Paying the Rent in Jail Gay

The sound of the gavel rang through my ears and all I heard was the judge say, "I sentence you to 1 year in the county jail."

One Year? Why had I been so stupid and put myself in this situation? Will my friends or what family I have left even visit me while I was in jail, or better yet even want to know me when I got out? All of these questions ran through my head as I was being escorted back to the transport van, every appendage shackled, just to take me back to where I had been the previous few days.

The first few days weren't to bad since I was in the "newbie" housing unit in the jail and I even got a cell all to myself. But now I knew it was going to be different. I knew I would be put in a general population housing unit, and having overheard how full the jail was; I knew I would be getting a cellmate. My only big fear was that I got someone nice and not too menacing since I am pretty small for my age. You see I am only 5 foot 4 inches and weigh a hefty 135 pounds. Pretty intimidating huh? All I could think of was that I was going to have a big target on me.

I got to my new cell, and to my surprise no one was in it. I could tell someone lived there, but where he was, I had no idea. The deputy told me I was going to be on the bottom bunk as he winked at me and grinned. I had no idea what that meant but decided to brush it off.

I made up my new bunk and laid down on it and drifted off to sleep. It seemed like I was asleep for hours when all of a sudden I heard the click of the lock to my door being unlocked. I rolled over to see my new cellmate. All of a sudden the door swung open and in walked the biggest black man I had ever seen in my life. I don't mean big like fat, but big like he was so well defined muscularly! He was about 6 foot 3 inches; a good 230 pounds and he had the biggest muscles I had ever seen. He looked like he had just stepped off the football field! I kind of gulped in shock and introduced myself to him. He introduced himself to me and told me his name was Jermane. I c***dishly said how nice it was to meet him, to which he rolled his eyes and jumped up on the top bunk and out of my sight. I lay back down and just stared at the bunk above me timidly.

A few minutes went by when all of a sudden Jermane jumped down off of his bunk, walked over to the window in our cell door and looked out. I saw him look to his right and then gave a thumbs up in the window. He turned around and just smiled at me. He walked towards me grinning and started a speech I instantly knew he had given before many times.

"This is my house, and in my house rent has to be paid. I always get my rent check on time, if not, there will be hell to pay," he said.

I gulped and gingerly replied back, "What do you mean by a rent check?"

Jermane laughed and walked up to me and dropped his pants. My eyes grew wide as I looked at the biggest and thickest black cock I had ever seen, not saying I had ever seen many men's cocks before that!

"Your rent bitch is to make sure my cock is happy. Since you are small like a bitch, you will be my bitch from now on. You don't think you were put in here by accident do you? Hell no. I like my bitches small like you. And don't be thinking you can run to the deputies and say something, cause they all know, and they don't give a shit," he said. "Now do what all good bitches do and get on your knees and suck my dick," he ordered.

I didn't want to, but I knew there was no way out of this and I had better accept my status in life if I was going to make it any longer in life. I gingerly slid off my bunk and onto my knees and grabbed this massive piece of meat. I couldn't even fit my hand around Jermane's cock that's how big it was!

I started to lick the heard of Jermane's cock trying to do what had been done to me by my ex girlfriend. I started jerking the shaft and licking the head as Jermane started to thrust his cock into my mouth trying to get more of his cock into my mouth. I tried to resist but he just grabbed the back of my head and started forcing his huge member into my mouth. It was very hot and hard yet felt velvety soft on my lips. I started to open my mouth to let his massive intruder in but my mouth is so small not much of his cock could fit in.

Jermane let out a groan and started face fucking me even though he was only able to fit about 3 inches in my mouth. He was grunting and panting as I looked up at him to look into his eyes. He grinned at me and said, " I like it when my bitches look into my eyes as I face fuck them. I knew you would be a natural you little bitch!"

Just as he finished saying that, he let out a loud groan and I felt a river of hot fluid shooting onto the roof of my mouth, all over my tongue and some even shot down my throat. This made me gag some but he wouldn't take his cock out of my mouth so I had no choice but to swallow his big load. With one giant gulp the sticky salty fluid slid down my throat and into my stomach. As soon as I had swallowed Jermane's cum, he slid his softening cock out of my mouth. He released my head from the grasp of his hands and just looked down at me grinning.

"That was good bitch," he said. "Now here are the rest of the rules in my house!"

With that he started listing off all of his rules. I was to always be ready to service his cock whenever he wanted. I was to never eat or be seen with him on tier time, but instead I was to hang out with the other bitches in our housing unit. I was to no longer eat solid food, but instead milkshakes and fruit and soup, since my ass was now his pussy and he doesn't like to get any shit on his dick. This rule made me wince, since I had never had anything in my ass, let alone a massive 11-inch dick!

I was to also shave my body smooth every day when I went to shower, which I was told I would shower every evening just before bed so I would be clean for him. Also, every day at med call I was going to be given a pill which would make me more fem for him. I figured the pill must be some sort of hormone. And finally, his last rule he made sure I heard really well.

"If you ever think you can run and tell someone thinking you will get out of this arrangement, think again. I own you and the whole jail knows it know including all the nurses and deputies," he said as he grabbed my hair forcing me to look into his eyes.

I just looked up at him timidly and said, "I will never try to leave you master, for I now know you own me."

This made Jermane smile as he let go of my head and pulled up his pants. He jumped up on his bunk again and lay down. I lay back down on my bunk as well tasting his cum in my mouth. Just as I thought I was going to be able to go back to sleep again I heard my new master Jermane speak to me.

"Sleep now my little bitch, cause tonight I am testing out my new pussy. Oh and when tier time comes make sure you get your special pink razor from the deputy and go take your shower. When you are done showering and shaving, go hang out with the other bitches for a while and get to know them, for they will be your only friends for the next year!" he said laughingly.

I know knew my new role for the next year. I was to be Jermane's cock slave and I was going to enjoy it.
Published by 425olds
3 years ago
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AnoiemaRose 5 months ago
This made me hard ! Great story only if it where me I would eventually be too slutty for him to keep as I will be hunted by many other cocks making me the jails main slut. Also , I would let him use me as his toilet and have me drink piss each day  at any time he pleases. The other bitches would get jealous of me hihihi. Great story and can't wait for part two :heart:
jojosmallone 1 year ago
mmmmmm wish im had been a jail house bitch. I think of all the Black Cocks i would have been sucking
Sexy_Lokky 3 years ago
i like it :smile: