Master has Control over Entire Existence

I am here.
Do as your told and I'll make sure you have what you deserve.
Either this, or any further excitements for you, puny little puppet; can and will cease to exist.
And even more, you risk losing all possibilities of coming anywhere close to worthy of feeling pleasure..
Do not risk it..
Don't make me have to strip you of all of your tiny little miniscule moments of having chance to become worth of any physical sensations of pleasure....
I will not hesitate.
You get what you deserve.
If you make me do that, you won't even see it coming...
I'll allow you to believe you actually have a chance of reaching those mind numbing moments of bliss...
Like you actually deserve to feel any kind of physical pleasure..
But every time you think you're about to reach it: you get pulled back again.. just out of reach....... Keeping you close enough to believe in the reality of obtaining it, but just far enough out of reach that you desperately struggle to rationalize the choice of deciding to give up and stop fighting to get there...
I will have your brain so numb, melting away in frustrating struggles just having battles with yourself about whether or not you believe that I believe in your worthiness to receive pleasures of the flesh, and will end up turning against yourself and deciding to give up all other aspects of life and worship me completely as your all-knowing, all-purpose, fully sexual and completely worthy, deserving, and never ending devout and open serving. You wi bow down to me, call me your master, ask for permissions for anything and everything which is deemed necessary, you will wear a collar to symbolize this and display this to all others and all else: in order to make known that you serve nobody and nothing else other than your own true God and master: the all knowing and all deserving, being of worship and order who controls every single aspect of life in every area possible. nothing is chosen by you for you, permission must be sought out for everything and anything you even think about considering a possiblity and must beg on your hands and knees with your mouth open willingfully and wide, your eyes either closed or contently unfocused and drawn towards your masters cock, your tongue hanging out of your mouth, and consequences taken on your naked exposed bottom if ever forgotten to ensure that whenever addressing me in this manner, the first words out of your mouth better be:

"master please! I am begging to you... please master give me the permissions which I might never truly be worthy of... Please master. I beg you to give me everything I deserve in all ways you believe. I will accept your blessings in all forms no matter the case and will be forever grateful and I worship your body aand mind completely and will do anything you instruct me to do. I will do it with a smile on my face and with efforts of satisfaction and complete loving desire to fulfill any and all needs, desires, curiosities, intrigues, instructions, & demands from/for my master. I give my master my eternally binding promise for all things mentioned to be full truth and fully accurate and believed in as fact and honest reality and opinion to be continued and drawn out for the current forseeable future.

And then while on all fours you must crawl over to me from the opposite side of the room, unbutton and undo your masters trousers, pull them down to ankles and allow your tongue, mouth, and throat to display to him the portrayal of how much you believe in the worthiness of you receiving the permissions for what you desire. If you truly believe in yourself and your master, you will need to show extreme passion, extremely gentle care by making love to masters cock using only your face. Show master what you're worthy of. Show master how much you deserve. Show your master who you need him to see you as. You need to create the reality you think you deserve by first creating the reality you know he deserves... Because that's the one sure positive way of making absolutely sure that your master knows deep down the levels of which, how truly worthy and deserving of, the levels of: permission to feel these pleasures, this affection, such beautiful loving and deeply passionate encouragements of continuous worshipping/pampering/pleasuring/serving completely in all possible ways..., thats the only way to completely make sure that your master is capable of granting you the deserving reciprocation that you must be so strongly craving.. what you're absolutely dying for him to show you.

Show your master that you completely, passionately and enthusiastically worship and crave the idea of pleasuring him sexually and willing to do whatever it takes because deep down inside you know that you were made only for the purpose of transporting my master into a state of complete bliss and entirely mind numbing, legs shaking, can't catch your breath, pleasuable madness for as long and for as intensely as humanly possible... you are the key that was made specifcally for the lock to his ability to feel good and to enjoy the physical sensations of pleasure... You dream every night about it... Being finally allowed to have him whenever possible... Begging for the permission to run your tongue all the way from the tip of his cock down to the bottom of his big round balls, finally being able to gently but hungrily taking each and every bit of that long hard piece of meat.. slowly it slides, inch by inch deeper into your throat until the complete length of it extends to the inside of you... Gagging and letting all your saliva just dripping all down that perfect cock..then quickly grabbing it all and collecting it together while stroking it all into the length of the hard meaty shaft... While he fights not to allow any of his breath to escape that just results in small little breathing, gasping and moaning noises that continuously send tingling sensations throughout your head and spreading quickly like a wave througjout your body.. just knowing the pleasure you're able to make him feel gets you excited, makes you feel useful and worthy, and all you think in that moment is the main focus of maintaining his pleasure and giving him the most explosive euphoria wave of the best and most intensely good feelings all over his body... all you can think about is your duty to never stop servicing your masters cock, focus, continue tosuck it as gently and as far down your throat as possible, down to the balls and back up again for a quick stroke and then repeat...visualizing his cock in your mind's eye being worked up and getting closer and closer to reaching its point of no return. you want to literally beg him to give you permission to take a break.. but you know you can't stop unless youre willing to come back and start over again.. which hes always ok with... but you physically can't take anymore, so you need to finish him quickly,, you tighten the grip and speed up significantly and quickly go from double throat to double stroke, double throat to double stroke, speeding up, tightening.... His breathing gets louder and then turns into moans.. you know he's close and you give him one final homerun speedy stroke and then right as he's about to start reaching his climax you throw your face down and take his full cock entirely down your throat and bounce your throat up and down, his balls bouncing against your chin as he reaches up and grabs the sides of your head very tightly and absolutely destroys your throat with his hot fuxking load of sticky cum shooting shot after shot, so hot and tight in your throat... you feel his cock pulsating and flexing intensely as his deep and commanding voice bellows out into a deep rumbling moan and gasp... and with one last final thrust as he roughly grips the back of your head and pounds it down into his groin..the intense and incredibly mouth watering fact that his cock slowly begins sliding out as master tightly grilling his sexy little sluts pony tail, pulls her cute little face slowly out from and away from the sticky explosion, still pulsating as master holds his little princess before him and takes her by the chin as his property and says "you did very good. You've been a good girl today. You've made me very proud." And takes her lips into his own and swirls his tongue around inside of her mouth to make sure he shows her that he's willing to show her that she's at a level of worthiness equal to him where they're able to share the tastes together and for just a moment it's almost a mutually leveled relationship...
What takes place afterwards will be so beautiful, it will likely cause a change to your entire world... reality won't ever be seen the same way for you ever again. Love becomes a truth unlocked from there on forward.
Published by Yagnad
3 years ago
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