Teens Enters Caveworms Layer
I always loved exploring the woods near my house. I lived in a semi-rural area, so while it wasn't exactly the middle of nowhere, there was always somewhere new to explore. I was always looking for the most secluded, hard to find places. I loved the idea of being hidden from the world, but still being surrounded by life. I found a lot of interesting things when I went hiking, but one summer afternoon when I was sixteen, I found something REALLY interesting.
It was only a few days in to my summer holidays. School was out for the year and I had nothing on my mind but killing time. I decided that day to go visit this small waterfall I'd discovered, though it was a pretty long hike so I started early. It was a particularly hot day, and by mid morning the air was already feeling sticky, and I'd have been sweating just lounging around the house. I looked forward to finding the falls, and the small river they emptied in to, just to jump in and cool off.
I was glad to see there were no people there when I finally arrived, and no sign of anyone in the area at all. After double checking that I was definitely alone, I stripped down to the bikini I was wearing under my cut-offs and tank top, and enjoyed the cool water on my skin. I looked down and admired my body a bit. I wasn't being egotistical or anything, my boobs were slow to start growing, only really making any progress over the previous year, and before that I was afraid I would end up flat chested or something. So it was certainly nice seeing my now C-cup boobs straining against the top that was now a bit too small for them. After spending a while lounging about under the waterfall, my long, brown hair now soaked several shades darker, I noticed what looked like the opening to a small cave hidden in the rocks behind where the water fell that I'd never noticed before. My natural inquisitiveness took over and I went over to check it out.
The hole wasn't big enough to just walk in unfortunately, but I knew I'd be able to fit without much difficulty. Of course, that seemed like a really bad idea because I had no idea where the hole led, and the risk of getting stuck was too great. Nevertheless, I continued to examine it, hoping to find some kind of clue as to what was inside. I threw some rocks in, and never heard them hit any walls, so I figured there must at least be a decent amount of space in there. I figured I'd come back another time when I was better prepared, but then I noticed an odd smell. It was faint, but quite pleasant, reminding me of the smell of baking cinnamon buns, somewhere off in the distance.
The scent became stronger though, and before long I realised that it was actually coming from inside the hole! I became very curious about the source of this aroma, this was definitely not what caves usually smelt like. I sat there weighing up my options. My desire to explore the cave was becoming almost overpowering, but still a sense that it was too risky caused me a great deal of conflict. The hole was certainly big enough for me to go in without much difficulty, and I started feeling a bit silly considering that I had brought a torch with me, and I knew enough about caves to avoid falling into a pit or something.
Well that did it, I grabbed my torch and carefully climbed through. That smell was even stronger now, and I noticed that I suddenly felt very light, as though I weighed as much as a feather. My head then began to tingle a little. The hole led into a tunnel of about the same size, which I carefully began to crawl though, not really knowing what I was doing. After around ten metres, the tunnel opened into a small area large enough for me to stand and walk around. I shone my torch around, finding nothing particularly interesting. I was hoping to maybe find something someone had left behind a long time ago, some fascinating relic of the past, but there was nothing but moist rock.
Despite my earlier belief, I suddenly felt the ground disappear as I began to fall. The torch slipped from my hands and was lost, so I could see nothing, but could feel myself falling. I cursed myself for getting so wrapped up in my own thoughts and not seeing the giant hole I now plummeted down. I'm not entirely sure how long I fell for, but it was certainly long enough for me to realise that I'd been falling for too long to possibly survive when I finally hit the ground.
Thankfully, that violent impact never happened. Instead, I felt myself hit something soft. Something really soft. So soft in fact that it gave way as soon as I hit it, stretching all around me like a weird bubble. I could still feel it all over me, stretching, slowing me down. When I finally landed, it was only enough to knock the wind out of me, and I was now covered in whatever it was that had slowed my fall. It was a strange kind of liquid, sticky, but slippery at the same time. It seemed to stick to everything, except my skin.
The ground I hit was quite soft, and moist. And lumpy and... moving. I stood up with a start when I felt an odd mass writhing against my butt. I still felt it under my feet of course, and I quickly realised it wasn't one solid mass, it was many. Long, thin, slippery shapes slithered under my feet. I tried to calm myself, thinking I'd just fallen into a real life pit full of god damn snakes, and that not moving was really my only option. But then I felt the snakes start worming their was up my legs. I have to admit I panicked then, and frantically tried to brush and kick them off me without falling over.
Suddenly, I was practically blinded my a bright flash of light. For a brief moment I thought it was sunlight, and that I was saved, or possibly just dreaming, but when my eyes adjusted I noticed that the walls of the cave had started glowing with a warm, clear light. I knew it was probably a huge colony of photoluminescent bacteria, but before I could think about it anymore, I finally saw where I was, and what was in there with me.
The entire floor of the cave was covered in a mass of wriggling worms of various sizes. Some as small and thin as a pencil, some were feet long and inches wide. They were all an off-white colour, and seemed to constantly ooze a clear, thick substance that I quickly realised was the source of the smell that led me in there. I can't even describe the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that welled up from the sight.
But that feeling of revulsion started to change a little. It turned into a pleasant tingling sensation, which oddly reminded me of those times when I was feeling particularly horny. More than anything, I was feeling confused at that point, because I was consciously aware of the dire situation I was in. Even without the weird horror movie creatures all around me, I was deep in the ground right now. It was a long fall I'd taken, and it was very unlikely there was any other way out of there. I knew I was going to die, or at least have to subsist on those freaky worms for the rest of my life, but I felt really calm. None of that mattered. I was going to be fine!
I started feeling faint, and figured there would be no harm in lying down, the worms probably weren't going to eat me or anything, and I felt so drowsy. No sooner had I sunk to the floor than the worms started to swarm, slithering all over me. It felt... nice. Really nice. Like some kind of wonderful, wet massage, every inch of my skin that the worms touched sang to me in pleasure unknown. I sighed as I lay there, feeling more and more relaxed by the second, as more and more worms writhed all over me, until I was more or less completely covered.
Then they started getting nosey. I could feel one nudging its way into my armpit, while more others began to investigate every nook and cranny of my body. Soon enough, one slipped under my bikini bottoms and made its way between my legs. I felt a sudden jolt of incredible pleasure as it found my pussy, and began rubbing itself against my clit as if it knew what it was doing. More began to join it, from every direction. And others found their way inside my top, and I must admit I loved feeling them massaging my boobs and wriggling against my nipples.
My head was positively swimming by this point. It had been slow to dawn on me, but I now realised I was now more turned on than I had ever been in my life. I wasn't new to sex, having had plenty with my ex boyfriend, and some more with my cousin Jenny when we were younger. My heart was racing and my stomach was positively tingling. It was almost unbearable, but when I felt one of the worms start exploring my pussy lips for a moment before bravely delving in deeper, I decided it was definitely bearable. In fact, I was looking forward to seeing just how good these weird worm dudes could make me feel. Maybe living in this pit wasn't going to be so bad after all?
The worm in my pussy wasn't one of the big ones. As it went inside me, it felt about as thick as two fingers, and it felt amazing. It was as though the feeling of my pussy being stretched was being greatly exaggerated somehow, so while I didn't feel like I was being stretched a great deal, what I was feeling was more powerful than even my ex's eight inch monster had ever made me feel.
The worm was all the way in now, at least as far as it could go. The rest of them suddenly seemed to develop a singular purpose, as instead of just slithering all over me, I could now feel them start suckling on me. Every inch of flesh felt like it had a worm attached, each sucking gently, but they continued moving about, so they never sucked on one place for too long. Except of course, for the ones who had found my nipples, and the one at my clit. They all stayed attached right where they were, and they were doing more than sucking. I couldn't for the life of me work out exactly what, but it felt AMAZING.
Every inch of my flesh was being pleasured, and the worm in my pussy was now itself sucking on and massaging my g-spot. So of course, it wasn't long before I started cumming. Hard. The cave filled with my ecstasy laden screams, countless bolts of electricity echoed throughout my entire body, my pussy practically throbbing as I continued to experience the most intense orgasm I'd ever felt.
As I came back down to earth, nothing really changed around me, the worms continued doing their work, the one in my pussy had started doing something to what I figured must have been my cervix. I was still riding waves of orgasmic afterglow, and I smiled knowing that my next one wasn't too far off, and the way things were going, it was going to be even more intense.
That's when I felt the worm inside me suddenly disappear, and a new orgasm suddenly reared its head. My mind was pretty hazy at this point, but I definitely felt it disappear from inside my pussy, only it hadn't exited from the outside. In the midst of my climax, I realised that it had slipped past my cervix and entered my womb. This knowledge further intensified my already overpowering orgasm, and I felt a great need to touch myself.
That wasn't too easy, since I was covered in worms, so instead I found myself just touching them, and surprised to discover just how much I loved how they felt. They were impossibly slippery, I don't think I could have grabbed one no matter how secure a hold I had. But beyond that, they felt just like... cocks. That same kind of fleshy, rigid, yet every so slightly malleable feeling, and I imagined myself just surrounded by all these giant cocks and I found myself wanting them to violate me more and more.
I half screamed, half whimpered when I felt a worm that had finally found my butthole. At first it was gentle, cautious. It rubbed itself across my asshole, then sucked on it a bit before finally pushing its way in. I always enjoyed having my butt played with, but I'd never actually had anything bigger than a couple of fingers up there. And this worm felt pretty damn big. I felt it pushing against my tight hole harder and harder until it slowly started slipping in. I could feel my ass expanding around it, I could feel every inch as it started making its way deeper and deeper.
I absolutely thrashed about, completely lost in pleasure. The worms managed to hold me down, so all I could really manage were twitches and restrained jolts. When another worm started pushing itself into my pussy, this one definitely one of the larger ones, I experienced what could best be described as an orgasm within an orgasm. Because despite all that was going on, I still hadn't stopped cumming. It must have been several minutes, I had no idea it was possible to feel so good for so long, but then within that, my feelings of immense pleasure increased as I felt the two worms wriggling about in my ass and pussy.
Then it started to slowly fade away, and just when I thought I was back to normal, whatever normal even was anymore, the worms in my pussy and ass started spewing this lovely warm liquid which set me off again. They spurted a surprising amount inside me, and I felt myself getting quite full of the stuff. But when they were done, they unceremoniously slithered out of my holes, while the worms that swarmed and sucked my body started moving away. I felt incredibly satisfied, but a little cold after having lost my nice, warm, wet blanket.
After a short while, I sat up and looked around, wondering why my lovely new lovers had left me. And that's when I saw a different creature making its way towards me. It was similar to the worms, in that it was the same colour, and seemed to be oozing the same fluid, but it was huge! Maybe about the size of a bear, it looked like some kind of giant caterpillar or something. From an opening at the front extended a bunch of long, glistening tentacles, which moved about as if searching for something.
I found myself really turned on by its appearance. As though the whole thing was just a gigantic cock with a bunch of other cocks coming out of it. I knew enough to know that it was wrong, the damn thing was a monster out of a nightmare, but it turned me on. Like a LOT. My pussy felt utterly drenched, and I wasn't sure how much of it was the stuff the worm had shot into me, and how much was my own pussy juices.
This new thing slithered towards me slowly and laboriously. When its tentacles seemed to 'find' me, they tickled me all over, giving me a similar treatment that all the worms had done before. I counted about five tentacles, each one looked to be several metres long, and a couple of inches thick. I found myself wanting them inside me, and it wasn't long before one of them found my pussy and started wiggling its way in. It stopped suddenly and pulled out after a couple of inches though, and I was a little disappointed, until I felt it go lower and push against my ass. I grunted at the pressure, as it forced my sphincter to widen to accommodate its considerable girth. There was a little pain, but that got lost in the signal, because the pleasure overwhelmed it.
Slowly but surely, my ass opened up to allow this new invader entrance. It slowly, inexorably worked its way deeper, til I lost track of its position inside me, but loving how filled up my ass felt. Either these creatures had encountered humans before, or they were quick learners. No sooner had my ass become accustomed to one of its tentacles, than another wormed its way into my pussy. I didn't know what to do with myself at this point. I was assaulted on all fronts by unimaginable ecstasy, but I just couldn't move. I thought I was stuck in this empty void of pleasure, where I had ceased to exist, and all that remained of me was my orgasm.
And then they started thrusting. The tentacle in my ass taking long, deep strokes, pulling out almost all the way, then back in. Must have been at least ten inches. The one in my pussy however, was giving short, hard thrusts, each one violently hitting my cervix. That hurt a little, but the pain somehow made what I was feeling all the more complete, and with each impact, the pain lessened, until it was entirely replaced with an odd feeling of hunger emanating from my womb.
The tentacle then stopped its battering ram routine, and instead just pushed itself against my cervix. I gritted my teeth and grunted at the feeling. It was as amazing as it was painful. I could feel it slowly opening up around the thick tentacle which continued its unrelenting advance. I then felt the worm that had hidden itself inside my womb start thrashing about. It felt like there was a great timult happening within me. Though, the worm in my womb didn't seem scared or anything, in fact, it seemed more like it was doing what it was doing just for my enjoyment. And I certainly did enjoy it!
When the tentacle finally popped into my womb, the rest of me popped in turn. It was the most amazing thing, I felt so incredibly full, I had no idea it was even possible for a person to feel so great while alive. I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven, but I doubted even heaven could be as awesome as this. I wasn't even aware I was screaming until I felt a tentacle shove itself into my mouth, its copiously leaking fluid quickly filling it up. It tasted divine. Sweet, but not sickening, and warm and nourishing. Strangest of all, the flavour seemed to subtly change as I consumed it.
I sucked on the tentacle with great enthusiasm. It wasn't til then that I realised how thirsty I'd become, and this thick, sweet nectar was really hitting the spot. But the creature wasn't satisfied just feeding me, and once I'd had a good drink, it started forcing its way deeper into my mouth, my throat. I felt myself choking around it, but it continued undeterred. Strangely enough though, I felt quite calm. I started choking less and less, before finally growing used to this huge thing invading my throat.
So there I was, skewered by this bizarre, betentacled creature. Three of its tentacles were deep inside me, while the others explored my body, before two latched onto my nipples and started sucking. This sent me over the edge, as if I hadn't already been at that point several times already, but everyone has their limits, and I guess I'd met mine. I felt the pleasure which was tingling all over my body start to build up in my head, before light headedness overtook me and with one final, little gasp which hid the true enormity of what I was experiencing, I finally lost consciousness.
I awoke to find myself now on all fours, the three tentacles still inside me. But something was different. I felt full. Fuller than I had ever felt before, and it wasn't just from having tentacles in my mouth, ass and pussy. It was then that I noticed the lumps moving inside the tentacles. One pushed past my jaw and then a moment later I felt something pop out inside my stomach. The same thing was happening with the others, they all seemed to be pushing these solid lumps inside me. I opened my eyes, and that's when I could see what was happening.
The tentacles had become translucent, I could only clearly see the one in my mouth, and inside it was egg, after egg, each about the size of golf ball, lining up to be injected into me . It was oddly blissful. I looked down to see that my stomach had grown quite large, I was quite obviously bloated with eggs, and still more were on their way. I shut my eyes again and just enjoyed the sensation of each tentacle laying countless eggs inside my womb, my stomach and my bowels.
I figured, judging by how huge my stomach had grown, that I'd woken up towards the end of the creature's load, but I was wrong. It wasn't even half way done. With each new egg placed inside me, another was pushed away to make room, and I became that much more full. I rubbed my belly and I could feel them solid beneath my skin. A small thought occurred to me, of how it was kind of a bad thing for another a****l to lay its eggs inside you, but it was washed away in the din of pleasure I experienced.
Just in the time after I'd regained consciousness, the creature must have laid had hundreds of eggs in me. But finally, it must have reached the end of its supply, as the constant influx of eggs was replaced by a torrent of hot liquid, the creature's cum I assumed. As if on cue, with the liquid, came a torrent of orgasms. It was so much, I found myself drifting in and out of consciousness. Into wet dreams like I'd never seen, and back into the world where I was full of this strange creature's eggs, and loved it.
Then I blanked out for the last time, and awoke naked in the river outside of the cave. For a moment I thought the whole thing was a dream, but then I noticed my stomach. I was huge. HUGE. It bloated to an unbelievable degree, I looked very, very heavily pregnant. Like I was having triplets. Maybe quadruplets? I kind of hoped I was still dreaming, since this was pretty inconvenient. Still, I made the effort to stand, and it wasn't easy, but I managed it. I collected my things, and put my shorts and tank top back on. My top had no hope of covering my belly, so I didn't even try. I wondered where my bikini had gone, but figured it was probably back in the cave, and there was no way I was going back in there. Not that it mattered, I needed a new pair anyway.
Come to think of it, how had I gotten out? Even the hole I came in through was now too small for me to fit through. That feeling of confusion returned, as though reality had stopped playing fair. Cause and effect seemed to have lost all meaning to me, but I was too tired to dwell on it, all I wanted to do was get home. Thankfully, it was still light out, so I had a hope of getting home before mum got back from work. I slowly began to trudge through the woods, and it wasn't easy. I felt so heavy. I was full of hundreds of eggs, the thought of what would happen when they hatched filling me with excitement, instead of the horror one would expect from such a situation. Why was I so ok with what had just happened to me? I couldn't work it out, I was just happy to be out of the cave.
Working mostly on instinct as my conscious mind was busy with things it didn't see fit to let me in on, I stumbled my way home. I knew I couldn't let anybody see me in this state. They'd make me go to hospital, and for some reason, despite all logic, that seemed like a really bad idea. Luckily for me though, I beat mum home, and my sister was in her room. I quickly made may way to my own room and crashed on my bed, pulling my sheets all over me so as best to hide my hugely pregnant tummy.
I perceived mum come in a while later, and quickly assuming I'd fallen ill, left me to rest, but not before bringing me some water and vitamin c. I slept without waking the whole night, only stirring the next morning when mum came to check on me before heading off to work. She left me some more water and vitamins, and when I heard her close the front door on the way out, I found myself suddenly wide awake.
I lay there for a while in a daze, hoping, but not quite believing that what had happened to me yesterday was just a dream. The summer heat had started early again today, and I started to feel myself overheat under my covers, which were soaked in my sweat. With a groan I finally forced myself to stir, pulling off my sheets and sitting on the edge of my bed. I felt even heavier than before, and I was pretty sure my stomach had gotten bigger. I sat there with it resting on my legs, absent mindedly rubbing it all over, wondering just what I was going to do about this whole mess I was in. The hospital still seemed absolutely out of the question, and I didn't seem to have any other options, so I resigned myself to my fate of being an unwilling incubator to this bizarre creature's eggs. I took comfort from the thought that none of the worms seemed to have any teeth, and that they did seem oddly benign.
The urge to find a cool, open space slowly came to me, and before I'd even made a conscious decision, I found myself up and drifting towards the basement. I stripped out of my shorts and tank top as I descended the stairs. The air down there was nice and cool, and I felt a little refreshed. I sat in the middle of the room, the cool cement floor feeling really nice against my skin. I again started tracing my fingers across my engorged belly as that strange feeling of arousal I remembered from yesterday made my heart start to race.
I gently rocked my hips back and forth and moaned softly as I felt a stirring slowly build up inside me. The eggs seemed to be jerking about a little, as whatever was inside them began trying to force their way out. Damn these things grew fast! I was quite relieved that it would all be over soon, one way or another. That fantastic feeling of arousal was getting quite strong now, and grew more and more intense as each egg came to life.
"Oh my god!" I was startled suddenly by a voice coming from the top of the stairs. It was my little sister Hannah, and she looked freaked out. I looked up at her as she began quickly running down the stairs to my side. My arousal intensified even further as I watched her. She was wearing skimpy pyjama shorts and a matching top, and the sight of her plump little butt seemed to be the hottest thing I'd ever seen up to that point, and I felt a rush of giddiness that she would be here when my little ones came out. I don't know where it came from, but as far as I was concerned, Hannah was now the sexiest creature alive, and I found myself drooling at the thought of the worms ravishing her as they did me.
"Amy what the fuck? Are you ok?" she said, deeply concerned. I looked back at her, feeling a wild look in my eyes. "I feel weird." was all I managed to utter. She took my hand, and began to say something about getting me some help, but she was cut short as a an uncountable number of indescribable feelings suddenly peaked inside me, causing me to moan quite loudly. Hannah then screamed as she saw bulges begin to appear on my stomach, and start moving about. I could feel every worm finally hatch from its egg and start trying to make its way outside. One after another, two at a time, three, four, it went on and on. There were definitely hundreds, but I couldn't hope to estimate any closer than that. It was the strangest thing, disconcertingly wonderful. Every inch of my womb, stomach, bowels and even my intestines were being tickled by scores of these slippery little suckers.
I barely even noticed that Hannah was trying to get away, but I was holding onto her with a strength I didn't know I had. She kept screaming and struggling, begging me to let her go, but I really couldn't. Besides, she was being dumb, there was nothing to be afraid of. Silly Nahnah, that's what I used to call her, and she was being especially silly then, so I just held her tighter. I wanted to tell her to calm down, but I couldn't seem to speak. My throat was full of something. My first worm had made its way into the world, and there were more right behind it. When Hannah screamed even louder and her struggle became more frantic I knew she'd seen it emerge. I then felt a worm at my cervix, tickling it as it forced its way through. I savoured the wonderful feeling of it being stretched wide open, and my pussy start to fill from the inside. I couldn't believe, even as it was happening to me, that anything could feel so wonderful.
But it wasn't until I felt my ass wink open that I actually started cumming. It was a hell of a thing, with that first contraction, a torrent of worms began to pour out of my pussy and ass. Thankfully, the ones emerging from my stomach were a little more leisurely in their birth, coming out just one at a time, and I realised then that these creatures were as benign as I thought. They'd never want to hurt me, or anyone.
The flow of newborn worms from my nether regions wasn't a constant one, sometimes it was just one particularly large one forcefully pushing its way through until it popped out, followed by a whole bunch of smaller ones, and sometimes it was just a couple of average ones simply snaking their way out.
It seemed that most of the eggs that had been laid in my stomach had moved deeper while I slept, so far fewer ended up coming out from my mouth, only about a dozen or so. It wasn't until the last of them finally emerged and fell to the floor with a soft, wet plop that I was able to taste that amazing fluid they had all oozed on their way out. I savoured the divine flavour for a moment, and felt a lot more clear headed. I opened my eyes and looked at Hannah as she was being m*****ed by all the worms I'd given birth to so far. And there were a lot, they slithered and writhed all about her, some making their way up her leg, trying to get into her shorts.
She wasn't screaming so much as whimpering by then, and she was leaning back as far as she could go, but I was still holding on to her hand. She fell back to the floor suddenly when I let go, and the worms then swarmed all over her. A couple pushed their way inside her shorts and her sounds of fear and distress suddenly gave way to a pleasured sigh. A couple of other worms then worked together to pull her shorts down, as still more came out of me. Seemingly involuntarily, Hannah spread her legs apart, and she had a few worms on her pussy that seemed to be sucking all over, as a couple more made their way between her buttcheeks and did something that caused her to arch her back and gasp.
It was so insanely hot watching all this happen to her while I continued to give birth to a seemingly never ending horde of these strange worm creatures. They were all over the floor now, many completely ignoring the both of us, content to just spread out across the room. Others were tickling and sucking on my stomach and boobs, but I barely noticed that because the feelings coming from my pussy and ass were just overwhelming.
Hannah was now almost completely covered in worms, only her head and a few patches of skin below were visible, and she was moaning in a most arousing way. One worm then started to rub its tip across her lips, coating them in its clear slime, which caused her to to recoil in horror for a second before obviously seeing how great it tasted. She started to suck ravenously, and it seemed happy to just let her drink from it like a big, thick straw.
I noticed that I was starting to feel emptier and emptier, I was nearing the end of my litter. I felt my ass close shut, and a feeling of great relief as a final, really thick worm slid out. It seemed like the best was saved for last, as something similar was happening in my pussy, but this one was even thicker. It was slow going, but I loved the feeling of my whole pussy being stretched wider than it ever had been before. When it crowned, I couldn't believe how thick it was, and wondered how the hell I'd fit that thing inside me, along with all the others. It must have been at least four inches thick, and I loved seeing how my pussy stretched all around it as it slowly emerged. After it was about half way, maybe ten inches, the rest suddenly slid out and my pussy snapped shut behind it with a loud 'plop'.
I felt so empty, yet so satisfied. I looked down and my stomach was still somewhat bloated, and I realised that I must still have had all the now empty eggs in me. I didn't worry about it too much though, I was just glad to be back to a more manageable size. Hannah was still being m*****ed by a host of worms, though I noticed none seemed to have actually entered her yet. Perhaps they were waiting for something? Waiting for me? What could I do? I carefully crawled closer to her, trying not to tread on any of the worms. But it was unavoidable, they were simply EVERYWHERE. Granted, the room wasn't exactly huge, but I still couldn't believe that the whole lot of them were all inside me just a few minutes ago.
Still, the worms didn't seem to care when I crawled on them, so I figured they weren't being hurt. I hadn't really appreciated it in the cave yesterday, but the feeling of this warm, wet, wriggling carpet was quite amazing. And the smell! It now absolutely permeated the room, and that feeling of lightness came back.
Looking down at Hannah, with the worms all over her, sucking and massaging her, made me sigh. Her eyes were closed and mouth hanging open, a worm arched above her simply leaking its fluid into her waiting mouth. She made a few gargled sounds of contentment, and I just enjoyed the sight for a moment.
Then, all at once, most of the tentacles got off of her, only a few remaining around her feet. When she stirred and her eyes fluttered open, she just looked up at me with a weak smile.
"Hey." She said groggily.
"Hey." I replied, smiling back down at her. "How're you feeling?"
"Weird." she said as she arched her back and started to stretch like she'd been asleep for days.
"It's pretty hot today, how about we take this off?" I smirked mischievously, tugging at her top. Without a word she just sat up and raised her arms. She was now as naked as me, and I was more turned on than ever. I'd never realised how hot my sister was before. Her hair was light brown like mine, but she kept hers shorter, down to her neck. She wasn't a lot younger than me, she'd be fifteen in a few months, but her boobs hadn't gone through the growth spurt mine had just yet, so they were still just perky little buds with small nipples. I licked my lips at the sight, and leaned down to put my lips on hers. It was weird feeling the tentacles in my hands as I supported myself on my arms, and I couldn't resist gripping what I could grab, and loved how they slithered between my fingers.
My sudden kiss seemed to confuse Hannah a little. She didn't try to push me away, but she seemed to start trying to say something into my mouth. She quickly gave up in favour of tenuously kissing me back though, and the taste of the worm's fluid was thick on her lips, and when I slid my tongue into her mouth, it met with hers, she quite suddenly grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me close, her tongue now passionately wrestling with mine.
It was my first time ever kissing a girl like this. Even when I'd fooled around with my cousin all those years ago we never really went that far, since we didn't know what we were doing. But now I felt like I was experiencing my first kiss ever, as all first kisses should be: a wonderful, unforgettable experience. I pulled my weight off my arms, grabbed her head and pulled her close to me, as we continued devouring each others lips.
I then felt a worm wrap itself around my ankle and start gently tugging on my leg as if trying to get my attention. I reluctantly broke our kiss, and looked back to see what it wanted, but it just let go and slithered away. I felt like I'd just been pranked, but then I noticed a couple of particularly long, thin worms emerge from the great mass that surrounded us and start slithering up Hannah's chest. They looked identical, about an inch wide and maybe two feet long. They began to leak copious amounts of their fluid from the holes at their tips all over Hannah's small breasts. While they did this, they used their other ends to massage it into her skin, paying particular attention to her nipples. Hannah smiled and gave a half moan half sigh as they did their work, making her chest all shiny and slippery.
I noticed that whatever they were doing was making her nipples start to swell up. I couldn't help but watch in fascination as after a couple of minutes they looked quite engorged. They kept at it for a little while longer before both simultaneously reared up and started pushing down on her nipples, and judging by the way they pressed into her flesh, they were doing it quite hard.
Hannah really came to life then, arching her back and moaning more and more frantically. What I saw next was unbelievable. Slowly but surely, her nipples began to stretch around the worms as they pushed harder and harder. Hannah seemed now to be stuck between a place of unimaginable pleasure, and deep discomfort. She didn't really seem to be in pain, but I could only imagine how bizarre it must have felt to have her nipples being slowly forced open and penetrated. I was a bit worried actually, since nipple holes are small, like REALLY small. It should not have been possible for anything thicker than maybe a pin to fit inside, and even then that would definitely not have felt good. But I quickly realised that the fluid they had used was somehow making her more stretchy.
Hannah suddenly screamed as the first worm finally managed to pop into her nipple, followed shortly by the second. It was such an incredible sight seeing her nipples being stretched to such an unbelievable degree, and she looked down at what was happening to her with a look of horror, mixed with an unmistakable amount of lust, on her face. Slowly, each worm wiggled its way in as I watched, utterly transfixed. A spiraling bulge began to form inside her boobs as more and more of the worms disappeared into her nipples. By the time they were about half way in, Hannah was reduced to a gibbering mess as she twitched and occasionally yelped from what looked like an insane orgasm.
Her chest was soon more bulge than boob, but the worms still had several inches left to go. They say time flies when you're having fun, but thankfully this seemed to be a pretty slow process, so I was able to truly enjoy the unbelievable sight before me. My naked little sister, her skin shiny from the slime all over her, thrashing about in a non stop climax as two long, slippery worms slowly oozed their way into her nipples.
When the last bit of the first worm finally disappeared inside Hannah's nipple, suddenly causing it to close shut with a soft, wet popping sound, looking at it, you'd never know it had been stretched so widely just a moment ago. When the second worm did the same, Hannah just lay there gasping for air. Her boobs looked quite silly then, as though she'd gotten some terrible spiral shaped implants. I wondered just what the hell these worms were doing in her boobs, and I gasped when I got my answer.
It was almost imperceptible at first, the spiral shape just becoming less and less defined, but the process seemed to accelerate exponentially and in mere moments it became quite obvious that her breasts had begun to inflate like a couple of balloons. My eyes grew wide as her boobs continued to expand. But they didn't just become larger, they also seemed to become more swollen. Right before my eyes, her breasts went through a considerable growth spurt, going from something that barely filled a b-cup, to what must have been at least a dd. Not only that, but her nipples grew along with them, and were now about the size of a thimble.
I admit, at that point I hadn't seen very many, but those were the most gorgeous boobs I had ever seen. They looked really firm, but not hard, and fell against her chest in big, beautiful lumps. Hannah had been watching the growth with as much interest as me, and she was the first to touch them. She initially just poked one with a finger, then quickly moved on to massaging them thoroughly. In fact, she ended up massaging them quite hard, as though they were hurting her. I decided to help her out a bit and moved my hands to rub them along with her.
She seemed grateful for the help, and our hands continuously clashed as they harshly rubbed her engorged, swollen breasts. I loved how they felt, fleshy, not fatty, and her nipples were so hard, they felt like a couple of tiny cocks. I suddenly felt something wet and warm on my fingers, and was shocked to find a stream of milk had started leaking out of her nipples. I licked up what was on my hands, and the next thing I knew, I was hungrily sucking on her tits.
I thought their fluid tasted great, but the milk these worms had caused Hannah to produce was something else entirely. It made every inch of me tingle and I sucked and sucked like I was dying of thirst. Hannah seemed to be enjoying it too, I could feel her wiggling beneath me, hear her moaning louder and louder as I continued gorging myself.
I felt satisfied before long, but couldn't stop drinking. I knew I had to stop though, so I forced myself to sit up and I gasped as though I was coming up for air after being underwater for a little too long. Milk was still leaking from Hannah's nipples, despite the amount I'd ingested, it didn't look as though I'd even made a dent in her overall supply. She then pulled me down to her and we started making out again. I crawled atop her, loving the feeling of her huge, soft boobs against my own, and soon my chest was coated in her milk.
I felt a worm slither between us from between our legs, and we both moaned into each other's mouths as it slithered higher and higher, rubbing against both our clits as it went. It nestled its way in between her boobs, and started pushing against me with a surprising amount of strength. I quickly took the hint and sat up, admiring the view beneath me. Hannah's boobs seemed to have gotten a bit bigger, and the worm curled itself around one of them and started suckling on her nipple. It whipped its tail up and attached its other end to her other nipple and sucked on that one too. What a greedy little guy!
Hannah was really enjoying what it was doing to her, and I decided to make her feel even better. I scooted back a bit and unceremoniously planted my lips around her clit and sucked it into my mouth. It had the desired effect, I could feel her hips involuntarily jerk, but I held her firmly in place and started to flick her clit with my tongue.
Having never eaten a girl out before, I was glad to see that I seemed to be doing a great job. Hannah went wild as I went to town on her pussy. She tasted so delicious, and I was thrilled as I brought her closer and closer to orgasm. She grabbed handfuls of my hair and pushed my head into her pussy, desperately grinding herself on my face. With Hannah's frantic movements, it was difficult to get at her clit when I wanted it, but it didn't seem to bother her. Her moans became screams and when I felt her pussy start twitching, and a gush of sweet fluid burst over my chin and in my mouth, I knew I'd done it, and was quite pleased with myself.
I stood up on my knees and smiled down at Hannah, though she didn't see me, she was too lost in pleasure. The worm detached from her nipples and slithered down her stomach towards her pussy. It was quite thick now, about maybe three inches across. I eagerly anticipated watching it stretch her pussy wide as hell and disappear inside her, but it didn't. When it got between her legs, it slid across her clit, reintensifying her lingering orgasms, but it kept going. I then realised that its goal wasn't Hannah's pussy, it was mine. It slithered up my thigh and attached one end to my clit.
It didn't start sucking as I expected though. It did something else entirely, I couldn't figure out what for the life of me, but it somehow felt as though it was entering my clit. The worm slowly flattened its tip against me, and I suddenly started to feel really weird down there. I was then pretty sure I could feel something small and thin then making its way into my urethra, but I couldn't be sure. It detached itself from my thigh and simply hung limp between my legs, still firmly attached to my clit and the area surrounding it.
The weird feeling became more pronounced as I noticed the worm begin to change colour, and though the sensation was slow to come on, it was in an instant that I realised that I was starting to FEEL the worm, as if it was a part of my body. It was now the same hue as my own flesh, more or less, and it raised itself up, the end not attached to me swelling up as it went.
There was no mistaking what the worm now looked like. While I had always perceived them in the same way as I did a penis, it now genuinely resembled one. A really fucking big one. And it was mine. I could actually feel it when I reached down to touch it. The tip, which had swelled into a very cock-like head, was as sensitive as my clit. I shivered at the sensation, and then noticed Hannah, who had seen the whole thing. Her mouth gaping, her eyes had a look of unbridled lust. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, but she loved the sight.
She crawled over to me til her face was mere inches from my new cock, and looked up at me wide eyed and horny. "Can I... can I have that?" she asked, quivering.
"All yours lil sis." I replied. With that she licked it, getting a good taste of the fluid that was leaking from the hole at the tip. Her eyes lit up and she started licking more, the feeling of her tongue playing with my cock was heavenly. She wrapped her lips around it, and tried to suck as much of it into her mouth as she could. It was too thick for her to get much in, but she continued sucking the fluid from its hole and making my knees quake.
My legs just couldn't handle the amazing sensations she was causing, and I slowly sank to the ground, Hannah's mouth hungrily following my cock until I was fully laying down, sighing as I felt the mass of worms beneath me massaging my back. She quickly settled into our new position and wildly slurped and sucked on my cock.
"Mmm, tastes so good." she sighed between sucks, then started bobbing her head up and down on the small part of the head she could fit into her mouth. "But I want it deeper inside me." Hannah looked up at me, her eyes full of lust.
"Then come here." I said, and reached down to pull her face up to mine. As soon as our lips met, our mouths practically fused together. I loved the feeling of my tongue in her mouth, hers in mine, and when they met in between. I could feel her pussy against the shaft of my cock, and she grinded against it as we kissed with intense passion. I felt it move a bit, and though I couldn't quite tell what was going on down there, Hannah lifted her hips up a bit and before I knew it, I could feel her pussy slowly start to open up around my cock.
Hannah sat up on me and started wiggling her hips to try to force my cock deeper into her insanely tight pussy. The head had barely entered her when I felt it come up against a barrier that I knew to be her hymen. Hannah jolted from a sudden feeling of pain, but then cautiously started to put more and more weight onto me. And then, as if she suddenly stopped giving a shit, she lifted her knees enough to put ALL her weight on my cock. Her scream pierced my ears as the whole head suddenly popped in and began a slow descent into her pussy. I couldn't tell if it was a scream of pain or pleasure, but she kept forcing herself lower and lower onto my cock regardless.
We locked eyes as she descended and she grabbed my head, pulling my mouth to hers. My own hands traced random patterns across her back, hoping to add a little tenderness to this intense, raw passion that was electric between us. It was futile though, because I soon found my hands at her lower back, pulling our crotches together as hard as I could.
I wasn't sure how long my cock was, maybe a foot, maybe more, but it was a little over half way buried in her pussy when it met her cervix. Did I mention how tight her pussy was? It bears repeating. Being inside her felt like trying to put on pants several sizes too small. But then I felt her cervix quivering and it was almost too much. She started lifting herself up and dropping down, gasping at each impact as my cock slammed against her cervix.
"I need more Amy!" she whined. "Fuck that thing right into me!"
Well, if she insisted. It took us a couple of seconds, but we quickly found a rhythm so her downward motions were met with my upward thrusts. Each impact sent shivers up my spine which spread across my whole body, but I could feel it going a tiny bit deeper each time. Her cervix was soon open enough to allow a bit of the tip of my cock past it, but all it took was one, final thrust for it to pop in, at which point she suddenly stopped, arching her back and staring at the ceiling, mouth agape.
Her body seemed paralysed, and I just sat there and watched her sink lower and lower onto my cock. I felt the back of her womb stretching around it as her pussy consumed the final couple of inches. She was still in the same posture, just letting out one big, long sigh as she grew accustomed to being stretched so wide, and penetrated so deep.
She slowly started rocking her hips back and forth, building up intensity until she was frantically bouncing up and down on my cock. Her boobs were still leaking milk, which also covered my own chest, and I couldn't help but reach up to play with them as she rode me. When I felt that she was definitely used to having me inside her, I began thrusting. She couldn't keep up with me, and soon she stopped moving at all as I started really pounding into her.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" was all Hannah could scream as I fucked her harder and harder. Her tits bounced with each thrust. Her pussy was stretched so wide around my cock, it looked so incredibly hot and I couldn't imagine how good she must have been feeling. It felt pretty amazing to me too, but it was such an unfamiliar sensation. I could feel her pussy squeezing every inch of my cock as I thrust into her just far enough to leave only the head in her womb.
I could feel something welling up inside me, something I'd never felt before. I didn't really know what it meant, but with it my cock seemed to become more and more sensitive. Then I felt a worm pushing its way between my buttcheeks and up against my ass. It wasn't gentle, but it didn't hurt as it forced my tight hole open and wiggled its way in, deeper and deeper. It then stiffened, refusing to move with me, so instead, I moved against it as I thrust hard into Hannah. Just as I fucked her, I fucked it.
Hannah was going wild atop me, screaming and babbling incoherently as she was utterly overcome with pleasure. I grabbed her buttcheeks and held her in place and deepened my thrusts. I inched my fingers closer to her butthole all the while, before finally finding it and teasing it with my fingers. As if I'd pushed a button, that set her right off. I felt her pussy spasming all over my cock, as the worm in my ass suddenly seemed to swell up to nearly twice its size.
Hannah and I then came together, and I felt myself shooting a huge amount of liquid deep into her womb as her pussy massaged my cock. This liquid seemed to be coming from inside though, not from the worm that had attached itself to me. I grabbed onto her back and pulled her close, and she fell onto me, her engorged boobs pressing tight against my body. I gasped in shock as I felt the worm in my ass start popping out... over and over again. I quickly realised that it had become 'ribbed for my pleasure', and with perfect timing it pulled each section out of me, making my ass stretch and contract as it went.
I felt like the two of us were now just a pile of orgasms, and my ejaculation continued unabated. Hannah shivered on top of me as her entire system was wracked by the greatest things she had ever felt. Despite how lost I was in this orgasmic delirium, I couldn't help but notice that her pussy seemed to be slowly sliding off my cock. I moved my hands back down to her butt, and noticed that it was a lot higher than it was just before.
The realisation that I was shooting so much cum into her that her stomach was being forced to expand to contain it all seemed to get me shooting into her even harder. I could swear I could even hear it splashing against the walls of her womb. I found myself suddenly sitting up, so that she was now in my lap, and the worm in my ass now bore all my weight, which made its journey out of me even more incredible. I then pushed Hannah down onto her back. The bulge in her stomach was now quite easy to see, and I couldn't help staring at it growing bigger and bigger as I kept unloading into her.
I don't know how long this took, it's hard to keep track of time when you're so overloaded with ecstasy you're barely aware you even exist, but I could see her stomach swell more and more with each great spurt. By the time I was done, she looked heavily pregnant. Not as big as I'd ended up before, but maybe about 8 months along.
I let out a long, deep exhalation when the worm in my ass finally exited all the way, and my torrent of cum finally died down. I took a moment to admire my handiwork. Hannah's huge boobs contrasted nicely with her now huge tummy, and the look on her face was one of total contentment and satisfaction. I wiggled my hips, trying to squeeze out every last drop of cum, and then suddenly I found that I could no longer feel my cock. Still buried deep inside my little sister, I watched it detach itself from my clit and started worming its way deeper into her pussy until it disappeared altogether.
It had a pretty big effect on Hannah though, as she quite obviously started cumming again. Looking down at her, I then noticed that my own stomach was now as flat as it had been before this whole thing started. It occurred to me that maybe the worm had somehow used all the eggshells inside me to help create the huge amount of cum I'd just unloaded. How efficient! I was honestly just glad to have them out of me either way, though I felt an odd urge to see my tummy all swollen again.
Oh well, there'd be plenty of time for that, for now I wanted to see how Hannah was doing. She was lying on her side now, drooling and occasionally twitching, obviously still cumming pretty hard. I somehow knew she was pregnant with something, though no eggs had been laid in her. Was the life cycle of these creatures really this complicated? I couldn't wait to find out!
To be continued...
Hannah lay on a pile of worms, her swollen breasts and belly shiny from all the fluid which now covered the both of us. My hands were shaking and I had a hard time maintaining balance because I was just so completely overwhelmed by my arousal. The sight of her, the sight of the worms and the thought of what was happening was almost too much for me. I was sitting there with a vacant stare for far too long, but there were so many possibilities. I felt that I had become a creature of urge, but with so many fighting for supremacy within me, I was practically paralysed.
I was still aware of the worms all around me. Each individual one, in some way, occupied a small part of my mind. I wanted desperately to be fucked, to cum again. I wanted desperately to fuck Hannah, to make her cum again. I collapsed. Worms then covered me completely, tickling my flesh, teasing me with an orgasm that constantly seemed just out of reach. I didn't need to breathe, all I needed was this wiggling cocoon. They slithered across my pussy, my clit, my ass. They wrapped themselves around my boobs, my nipples, squeezing. It was heavenly. My mouth hang open, and before long, as if they'd decided I'd had enough torment, a worm began to make its way into my mouth and down my throat. I could feel its entire length as it went deeper, it was inside my stomach by the time its tail end slipped past my lips. A warm, soft kind of pleasure irradiated outward from the worm inside me, and another one began to enter my mouth, then down my throat, just as the one before it had.
I felt the first one enter my intestines, spreading its warmth as it went. Deeper and deeper within me, an indescribable sensation had me shivering with delight, a feeling which seemed to change slightly when the next worm followed. And more kept coming in. I didn't bother to count how many, but by the time the first one slowly stretched my ass open and began worming its way out, another had just started on its way down my throat.
I wasn't cumming though. I kind of didn't mind, but it suddenly occurred to me that something was different. This was more of a massage than a fucking. A massage of my insides. It was deeply soothing, and quite pleasurable. It had calmed my mind, allowing me to focus. It removed my frantic urge to cum and allowed me to simply enjoy the erotic, almost romantic pleasures these worms could offer. One by one, through my mouth, down my throat, and all the way through my entire being they slithered, until finally coming out of my ass, stretching it in such a way that I never seemed to quite get used to it. It never loosened up at all in fact, which was odd.
When finally the last one emerged, my asshole popping shut behind it, I felt like I had the energy to sit up again. I noticed Hannah's stomach had gotten noticeably bigger - considerably so. It looked like she could fit two beach balls inside. And yet her flesh didn't seem stretched to bursting like I would have expected, it retained a degree of suppleness that had me tingling again. She was rubbing it all over with one hand and massaging one of her breasts with the other while a group of worms congregated between her legs. There were a couple attached to her nipples as well, contorting themselves in sucking motions, drawing her milk into increasingly large, pulsating sacks. Judging by the way her body was writhing about, she may have been screaming with pleasure were it not for the worm in her mouth. It seemed to be practically pouring its fluid down her throat, as large amounts of it were seeping out the sides of her lips.
It was an incredibly arousing sight, and I was happy to just sit there and watch, enjoying the feeling of the worms beneath me rubbing against my pussy. The urge to cum was returning , and I kind of felt like I was getting close, then the worms at her tits really caught my eye. The sacks had grown in the few seconds since I started watching, and were now about as big as a pair of bowling balls. And they were not only pulsating, but bulging in such a way that it looked like they were full of tiny creatures. That realisation drove me wild, I couldn't help but start touching my pussy, fighting against the worms that were down there for access to my clit. I grabbed a boob and then noticed that my nipples were now just as sensitive. With a gasp, I gave my actual clit back to the worms and brought both my hands to my chest and started rubbing and squeezing them, throwing my head back and sighing as I felt an orgasm welling up from an unfamiliar place. My nipples had also become engorged, just like Hannah's had before...
With that sudden realisation, I opened my eyes. Hannah was kneeling before me, the worms from her nipples in each hand, giving me a strange smile around the worm which still hung out of her mouth. She continued to drool copious amounts of their fluid, which trickled down her enormous breasts and even more enormous stomach. The sacks of the worms in her hands were still pulsating, and they thrashed about as she brought them closer. I couldn't help but fall backwards. I was so excited at what I was about to experience, everything seemed to move in slow motion as Hannah loomed above me and pressed the worms to my nipples. Immediately, they began to push, and at that moment, I finally started to cum again.
My nipples began to stretch, slowly at first, but the more they did, the more intense my orgasm became. Small twitches turned to convulsions, or at least they would have, but the worms held me in place, and Hannah was straddling me now, her massive belly eclipsing most of my vision, at least in those brief moments I could keep my eyes open.
She fed the worms into my nipples, and it was slow going, but I didn't mind that one bit to be honest. When they were maybe three inches in, bulges began to inch their way towards me. They stretched my nipples to an insane degree, and the pleasure I felt as they did so was incredible. A bunch of small, wriggling creatures were then released into my boobs, and I barely had a chance to react before another couple of bulges stretched my nipples once more, and another burst of those creatures entered my breasts, which had begun to expand to accommodate them. This process was repeated dozens of times, and each time was as intense as the first, if not more so.
By the time they were done, my boobs were bigger than Hannah's, only full of these strange little creatures, and I could feel them squirming inside. I exhaled a long, overdue breath, and was able to open my eyes and focus, just in time to see the worm in Hannah's mouth wriggle its way past her lips and down her throat, and I watched it bulge as the worm went deeper, before disappearing. Still holding the two worms, she licked up the fluid around her mouth. I wiped away what was left on a finger and brought it to my own mouth. Damn it was tasty. I so desperately wanted to taste it on her lips too, but her stomach and my boobs made it impossible. Instead, I just rubbed her breasts and pinched her nipples, which were still slowly leaking milk. I'd occasionally taste some off my hands while I massaged her, and she seemed to be enjoying it very much.
"That feels so nice Amy," she cooed. "But..."
Without another word, she moved the ends of the worms she was holding towards her nipples. They responded instantly, and started trying to force their way on. The penetration seemed a lot easier than the first time, they popped inside in just a couple of seconds, and were soon a few inches deep.
"Oh oh fuck!" she gasped as she began twitching from a mind blowing orgasm. The worms, forming a nipple to nipple bridge between us, began to push deeper into each of our boobs, bringing us closer together, until there was only about an inch of each worm showing. Still not close enough for me to devour her lips the way I wanted, but enough that I was able to put my arms part way around her. We stared deep into each other's eyes, and through them, our pleasure seemed to reverberate between us. Then suddenly, hers went wide and she gasped.
"Oh my god! I can feel them... sucking me!" she then trailed off into a panting fit, and it wasn't long before I realised what was happening. The worms began squirting her milk directly into my boobs.
"Fuck I feel it now!" I cried when I felt the first warm splashes. The little creatures inside went wild then as well. I don't know what was happening, but soon torrents of Hannah's milk were being pumped into my boobs, and they grew more and more.
"Hannah please... rub them." I groaned, taking her hands and bringing them to my engorged, creature-filled tits. It felt amazing when she started to squeeze them.
"Wow, I can feel the little things in there. They're getting bigger!" she exclaimed. And she was right. The continued inflation of my breasts was only partly from Hannah's milk filling them up. The little creatures also seemed to be drinking it up, and growing at a considerable rate. They were maybe the size of tic-tacs at first, but by this point seemed to be at least four times as large, and there must have been thousands of them. And all of them were still growing!
"Fuck that feels so good Hannah." I moaned.
"Mmm, rub mine too." she said, wriggling her body against mine invitingly. I obliged immediately of course, and her boobs felt amazing. I could feel them pulsing from the worms sucking out her milk, and then more being made to fill them up again. I squirmed against her too, and I could swear I felt something stirring within her belly, just for a moment.
My boobs were so big by now that Hannah was able to comfortably rest her head on one.
"I hope they don't pop!" she giggled, but then suddenly when stiff and yelped. She twitched a couple of times, then exhaled a long breath. "My ass Amy, oh my god! It's going so deep... feels goooooood..." she trailed off, shuddering.
"It's about time your little ass got fucked." I smiled, staring up at her. She was lost to the world though, and remembering what had happened to me, I could only imagine what she must have been feeling considering everything else that was happening. A worm suddenly started pushing itself into my pussy. It felt huge, my pussy slowly stretched open to let it in. I saw stars behind my eyes as it forced it open wider, until it popped in and within moments slammed itself against my cervix. I cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain, whatever pain even meant to me any more. It wasn't at all unpleasant, it was just a different kind of amazing.
I don't know exactly what it did then, but it felt like a bunch of small tentacles emerged from the tip of the worm inside me and tickled open my cervix. They slowly entered my womb and stroked every inch of it from the inside. I tried to arch my back, but the weight of my now yoga ball sized boobs and Hannah on top of me kept me in place. The feeling inside me was insane, my pussy was stretched wide, and I had all these tiny little fingers which had my womb tingling at their touch.
Hannah was convulsing above me, her mouth hanging open and a mixture of saliva and what must have been the worm's fluid drooling out. The worm soon passed her lips and oozed its way out of her mouth. The sight was so hot, I started cumming again, and then again when it forced its way into my mouth, and yet again when I felt Hannah stiffen once more, and the worm in my pussy start shoving its other end into hers.
We were now connected by four worms, through our nipples, mouths and pussies. When the worm in my mouth started down my throat, the feeling was familiar, but much more sexual. The warmth was now heat, and it mingled with my endless orgasms, sending me to higher and higher levels of heaven. The worm left Hannah's mouth at about the same time the one in her pussy hit her cervix, and considering her reaction, it must have been doing something similar to her as it was to me, only more intense. I wondered how her heavily pregnant womb was making her feel. All she could do was gasp and moan.
The worm continued down my throat, and its far end was well into my intestines when the last of it left my mouth.
"Amy Amy Amy! Thank you." Hannah choked on the last of her words as another worm entered her mouth via her throat and made its way towards mine. I kept it open, waiting for it to arrive. The first had begun to force its way out of my ass when the second unceremoniously shoved itself into my throat. Somehow I knew another had just fully entered Hannah's ass, and the one coming out of mine went straight back in there. We had at least three worms now making a circuit through us, with just enough distance between them to allow each hole a moment to recover before the next went through.
Then, the worm in our pussies started thrusting. It contracted itself in the middle, then expanded, and its little feeler tentacles strained to keep a hold inside my womb as it went, and that just made it even more intense. I had wanted to be fucked before, and now I was getting everything I'd hoped for and more. Whenever either of us were without a worm lodged in our mouths, Hannah and I both screamed and babbled incoherently. I tried to thrash about, but I was restrained, however she was free to feverishly buck and pound herself against me.
The worms synchronised themselves after a short while. Whenever one popped out of my ass, the one in my pussy caused its little feeler tentacles to spasm, and the ones in my nipples would ejaculate a large bit of milk they had saved up over a few seconds. I was going insane. It was a pleasure that escalated continuously, and one that I never managed to get used to. It was new every time, and the stars behind my eyes began to burst, and it felt like every cell in my body was doing the same.
This time, when I passed out, it wasn't sudden. I gradually lost consciousness as more and more of my mind was overtaken by unspeakable ecstasy. The last thing I remembered then was Hannah going limp on top of me, and with my last fading shred of awareness, I savoured the meticulous assault on my body, and a swirling vortex of pleasure then whisked me away.
I was jolted back to reality by the sound of the front door closing, and then footsteps for a moment, which suddenly stopped. I was on my side now, facing Hannah who was in a similar position. She was awake too, her eyes darted upwards, then down towards our bodies, then up into mine. Her belly had grown close to double its previous size, as had my boobs. And mum was home. We both smirked, thinking the same thing. This was about to get interesting.
Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I can't say I was worried about mum's reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence after the footsteps, I knew that mum had noticed the smell. Remembering the effect it had on me in the cave, I knew she'd be drawn down here, but she sure seemed to be taking her time.
After a little while, we heard the sound of muffled voices coming from upstairs, which meant only one thing: mum had not come home alone! I could make out three distinct voices; other than mum's, there was one male and one female. It took me a second to recognise them, but when I did, I couldn't help but gasp. The female was definitely my cousin Jenny, and the male was her dad, uncle Jeff. I gave Hannah a look of excited shock, and we both tried to stifle a giggle as we realised things were going to get very interesting indeed!
Their footsteps started again, but they were different, slower, like they didn't know where they were going, only that they had to go there. As expected, they were being drawn towards the smell. It wasn't until they took their first steps down the basement stairs that they actually noticed what was going on. Getting my first look at the three of them, I started going into overdrive again, I couldn't help but undress them with my eyes and imagine all the perverted things we would soon be doing to each other.
When they saw us, their eyes bulged, looks of horror and disbelief on all three faces. They seemed to try to form words, but just couldn't. What could they say? Hannah was pinned beneath her ludicrously pregnant stomach, as I was by my immense, writhing boobs, and the both of us were surrounded by a sea of white, slippery worms. Under normal circumstances, maybe they would have screamed. Run away? Tried to help? No way of knowing. Whatever chemicals the worms exuded removed those kinds of emotional responses, and replaced them with an incredibly intense level of sexual arousal.
They couldn't tear their eyes away from us as they lowered the staircase, and when they reached the bottom, just in front of all the worms, I noticed mum's work slacks, and Jenny's jeans looked soaked. Like utterly drenched, as if they'd wet themselves. Uncle Jeff had a prominent bulge in his pants, which he was u*********sly rubbing. Mum broke the silence.
"What's going on? What is this?" she stammered, as she started pulling her pants down like she had no idea what she was doing.
"These are our new friends." I smiled. "Come say hi!"
Mum muttered something about this all being a dream, and stripped out of the rest of her clothes. I admired her beautiful body. Her boobs were incredible, big and round, with just a little sag, and the way her hips flared out made my clit tingle. I could also see her pussy juices dripping down her inner thighs. She was practically gushing, I didn't think it was possible for a woman to be so wet. I wondered if Hannah and I were leaking just as much, but it was so hard to tell since the worm's fluid was simply everywhere.
Then, she dipped her toe into the worms, like she was about to step into a hot bath, before immersing herself. I could hear her moaning and whimpering as the worms enveloped her. It wouldn't be long before she started cumming, but it would be a while before she stopped.
Jenny and Jeff were also mindlessly undressing themselves, but couldn't seem to take their eyes off the insanity before them. I stared at Jenny, memories flooding back to me of the days where we fooled around. We were just exploring each other, more out of curiosity and boredom than anything else, but now I was eagerly anticipating taking things more than a few steps further.
She was about my age, with long, dark hair and brown eyes which she inherited from her mum. Watching her undress was captivating. Her boobs made me drool. They were definitely bigger than mine were before the worms had their way with me, and her nipples with slightly puffy, and pointed upwards a little. And her pussy was leaking as much, if not more than mum's. Her juices didn't just trail down her thighs, they actually dripped down between her legs like a leaky tap. She then waded through the worms, which were about half way up her shins, then sank down to her knees and fell onto her side. The worms quickly enveloped her as they had mum, just as Uncle Jeff had fully removed his own clothes.
His cock was rock hard, and he was rubbing it with a bit more purpose now. When he joined us, the worms reacted quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Their slow, sensual slithering became a frantic writhing, and my boobs followed suit. They felt like they were going to explode, as the countless creatures inside them started to really come to life. Mum and Jenny had emerged from the worms, and with glazed over eyes they watched me intently. Hannah stared as well, though she was smiling a little since she had at least some idea of what was about to happen.
I squealed when I felt one of my nipples expand from the inside, a thousand tickling sensations followed as one of the little creatures started pushing its way out. The same thing happened to my other nipple, and they both stretched wider and wider. These new creatures were about the size of a kiwi-fruit, white like the other worms, but their little mouths were surrounded by tiny, wiggly feelers. I wasn't surprised by how wide my nipples had opened up, but it was a sight to behold. And god it felt good. It didn't take them too long to finally emerge, I cried out in joy when first one, then the other finally popped out. These little guys weren't worms, or were a different kind at least. They had segmented bodies, and lots of little legs. They were almost insect like, but they had no exoskeletons, they were soft all over. The first two scurried down my boobs, causing a wonderful tickling sensation across every bit of flesh they touched.
Everyone was watching me, and all four of them were masturbating furiously while worms slithered around their bodies. Our three newcummers made muffled moans as they drank from some worms lodged in their mouths, while a couple of familiar looking long, thin worms were massaging and drooling all over mum's nipples. A few smaller ones found their way into her pussy and ass, disappearing inside and making her shudder and try to scream.
The next couple of little bug like worms, which I decided to call ticklers, started to come out of my boobs, slipping out and falling to the ground after a few seconds. Then another pair, and another. Each one seemed to have a different plan once it had been born. Some immediately made their way into my pussy, and the feeling of them tickling my womb was unbelievable. A couple slipped into Hannah's pussy, and they seemed to be having a similar effect on her, but also causing whatever was growing inside her to stir. Most seemed to just enjoy tickling us all as they crawled over our skin. A couple started to nuzzle at Uncle Jeff's cock, and another tickled his balls, causing him to let out a loud grunt and collapse on his back, happy to just let them do their thing.
It seemed like it was going to take hours for all of the creatures to emerge from my tits, but it was kind of nice noticing them start to shrink as more came out. I was quite looking forward to standing up again. In the meantime however, the worms had really started to get to work on the others. The ones at mum's boobs were forcing their way into her nipples, while another had completely swallowed Uncle Jeff's cock. Jenny was being fucked surprisingly hard by a rather thick one in her pussy, while the worm in her mouth disappeared down her throat. Many others slithered across her skin, and suckling on her nipples and her clit, coating her in a thick layer of their goo. A tickler was poking around between her buttcheeks, before disappearing into her tight little ass. She wiggled her hips happily, moaning quite loudly.
I watched the scene before me for a while, as I gave birth to hundreds more ticklers from my nipples. They soon developed a habit of popping in and out of any of our holes they could get to. Even squeezing past worms which already occupied the space, causing unbelievable stretching and unimaginable pleasure. Not even mum's boobs were safe, with a few slipping inside even while the worms were forcing their own way in. When they finally made it all in, and mum's tits began their expansion, the ticklers shoved their way out amid a torrent of milk.
The worm on Uncle Jeff's cock seemed to be fusing with him somehow. He writhed and moaned as it did its work. It was similar to what the worm which had impregnated Hannah had done to me, it changed its colour to match his skin and grew a bulbous head on the end. By the time it was finished, it just looked like a massive cock, veins and all. And I do mean massive - at least the size of my forearm, a thick trickle of fluid leaked from the tip. I could swear I noticed his balls growing as well, and as if on autopilot he began to stroke and rub his cock and balls. He was staring at mum in amazement, drooling as he watched her tits continue to grow, until they were over twice their original size.
Mine on the other hand had shrunk down to a more reasonable size, though there were still more ticklers to come. I could get up and move about now at least, and I crawled over to mum, who was rubbing her new tits with a delirious smile. As I crawled, the ticklers popping out of my nipples scampered their way up onto my back, and down my spine, causing shock waves of pleasure to ripple throughout my whole body. They then slipped into my ass and made their way deep inside me.
When I reached mum, I gently took her hands and pulled her arms above her head, pushing my chest into hers and kissing her deeply. She gasped, but then immediately shoved her tongue as far into my mouth as she could, and I did the same with mine. Ticklers were emerging straight from my nipples and into hers as we made out. Mum pushed up at me, wanting us to be as close as possible, then pulled her lips away and kissed across my neck, up and down, licking and biting my ear as she went. I shuddered and collapsed on top of her, it was just too much!
"Your little friends are amazing darling. They feel so wonderful in my tits." mum whispered to me as I cried out in bliss.
"I know, and you haven't seen anything yet." I gasped, clamping my mouth onto hers for another passionate kiss. As if wanting to prove just how right I was, I felt mum practically scream into my mouth. A worm had slithered between her legs and was nuzzling on her clit while it arched its other end around and forced it deep into her pussy. I could feel the force of it fucking her, slamming itself into her g-spot with hard, well aimed strokes. And through all that, a group of ticklers were popping in and out of her ass as if they were playing a game of some kind. Mum was panting and swearing as our new friends fucked her, and she suddenly tensed up and began to twitch. She went silent, her mouth hanging open with a trickle of drool pouring out. The worm in her pussy was inflating and deflating itself, and it was making mum cum in a way she could never have thought possible.
She came back to her senses after a little while, and demanded my lips again. I was more than happy to oblige, I licked up the trail of drool from her neck up to her lips, and I trailed my tongue across them, planting a soft kiss on each. I then felt something soft and warm on my butthole, and I thought for a second that it was a little worm , but when I felt a couple of hands spank my cheeks and heard a soft giggle behind me, I realised that Hannah had somehow made her way over to us. It couldn't have been easy considering the size of her tummy, but I was glad she made the effort. She enthusiastically rimmed me as mum and I took turns sucking on each other's tongues. Before long, my ass winked open, and out came a tickler, which Hannah immediately swallowed. She sighed as it crawled down her throat, and put her lips over my little pink hole and started sucking with all her might. It felt amazing, as more and more of them went from my ass to her mouth, and she was making these gurgling noises which had me gushing.
A familiar warm feeling began to spread from my stomach up into my throat. A worm which had been resting inside had decided to emerge. At that instant I realised that the last of the ticklers had been born. My boobs were back to their original size and shape, and I couldn't help but rub them. Mum's had grown to accomodate my brood, and she really seemed to enjoy them moving about and drinking her milk from the inside. This also caused the occasional torrent to squirt out and my chest was covered in it. I wanted so badly to suck one of her nipples as far into my mouth as I could and drink her delicious, nourishing liquid, but the worm in my throat had already pushed past my lips and into mum's mouth.
As much as I loved my lovely little worms slithering in and out of my holes, I really wanted this one out as soon as possible. I just had to have a drink from mum's massive, milky, tickler filled boobs, I just had to. The thought was driving me wild, and when the the worm had finally come out all the way, squirting a bit of its own wonderful nectre onto my tongue as it left, I immediately grabbed one of mum's tits and sucked her swollen nipple into my mouth.
The rush of milk that followed was overpowering to all my senses, and there was so much of it! I couldn't swallow it all, and a lot leaked out the sides of my mouth. I ravenously suckled and swallowed, but the more I drank, the thirstier I seemed to get. I was so lost in my feeding frenzy, it wasn't until she was right next to me that I noticed Jenny was hungrily drinking from mum's other boob. I moved off mum and knelt next to her without missing a beat. Unfortunately, in my stupor, I'd forgotten about poor Hannah. A tickler was hanging half out of her mouth when I moved away, while another popped out of my ass and immediately scurried into one of her nipples, intensifying her gurgling for a moment.
Hannah pouted, but then I noticed her slowly inching forward somehow. The worms must have been moving her, and soon her face was right between mum's legs, and she needed no invitation, diving in and sucking on her pussy, covering her face in her juices. Mum cried out as she was hit with another wave of orgasms, but was suddenly stifled by uncle Jeff sticking his cock into her mouth. He'd been watching us and masturbating the whole time, but now he couldn't take it any more, he just had to join the fun. And who could blame him? His cock was leaking even more than before, and as soon as the taste hit mum's tongue, her eyes lit up and she lovingly began to suck his cock while stroking his balls. She licked up the shaft and looked up at him, and then slowly started to try to swallow it. It didn't look like she'd even be able to fit the whole head in her mouth, but Jeff started pushing. Her mouth expanded around his cock, and when the whole head slipped past her lips, it stretched improbably to accommodate it. I wondered if she was like a snake and had dislocated her jaw or something, but I figured the worm's fluid was probably a more likely culprit. Jeff met considerable resistance at her throat, but soon pushed past that and sank deeper and deeper.
"Mmm yeah that's it Claire, take it all the way down." he moaned.
By then I'd finally had enough milk, but kept a big mouthful which I shared with my uncle, much to his delight. We kissed as we shared the precious fluid, but I made sure he got most of it, he was going to need his strength! Jenny joined us after a minute or two, and we shared a three way kiss before uncle Jeff gently nudged us away, obviously wanting to watch the two of us. We wasted no time and we had our tongues deep in each other's mouths within a fraction of a second.
Mum continued swallowing his cock beneath us as it was fed to her by Jeff, and when she hit bottom, he slowly slid out before pounding back in. He furiously fucked her throat while he watched Jenny and I making out. We rubbed our clits on mum's nipples, and she grabbed our butts and pressed them firmly to her chest. Our pussies soon started to fill up with milk as the squeezing forced it up inside us, while in turn our juices liberally flowed all over mum. After a particularly intense gush, a tickler peeked out of each of her nipples, stretching them as well as our pussies as they made their way deep inside, tickling our cervixes open and nestling themselves comfortably in our wombs.
Jeff had started to let his cock linger inside mum's throat at its deepest point. A couple of worms inside her stomach were doing something to him that seemed to drive him nuts, he'd shudder every time. I loved watching the bulge in her throat pulsating as he rammed into her face, and the gurgling sounds she made were heavenly. She went stiff suddenly, obviously experiencing yet another incredible climax, in fact, I could hear her pussy gushing.
"Mum, you squirted all over my face!" exclaimed Hannah with four fingers still buried in mum's pussy.
Jenny gave me a look of uncertainty, not quite being used to this whole thing just yet, she didn't really know what any of it meant, or what to do next.
"Cmon Jenny, let's go clean that up." I said, giving her cheek a lick so she got the idea. We dismounted mum's boobs, leaking milk everywhere, and joined Hannah between mum's legs and started to lick mum's delicious cum off her face, and there was a lot of it. Jenny and I were both quite thorough, and I made Hannah squeal when I got to her ears. Hannah licked back when she could, just for fun, and eventually we settled into an intense three way kiss, dipping our fingers into mum's pussy and slurping all her nectar off our fingers.
We were broken from our reverie by Jeff shouting "FUUUUCK!" as he started to cum directly into mum's stomach. We could hear him squirting inside her, filling her up. He unloaded an incredible amount, causing her to bloat noticeably. Hannah, Jenny and I watched with great interest, Jenny seemed particularly overcome by what she was seeing.
With one last grunt, Jeff pulled his cock from mum's mouth, though he still had a couple more ejaculations left in him. As soon as it was clear, mum took a sharp, urgent breath, as though she had been holding it the entire time, while Jeff's cock spurted all over her face until he was finally done, and he collapsed on his back. The two of them were panting heavily, and Jenny suddenly slid herself up mum's body and started licking Jeff's cum off her face, shaking with each mouthful she swallowed, looking like she was in heaven. The way she slurped that stuff up turned me on like you wouldn't believe, but I have to admit, it also kinda made me mad that she wasn't sharing.
That feeling didn't last once I realised that Jeff's cock also probably needed a little a bit of a clean. Jenny and mum had started making out, as one could expect, and so with them distracted, and Hannah uncharacteristically immobile, Jeff's cock was all mine. While he was still recovering, I practically pounced on him and wrapped my lips as far around his cock as I could manage and sucked up a good mouthful of his cum. It was insane! It tasted really good, though not quite as good as the worms' fluids. It did however, seem to excite the worms in my stomach, and gave me a very sudden and very sharp jolt of arousal while I continued licking and sucking his cock. It was so big I couldn't believe it; licking from balls to tip was quite a journey.
"Thanks uncle Jeff, that was yummy!" I said when I felt I was done.
"Any time love." He replied, becoming distracted part way through his sentence, staring at something behind me. When I turned around, I saw that mum was now on all fours, with Jenny's head between her butt cheeks. Hannah hadn't moved of course, she and mum were drinking from each other's boobs. As if possessed, Jeff sat up, staring at the junction between mum and Jenny. I found the sight pretty arousing myself, I couldn't figure out what Jenny was actually doing back there. But as if on cue, she separated her face from mum's ass, and crawled towards me, shoved me onto my back, and practically tried to swallow my clit.
I'd never had my pussy eaten before, despite all the other things that had happened to me recently, and I loved it. Jenny's tongue felt heavenly as it flicked my clit, and looking down at her between my thighs drove me wild. I'd wanted this for so long, and I didn't even realise it. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into my pussy, grinding on her mouth.
"Oh Jenny, that's so good." I cooed, "Finger my ass."
Her fingers slipped easily into my slippery hole, and added wonderfully to the feelings she was giving me. I glanced up just in time to see Jeff get behind mum and position his cock at her pussy. They both moaned loudly as he started to push it in, her pussy stretched and stretched to accommodate it, and as hard as he pushed forward with his cock, she pushed back with her hips. When the head popped in, she craned her neck and gasped, just for a second, before returning to Hannah's nipple and sucking hungrily.
I wanted Jenny to see this, but more than that I wanted her to keep eating me out. I was getting close, and definitely did not want her to stop. I felt a tickler enter my pussy and then pause, using all its little legs and feelers to stimulate me, and I cried out as I started cumming yet again. Mixed in with my own screams were mum's.
"Deeper! Deeper!" she shouted as Jeff's cock was about half way inside her pussy, and still going. I was too lost in bliss to notice, but the worms had started moving Hannah towards me, until she was right next to Jenny. The sudden feeling of both their tongues on my nethers, one on my pussy, the other in my ass, had me cumming even harder.
"Fuck me Jeff!" mum screamed when Jeff reached her cervix. But little did she realise he wasn't quite done yet. She was groaning and pushing back on him even harder, as her cervix slowly opened around his cock. When it slipped past, she let out a surprised gasp as he entered her womb, went even deeper, and his balls slapped against her clit. Then he started to fuck her. Mum screamed like a maniac as he pounded her. Her butt jiggled at the apex of each thrust, and Jeff was thrusting hard. The wet, slapping sounds of their coupling, as well as Jenny and Hannah's tongues kept the waves of my orgasm from diminishing even a little. I came the entire time I watched them fuck. Mum and I would lock eyes occasionally, and we both seemed to feed off each other's pleasure. I'm pretty sure she was cumming the whole time too.
I could see Jeff's cock making a bulge in mum's tummy, it was so huge and so deep, stretching her womb and everything else inside her, and bringing her to heights of pleasure very few people have ever experienced. Some ticklers began to pop out of mum's ass, a couple hanging around her pussy, tickling her clit and Jeff's shaft, and others crawling up to squeeze their way into her boobs. The rest simply made their way straight to her mouth and back into her stomach.
Jeff was getting close, and we could all sense it. Jenny, Hannah and I made sure we had a clear view of what was about to happen. Jeff was playing with mum's enormous tits as he fucked her, before pulling her up towards him til they were both fucking vertically. His thrusts shallowed as his hips slapped against her butt cheeks, and he grunted deeply, on the verge of climax. And what a climax it was! When he came, he obviously came hard. Even more intense than the last time, his cum practically poured from his cock, filling mum's womb. When her stomach started to expand, mum and Jeff were both twitching and shaking.
"Oh my god..." Jenny gasped, hand at her mouth as she watched mum's womb expand. She seemed to love every fleeting moment as mum's stomach grew before her eyes. I loved it too, though admittedly seeing it didn't quite compare to actually causing the expansion myself. Hannah rubbed her own tummy as she watched, imagining mum's growing that big, and remembering how she'd gotten to that point in the first place. She was grinning the whole time she watched.
It took Jeff minutes to fill mum with his entire load, and she looked to be quite pregnant when he was done. Not as big as I had made Hannah, but I figured that whatever was inside mum was something new. Jeff gently lay her on her side as his cock slipped out of her with an audible pop, her pussy closing tight, preventing even a drop of his cum from escaping. We all converged on her then, holding her and kissing her, and we enjoyed this tender moment for a while, but then Hannah's immense stomach came to life. She started to moan with an intensity I had never heard before, and we could see bulges in her tummy rise and fall.
Whatever was gestating inside her had made it clear that it was ready.
It was only a few days in to my summer holidays. School was out for the year and I had nothing on my mind but killing time. I decided that day to go visit this small waterfall I'd discovered, though it was a pretty long hike so I started early. It was a particularly hot day, and by mid morning the air was already feeling sticky, and I'd have been sweating just lounging around the house. I looked forward to finding the falls, and the small river they emptied in to, just to jump in and cool off.
I was glad to see there were no people there when I finally arrived, and no sign of anyone in the area at all. After double checking that I was definitely alone, I stripped down to the bikini I was wearing under my cut-offs and tank top, and enjoyed the cool water on my skin. I looked down and admired my body a bit. I wasn't being egotistical or anything, my boobs were slow to start growing, only really making any progress over the previous year, and before that I was afraid I would end up flat chested or something. So it was certainly nice seeing my now C-cup boobs straining against the top that was now a bit too small for them. After spending a while lounging about under the waterfall, my long, brown hair now soaked several shades darker, I noticed what looked like the opening to a small cave hidden in the rocks behind where the water fell that I'd never noticed before. My natural inquisitiveness took over and I went over to check it out.
The hole wasn't big enough to just walk in unfortunately, but I knew I'd be able to fit without much difficulty. Of course, that seemed like a really bad idea because I had no idea where the hole led, and the risk of getting stuck was too great. Nevertheless, I continued to examine it, hoping to find some kind of clue as to what was inside. I threw some rocks in, and never heard them hit any walls, so I figured there must at least be a decent amount of space in there. I figured I'd come back another time when I was better prepared, but then I noticed an odd smell. It was faint, but quite pleasant, reminding me of the smell of baking cinnamon buns, somewhere off in the distance.
The scent became stronger though, and before long I realised that it was actually coming from inside the hole! I became very curious about the source of this aroma, this was definitely not what caves usually smelt like. I sat there weighing up my options. My desire to explore the cave was becoming almost overpowering, but still a sense that it was too risky caused me a great deal of conflict. The hole was certainly big enough for me to go in without much difficulty, and I started feeling a bit silly considering that I had brought a torch with me, and I knew enough about caves to avoid falling into a pit or something.
Well that did it, I grabbed my torch and carefully climbed through. That smell was even stronger now, and I noticed that I suddenly felt very light, as though I weighed as much as a feather. My head then began to tingle a little. The hole led into a tunnel of about the same size, which I carefully began to crawl though, not really knowing what I was doing. After around ten metres, the tunnel opened into a small area large enough for me to stand and walk around. I shone my torch around, finding nothing particularly interesting. I was hoping to maybe find something someone had left behind a long time ago, some fascinating relic of the past, but there was nothing but moist rock.
Despite my earlier belief, I suddenly felt the ground disappear as I began to fall. The torch slipped from my hands and was lost, so I could see nothing, but could feel myself falling. I cursed myself for getting so wrapped up in my own thoughts and not seeing the giant hole I now plummeted down. I'm not entirely sure how long I fell for, but it was certainly long enough for me to realise that I'd been falling for too long to possibly survive when I finally hit the ground.
Thankfully, that violent impact never happened. Instead, I felt myself hit something soft. Something really soft. So soft in fact that it gave way as soon as I hit it, stretching all around me like a weird bubble. I could still feel it all over me, stretching, slowing me down. When I finally landed, it was only enough to knock the wind out of me, and I was now covered in whatever it was that had slowed my fall. It was a strange kind of liquid, sticky, but slippery at the same time. It seemed to stick to everything, except my skin.
The ground I hit was quite soft, and moist. And lumpy and... moving. I stood up with a start when I felt an odd mass writhing against my butt. I still felt it under my feet of course, and I quickly realised it wasn't one solid mass, it was many. Long, thin, slippery shapes slithered under my feet. I tried to calm myself, thinking I'd just fallen into a real life pit full of god damn snakes, and that not moving was really my only option. But then I felt the snakes start worming their was up my legs. I have to admit I panicked then, and frantically tried to brush and kick them off me without falling over.
Suddenly, I was practically blinded my a bright flash of light. For a brief moment I thought it was sunlight, and that I was saved, or possibly just dreaming, but when my eyes adjusted I noticed that the walls of the cave had started glowing with a warm, clear light. I knew it was probably a huge colony of photoluminescent bacteria, but before I could think about it anymore, I finally saw where I was, and what was in there with me.
The entire floor of the cave was covered in a mass of wriggling worms of various sizes. Some as small and thin as a pencil, some were feet long and inches wide. They were all an off-white colour, and seemed to constantly ooze a clear, thick substance that I quickly realised was the source of the smell that led me in there. I can't even describe the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that welled up from the sight.
But that feeling of revulsion started to change a little. It turned into a pleasant tingling sensation, which oddly reminded me of those times when I was feeling particularly horny. More than anything, I was feeling confused at that point, because I was consciously aware of the dire situation I was in. Even without the weird horror movie creatures all around me, I was deep in the ground right now. It was a long fall I'd taken, and it was very unlikely there was any other way out of there. I knew I was going to die, or at least have to subsist on those freaky worms for the rest of my life, but I felt really calm. None of that mattered. I was going to be fine!
I started feeling faint, and figured there would be no harm in lying down, the worms probably weren't going to eat me or anything, and I felt so drowsy. No sooner had I sunk to the floor than the worms started to swarm, slithering all over me. It felt... nice. Really nice. Like some kind of wonderful, wet massage, every inch of my skin that the worms touched sang to me in pleasure unknown. I sighed as I lay there, feeling more and more relaxed by the second, as more and more worms writhed all over me, until I was more or less completely covered.
Then they started getting nosey. I could feel one nudging its way into my armpit, while more others began to investigate every nook and cranny of my body. Soon enough, one slipped under my bikini bottoms and made its way between my legs. I felt a sudden jolt of incredible pleasure as it found my pussy, and began rubbing itself against my clit as if it knew what it was doing. More began to join it, from every direction. And others found their way inside my top, and I must admit I loved feeling them massaging my boobs and wriggling against my nipples.
My head was positively swimming by this point. It had been slow to dawn on me, but I now realised I was now more turned on than I had ever been in my life. I wasn't new to sex, having had plenty with my ex boyfriend, and some more with my cousin Jenny when we were younger. My heart was racing and my stomach was positively tingling. It was almost unbearable, but when I felt one of the worms start exploring my pussy lips for a moment before bravely delving in deeper, I decided it was definitely bearable. In fact, I was looking forward to seeing just how good these weird worm dudes could make me feel. Maybe living in this pit wasn't going to be so bad after all?
The worm in my pussy wasn't one of the big ones. As it went inside me, it felt about as thick as two fingers, and it felt amazing. It was as though the feeling of my pussy being stretched was being greatly exaggerated somehow, so while I didn't feel like I was being stretched a great deal, what I was feeling was more powerful than even my ex's eight inch monster had ever made me feel.
The worm was all the way in now, at least as far as it could go. The rest of them suddenly seemed to develop a singular purpose, as instead of just slithering all over me, I could now feel them start suckling on me. Every inch of flesh felt like it had a worm attached, each sucking gently, but they continued moving about, so they never sucked on one place for too long. Except of course, for the ones who had found my nipples, and the one at my clit. They all stayed attached right where they were, and they were doing more than sucking. I couldn't for the life of me work out exactly what, but it felt AMAZING.
Every inch of my flesh was being pleasured, and the worm in my pussy was now itself sucking on and massaging my g-spot. So of course, it wasn't long before I started cumming. Hard. The cave filled with my ecstasy laden screams, countless bolts of electricity echoed throughout my entire body, my pussy practically throbbing as I continued to experience the most intense orgasm I'd ever felt.
As I came back down to earth, nothing really changed around me, the worms continued doing their work, the one in my pussy had started doing something to what I figured must have been my cervix. I was still riding waves of orgasmic afterglow, and I smiled knowing that my next one wasn't too far off, and the way things were going, it was going to be even more intense.
That's when I felt the worm inside me suddenly disappear, and a new orgasm suddenly reared its head. My mind was pretty hazy at this point, but I definitely felt it disappear from inside my pussy, only it hadn't exited from the outside. In the midst of my climax, I realised that it had slipped past my cervix and entered my womb. This knowledge further intensified my already overpowering orgasm, and I felt a great need to touch myself.
That wasn't too easy, since I was covered in worms, so instead I found myself just touching them, and surprised to discover just how much I loved how they felt. They were impossibly slippery, I don't think I could have grabbed one no matter how secure a hold I had. But beyond that, they felt just like... cocks. That same kind of fleshy, rigid, yet every so slightly malleable feeling, and I imagined myself just surrounded by all these giant cocks and I found myself wanting them to violate me more and more.
I half screamed, half whimpered when I felt a worm that had finally found my butthole. At first it was gentle, cautious. It rubbed itself across my asshole, then sucked on it a bit before finally pushing its way in. I always enjoyed having my butt played with, but I'd never actually had anything bigger than a couple of fingers up there. And this worm felt pretty damn big. I felt it pushing against my tight hole harder and harder until it slowly started slipping in. I could feel my ass expanding around it, I could feel every inch as it started making its way deeper and deeper.
I absolutely thrashed about, completely lost in pleasure. The worms managed to hold me down, so all I could really manage were twitches and restrained jolts. When another worm started pushing itself into my pussy, this one definitely one of the larger ones, I experienced what could best be described as an orgasm within an orgasm. Because despite all that was going on, I still hadn't stopped cumming. It must have been several minutes, I had no idea it was possible to feel so good for so long, but then within that, my feelings of immense pleasure increased as I felt the two worms wriggling about in my ass and pussy.
Then it started to slowly fade away, and just when I thought I was back to normal, whatever normal even was anymore, the worms in my pussy and ass started spewing this lovely warm liquid which set me off again. They spurted a surprising amount inside me, and I felt myself getting quite full of the stuff. But when they were done, they unceremoniously slithered out of my holes, while the worms that swarmed and sucked my body started moving away. I felt incredibly satisfied, but a little cold after having lost my nice, warm, wet blanket.
After a short while, I sat up and looked around, wondering why my lovely new lovers had left me. And that's when I saw a different creature making its way towards me. It was similar to the worms, in that it was the same colour, and seemed to be oozing the same fluid, but it was huge! Maybe about the size of a bear, it looked like some kind of giant caterpillar or something. From an opening at the front extended a bunch of long, glistening tentacles, which moved about as if searching for something.
I found myself really turned on by its appearance. As though the whole thing was just a gigantic cock with a bunch of other cocks coming out of it. I knew enough to know that it was wrong, the damn thing was a monster out of a nightmare, but it turned me on. Like a LOT. My pussy felt utterly drenched, and I wasn't sure how much of it was the stuff the worm had shot into me, and how much was my own pussy juices.
This new thing slithered towards me slowly and laboriously. When its tentacles seemed to 'find' me, they tickled me all over, giving me a similar treatment that all the worms had done before. I counted about five tentacles, each one looked to be several metres long, and a couple of inches thick. I found myself wanting them inside me, and it wasn't long before one of them found my pussy and started wiggling its way in. It stopped suddenly and pulled out after a couple of inches though, and I was a little disappointed, until I felt it go lower and push against my ass. I grunted at the pressure, as it forced my sphincter to widen to accommodate its considerable girth. There was a little pain, but that got lost in the signal, because the pleasure overwhelmed it.
Slowly but surely, my ass opened up to allow this new invader entrance. It slowly, inexorably worked its way deeper, til I lost track of its position inside me, but loving how filled up my ass felt. Either these creatures had encountered humans before, or they were quick learners. No sooner had my ass become accustomed to one of its tentacles, than another wormed its way into my pussy. I didn't know what to do with myself at this point. I was assaulted on all fronts by unimaginable ecstasy, but I just couldn't move. I thought I was stuck in this empty void of pleasure, where I had ceased to exist, and all that remained of me was my orgasm.
And then they started thrusting. The tentacle in my ass taking long, deep strokes, pulling out almost all the way, then back in. Must have been at least ten inches. The one in my pussy however, was giving short, hard thrusts, each one violently hitting my cervix. That hurt a little, but the pain somehow made what I was feeling all the more complete, and with each impact, the pain lessened, until it was entirely replaced with an odd feeling of hunger emanating from my womb.
The tentacle then stopped its battering ram routine, and instead just pushed itself against my cervix. I gritted my teeth and grunted at the feeling. It was as amazing as it was painful. I could feel it slowly opening up around the thick tentacle which continued its unrelenting advance. I then felt the worm that had hidden itself inside my womb start thrashing about. It felt like there was a great timult happening within me. Though, the worm in my womb didn't seem scared or anything, in fact, it seemed more like it was doing what it was doing just for my enjoyment. And I certainly did enjoy it!
When the tentacle finally popped into my womb, the rest of me popped in turn. It was the most amazing thing, I felt so incredibly full, I had no idea it was even possible for a person to feel so great while alive. I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven, but I doubted even heaven could be as awesome as this. I wasn't even aware I was screaming until I felt a tentacle shove itself into my mouth, its copiously leaking fluid quickly filling it up. It tasted divine. Sweet, but not sickening, and warm and nourishing. Strangest of all, the flavour seemed to subtly change as I consumed it.
I sucked on the tentacle with great enthusiasm. It wasn't til then that I realised how thirsty I'd become, and this thick, sweet nectar was really hitting the spot. But the creature wasn't satisfied just feeding me, and once I'd had a good drink, it started forcing its way deeper into my mouth, my throat. I felt myself choking around it, but it continued undeterred. Strangely enough though, I felt quite calm. I started choking less and less, before finally growing used to this huge thing invading my throat.
So there I was, skewered by this bizarre, betentacled creature. Three of its tentacles were deep inside me, while the others explored my body, before two latched onto my nipples and started sucking. This sent me over the edge, as if I hadn't already been at that point several times already, but everyone has their limits, and I guess I'd met mine. I felt the pleasure which was tingling all over my body start to build up in my head, before light headedness overtook me and with one final, little gasp which hid the true enormity of what I was experiencing, I finally lost consciousness.
I awoke to find myself now on all fours, the three tentacles still inside me. But something was different. I felt full. Fuller than I had ever felt before, and it wasn't just from having tentacles in my mouth, ass and pussy. It was then that I noticed the lumps moving inside the tentacles. One pushed past my jaw and then a moment later I felt something pop out inside my stomach. The same thing was happening with the others, they all seemed to be pushing these solid lumps inside me. I opened my eyes, and that's when I could see what was happening.
The tentacles had become translucent, I could only clearly see the one in my mouth, and inside it was egg, after egg, each about the size of golf ball, lining up to be injected into me . It was oddly blissful. I looked down to see that my stomach had grown quite large, I was quite obviously bloated with eggs, and still more were on their way. I shut my eyes again and just enjoyed the sensation of each tentacle laying countless eggs inside my womb, my stomach and my bowels.
I figured, judging by how huge my stomach had grown, that I'd woken up towards the end of the creature's load, but I was wrong. It wasn't even half way done. With each new egg placed inside me, another was pushed away to make room, and I became that much more full. I rubbed my belly and I could feel them solid beneath my skin. A small thought occurred to me, of how it was kind of a bad thing for another a****l to lay its eggs inside you, but it was washed away in the din of pleasure I experienced.
Just in the time after I'd regained consciousness, the creature must have laid had hundreds of eggs in me. But finally, it must have reached the end of its supply, as the constant influx of eggs was replaced by a torrent of hot liquid, the creature's cum I assumed. As if on cue, with the liquid, came a torrent of orgasms. It was so much, I found myself drifting in and out of consciousness. Into wet dreams like I'd never seen, and back into the world where I was full of this strange creature's eggs, and loved it.
Then I blanked out for the last time, and awoke naked in the river outside of the cave. For a moment I thought the whole thing was a dream, but then I noticed my stomach. I was huge. HUGE. It bloated to an unbelievable degree, I looked very, very heavily pregnant. Like I was having triplets. Maybe quadruplets? I kind of hoped I was still dreaming, since this was pretty inconvenient. Still, I made the effort to stand, and it wasn't easy, but I managed it. I collected my things, and put my shorts and tank top back on. My top had no hope of covering my belly, so I didn't even try. I wondered where my bikini had gone, but figured it was probably back in the cave, and there was no way I was going back in there. Not that it mattered, I needed a new pair anyway.
Come to think of it, how had I gotten out? Even the hole I came in through was now too small for me to fit through. That feeling of confusion returned, as though reality had stopped playing fair. Cause and effect seemed to have lost all meaning to me, but I was too tired to dwell on it, all I wanted to do was get home. Thankfully, it was still light out, so I had a hope of getting home before mum got back from work. I slowly began to trudge through the woods, and it wasn't easy. I felt so heavy. I was full of hundreds of eggs, the thought of what would happen when they hatched filling me with excitement, instead of the horror one would expect from such a situation. Why was I so ok with what had just happened to me? I couldn't work it out, I was just happy to be out of the cave.
Working mostly on instinct as my conscious mind was busy with things it didn't see fit to let me in on, I stumbled my way home. I knew I couldn't let anybody see me in this state. They'd make me go to hospital, and for some reason, despite all logic, that seemed like a really bad idea. Luckily for me though, I beat mum home, and my sister was in her room. I quickly made may way to my own room and crashed on my bed, pulling my sheets all over me so as best to hide my hugely pregnant tummy.
I perceived mum come in a while later, and quickly assuming I'd fallen ill, left me to rest, but not before bringing me some water and vitamin c. I slept without waking the whole night, only stirring the next morning when mum came to check on me before heading off to work. She left me some more water and vitamins, and when I heard her close the front door on the way out, I found myself suddenly wide awake.
I lay there for a while in a daze, hoping, but not quite believing that what had happened to me yesterday was just a dream. The summer heat had started early again today, and I started to feel myself overheat under my covers, which were soaked in my sweat. With a groan I finally forced myself to stir, pulling off my sheets and sitting on the edge of my bed. I felt even heavier than before, and I was pretty sure my stomach had gotten bigger. I sat there with it resting on my legs, absent mindedly rubbing it all over, wondering just what I was going to do about this whole mess I was in. The hospital still seemed absolutely out of the question, and I didn't seem to have any other options, so I resigned myself to my fate of being an unwilling incubator to this bizarre creature's eggs. I took comfort from the thought that none of the worms seemed to have any teeth, and that they did seem oddly benign.
The urge to find a cool, open space slowly came to me, and before I'd even made a conscious decision, I found myself up and drifting towards the basement. I stripped out of my shorts and tank top as I descended the stairs. The air down there was nice and cool, and I felt a little refreshed. I sat in the middle of the room, the cool cement floor feeling really nice against my skin. I again started tracing my fingers across my engorged belly as that strange feeling of arousal I remembered from yesterday made my heart start to race.
I gently rocked my hips back and forth and moaned softly as I felt a stirring slowly build up inside me. The eggs seemed to be jerking about a little, as whatever was inside them began trying to force their way out. Damn these things grew fast! I was quite relieved that it would all be over soon, one way or another. That fantastic feeling of arousal was getting quite strong now, and grew more and more intense as each egg came to life.
"Oh my god!" I was startled suddenly by a voice coming from the top of the stairs. It was my little sister Hannah, and she looked freaked out. I looked up at her as she began quickly running down the stairs to my side. My arousal intensified even further as I watched her. She was wearing skimpy pyjama shorts and a matching top, and the sight of her plump little butt seemed to be the hottest thing I'd ever seen up to that point, and I felt a rush of giddiness that she would be here when my little ones came out. I don't know where it came from, but as far as I was concerned, Hannah was now the sexiest creature alive, and I found myself drooling at the thought of the worms ravishing her as they did me.
"Amy what the fuck? Are you ok?" she said, deeply concerned. I looked back at her, feeling a wild look in my eyes. "I feel weird." was all I managed to utter. She took my hand, and began to say something about getting me some help, but she was cut short as a an uncountable number of indescribable feelings suddenly peaked inside me, causing me to moan quite loudly. Hannah then screamed as she saw bulges begin to appear on my stomach, and start moving about. I could feel every worm finally hatch from its egg and start trying to make its way outside. One after another, two at a time, three, four, it went on and on. There were definitely hundreds, but I couldn't hope to estimate any closer than that. It was the strangest thing, disconcertingly wonderful. Every inch of my womb, stomach, bowels and even my intestines were being tickled by scores of these slippery little suckers.
I barely even noticed that Hannah was trying to get away, but I was holding onto her with a strength I didn't know I had. She kept screaming and struggling, begging me to let her go, but I really couldn't. Besides, she was being dumb, there was nothing to be afraid of. Silly Nahnah, that's what I used to call her, and she was being especially silly then, so I just held her tighter. I wanted to tell her to calm down, but I couldn't seem to speak. My throat was full of something. My first worm had made its way into the world, and there were more right behind it. When Hannah screamed even louder and her struggle became more frantic I knew she'd seen it emerge. I then felt a worm at my cervix, tickling it as it forced its way through. I savoured the wonderful feeling of it being stretched wide open, and my pussy start to fill from the inside. I couldn't believe, even as it was happening to me, that anything could feel so wonderful.
But it wasn't until I felt my ass wink open that I actually started cumming. It was a hell of a thing, with that first contraction, a torrent of worms began to pour out of my pussy and ass. Thankfully, the ones emerging from my stomach were a little more leisurely in their birth, coming out just one at a time, and I realised then that these creatures were as benign as I thought. They'd never want to hurt me, or anyone.
The flow of newborn worms from my nether regions wasn't a constant one, sometimes it was just one particularly large one forcefully pushing its way through until it popped out, followed by a whole bunch of smaller ones, and sometimes it was just a couple of average ones simply snaking their way out.
It seemed that most of the eggs that had been laid in my stomach had moved deeper while I slept, so far fewer ended up coming out from my mouth, only about a dozen or so. It wasn't until the last of them finally emerged and fell to the floor with a soft, wet plop that I was able to taste that amazing fluid they had all oozed on their way out. I savoured the divine flavour for a moment, and felt a lot more clear headed. I opened my eyes and looked at Hannah as she was being m*****ed by all the worms I'd given birth to so far. And there were a lot, they slithered and writhed all about her, some making their way up her leg, trying to get into her shorts.
She wasn't screaming so much as whimpering by then, and she was leaning back as far as she could go, but I was still holding on to her hand. She fell back to the floor suddenly when I let go, and the worms then swarmed all over her. A couple pushed their way inside her shorts and her sounds of fear and distress suddenly gave way to a pleasured sigh. A couple of other worms then worked together to pull her shorts down, as still more came out of me. Seemingly involuntarily, Hannah spread her legs apart, and she had a few worms on her pussy that seemed to be sucking all over, as a couple more made their way between her buttcheeks and did something that caused her to arch her back and gasp.
It was so insanely hot watching all this happen to her while I continued to give birth to a seemingly never ending horde of these strange worm creatures. They were all over the floor now, many completely ignoring the both of us, content to just spread out across the room. Others were tickling and sucking on my stomach and boobs, but I barely noticed that because the feelings coming from my pussy and ass were just overwhelming.
Hannah was now almost completely covered in worms, only her head and a few patches of skin below were visible, and she was moaning in a most arousing way. One worm then started to rub its tip across her lips, coating them in its clear slime, which caused her to to recoil in horror for a second before obviously seeing how great it tasted. She started to suck ravenously, and it seemed happy to just let her drink from it like a big, thick straw.
I noticed that I was starting to feel emptier and emptier, I was nearing the end of my litter. I felt my ass close shut, and a feeling of great relief as a final, really thick worm slid out. It seemed like the best was saved for last, as something similar was happening in my pussy, but this one was even thicker. It was slow going, but I loved the feeling of my whole pussy being stretched wider than it ever had been before. When it crowned, I couldn't believe how thick it was, and wondered how the hell I'd fit that thing inside me, along with all the others. It must have been at least four inches thick, and I loved seeing how my pussy stretched all around it as it slowly emerged. After it was about half way, maybe ten inches, the rest suddenly slid out and my pussy snapped shut behind it with a loud 'plop'.
I felt so empty, yet so satisfied. I looked down and my stomach was still somewhat bloated, and I realised that I must still have had all the now empty eggs in me. I didn't worry about it too much though, I was just glad to be back to a more manageable size. Hannah was still being m*****ed by a host of worms, though I noticed none seemed to have actually entered her yet. Perhaps they were waiting for something? Waiting for me? What could I do? I carefully crawled closer to her, trying not to tread on any of the worms. But it was unavoidable, they were simply EVERYWHERE. Granted, the room wasn't exactly huge, but I still couldn't believe that the whole lot of them were all inside me just a few minutes ago.
Still, the worms didn't seem to care when I crawled on them, so I figured they weren't being hurt. I hadn't really appreciated it in the cave yesterday, but the feeling of this warm, wet, wriggling carpet was quite amazing. And the smell! It now absolutely permeated the room, and that feeling of lightness came back.
Looking down at Hannah, with the worms all over her, sucking and massaging her, made me sigh. Her eyes were closed and mouth hanging open, a worm arched above her simply leaking its fluid into her waiting mouth. She made a few gargled sounds of contentment, and I just enjoyed the sight for a moment.
Then, all at once, most of the tentacles got off of her, only a few remaining around her feet. When she stirred and her eyes fluttered open, she just looked up at me with a weak smile.
"Hey." She said groggily.
"Hey." I replied, smiling back down at her. "How're you feeling?"
"Weird." she said as she arched her back and started to stretch like she'd been asleep for days.
"It's pretty hot today, how about we take this off?" I smirked mischievously, tugging at her top. Without a word she just sat up and raised her arms. She was now as naked as me, and I was more turned on than ever. I'd never realised how hot my sister was before. Her hair was light brown like mine, but she kept hers shorter, down to her neck. She wasn't a lot younger than me, she'd be fifteen in a few months, but her boobs hadn't gone through the growth spurt mine had just yet, so they were still just perky little buds with small nipples. I licked my lips at the sight, and leaned down to put my lips on hers. It was weird feeling the tentacles in my hands as I supported myself on my arms, and I couldn't resist gripping what I could grab, and loved how they slithered between my fingers.
My sudden kiss seemed to confuse Hannah a little. She didn't try to push me away, but she seemed to start trying to say something into my mouth. She quickly gave up in favour of tenuously kissing me back though, and the taste of the worm's fluid was thick on her lips, and when I slid my tongue into her mouth, it met with hers, she quite suddenly grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me close, her tongue now passionately wrestling with mine.
It was my first time ever kissing a girl like this. Even when I'd fooled around with my cousin all those years ago we never really went that far, since we didn't know what we were doing. But now I felt like I was experiencing my first kiss ever, as all first kisses should be: a wonderful, unforgettable experience. I pulled my weight off my arms, grabbed her head and pulled her close to me, as we continued devouring each others lips.
I then felt a worm wrap itself around my ankle and start gently tugging on my leg as if trying to get my attention. I reluctantly broke our kiss, and looked back to see what it wanted, but it just let go and slithered away. I felt like I'd just been pranked, but then I noticed a couple of particularly long, thin worms emerge from the great mass that surrounded us and start slithering up Hannah's chest. They looked identical, about an inch wide and maybe two feet long. They began to leak copious amounts of their fluid from the holes at their tips all over Hannah's small breasts. While they did this, they used their other ends to massage it into her skin, paying particular attention to her nipples. Hannah smiled and gave a half moan half sigh as they did their work, making her chest all shiny and slippery.
I noticed that whatever they were doing was making her nipples start to swell up. I couldn't help but watch in fascination as after a couple of minutes they looked quite engorged. They kept at it for a little while longer before both simultaneously reared up and started pushing down on her nipples, and judging by the way they pressed into her flesh, they were doing it quite hard.
Hannah really came to life then, arching her back and moaning more and more frantically. What I saw next was unbelievable. Slowly but surely, her nipples began to stretch around the worms as they pushed harder and harder. Hannah seemed now to be stuck between a place of unimaginable pleasure, and deep discomfort. She didn't really seem to be in pain, but I could only imagine how bizarre it must have felt to have her nipples being slowly forced open and penetrated. I was a bit worried actually, since nipple holes are small, like REALLY small. It should not have been possible for anything thicker than maybe a pin to fit inside, and even then that would definitely not have felt good. But I quickly realised that the fluid they had used was somehow making her more stretchy.
Hannah suddenly screamed as the first worm finally managed to pop into her nipple, followed shortly by the second. It was such an incredible sight seeing her nipples being stretched to such an unbelievable degree, and she looked down at what was happening to her with a look of horror, mixed with an unmistakable amount of lust, on her face. Slowly, each worm wiggled its way in as I watched, utterly transfixed. A spiraling bulge began to form inside her boobs as more and more of the worms disappeared into her nipples. By the time they were about half way in, Hannah was reduced to a gibbering mess as she twitched and occasionally yelped from what looked like an insane orgasm.
Her chest was soon more bulge than boob, but the worms still had several inches left to go. They say time flies when you're having fun, but thankfully this seemed to be a pretty slow process, so I was able to truly enjoy the unbelievable sight before me. My naked little sister, her skin shiny from the slime all over her, thrashing about in a non stop climax as two long, slippery worms slowly oozed their way into her nipples.
When the last bit of the first worm finally disappeared inside Hannah's nipple, suddenly causing it to close shut with a soft, wet popping sound, looking at it, you'd never know it had been stretched so widely just a moment ago. When the second worm did the same, Hannah just lay there gasping for air. Her boobs looked quite silly then, as though she'd gotten some terrible spiral shaped implants. I wondered just what the hell these worms were doing in her boobs, and I gasped when I got my answer.
It was almost imperceptible at first, the spiral shape just becoming less and less defined, but the process seemed to accelerate exponentially and in mere moments it became quite obvious that her breasts had begun to inflate like a couple of balloons. My eyes grew wide as her boobs continued to expand. But they didn't just become larger, they also seemed to become more swollen. Right before my eyes, her breasts went through a considerable growth spurt, going from something that barely filled a b-cup, to what must have been at least a dd. Not only that, but her nipples grew along with them, and were now about the size of a thimble.
I admit, at that point I hadn't seen very many, but those were the most gorgeous boobs I had ever seen. They looked really firm, but not hard, and fell against her chest in big, beautiful lumps. Hannah had been watching the growth with as much interest as me, and she was the first to touch them. She initially just poked one with a finger, then quickly moved on to massaging them thoroughly. In fact, she ended up massaging them quite hard, as though they were hurting her. I decided to help her out a bit and moved my hands to rub them along with her.
She seemed grateful for the help, and our hands continuously clashed as they harshly rubbed her engorged, swollen breasts. I loved how they felt, fleshy, not fatty, and her nipples were so hard, they felt like a couple of tiny cocks. I suddenly felt something wet and warm on my fingers, and was shocked to find a stream of milk had started leaking out of her nipples. I licked up what was on my hands, and the next thing I knew, I was hungrily sucking on her tits.
I thought their fluid tasted great, but the milk these worms had caused Hannah to produce was something else entirely. It made every inch of me tingle and I sucked and sucked like I was dying of thirst. Hannah seemed to be enjoying it too, I could feel her wiggling beneath me, hear her moaning louder and louder as I continued gorging myself.
I felt satisfied before long, but couldn't stop drinking. I knew I had to stop though, so I forced myself to sit up and I gasped as though I was coming up for air after being underwater for a little too long. Milk was still leaking from Hannah's nipples, despite the amount I'd ingested, it didn't look as though I'd even made a dent in her overall supply. She then pulled me down to her and we started making out again. I crawled atop her, loving the feeling of her huge, soft boobs against my own, and soon my chest was coated in her milk.
I felt a worm slither between us from between our legs, and we both moaned into each other's mouths as it slithered higher and higher, rubbing against both our clits as it went. It nestled its way in between her boobs, and started pushing against me with a surprising amount of strength. I quickly took the hint and sat up, admiring the view beneath me. Hannah's boobs seemed to have gotten a bit bigger, and the worm curled itself around one of them and started suckling on her nipple. It whipped its tail up and attached its other end to her other nipple and sucked on that one too. What a greedy little guy!
Hannah was really enjoying what it was doing to her, and I decided to make her feel even better. I scooted back a bit and unceremoniously planted my lips around her clit and sucked it into my mouth. It had the desired effect, I could feel her hips involuntarily jerk, but I held her firmly in place and started to flick her clit with my tongue.
Having never eaten a girl out before, I was glad to see that I seemed to be doing a great job. Hannah went wild as I went to town on her pussy. She tasted so delicious, and I was thrilled as I brought her closer and closer to orgasm. She grabbed handfuls of my hair and pushed my head into her pussy, desperately grinding herself on my face. With Hannah's frantic movements, it was difficult to get at her clit when I wanted it, but it didn't seem to bother her. Her moans became screams and when I felt her pussy start twitching, and a gush of sweet fluid burst over my chin and in my mouth, I knew I'd done it, and was quite pleased with myself.
I stood up on my knees and smiled down at Hannah, though she didn't see me, she was too lost in pleasure. The worm detached from her nipples and slithered down her stomach towards her pussy. It was quite thick now, about maybe three inches across. I eagerly anticipated watching it stretch her pussy wide as hell and disappear inside her, but it didn't. When it got between her legs, it slid across her clit, reintensifying her lingering orgasms, but it kept going. I then realised that its goal wasn't Hannah's pussy, it was mine. It slithered up my thigh and attached one end to my clit.
It didn't start sucking as I expected though. It did something else entirely, I couldn't figure out what for the life of me, but it somehow felt as though it was entering my clit. The worm slowly flattened its tip against me, and I suddenly started to feel really weird down there. I was then pretty sure I could feel something small and thin then making its way into my urethra, but I couldn't be sure. It detached itself from my thigh and simply hung limp between my legs, still firmly attached to my clit and the area surrounding it.
The weird feeling became more pronounced as I noticed the worm begin to change colour, and though the sensation was slow to come on, it was in an instant that I realised that I was starting to FEEL the worm, as if it was a part of my body. It was now the same hue as my own flesh, more or less, and it raised itself up, the end not attached to me swelling up as it went.
There was no mistaking what the worm now looked like. While I had always perceived them in the same way as I did a penis, it now genuinely resembled one. A really fucking big one. And it was mine. I could actually feel it when I reached down to touch it. The tip, which had swelled into a very cock-like head, was as sensitive as my clit. I shivered at the sensation, and then noticed Hannah, who had seen the whole thing. Her mouth gaping, her eyes had a look of unbridled lust. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, but she loved the sight.
She crawled over to me til her face was mere inches from my new cock, and looked up at me wide eyed and horny. "Can I... can I have that?" she asked, quivering.
"All yours lil sis." I replied. With that she licked it, getting a good taste of the fluid that was leaking from the hole at the tip. Her eyes lit up and she started licking more, the feeling of her tongue playing with my cock was heavenly. She wrapped her lips around it, and tried to suck as much of it into her mouth as she could. It was too thick for her to get much in, but she continued sucking the fluid from its hole and making my knees quake.
My legs just couldn't handle the amazing sensations she was causing, and I slowly sank to the ground, Hannah's mouth hungrily following my cock until I was fully laying down, sighing as I felt the mass of worms beneath me massaging my back. She quickly settled into our new position and wildly slurped and sucked on my cock.
"Mmm, tastes so good." she sighed between sucks, then started bobbing her head up and down on the small part of the head she could fit into her mouth. "But I want it deeper inside me." Hannah looked up at me, her eyes full of lust.
"Then come here." I said, and reached down to pull her face up to mine. As soon as our lips met, our mouths practically fused together. I loved the feeling of my tongue in her mouth, hers in mine, and when they met in between. I could feel her pussy against the shaft of my cock, and she grinded against it as we kissed with intense passion. I felt it move a bit, and though I couldn't quite tell what was going on down there, Hannah lifted her hips up a bit and before I knew it, I could feel her pussy slowly start to open up around my cock.
Hannah sat up on me and started wiggling her hips to try to force my cock deeper into her insanely tight pussy. The head had barely entered her when I felt it come up against a barrier that I knew to be her hymen. Hannah jolted from a sudden feeling of pain, but then cautiously started to put more and more weight onto me. And then, as if she suddenly stopped giving a shit, she lifted her knees enough to put ALL her weight on my cock. Her scream pierced my ears as the whole head suddenly popped in and began a slow descent into her pussy. I couldn't tell if it was a scream of pain or pleasure, but she kept forcing herself lower and lower onto my cock regardless.
We locked eyes as she descended and she grabbed my head, pulling my mouth to hers. My own hands traced random patterns across her back, hoping to add a little tenderness to this intense, raw passion that was electric between us. It was futile though, because I soon found my hands at her lower back, pulling our crotches together as hard as I could.
I wasn't sure how long my cock was, maybe a foot, maybe more, but it was a little over half way buried in her pussy when it met her cervix. Did I mention how tight her pussy was? It bears repeating. Being inside her felt like trying to put on pants several sizes too small. But then I felt her cervix quivering and it was almost too much. She started lifting herself up and dropping down, gasping at each impact as my cock slammed against her cervix.
"I need more Amy!" she whined. "Fuck that thing right into me!"
Well, if she insisted. It took us a couple of seconds, but we quickly found a rhythm so her downward motions were met with my upward thrusts. Each impact sent shivers up my spine which spread across my whole body, but I could feel it going a tiny bit deeper each time. Her cervix was soon open enough to allow a bit of the tip of my cock past it, but all it took was one, final thrust for it to pop in, at which point she suddenly stopped, arching her back and staring at the ceiling, mouth agape.
Her body seemed paralysed, and I just sat there and watched her sink lower and lower onto my cock. I felt the back of her womb stretching around it as her pussy consumed the final couple of inches. She was still in the same posture, just letting out one big, long sigh as she grew accustomed to being stretched so wide, and penetrated so deep.
She slowly started rocking her hips back and forth, building up intensity until she was frantically bouncing up and down on my cock. Her boobs were still leaking milk, which also covered my own chest, and I couldn't help but reach up to play with them as she rode me. When I felt that she was definitely used to having me inside her, I began thrusting. She couldn't keep up with me, and soon she stopped moving at all as I started really pounding into her.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" was all Hannah could scream as I fucked her harder and harder. Her tits bounced with each thrust. Her pussy was stretched so wide around my cock, it looked so incredibly hot and I couldn't imagine how good she must have been feeling. It felt pretty amazing to me too, but it was such an unfamiliar sensation. I could feel her pussy squeezing every inch of my cock as I thrust into her just far enough to leave only the head in her womb.
I could feel something welling up inside me, something I'd never felt before. I didn't really know what it meant, but with it my cock seemed to become more and more sensitive. Then I felt a worm pushing its way between my buttcheeks and up against my ass. It wasn't gentle, but it didn't hurt as it forced my tight hole open and wiggled its way in, deeper and deeper. It then stiffened, refusing to move with me, so instead, I moved against it as I thrust hard into Hannah. Just as I fucked her, I fucked it.
Hannah was going wild atop me, screaming and babbling incoherently as she was utterly overcome with pleasure. I grabbed her buttcheeks and held her in place and deepened my thrusts. I inched my fingers closer to her butthole all the while, before finally finding it and teasing it with my fingers. As if I'd pushed a button, that set her right off. I felt her pussy spasming all over my cock, as the worm in my ass suddenly seemed to swell up to nearly twice its size.
Hannah and I then came together, and I felt myself shooting a huge amount of liquid deep into her womb as her pussy massaged my cock. This liquid seemed to be coming from inside though, not from the worm that had attached itself to me. I grabbed onto her back and pulled her close, and she fell onto me, her engorged boobs pressing tight against my body. I gasped in shock as I felt the worm in my ass start popping out... over and over again. I quickly realised that it had become 'ribbed for my pleasure', and with perfect timing it pulled each section out of me, making my ass stretch and contract as it went.
I felt like the two of us were now just a pile of orgasms, and my ejaculation continued unabated. Hannah shivered on top of me as her entire system was wracked by the greatest things she had ever felt. Despite how lost I was in this orgasmic delirium, I couldn't help but notice that her pussy seemed to be slowly sliding off my cock. I moved my hands back down to her butt, and noticed that it was a lot higher than it was just before.
The realisation that I was shooting so much cum into her that her stomach was being forced to expand to contain it all seemed to get me shooting into her even harder. I could swear I could even hear it splashing against the walls of her womb. I found myself suddenly sitting up, so that she was now in my lap, and the worm in my ass now bore all my weight, which made its journey out of me even more incredible. I then pushed Hannah down onto her back. The bulge in her stomach was now quite easy to see, and I couldn't help staring at it growing bigger and bigger as I kept unloading into her.
I don't know how long this took, it's hard to keep track of time when you're so overloaded with ecstasy you're barely aware you even exist, but I could see her stomach swell more and more with each great spurt. By the time I was done, she looked heavily pregnant. Not as big as I'd ended up before, but maybe about 8 months along.
I let out a long, deep exhalation when the worm in my ass finally exited all the way, and my torrent of cum finally died down. I took a moment to admire my handiwork. Hannah's huge boobs contrasted nicely with her now huge tummy, and the look on her face was one of total contentment and satisfaction. I wiggled my hips, trying to squeeze out every last drop of cum, and then suddenly I found that I could no longer feel my cock. Still buried deep inside my little sister, I watched it detach itself from my clit and started worming its way deeper into her pussy until it disappeared altogether.
It had a pretty big effect on Hannah though, as she quite obviously started cumming again. Looking down at her, I then noticed that my own stomach was now as flat as it had been before this whole thing started. It occurred to me that maybe the worm had somehow used all the eggshells inside me to help create the huge amount of cum I'd just unloaded. How efficient! I was honestly just glad to have them out of me either way, though I felt an odd urge to see my tummy all swollen again.
Oh well, there'd be plenty of time for that, for now I wanted to see how Hannah was doing. She was lying on her side now, drooling and occasionally twitching, obviously still cumming pretty hard. I somehow knew she was pregnant with something, though no eggs had been laid in her. Was the life cycle of these creatures really this complicated? I couldn't wait to find out!
To be continued...
Hannah lay on a pile of worms, her swollen breasts and belly shiny from all the fluid which now covered the both of us. My hands were shaking and I had a hard time maintaining balance because I was just so completely overwhelmed by my arousal. The sight of her, the sight of the worms and the thought of what was happening was almost too much for me. I was sitting there with a vacant stare for far too long, but there were so many possibilities. I felt that I had become a creature of urge, but with so many fighting for supremacy within me, I was practically paralysed.
I was still aware of the worms all around me. Each individual one, in some way, occupied a small part of my mind. I wanted desperately to be fucked, to cum again. I wanted desperately to fuck Hannah, to make her cum again. I collapsed. Worms then covered me completely, tickling my flesh, teasing me with an orgasm that constantly seemed just out of reach. I didn't need to breathe, all I needed was this wiggling cocoon. They slithered across my pussy, my clit, my ass. They wrapped themselves around my boobs, my nipples, squeezing. It was heavenly. My mouth hang open, and before long, as if they'd decided I'd had enough torment, a worm began to make its way into my mouth and down my throat. I could feel its entire length as it went deeper, it was inside my stomach by the time its tail end slipped past my lips. A warm, soft kind of pleasure irradiated outward from the worm inside me, and another one began to enter my mouth, then down my throat, just as the one before it had.
I felt the first one enter my intestines, spreading its warmth as it went. Deeper and deeper within me, an indescribable sensation had me shivering with delight, a feeling which seemed to change slightly when the next worm followed. And more kept coming in. I didn't bother to count how many, but by the time the first one slowly stretched my ass open and began worming its way out, another had just started on its way down my throat.
I wasn't cumming though. I kind of didn't mind, but it suddenly occurred to me that something was different. This was more of a massage than a fucking. A massage of my insides. It was deeply soothing, and quite pleasurable. It had calmed my mind, allowing me to focus. It removed my frantic urge to cum and allowed me to simply enjoy the erotic, almost romantic pleasures these worms could offer. One by one, through my mouth, down my throat, and all the way through my entire being they slithered, until finally coming out of my ass, stretching it in such a way that I never seemed to quite get used to it. It never loosened up at all in fact, which was odd.
When finally the last one emerged, my asshole popping shut behind it, I felt like I had the energy to sit up again. I noticed Hannah's stomach had gotten noticeably bigger - considerably so. It looked like she could fit two beach balls inside. And yet her flesh didn't seem stretched to bursting like I would have expected, it retained a degree of suppleness that had me tingling again. She was rubbing it all over with one hand and massaging one of her breasts with the other while a group of worms congregated between her legs. There were a couple attached to her nipples as well, contorting themselves in sucking motions, drawing her milk into increasingly large, pulsating sacks. Judging by the way her body was writhing about, she may have been screaming with pleasure were it not for the worm in her mouth. It seemed to be practically pouring its fluid down her throat, as large amounts of it were seeping out the sides of her lips.
It was an incredibly arousing sight, and I was happy to just sit there and watch, enjoying the feeling of the worms beneath me rubbing against my pussy. The urge to cum was returning , and I kind of felt like I was getting close, then the worms at her tits really caught my eye. The sacks had grown in the few seconds since I started watching, and were now about as big as a pair of bowling balls. And they were not only pulsating, but bulging in such a way that it looked like they were full of tiny creatures. That realisation drove me wild, I couldn't help but start touching my pussy, fighting against the worms that were down there for access to my clit. I grabbed a boob and then noticed that my nipples were now just as sensitive. With a gasp, I gave my actual clit back to the worms and brought both my hands to my chest and started rubbing and squeezing them, throwing my head back and sighing as I felt an orgasm welling up from an unfamiliar place. My nipples had also become engorged, just like Hannah's had before...
With that sudden realisation, I opened my eyes. Hannah was kneeling before me, the worms from her nipples in each hand, giving me a strange smile around the worm which still hung out of her mouth. She continued to drool copious amounts of their fluid, which trickled down her enormous breasts and even more enormous stomach. The sacks of the worms in her hands were still pulsating, and they thrashed about as she brought them closer. I couldn't help but fall backwards. I was so excited at what I was about to experience, everything seemed to move in slow motion as Hannah loomed above me and pressed the worms to my nipples. Immediately, they began to push, and at that moment, I finally started to cum again.
My nipples began to stretch, slowly at first, but the more they did, the more intense my orgasm became. Small twitches turned to convulsions, or at least they would have, but the worms held me in place, and Hannah was straddling me now, her massive belly eclipsing most of my vision, at least in those brief moments I could keep my eyes open.
She fed the worms into my nipples, and it was slow going, but I didn't mind that one bit to be honest. When they were maybe three inches in, bulges began to inch their way towards me. They stretched my nipples to an insane degree, and the pleasure I felt as they did so was incredible. A bunch of small, wriggling creatures were then released into my boobs, and I barely had a chance to react before another couple of bulges stretched my nipples once more, and another burst of those creatures entered my breasts, which had begun to expand to accommodate them. This process was repeated dozens of times, and each time was as intense as the first, if not more so.
By the time they were done, my boobs were bigger than Hannah's, only full of these strange little creatures, and I could feel them squirming inside. I exhaled a long, overdue breath, and was able to open my eyes and focus, just in time to see the worm in Hannah's mouth wriggle its way past her lips and down her throat, and I watched it bulge as the worm went deeper, before disappearing. Still holding the two worms, she licked up the fluid around her mouth. I wiped away what was left on a finger and brought it to my own mouth. Damn it was tasty. I so desperately wanted to taste it on her lips too, but her stomach and my boobs made it impossible. Instead, I just rubbed her breasts and pinched her nipples, which were still slowly leaking milk. I'd occasionally taste some off my hands while I massaged her, and she seemed to be enjoying it very much.
"That feels so nice Amy," she cooed. "But..."
Without another word, she moved the ends of the worms she was holding towards her nipples. They responded instantly, and started trying to force their way on. The penetration seemed a lot easier than the first time, they popped inside in just a couple of seconds, and were soon a few inches deep.
"Oh oh fuck!" she gasped as she began twitching from a mind blowing orgasm. The worms, forming a nipple to nipple bridge between us, began to push deeper into each of our boobs, bringing us closer together, until there was only about an inch of each worm showing. Still not close enough for me to devour her lips the way I wanted, but enough that I was able to put my arms part way around her. We stared deep into each other's eyes, and through them, our pleasure seemed to reverberate between us. Then suddenly, hers went wide and she gasped.
"Oh my god! I can feel them... sucking me!" she then trailed off into a panting fit, and it wasn't long before I realised what was happening. The worms began squirting her milk directly into my boobs.
"Fuck I feel it now!" I cried when I felt the first warm splashes. The little creatures inside went wild then as well. I don't know what was happening, but soon torrents of Hannah's milk were being pumped into my boobs, and they grew more and more.
"Hannah please... rub them." I groaned, taking her hands and bringing them to my engorged, creature-filled tits. It felt amazing when she started to squeeze them.
"Wow, I can feel the little things in there. They're getting bigger!" she exclaimed. And she was right. The continued inflation of my breasts was only partly from Hannah's milk filling them up. The little creatures also seemed to be drinking it up, and growing at a considerable rate. They were maybe the size of tic-tacs at first, but by this point seemed to be at least four times as large, and there must have been thousands of them. And all of them were still growing!
"Fuck that feels so good Hannah." I moaned.
"Mmm, rub mine too." she said, wriggling her body against mine invitingly. I obliged immediately of course, and her boobs felt amazing. I could feel them pulsing from the worms sucking out her milk, and then more being made to fill them up again. I squirmed against her too, and I could swear I felt something stirring within her belly, just for a moment.
My boobs were so big by now that Hannah was able to comfortably rest her head on one.
"I hope they don't pop!" she giggled, but then suddenly when stiff and yelped. She twitched a couple of times, then exhaled a long breath. "My ass Amy, oh my god! It's going so deep... feels goooooood..." she trailed off, shuddering.
"It's about time your little ass got fucked." I smiled, staring up at her. She was lost to the world though, and remembering what had happened to me, I could only imagine what she must have been feeling considering everything else that was happening. A worm suddenly started pushing itself into my pussy. It felt huge, my pussy slowly stretched open to let it in. I saw stars behind my eyes as it forced it open wider, until it popped in and within moments slammed itself against my cervix. I cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain, whatever pain even meant to me any more. It wasn't at all unpleasant, it was just a different kind of amazing.
I don't know exactly what it did then, but it felt like a bunch of small tentacles emerged from the tip of the worm inside me and tickled open my cervix. They slowly entered my womb and stroked every inch of it from the inside. I tried to arch my back, but the weight of my now yoga ball sized boobs and Hannah on top of me kept me in place. The feeling inside me was insane, my pussy was stretched wide, and I had all these tiny little fingers which had my womb tingling at their touch.
Hannah was convulsing above me, her mouth hanging open and a mixture of saliva and what must have been the worm's fluid drooling out. The worm soon passed her lips and oozed its way out of her mouth. The sight was so hot, I started cumming again, and then again when it forced its way into my mouth, and yet again when I felt Hannah stiffen once more, and the worm in my pussy start shoving its other end into hers.
We were now connected by four worms, through our nipples, mouths and pussies. When the worm in my mouth started down my throat, the feeling was familiar, but much more sexual. The warmth was now heat, and it mingled with my endless orgasms, sending me to higher and higher levels of heaven. The worm left Hannah's mouth at about the same time the one in her pussy hit her cervix, and considering her reaction, it must have been doing something similar to her as it was to me, only more intense. I wondered how her heavily pregnant womb was making her feel. All she could do was gasp and moan.
The worm continued down my throat, and its far end was well into my intestines when the last of it left my mouth.
"Amy Amy Amy! Thank you." Hannah choked on the last of her words as another worm entered her mouth via her throat and made its way towards mine. I kept it open, waiting for it to arrive. The first had begun to force its way out of my ass when the second unceremoniously shoved itself into my throat. Somehow I knew another had just fully entered Hannah's ass, and the one coming out of mine went straight back in there. We had at least three worms now making a circuit through us, with just enough distance between them to allow each hole a moment to recover before the next went through.
Then, the worm in our pussies started thrusting. It contracted itself in the middle, then expanded, and its little feeler tentacles strained to keep a hold inside my womb as it went, and that just made it even more intense. I had wanted to be fucked before, and now I was getting everything I'd hoped for and more. Whenever either of us were without a worm lodged in our mouths, Hannah and I both screamed and babbled incoherently. I tried to thrash about, but I was restrained, however she was free to feverishly buck and pound herself against me.
The worms synchronised themselves after a short while. Whenever one popped out of my ass, the one in my pussy caused its little feeler tentacles to spasm, and the ones in my nipples would ejaculate a large bit of milk they had saved up over a few seconds. I was going insane. It was a pleasure that escalated continuously, and one that I never managed to get used to. It was new every time, and the stars behind my eyes began to burst, and it felt like every cell in my body was doing the same.
This time, when I passed out, it wasn't sudden. I gradually lost consciousness as more and more of my mind was overtaken by unspeakable ecstasy. The last thing I remembered then was Hannah going limp on top of me, and with my last fading shred of awareness, I savoured the meticulous assault on my body, and a swirling vortex of pleasure then whisked me away.
I was jolted back to reality by the sound of the front door closing, and then footsteps for a moment, which suddenly stopped. I was on my side now, facing Hannah who was in a similar position. She was awake too, her eyes darted upwards, then down towards our bodies, then up into mine. Her belly had grown close to double its previous size, as had my boobs. And mum was home. We both smirked, thinking the same thing. This was about to get interesting.
Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I can't say I was worried about mum's reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence after the footsteps, I knew that mum had noticed the smell. Remembering the effect it had on me in the cave, I knew she'd be drawn down here, but she sure seemed to be taking her time.
After a little while, we heard the sound of muffled voices coming from upstairs, which meant only one thing: mum had not come home alone! I could make out three distinct voices; other than mum's, there was one male and one female. It took me a second to recognise them, but when I did, I couldn't help but gasp. The female was definitely my cousin Jenny, and the male was her dad, uncle Jeff. I gave Hannah a look of excited shock, and we both tried to stifle a giggle as we realised things were going to get very interesting indeed!
Their footsteps started again, but they were different, slower, like they didn't know where they were going, only that they had to go there. As expected, they were being drawn towards the smell. It wasn't until they took their first steps down the basement stairs that they actually noticed what was going on. Getting my first look at the three of them, I started going into overdrive again, I couldn't help but undress them with my eyes and imagine all the perverted things we would soon be doing to each other.
When they saw us, their eyes bulged, looks of horror and disbelief on all three faces. They seemed to try to form words, but just couldn't. What could they say? Hannah was pinned beneath her ludicrously pregnant stomach, as I was by my immense, writhing boobs, and the both of us were surrounded by a sea of white, slippery worms. Under normal circumstances, maybe they would have screamed. Run away? Tried to help? No way of knowing. Whatever chemicals the worms exuded removed those kinds of emotional responses, and replaced them with an incredibly intense level of sexual arousal.
They couldn't tear their eyes away from us as they lowered the staircase, and when they reached the bottom, just in front of all the worms, I noticed mum's work slacks, and Jenny's jeans looked soaked. Like utterly drenched, as if they'd wet themselves. Uncle Jeff had a prominent bulge in his pants, which he was u*********sly rubbing. Mum broke the silence.
"What's going on? What is this?" she stammered, as she started pulling her pants down like she had no idea what she was doing.
"These are our new friends." I smiled. "Come say hi!"
Mum muttered something about this all being a dream, and stripped out of the rest of her clothes. I admired her beautiful body. Her boobs were incredible, big and round, with just a little sag, and the way her hips flared out made my clit tingle. I could also see her pussy juices dripping down her inner thighs. She was practically gushing, I didn't think it was possible for a woman to be so wet. I wondered if Hannah and I were leaking just as much, but it was so hard to tell since the worm's fluid was simply everywhere.
Then, she dipped her toe into the worms, like she was about to step into a hot bath, before immersing herself. I could hear her moaning and whimpering as the worms enveloped her. It wouldn't be long before she started cumming, but it would be a while before she stopped.
Jenny and Jeff were also mindlessly undressing themselves, but couldn't seem to take their eyes off the insanity before them. I stared at Jenny, memories flooding back to me of the days where we fooled around. We were just exploring each other, more out of curiosity and boredom than anything else, but now I was eagerly anticipating taking things more than a few steps further.
She was about my age, with long, dark hair and brown eyes which she inherited from her mum. Watching her undress was captivating. Her boobs made me drool. They were definitely bigger than mine were before the worms had their way with me, and her nipples with slightly puffy, and pointed upwards a little. And her pussy was leaking as much, if not more than mum's. Her juices didn't just trail down her thighs, they actually dripped down between her legs like a leaky tap. She then waded through the worms, which were about half way up her shins, then sank down to her knees and fell onto her side. The worms quickly enveloped her as they had mum, just as Uncle Jeff had fully removed his own clothes.
His cock was rock hard, and he was rubbing it with a bit more purpose now. When he joined us, the worms reacted quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Their slow, sensual slithering became a frantic writhing, and my boobs followed suit. They felt like they were going to explode, as the countless creatures inside them started to really come to life. Mum and Jenny had emerged from the worms, and with glazed over eyes they watched me intently. Hannah stared as well, though she was smiling a little since she had at least some idea of what was about to happen.
I squealed when I felt one of my nipples expand from the inside, a thousand tickling sensations followed as one of the little creatures started pushing its way out. The same thing happened to my other nipple, and they both stretched wider and wider. These new creatures were about the size of a kiwi-fruit, white like the other worms, but their little mouths were surrounded by tiny, wiggly feelers. I wasn't surprised by how wide my nipples had opened up, but it was a sight to behold. And god it felt good. It didn't take them too long to finally emerge, I cried out in joy when first one, then the other finally popped out. These little guys weren't worms, or were a different kind at least. They had segmented bodies, and lots of little legs. They were almost insect like, but they had no exoskeletons, they were soft all over. The first two scurried down my boobs, causing a wonderful tickling sensation across every bit of flesh they touched.
Everyone was watching me, and all four of them were masturbating furiously while worms slithered around their bodies. Our three newcummers made muffled moans as they drank from some worms lodged in their mouths, while a couple of familiar looking long, thin worms were massaging and drooling all over mum's nipples. A few smaller ones found their way into her pussy and ass, disappearing inside and making her shudder and try to scream.
The next couple of little bug like worms, which I decided to call ticklers, started to come out of my boobs, slipping out and falling to the ground after a few seconds. Then another pair, and another. Each one seemed to have a different plan once it had been born. Some immediately made their way into my pussy, and the feeling of them tickling my womb was unbelievable. A couple slipped into Hannah's pussy, and they seemed to be having a similar effect on her, but also causing whatever was growing inside her to stir. Most seemed to just enjoy tickling us all as they crawled over our skin. A couple started to nuzzle at Uncle Jeff's cock, and another tickled his balls, causing him to let out a loud grunt and collapse on his back, happy to just let them do their thing.
It seemed like it was going to take hours for all of the creatures to emerge from my tits, but it was kind of nice noticing them start to shrink as more came out. I was quite looking forward to standing up again. In the meantime however, the worms had really started to get to work on the others. The ones at mum's boobs were forcing their way into her nipples, while another had completely swallowed Uncle Jeff's cock. Jenny was being fucked surprisingly hard by a rather thick one in her pussy, while the worm in her mouth disappeared down her throat. Many others slithered across her skin, and suckling on her nipples and her clit, coating her in a thick layer of their goo. A tickler was poking around between her buttcheeks, before disappearing into her tight little ass. She wiggled her hips happily, moaning quite loudly.
I watched the scene before me for a while, as I gave birth to hundreds more ticklers from my nipples. They soon developed a habit of popping in and out of any of our holes they could get to. Even squeezing past worms which already occupied the space, causing unbelievable stretching and unimaginable pleasure. Not even mum's boobs were safe, with a few slipping inside even while the worms were forcing their own way in. When they finally made it all in, and mum's tits began their expansion, the ticklers shoved their way out amid a torrent of milk.
The worm on Uncle Jeff's cock seemed to be fusing with him somehow. He writhed and moaned as it did its work. It was similar to what the worm which had impregnated Hannah had done to me, it changed its colour to match his skin and grew a bulbous head on the end. By the time it was finished, it just looked like a massive cock, veins and all. And I do mean massive - at least the size of my forearm, a thick trickle of fluid leaked from the tip. I could swear I noticed his balls growing as well, and as if on autopilot he began to stroke and rub his cock and balls. He was staring at mum in amazement, drooling as he watched her tits continue to grow, until they were over twice their original size.
Mine on the other hand had shrunk down to a more reasonable size, though there were still more ticklers to come. I could get up and move about now at least, and I crawled over to mum, who was rubbing her new tits with a delirious smile. As I crawled, the ticklers popping out of my nipples scampered their way up onto my back, and down my spine, causing shock waves of pleasure to ripple throughout my whole body. They then slipped into my ass and made their way deep inside me.
When I reached mum, I gently took her hands and pulled her arms above her head, pushing my chest into hers and kissing her deeply. She gasped, but then immediately shoved her tongue as far into my mouth as she could, and I did the same with mine. Ticklers were emerging straight from my nipples and into hers as we made out. Mum pushed up at me, wanting us to be as close as possible, then pulled her lips away and kissed across my neck, up and down, licking and biting my ear as she went. I shuddered and collapsed on top of her, it was just too much!
"Your little friends are amazing darling. They feel so wonderful in my tits." mum whispered to me as I cried out in bliss.
"I know, and you haven't seen anything yet." I gasped, clamping my mouth onto hers for another passionate kiss. As if wanting to prove just how right I was, I felt mum practically scream into my mouth. A worm had slithered between her legs and was nuzzling on her clit while it arched its other end around and forced it deep into her pussy. I could feel the force of it fucking her, slamming itself into her g-spot with hard, well aimed strokes. And through all that, a group of ticklers were popping in and out of her ass as if they were playing a game of some kind. Mum was panting and swearing as our new friends fucked her, and she suddenly tensed up and began to twitch. She went silent, her mouth hanging open with a trickle of drool pouring out. The worm in her pussy was inflating and deflating itself, and it was making mum cum in a way she could never have thought possible.
She came back to her senses after a little while, and demanded my lips again. I was more than happy to oblige, I licked up the trail of drool from her neck up to her lips, and I trailed my tongue across them, planting a soft kiss on each. I then felt something soft and warm on my butthole, and I thought for a second that it was a little worm , but when I felt a couple of hands spank my cheeks and heard a soft giggle behind me, I realised that Hannah had somehow made her way over to us. It couldn't have been easy considering the size of her tummy, but I was glad she made the effort. She enthusiastically rimmed me as mum and I took turns sucking on each other's tongues. Before long, my ass winked open, and out came a tickler, which Hannah immediately swallowed. She sighed as it crawled down her throat, and put her lips over my little pink hole and started sucking with all her might. It felt amazing, as more and more of them went from my ass to her mouth, and she was making these gurgling noises which had me gushing.
A familiar warm feeling began to spread from my stomach up into my throat. A worm which had been resting inside had decided to emerge. At that instant I realised that the last of the ticklers had been born. My boobs were back to their original size and shape, and I couldn't help but rub them. Mum's had grown to accomodate my brood, and she really seemed to enjoy them moving about and drinking her milk from the inside. This also caused the occasional torrent to squirt out and my chest was covered in it. I wanted so badly to suck one of her nipples as far into my mouth as I could and drink her delicious, nourishing liquid, but the worm in my throat had already pushed past my lips and into mum's mouth.
As much as I loved my lovely little worms slithering in and out of my holes, I really wanted this one out as soon as possible. I just had to have a drink from mum's massive, milky, tickler filled boobs, I just had to. The thought was driving me wild, and when the the worm had finally come out all the way, squirting a bit of its own wonderful nectre onto my tongue as it left, I immediately grabbed one of mum's tits and sucked her swollen nipple into my mouth.
The rush of milk that followed was overpowering to all my senses, and there was so much of it! I couldn't swallow it all, and a lot leaked out the sides of my mouth. I ravenously suckled and swallowed, but the more I drank, the thirstier I seemed to get. I was so lost in my feeding frenzy, it wasn't until she was right next to me that I noticed Jenny was hungrily drinking from mum's other boob. I moved off mum and knelt next to her without missing a beat. Unfortunately, in my stupor, I'd forgotten about poor Hannah. A tickler was hanging half out of her mouth when I moved away, while another popped out of my ass and immediately scurried into one of her nipples, intensifying her gurgling for a moment.
Hannah pouted, but then I noticed her slowly inching forward somehow. The worms must have been moving her, and soon her face was right between mum's legs, and she needed no invitation, diving in and sucking on her pussy, covering her face in her juices. Mum cried out as she was hit with another wave of orgasms, but was suddenly stifled by uncle Jeff sticking his cock into her mouth. He'd been watching us and masturbating the whole time, but now he couldn't take it any more, he just had to join the fun. And who could blame him? His cock was leaking even more than before, and as soon as the taste hit mum's tongue, her eyes lit up and she lovingly began to suck his cock while stroking his balls. She licked up the shaft and looked up at him, and then slowly started to try to swallow it. It didn't look like she'd even be able to fit the whole head in her mouth, but Jeff started pushing. Her mouth expanded around his cock, and when the whole head slipped past her lips, it stretched improbably to accommodate it. I wondered if she was like a snake and had dislocated her jaw or something, but I figured the worm's fluid was probably a more likely culprit. Jeff met considerable resistance at her throat, but soon pushed past that and sank deeper and deeper.
"Mmm yeah that's it Claire, take it all the way down." he moaned.
By then I'd finally had enough milk, but kept a big mouthful which I shared with my uncle, much to his delight. We kissed as we shared the precious fluid, but I made sure he got most of it, he was going to need his strength! Jenny joined us after a minute or two, and we shared a three way kiss before uncle Jeff gently nudged us away, obviously wanting to watch the two of us. We wasted no time and we had our tongues deep in each other's mouths within a fraction of a second.
Mum continued swallowing his cock beneath us as it was fed to her by Jeff, and when she hit bottom, he slowly slid out before pounding back in. He furiously fucked her throat while he watched Jenny and I making out. We rubbed our clits on mum's nipples, and she grabbed our butts and pressed them firmly to her chest. Our pussies soon started to fill up with milk as the squeezing forced it up inside us, while in turn our juices liberally flowed all over mum. After a particularly intense gush, a tickler peeked out of each of her nipples, stretching them as well as our pussies as they made their way deep inside, tickling our cervixes open and nestling themselves comfortably in our wombs.
Jeff had started to let his cock linger inside mum's throat at its deepest point. A couple of worms inside her stomach were doing something to him that seemed to drive him nuts, he'd shudder every time. I loved watching the bulge in her throat pulsating as he rammed into her face, and the gurgling sounds she made were heavenly. She went stiff suddenly, obviously experiencing yet another incredible climax, in fact, I could hear her pussy gushing.
"Mum, you squirted all over my face!" exclaimed Hannah with four fingers still buried in mum's pussy.
Jenny gave me a look of uncertainty, not quite being used to this whole thing just yet, she didn't really know what any of it meant, or what to do next.
"Cmon Jenny, let's go clean that up." I said, giving her cheek a lick so she got the idea. We dismounted mum's boobs, leaking milk everywhere, and joined Hannah between mum's legs and started to lick mum's delicious cum off her face, and there was a lot of it. Jenny and I were both quite thorough, and I made Hannah squeal when I got to her ears. Hannah licked back when she could, just for fun, and eventually we settled into an intense three way kiss, dipping our fingers into mum's pussy and slurping all her nectar off our fingers.
We were broken from our reverie by Jeff shouting "FUUUUCK!" as he started to cum directly into mum's stomach. We could hear him squirting inside her, filling her up. He unloaded an incredible amount, causing her to bloat noticeably. Hannah, Jenny and I watched with great interest, Jenny seemed particularly overcome by what she was seeing.
With one last grunt, Jeff pulled his cock from mum's mouth, though he still had a couple more ejaculations left in him. As soon as it was clear, mum took a sharp, urgent breath, as though she had been holding it the entire time, while Jeff's cock spurted all over her face until he was finally done, and he collapsed on his back. The two of them were panting heavily, and Jenny suddenly slid herself up mum's body and started licking Jeff's cum off her face, shaking with each mouthful she swallowed, looking like she was in heaven. The way she slurped that stuff up turned me on like you wouldn't believe, but I have to admit, it also kinda made me mad that she wasn't sharing.
That feeling didn't last once I realised that Jeff's cock also probably needed a little a bit of a clean. Jenny and mum had started making out, as one could expect, and so with them distracted, and Hannah uncharacteristically immobile, Jeff's cock was all mine. While he was still recovering, I practically pounced on him and wrapped my lips as far around his cock as I could manage and sucked up a good mouthful of his cum. It was insane! It tasted really good, though not quite as good as the worms' fluids. It did however, seem to excite the worms in my stomach, and gave me a very sudden and very sharp jolt of arousal while I continued licking and sucking his cock. It was so big I couldn't believe it; licking from balls to tip was quite a journey.
"Thanks uncle Jeff, that was yummy!" I said when I felt I was done.
"Any time love." He replied, becoming distracted part way through his sentence, staring at something behind me. When I turned around, I saw that mum was now on all fours, with Jenny's head between her butt cheeks. Hannah hadn't moved of course, she and mum were drinking from each other's boobs. As if possessed, Jeff sat up, staring at the junction between mum and Jenny. I found the sight pretty arousing myself, I couldn't figure out what Jenny was actually doing back there. But as if on cue, she separated her face from mum's ass, and crawled towards me, shoved me onto my back, and practically tried to swallow my clit.
I'd never had my pussy eaten before, despite all the other things that had happened to me recently, and I loved it. Jenny's tongue felt heavenly as it flicked my clit, and looking down at her between my thighs drove me wild. I'd wanted this for so long, and I didn't even realise it. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into my pussy, grinding on her mouth.
"Oh Jenny, that's so good." I cooed, "Finger my ass."
Her fingers slipped easily into my slippery hole, and added wonderfully to the feelings she was giving me. I glanced up just in time to see Jeff get behind mum and position his cock at her pussy. They both moaned loudly as he started to push it in, her pussy stretched and stretched to accommodate it, and as hard as he pushed forward with his cock, she pushed back with her hips. When the head popped in, she craned her neck and gasped, just for a second, before returning to Hannah's nipple and sucking hungrily.
I wanted Jenny to see this, but more than that I wanted her to keep eating me out. I was getting close, and definitely did not want her to stop. I felt a tickler enter my pussy and then pause, using all its little legs and feelers to stimulate me, and I cried out as I started cumming yet again. Mixed in with my own screams were mum's.
"Deeper! Deeper!" she shouted as Jeff's cock was about half way inside her pussy, and still going. I was too lost in bliss to notice, but the worms had started moving Hannah towards me, until she was right next to Jenny. The sudden feeling of both their tongues on my nethers, one on my pussy, the other in my ass, had me cumming even harder.
"Fuck me Jeff!" mum screamed when Jeff reached her cervix. But little did she realise he wasn't quite done yet. She was groaning and pushing back on him even harder, as her cervix slowly opened around his cock. When it slipped past, she let out a surprised gasp as he entered her womb, went even deeper, and his balls slapped against her clit. Then he started to fuck her. Mum screamed like a maniac as he pounded her. Her butt jiggled at the apex of each thrust, and Jeff was thrusting hard. The wet, slapping sounds of their coupling, as well as Jenny and Hannah's tongues kept the waves of my orgasm from diminishing even a little. I came the entire time I watched them fuck. Mum and I would lock eyes occasionally, and we both seemed to feed off each other's pleasure. I'm pretty sure she was cumming the whole time too.
I could see Jeff's cock making a bulge in mum's tummy, it was so huge and so deep, stretching her womb and everything else inside her, and bringing her to heights of pleasure very few people have ever experienced. Some ticklers began to pop out of mum's ass, a couple hanging around her pussy, tickling her clit and Jeff's shaft, and others crawling up to squeeze their way into her boobs. The rest simply made their way straight to her mouth and back into her stomach.
Jeff was getting close, and we could all sense it. Jenny, Hannah and I made sure we had a clear view of what was about to happen. Jeff was playing with mum's enormous tits as he fucked her, before pulling her up towards him til they were both fucking vertically. His thrusts shallowed as his hips slapped against her butt cheeks, and he grunted deeply, on the verge of climax. And what a climax it was! When he came, he obviously came hard. Even more intense than the last time, his cum practically poured from his cock, filling mum's womb. When her stomach started to expand, mum and Jeff were both twitching and shaking.
"Oh my god..." Jenny gasped, hand at her mouth as she watched mum's womb expand. She seemed to love every fleeting moment as mum's stomach grew before her eyes. I loved it too, though admittedly seeing it didn't quite compare to actually causing the expansion myself. Hannah rubbed her own tummy as she watched, imagining mum's growing that big, and remembering how she'd gotten to that point in the first place. She was grinning the whole time she watched.
It took Jeff minutes to fill mum with his entire load, and she looked to be quite pregnant when he was done. Not as big as I had made Hannah, but I figured that whatever was inside mum was something new. Jeff gently lay her on her side as his cock slipped out of her with an audible pop, her pussy closing tight, preventing even a drop of his cum from escaping. We all converged on her then, holding her and kissing her, and we enjoyed this tender moment for a while, but then Hannah's immense stomach came to life. She started to moan with an intensity I had never heard before, and we could see bulges in her tummy rise and fall.
Whatever was gestating inside her had made it clear that it was ready.
3 years ago