," she persisted. Her line of questioning was taking him down a path he wasn't sure he wanted to go. For a few brief moments images he had seen of women sucking cock or guys sucking on each other flew before his eyes, his dick twitching as the thought of him sucking on a hard cock momentarily came to the fore.

"Well ..."

"Oh my god, you have!" Sharon was somewhere between amazement and disbelief. She had seen his dick twitch and heard the hesitation in his voice, the two combining to give his answer.

"Never mind," he grumbled, getting up from the bed to finish what she had started.

"Don't go," she said, taking hold of his arm and holding him in place. "I didn't mean it like that. You just caught me off guard."

He couldn't stay mad at her. Her steel grey eyes captivated him as they always did in these situations, his defenses useless against their overwhelming gaze.

"S'ok," he told her as he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him, "it was just a question." He kissed her then got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

"I can finish, if you like," she called after him.

"Naw, don't worry about it," he replied, "this will only take a moment thanks to you."

Weeks went by and they lived their lives, their sexual romps keeping them entertained during that time. They fucked and sucked in every room of the house, sometimes hard and fast in the heat of the moment, other times long, slow, hour long sessions. They would titillate each other as their hands groped the other under the table at restaurants, her hand sliding inside his pants to stroke his cock before they left while his hand would glide up her smooth leg so he could bury a finger or two in her pussy or run his thumb around her clit.

He didn't know it then, but looking back on it now he realized she had been planning this night that whole time. She would make small talk with the waiters who served them, her eyes wandering down to their groins as she surreptitiously checked them out or watched their ass as they walked away.

She did the same thing wherever they went, his mind not realizing what was going on until now.

When he came home that night she greeted him just inside the door wearing a slinky, spaghetti-strap maroon dress which swirled about her thighs as she came towards him. She spun lightly on the balls of her feet, the hem of the dress rising up as she turned, and gave him the briefest glimpse of her bare ass underneath.

She handed him a glass of wine and kissed him, practically bouncing with delight.

"What are you happy about?" he asked, pleasantly surprised to be greeted like this.

"Oh nothing." The coy tone of her voice let him know she had something up her sleeve.

"Right, nothing. You just decided to meet me in that dress," he said, looking up and down her body, the dress hugging the curves of her breasts and hips, "which, I might add is very nice on you, with a glass of wine and a giggle worthy of a teenage cheerleader."

"Uh huh," she beamed, taking a small sip of her wine.

He took a sip, then a larger drink, the start of the weekend apparently beginning now.

"So what do you have planned?" he asked, moving to the living room and tossing his coat on the couch. Dave plopped himself down and took another drink of wine, the tang of the alcohol giving way to a growing warmth inside him.

Sharon straddled his legs and knelt on the couch, her knees beside his thighs, her hands caressing his face. He kissed the palm of her hand as it slid by, a warm and caring expression on her face as she did. Leaning over, she lightly kissed him then exhaled, resting her head against his.

"Ok, what's the matter?" He slid his free hand to her leg and lifted the edge of her dress, moving up her thigh then around to the curve of her ass which he rubbed and caressed.

He heard her exhale, her breath haltingly released as he touched her.

"I can't tell you," she quietly said, raising her head and looking at him. Her fingers toyed with the buttons on his shirt and one by one, she undid them, her fingers straying up his neck to tease him.

"I love you," she told him, her voice rich with emotion. She kissed him again, her lips moving to his neck, her warm breath raising the hairs on his neck.

"Do you trust me?" she whispered, her lips grazing his ear.

"Of course." His mind was getting lost as her soft lips kissed him and her body moved against his.

"I need you to get cleaned up," she said, sliding herself from him and extending a hand.

Looking at her, he could only imagine what she had planned. Her touches had left him with the urge to run his hands up her legs and lift her dress so he could bury his face in her. He wanted to dive his tongue in her moist slit, to taste her juices, to hear her moan as he pleasured her.

But he didn't. He took her hand and stood, she giving him another kiss then raising his glass and forcing him to drink the rest of the wine in the glass.

"Trying to get me drunk so you can have your way with me, huh?"

"Something like that." Her eyes glinted with mischief and she bit her lip in that teasing way she does, letting him know something big was going to happen.

"You going to join me?" he asked, removing his shirt and tie.

"Not this time. Just take your time and make sure you don't miss any spots."

He gave her a questioning look but didn't say anything. Tossing his clothes in the bedroom, he went to the shower and did as he was told, the warm water adding to the effects of the wine, his body soon in a relaxed state.

When he was done and had pulled the shower curtain aside, there she was, waiting with another glass of wine.

"Gees, you really want me drunk, don't you?" He took the glass and without being told, took a drink from the glass.

"Mmmm, not drunk," she purred, "more, pliant."


"Ok, relaxed and open to suggestions. How's that?"

She was casually leaning against the vanity, her dress flowing over her body, her every curve revealed beneath the satiny material. There was nothing he could do, nothing he wanted to do, and his body took over, his erection growing at her sight.

"Hmmm, seems like someone is getting excited early," she joked, reaching out with a hand and lightly stroking him.

He closed his eyes and let himself enjoy her touch, her fingers sliding easily over his shaft, her nails dragging across his cock head, inhaling sharply at her exhilarating touch.

"Drink some more," she told him, raising the glass to his mouth and tilting it so he had to drink. He emptied the glass which she took from him then ran a thumb across his lips. He kissed it and she smiled.

"Come with me," she said, taking his hand and ignoring his bouncing dick. She took him back to their bedroom and forced him down on the bed, again straddling his legs, the smooth material of her dress sliding across his erection and making it twitch.

"Oh, you like that?" she teased, grabbing hold of the hem of her dress and deliberately letting it fall on him.

"That's not nice, teasing me like that," he told her as he watched her play with him. His hands went to her legs and slid up her thighs, his fingers sliding higher until they were fully under her dress and reaching between her legs.

"Nuh uh," she cooed, reaching under and removing his hands. She leaned over and kissed them, her eyes never leaving his gaze. Lowering his hands, she wrapped the fingers of her hand about his shaft and slowly pumped him.

Her eyes sparkled as she did this and she bit her lip for effect, enjoying herself as his hips moved while she pleasured him. She kept to her pace, not hurrying, his hard dick sliding in her hands, his heart beating harder with each passing moment.

She stopped and moved to his side, her hand still holding him. With a quick glance, she lowered her head and inhaled his cock.

"Uhhhh!" he grunted, her soft lips and velvety tongue like fire on his skin. She tightened her lips about him and gently sucked on him, her head in place for the moment. Bobbing her head a few times, she popped her mouth from him and sat up.

"Ok," she chirped as she slid off the bed, "you need to get up." As before, she extended her hand to him which he took and climbed out of bed, somewhat perturbed that she had stopped.

"Stand here," she told him and left the room, returning less than a minute later with another glass of wine.

"What are you...?"

"Just drink," she cut him off, handing him the glass and watching as he took a drink.

"One more. A big one," she told him.

Doing as he was told, Dave finished most of what was left, the effects of the alcohol making itself known. He felt warm and relaxed with hints of giddiness creeping into his mind.

Taking the glass from him, Sharon put it on her dresser then opened a drawer and pulled out a black scarf. Walking behind him, she placed it over his eyes and tied it behind his head.

"Ohh, kinky," he joked, not realizing then how kinky things would get.

"You can't see anything, can you?" she asked him.

"Nope. Blind as a baseball."

"One more thing," she told him and he heard her walk from him then the sound of something metallic being moved.

"Trust me," she said in his ear right before she grabbed a wrist and pulled it behind him. He felt a cold ring wrap around it and before he could react, she did the same thing with his other wrist. It was then he realized his hands were cuffed.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Trust me," she whispered in his ear. "Want another drink?"

"I'm feeling a bit fuzzy so some more won't hurt. We're not going anywhere tonight, are we?"

"No," she said and moments later the glass was at his mouth. She slowly tilted it and he drank from it, assuming he emptied it when she took it away.

She took him by the arm and they slowly walked out of the room and towards what he finally guessed was the living room. His dick bounced as he walked, the sensation making him giggle in his alcohol-tinged state. Sharon didn't say a word but kept a firm grip on his arm, making sure he didn't bump into the walls as they walked.

When they got to where she wanted, she helped him kneel on the floor, the carpeting absorbing the weight on his knees.

"Do you trust me?" she asked, her warm voice easing its way into his mind.

"Of course," he told her.

"I love you," was her reply and she kissed him, her lips pressed firmly against his, her tongue snaking into his mouth. When she stopped she held his face in her hands, a thumb again sliding across his lips.

"There's someone else here," she told him, that fact jolting him out of his semi-stupored state.

"Who?" Dave's heart thudded in his chest, the realization that he was effectively helpless with his hands cuffed behind him as he knelt on the floor.

"It doesn't matter," she continued. "I just want you to know that I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you. You have to trust me. Please say you'll trust me."

He didn't know how to respond. Of course he trusted her, but what was the other person doing here? And why was he cuffed and on his knees? Why was she saying to trust her?

"I thought about your question," Sharon quietly said. "I didn't want to think about it, but there was something about it which I couldn't let go. I tried to imagine what it would be like, but I just couldn't see it. Then the more I thought about it, the more I did want to know."

She was rambling, apologizing for something which hadn't occurred. And what question was she talking about? He heard the barest of sounds and felt her warm breath in his ear.

"I want to see you suck another man's cock," she whispered.

There it was. The reason for everything. The reason he was blindfolded and cuffed. The reason she kept giving him wine. The reason she kept saying to trust her.

"I ... I don't think I can," Dave told her, his stomach, despite the wine, turning in knots. He wanted to get up, to get away, but something kept him there. He had thought about this moment, not in a desirous way, but in the normal curious way one thinks about such things.

"Please, for me," she whispered, kissing his face and tracing a finger across his cheek. "I want to see what you look like as you suck on a cock, as your lips wrap around a hard shaft, as you take it down your throat. I'm horny just thinking about it. Please, for me."

She was almost pleading for him to say yes and the more he listened to her words and the more he thought about what she was saying, the more he knew he wanted to do this. His dick pulsed as he thought about that man meat in his mouth, how it would feel as it slid back and forth across his lips, how it would feel as his head was held in place as hips thrust that cock into his mouth.

"Yes," he hissed, his heart racing as he thought about what was going to happen. His dick twitched as his excitement grew, his breaths growing heavy and labored as the anticipation of that first touch nearly overwhelmed him.

"Thank you," Sharon said, her head leaning against his. Her hand slid across his chest, feeling the thudding of his beating heart then lower until it grazed his cock dancing in his lap. "Open your mouth," her soft voice told him, then he felt her leave him as he waited for what was to come.

Over the sound of blood rushing through his ears, he heard the barest sound of someone walking across the carpet then felt their presence in front of him. More movement, someone else was next to him, then Sharon's hand on his back.

"Ready?" her soft voice asked.

He nodded, his heart pounding in his chest as any moment he would taste his first cock.

"I'll guide it in and tell you what to do. At first," she told him. "But I want to see you on your own, sucking on him, your head moving back and forth, his cock filling your mouth. Will you do that for me?"

Dave was almost panting, his mouth open waiting to receive him, his entire body quivering with anticipation.

There was a slight pause then he felt him step forward and seconds later the hand on his back pushed him forward until that dick touched his tongue. It slid further into his mouth and he closed about it and held it in place. Dave felt the girth spreading his mouth, the pulse of blood flowing through a vein on that shaft, the warmth of another body on his tongue. He wasn't fully hard, that Dave could tell, but his firmness was all that was needed. Caught up in the lecherous thrill of a man's cock in his mouth, he started sucking on him.

"Oh god that looks good!" Sharon told him. "Like that. Suck on it."

Dave didn't know what he was doing. His mind was overwhelmed by the effects of the alcohol and the sensation of sucking on a man's cock. He felt the roundness between his lips, the weight heavy on his tongue, the tinge of the saltiness of his skin. He puffed out his cheeks as the cock pushed in, the head almost at the back of his throat before slowly pulled back.

The dick slid from his mouth and he felt a small sense of emptiness. It wasn't what he had imagined it would be like. It was better! He opened his mouth and instantly that dick was pushed in, this time more forcefully and Sharon's hand held him in place as his head jerked back.

"Easy," he heard her say, realizing she was talking to who was attached to that glorious cock in his mouth.

He moved his head back and forth, dragging his lips across that shaft, his tongue flicking as best it could. Though he may have thought about it, he couldn't remember how he imagined he would do it and tried everything he could think of.

"Not so much," she told him, pushing him back so just the head was between his lips. "Suck gently," she calmly instructed, "now run your tongue around his head."

Dave swirled his tongue about that oddly pliable head, his lips still sealed around the shaft, his cheeks flexing as he tried to suck at the same time. He heard a moan as he licked him, the sound of a man's voice in sexual elation as he was pleasured setting of an erotic tingle that went to his toes. He abandoned what Sharon had told him and moved his head back and forth, that cock sliding in and out of his mouth.

"Oh baby that's good," he heard her say as her hand left his back. He bobbed back and forth, rocking his body in his kneeling position, sucking on him as he heard another moan.

"Suck on it," Sharon growled. "Yeah, like that. Take him down your throat."

"Mmmff!" he moaned, his mouth stuffed with a cock which was slowly fucking his face. He rocked his head faster, his jaw beginning to ache, feeling the hardness in his mouth thrusting and pulling in rhythm.

"Lick him with just your tongue," Sharon instructed him. The dick slid from his mouth and with her guidance, Dave rested his lips on the underside of that cock and used his tongue to flick up and down its length.

Dave licked the underside of the cock head, hearing a sharp inhalation as the dick bobbed up and down as he licked it, his lips then kissing the length, his tongue shooting out to graze the shaft with its tip. Further down he went, his lips caressing the taut skin, until he had to turn his head when he got to the base of the shaft where he sucked on the the skin. His tongue flew out and licked the nude scrotum, the heft of those balls bouncing against his tongue.

"Oh god!" he heard Sharon moan, her voice urging him on. With a few false starts, Dave finally found what he was looking for and as gently as he could, took one of those balls into his mouth and sucked on it.

There was a long, deep moan as Dave took each ball in turn into my mouth. He felt damp skin on his face, damp because of his sucking, and rubbed against him, feeling his warmth on his cheek, that dick sliding across his skin. He tilted his head back and opened his mouth wide, his tongue lashing out to flick against that hung sack and finding it, carefully moved upwards until he felt those balls touching his lips. With only his tongue he gently juggled those balls, licking and kissing each in turn, hearing him groan and feeling the body lower itself towards his mouth.

But Dave wanted to taste him again and moved his head upwards until he felt the firm shaft sitting on his face. Though he couldn't see him, Dave followed the length back until he found the head and sucked on him again, tasting the precum which had gathered at the tip. Though small, he had the first real taste of him and eagerly sucked on him, wanting to taste more of him.

"Come here baby," she told him and she lifted up on his arm, his body caught in mid suck, that dick pulled from Dave's hungry mouth. Unsteadily he rose with her help and she walked him back to what he soon realized was their bedroom. He moved his jaw in circles trying to relieve the ache it felt despite his willingness to suck more.

"You're going to sit down," her voice told him, and she gently pushed him down until he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Now lay down and turn around so your head is at this end," she said. Dave wiggled his body into position, trying to find a comfortable spot for his bound hands to rest. When he was set, she had him slide further towards her until his head was hanging over the edge of the bed.

She gave him a long, deep kiss then told him, "Now we're going to see how good a cocksucker you are. Open your mouth again." He did as he was told and felt her climb into bed next to him, soon followed by his presence in front of his face.

The dick was slid into Dave's mouth and immediately he clamped down on it, sucking greedily in his upside down position. The bed moved and he could tell a body was leaning over his, that dick pointing squarely into his mouth and down his throat. As he lay on his back, the dick was slowly pushed farther and deeper into his mouth, then to the back of his throat.

"Relax," Sharon told his, "you have to open your throat and relax. Like this."

With a dick shoved in his mouth, Dave moaned and squirmed as he felt Sharon clamp her own mouth over his dick and slide it down her throat. He was caught between sucking on that cock and her sucking on him, his body going into sexual overload as the two sensations competed for his attention.

He did his best to relax, opening his throat and feeling the cock pushed to the top of his throat. He opened his mouth wider, very wide, moving his jaw in small circles as he gave more room for that cock to push in deep.

"Oh my god!" Sharon squealed as she popped her mouth from his dick. "You're doing it!" She crawled next to him and repeatedly kissed his face, her fingers sliding over his lips wrapped around that shaft.

"I wish you could see this," she breathed, "this is so hot seeing you suck on him." She kissed him again and again, her hand sliding down to grab hold of his erection and stroke him several times.

"Like that, like that," she urged him, the dick moving back and forth in short strokes as he sucked on it while it was pushed down his throat. Dave relaxed his throat and body as much as he could, trying his best to take as much of that cock inside him, taking calm, deep breaths through his nose. He loved this. The feeling of a dick sliding into his throat, the thickness filling his throat. He wanted it all.

"Go deeper," Sharon said, the dick pushing further down his throat until Dave thought he would either gag or be unable to breathe. He sucked air through his nose, the raspy sound overwhelming in the otherwise quiet room. He opened his mouth both to try to breathe and to moan as the cock head flexed in his throat.

"Pull back," Sharon commanded and immediately the dick was pulled from Dave's mouth. He licked his lips and moved his jaw, catching his breath as he did.

"Oh my god, that was wonderful!" Sharon cried, bouncing on the bed next to him. She kissed him again, her tongue furiously swirling in his mouth, her lips locked around his. Her hand pumped him several times before he felt her velvety mouth again slide over him. He moaned loudly, his body twisting as her touch brought him almost to the edge of release.

"Almost done," she said in a quiet, calm voice once she removed her mouth from his cock. "One more thing, and you get to decide how you want it."

Dave merely nodded, his body so aroused he couldn't speak. He felt her slide up next to him on the bed then run her hand across his chest. It slid up his neck to his face, then across his lips.

"Do you want to taste him here on the bed or have him hold you down as he fucks your face?" Her voice was soft yet firm, her touch light and fleeting.

Dave's mind drew a blank. How did he want him? He didn't care, so long as he got to have him in his mouth again.

"Here," was the only word he got out, his heart racing as his chest heaved with anticipation.

"Ok," she said, kissing him again and again. She helped him slide into position and they waited while he slid next to them. Sharon guided Dave so his head was lying on a hip and with a hand on his back, she put his face right in front of that dick.

As soon as he felt the cock head on his lips he took it in his mouth, moving his head and body down so he could suck with abandon. Lying sideways, he was able to bob his head back and forth at an angle, the cock sliding easily in and out of his mouth. Dave stopped for a moment and used his tongue to swirl about the shaft, moving his head back far enough so only the cock head was between his lips. His tongue licked with zeal, those hips rising as he did and shoving the cock into his mouth then pulling back.

Over and over Dave bobbed his head, slurping and gobbling as he did, hearing breaths growing louder with each passing minute. Dave felt him moving with him, the cock sliding from his lips then forced back in, being used for someone else's pleasure. A hand went to his back, holding him in place and with long strokes, the cock thrust deep into his mouth.

"Oh baby, he's gonna cum soon," he heard Sharon say, then felt her move on the bed and slide up to him, her hair brushing against his thighs

"This is for you," she breathed, followed immediately by her mouth clamping over his cock. She sucked hard, no longer taking her time, her mouth, like his, willing to receive.

Dave was so aroused that before he knew it, he was cumming. He moaned with that cock buried in his mouth, his mind trying to stay focused on sucking him but momentarily overwhelmed as he emptied his balls into Sharon's mouth. His hips bucked against her as he came, his whole body in near convulsions as he shoved his dick into her mouth while his own mouth furiously slobbered on that shaft. He was still moaning as Sharon sucked on him when he felt that dick surge to hardness and braced myself. The hand went to the back of his head and locked him in place as those hips pumped hard and rammed that cock to the back of his throat, the first stream of cum blasting into Dave's mouth.

Dave drank his seed, barely able to choke it down or register what happened when the next stream filled his mouth. He swallowed hard, this time tasting the salty, viscous cum, the dick sliding effortlessly into his mouth as it continued to cum. He could feel the dick pulsing in his mouth as he sucked the cum down his throat, his lips flexing and pressing around the shaft to drain him. Dave let himself be used as a fuck toy, the stirring in his body to suck on cock blotting out everything else.

With a loud groan and a powerful thrust of the hips, the cock was yanked from Dave's mouth then roughly shoved back in, the cock head compressing as it popped in and out between Dave's lips. His mouth greedily tried to suck on it so he could taste more of that cum stream, thwarted as the cock pistoned back and forth. Moans filled the room as those hips thrust up and drove the dick into Dave's mouth, short, sharp breaths taking over as the hand kept his head down. The cock plunged into Dave's mouth and for a brief moment hit the back of his throat, a small gob of cum shooting directly down that open path as Dave's face was fucked.

Dave gagged but held his ground, the movements becoming slower and less forceful until the softening dick back moved back and forth through his lips, the sensation of which he wanted to hold on to as long as he could. Dave sucked on him, hearing moans as he did. The hips jerked as Dave pulled on him and swirled his tongue around that shrinking dick.

Finally, the dick was pulled from Dave's mouth and they lay heaving on the bed, the hand finally releasing his head from its grasp. He could smell him in the air, the musky scent of his loins mingling with the smell of his cum on Dave's mouth. Not satisfied, Dave moved his head until he felt the flaccid dick and picked it up in his mouth, amazed at how different it felt now that it was no longer hard. He sucked gently on the dick, the softness of the skin a sharp contrast to how tight it was just minutes before. There was a moan as Dave sucked on him, a single jerk of the hips as he did. Dave rolled it around his mouth until he felt he had sucked and cleaned it enough and let it fall from him.

"Oh my god, baby!" Sharon squealed, her hands holding on to his face and kissing him, tasting the two of them. "That was beautiful! I want you more than ever," she told him. "Please tell me you loved doing that. Please tell me. I want to hear you say you love to suck cock." She kissed him again and again, preventing him from answering until he twisted his head from her grasp.

"Yes, I love to suck cock!" he told the two of them, his first time more exhilarating than he had imagined in those moments when he first saw those pictures.
Published by 425olds
3 years ago
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Slutsucker 2 years ago only gets better!!
balldad1955 2 years ago
Excellent story!
J1biboi 3 years ago
Great story. Wish my first time had been that hot!
cruzin 3 years ago
So sexy ?
TimKent 3 years ago
A fab story.  It certainly got me turned on. Mmmmm