My Cherry Gets Busted

The summer after my 14th birthday, was a drag. My Mom had just given birth to my first little sister, so it was up to me to keep the house, cook, and look after 2 younger brothers. One was 9 and the other was 6. THEY were a bigger pain in the ass than all of the other stuff put together. When I asked them to help, they could make Houdini blush with envy. They could disappear faster than a puff of smoke in a cyclone. After about a month of this, Mom suggested to Dad, that he go and get my cousin, who was 13, to come and help me4, until she could get around better. We went to visit his brother, my Uncle, and HER Father, and they agreed. She packed her clothes, and came to stay with us, for the summer.

As a habit, and some "ME" time, I would go to my secret place, where the creek ran through some woods. I would go there for an hour or two, and just sit and dream of being an only c***d, and NOT having all the worries o9f younger siblings. Even THAT changed with my cousins arrival. I had to show her where everything was located, and show her how to run the washing machine, an old wringer type, and hang the clothes. I would have to carry them out to the line for her. We finally got most of it resolved, but she was turning out to be as big of a pain in the ass as the others were. Every time I tried to slip off for a little bit, I would hear her coming along behind me. I couldn't go to my "hideaway", because she might show someone else where it was.

This all went on for about three or four weeks, and try as I might, I couldn't give her the slip. It was like she had a radar.

One day, I managed to get away, by going through the barn, up in the loft, and sliding down one side of the roof, to the ground, and running like hell, for the edge of the trees. by going through a canyon that floodwaters had carved out. I followed the canyon to where it merged with the creek, and started upstream, toward my hiding place. It took me about ten minutes to reach my destination. A huge oak tree, gro9wing out of the side of the creek, its roots embedded in the clay walls of the creek, forming a nest of sorts, that, I thought, hid me completely. I climbed into it, and sat, feeling sorry for myself, being in this predicament, and congratulating myself for being able to make a "slick" getaway.

I heard my name being called. "DAMN!!!" She found me. I raised up enough, to look over the edge and see the other bank. She was standing there, and telling me to come and help her across, so she could sit with me. I gave up. I not only failed to give her the slip, but se now knew where mu hiding place was, and would let it slip when she was asked. I resigned myself to not only having her with me, but at having to find another place to go. BUMMER!!!

I went and assisted her on the climb down,of about thirty feet of loose, dry, clay dirt, and she was able to climb into my nest quicker than I could. I, at the time, weighed about 100 lbs, and she, only weighed about 70 or 80 lbs. I was already disappointed that she could run, climb trees, and do housework as good, or better, than me. Now she had to show me she could scramble up the side of the creek faster than me, too.

I had been smoking cigarettes, (Sneaking them out of my Dad's packs) for a couple of years, and I had hidden a couple of packs in my "nest." I lit one, and she sat there, talking at a mile a minute, until I asked her if she would explode unless she was talking. She stopped, and smiled at me. I couldn't see this as anything good. I waited for her to drop her bomb. When it came, it was the LAST thing I expected. She asked me, "Have you ever seen a girl, up close, and NAKED?" I almost choked before I could answer. "N. N. NO!" I answered. As I sat there, she looked me in the eye, and asked, "Would you LIKE to?" I glared at her, trying to look tough and mean. "WHO'S going to show me?" She smiled even bigger. "Well, since there's only the two of us, and you're NOT a girl, I guess it would have to be me." I saw her stand slowly and reach down to grab the bottom of her T-Shirt, and pull it off, over her head, laying it on one of the bare roots. Then she unfastened her shorts, and slid them down her legs, and laid them on top of the shirt. She was standing there in just her panties, and a training bra. Her breasts were barely bigger than mosquito bites.

I sat there, watching her, and wondering if she was REALLY going to take everything off, so I could see her. She waited for a long minute, and reached behind her back, and unfastened her bra, letting it slide down her arms, to join the rest of her clothes, less her panties. She smiled at me, and stated, "To see the rest, you have to pay me. You have to kiss me on the lips. None of this "cousin kissing," on the cheeks. A REAL kiss." I figured, "what the hell" as we were all alone. She bent down and I kissed her, ON THE LIPS!!! She looked at me, and told me, "That wasn't so hard, was it? NOW, do it again. My price just doubled." It wasn't bad, so this time, I tried to kiss her better. She looked at me, and told me, "With a little practice, you could be a good kisser." Then she smiled, again, and told me, "A promise is a promise." She hooked her fingers in the waistband of her panties, and pulled them slowly, down, and off. I was surprised to see a flaming red bush between her legs, and the tiny slit disappearing into it. She had a better figure than I had imagined.

Instinctively, she knew what my next question would be. She took her T-Shirt and put it in the ground in front of me, sitting down, and opening her legs. THERE IT WAS!!! AN HONEST TO GOODNESS, REAL LIVE GIRL'S PUSSY. COMPLETELY UNCOVERED!!! She continued to smile, as she looked at my bug eyed features. "GO AHEAD!!! Feel it if you want to." i reached over and rubbed it lightly, then felt of her labia. I only knew that they were a part of her pussy. No names of the parts. They were VERY soft, and, as I felt of them, rubbing them up and down, i felt them getting wet. I asked her if SHE knew what caused it. Se didn't know, either, but told me that when they sneaked in to watch their Mom and Dad, they would hear their Mom tall her Dad, "I'm wet, go ahead and nail me." And he would go on top of her, and start going up and down. I felt of her a bit longer, and she got wetter and wetter. I found the hole, and stuck my finger into it, just a tiny bit. She told me, "Take off YOUR pants, so I can see if you have the same thing that Daddy has. I dropped my pants, and was surprised to see it had gotten hard. She looked at me, and told me, "Let me lay down, and open my legs like Mom does, and you try to stick your thing in the little hole where I pee from. I think that's where Daddy sticks Mom. If it goes in, we must have done it right." She laid down and I got on top of her, and she guided me to her hole. It felt right, as far as I knew, but, it felt right to her, which was even better. She told me to push it into her, and I went in, just a little bit. She gasped, and told me that something had hurt her for just a second, but had stopped hurting, now. Then she told me, "Go ahead. Push it all the way inside of me. Now it's feeling good. I went ahead, fucking her, until I felt myself cumming. I quickly pulled out of her, and told her that if any of that stuff got into her, she could have a baby, and we'd BOTH get in trouble. We pulled our clothes back on, and walked to the house. She had only bled a little, and my Mom though she might be getting ready for her period, and gave her a sanitary napkin to wear. She wore it for two days, but we managed to disappear several times, and it wasn't any stretch to imagine what we were doing. For several years, after that, anytime we could get the opportunity, we would slip off, just the two of us, and practice what we had learned that summer day.
Published by sandlicker
3 years ago
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sandlicker Publisher 3 years ago
I learned, from eventually having three younger sisters, and hearing Mom talking to them, that if a girl fell by slipping on icy surfaces, and sitting down hard, it could be broken.  Any hard, jarring, fall could take it out.  All three of my sisters broke theirs by roller skating, and falling.  My Mom could saw what had happened.  She was teaching them to roller dance  MOM was VERY good on skates.
Gene04 3 years ago
Oh those memories of younger days.   Feamles only have one shot at the broken cherry game.   Males have more opportunities.   Of course that is generally thought of in a way that is all about breaking the hyman.   Most females they hyman is actually already broken before she fucks for the first time.   