"GLoRy-"When you try to "dom"

So this person "GLoRy-"
thinks because she is into the life style and she is such successful "domme" she has the right to belittle others just because she has "experience" even if the parties involved haven't CONCEDED to the interaction under a "contract" or "agreement" call me stupid, rude, or belligerent But isn't vetting and setting boundaries the first step on a Dom/sub dynamic? If so how is it possible that a 11 years Domme is not even aware of that.

hello there23:12
*is afraid*23:17
are you going to spank me?23:17
Are you trying to control the direction of the conversation abby?23:19
*ish even more afraid*23:20
no I don't like physical pain23:20
Alright lets talk a later date once you have post-nut clarity.23:22
erhm... that would be hard... most time i am blank and empty23:24
most of the time I am here anyway23:24
well do you wish to properly converse? If not that's okay, we can both move on.23:25
uhm... o_o I don't know what is wrong with my dialogues.23:25
i guess I am not what you are looking for23:25
xD i behave like this all the time23:26
Yeah. It's okay. Not everyone is a match. You didn't even say hello to me, the first thing you did is ask me if i will spank you.23:27
n_n sorry for taking your time then, good luck finding whatever is that you are looking for23:27
Oh lol... i just read your profile... you have rules and you expect others to oblige by them23:30
even if they are not in a contract with you23:30
...? confused on your point? i already moved on because we are not a match, i suggest you do the same23:30
next time you aboard somebody just command them to read your rules23:31
can't expect everybody to be into you23:31
and you know what is the worse part23:31
i am a sub yes a bottom yes23:31
but only for male doms23:31
Yooo... fucking move on23:32
can't command me bitch23:32
but follow your own advice23:32
alright than keep messing. Bye23:32
*is afraid* should have simply started with *is mentally challenged*22:33

And that ended it, since I said nothing she decided to insult me and proceed to block me to avoid further confrontation. n_n toping from the bottom is something unexperienced Doms hate... its also something real Doms love to use as an excuse to exhort control. but you know what is the best domination of all... that which is mental and requires no coercion... other than that the dynamic is always voluntary power exchange. hopefully she finds the correct toy to brake.
Published by AbbyKeetie
3 years ago
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BWC4t1ghtpussy 3 years ago
They were a weirdo, simply put
AbbyKeetie Publisher 3 years ago
n_n I just re-read the whole conversation... its simply hilarious, how is it that I got under he skin that quick xD I guess she expect the world to worship her. 