New Neighbour Pt 01

I noticed the lorries and trucks going past from my bedroom window. My mum's house was the last on the little lane that we lived in apart from the old farmhouse about half a mile down the track so I assumed that was where they were headed. It had been empty for a few years, obviously someone had bought it and was renovating it. No one went down there much as there wasn't much to see. Some woods and fields, and a couple of footpaths that were overgrown through lack of use. As the months went by the larger trucks were replaced by smaller vans, contractors I guessed, electricians, plumbers, decorators etc.

I spent a lot of time in my room as most 18 year old boys did. There was school work, the xbox and of course the internet. Not much happened in the little village we lived in. I had some school friends but I was basically waiting to go to university when I hoped life would get a little bit more exciting. I'd kissed a couple of girls and had a little fumble around but I was still a virgin. My mum told me that someone called Louise had moved into the farmhouse but she didn't know much about her except she was divorced.

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was in my room as usual, sort of doing some homework, sort of playing games but mostly looking at porn when I heard a horse coming down the lane. I looked up and there was this woman riding slowly past. I'm not sure why I watched her but she had something. She obviously knew how to ride by her posture but there was something else. She had a sort of easy confidence about her. My attention was also drawn to her tight jodhpurs and knee high shiny boots, she looked great. As I looked at her, she looked up at me. I knew I shouldn't stare but I did and she just kept looking with a slight smile coming to her full lips and then she was past the house and off down the lane. Wow, I thought. The homework and xbox were definitely not on my mind now as my cock stiffened. I went to one of my usual places and started watching my usual porn. A tease and denial video. I loved these, a strong woman slowly teasing and stroking a big hard cock, keeping the man on the edge for what seemed like an eternity. I was 18 though so the video was only about 3 minutes in before I came. I wanted to make it last but I so rarely did.

She came riding by again on Sunday and pretty much the exact thing happened, the sly smile and my immediate reaction to it. I tried to forget about her during the week at school but as the weekend approached I couldn't help but wonder if she would be back. As luck would have it I had to mow the lawn on Saturday so I tried to time it so I was in the garden if she rode by again. I had just finished when I saw her, closer up she was even more attractive than I had imagined, and I had been imagining a lot. Trying to act casual I started loading the grass cuttings into a wheel barrow but I knew she was looking at me.

I turned towards her and she casually said. "Hello, beautiful day isn't it?" I said "Yes... nice horse" and her smile just got a little bigger and she was gone.

Nice horse, great! Good work, top banter I thought to myself as I stood there feeling pretty daft.

I saw her her a couple of times over the next few weeks but I kept my distance after my first encounter. It was Friday evening around 6 when I heard my mum chatting to someone downstairs, just a friend I guessed. After a few minutes she called up the stairs.

"Tom, could you come down please?"

I wandered down to see my mum sitting at the kitchen table with Louise.

"Tom, this is Louise. She bought the house up the lane last year."

Compose yourself I thought.

"Hi Louise. "

"Hello Tom, nice to meet you at last" she said and held out her hand. I hesitated for a moment then moved forward and shook her hand. She was staring at me with her big brown eyes, the usual smile playing across her red lips. I'm sure she held my hand for a little longer than necessary and when she let go she allowed her fingers to slide down my palm to my finger tips.

"I need a little bit of help in the grounds, just general maintenance." she said.

"Eh..oh, I see."

More brilliant conversation Tom I thought, what was wrong with me?

"Just a few hours over the weekend. I don't want to interfere with your studies. Your mother says you've got exams in a few months and you want to go to university."

Recovering slightly I told her that I was hoping to go to Bristol university, it was a good uni and a great city. Also it was only about 40 miles away and I wanted to stay close to home as my mum lived alone.

Why did I say that? I'd never even told my mum about my reasons. My mum smiled at me and Louise chuckled,

"That's so sweet. Looks like he enjoys looking after the women in his life. Good boy."

They were both chuckling now and I suddenly felt way out of my depth again. What was going on?

"Tomorrow then Tom, 11 o'clock?" Said Louise,

"I will pay you of course."

"That sounds great." I wanted to be somewhere else right now.

Louise stood up and said

"Lovely, I'll see you tomorrow then Tom."

Goodbyes were said and I quickly went back to my room.

I was unsure what I was feeling, nervous and excited... definitely. Why had I told her about staying near by? Why had they both laughed? I was sure my mum had never seen any of the kinky stuff on my computer, the femdom stuff I enjoyed. All i knew was that I wanted Louise to like me, I wanted to please her, I wanted to....stop it Tom! Jesus, she's a grown up woman who just wants some cheap labour around the house.

I tried to calm myself down but within a few minutes I was masturbating over a video of Mistress T dominating a helpless slave.

As I walked to her house the next morning I rationalized the situation. Either She just wanted someone to help out, or she wanted to have her way with me. Both were absolutely fine by me. I knew the latter was highly unlikely but there was something about the way she looked at me, through me into my soul.

She was by the stables grooming her horse when I arrived. She looked stunning as always, moving gracefully and elegantly around.

She smiled and said,

"Hello Tom, you're 5 minutes late. Don't let that happen again"

Immediately I was on the back foot again. She didn't sound cross, but I knew instantly that I would never be late again. She led the horse into the stable and we walked around the grounds while she detailed what needed to be done. There was a lot, certainly enough to keep me busy. She explained that if things worked out she could employ me on an almost full time basis during the summer when my exams were over.

She was very precise about my duties, telling me exactly what was expected and impressing upon me that she expected a very high standard from me.

Sub standard work would displease her, good work would be praised. Simple and obvious really, I could make her happy if I worked hard and i realised that i really wanted to make her happy. I wanted that smile, I wanted her to be proud of me.

Every time we stopped walking she would turn and face me. She stood close to me and never took her eyes off mine. I was probably 4 or 5 inches taller but I felt small. There was no doubt at all that she was in charge and that was the only way it would ever be.

She was waiting for me by the stables after I had finished mowing the lawn. It was quite warm and I had broken into a light sweat.

"Mucking out can be, well, a mucky business Tom. Don't get your clothes dirty, I've got these things you can wear instead"

and she passed me shorts and a t shirt.

"Put them on... now."

I hesitated, this was not expected. She wanted me to strip off in front of her. But so what? I kept myself in good shape, running and pushing some weights. I slipped my trainers off and then my top and shorts too. I felt exposed but realised that my cock seemed to like the idea so I quickly slipped the shorts and t shirt on. Both items were thin and tight, I glanced down and noticed that the shorts in particular didn't leave much to the imagination, particularly as I was now sporting a semi.

"Perfect." She said and sauntered off into the house leaving me standing there feeling aroused yet embarrassed. She had noticed, I knew she had. I was quite proud of my cock, occasional communal showers at the school had led me to believe I was above average but she had just walked off. Forget it, do your work I thought.

She was right, it was quite dirty work but I got stuck in and called out to her when I had finished. She inspected my work an made what I hoped was a positive sounding mmm noise before pointing out that all the corners weren't up to scratch.

Handing me a small dust pan and brush she said,

"Get on your knees Tom. Get into those corners and get every last bit of dirt and straw out."

She stood in the middle of the stable as I dropped down and started carefully removing every tiny little thing I could see. It was both exciting and a little humiliating. I finished the last corner , turned and was just about to stand up when she said,

"Stop, stay there."

I froze, on my knees as she stood less than a yard away from me.

"Have you finished?"

I couldn't look away from her, I knew my cock was hardening again.

"Yes Louise, I think so."

I stuttered.

She looked slowly around as I knelt in front of her, transfixed, with all sorts of emotions rushing through my teenage head.

"What did you do wrong Tom?" She asked.

"I.. errr... didn't do a good enough job?" I replied.

"What did I tell you about the standards I expect? Why didn't you reach them?"

I could still feel my cock stiffening but I was holding the dust pan in front of me.

"I'm sorry Louise, I thought I had done a good job but I.."

"Stop, I will tell you why you didn't reach my standards, it was because you didn't try. You just thought that OK was good enough. It isn't, OK is never good enough. Look at my riding boots."

With that she slowly bent her knee and raised her foot towards me.

"Put the pan down and hold my foot, have a close look. Touch the leather, what do you think?"

They were beautiful, polished mahogany perfection. I gently caressed the leather, lost in it's inky blackness.

"Well Tom what do you think? Are they just OK?"

I was shaking now, should I kiss it? No! Just try and keep your cock under control and answer I thought.

"No Louise, they are not OK, they are perfect."

I wondered how red it was possible for a human face to become, and whether I had broken the record. She withdrew her foot and continued to stare at me and the blatantly obvious outline of my cock. The silence seemed to go on for an eternity but it was probably only a few seconds.

Then she said,

"It's always best to obey me, don't you think Tom? I know what is best and I know that you require a firm hand and some discipline. This would not have been necessary if you had done the job properly in the first place but I can see that you have got something out of the experience...."

She paused and let a little smile play across her face.

"And I think that you have learned a little lesson. Clean yourself up and join me on the patio for some lunch."

With that she walked out, leaving me on my knees, shaking and hard. Oh my God, what was going on?

A few hours ago I was walking to her house thinking about earning a bit of money and hanging around a beautiful woman. Now I was kneeling on the floor, red faced with a very obvious erection. She hadn't forced me, there hadn't been any shouting. She hadn't even raised her voice, yet here I was. Her beauty, her effortless control, it was intoxicating. I stood up and dusted myself down. I slowly put all the equipment back in it's place, buying some time to allow my cock to soften and then wandered over to the patio.

She glanced up and said,

"Your clothes are on the chair, slip those dirty ones off and sit down."

I didn't even hesitate and just did as she asked, placing the old clothes neatly on the chair.

Then we chatted, just a normal chat. It was as if the scene, or whatever it was, in the stable had never happened. She asked general questions about me, how school was and about university. What my hobbies were, friends etc. It was lovely and so soon after my hideous embarrassment it felt completely natural and casual.

I wandered home feeling very confused. I was enchanted by this woman, excited by her but also slightly scared. She had dominated me, hadn't she? Or was that just her? No, the stable thing was definitely domination, surely it was.

Anyway I was going back tomorrow. She told me I was to come back at 11 and I just said yes, of course. On the plus side I had some money in my back pocket so what's the worst that could happen I thought as my mind drifted to the porn I had been watching recently.

I arrived on Sunday morning a few minutes early, obviously. Louise was wearing tight leggings and a figure hugging t shirt which looked amazing. She greeted me, showed me what I was to do and then said she was off to an aerobics class and would see me later.

I was disappointed but also slightly relieved. I began working away making sure I followed her instructions to the letter. An hour and a half later she returned looking tired but happy.

I asked her if it had been a good class and she replied that it had been great, and that she loved the endorphin rush of hard exercise.

"Let's see what you have been up to."

We walked over to the long hedge that I had been trimming. I thought I had done a great job, it was as neat as you like, straight and square. But the memories of yesterday were still fresh.

"How do you think you did?" Louise said, and summoning a little courage I replied

"I think I've done a good job. I've never trimmed a hedge like this before but I tried my best."

She did that thing again, standing right in front of me and slightly too close. I could see a slight sheen of sweat on her and her eyes were glowing.

"I think you have done an excellent job Tom. You should be proud of that. Thank you very much."

She reached up, smiled and stroked my cheek, her hand lingering for a second. I was so happy all I could do was grin back at her. She was pleased, I had pleased her. At this moment that was all that mattered.

"Still got some energy left?"

"Yes, loads." I blurted. She laughed and said,

"There's a load of boxes that arrived this week, I need them shifting to various rooms. Come on."

There were 10 pretty big boxes stacked in the lounge.

"They are labelled, L stays here in the lounge, B is for bedroom and D is for... well just take them down to the cellar."

She told me to pick up a D and follow. The stairs were pretty steep but the cellar was massive. Big solid oak beams, what looked like a newly laid floor and some dismantled furniture, or that's what I assumed the many pieces of wood and metal were.

I took 6 sealed boxes down, one of them had come slightly undone but it was quite dark down there. I couldn't quite make out what was inside but there were definitely some sort of leather straps and some things I didn't recognise. Before I could have a better look Louise told me to come back up and get the B's upstairs. By the time I took the last one up Louise had opened the first and took out a pair of thigh length leather boots with 4 inch stiletto heels. They looked amazing.

"Wow" I said.

"Would you like me to wear them for you Tom? You deserve a treat after your good work today."

Slightly stunned I replied.

"Yes please, you look amazing, I mean they look amazing."

She laughed then said,

" I can't wear them with my gym kit, and I need a quick shower. Stand in the corner, face to the wall and I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't move."

And that's what I did, without a second thought. I walked straight to the corner of her bedroom and faced the wall. For a second I wondered about what I was doing but Louise had told me to do it so I did.

I heard the shower in the en suite running for a few minutes them she came back.

"I'm getting changed now, stay there."

I was next to the laundry basket and I saw her put the clothes she had been wearing into it. She was naked, right behind me. I could smell the shampoo and soap as she put her hands on my hips.

"You're such a good boy, aren't you Tom? I know how much you want to peek but stay there."

I heard some rustling then after a few minutes she told me to turn around and look straight ahead.

As usual she was too close, only a foot away. She had the boots on, I knew that because when I turned I was looking her dead in the eyes. She was the same height as me with the boots on. We stood there, I was lost, she was just staring at me. No smile now, just her eyes boring into me.

"Look me in the eyes, nowhere else." This was a command, I hadn't heard this tone before. I did, I wouldn't, I couldn't do anything else. I was a rabbit in the headlights.

I barely realised that my cock was pulsing in my shorts. Then suddenly my brain caught up with my peripheral vision and I knew she was still stark naked except for the boots.

"You really are a good boy Tom." she quietly said,

"I know how much you want to look down but I know you won't because you want to please me, don't you?"

"Yes Louise."

"Call me Ma'am."

"Yes Ma'am." I said.

" These boots aren't for you... yet."

"No Ma'am."

That knowing little smile was there again and she said,

"Turn and face the wall."

I turned and heard her move away. A minute or so later she walked out and went downstairs. What should I do? She hadn't told me I could move. My cock was slowly going down so I just stood there, alone in her bedroom wondering what was happening to me. All I knew was that her happiness meant pretty much everything to me.

Minutes passed until a heard her call out.

"Tom, come down. I've made you a cup of coffee."

I went down and sat in the chair she pointed to.

"Are you available next weekend?

"Sure. I replied and she just started talking about the things that needed to be done, as if nothing had happened. To say I was confused was an understatement but I went along and chatted away.

I finished my coffee, and she stood up and gave me my wages and said she expected me next Saturday at the same time. I agreed and walked towards the door.

She touched my arm, stopping me and said,

" Keep up the good work, I like you Tom. I think this could become a long term arrangement. Bye."

The walk home was strange to say the least.

Surely she was just messing with me, just a bored single lady having some fun with a fairly innocent boy. But it certainly didn't feel like that when I was with her. My emotions were all over the place but one thing was for sure. I felt alive, energised by her attention. I also felt incredibly horny, but I could deal with that when I got home.

The next couple of weekends passed without incident. I arrived and did my work, mainly to the standard required. One job was not up to scratch and she gently but firmly scolded me, reminding me to always do my best. One weekend she was away so all I did was mow the lawn. I felt a mixture of disappointment and relief but she was still amazing and I was still putting money in my pocket.

It was mid April now. My mum announced that she was going on a long weekend with a couple of old girlfriends. I was pleased for her and myself. She worked hard and didn't get to go away very often so it would be good for her. Also I would have the house to myself for a few days.

She left on Wednesday evening, there was a bit of fussing over me and I assured her I would be absolutely fine and told her to have a great trip. By Friday my excitement about having an empty house had waned. All it really meant was that I could turn up the volume on the stereo and on the computer when I was watching porn. That was exactly what I was doing early Friday evening when I thought I heard a knock on the door. I stopped for a few seconds and didn't hear anything else so i carried on watching as a latex clad Mistress teased and tortured a bound sub.
There again... definitely a noise... I quickly slipped my shorts on and just as I got to the door I heard,

"Tom? Tom, are you in?"

I opened the door to see Louise half way up the stairs.

"Ah, there you are." She said. "You had better come downstairs."

She looked quite serious, what was going on? My attention was also taken by the tight shiny satin skirt and satin blouse. She was also wearing a little more make up than usual with red lipstick accentuating her full gorgeous mouth.

I joined her in the kitchen.

She still looked quite stern and my stomach was fluttering a little.

"What's this all about?" she said.

I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I said defensively. I was on the back foot here and probably sounded slightly angry.

There was silence.

"Firstly its Ma'am, secondly never ever use that tone of voice with me boy."

I regretted it immediately and stumbled an apology.

"I'll ask you again, what's this all about?" She gestured around the kitchen. Looking I realised it was a mess. I hadn't washed up since my mum had left, there was food lying around and some dirty clothes too.

For a millisecond I thought about saying that it's my house and it's none of your business, but the look on her face quashed that idea very quickly.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, I was going to clean..."

"Stop there." She said, "Don't try and justify yourself. The place is a mess. Have I taught you nothing boy?"

I hung my head, she was right of course.

"Clean it up, now!"

I got right to it. I tidied up, put the clothes away, did the washing up and dried it, cleaned the surfaces while she sat silently watching me. I felt like I was under a microscope. It took about half an hour before I was finished.

"Stand in the corner."

She inspected my work and seemed happy but then she opened the cupboard under the sink and retrieved a bucket and a small brush. She filled the bucket with hot water and soap and said,

"On your knees and scrub the floor boy."

Our house was quite old and the kitchen floor was old flagstone. It was swept regularly but I can't remember the last time it was scrubbed. I dropped to my knees and began. It was hard work and I couldn't believe how much dirt came off the old stones. I had to change the water 3 times but when I had finished there was a noticeable difference. I'll be honest, the kitchen had never looked so good.

"Better?" She said. I nodded and said,

"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am."

She did her standing too close routine, I was mesmerised by her eyes and her beautiful lips.

"Doing your best isn't optional. It's not just for me. It's for you, and in this case for your mother too. It's every day, not just when you feel like it. Now is your bedroom nice and clean boy?"

I gulped, of course it wasn't. I was an 18 year old boy. It was a pig sty, OK, maybe not a pig sty but it was pretty messy.

I said,

"No Ma'am but I will clean it up tonight."

Phew, I thought. She smiled for the first time.

"No boy, you will clean it now under my supervision. You do your best work when I am watching you, don't you? Anyway I enjoy watching you work for me and trying to please me."

Ahh no. I started up the stairs.

"Stop! Always make sure your lady is above you on the stairs whether you are going up or down. That way you are always where you need to be, underneath your lady."

She was definitely smirking as she said this but I stopped and up she went into my room.

"Typical teenager, get to work."

With that she sat on the only chair, in front the desk where my computer and xbox were.

I froze, the screen was dark as it had gone into power save mode but I knew what was behind that black screen. Five or six tabs of various types of femdom videos. She showed no interest in it so I carried on. My room wasn't big so it only took 15 minutes to sort my clothes and file away some books and school work. The embarrassing part was having to crawl on my hands and knees to get some balls of scrunched up tissues under the desk. She didn't move, forcing me to brush against her satin skirt and sheer stockings which caused a slight stir downstairs.

When I had finished she turned the chair to face the desk.

"How's the new game coming along?"

I had used some of my wages to buy the latest Call of Duty two weeks ago and had been getting stuck into it. I had a monitor to game on so when she picked up the controller, it sprang into life showing the start menu.

"How often do you play?"

"Every now and again." I lied watching as she pressed a few buttons. Playing time, 32 hours 12 minutes. She looked at me,

"You got this game 2 weeks ago and you've played for over 32 hours?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"When do your exams start Tom? In a couple of months?"

"Yes Ma'am but I always make sure I've done my..."

She held her hand up and I fell silent.

"32 hours... is this doing your best Tom? Do you have the grades you need? Have you started revising yet?"

I hadn't started revising yet, my plan was to smash it for a couple of weeks and hope that was enough. As I explained this to Louise I realised how stupid it sounded.

"What do you think my next question is Tom?"

I knew and replied,

"You would ask me if I was doing my best Ma'am and you are right. It's a bad plan and it's not the best I can do."

"Good boy, at least you know. Now I would never take someone's property without their permission but I think you would have a much better chance of getting into the university you want without this distraction. Agreed?"

I felt like I didn't have a choice. I did, but it felt like there was only one thing to say.

"Agreed Ma'am."

"Now ask me nicely boy."

I hesitated but I'd spent enough time reading and watching femdom stories and videos.

"Please Ma'am, would you take my xbox so I can study and revise better?"

She smiled,

"Yes, of course I would. Now let's see if you've been doing any school work at all."

With that she turned to the laptop and clicked the mouse. Oh god, oh no I thought as the laptop sprang to life. There she was, Mistress T again, smiling sweetly at the camera with her latex covered hand wrapped around a large lubricated cock.

"Oh, well, that wasn't at all what I expected." She said in a voice that told me that this was exactly what she had expected to see. I was busy breaking the red faced world record again.

"Err... I.. err. I'm so embarrassed. Sorry Ma'am." was all I could say. Where was that hole in the ground when you needed it?

She looked away from the screen and said,

"Why are you embarrassed Tom? You're a teenage boy who masturbates to porn, just like every other teenage boy. There is nothing to be embarrassed about at all. I watch porn too, I think pretty much everyone does."

This wasn't really making me feel much better but it was nice of her to try.

"Can I just close those and show you my school work Ma'am?" I said as I moved my hand towards the mouse.

"No, you may not." Came the swift reply, as she started to click through the open tabs. Titles like "Mistresses prolonged tease" and " Chastity boy's punishment" popped up.

"Are you embarrassed by the type of porn you're watching Tom?"

"I... err... I guess so Ma'am. "


"I don't know Ma'am, it's not err normal." I stuttered.

"What's normal? Some bloke hammering a girl until he cums? A girl sucking away for a man's benefit? Women generally being used and abused? This is far better, all these women are in control, they are in charge. That is the way it should be, don't you think?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Let's see what else we have here." She opened up my browser history. As my mum occasionally needs my computer I am usually very good at clearing all the nasty stuff away but she had been away for 2 days and I hadn't bothered.

There were hundreds of tabs, all varieties on the same theme. She took her time, there were erotic literature sites with long stories involving FLR's and Dommes etc etc.

She opened one of the stories.

"Now look at this, she keeps her man in chastity 24/7. He serves her, not the other way round. How does he feel about his woman? He's devoted to her, he adores her, he lives to please her. That's beautiful. And she adores him too. She is making him a better man, he needs her control, discipline and her love.

When he's good, he gets rewarded. When he misbehaves he gets punished. Do you like that idea Tom?"

"I do Ma'am." It was all I could say.

"I know you respect women Tom, I can tell by the way you act around your mother, and around me. That's the right way to be.

But look at this, in 2 days you've visited all these sites and spent god knows how many hours watching and reading, and no doubt masturbating. Add that to the 32 hours of gaming. It's not good is it?"

All I could do was agree.

"Do you want to be a better man Tom? Get good grades and go to a good university? This isn't the way with your exams coming.

Anyway we'll talk about that later. Stand here, next to me. I want to watch this video with you, T is great. I love her work"

Awkwardly I moved next to her, she wanted me closer and put her arm around me, pulling me to her side. She was seated so her arm went around my upper thighs and I felt her hand shift up slightly, going just under my shorts. Before she restarted the video she laughed and said

"2 minutes and 32 seconds, is that how far you got?"

My redness that had been fading slightly returned in spades.

"Tell me."

"Yes Ma'am." I said. I couldn't lie, anyway what would be the point? She would know.

The video restarted and Mistress T was lying across her slave caressing his cock. She was talking to the camera, telling the viewer what she wanted. I could feel Louise's finger tips gently tracing patterns up and down my upper thigh. I didn't stand a chance and within seconds my cock was trying hard to break out of my shorts.

After a couple of minutes Louise said,

"That looks uncomfortable Tom, drop your shorts."

As if on autopilot I immediately did as she asked. My cock sprang straight out to it's full and fairly impressive length and girth.

"My, look at that. Very nice Tom. Very nice indeed."

Her right arm was around me, her hand on my thigh and she slipped her left hand across and held the inside of my left thigh, high up but not high enough to touch my balls. The video continued and she continued to let the finger tips of both hands to move gently across my thighs. I reckoned that steel girders have less flexibility than my cock at this point. The veins were throbbing to my heartbeat. It was right there, touch it please please please I screamed inside my head but the video just played on for another 10 minutes or so.

"Did you enjoy that Tom? She's great isn't she?" She said as it finished.

I could barely speak.

"Yes Ma'am, I like her too."

"Let's watch another." She quickly found the next video and started it. It was similar to the first one although it began with Mistress T prowling around a sub who was in chastity and bound to some sort of bondage table.

Still Louise's fingers played slowly across my thighs, the left hand so so close. This video was 30 minutes long, was I going to go insane before the end? It certainly felt that way.

"Do you listen to her when you watch these?" Said Louise.

"Yes, I do. They turn me on even more." I replied.

"What's she saying now?

"She's telling him not to cum, she's telling him that he must wait so he can please her and that no one likes a premature ejaculator Ma'am."

She chuckled,

"What was it? 2 and a half minutes? That's not very good is it Tom?" Is that the best you can do?"

"I could last longer Ma'am but I just get carried away."

"I understand. How do you feel after you cum Tom?"

I really wasn't sure how to answer.

"I don't know Ma'am. Nothing really, just sort of empty I suppose."

"That's the difference between men and women. When I orgasm I come alive, I feel electric, energised. When a man comes all his energy just drains away. He becomes listless and apathetic, useless really.

Also a woman can cum again and again very quickly. What's the use of a man that cums in a flash? They can't please their woman, well except with their tongue but that's a different story. Why does T keep her man in chastity Tom?"

I think I was starting to get it now.

"To stop him from masturbating Ma'am?"

"Yes, but why?" She said.

"So he is always ready? Ready to please her. So he has energy and desire?"

My cock didn't know what to do, it would soften very slightly then erupt back into hardness. This was humiliating in parts but also very arousing. The video had only been playing for 10 minutes, another 20 to go.

"Any other reasons?" She said

"Err, to control him? To discipline him? To make him understand that she is in charge?"

She smiled and said,

"So why do you watch all of these videos Tom? Is that what you want too?"

Her left hand was moving closer now, further up my inner thigh.

Oh was, wasn't it?

"I guess so Ma'am" was my only answer.

"I think you do too. I think you want to please me in any way you can Tom. Do you think you could last more than 2 and a half minutes for me?"

" Yes Ma'am." I replied and taking that as an invitation I moved my hand towards my aching cock.

"Stop! Did I tell you to do that boy?"

My hand instantly fell back to my side

"No Ma'am. Sorry Ma'am."

That was stupid, what was I thinking?

"I can make you last longer boy, would you like that?" Before I could reply she gently started rubbing one finger slowly up and down the underside of my shaft. I jerked at the touch.

"Calm down" she said and slowly carried on. There was very little pressure but it felt like a live wire being dragged across my whole body.

My breathing became ragged and my heart was thumping in my chest.

"Relax, slow your breathing down boy. Don't worry, I'm in charge now."

She gently used a second finger to slowly pull my foreskin back. There was a pearl of translucent precum glistening on the tip. Her finger moved across it and down to my frenum. She made small, slow slippery circles. I tried to slow my breathing and calm myself but I knew it was hopeless. My breathing accelerated and suddenly she stopped.

I told you I am in charge now Tom. What were you trying to do?"

"Ahhh sorry Ma'am I couldn't help myself. Sorry sorry." I blurted out.

Before I could say anymore the little circles started again

"Breathe" she said, " Control yourself. You don't want to cum, you just think you do. But you should be thinking of me. You should only be thinking of me and my pleasure."

It was agony and ecstasy. I closed my eyes and tried to think, please her. That's what you want, please her. Nothing else, please her.

"Well done Tom" she whispered, "you're doing very well. Good boy."

My heart sang, I was holding together, just. I had no idea how but I just kept repeating the mantra. Please Ma'am, that's all, please Ma'am.

Her finger sped up and she put a little more pressure on then suddenly it stopped. It took me a few seconds to realise I was standing there gently pushing my hips forward and backwards. I groaned and opened my eyes.

She was smiling at me,

"That's enough for now I think. You did very well, 5 minutes."

I couldn't believe she had just stopped. No, it was so so good. Wasn't she going to let me cum? My cock was on fire, it had never felt like this. I had never felt like this.

"Please Ma'am, please." I said.

"Please what?" She replied. I was stuck, we both knew what I wanted.

"Well? Please what boy?"

I was broken and I just blurted it out

"Please let me cum Ma'am, please! I was so close. I need it, please."

She licked her lips and moved her mouth so it was inches from my trembling cock.

Looking up at my desperate face she said

"I told you that is enough. Are you trying to disappoint me so soon after doing so well?"

My face crumpled

"I'm so sorry Ma'am. OK, OK I'm OK now. Sorry, please forgive me Ma'am."

"I will let you have a little leeway this time boy, but don't let that happen again. Who is in charge?"

"You are Ma'am" I replied, " you are. Thank you Ma'am."

"Good boy. How are you feeling?"

"Honestly, i don't really know but I know I'm alive, that's for sure. I'm tingling all over Ma'am."

She smiled again,

"Good, you could have had a fleeting moment of fun but you would be standing there now with a flaccid cock and an empty mind. It's much better this way, isn't it?"

I wasn't entirely sure I agreed but I did see her point. I was actually starting to feel good. My body felt great and I had pleased her too.

"Yes Ma'am. You're right, it is. I'm not sure I quite understand how I'm feeling but it's good... I think."

"That was pretty intense for an inexperienced young boy. You will feel a bit confused for a while but you need to trust me. You should be proud of holding it together... just... and I'm proud of you for trying your best. That's all I will ever ask of you, to try your best."

She turned back to the computer. My heart was bursting with joy. I didn't understand it but I just knew that she was right, about everything.

"Back to this then, obviously you need your computer but you can't be wasting so much time on porn. Would you be comfortable letting me run a programme that allows me to see what you are doing on here? I don't want to take over or anything but if I could see what you were doing I would be able to guide and teach you better. What do you think?"

I hesitated, what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.

"Yes Ma'am, that would be fine. Thank you for helping me Ma'am."

I hadn't really noticed but I was still standing naked in front of her. Weirdly it didn't seem to bother me. It was just the way it should be. My cock had slowly dropped to half mast. She stood up putting herself just too close as always and said

"I have to go now. I'll be in touch in an hour or so and we'll sort the computer out."

She grasped my cock firmly and slowly began pumping her fist up and down,

"Do you want to cum Tom?

My cock was instantly hard.

I replied, "I do Ma'am, I really do. I know that's the wrong thing to say but it's the truth."

She stroked my cheek with her other hand and said,

"The truth is never the wrong thing to say. Remember that. If you had said anything else I would have called you a liar. Wanting to cum and acting on it are two different things though.

I don't want you to cum Tom. Can you do that for me? Resist the temptation? For me?"

Her hand was still pumping very slowly away, I was like a rock again.

"Yes Ma'am, I can I promise you."

She gave me a big beaming smile and kissed me full on the lips. Before I could react she let go of my cock and was at the door, taking the xbox with her.

"I'll be in touch later. By the way, you have a fantastic cock, I'm going to have so much fun with it."

And with that she was off down the stairs and out of the house. I just stood there staring at the door for I don't know how long. What was it, a month ago when I first saw a lovely looking woman ride past my house? And here I was standing naked and needy in my room with my brain spinning like a top.

Eventually I came round and pulled my shorts back up. I was still sporting a semi but I just tucked it away without a second thought. Stopping for a second I wondered why I wasn't desperately jerking off right now but I already knew the answer. I had promised her I wouldn't and that was it, nothing else mattered.

I realised I was hungry and got some food. I washed up straight away without even thinking about it and went back to my room. Soon my phone rang, it was Louise.

"Hello baby, how are you?"

I could hear the smile in her voice, " You've got mail. Just open the link and follow the instructions."

"Yes Ma'am." I did what I was told and soon something was downloaded onto my computer. I'd heard of people temporarily handing over their computer to an admin so that some deep technical issue could be fixed but this seemed different. Anyway soon enough my cursor started moving around of it's own accord.

"Nearly there, I just need to adjust a few things."

My computer went into restart mode then came back to life.

"All yours Tom. I can now see a log of everything you access, how long you're there, when you switch on and off etc etc. Are you sure you are OK with this?"

"Sure" I replied, " I trust you and it's not like I've got a million in the bank you could steal. Overall it's definitely for the best Ma'am."

"Good boy. Now how much time do you think you should spend on homework and revising?"

I pondered then said, "well I usually get home from school at about 4.30 and spend a few hours in my room before dinner. After that I sometimes watch some telly with mum or just go to my room Ma'am."

She laughed, "but we know what you do in your room don't we? Keep your usual routine but now it will be 3 hours of proper work, won't it Tom?"

"Yes Ma'am. 3 hours of studying."

"I don't mind what you do later" she said, social media stuff, YouTube or whatever you k**s are into these days but you will do 3 hours a day, agreed?"

"Yes Ma'am, that sounds great and I'm sure it will help me immensely."

I wasn't lying, I'm sure my schoolwork could do with a boost but I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to fill the rest of my time without porn or gaming. As if she had read my mind she said " so about the porn Tom. I understand you're a teenage boy and you have desires. How often do you usually cum?"

Arrggh... what sort of a question was that? She could make me go bright red even over the phone. Tell the truth, there is no other way.

"2 or 3 times a day Ma'am." I said, almost proudly. She laughed, i felt silly again.

"OK, I'm going to let you have 15 minutes of porn every night Tom. Does that sound reasonable?"

I hadn't been expecting that, I thought a total ban was coming. Excitedly I said

"Yes Ma'am, that is very kind of you. Thank you. "

"You can access porn from 10 until 10.15. However you will text me at 9.45 and ask me for permission to touch yourself. Do you understand Tom?"

"Yes Ma'am, of course Ma'am" I replied. I should have known it wasn't going to be that easy.

Then she said, " If you don't hear from me you will not touch yourself. When you do hear from me I will either give you permission to cum, or I will not. Is that clear Tom?"

Damn it...

"Yes Ma'am, very clear."

This was not going the way I had hoped. I laughed to myself, of course it wasn't, why did I even think it would? So now I couldn't even have an orgasm without asking for permission. Great, so why was my cock now so hard again? Because I loved being dominated? Yup, that was it. All the videos and stories over the last couple of years and only now did it really dawn on me. I was submissive. I wanted this, and I really wanted her. God I wanted her.

"Are you hard Tom?"

Mind reader..... well not really.

"Yes Ma'am " I replied immediately. I noticed it was just before 10. She had timed it beautifully.

"It's 10 o'clock Tom, porn time. However you don't have permission to cum tonight. Sleep well baby and I will see you tomorrow at 11."

With that she just hung up. I sat there for a few seconds until I realised that she was probably expecting me to watch something kinky. She was watching... what should I look at? Slightly concerned I put on a fairly standard tease and denial video and just sat there watching it. My cock was throbbing, I dropped my shorts and starting slowly stroking. Instead of my usual slightly frantic pumping I found myself just softly running my hand up and down, absorbing the images but all I could think of was that she was there with me, watching, judging with that playful little smile. Before I knew it the 15 minutes were up and I quickly closed the site. My cock felt hot and heavy in my hand. I took a deep breath and let go, then quickly stuffed it back in my shorts. Did I want to cum? Yes. I wanted it a lot but a sat there and patiently waited for my hard on to go down before going downstairs and turning on the telly.

My alarm went off at 9 rousing me from a deep sleep. I was sure that I'd had some pretty weird dreams but they were fading fast. I had slept like a log, the emotion of the previous evening had clearly taken a toll on me. Thinking back to last night I was confused, and worried. Was this right? I was way out of my depth. Her control over me had happened so quickly and so easily.

Louise...Ma'am... I was due there in a couple of hours. What fresh hell was waiting for me? What incredibly exciting things were waiting for me? Which was it? Both I guess but I knew I would be there, a couple of minutes early of course.

I got some breakfast and browsed around on the computer for a bit. My phone pinged, it was Louise, Ma'am. She was just Ma'am now. I read the message, she said she had sent me a photo and said that I was to download it onto my computer. It wasn't rude, just a face photo but she was fully made up, those big brown eyes and full red mouth...oh she was stunning.

Plug your phone into the computer now, download it and I'll do the rest. I'll explain later it said. I downloaded it and watched as the photo sprang up in the corner of my screen. Odd I thought. But when I opened a sports page to have a look at what was going on it was still there. Frowning I opened another couple of tabs. It was still there, her beautiful face, in the corner. Big enough to see but not obtrusive. I smiled, I got it. Whatever I did she would always be there. A constant....homework, porn, browsing, anything I did she would be there. But what about my mum's rare usage of my computer? I would have to ask Ma'am. I couldn't have a little photo of my neighbour sitting there all the time.

Anyway it was time to go. I arrived early and Ma'am greeted me with a big hug.

"Hi Tom, how are you?" she said with a big smile.

"I'm fine... I think. I'm still processing last night Ma'am. This is amazing but scary. I don't really understand what is happening to me."

She gave me another big hug.

"You are doing great. What's the problem? If you want we can go our separate ways. I'll delete the programme on your computer and it's over. But I know that's not what you want, and it's not what I want either. Trust me, you are beginning to recognise what you are. It will be difficult. Everything you've seen all your life has told you that men are in charge. Men should be strong and the masters of their destiny. But that just isn't true for most men and it is definitely not true for you. I knew it the moment I met you in your kitchen. There is incredible strength to be found in letting go, in willingly allowing someone to be everything to you. I know it's a lot to take in Tom. I do know what is best for you. I will make you a man you never thought you could be."

I stood there silently for a few moments. She was right, I wasn't being forced into anything and what had actually happened? I couldn't watch much porn or masturbate as often as I would like. What was probably true was that I was much more likely to get my grades and go to university by following Ma'am's lead.

On top of that I was besotted with her and incredibly excited by where this was going.

I trust you Ma'am, completely. I want to please you and do my best, not only for you but for myself too."

She gave me another big hug and said,

"Great! Come on, you've got work to do."

I was at the far end of the grounds clearing some overgrown bushes and scrub when it started raining,

"Tom! Come inside." I heard her call. I picked up the tools and jogged back to the house.

"You can't work out there in this. There are things to do inside, come down to the cellar with me."

She headed for the stairs,

"Excuse me Ma'am," I said, "can I go first please?"

She turned and smiled saying, "good boy, you remembered." She gave me a playful slap on the arse as I walked past her to the stairs.

Clearly an electrician had been here since my last visit. There was some recessed lighting and a few spotlights along with some sockets for electrical equipment. She pointed to a few lengths of wood that were secured in bubble wrap and a canvas bag.

"Start with that," she said. "Build it and then secure it on that far wall, right in the middle. There's some tools and a drill to use. There are some instructions too. Give me a shout if you get stuck." She went back up the stairs and I got busy.

There were only 4 pieces of wood, 2 long, 2 short with various holes drilled in them. What could you make with this I pondered? I stripped the bubble wrap, the wood was beautifully finished, oak at a guess and varnished perfectly. I moved everything closer to where I was going to secure it and looked at the instructions.

My heart skipped a beat. The 2 long pieces formed a X shape, with the 2 smaller pieces acting as braces at the top and bottom. I had watched enough femdom porn to know exactly what this was, a St. Andrew's cross. I looked back at all the other stuff in the cellar. What had she said a few weeks ago? The boxes labelled D go in the.... cellar? No, I knew what D stood for now.

D is for dungeon. I broke out in a light sweat as all the pieces fell into place. I had been so confused and besotted with her I was amazed I hadn't realised before. The correct word was Domme, she was a Domme or Mistress or Dominatrix or....My subconscious must have known.

This wasn't just being a bit bossy or being a control freak, this was another level entirely. Yet again I felt scared and excited at the same time. I could feel my cock growing. My cock knows I thought, it knows what I want and what I need just as Ma'am does.

I started building, it wasn't tricky. Large coach bolts slipped easily into pre drilled and recessed holes. I tightened them all up then opened the canvas bag. Ahhh.... lots and lots of thick leather straps and some more fixings. There was a labeling system. Clearly the longest belt went in the middle and the 8 other belts went on the 4 spars.

There it was in all it's glory. Before my imagination could run away with me I set about fixing it to the wall. I drilled holes in the brickwork, carefully shifted it into position and there it was. I stepped back, partly to check my work and partly to take a good look at it.

It was a high quality piece but then I wouldn't of expected anything different from Ma'am.

Only one thing left to do now,

"Ma'am, I've finished" I called up the stairs. She came down the stairs and admired my handiwork. Going back to the door she turned one of the spotlights on that shone directly onto the cross. She dimmed it a little walked back to me and said,

"Lovely. It looks perfect there. What do you think Tom?"

It was a thing of beauty, but menacing too. The light reflected off the highly polished wood and glinted off the silver buckles on the straps.

"It's great Ma'am, " and laughed quietly, "I think I know what the D means on the boxes now Ma'am.

She laughed too. "Clever boy!" She smacked my bum. "Do you want to try it out?"

She turned, too close as always. Her eyes were boring into me. It wasn't a question really. I mean it was, but we both knew what my answer would be.

Quietly I said, "Yes Ma'am."

"Ask me nicely boy."

"Please Ma'am, will you secure me to the St. Andrew's cross?"

That came out far too easily, she smiled.

"Of course, I'd love to."

I walked towards it, unsure of which way round she wanted me.

"There's a slight problem boy."

I paused,

"What's that Ma'am?"

"You are still fully clothed. Get them off, now."

There was that tone again, not harsh or loud but unmistakable. I immediately complied, realising as I got to my boxers that I was semi erect. She's seen it before I thought as I slipped them off.

"Oh look." she said and laughed, "back to the cross, legs spread and arms up boy."

My heart was beating hard, cock stiffening. This was like all the stuff I had devoured on the net. This was real though, I was really doing this. I turned and stood. She was right next to me, I could smell a slight whiff of perfume as she attached the belt across my waist. Next came the legs, thighs then ankles. Arms last, upper arm then wrists.

"Don't speak." She breathed, "I just want to admire the view. It's been a while."

She just looked, my heart was pounding along with my cock. I did notice a slight flush in her cheeks though. Moving towards me she said,

"Just a couple of minor adjustments" and she methodically went round every strap and tightened them another notch or two.

"Try to move" she said. I couldn't obviously, but the act of trying reinforced my predicament. I couldn't move a muscle. Excitement coursed through me. I was helpless, utterly immobilized. I was totally at her mercy.

"Relax boy, breathe slowly and deeply. Do you trust me?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Do you want me to let you go?"

"No Ma'am."

"Excellent, thank you boy. Stay there... back in a tick."

She disappeared up the stairs leaving me slightly stunned. All those years of watching and reading, and here I was, living the dream so to speak.

Scared and aroused, I had spent a lot of time like that recently. I was learning to enjoy it. The endorphins, the adrenaline, through the fear, maybe even because of the fear I was buzzing.

I saw the boots first as she came down the stairs. The boots I first saw in her room. They were stunning but the view kept getting better as she descended. A tight leather skirt was complimented by a leather halter top held together by a criss cross of leather twine. It was tight enough to slightly compress her breasts forming a lovely cleavage.

She had done her make up just like the photo she had sent me. The eyes accentuated and her full sensual lips a beautiful deep red.

I still don't know how women walk in those heels but some do it better than others. She did it perfectly. No hesitation, just a purposeful hip swaying walk right up to me. With my legs spread 3 feet apart and her heels she was now a fraction taller than me.

My mouth opened, then closed. She had told me not to speak. She slowly traced a line with a finger tip up and down my arm, then onto my chest. Then she made some small soft circles around my hard nipples and said,

"Did you cum last night boy?"

"No Ma'am, I didn't." I replied. She continued staring into my eyes and caressing my nipples.

"No, you didn't did you. Good boy. I bet you wanted to though."

Remembering how she had emphasised the truth I said,

"Yes Ma'am I did. But not as much as I thought I would. You had told me not to and it was far more important to me to not disappoint you."

"Good boy, well done."

I loved getting praise from her. When it happened it seemed like the best thing in the world.

"There seems to be something coming between us," she said with a smirk as she stepped back a little. I was still rock hard.

"Well someone seems very happy to be bound, vulnerable and totally at my mercy."

"Do you want me to touch it?"

"Yes Ma'am."

" =Ask nicely."

"Please Ma'am, please touch my cock Ma'am. I beg you."

"Begging, that's nice. Seeing as you begged."

Just like last night she started rubbing one finger up and down the underside, not much pressure. Slowly up and down, up and down. I wanted so much more and tried to thrust my hips forward and obviously got nowhere. She smiled and said

"Easy tiger. Remember who is in charge here. I decide exactly what happens to your cock and how it happens. Just relax. That is the way things should be isn't it?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Yes what?"

I hesitated for just a moment

"Yes Ma'am. You control everything that happens to my cock Ma'am.... please Ma'am?"

That last bit just slipped out,

"Please what boy?"

We both knew what I meant, please please make me cum! But I knew I couldn't say that.

" Please Ma'am, take control of my cock. It's yours Ma'am, I beg you Ma'am."

Again this was going in a direction I hadn't hoped for. I was begging her to control my cock.

"And what about your orgasms boy?"

No no no....

"Please Ma'am, I beg you, please control my orgasms too Ma'am."

She chuckled throatily,

"Are you sure boy?"

"Yes Ma'am, please Ma'am."

"Well as you asked so nicely I will."

With that she stopped her gentle rubbing. For the second time my mouth opened then quickly closed. My cock was aching with need, throbbing with a deep lust I had never felt before. What was she doing to me?

"I'm going to let you calm down a little bit." She said and sauntered back up the stairs. I stood there, cock dancing away to it's own little tune but after a few minutes it slowly started to soften a bit and I regained a tiny bit of my composure.

When she returned a caught a faint hint of coffee. While I was tied here, desperate and horny had she just been casually having a drink and reading the paper? The difference between us couldn't of been more stark. Totally calm and in control against desperate and totally out of control.

"Much as I am enjoying this boy, and trust me I am, so far this has all been about you."

I hadn't really thought about it, I was so caught up in what she was doing to me. But she was right. It had been all about her paying me attention. Obviously there wasn't much I could do at the moment so I waited for her to carry on.

"Have you ever made love to a woman? Have you ever used your tongue to pleasure a woman boy?"

I hadn't, a few kisses and a couple of drunken fumbles was the limit of my experience. I told her this.

"A virgin then?" I reddened slightly, " Nice, some experience would be good but having a blank canvas to play with will be even better. Do you want to learn boy? Do you want to know how to make a woman scream in ecstasy?"

"Yes Ma'am" I eagerly replied. I wanted so much to do that for her. The discussion had quickly brought me back to full attention.

She walked over, pushed my cock down slightly and straddled me while lifting her skirt slightly. She pushed her body against mine. I could feel the heat of her pussy on the top of my cock. She gave me a deep passionate kiss. I response frantically.

She pulled her mouth away,

"Slowly boy, calm down."

Again she kissed me, it was better this time. Our tongues softly intertwined, exploring each other.

"Better. Good boy." She said as she broke away.

I felt her hand slide down between us and she firmly grasped the base of my cock. She slowly drew her body away and I could feel the wet heat as my cock slid along her lips. I waited for her to plunge my cock deep inside her but she didn't. She kept sliding back until just the tip of my cock was in contact with her.

She shifted slightly and said

"Can you feel that? It's my clit. Sexually it is the most important part of a woman's body."

I felt it's heat on the tip of my cock. Using her body and her firm grip on me she started moving my tip around on her clit. I could hear her breathing now, slightly faster, a little ragged. So smooth and slick, her little nub moved across my knob. She gently started shaking my cock, almost making it into slow vibrator. I was in heaven, I was....

"Don't," she said, "think about me, think about my pleasure. Only about me."

I closed my eyes, I listened to her breathing getting quicker and quicker. Her grip on my cock was getting tighter and tighter. Please her, don't let her down, let her cum. I ran these through my head trying to block out the feelings in my cock.

Suddenly she exhaled and let out a long moan of ecstasy. Her whole body was shaking. She fell away from me, letting go of me literally seconds before I would of cum. She put her hands on my shoulders and head against my chest to steady herself as the powerful orgasm slowly ebbed through her. She stood like that for about a minute as she slowly recovered.
She brought her head up. She looked slightly frazzled but she was glowing and still looked magnificent.

"That was quick, it's been too long since I had someone to play with. Mmm, thank you Tom. That was just lovely."

I smiled broadly and said

"You're very welcome Ma'am. That was... I dunno... amazing."

"How close were you?"

"So so close Ma'am but I'm trying to learn. I just kept thinking about you and giving you what you deserve and not about my own needs."

"You did very well. I'm surprised you managed. I must be a good teacher."

She winked and stood up properly.

"God, I haven't been that wet in quite a while. Solo fun is all well and good but things get so much more interesting when there is someone else involved."

"I will have to take your word for for it Ma'am."

"Right, I'm going to release you now and turn you round."

She unbuckled the straps and made me face the wall after a few seconds to shake my arms out. Quickly I was strapped down again with my arse facing her. She couldn't resist giving it a quick slap.

"Can you look down Tom? What can you see?"

I craned my neck a little and looked. On the floor was all the dust and debris from the holes I had drilled.

"Oh, sorry Ma'am. I must of missed that bit."

"You didn't miss it boy. The brush hasn't been used, you didn't even try to clean up. That's one thing, you were careless. But more seriously you just lied to me didn't you boy?"

She was right, almost u*********sly I had tried to bluff my way out with a lie and I had been caught.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself boy?"

I had messed up and I knew it.

"I'm so sorry Ma'am. That was stupid of me. I apologise Ma'am. Please forgive me."

There was silence for a second.

"You know how I feel about lying don't you? Yet you did it so casually. I am very disappointed, especially after you had done so well. I had thought about allowing you an orgasm but that is certainly not going to happen now. What do you think I should do with you now boy?"

I was pretty sure what the answer to that question was, especially given my current position.

"I should be taught a lesson Ma'am. I'm so sorry to have let you down."

"Correct, you need to be taught that bad behaviour will not be tolerated and that there will be consequences."

I heard her move away and then the sound of a box or 2 being opened. I was feeling very apprehensive now. Some pain was going to come my way but I knew I deserved it. My cock wasn't sure how to react though. It had gone down a little but was slowly springing back to life. What the hell? I guess it was all the memories of videos I had watched involving dungeons while jerking off. This was real though and my cock had decided it liked the idea.

She was behind me now,

"That's interesting boy, why is your cock still hard?"

I didn't really know what to say and stumbled a response about my memories.

"Don't worry. We will have plenty of opportunities to explore that in the future. I do have sadistic tendencies that need to be sated."

My cock stayed hard while my mind raced, flicking through all the nastier videos.

My thought process was interrupted by four nails slowly dragging their way down my back. The pain was sharp but very short lived.

"Such a pert white little bottom. It will look lovely with some red on it."

II felt something being drawn slowly across each cheek then a light tapping. Without warning 'thwack' against my arse. I grunted as a sharp pain radiated across both cheeks. This pain didn't fade as quickly. I exhaled and felt it slowly fade until 'thwack' another strike just above the first. This time I inhaled quickly through gritted teeth. That hurt, it really stung. She wasn't playing, or at least I hoped she wasn't as I'd hate to experience anything much worse than this.

'Thwack,' a 3rd stroke, this time just below the 1st one. Again a grunt escaped me, 3 more blows hit my arse each about 10 seconds apart and perfectly spaced about an inch or so apart. My shoulders and back were tensed up and my hands were in tight fists. My cock had gone down a little but was still quite hard. She pressed herself against me, and ran her hands down my sides.

"Are you alright?" She whispered in my ear.

Her hands went up to my shoulders and pushed gently down on them until I relaxed a bit.

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am" I said exhaling slowly. My arse was stinging, the pain seemed to radiate through it.

"It's good to know that you have decent pain threshold. I don't like screamers. Well done boy."

I felt stupidly proud again, despite the fact i was only being punished because I had lied and messed up.

She was kissing the back of my neck and massaging the tense muscles in my shoulders when she whispered,

"6 of the best, a traditional punishment. Those were because you didn't clean up. Now we come to the lies."

No amount of massage was going to relieve the sudden tension that hit me. The lying was the biggest sin, God, what would she do to me?

"You know you deserve to be punished don't you?"

I gulped

"Yes Ma'am."

"Beg me for your punishment."

"Please Ma'am, please punish me. I deserve it, I lied and that is unacceptable Ma'am. I need to learn, please Ma'am. Please hurt me..."

I was babbling.

"Shhh... quiet boy." I fell silent, shaking.

"I'm just messing with you, this time. You've never been in this situation before but understand that your innocence and naivety won't make any difference in the future. I'm just going to give you one more stroke, OK?"

"Yes Ma'am thank you Ma'am."

There was the cane again sliding across my cheeks and suddenly 'thwack' as the last blow landed squarely on top of the first. The pain flew through me and a long high pitch groan escaped. Every muscle was jumping as my body shook. I had never felt anything like that before. I was dazed and slightly shocked.

"It's over now baby, just relax and breathe."

She undid my arm straps first and held my arms as I lowered them down then came the legs and finally the waist strap.

She turned me round and gave me another big hug. The last blow had seen off my erection. My body had been unable to process anything other than that pain.

"Come with me." She said and gently led me out of the dungeon and up to her bedroom.

She had a quick look at my arse.

"You'll live." She joked and told me to lie on the bed. I gingerly climbed on and lay down. The stinging returned but it was manageable and was slowly fading.

She had gone into the en suite and returned wearing a long silk dressing gown.

She got on the bed and folded herself around me, her head on my shoulder, an arm over my chest and one leg between mine.

"Don't say anything Tom, just calm your mind and body down."

We lay there breathing slowly, her hand moving occasionally against my chest.

After a few minutes she asked me how I was feeling. I didn't know how to explain, it felt like I was coming down from some sort of high. I was calm but sort of alert. I could feel my body... it didn't make sense. She said that it was fine. Not only had I just experienced what for me had been a long term fantasy made real but that I had experienced pain in a way I never had before. My brain would process it and she would be there for me. After care was a very important between 2 people in this situation she explained.

I could feel some sense of reality or normality returning as Ma'am snuggled against me. I also started to feel a bit of interest down below.

She noticed and moved her hand down just beside it but not touching it.

"What about this beauty then? You've got quite a specimen there Tom."

Unsurprisingly this talk caused it to harden.

"Your penis is going to give me so much pleasure Tom. It has been a while since I had sex and a long time since I found one like this.

I do quite a lot of pelvic floor exercises so I'm very tight. Luckily you make me very wet."

It was like a steel girder again, her hand was so close. I tried to shift and turn a little but a little pressure on my thigh told me to stay still.

"Good boy."

I lay there not quite believing how I could feel this happy while feeling this horny. I had the distinct impression that sexual frustration was going to be a constant companion and I remembered what she had said about men and their orgasms.

Frustration, did it matter? It did but it meant nothing when compared to my other feelings.

Is this love I wondered? Infatuation? It was a moot point. All I wanted to do was grab her and hold her, kiss her and thank her. I was hers. I was as happy as I had ever been.

"What are you thinking?" She asked and i told her I was thinking about what she had told me about men's and women's orgasms.

Then I said, "can I do anything for you Ma'am? Can I give you another orgasm?"

I wouldn't of thought of saying those words to a woman a few weeks ago for sure.

"Thanks baby" she purred, "you can. Scoot down the bed a little."

I shifted down and was rudely reminded of the welts on my arse.

"Ow." I said smiling. She laughed,

"Aww my poor baby. Put your arms by your sides."

With that she deftly straddled me and I looked down to see her dressing gown fall open. Perfect, just perfect.

"Nice view? She asked.

"Beautiful." I replied.

She did a little hopping motion and suddenly my cock was stuck between out stomachs. She thrust her groin towards me and I felt her slick pussy slide up my cock again. She slid slowly up and down as we both became more aroused. Then she moved a little further up me and I felt my knob press against her clit. I was in heaven as she made tiny little movements, her most sensitive spot rubbing against mine.

I tried to breathe and relax, she saw that and smiled as her own arousal grew.

"Are you ready baby? God I'm looking forward to this."

"Yes Ma'am please Ma'am."

I couldn't last too much longer, whatever I did.

"It's time." I felt her shift a little, oh yes, "It's time for you to start learning how to properly please a woman" and with that she knelt up out of reach.

"This is your first lesson in how to lick pussy Tom."

My face must have been a picture as she couldn't suppress a giggle.

"Something wrong baby?"

No! So close again.

Recovering I quickly said

"No Ma'am, please teach me how to lick your pussy."

She giggled again and said,

"I'll let that lie go this time. Good recovery!"

She moved up until her pussy was resting on my upper chest and my arms were pinned by my sides.

"Listen carefully" and she explained about a woman's body, in particular a woman's pussy. I had seen and ready plenty about it but she explained that most of that was from the male perspective. She told me very occasionally she would want, well basically a quickly, but this wasn't one of those times. This was going to be slow and gentle. I was to take my time and listen. Not only to her instructions but to her body. It would tell me what to do once I learned how to interpret it. All women are different but the key was a desire to give her what she needed.

She moved up and placed her pussy over my mouth. She didn't sit heavily but let me have space to move and explore. I didn't know how she would smell or taste. I'd heard some of the more crude descriptions and they were all wrong. She was perfect, I don't know how to describe it but it was pure, the essence of a female. The embodiment of sexuality.

I was tentative at first, exploring and trying to learn. Ma'am gave me little tips as a went. I avoided her clit for a while. She said she liked to feel it slowly engorge before it was touched.

I felt her begin to rock to and fro and I matched her rhythm.

"Clit." she said and I moved my tongue up and found it easily. I moved carefully around it, slowly feeling my way. I could feel her body moving, the muscles in her legs and pussy contracting and relaxing, her breathing slowly accelerating. Some low moans told me I was doing well and I started lapping at her clit.

"No, gentle."

So I made my touch softer, more delicate.

"Mmm yeah, yeah."

I was encouraged and ever so slowly started to apply a bit more pressure. I could feel the tension in her now, building as her rhythmical movements got quicker. She pushed herself down on me a bit harder and I kept the pressure on, little circles, up and down and across.

" Oh yes, oh oh."

I had never made a woman orgasm before but I knew it was coming. Lost in her pussy I carried on letting her decide how much force to use by how she moved her hips. Everything seemed to stop just for a millisecond, her whole body tensed

"Ah." She was shaking, her whole body spasming over me. Her pussy almost felt like it was vibrating on my mouth. I felt her fall forward as more moans of pleasure filled my ears.

Before we had started she had told me that when she came I should stop and not move as her clit became super sensitive but to follow her lead afterwards. Her breath was coming in short sharp gasps as the aftershocks bit her. I realised she was regaining her composure and she moaned

"Again, be careful."

I hardly dared move my tongue. I made tiny motions on her clit and felt her jump and gasp at each one. Slowly, very slowly I was able to move a little more as her sensitivity decreased and before long I was back in the groove and she was on her way again. I changed track slightly and very delicately began massaging her clit with the very tip of my tongue. The response was almost instant. Her breathing shortened and within a minute she shuddered into another loud and deep orgasm.

"Oh god, stop stop." She panted and she shakily climbed off me. She slumped beside me, occasional tremors still running through her sweat covered body. I didn't know what to do, aftercare? I turned towards her and her arm just pushed me back down.

"Gimme a minute." She said.

My face was covered in her sweet juices, I looked down to see my erect cock bobbing up and down. I hadn't even thought about it while as I had been utterly engrossed in her pleasure.

After a couple more minutes she said,

"Wow." and propped herself up on.She was smiling broadly and looked radiant.

"You lied to me."

"What? Ma'am? Sorry, I don't understand"

She laughed,

"You liar, you must have done that before Tom. That was bloody amazing! Don't go getting too cocky baby, but I think you're a natural."

She leaned over me and gave me a big sloppy kiss. I was genuinely in heaven.

"Thank you Ma'am. I'm so happy, really so happy."

Her head flopped into my chest and she made a couple of contented sort of ahhs.

"Maybe I'm getting a little carried away as it's been a while but that was a fine job." she mumbled into my chest. Her hand slid down to my cock and she said

"I'm glad to see he enjoys my pleasure too."

Once more she stopped short of touching it, instead tracing little lines with her finger up and down my thigh. My frustration was growing but it was overshadowed by my joy at what I had given her. It was as if her pleasure, her orgasms were all that mattered now. My cock was just something she could use to stimulate more joy for her.

Suddenly she jumped up,

"Come on, we need a shower."

She took me to the en suite by the hand and we had a long hot shower together. I gently soaped her entire body, taking in every curve and marveling at her beauty. She ignored my rock hard cock and just smiled at my occasional groan as it touched her and slipped across her skin. We dried each other off and sat on the bed.

"I have news" she said, " I'm going away for work, and a little fun tomorrow. I have some loose ends to tidy up at my old job then I'm spending a couple of days with a couple of my old girlfriends. I won't be back until late next Sunday."

I wouldn't see her tomorrow, or the weekend after either. I was devastated and it showed.

"Sorry Tom, I probably shouldn't of gone as far as I did this weekend but I couldn't wait 2 more weeks before getting down to it with you."

I recovered a bit,

"It's no problem Ma'am. I have some mock exams the week after next. I've been working harder since you told me to. My grades have improved but a week and a weekend devoted to study would do me good."

I was trying to hide how much I was going to miss her, unsuccessfully. She knew.

I will miss you too," she smiled, "but your training can wait a couple of weeks. But every day is now a lesson for you. A lesson in obedience. You have to prove that you don't need me standing over you to do the right thing. I will be watching remember."

How could I forget? I saw her beautiful face every moment I was using my computer.

Man up Tom I thought,

"I will work extra hard until my mocks Ma'am, I will make you proud."

I thought for a second,

"And I will be proud of myself too Ma'am. I need to heed your lessons. I will try to be the best I can be."

" Good boy, make us both proud. By the way you are banned from any porn while I'm away. I want today to be your last sexual activity until I get back."

She let that sink in...

"So no orgasms for 2 weeks Ma'am?"

"You're assuming you will have one when I get back boy."

The stern tone was back.

"Sorry Ma'am."

" I want all your energy focused on those exams. I want you to pass all of them, with flying colours. You know my rules, always do your best. Will you do that for me Tom?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Say it."

"I promise not to orgasm and to work hard and do my best Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am."

I had said it, and I had meant it too. 2 weeks of hard work and no orgasms. I could do that.... for her. The work would be my only distraction as porn and gaming was no longer an option.

"Stay for dinner Tom." She quickly said. The rest of the evening was completely normal. I struggled to flip between being totally dominated by her and then being in an apparently normal 'dinner and chat' situation. She had done this sort of thing before, gone from one person to another in the blink of an eye, I hadn't.

It wasn't entirely normal though, as I was naked the whole time. Bizarrely though it seemed to not bother me at all. She was clothed, I was naked. End of story.

Dinner was lovely, i helped where I could, setting the table and doing the dishes.

We shared a bottle of wine. It was a really nice evening.

"It's late Tom, I have to up pretty early tomorrow."

She gave me a big hug,

"This is good Tom. I've pushed you and you haven't let me down."

She touched my face,

"I will see you soon and I'll text you to see how you are getting on."

"Ma'am, I'm so glad I have pleased you. Thank you, thank you for everything."

We hugged again and I opened the door to leave. She burst out laughing. I stopped, confused.

She was still laughing, even harder now.

"This is great, not only are you a natural with your tongue but you're a natural submissive. Why do you think I'm laughing so hard Tom?"

I froze, fucking hell! I was still stark naked! I burst into laughter too.

"Oh this is priceless!" She was in fits of laughter, so was I.

"I should make you go home naked!"

We laughed some more, to my great relief and after some mock begging I got dressed and went home.
Published by HemmingwayB
3 years ago
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