Funny thing happened
I was recently called a Toliet paper and ammo hording asshole also anti vax .... Let me break this down as I find it stupid to not to have at min 6 months of goods to survive a grid / supply chain break down . If you can buy some extra goods each shopping trip do it while you can afford to each person and or family are typically 2 meals away from chaos .... Also most Americans are 2 pay checks away from poverty / homelessness neither will reap good outcomes if they happen. So yes I have tons of ammo crates and other items ... On the anti vaxer claim no I am not anti vaccine I am however anti mandating vax . If you want to get the vax because you feel its safe I have no issue with that. I take issue with you or any Government person / company demanding / frocing me to get it. Let me take the risk if I want if I get sick guess what the fuck I do ? I keep my ass at home so no I will not spread the commie cough aka Kung Flu
3 years ago