Dating a disabled woman can be funny

I once was on a dating site for disabled people and one lucky day I got a message from Marjon who wanted to meet me. She was a few years younger than me, and born with Spina Bifida. Her body was curved massively, what made her look less tall than she would have been with a straight spine and legs. Her neck was also bent and motionless and her face was not symmetric. Still she had a pretty face with beautiful blond reddish hair. Her lower legs were covered in braces and although walking seemed hard for here she kind of wobbled pretty fast.
We met outside a parkside restaurant. When she saw me I could see she was disappointed. It was the first date I had since I was using my walking aid. Still my crutches were the only disability you could see from the outside.
“ I can’t remember your profile sayed you are a f**ng cripple “
I was dazzled and thought ‘excuse me ‘ ?
“ I didn’t think i would date a midget “
“ I am not a midget. With straight bones i would be 5”6, but your profile said only that you are impotent .. “
“ And a neurological disease, this causes my impotence but it’s a degenerative disease. and yes it cripples me, but i’m by far not as crippled as you are “
Her harsh words hurt me, but I wasn't angry. Somehow I couldn't.
“ What do you think the people will say when we go inside? ‘ Oohhww how cuuute, 2 cripples found love together, isn’t that sweeet ‘ I could puke thinking of that. “
“ But you realise we met on a dating site for disabled? “
“ Yes, but I chose you for your impotence, I thought at least you would lóók normal. “
“ So you are ashamed of me? “
“ Yes very much so, I am by far disabled enough. I hoped to meet someone with a non visible and non mentally disability “
“ I have a surprise, I’m not only impotent but also incontinent “
“ I don’t care, me too. Do you really have to use crutches ? “
“ If you don’t want me to fall down every second step, yes I do. “

Mumbling she walked in front of me to the entry of the restaurant. With big self esteem she walked in front of me toward the table guid, and immediately I could feel the looks she was so afraid of. Since I was walking on crutches sometimes people would look at me but now they were staring and looking pitiful with a c***dish delight that was really very awkward.
“ Ok, i understand what you mean, but ain't you used to be stared at? “
“ Yes of course, but I like the people to be confused, and wondering what kind of relation I have with the one i’m with. When they see two cripples, a man and a woman of the same age they just see a crippled couple, ‘ and it’s so cute they dare to go out and have a nice time ‘... Puke “
Marjon could talk all night, in a harsh tone. Making fun of other people in the restaurant, people she knew, but not laughing by herself. On the other side she could also talk harshly about herself and also make fun of herself. There was never a dull moment with her. We had a good time and when it was time to go home she made it clear to come with me.

In my home she got physical immediately. On the coach we kissed and she took off her dress. It struck me to see how severe her handicap was. Inside her special shoe she had clump feet and an ankle foot orthosis st****d under her pantyhose to her curved, short legs. Her spine was severely bent, not only in an S shape, that left her pelvic bent sideways up, but also under her breasts bent outside, that made her belly stick out in front. All the joints seemed very rigid, and she walked by shifting the weight of her body to the left and the right. Like me she was also wearing a diaper. Due to her curved hip and pelvic it seemed huge. She was not wearing any underwear and through her pantyhose I could tell her diaper was fairly used today. It made me more comfortable that I didn't have to take off my own diaper, even more because there was no time to do so, for Marjon was already all over me.
“ I can take my diaper off, and I have a clean one with me. Often when I am aroused I pee. If you want I can put it under me so your couch won't be messed up. “
“ No that's fine. This coach holds a lot pee from mee yet “
“ ieeuuw .. well anyway. I’m not into a golden shower so if you are not sure please leave it on. “
“ No, i don’t feel it coming so i leave mine on “
“ Don’t worry, you’ll get a good time too, but I'm the girl and I go first. i got this boy with ‘cause penetration want be possible i guess from your as as from mine “
She got out a big flapping red dildo. It turned out due to her curved pelvic and rigid hips she had never been penetrated. But she knew exactly what she wanted. The dildo was lubricated and in a curve inserted into her vagina. With a remote control she could turn it on and I could tell it was spinning around inside of her. She took my hands between her legs to caress her inner thighs and my face between her breasts. Her thighs became wet, and I guess it was pee rushing out. Her breasts were big and hanging down over her belly, with big round black nipples. The areola turned even bigger the more she was aroused. It was her pleasure to direct my face and hands wherever she wanted them to be. After about 30 minutes she came with a big scream spraying out urine in my hair and face.

She left her dildo in but turned to me. Her hands went inside my diaper.
“ Your incontinence is only urinary i hope ? “
“ Yes it is. Please going, it wont turn hard but it feels good “
“ I’ll get you out of this diaper. It’s already messy here by mine, so I think I can handle some pee from you. But if you feel it coming please tell me, i don’t like it in my face “
“ I can use a catheter so the bladder is empty “
“ Hell no, let's go on with this. “
She didn’t ask me what I liked or wanted and with the same energy as before she turned to me. She just knew what spots to trigger for the biggest pleasure. As she rubbed her breasts over my penis I felt some pee running down. It didn’t seem to bother her as she rubbed it over herself. As she thought my bladder was empty now she took my weak penis in her mouth. Rubbing my inner thighs felt really good, and it was a pleasure I thought I would never experience since the day I was impotent. That moment, just before i came, when pleasure is on it’s peak and yet the body goes into a relaxed position, a flush of urine left my dick into her mouth. She didn’t say anything and just went on, letting the pee flow out of her mouth. It still took some minutes before I came. No cum came out but my body shook, and I was afraid for a minute I would hurt her. But she came up and rubbed my penis between her breasts.
“ There want be a next time, for us, but i learned when having sex with a incontinent dude: catheterize ! “
“ I told you, but to be honest i never had sex like i did today “

She spent the night 'cause it was too late to catch the train. I realised I would never see her again, and that was fine. She did what she did for herself and gave me a good time too. With great laughter, deep respect and pushing me into self-reflection. I learnt not to fall into self pity and that one should only strive for one's own happiness and that one self is the only one who can achieve this. I often think about Marjon and would love to meet her again.
Published by Cathmale
3 years ago
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