Why I love what I love (WILWIL): cum swallow

Why I love what I love (WILWIL): cum swallow

Hi everyone. I have decided to write a series of posts about things that make me hard and why I think it happens so. And sometimes why others may not like it. I am not a psychologist, so that is not smth from books, just my thoughts.

So, cum swallow. Probably one of the easiest.

- Cum is (a nice) part of my body that took resources to produce. That is me actually. And like everyone else, I want to be accepted by people(girls) I like. Cum swallow == accepting me, no swallow == fuck off.

- After swallowing girl will consist of my cum too. Just a bit, but still. That makes me think I (and my cum) are useful for this person, which feels good.

- We are projecting our experience to others. For many (most?) men pussy, pussy licking with all juices is a really great desire and experience. Probably I will write more about it later, but cock and cock sucking does not have many reasons to be that great for girl the way I see it. So men think that sucking cock and cum is smth natural because they love pussy and projecting their experience, but that might not the case for many girls. I wish we could know such things even before first date, because that is huge.

And what do yo think about cum?
Published by lepi19
3 years ago
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