Maybe this will work?
Latest updated online ad, maybe this will get me some quality dick for a change “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
Hello! My name is Remy. I hope that this has found you well, healthy, and most importantly ... Happy!!! I'll try to be as breviloquent as possible, as to to not take the least amount of your valuable time, while still giving a 100% accurate and clear picture of who I am and what I'd want from any relationship with you, should we get that far. I know how valuable time is for everyone in today's world, and I certainly would appreciate the same. I Live in Wytheville, Va. and I will NOT host at my home, at least until we meet once or more so that there is some realistic level of trust, which ultimately is what makes for the BEST sexual experiences. If you're not within a reasonable distance to host or can't afford travel expenses for me to come to you if needed, which I'd do as as cost effective as possible, then there's really no need to go any further. I'm seeking real, afk encounters, preferably regularly, not a bunch of online messaging, texting, or video chat to exchange pics and get you off and never meet up. If you have a situation at home that won't allow you to host, I will gladly meet you locally to you or myself, with aforementioned considerations if you get a hotel room as well. For both of our well being, I can allow NO exceptions to any of that, simply for both of our well being.
Me: I'm educated, well traveled, clean, safe, creative, kind of funny if you dig dark, often quick and/or dry humor. I am VERY laid back, never judgmental, and accepting as I always have found something good in just about everyone I've ever met all around the world. I can make just about anyone feel comfortable I think. I make my own schedule so I can make myself available around busy lifestyles in order to be as convenient as possible and don't mind traveling to accommodate those busy lifestyles as long as I have the means and/or you provide them to do so. I'm not looking to "make a buck" from you, but I'm also not willing to take away from myself for you. I'm NOT Daffy Duck Greedy, nor a gold-digger whore, and I guess still a bit old fashioned in that I feel like a princess a little more when someone makes sure I don't have to go without just to come be their dream gal, and that feeling makes the inner slut in me really wanna come out to play.
I'm quite discerning and not promiscuous so there aren't any troubles or worries you'd have that accompany those who live that lifestyle. I am however, very open to your desires and needs. I'm not a slut because I sleep with every beauty with a great rack or large pulsing cock that brushes past me, in fact, in over two years now, I've had 3 partners and 2 were a couple where the wife mostly didn't participate, so I'm not out there slingin' ass to everyone I get under my skirt. I AM VERY MUCH the slut of fantasies however, because of all the depraved and kinky things I'll LOVE doing for the right partners that fit t his bill. They won't even have to ask once I learn what that is, I'll already be doing it. I'll even try most things at least once for you, if it will please you or you've never had anyone open minded that you could be your true self, even if I hadn't ever done it before. If you have the guts to ask, I will NEVER pass judgement, and the worst I'd ever do is say No.
I love being photographed and on video for you. I want you to have something for when I'm not there to take care of you, and selfishly, it's nice to feel like I'm the center of attention and feel like I'm pretty enough to be that.
I'm an artist with a MENSA level Intelligence Quotient, even though I think they're a bunch of douche bags not smart enough to factor creativity into those tests yet, so I do certainly have some eccentricities. Even before I knew I was, I have always been just a bit "different" than most folks, and the hardest attribute of that for most people to wrap their heads around is my honesty. Like, love, or hate it, what is truly in my heart soul and mind is coming out of my mouth or typed by my hand in real time an won't change. Everyone thinks of others actions as they would do, eg liars think most are lying to them, thieves think most will steal from them etc. etc. and factor that into their perception of people. There isn't a fuckin thing in between any lines about me, so you'll ALWAYS know where I stand and not suffer any drama from those in the world not as willing as me to be lonely AND happy. I love everyone from the moment I meet them, truly love them, for who they are not who I want them to be right off the bat, then it is up to them to fuck that up or not. Those things are the healthiest choices for me. It does make for a lonely life at times, but it is also the way I am. That said, I can still assimilate to just about any crowd if needed, even as the larger the crowd seems to be, the lonelier I seem to feel. I can speak to billionaires, Rock Stars, Artists, Actors, Scientists, and Philosophers just as I can to an uneducated, addicted, homeless person and everyone in between that vast spectrum with equivalent ease and exuberance. I have had, and/or made, those opportunities plenty throughout my lifetime, even in both extremes. I was a designer for a large retail chain at a very early age, so I skipped MIT, which most thought was insane. In my defense, I traveled the world, particularly all over Europe and Asia pre and post 9/11, and made friendships with that aforementioned spectrum of people all over the planet that continue to last to this day that I'd have never gotten the chances to do so with had I been rooted in an institution such as college. Nowadays, I've become a bit more true to my real self and I try to leave a much smaller footprint in the history of the world that I often find quite insane, so I stay away from occupations that pay so highly. Sound crazy to you? I'm sure it does. Everyone chasing an illusion that is 100% manufactured by mankind, and completely unnecessary and detrimental to our evolution as a species does just as equally to me, so we're even on that front. Just know I'll need gas money from time to deliver the pussy ? I refurbish or reinvent all sorts of vintage things destined for the trash heap or shredder before it's returned to China to become more junk, and get just what I need for a humble lifestyle as I need it. I still give away most of my artwork and inventions, and donate most of time, as I'm still saving the world one random act of kindness at a time. That can be a drag at times, I know, but I'm worth it so deal or don't I have no expectations of anyone, even after telling them all this, because I know at least 50% of you won't read all this, or won't pay attention enough to think about it while instead just think about what you want to say back, I know that number is well over 90% with the men that read this, but that's cool. I have 'big girl" panties too to pull up at any time needed. Just know that now if you'd like me to travel to you or to do certain things with me down the road, so you can plan for it, or split now. Given the means, I'm absolutely willing to share my time coming to you or going places with you, and have the time and real freedom to do those things that most do not. I'll be happy to deliver the pussy as you need it though if ya maker sure i get there ?
I believe that sums up just about all the good and bad about me I can foresee anyone needing to know to make an educated decision about contacting me. If you have contacted and I've never gotten back to you, Thanks for finally making it through all of those big words and stop jerking off to my pics and sending me messages that don't string more than 3 words together, go back and re-read this ALL, and you may finally get a real response from me and get a chick in your life that you've always dreamed of. Sorry, it took you so long to do the right thing! At this point, if by chance you still find yourselves attracted to me and would enjoy sharing some time together, I'd certainly enjoy hearing from you, because FUCK ME if it isn't hard to get these few simple considerations and get some dick in me. If not, then please accept my apologies for taking your time, as well as my respect for making it this far into an adult conversation with me when you're horny. Thank you again for your valuable time thus far, and know that either way, I wish for you to find and receive all that you desire. I sincerely hope that you'll get it all, and it'd be a big bonus to hear more from you.
Remy D.
Number 1:
New for 2021 - The Pretty Princess Dress Up Doll and Real Life Toy - Remy Pretty Little Cumslut Princess
I've REALLY been trying to find a couple nearby to play with ... well to have them play with me ... have me serve them ... do as they say, etc. Some girl time to do makeup and make me as pretty as I can be, dress me up like you like, a doll 4 you to play with and then happily doing what I'm told, taking in the ass an eating all the cum so my wonderful new lady friend doesn't have to, and doing whatever I'm told to serve you both. With some trust and experiences together that could be for you both AND whomever else as well. Maybe the maid for a small gathering of your friends to show off your new toy, or somewhere you go to show off to a crowd, or even just around the house for the weekend to keep it tidy and rub your feet as you relax or randomly just give you a rimjob while you show a friend you're video chatting with just because you feel like making me do it. What I'd hope for is that much of it's on video for you to share and show off your new toy doll. Also right now, I just have had such a craving to get some really BIG facials. Just something lately about those really big squirting shooting loads that would cover my face and fill my mouth to almost gaging before I swallowed and cleaned up the rest have me so hot. Male or female, really preferably both, but whatever you desire mostly. Having my head held in just the right spot to shoot or squirt where you want, holding it in my mouth before I swallow, showing it to you as you tell me, whatever you need from your toy ... sweet little princess doll, dressed up pretty and happy to serve. I'm a free member here and not on often, but I check in regularly and I promise any and all WILL get a response from me simply out of respect for taking their valuable time to contact me. I didn't bother posting that many photos here as most new sites come and go too quickly, but this one seems pretty cool, so more to come, and you can always request more if I haven't done so by the time you read this. I thought I'd reach out in case anyone was interested in playing with a real life dress up toy you can use on each other for maximum pleasure. Get yours now, this is one of those rare times where too good to be ... IS true. Remy D. Best little cumslut real life doll toy on the market - Get her while she's HOT!!
Number 2: I long to be treated like a Princess just a bit. Not a gold-digger whore, that you need blow all your dough on, just a sweet gal ya wanna do something nice for from time to time. Sent by my handsome man to the salon to get my sexy perfect makeup, big pretty eyelashes, and long flowing hair all done beautifully to make him proud to have me on his arm while he parades me around wherever he pleases, or at least look as good as I can so he has the prettiest face possible to cum all over. While I'm there, I'm sure to tell the all the ladies that the better they do, the more chances I'll have to get his nice long cock inside of me. They are all just as jealous of how sexy I am as they are of how truly happy I am to serve his every need. Just the little things like that he does for me, makes me want so badly to do anything that he commands. All the other guys just told me about how they wanted to fuck me and make me their bitch if we could meet at a hotel room and never even had the balls to show up, but he said, "Let me get you made up as sexy as I know you can be my little princess, because you're such a good little girl for me." That made my pussy so wet and my tiny little clitty tingly all over, and I WANTED to be his little cumslut bitch so badly I immediately dropped to my rightful place and smiled looking up at him as started to unzip his pants. He won't ever have to tell me to stick my tongue out to lick his asshole while's balls deep in my mouth ... I'll already be doing it because I WANT to for my kind, sweet, respectful gentleman. He'll know for being that way, instead of a jerk that says I have a nice ass and I should suck his cock before he even tells me his fucking name like a normal human being, as he uses me for his pleasure, that I will happily serve his needs in any way I can. I'll do whatever he wants for his girlfriends, even find him more if he desires, let him go balls deep in any of my holes in public for everyone to see, make videos of me giving into my womanhood because of his heavenly cock and balls to show all of his friends so he can brag about how great he is, or even blow his friends and let them all cum on my face so he can show off and let them know he's so awesome and has me "wrapped" badly enough that I'll do anything just to get his cock inside of me. Of course, only he and his girlfriends can have my tight little pink pussy. I mean, even a crazed little cumslut like me has to have some standards, right? Well, I haven't been that lucky, so ... not yet, but a girl can dream “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
Thank you for your valuable time.
Much love!!! ✌
Hello! My name is Remy. I hope that this has found you well, healthy, and most importantly ... Happy!!! I'll try to be as breviloquent as possible, as to to not take the least amount of your valuable time, while still giving a 100% accurate and clear picture of who I am and what I'd want from any relationship with you, should we get that far. I know how valuable time is for everyone in today's world, and I certainly would appreciate the same. I Live in Wytheville, Va. and I will NOT host at my home, at least until we meet once or more so that there is some realistic level of trust, which ultimately is what makes for the BEST sexual experiences. If you're not within a reasonable distance to host or can't afford travel expenses for me to come to you if needed, which I'd do as as cost effective as possible, then there's really no need to go any further. I'm seeking real, afk encounters, preferably regularly, not a bunch of online messaging, texting, or video chat to exchange pics and get you off and never meet up. If you have a situation at home that won't allow you to host, I will gladly meet you locally to you or myself, with aforementioned considerations if you get a hotel room as well. For both of our well being, I can allow NO exceptions to any of that, simply for both of our well being.
Me: I'm educated, well traveled, clean, safe, creative, kind of funny if you dig dark, often quick and/or dry humor. I am VERY laid back, never judgmental, and accepting as I always have found something good in just about everyone I've ever met all around the world. I can make just about anyone feel comfortable I think. I make my own schedule so I can make myself available around busy lifestyles in order to be as convenient as possible and don't mind traveling to accommodate those busy lifestyles as long as I have the means and/or you provide them to do so. I'm not looking to "make a buck" from you, but I'm also not willing to take away from myself for you. I'm NOT Daffy Duck Greedy, nor a gold-digger whore, and I guess still a bit old fashioned in that I feel like a princess a little more when someone makes sure I don't have to go without just to come be their dream gal, and that feeling makes the inner slut in me really wanna come out to play.
I'm quite discerning and not promiscuous so there aren't any troubles or worries you'd have that accompany those who live that lifestyle. I am however, very open to your desires and needs. I'm not a slut because I sleep with every beauty with a great rack or large pulsing cock that brushes past me, in fact, in over two years now, I've had 3 partners and 2 were a couple where the wife mostly didn't participate, so I'm not out there slingin' ass to everyone I get under my skirt. I AM VERY MUCH the slut of fantasies however, because of all the depraved and kinky things I'll LOVE doing for the right partners that fit t his bill. They won't even have to ask once I learn what that is, I'll already be doing it. I'll even try most things at least once for you, if it will please you or you've never had anyone open minded that you could be your true self, even if I hadn't ever done it before. If you have the guts to ask, I will NEVER pass judgement, and the worst I'd ever do is say No.
I love being photographed and on video for you. I want you to have something for when I'm not there to take care of you, and selfishly, it's nice to feel like I'm the center of attention and feel like I'm pretty enough to be that.
I'm an artist with a MENSA level Intelligence Quotient, even though I think they're a bunch of douche bags not smart enough to factor creativity into those tests yet, so I do certainly have some eccentricities. Even before I knew I was, I have always been just a bit "different" than most folks, and the hardest attribute of that for most people to wrap their heads around is my honesty. Like, love, or hate it, what is truly in my heart soul and mind is coming out of my mouth or typed by my hand in real time an won't change. Everyone thinks of others actions as they would do, eg liars think most are lying to them, thieves think most will steal from them etc. etc. and factor that into their perception of people. There isn't a fuckin thing in between any lines about me, so you'll ALWAYS know where I stand and not suffer any drama from those in the world not as willing as me to be lonely AND happy. I love everyone from the moment I meet them, truly love them, for who they are not who I want them to be right off the bat, then it is up to them to fuck that up or not. Those things are the healthiest choices for me. It does make for a lonely life at times, but it is also the way I am. That said, I can still assimilate to just about any crowd if needed, even as the larger the crowd seems to be, the lonelier I seem to feel. I can speak to billionaires, Rock Stars, Artists, Actors, Scientists, and Philosophers just as I can to an uneducated, addicted, homeless person and everyone in between that vast spectrum with equivalent ease and exuberance. I have had, and/or made, those opportunities plenty throughout my lifetime, even in both extremes. I was a designer for a large retail chain at a very early age, so I skipped MIT, which most thought was insane. In my defense, I traveled the world, particularly all over Europe and Asia pre and post 9/11, and made friendships with that aforementioned spectrum of people all over the planet that continue to last to this day that I'd have never gotten the chances to do so with had I been rooted in an institution such as college. Nowadays, I've become a bit more true to my real self and I try to leave a much smaller footprint in the history of the world that I often find quite insane, so I stay away from occupations that pay so highly. Sound crazy to you? I'm sure it does. Everyone chasing an illusion that is 100% manufactured by mankind, and completely unnecessary and detrimental to our evolution as a species does just as equally to me, so we're even on that front. Just know I'll need gas money from time to deliver the pussy ? I refurbish or reinvent all sorts of vintage things destined for the trash heap or shredder before it's returned to China to become more junk, and get just what I need for a humble lifestyle as I need it. I still give away most of my artwork and inventions, and donate most of time, as I'm still saving the world one random act of kindness at a time. That can be a drag at times, I know, but I'm worth it so deal or don't I have no expectations of anyone, even after telling them all this, because I know at least 50% of you won't read all this, or won't pay attention enough to think about it while instead just think about what you want to say back, I know that number is well over 90% with the men that read this, but that's cool. I have 'big girl" panties too to pull up at any time needed. Just know that now if you'd like me to travel to you or to do certain things with me down the road, so you can plan for it, or split now. Given the means, I'm absolutely willing to share my time coming to you or going places with you, and have the time and real freedom to do those things that most do not. I'll be happy to deliver the pussy as you need it though if ya maker sure i get there ?
I believe that sums up just about all the good and bad about me I can foresee anyone needing to know to make an educated decision about contacting me. If you have contacted and I've never gotten back to you, Thanks for finally making it through all of those big words and stop jerking off to my pics and sending me messages that don't string more than 3 words together, go back and re-read this ALL, and you may finally get a real response from me and get a chick in your life that you've always dreamed of. Sorry, it took you so long to do the right thing! At this point, if by chance you still find yourselves attracted to me and would enjoy sharing some time together, I'd certainly enjoy hearing from you, because FUCK ME if it isn't hard to get these few simple considerations and get some dick in me. If not, then please accept my apologies for taking your time, as well as my respect for making it this far into an adult conversation with me when you're horny. Thank you again for your valuable time thus far, and know that either way, I wish for you to find and receive all that you desire. I sincerely hope that you'll get it all, and it'd be a big bonus to hear more from you.
Remy D.
Number 1:
New for 2021 - The Pretty Princess Dress Up Doll and Real Life Toy - Remy Pretty Little Cumslut Princess
I've REALLY been trying to find a couple nearby to play with ... well to have them play with me ... have me serve them ... do as they say, etc. Some girl time to do makeup and make me as pretty as I can be, dress me up like you like, a doll 4 you to play with and then happily doing what I'm told, taking in the ass an eating all the cum so my wonderful new lady friend doesn't have to, and doing whatever I'm told to serve you both. With some trust and experiences together that could be for you both AND whomever else as well. Maybe the maid for a small gathering of your friends to show off your new toy, or somewhere you go to show off to a crowd, or even just around the house for the weekend to keep it tidy and rub your feet as you relax or randomly just give you a rimjob while you show a friend you're video chatting with just because you feel like making me do it. What I'd hope for is that much of it's on video for you to share and show off your new toy doll. Also right now, I just have had such a craving to get some really BIG facials. Just something lately about those really big squirting shooting loads that would cover my face and fill my mouth to almost gaging before I swallowed and cleaned up the rest have me so hot. Male or female, really preferably both, but whatever you desire mostly. Having my head held in just the right spot to shoot or squirt where you want, holding it in my mouth before I swallow, showing it to you as you tell me, whatever you need from your toy ... sweet little princess doll, dressed up pretty and happy to serve. I'm a free member here and not on often, but I check in regularly and I promise any and all WILL get a response from me simply out of respect for taking their valuable time to contact me. I didn't bother posting that many photos here as most new sites come and go too quickly, but this one seems pretty cool, so more to come, and you can always request more if I haven't done so by the time you read this. I thought I'd reach out in case anyone was interested in playing with a real life dress up toy you can use on each other for maximum pleasure. Get yours now, this is one of those rare times where too good to be ... IS true. Remy D. Best little cumslut real life doll toy on the market - Get her while she's HOT!!
Number 2: I long to be treated like a Princess just a bit. Not a gold-digger whore, that you need blow all your dough on, just a sweet gal ya wanna do something nice for from time to time. Sent by my handsome man to the salon to get my sexy perfect makeup, big pretty eyelashes, and long flowing hair all done beautifully to make him proud to have me on his arm while he parades me around wherever he pleases, or at least look as good as I can so he has the prettiest face possible to cum all over. While I'm there, I'm sure to tell the all the ladies that the better they do, the more chances I'll have to get his nice long cock inside of me. They are all just as jealous of how sexy I am as they are of how truly happy I am to serve his every need. Just the little things like that he does for me, makes me want so badly to do anything that he commands. All the other guys just told me about how they wanted to fuck me and make me their bitch if we could meet at a hotel room and never even had the balls to show up, but he said, "Let me get you made up as sexy as I know you can be my little princess, because you're such a good little girl for me." That made my pussy so wet and my tiny little clitty tingly all over, and I WANTED to be his little cumslut bitch so badly I immediately dropped to my rightful place and smiled looking up at him as started to unzip his pants. He won't ever have to tell me to stick my tongue out to lick his asshole while's balls deep in my mouth ... I'll already be doing it because I WANT to for my kind, sweet, respectful gentleman. He'll know for being that way, instead of a jerk that says I have a nice ass and I should suck his cock before he even tells me his fucking name like a normal human being, as he uses me for his pleasure, that I will happily serve his needs in any way I can. I'll do whatever he wants for his girlfriends, even find him more if he desires, let him go balls deep in any of my holes in public for everyone to see, make videos of me giving into my womanhood because of his heavenly cock and balls to show all of his friends so he can brag about how great he is, or even blow his friends and let them all cum on my face so he can show off and let them know he's so awesome and has me "wrapped" badly enough that I'll do anything just to get his cock inside of me. Of course, only he and his girlfriends can have my tight little pink pussy. I mean, even a crazed little cumslut like me has to have some standards, right? Well, I haven't been that lucky, so ... not yet, but a girl can dream “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
Thank you for your valuable time.
Much love!!! ✌
3 years ago