This video epitomizes everything I don't want

This video epitomizes everything I don't want my videos to be:


1. Yawn. It's boring. Nothing is really happening here. It's just a bunch of preening and posing in front of a camera. Where is the dramatic action? Where is the action . . . period?

2. Shaky camera work. Buy a tripod.

3. Pouty lips/duck face is not sexy at all. It is trashy and low class. So is sticking out your tongue and acting like you want to suck cock. If you want to act like you are sucking cock . . . then make a video of you sucking cock. Pretending is just lame.

4. Completely misses her cock popping out. A great shot would have been her slowly unzipping her latex panties and then her cock springing forth from its confinement. But no. We do not get that. Instead, it's a jump cut from "cock in" to "cock out." One chance for some action, and completely misses it.

5. So many jump cuts. There really is no time for the viewer to engage with video. Just when I start having a flicker of interest - jump to different camera angle. Then another. And another. And so on, and so on. I get bounced around so much, there is no time for me to focus on what is happening.

On the positive side:

1. The costume and set is well-staged. There is no clutter, dirty laundry or toilet in the background. They made sure their surroundings and costume were clean and presentable. Sure, the inside of her stockings has a tear. But that happens.

2. The make-up looks good. Again, well-staged.

3. Her cock is erect. It's not always easy to get an erection for a photo/video shoot. There can be a lot going on. Is the camera right? Is the lighting right? It seems she was able to let go of any concerns and just "be in the moment." Which is nice and leads to an erect penis.

It seems a lot of thought went into the pre-production, but I find the actual content is dull. Is it just me, or do her testicles look extremely large?

Can I do better? I have and did. Twelve years ago:

Is my video without flaws? Of course not. But at least something is happening.
Published by RachelDane
3 years ago
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Pat2610 3 years ago