“I like men, not boys”

Sometimes I get annoyed with people who feel the need to vehemently defend or justify their sexual preferences, especially when they do so in a condescending way. I notice this happens a lot when the issue of body hair comes up. I am very picky about hair, and I could probably write a book about my hair preferences. Long story short, I like for a guy’s face, chest, stomach, ass, back, and taint to be completely smooth (I do like pubes, but prefer trimmed pubes to an unkempt bush). I’m not picky about arms and legs, but I find smooth to be more attractive. The way body hair looks and feels turns me off. It’s an involuntary preference; I feel no need to justify it, I feel no need to patronize people who find body hair attractive, and I feel no need to troll pictures/videos and make negative comments about hairy guys.

A preference (or at least this type of preference) is largely involuntary, so why try to rationalize it? I’ve seen proponents of body hair make the arguments that it’s natural or more masculine, but the line that gets under my skin is, “I like men, not boys.”

I don’t have a problem with people simply explaining their preferences, but the notion that there’s something pedophilic about liking smooth guys is haughty and baseless. Last I checked, p*******es are people who are sexually attracted to actual minors, not to young-looking adults. Furthermore, by this logic, the vast majority of straight men prefer girls, not women. After all, it’s natural for a grown woman to have hairy legs, but most men consider that a turn-off (in America, at least).

I was inspired to write this blog back in 2012 after I was browsing porn and came across some pictures of Ryan Sharp (who I thought was ridiculously hot). When I read the comments, they were littered with criticisms about how this was basically u******e porn, he is too fucking skinny, he needs some meat on his bones, he looks twelve, they want a grown-ass man, if they liked feminine features they would date women, etc. I can’t find the page now (it may have been taken down), but you can google pictures of Ryan Sharp circa 2012 if you aren’t familiar.

I will concede that there are some twink models who look alarmingly young, but Ryan Sharp was not one of them. Having spent the past few years of my life (at the time I originally wrote this) on a college campus populated with 18-22 year-olds, I would say that Ryan easily appeared to be in that age range. I suppose he could have passed for 16, but he definitely did not look twelve. My point is that the commenters who preferred mature, hairy, muscular men were trying to justify their own preferences (which need no justification) by making it sound dirty and wrong to be aroused by twink porn. Can they not just accept that different people like different things? There is plenty of porn on the internet that features “grown-ass men”, so I don’t see why they feel the need to rant and rave as if twinks are everything that’s wrong with the world when they could be fapping to what turns them on. Haters gonna hate, I guess.

Total tangent: Ryan Sharp was no muscle hunk, but too skinny? Perhaps people who spend all day fapping to body builders have an inflated idea of what "skinny" is, but I think Ryan was a little more muscular than your everyday twink. Even if he was skinny by some standards, some people like that. If you don’t, there are plenty of beefy guys for you to jerk to.

Okay, I’m done. Now quit being smug and get back to jackin’ it!

Note: This was a blog I originally posted on my XTube profile back in 2012, which is why some of this might seem a little dated.
Published by mirror_guy
3 years ago
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