Vibtator Help PLeeese!

K, its getting time for me to replace my beloved vibrators and everything on the market that Ive tried so far is just too weak for this gurl :(

I wanted to try a Doxy but its super expensive and I don't wanna get one if Im not gonna like it. So I am asking for help from all of you :)

Who has a Doxy? Let me know, I needz rumbles and vibrations so strong it makes me loose control hehe. I'll promise to film it for ya ;)

Also feel free to recommend any other brands that boast medieval levels of vibe strength.

Let's have a chat <3
Published by harpercharli
3 years ago
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harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
I think that would be super fun! Id definitly get a double sided one if I had someone to play and perform with hehe
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
:open_mouth: ooh wow ya i saw that model! great for group play too, thats super awesoem! if I had more space and didnt move around so much I wouldve gotten the deluxe model too, def worth it!But right? its soo nice to get a good pounding and the machine has stamina :blush : hehe. Oh a quick tip though for your favirote dildos si you dont need to buy the vaculok ones, you can just make then yourself. Im like 98% sure last time I checked that Mr hankey (or I might be thjinking of Square peg toys, but eitehr way they just bore a hole into the backof the dildo wiht a pipe basically, and in fact one of them recommends to just do it yourself. so you just get like a small diameter pipe and cut it and make sure its ncie and sharp on teh end land then you can use some soap or whatever and gloves of course and then just twist it into the back keeping it at the correct angle for a couple inches and then usually you can just yank out the plug wiht pliers and cut it off at the base and you have a perfect hole for vaculok plug.  Im pretty sure square peg toys has like a video how to on it somewhere. And Im thinking the 9.1 inch one you got might be the same one i have and I love it if it is is its got such a pleasing shape its super enjoyable youre so right! Really glad to hear that youre loving it! Im always excited to tell poeple because Its so exciting to be able to acutally have a reasonably accesible and afforable sex machine, I never thoguht id be able to own one, back when I first saw on like decades ago loil, but now anything is possible! hehe
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
:open_mouth: yay! super excited for you! Ya the quality is really awesome for such a low price right? I alwasy thought id never be able to afford one. Ya storage is always tricky but I do find the case they send with it keeps things discreet at first glance it just looks like duffel bag so that does help. did you end up getting the smaller tabletop version like mine or did yo go for the max power larger one :smile: ? Im so glad youre enjoying it though, but ya those dildos that come wiht it are may too tiny for people liek us hehe :wink:
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
for sure ya either site is fine, in fact I think the european hismith website actually had more models in stock so thats great . I knwo youll have a blast :kiss:
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
ooh good choice! You will like it! also when it comes to dildos, hismith also has the most affordable pure silicone dildos (if thats important for you its nice to get them with the discount code all at once if ordering directly from hismith) other than that you can always buy their Vac-u-lok adaptor and get any of the main or your favourite dildos to stick on the end. Let me know how it goes!
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
hehe ya i do try and stay quiet, but i might just have to let myself go :wink: that does sound super fun tho
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
Ya its super discreet Like i said I had roomates right next door and you couldnt hear it outside the door, like even on full just a fan or some light music would totally mask the motor and machine itself. Now my bed is a bit shakey so if i had it going full then you could hear th bed shaking a bit but if you went on the floor that would solve that issue. but ya I need to do some fun cum though my tights vids for everyone hehe, the doxy def can do that. Ya its is pretty fun getting doggy by my machine and then using my vibe a bit at the same time that's pretty fun. or sometimes if im riding one of my dildos on my pillows or something i liek to put the vibe down below me under the pillow so its a nice little reward for me taking my whole dildo all the way up, kind of a depth encouragement factor hehe when Im loosening up at the beginning. Usually before long Im right down to the base :blush:
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
totally agree. Good news is the one I got, the hismith tabletop 2.0 is super quiet, like you cant hear it outside of a bedroom door if its closed even on full thats was one of the main reasons I got it becasue I used to have roomates, the design  of the ones with the arm like that are usually pretty quiet but this one is exceptionally so. I havent tried their next model up, but its a similar construction with just a slightly bigger motor, so I assume the noise would be about the same. so if you like that one Id just go for whatever stand design you like better. It came in a cool all in one case so pretty discreet for storage or moving or whatever too so ya Im pretty thrilled cause I thought the price and size of one would be so unobtainable but this one is pretty modular and super affordable. OH btw, I should update on the Doxy, I am actually really liking it. one thing its really good at is vibrating through material like clothes, pillows lol it does have good penetration and area vibes which make some cool possibilities. Lol I should retitle this thread 'general sex toy discussion' lol
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
lol I totally understand. Yes Ive always wanted a dedicated sex room, that would be awesome to build, then I could really invest in some cool stuff like heavier more permanent machines and stuff.  I feel if you really enjoy anal that a fucking machine is pretty game changing, just havign something doign the thrusting and insertion fro you really allows you to focus on opening up and  its worlds different and better than doign it yourself by riding or whatever. I find especially when your doign large insertions once its in its definitly a full body experience feeling it getting slammed into you lol FOr me anyway Im really big on the vibrations of gettign fucked if that makes sense moreso than just going in or out so havign somehting wiht some horsepower to fuck me is great. As far as insertion of the vibrator i think a condom over it should keep any lube out of he internals but it would depend for me how confortable IM feeling with the square base of the head, sometimes that can get a littel locked in there depending on the day so thats the main barrier that I can see. Let me know if you want any fuck machine recommendations, Ive personally really been lovign what Hismith is doing at their pricepoint, ease of repair and ease of storage its hard to beat and its pretty powerful. pretty awesome service too, Ive got a bunch of stuff from there
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
Oh also, I assume youre not ordering from North America, but if you are the place I bought from gave me a discount code for my 'fans', its just $10 off  but its there if anyone wants it just let me know. I dont get anything from it, its just theier standard thing fro first time customers, but thought Id mention it just in case. If youre ordering from Europe though  Doxy is a  british company so Im guessign you could probably get direct from them whcih would be the best I would think
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
Great question! I havent tried it internally, and Im not sure how well it would work wihtout a cover though, Like my Paloqueth black vibrators are completely covered in silicone so I will insert those straight in, but with the doxy, I think it would be good for insertion but id cover it with bag or condom first because theres a disconnect and slight opening in the neck of it. But vibration wise i think it would be fine, but the head is pretty sizable so Id be stretched out with at least a 3 inch diameter dildo before hand. Also the head is a littel more squared off at the base wher it connects to the handle so it really depends how flexible you feel that day and  it might be a little uncomfortable contraction if you cum with it inside. of course if youre super gaped well none of that should matter lol. It is a very big vibrator tho. Liek I would say the largest overall vibrator on teh market both in length and diameter
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
Yes I already ordered hehe. Couldnt wait. But I just got it, so I can give a first impressions review to you. Its definitly well made in fit and finish. I love the metal body and it feels very substantial. It has a metal head with a petty thick silicone covering on it that can be removed (i kinda liked the metal head too but I like pretty direct vibrations.) As far as the vibrations, it is string, but it is also smooth. Now I really love a super rattly rumbly vibration if that makes sense. Something that feels like it shaking my body, and I find that this vibrator is pretty well balanced so the vibrations especially on higher settings are more localized in the head of the unit and not really shakey and rattly. It can definity get me to cum though so I do like that. I liek the fact I can plug it in so I don thave to worry abotu batteries.

My two other fav vibrator experiences have been my paloqueth wireless vibrators (the black ones i use in some of my vids) and an old 1950's massager. Now the old massager thing is soo shakey and rumbly its crazy its like sitiing on a washing machine lol, but that gets hot and is incredibly loud and just not practical to use a lot. The paloqueth wireless vibrators cannot be purchased anymore that I can find, but they were unique and extremely shakey and rumbly in their vibes, but this is a rarity especially among wireless vibrators and even moreso in inexpensive chinese made vibes like aforementioned paloqueth vibrators. So I wouldnt expect to be able to find another one like that (afte ordering quite a few lower priced virators I have come to the conclusion that I wont find anything liek the paloqueth vibrators) SO that leaves the doxy or the Magic Wand really, and the fact is, I like the manufacturing quality of hte DOoxy so Id rather spend my money on that and its very close to 'shakey' enough. It does defintiy have the 'horsepower' so it will continue to vibrate een thorugh clothing or resistance (which is somethign that the paloqueth vibrators would kind of weaken on) SO the DOxy has the raw power there and tis beautifully constructed it really is, so I dont feel ripped off or anything I feel liek i got what I paid for. (assuming it lasts reliably over the long run)

IDK im kinda rambling but hopefully that helps a bit. If you wanted to see it I can alwasy hop on skype wiht you too if you were thinking of buying it but wanted to get a look. It is  certainly an expensive purchase.

Overall though Im happy with the Doxy, Ive tried a lot of stuff on the market and this is the best option going forward, so knowing what I knwo now having it in hand, Id still defintily buy it again.
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
Yes I agree thats what Im hoping for (guess I'll find out in a few days lol) But ya Im hoping if something does break it will be a little more user serviceable because the company is all the way in Britain so ya warranty might be a pain to fulfill idk. Mr Hankey makes some super nice stuff for sure and ya once you start going up in diameter it gets kinda addicting hehe
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
I know its such a hard descision and I cant be without my vibrator :open_mouth: I was super lucky and got some vibrators from a Chinese company that were actually crazy powerful and rumbly but they were wireless and starting to run out of battery charging capability

K so I decided to pull the trigger on the doxy die cast. I know soo expensive :open_mouth: like i dont know what can be worth that much but I cant stand not knowing. and there was nothing else on the market that interested me so I'll let you know how it goes when I get it. Im soo hoping it doesnt break and leave me with an overpriced paperweight