Ch Ch Ch Changes
My first blog post is in response to many of my friends regarding my videos. Some have criticized my new stuff because it isn't like the old stuff. That's ok. We move on. There are reasons I don't post flashing videos like I used to. One is, that I've sort of moved on from that and the opportunities just aren't like they used to be. The main reason, though, is that 4 years ago, on my birthday, I was in one of my favorite bars in Key West celebrating with a couple. The woman started giving me a hand job sitting at the bar, which was partly open to the street. We were apparently observed from a passerby, who called the police, and I was arrested for indecent exposure. After a couple years of lawyer, court stuff, group therapy and about $6k, my case was dismissed, but I have a record. If I were to get caught again, I'm fucked. Jail, big fine, and registered sex offender. Consequently, I'm now very careful about what and where I do anything. In short, I'm limiting my exhibitionism to relatively "safe" venues and not recording much. Please feel free to contact me about my experiences. Thanks to all my friends.
5 years ago