I want to say something.
Yes, its meļ¼Richard
If you read my post hereļ¼what ever you are male or femaleļ¼just to feel free to leave a comments hereļ¼thanks. It will be my honor.
And why I am here and wirte this Blog, cause two things have been happened to me:
Firstly,A girl have told me that she donāt like SM so she don't like me,you konw what i feel? All kinds of emotions were filled in my mind, angry, sad, feel be offended,disappiont and so on. I want to and try to explain, but my words stuck in my throat and do say anything.
YES, I love sex, I love SM, BUT!!!, i am not a SMer, I am a dominator. How many boys and girls konw the relationship B/D? And how many people konw about the different between BD and SM? Although the fk damn name"BDSM" connect those together.
I want to say it again, BD never ever ā SM.
OK, I DONT MEANS TO OFFEND SMers, your girls and guys and good, but pls donāt be so rough to my kindness. Cause many people donāt distinguish the BD and SMļ¼when you talk with me about the BDSMļ¼just pls you have to make it clear with side you belong toļ¼OKļ¼
Secondly, all the dominators maybe have the same characters,they are dynamic,hard working,good educated,humble,always kindly and gutty. Although they are maybe have the serious outfits and have a decent jobs but they are heart always hot, and want to be recognized,want to be seeked. I have chated with a dom these few days, we are both very happy, and feel excited. After we have chated more and more, we have found that we are so analogous and our experiences are so similar. Maybe we are the few kinds of people in the sexual relations(cause maybe 90% people just like normal sex, 9.9% people like just like SM, rough sex, anal sex, latex, les,gays and so on, but only 0.1% in the world people they realized they are belong to dominators).
We have many funs,and she told me that her present situation, I told he that my points and views about I am thinking, even some of my stories.We all hate each other a little bit late to meetļ¼and maybe we can be a good buddyļ¼and hope the relationship will last for ever. We are both love sex, but all the types of sex basic on the core of respect, choice each other and commuicate equelly. And if a dominator dosen't know the gril as well, she/he will never ever take the partner in to the relationship into B/D!!!
The dominator must have strong mind, attic faith and have a blueprint for the future of the relationship. We do love rough sex, licking,maybe sometimes spanking, tied and so on.But for us it just the method to make dom and the sub physical satisfy and i order to gain the satisfy into our minds and our hearts.
OK,the post is long enough, maybe next time when I have gathered my thoughts, I can write another POST about the 4 levels relationships between domination and submission.
Thanks for reading!
If you read my post hereļ¼what ever you are male or femaleļ¼just to feel free to leave a comments hereļ¼thanks. It will be my honor.
And why I am here and wirte this Blog, cause two things have been happened to me:
Firstly,A girl have told me that she donāt like SM so she don't like me,you konw what i feel? All kinds of emotions were filled in my mind, angry, sad, feel be offended,disappiont and so on. I want to and try to explain, but my words stuck in my throat and do say anything.
YES, I love sex, I love SM, BUT!!!, i am not a SMer, I am a dominator. How many boys and girls konw the relationship B/D? And how many people konw about the different between BD and SM? Although the fk damn name"BDSM" connect those together.
I want to say it again, BD never ever ā SM.
OK, I DONT MEANS TO OFFEND SMers, your girls and guys and good, but pls donāt be so rough to my kindness. Cause many people donāt distinguish the BD and SMļ¼when you talk with me about the BDSMļ¼just pls you have to make it clear with side you belong toļ¼OKļ¼
Secondly, all the dominators maybe have the same characters,they are dynamic,hard working,good educated,humble,always kindly and gutty. Although they are maybe have the serious outfits and have a decent jobs but they are heart always hot, and want to be recognized,want to be seeked. I have chated with a dom these few days, we are both very happy, and feel excited. After we have chated more and more, we have found that we are so analogous and our experiences are so similar. Maybe we are the few kinds of people in the sexual relations(cause maybe 90% people just like normal sex, 9.9% people like just like SM, rough sex, anal sex, latex, les,gays and so on, but only 0.1% in the world people they realized they are belong to dominators).
We have many funs,and she told me that her present situation, I told he that my points and views about I am thinking, even some of my stories.We all hate each other a little bit late to meetļ¼and maybe we can be a good buddyļ¼and hope the relationship will last for ever. We are both love sex, but all the types of sex basic on the core of respect, choice each other and commuicate equelly. And if a dominator dosen't know the gril as well, she/he will never ever take the partner in to the relationship into B/D!!!
The dominator must have strong mind, attic faith and have a blueprint for the future of the relationship. We do love rough sex, licking,maybe sometimes spanking, tied and so on.But for us it just the method to make dom and the sub physical satisfy and i order to gain the satisfy into our minds and our hearts.
OK,the post is long enough, maybe next time when I have gathered my thoughts, I can write another POST about the 4 levels relationships between domination and submission.
Thanks for reading!
3 years ago