
The greatest war any human has ever fought is that against the lie of deity and religion. It is a truly amazing feat to ignore logic, reason and fact for that which one "believes" instead of knows.
Published by Seeks_Masochist
3 years ago
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Concordski 5 days ago
Ooops!..then convert everyone else!🤔🤔 Really people it is just EVOLUTION thats all.. Strangely everyone and every living THING plants too are related..get used to it.. Religion..ALL religions..are man made..sorry🤷 I understand some of us need 'something' other than THIS! to get through life..and thats fine by me.. each to their own. Just like any porn site🤔🤔 although I draw NO comparisons.
Concordski 5 days ago
What no comments on this??.. Now there is a surprise! Hey how many thousands of generations have we all been told gods whatever form. I mean how did we get here..Wow must have been devine intervention, probably because it was advantageous for someone to say then believe then cobv
manupxx 3 years ago
so true,but so many persist