Lockdown booty
I met her when her boyfriend put an add on Craigslist looking for another guy to join a threesome with them. I wrote back and he said my answer was by far the most literate and entertaining. I'll take it. Their add asked for us to explain why we should be a part of their gangbang. I dropped 500 words about bareback creampies and my obsession with thigh high stockings and he asked me to join. They sent an actual form letter to all the guys who were invited to this thing. It had "doos and don'ts" and said the event was to be held in an upscale hotel. Only the husband could film or photograph, but we would all get copies. She had really short red hair with athletic shoulders and a firm ass. She reached out to me and asked if we could just text each other... and she sent her photo. Hot. I don't know if she reached out to all the guys, but she did to me and our little thing lasted a few years, but let's tell the first story first... She began texting me. We chatted quite a bit. She asked me questions about my experiences with multiple guys and one girl. We met briefly before the event. It was electric fire lust. We had been ramping the sexual chatter up and she had been admitting her complete lust for being the center of attention and feeling men cum for her. We met the day of. We were in a department store. We didn't say much to each other, we just met and it was pretty fucking hot. I wanted to fuck her in that store. It was a clothing section. She was among racks of ripped jeans and leather jackets in her fall boots that I was hot for. Her nose flared, her eyes were wide and her smile was smoldering. We met just before with her other friend who started talking about XTC. Molly. Whatever you want to call it. It was a pink powdery crystal that was salty. I thought it tasted like cherry, but that might have been my mind playing tricks, or the skitles we ate. We both licked some right there. She slowly and suggestively says to me: "You're coming upstairs, yeah...?" I smiled and winked, I went right up to her and put my hand on her hip. She hugged me quickly and I could smell her. God she smelled good. I put my hand firmly on her waist and just squeezed gently. She put her hand on mine and squeezed back. I had to buzz then, but when we got together later we both knew we were going to be rolling molly hard. She shared hers with this other guy she brought with her. I oddly enough had stumbled into a friend I knew from the lifestyle in the hotel bar and he ended up part of that first one. We all got stoned and the three of us fucked her in that dirty hotel room. She and I were already rolling molly hard. Her jaw was all fucked up going back and forth. She liked fucking on X. We facilitated quite a bit of it. Later in life I bumped into her again and we rolled Molly at Annabelle's in Winston. I loved her from the moment I saw her, but fucking her rolling molly with three strangers in an adult theater during hard COVID lock down was dirty lava cum. No shit. She called me. Dude it had been years... since we had seen each other much less had sex. After that first one we met fairly regularly and had threesomes or small group fucks often. Then... it just stopped. Sometimes the well dries up. No worries, right? So out of the blue, years later during hard COVID lockdown... she calls. No text, no email... ring and it's her. "Hey do you want to get high and go fuck at Annabelle's in about an hour? I have Molly and a friend who was going to met me over there..." My cock was harder than a diamond before she finished the sentence. We got a room at the little dirty motel across the parking lot. It was hot. She is a dirty slut on X.
3 years ago