Door 16, the right one
Room 16, without any doubt now.
Early in the morning after her fake appointment the day before in room 19, avenue Foch at the , Paris, Lili called back to Johnson Food Supply. Just in case the job was still free. Of course the porn agency of door 19 offered her a job the day before, but she was not in the mood for working for a porn studio. So she called back the other office. The true Β« door 16 Β». On the phone, sheβd been told the job was still free to have, and she could apply for it within the day. She took appointment at 9 oβclock. Her clothes from the day before were ruined. She put a common jeans, open shoes kinda flip flops but with ribbon around her ankle, and also a T-shirt with long sleeves, and kind of white elastic up under her breast, like antic dresses. She looked so romantic that way. Very innocent.
When she got out of the lift, she looked in the hall and noticed the famous door 19 which she took for 16β¦ Indeed, the 9 was a 6 again... Then she arrived at the door 16. The door had a golden panel with Β« Johnson Food Supply ltd - Rub. and Taste div. Β» It was clearly written on it. No doubt it was the correct door. She pressed the button bell, and a secretary arrived immediately. Β« Please, come in. Have a seat and wait here until we call you Β».
The office was more like a true office than the porn studio next door, with an entrance desk and a hostess, lots of shelves with books and binders. She waited for 5 minutes in the main entrance. She noticed some workers going from one office to another, wearing white apron and transporting boxes made of strong and grey plastic. βFoodβ she thought. A man came out of an office and called Lili.
Β« Hello, I am Jack Cartright, the manager. Welcome to Johnson Ltd. You apply for the job, donβt you ? Β»
The manager lead Lili to his office and close the door behind her.
Β« Please have a seat Β« . They both sat around a big desk full of files and boxes. Behind him on the wall was a huge "Johnson" logo. Lili noticed he also wore an apron. More like a laboratory apron than a kitchen one. He took it off and he appeared to wear a civil suit with a yellow tie, but without the jacket.
"Well Miss Lili, You are here to apply for a job, and you already had an appointment yesterday, but you did not appear in our office. Tell me why please. "
β OMG, that was a mistake of time. I have been kept back by another appointment later than expected. Really Sorry, said Lili.
β OK Miss Lili, but you must be aware that here, we must be sure we may trust you. A working day is a working day, from 8 to 5 PM. OK ?
β "Oh yes Sir ! Understood !" said Lili while crossing her long legs in her jeans, with her lovely naked feet.
β "Miss Lili, you must understand there is not any advantage given to anybody on any reason in our company. Everybody must respect the same rules at Johnson ltd. No one is hired because he or she slept with the boss, ok ? Employees are here because they have skills and pass the selection tests. Ok?
Lili admit it with just a chin sign.
"So, Miss Lili, let's talk about your future job. Do you know what we do here ? What's the field of our Company?"
β "...Food !?" she said.
Jack Cartright stood up and walked up to the window. He looked at Paris downstairs as a very satisfied man. The Arc de Triomphe was clearly visible. "Well, he said, Johnson food limited is a large company that not only produce and sell food, we also provide packaging, and rubber materials. Our division creates, produces and sells very specific products that needs to be tested in our laboratory before being distributed on the market, do you understand that ?
β Yes sir !
β So, you told us you were able to speak quite a few langages. I read your curriculum: Turkish, English, a little French, a little German... is that correct ?
β Yes Sir !
That's very good! Because we are used to work with people of different origins and langages, especially at the testing departement. And you will be mostly hired to be active into the testing departement.
β Wow, that's fantastic, sir. I feel very enthousiast!
β You'll need to pass a medical exam first, are you ok with that ?
β Yes, but I am in good health, my eyes are 10/10
β Okay. Good to have nice eyes. But we must be more aware about you size.
β My size ? Oh easy 1,65m.
β Hmmm... Yes, but... I mean the size related to our products... Follow me please.
Cartright opened the door and lead Lili to a special office called infirmary. A nurse, with a white apron and a cap welcomed her. "Please, come in, just relax!" she said.
β Hello Dolly, could you measure our new recruit please? Said Cartright, and then the manager left the room.
β Please could you lie on the exam table please, without your pants.
Lili was ok, the nurse seamed a real nurse, and she was the same age as her. She left her pants on a chair, and laid on the medical exam table, just wearing her T-shirt and a black panty. The nurse Dolly, took place between her knees, put on rubber gloves on her hands, and very slowly pushed aside the panty bottom, took a bit of gel in pot on top of finger, and introduced it into Lili's vagina. Lili had a reaction of surprise.
β Don't be afraid this is the normal procedure for the testing laboratory", said Dolly.
She took her finger out of Lili's vagina after less than a second. Then she took some Vaseline in a pot under the table in introduced one finger finger again, but inside Lili's anus this time, just for one second, and then out again.
β "Perfect!" she said. Dolly took off her gloves. "So it's an A and a C". She wrote this in a special form. "You fit perfectly in our statistics. Congratulations. You may get rid of your clothes and put on this apron, please".
Lili did't understood the meaning of all this. But she accepted all demands because she knew companies are used in asking for medical check up on job application. The apron was not an apron. It was more a kind of hospital nightdress, with short sleeves and fully open on the back side, apart from two little webbing to close it more or less.
Dolly opened the door and call Cartright who was waiting in the hall. "She is an A and a C", said Dolly to the manager.
β Excellent! This is exactly what we were missing ! He turned to Lili who tried to wrap a little in her nightdress. He said "Miss Lili, you are officially hired ! Congratulations! Please follow me. We are going to begin our product testing..."
Lili began to be slightly afraid of what was happening to her. She applied for a job. She was in a nightdress. She's been told no one need to fuck with the General Manager to get any advantage. Her secretary skills are not really useful, only languages, and all her intime parts have been examined with respect by a nurse. But she still don't know what will be her task!!
Lilli followed Cartwright to a room named "Rub Lab". Inside the room there were 3 similar kind of rack. It was something similar to a medical exam table but with small knee cushions like on a swedish desk rocking chair, without back. The first one on the right had a big A written on the wall, the second had a B, the third had a C.
Cartright said "Dolly, you said A-C, correct ?
β Yes Mister Cartright.
β So, please take place on the A, Miss Lili.
Lilli tried to sit on the strange piece of furniture as if it was a Swedish chair, but Cartright added: "No this is not the right position. Dolly please..." And the manager left the room.
Dolly helped Lili to lay her back on the table with her feet on the two "Swedish cushions"
Lili felt herself shy and ashamed to be there, wearing just a nightdress, and no panty, as the audience was present right in front of her. Even if, at the moment, the audience was only Dolly. In front of each table was a stool and a basket on it. After a while arrived a second woman, asiatic, who took place on the C table, and a bit later, a third woman, also with the same nightdress, and under it her black african naked body. She laid on B. "I am a bit late, sorry" she said. All 3 were hiding their privacy with the front part of the nightdress, strongly stuck on their pubes with one hand, as if they were suspecting some stranger intrusion into the lab.
2 minutes later, Dolly introduced 3 young men inside the room. She gave each one a place to stand in front of a stool. Dolly also put on special glaces. It were not really glaces, because there was no optic inside frame, but only a kind of cap with a long visor that prevent from light above or looking looking above... Strange accessory.
Dolly then closed the door and stayed inside the room. Lili had a short look at the guys. Just 3 caucasian guys, very common, wearing the same nightdress. Supposedly naked under it. Dolly said "Dear colleagues, dear testers, welcome to Johnson's laboratory. Today you will take part in our brand new gamma of rubber condoms testing."
The 3 guys took each a small pocket in the basket in front of them and began all to unwrap it. "Condoms!!" Lili thought, realizing the kind of laboratory she entered in. Lili had a side look to her neighbor, the african typed one. She was totally relaxed, and the asiatic too. They both had a reassuring blink at Lili. Lili hesitated between screaming and running away from the lab, or assuming the situation as if it was a normal activity, with normal men, in a normal bedroom... She also thought to the bills at home: phone, gas, electricity, Television, Netfilx...
Dolly said "Gentlemen, start your engines". Large screens on the wall lighted up behind Lili, showing erotic video scenes. It was supposed to help the men to get into strong erection. As if the nearly naked offered young woman was not exciting enough. The guy in the middle had his condom on his erected penis the very first one. He came closer to the african girl and said in a very relaxed and common manner "Hi Vivian". He put his left hand on her knee, with the right hand he moved his penis end between her lips and disappeared inside her. He was standing up, with his nightdress slightly aside on her arm, and he was literally fucking the lady of table B as if he was sawing wood. Then the second guy appeared to be in condition too, he took a condom pocket, opened it with his teeth, and then slipped it on the top of his dick, unrolled it and fit it with an elastic rubber noise, he approached the asian girl and penetrates her directly. The guy in front of LIli seemed shy. He didn't know Lili obviously. He took a pocket in the basket and came closer.
β Hi ! I am Joe. What's you name ?
β Lilli !
β Glad to know you Lili. Sorry, but could you help me a bit ?
He pulled up his nightdress a little and showed his non erected penis.
Dolly came closer too. She said "Joe ! You know perfectly this is against the rules. Testers are not allowed to have contact in the lab, nor outside the lab. Thats why testing manager are here, that's why I am here." said Dolly pointing at herself "Beware!"
Joe showed little disappointment.
Dolly pushed Joe slightly behind and began to masturbate him with her gloved hand and with a few drops of a special oil. 2 minutes later, he was ready and Dolly slipped the condom on his penis and introduced it by herself into Lili. Lilli immediately recognized the delicate finger touch fo Dolly on her vagina.
Joe began to screw Lilli in a very mechanic manner. The third guy with the asian girl screamed like a bull when he suddenly cum inside her. Dolly went immediately to him to control the condom efficiency.
When she came back to Lilli and Joe, the ejaculated guy had already left the room. Dolly said "Lili, if you will we may as well pull a curtain between guinea pigs. You just have to ask for it. As the two others girls didn't, Lili said no.
Then it was the turn of the second guy. But he didn't screamed at all. His semen came into the condom and he said simply "I am finished", a sentence which made Lili smile.
Joe didn't ejaculate at all, but feint it, with some sighs. When Dolly took of his empty condom, she looked suspiciously at Joe who just made a bad mood at her.
Now all men were out of the room. A second nurse came in and help Dolly to refresh the three girls. Or, to be more precise, the 3 vulvas. Water, towels, and a drop of soap. All used condoms where preciously taken away in sterilized boxes with a letter and a number on it.
Dolly said: "Ladies, next step ! Thanks in advance for your efficiency..."
Lili find this job very cool, but quite boring so far. Joe sucks...
"Welcome to you, gentlemen! said Dolly again. "Ladies, here is category 2". Indeed, 3 men came inside the room, same hospital dress code. This time, Dolly made somme meet and greet. "Let me introduce our new guinea pig Lili, Lili I present you to Bill, Sid and Frank. Your female mates are Audrey and Vivian."
Lili thought "If this is category 2, what is the difference between categories?" The 3 guys were as common as the 3 former guys. Bill, a small black man, was in front of Audrey. Sid with Lili's neighbor and Frank in front of Lili. "Let's start!", Dolly said. Frank glanced at Lili with a shy smile. He made the sign of pulling on the curtain as a question. Lili thought (why not trying with curtain closed this time?". She pulled it. She was absolutely unable to see anything. After one minute or two, she imagined Frank trying to force his erection and pulling on the condom hardly. She waited. As nothing happened, she decided to make something to help him. She pulled her nightdress up on her belly and spread apart largely her knees. 15 seconds later, Frank was inside her. Hard enough to fuck her. Frank whispered "Thanks" thru the curtain. But Lili hardly felt any difference with Joe. Bill came after 45 seconds. On other side of room, Bill and Sid came also one minute later. Dolly was passing from one table to another, checking the fucking procedure and the condom reliability. Then came the third wave. Dolly said all new names again, but Lili became quite confused with all these names. She didn't listen. She didn't watch either.
When the 4th group of 3 men arrived and penetrated their attributed young woman, something happened. First of all, Lili felt a difference inside her vagina. She asked Dolly
β It this a different condom?
Dolly answered "No, it's the same condom, but Brian is bigger. We always test same condoms in different situations."
β "Wow... I see..". Said Lili. "Each new man is bigger than the former one. And you test condoms on different size of penis ?"
β Exactly! said Dolly, with a large smile.
β How many sizes?
β 8 this morning !
In the meantime, the guy inside Lili began to give her some slight sensations. His penis end was rubbing slightly her cervix and pulling well apart her vagina lips. She pulled the curtain aside. The man was handsome, with long hair and a little beard like Jesus Christus. They exchange a smile. Lili asked again to Dolly. "So, why three sample women?". Dolly answered "Well, 3 sizes of vagina".
Lili looked above her on the wall again where there was a big "A" letter hang, above Audrey a "B" and above Vivian a "C".
β So I am "A", which means...
β Narrow, said Dolly.
Lili was completely astonished. "So... this is really a true scientific testing, nothing is left to chance, all details are calculated. This is very serious" she thought...
When wave 6 arrived, the men became more and more tall, skilled and with bigger penis.
At wave 7, Lili's guy, a large Indian type guy, had such a large dick, that after 20 in and out, the condom torn up. The guy, Lili didn't remember his name, apologized, and called Dolly immediately. Dolly arrived. She had a quick look at the situation. "Don't move, I come back immediately. 3 seconds later she was there with a camera. "Ok mate, take it out very slowly!" The indian guy took his 20 cm long snake out of Lili, and Dolly took a picture of each cm out and out. 2 cm before the glans, the condom was torn, and the end of the penis came out totally without rubber protection. Dolly took some more pics, touching the condom shreds, and taking the dick with her fingers, which gave the guy a little reaction.
β Ok, thank you Amir, you may leave. Lili, are you ok ? Don't be afraid, all guinea pigs are Aids negative tested.
At wave 8 Lili had an orgasm with a gigantic african man of nearly 2 meter tall and 22 cm long. But she did not show it to the audience. At least not to Dolly. It was hard to hide, but she manage to keep the deep sensation for herself. After she cum, the guy had not finished yet. His long dick was diving into Lili with a lot of liquid noise. Suddenly, his face began to make some tenses and he could not help screaming. But in the meantime, because Lili was an "A pussy", the condom torn up again, the guy felt it, and his reflex was to take his dick out of Lili's pussy. So that half of his sperm was probably already into Lili's cervix, and the rest of it, well stil quite a load, came out on Lili's belly and pussy hair.
Dolly was busy with Audrey when this happened. She came too late for the camera job. "Well this happened frequently with such extremes matching together. You know: big and small... Next time stay inside until I checked it, all right ?"
The tall black guy was really ashamed and intimidated. He walked out his face down to the ground.
When Audrey and Vivan arrived to an end too with their partners, Dolly said "Well, ladies and gentlemen, this will be the end of experimentation for this morning. Thank you so much !"
Then Dolly discretely showed Lili a door on the left "Lili, congrats for your first condom testing! You seem very professional! The showers are there. See you back after lunch."
Lili went to the shower. Audrey and Vivian were already there, washing their naked bodies and their vagina with clinical soap that didn't smell nice. Apparently the guys were not in the same room. They must have shower somewhere else. After the shower the 3 girls got dressed and went out for lunch. Lili stayed with Audrey, the asiatic. They talked about the job and the men.
β "You never met one of ou guinea pig outside ?" Asked Lili.
β "No, never. It is written in the contract that guinea pig of opposite sex cannot meet in or out of the company. It is our rule..."
β "It's a shame," said Lili. "I'd love to meet at least one or two...
Vivian answered in a weird manner with a wink: "Who cares about meeting them out as we may meet them all in together ?"
After lunch, Lili and Audrey came back to work. They put on their nightdress in the changing room and went to the lab. Dolly was waiting there.
β "Come on ladies, you are late! And we still expect Audrey. Where the hell is she ?"
Lili presented herself in front of table "A", where she worked in the morning.
β "No, sorry Lili, this afternoon you're on table C".
Lili did't catch the reason. She went to table "C" and began to install her back on it, like she did in the morning.
β "No, sorry again Lili, wrong position. Wait..." Dolly came to her and changed the height of the footrests to make them more "kneerests". "That is the right setting. On your knee please!"
Dolly was still wearing her strange glaces. Lili understood. It was to keep the porn on the upper screens out of her eyes. Maybe this was not in her taste.
Lili put her knees on the adapted kneerests and laid her belly on the table, her breast against the top of the table. The nightdress, which is normally open on the backside, opened fully, revealing her back and naked buttocks. Vivian was ready in same position. Audrey arrived and settled down.
Dolly said, "Gentlemen you are welcome!" The first 3 guys arrived, the 3 same as in the morning: Joe and the others. But this time, Lili was not in the same position to check their face. She just heard the noise of the condom packaging, the slip of the rubber on the flesh. She realized, her whole privacy was uncovered. Indeed, her buttocks where highly spread because the kneerests were quite spread too. And her back was arched because the kneerests were quite high, and the table only 20 cm lower. Dolly had closed all curtains, so that it was impossible for the guinea pigs to recognize each other. Actually, Joe was unrolling the condom on his well erected penis as he was staring at Lilli's butt. With her small and dark anus like a small star, and her large pussy with its long and large lips well pressed together, Lili was absolutely gorgeous seen from this angle. Joe took a little oil, but Dolly arrived with some extra lube and put a little drop of it on her... "C" anus. Joe introduced himself easily. Too easily.
Lili thought "Okay ! Afternoon is anal !! And I am a "C", so my butt is larger than my pussy." This was quite strange because, seen from the outside, Lili had a large pussy and a small butt, but inside it was the opposite.
Joe had some difficulties to remain into erection, as his tiny penis was lost inside Lili's big anus, with too much added lube ! So it was hard for him to cum. He didn't manage to cum actually. He left the room, and a few later the two others had filled their colleagues, and left too. Dolly came to each girl to wash their anus very softly, putting more new lube at the anus entrance, or on the contrary, getting rid of too much of it.
Of course, Lili had pleasure again from level 4, as she recognized one of the morning guys on his voice and smell. When the indian guy arrived in her, she instantly had an orgasm, but the condom didn't crack. The last one was so good inside her, she also had an orgasm, and some pain too. The pain didn't come from the dick size but from the amount of orgasms in a day, as it activates muscles inside that she didn't even know about. No accident this time. Appart for Vivian who was an "A" butt. Her partner load her anus totally without being aware of the condom crack. Shit happens, even under lab control.
After work, in the shower, Dolly came in and said "Girls, I have to leave early for my c***dren, thanks for the job, see you tomorrow!". Vivian had a little smile with Audrey. And after one minute or two, she went to the door and made a sign to the outside. 4 men among the guinea pig team came inside the shower, all naked.
β "Hello girls said Amir. Some place for us in your shower ?"
Vivan and Audrey laugh. "Yes guys, just come in, the water is warm, and our butt too!" Then, all the 3 girls and the 4 men had sex all together for at least one hour inside the shower of the Johnson Food Supply company, as every employee were gone home, appart from the security man, who join the group into the shower. Water, soap, sperm, everything was dripping on the warm bodies.
One man said "Girls, you're not aware how hot it is for us in the lab to fuck only one girl, without the right of testing the two others, with their naked butt up to the ceiling !!!"
Early in the morning after her fake appointment the day before in room 19, avenue Foch at the , Paris, Lili called back to Johnson Food Supply. Just in case the job was still free. Of course the porn agency of door 19 offered her a job the day before, but she was not in the mood for working for a porn studio. So she called back the other office. The true Β« door 16 Β». On the phone, sheβd been told the job was still free to have, and she could apply for it within the day. She took appointment at 9 oβclock. Her clothes from the day before were ruined. She put a common jeans, open shoes kinda flip flops but with ribbon around her ankle, and also a T-shirt with long sleeves, and kind of white elastic up under her breast, like antic dresses. She looked so romantic that way. Very innocent.
When she got out of the lift, she looked in the hall and noticed the famous door 19 which she took for 16β¦ Indeed, the 9 was a 6 again... Then she arrived at the door 16. The door had a golden panel with Β« Johnson Food Supply ltd - Rub. and Taste div. Β» It was clearly written on it. No doubt it was the correct door. She pressed the button bell, and a secretary arrived immediately. Β« Please, come in. Have a seat and wait here until we call you Β».
The office was more like a true office than the porn studio next door, with an entrance desk and a hostess, lots of shelves with books and binders. She waited for 5 minutes in the main entrance. She noticed some workers going from one office to another, wearing white apron and transporting boxes made of strong and grey plastic. βFoodβ she thought. A man came out of an office and called Lili.
Β« Hello, I am Jack Cartright, the manager. Welcome to Johnson Ltd. You apply for the job, donβt you ? Β»
The manager lead Lili to his office and close the door behind her.
Β« Please have a seat Β« . They both sat around a big desk full of files and boxes. Behind him on the wall was a huge "Johnson" logo. Lili noticed he also wore an apron. More like a laboratory apron than a kitchen one. He took it off and he appeared to wear a civil suit with a yellow tie, but without the jacket.
"Well Miss Lili, You are here to apply for a job, and you already had an appointment yesterday, but you did not appear in our office. Tell me why please. "
β OMG, that was a mistake of time. I have been kept back by another appointment later than expected. Really Sorry, said Lili.
β OK Miss Lili, but you must be aware that here, we must be sure we may trust you. A working day is a working day, from 8 to 5 PM. OK ?
β "Oh yes Sir ! Understood !" said Lili while crossing her long legs in her jeans, with her lovely naked feet.
β "Miss Lili, you must understand there is not any advantage given to anybody on any reason in our company. Everybody must respect the same rules at Johnson ltd. No one is hired because he or she slept with the boss, ok ? Employees are here because they have skills and pass the selection tests. Ok?
Lili admit it with just a chin sign.
"So, Miss Lili, let's talk about your future job. Do you know what we do here ? What's the field of our Company?"
β "...Food !?" she said.
Jack Cartright stood up and walked up to the window. He looked at Paris downstairs as a very satisfied man. The Arc de Triomphe was clearly visible. "Well, he said, Johnson food limited is a large company that not only produce and sell food, we also provide packaging, and rubber materials. Our division creates, produces and sells very specific products that needs to be tested in our laboratory before being distributed on the market, do you understand that ?
β Yes sir !
β So, you told us you were able to speak quite a few langages. I read your curriculum: Turkish, English, a little French, a little German... is that correct ?
β Yes Sir !
That's very good! Because we are used to work with people of different origins and langages, especially at the testing departement. And you will be mostly hired to be active into the testing departement.
β Wow, that's fantastic, sir. I feel very enthousiast!
β You'll need to pass a medical exam first, are you ok with that ?
β Yes, but I am in good health, my eyes are 10/10
β Okay. Good to have nice eyes. But we must be more aware about you size.
β My size ? Oh easy 1,65m.
β Hmmm... Yes, but... I mean the size related to our products... Follow me please.
Cartright opened the door and lead Lili to a special office called infirmary. A nurse, with a white apron and a cap welcomed her. "Please, come in, just relax!" she said.
β Hello Dolly, could you measure our new recruit please? Said Cartright, and then the manager left the room.
β Please could you lie on the exam table please, without your pants.
Lili was ok, the nurse seamed a real nurse, and she was the same age as her. She left her pants on a chair, and laid on the medical exam table, just wearing her T-shirt and a black panty. The nurse Dolly, took place between her knees, put on rubber gloves on her hands, and very slowly pushed aside the panty bottom, took a bit of gel in pot on top of finger, and introduced it into Lili's vagina. Lili had a reaction of surprise.
β Don't be afraid this is the normal procedure for the testing laboratory", said Dolly.
She took her finger out of Lili's vagina after less than a second. Then she took some Vaseline in a pot under the table in introduced one finger finger again, but inside Lili's anus this time, just for one second, and then out again.
β "Perfect!" she said. Dolly took off her gloves. "So it's an A and a C". She wrote this in a special form. "You fit perfectly in our statistics. Congratulations. You may get rid of your clothes and put on this apron, please".
Lili did't understood the meaning of all this. But she accepted all demands because she knew companies are used in asking for medical check up on job application. The apron was not an apron. It was more a kind of hospital nightdress, with short sleeves and fully open on the back side, apart from two little webbing to close it more or less.
Dolly opened the door and call Cartright who was waiting in the hall. "She is an A and a C", said Dolly to the manager.
β Excellent! This is exactly what we were missing ! He turned to Lili who tried to wrap a little in her nightdress. He said "Miss Lili, you are officially hired ! Congratulations! Please follow me. We are going to begin our product testing..."
Lili began to be slightly afraid of what was happening to her. She applied for a job. She was in a nightdress. She's been told no one need to fuck with the General Manager to get any advantage. Her secretary skills are not really useful, only languages, and all her intime parts have been examined with respect by a nurse. But she still don't know what will be her task!!
Lilli followed Cartwright to a room named "Rub Lab". Inside the room there were 3 similar kind of rack. It was something similar to a medical exam table but with small knee cushions like on a swedish desk rocking chair, without back. The first one on the right had a big A written on the wall, the second had a B, the third had a C.
Cartright said "Dolly, you said A-C, correct ?
β Yes Mister Cartright.
β So, please take place on the A, Miss Lili.
Lilli tried to sit on the strange piece of furniture as if it was a Swedish chair, but Cartright added: "No this is not the right position. Dolly please..." And the manager left the room.
Dolly helped Lili to lay her back on the table with her feet on the two "Swedish cushions"
Lili felt herself shy and ashamed to be there, wearing just a nightdress, and no panty, as the audience was present right in front of her. Even if, at the moment, the audience was only Dolly. In front of each table was a stool and a basket on it. After a while arrived a second woman, asiatic, who took place on the C table, and a bit later, a third woman, also with the same nightdress, and under it her black african naked body. She laid on B. "I am a bit late, sorry" she said. All 3 were hiding their privacy with the front part of the nightdress, strongly stuck on their pubes with one hand, as if they were suspecting some stranger intrusion into the lab.
2 minutes later, Dolly introduced 3 young men inside the room. She gave each one a place to stand in front of a stool. Dolly also put on special glaces. It were not really glaces, because there was no optic inside frame, but only a kind of cap with a long visor that prevent from light above or looking looking above... Strange accessory.
Dolly then closed the door and stayed inside the room. Lili had a short look at the guys. Just 3 caucasian guys, very common, wearing the same nightdress. Supposedly naked under it. Dolly said "Dear colleagues, dear testers, welcome to Johnson's laboratory. Today you will take part in our brand new gamma of rubber condoms testing."
The 3 guys took each a small pocket in the basket in front of them and began all to unwrap it. "Condoms!!" Lili thought, realizing the kind of laboratory she entered in. Lili had a side look to her neighbor, the african typed one. She was totally relaxed, and the asiatic too. They both had a reassuring blink at Lili. Lili hesitated between screaming and running away from the lab, or assuming the situation as if it was a normal activity, with normal men, in a normal bedroom... She also thought to the bills at home: phone, gas, electricity, Television, Netfilx...
Dolly said "Gentlemen, start your engines". Large screens on the wall lighted up behind Lili, showing erotic video scenes. It was supposed to help the men to get into strong erection. As if the nearly naked offered young woman was not exciting enough. The guy in the middle had his condom on his erected penis the very first one. He came closer to the african girl and said in a very relaxed and common manner "Hi Vivian". He put his left hand on her knee, with the right hand he moved his penis end between her lips and disappeared inside her. He was standing up, with his nightdress slightly aside on her arm, and he was literally fucking the lady of table B as if he was sawing wood. Then the second guy appeared to be in condition too, he took a condom pocket, opened it with his teeth, and then slipped it on the top of his dick, unrolled it and fit it with an elastic rubber noise, he approached the asian girl and penetrates her directly. The guy in front of LIli seemed shy. He didn't know Lili obviously. He took a pocket in the basket and came closer.
β Hi ! I am Joe. What's you name ?
β Lilli !
β Glad to know you Lili. Sorry, but could you help me a bit ?
He pulled up his nightdress a little and showed his non erected penis.
Dolly came closer too. She said "Joe ! You know perfectly this is against the rules. Testers are not allowed to have contact in the lab, nor outside the lab. Thats why testing manager are here, that's why I am here." said Dolly pointing at herself "Beware!"
Joe showed little disappointment.
Dolly pushed Joe slightly behind and began to masturbate him with her gloved hand and with a few drops of a special oil. 2 minutes later, he was ready and Dolly slipped the condom on his penis and introduced it by herself into Lili. Lilli immediately recognized the delicate finger touch fo Dolly on her vagina.
Joe began to screw Lilli in a very mechanic manner. The third guy with the asian girl screamed like a bull when he suddenly cum inside her. Dolly went immediately to him to control the condom efficiency.
When she came back to Lilli and Joe, the ejaculated guy had already left the room. Dolly said "Lili, if you will we may as well pull a curtain between guinea pigs. You just have to ask for it. As the two others girls didn't, Lili said no.
Then it was the turn of the second guy. But he didn't screamed at all. His semen came into the condom and he said simply "I am finished", a sentence which made Lili smile.
Joe didn't ejaculate at all, but feint it, with some sighs. When Dolly took of his empty condom, she looked suspiciously at Joe who just made a bad mood at her.
Now all men were out of the room. A second nurse came in and help Dolly to refresh the three girls. Or, to be more precise, the 3 vulvas. Water, towels, and a drop of soap. All used condoms where preciously taken away in sterilized boxes with a letter and a number on it.
Dolly said: "Ladies, next step ! Thanks in advance for your efficiency..."
Lili find this job very cool, but quite boring so far. Joe sucks...
"Welcome to you, gentlemen! said Dolly again. "Ladies, here is category 2". Indeed, 3 men came inside the room, same hospital dress code. This time, Dolly made somme meet and greet. "Let me introduce our new guinea pig Lili, Lili I present you to Bill, Sid and Frank. Your female mates are Audrey and Vivian."
Lili thought "If this is category 2, what is the difference between categories?" The 3 guys were as common as the 3 former guys. Bill, a small black man, was in front of Audrey. Sid with Lili's neighbor and Frank in front of Lili. "Let's start!", Dolly said. Frank glanced at Lili with a shy smile. He made the sign of pulling on the curtain as a question. Lili thought (why not trying with curtain closed this time?". She pulled it. She was absolutely unable to see anything. After one minute or two, she imagined Frank trying to force his erection and pulling on the condom hardly. She waited. As nothing happened, she decided to make something to help him. She pulled her nightdress up on her belly and spread apart largely her knees. 15 seconds later, Frank was inside her. Hard enough to fuck her. Frank whispered "Thanks" thru the curtain. But Lili hardly felt any difference with Joe. Bill came after 45 seconds. On other side of room, Bill and Sid came also one minute later. Dolly was passing from one table to another, checking the fucking procedure and the condom reliability. Then came the third wave. Dolly said all new names again, but Lili became quite confused with all these names. She didn't listen. She didn't watch either.
When the 4th group of 3 men arrived and penetrated their attributed young woman, something happened. First of all, Lili felt a difference inside her vagina. She asked Dolly
β It this a different condom?
Dolly answered "No, it's the same condom, but Brian is bigger. We always test same condoms in different situations."
β "Wow... I see..". Said Lili. "Each new man is bigger than the former one. And you test condoms on different size of penis ?"
β Exactly! said Dolly, with a large smile.
β How many sizes?
β 8 this morning !
In the meantime, the guy inside Lili began to give her some slight sensations. His penis end was rubbing slightly her cervix and pulling well apart her vagina lips. She pulled the curtain aside. The man was handsome, with long hair and a little beard like Jesus Christus. They exchange a smile. Lili asked again to Dolly. "So, why three sample women?". Dolly answered "Well, 3 sizes of vagina".
Lili looked above her on the wall again where there was a big "A" letter hang, above Audrey a "B" and above Vivian a "C".
β So I am "A", which means...
β Narrow, said Dolly.
Lili was completely astonished. "So... this is really a true scientific testing, nothing is left to chance, all details are calculated. This is very serious" she thought...
When wave 6 arrived, the men became more and more tall, skilled and with bigger penis.
At wave 7, Lili's guy, a large Indian type guy, had such a large dick, that after 20 in and out, the condom torn up. The guy, Lili didn't remember his name, apologized, and called Dolly immediately. Dolly arrived. She had a quick look at the situation. "Don't move, I come back immediately. 3 seconds later she was there with a camera. "Ok mate, take it out very slowly!" The indian guy took his 20 cm long snake out of Lili, and Dolly took a picture of each cm out and out. 2 cm before the glans, the condom was torn, and the end of the penis came out totally without rubber protection. Dolly took some more pics, touching the condom shreds, and taking the dick with her fingers, which gave the guy a little reaction.
β Ok, thank you Amir, you may leave. Lili, are you ok ? Don't be afraid, all guinea pigs are Aids negative tested.
At wave 8 Lili had an orgasm with a gigantic african man of nearly 2 meter tall and 22 cm long. But she did not show it to the audience. At least not to Dolly. It was hard to hide, but she manage to keep the deep sensation for herself. After she cum, the guy had not finished yet. His long dick was diving into Lili with a lot of liquid noise. Suddenly, his face began to make some tenses and he could not help screaming. But in the meantime, because Lili was an "A pussy", the condom torn up again, the guy felt it, and his reflex was to take his dick out of Lili's pussy. So that half of his sperm was probably already into Lili's cervix, and the rest of it, well stil quite a load, came out on Lili's belly and pussy hair.
Dolly was busy with Audrey when this happened. She came too late for the camera job. "Well this happened frequently with such extremes matching together. You know: big and small... Next time stay inside until I checked it, all right ?"
The tall black guy was really ashamed and intimidated. He walked out his face down to the ground.
When Audrey and Vivan arrived to an end too with their partners, Dolly said "Well, ladies and gentlemen, this will be the end of experimentation for this morning. Thank you so much !"
Then Dolly discretely showed Lili a door on the left "Lili, congrats for your first condom testing! You seem very professional! The showers are there. See you back after lunch."
Lili went to the shower. Audrey and Vivian were already there, washing their naked bodies and their vagina with clinical soap that didn't smell nice. Apparently the guys were not in the same room. They must have shower somewhere else. After the shower the 3 girls got dressed and went out for lunch. Lili stayed with Audrey, the asiatic. They talked about the job and the men.
β "You never met one of ou guinea pig outside ?" Asked Lili.
β "No, never. It is written in the contract that guinea pig of opposite sex cannot meet in or out of the company. It is our rule..."
β "It's a shame," said Lili. "I'd love to meet at least one or two...
Vivian answered in a weird manner with a wink: "Who cares about meeting them out as we may meet them all in together ?"
After lunch, Lili and Audrey came back to work. They put on their nightdress in the changing room and went to the lab. Dolly was waiting there.
β "Come on ladies, you are late! And we still expect Audrey. Where the hell is she ?"
Lili presented herself in front of table "A", where she worked in the morning.
β "No, sorry Lili, this afternoon you're on table C".
Lili did't catch the reason. She went to table "C" and began to install her back on it, like she did in the morning.
β "No, sorry again Lili, wrong position. Wait..." Dolly came to her and changed the height of the footrests to make them more "kneerests". "That is the right setting. On your knee please!"
Dolly was still wearing her strange glaces. Lili understood. It was to keep the porn on the upper screens out of her eyes. Maybe this was not in her taste.
Lili put her knees on the adapted kneerests and laid her belly on the table, her breast against the top of the table. The nightdress, which is normally open on the backside, opened fully, revealing her back and naked buttocks. Vivian was ready in same position. Audrey arrived and settled down.
Dolly said, "Gentlemen you are welcome!" The first 3 guys arrived, the 3 same as in the morning: Joe and the others. But this time, Lili was not in the same position to check their face. She just heard the noise of the condom packaging, the slip of the rubber on the flesh. She realized, her whole privacy was uncovered. Indeed, her buttocks where highly spread because the kneerests were quite spread too. And her back was arched because the kneerests were quite high, and the table only 20 cm lower. Dolly had closed all curtains, so that it was impossible for the guinea pigs to recognize each other. Actually, Joe was unrolling the condom on his well erected penis as he was staring at Lilli's butt. With her small and dark anus like a small star, and her large pussy with its long and large lips well pressed together, Lili was absolutely gorgeous seen from this angle. Joe took a little oil, but Dolly arrived with some extra lube and put a little drop of it on her... "C" anus. Joe introduced himself easily. Too easily.
Lili thought "Okay ! Afternoon is anal !! And I am a "C", so my butt is larger than my pussy." This was quite strange because, seen from the outside, Lili had a large pussy and a small butt, but inside it was the opposite.
Joe had some difficulties to remain into erection, as his tiny penis was lost inside Lili's big anus, with too much added lube ! So it was hard for him to cum. He didn't manage to cum actually. He left the room, and a few later the two others had filled their colleagues, and left too. Dolly came to each girl to wash their anus very softly, putting more new lube at the anus entrance, or on the contrary, getting rid of too much of it.
Of course, Lili had pleasure again from level 4, as she recognized one of the morning guys on his voice and smell. When the indian guy arrived in her, she instantly had an orgasm, but the condom didn't crack. The last one was so good inside her, she also had an orgasm, and some pain too. The pain didn't come from the dick size but from the amount of orgasms in a day, as it activates muscles inside that she didn't even know about. No accident this time. Appart for Vivian who was an "A" butt. Her partner load her anus totally without being aware of the condom crack. Shit happens, even under lab control.
After work, in the shower, Dolly came in and said "Girls, I have to leave early for my c***dren, thanks for the job, see you tomorrow!". Vivian had a little smile with Audrey. And after one minute or two, she went to the door and made a sign to the outside. 4 men among the guinea pig team came inside the shower, all naked.
β "Hello girls said Amir. Some place for us in your shower ?"
Vivan and Audrey laugh. "Yes guys, just come in, the water is warm, and our butt too!" Then, all the 3 girls and the 4 men had sex all together for at least one hour inside the shower of the Johnson Food Supply company, as every employee were gone home, appart from the security man, who join the group into the shower. Water, soap, sperm, everything was dripping on the warm bodies.
One man said "Girls, you're not aware how hot it is for us in the lab to fuck only one girl, without the right of testing the two others, with their naked butt up to the ceiling !!!"
3 years ago