The story of the loss of a teen boy's penis
True story
Tim_nullo's penis had to be amputated at the age of 12 due to necrosis caused by a bacterial infection. Only a small stump remained inside.
Cause of infection:
The teenage boy living in Germany had his foreskin adhesion. He was told to try to loosen his foreskin if possible. Bacteria (which can come from anywhere) got to the sore spots. At first, the boy didn't take it seriously, thinking it would just go away. The teenage German boy later went to the doctor. At first they tried to save his penis, but unfortunately the medication with which the penis was treated was ineffective. One day, the doctor told the boy he had to have his penis amputated. He said if the penis wasn't amputated, the infection could spread to the testicle balls. They took him to the O.R. and put him to sleep. Then they began to remove the infected penis. Unfortunately, not only the outer part of the penis, but also some of it had to be removed from the inner part. The stump ends somewhere floppy behind the testicle. He inserted the catheter into the remaining penis stubble that ends behind the testicles and then sewed up the wound. The surgery's over. When he woke up from surgery, he was full of meds, he didn't really know what happened. The next day he felt the feeling was a mixture of embarresment, shock and happiness to survive...
The catheter was removed at the hospital about a week later. When the 12-year-old went to pee on the toilet, he experienced a new weird, unusual thing. The catheter had to be inside for a while (about 1 week), and when the stump and outlet healed nicely, the catheter was removed. It was the first time the 12-year-old teenage boy had experienced peeing without a penis. She went to the bathroom and started peeing.
He sat on the toilet, and when he started peeing, the pee didn't flow through his penis (since he had been amputated), but came out through the opening in the place of the former penis. Most of the pee coming out of the beam went to the toilet, while part of the pee spilled onto his scrotum and flowed through the scrotum. That's how it was every time I peed. It was really weird getting used to the new feeling, but it worked out fast. Since Tim no longer had a penis (amputated), he had to figure out how to evenly control the pee. Over time, he realized that by moving the testicle balls, he could control the direction of the pee coming out. He left the hospital about two weeks after the amputation.
Life after amputation:
Two years since the amputation, the boy turned 14. Most teenagers at this age almost always have their penises up. But Tim hasn't had a penis in two years. Since the testicles were completely intact, the remaining penis stump began to stand up more and more often in the boy's body. At his age, Tim knew about masturbation, but at first he didn't know how to satisfy without his penis. The boy tried to masturbate without a penis, but at first he couldn't. Because the testicles were intact, they began to produce more and more sperm, and the testicles of the adolescent boy became more and more full. Because of this, the stump was almost constantly standing inside his body. The standing stump ended up about 1cm behind the opening in the place of the penis. When her testicles were too full, during a spontaneous nighttime ejaculation, the sperm went into her underpants. That's how it was every 1 or every few weeks when his testicles were too full. With the testicles almost always full, Tim felt more and more that he should figure out how to satisfy himself. One day, he managed to satisfy himself with a fist, and he realized that if he did it long enough, he'd come after a while. So luckily, he figured out how to satisfy himself. At 15, Tim had a girlfriend, but he didn't dar to tell her and show her that his penis had been amputated. Later, this relationship didn't come to anything. Seven years after the amputation, at the age of 19, Tim wrote his story for the internet. He took several video recordings of the location of his penis. In one video, he shows what it's like to pee without a penis. Another shot shows what his body looks like after his penis was amputated (seven years after amputation). One of the footage shows what it's like to be in a state of a state of ailation, and although the standing penis stump is not visible, it shows the testicle bag pulled up. Or in one of the videos, he's satisfying himself without a penis.
My opinion:
Unfortunately, infection under the foreskin led to penile amputation. The boy got bad advice, he shouldn't have loosened his foreskin. It would have been best if she had been circumcision. If he had been circumcised, his penis would have escaped infection (necrosis). With circumcision penis, he could still live his life to this day.
What do you think? Could his penis have been saved? Maybe we should have tried more medication, maybe another doctor?
Tim_nullo's penis had to be amputated at the age of 12 due to necrosis caused by a bacterial infection. Only a small stump remained inside.
Cause of infection:
The teenage boy living in Germany had his foreskin adhesion. He was told to try to loosen his foreskin if possible. Bacteria (which can come from anywhere) got to the sore spots. At first, the boy didn't take it seriously, thinking it would just go away. The teenage German boy later went to the doctor. At first they tried to save his penis, but unfortunately the medication with which the penis was treated was ineffective. One day, the doctor told the boy he had to have his penis amputated. He said if the penis wasn't amputated, the infection could spread to the testicle balls. They took him to the O.R. and put him to sleep. Then they began to remove the infected penis. Unfortunately, not only the outer part of the penis, but also some of it had to be removed from the inner part. The stump ends somewhere floppy behind the testicle. He inserted the catheter into the remaining penis stubble that ends behind the testicles and then sewed up the wound. The surgery's over. When he woke up from surgery, he was full of meds, he didn't really know what happened. The next day he felt the feeling was a mixture of embarresment, shock and happiness to survive...
The catheter was removed at the hospital about a week later. When the 12-year-old went to pee on the toilet, he experienced a new weird, unusual thing. The catheter had to be inside for a while (about 1 week), and when the stump and outlet healed nicely, the catheter was removed. It was the first time the 12-year-old teenage boy had experienced peeing without a penis. She went to the bathroom and started peeing.
He sat on the toilet, and when he started peeing, the pee didn't flow through his penis (since he had been amputated), but came out through the opening in the place of the former penis. Most of the pee coming out of the beam went to the toilet, while part of the pee spilled onto his scrotum and flowed through the scrotum. That's how it was every time I peed. It was really weird getting used to the new feeling, but it worked out fast. Since Tim no longer had a penis (amputated), he had to figure out how to evenly control the pee. Over time, he realized that by moving the testicle balls, he could control the direction of the pee coming out. He left the hospital about two weeks after the amputation.
Life after amputation:
Two years since the amputation, the boy turned 14. Most teenagers at this age almost always have their penises up. But Tim hasn't had a penis in two years. Since the testicles were completely intact, the remaining penis stump began to stand up more and more often in the boy's body. At his age, Tim knew about masturbation, but at first he didn't know how to satisfy without his penis. The boy tried to masturbate without a penis, but at first he couldn't. Because the testicles were intact, they began to produce more and more sperm, and the testicles of the adolescent boy became more and more full. Because of this, the stump was almost constantly standing inside his body. The standing stump ended up about 1cm behind the opening in the place of the penis. When her testicles were too full, during a spontaneous nighttime ejaculation, the sperm went into her underpants. That's how it was every 1 or every few weeks when his testicles were too full. With the testicles almost always full, Tim felt more and more that he should figure out how to satisfy himself. One day, he managed to satisfy himself with a fist, and he realized that if he did it long enough, he'd come after a while. So luckily, he figured out how to satisfy himself. At 15, Tim had a girlfriend, but he didn't dar to tell her and show her that his penis had been amputated. Later, this relationship didn't come to anything. Seven years after the amputation, at the age of 19, Tim wrote his story for the internet. He took several video recordings of the location of his penis. In one video, he shows what it's like to pee without a penis. Another shot shows what his body looks like after his penis was amputated (seven years after amputation). One of the footage shows what it's like to be in a state of a state of ailation, and although the standing penis stump is not visible, it shows the testicle bag pulled up. Or in one of the videos, he's satisfying himself without a penis.
My opinion:
Unfortunately, infection under the foreskin led to penile amputation. The boy got bad advice, he shouldn't have loosened his foreskin. It would have been best if she had been circumcision. If he had been circumcised, his penis would have escaped infection (necrosis). With circumcision penis, he could still live his life to this day.
What do you think? Could his penis have been saved? Maybe we should have tried more medication, maybe another doctor?
3 years ago