Milly helping me with my messed diaper

Today, Milly, my homecare nurse came to check on my catheter. Once a week she comes and makes sure my jerk or foreskin is not infected, or that there are no rubbing spots from the catheter valve or leg bag. And she inserts a new catheter if necessary, or leaves me one to do it myself.

Milly is a beautiful woman in her late 40th, from Cuba. Short, with a very slim figure, well proportioned breasts and a slight belly that looks really good on her. She never wears her homecare uniform, but mostly skinny jeans in which she has a beautiful ass. Although she can't tell, I'm always very hot when she touches my dick, while randomly telling how her weekend was, as if it's the most normal thing in the world to check my dick and wipe it clean. I don't have a boner but I can tell there is still some life in my penis when she is around.

I was waiting for her, feeling very tensed. Just around noon she came, wearing skinny jeans, open sandals with a slight heel and a shirt she had tucked into her jeans only on the front. She was in a very good mood, glad that finally days of bad weather and rain had gone and the sun was shining. She went straight to the bathroom, as we always do our routine there. Took the chair and placed it in the middle of the bathroom, waiting for me to sit down. As I did she helped me undress my trousers. Despite the catheter I still wear a pullup diaper because sometimes some urine leaks, and when I have bowel movement I sometimes leak from behind, but I didn't notice anything today. Still, when Milly took down my pants I could smell I messed myself. I was so ashamed I could cry. To not mess up the chair I had to get up and while I leaned on my crutches Milly took off my dirty pants and diaper and washed me. While she did this she kept talking, not the slightest bit irritated, or less cheerful as when she came in. Only thing that bothered her was the fact that my pull up diaper didn't keep my pants clean. She went to her car to take out a package of brief style diapers. From this whole situation I was shocked and embarrassed, breathing heavy and shaking. I lay down on my bed, and although normally I could put on a diaper myself, Milly helped me with it.

Milly put some barrier cream on my penis and buttocks and helped me dress. She wanted to be sure I could put on a diaper myself and I assured her I could. She insisted I call my GP to explain what happened, maybe to be sent to a gastroenterologist and that I need bigger diapers. Tomorrow she will come by to ask if I really did and to make sure I am able to put on a diaper. I like it when she comes but I am afraid, afraid that my body lets me down, every day a little bit more, and that I lose the feeling of excitement for her over shame.
Published by Cathmale
3 years ago
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