New Neighbour Pt 02
I wandered home on cloud 9. Ma'am was amazing, Ma'am was incredible, Ma'am was beautiful. I was going to miss her though, and with no porn or gaming to do it was going to be a long 2 weeks. I guess I could spend more time watching telly or with my mum... or I could immerse myself in my studies. Yep, that was it. Study. That's what she wanted, she wanted me to better myself so that is what I would do. Like most teenagers the future wasn't really that important. I knew I wanted to go to university but more for the experience than the education but it was dawning on me that my education was important. She knew it was and I was realising it too.
At home I was a bit aimless, I did a bit of cleaning and watched a little TV. I went to my room and sat in front of the computer. I was suddenly aware that everything I did here was now being logged. Usually I would be straight to some porn on a Saturday evening but instead I just did some social media stuff, threw out a few "lols" at some posts my friends had posted.
A couple of people were asking me about my birthday as it was 3 weeks away. I replied, no big deal, maybe go into town. Somebody had spotted that a half decent band were playing. Maybe do that, have a few drinks... I was going to be 19 after all. The thing was I'd rather be with her. I had some good mates but at this moment they didn't seem as important to me.
Christ, I was tired. All the excitement was wearing off. I went downstairs, got a beer and watched telly for a while then went to bed. One welt was quite sore but otherwise my arse was OK.
I slept like a baby and as usual woke up with a stiffie. It felt like it might have been there all night and I slipped my hand down and started to stroke.
I sat bolt upright. Hang on, hands off Tom. That's not allowed. I briefly felt annoyed but told myself to stay strong.
Day 1 and I'm struggling. Get a grip. I had some breakfast. It had been agreed by some of my mates that the band and a night out would do. It was a Friday so I would still be able to see Ma'am that weekend.
I turned on the computer and looked at her face. Beautiful yet demanding. I started studying and kept at it until lunchtime. I tried to carry on in the afternoon but I had too much nervous energy to concentrate properly so I decided to go for a run. That would help, burn off some energy and keep fit. When I got home my mum was back. She had had a brilliant time with her friends and I was really pleased for her. She even commented on how clean the house was and I blushed, little did she know!
Later that evening I was back in my room, doing a bit of studying but I was mainly looking at Ma'am in the corner off my screen.
My cock twitched a little and I wished I could access some porn. I wanted to see bound men and latex clad Dommes.
Hang on a second, my phone! Why hadn't that occurred to me? I couldn't put it through my computer to watch on a bigger screen but so what? A small Domme was better than no Domme at all.
I went immediately to my favourite site and found something suitable. It started playing and I began to stiffen. The sub was tied spreadeagled to a bed and the Domme was teasing his nipples and his cock which was in a chastity cage. I could see his flesh bulging through the bars as his cock tried to escape. It looked a bit painful but I found it very erotic. After a minute of so she unlocked him and somehow pulled the cage off him. His cock flopped on to his stomach and quickly hardened. Mine was already very hard. I watched as the Domme slowly ran one finger up and down his cock. It was exactly like what Ma'am had done to me.
What Ma'am had done to me.
My promise, my hand stopped moving. I had promised, I remembered the pride I felt as I said it and the smile she had given me. I hadn't lasted a day, pathetic.
OK, I had stopped. I hadn't cum. I logged out of the site and took a deep breath. This was good, well maybe not good as I had watched some porn but I had realised my mistake. It wasn't a 'good boy' moment but I was learning. She was definitely in my head, the chances that I would ever have stopped in that situation a few weeks ago were zero, but now I had. Rome wasn't built in a day so I gave myself a small internal 'good boy' tucked my cock away and went downstairs feeling pretty good.
I woke up hard again on Monday morning but I ignored it and went off to school. They were ramping up the workload a bit now so I had no problem when I got home in finding things to occupy my time. I even did an hour or so extra. No doubt that the mini Ma'am in the screen corner helped.
Tuesday became Wednesday, I was still keeping busy. I had exchanged a couple of texts and emails with Ma'am but I figured she probably didn't want as much attention as I wanted to give her. She did something in finance, it sounded quite serious so I just replied to whatever she sent and left it there.
I finished earlier than usual on Wednesday. I pottered around on line for a bit. Bored, I stretched in my chair and noticed that I could still feel that big welt. Taking my clothes off I had a look in the mirror. All the other marks had gone but the double hit welt was still visible. A slightly raised horizontal red line across both cheeks. I remembered being bound to the cross and Ma'am Ma'am teasing me.
Sod it I thought and went back to the chair. I propped my phone up against the laptop screen, found what I needed and got down to it. I tried to go slow but all too soon I came. Big load too I thought but then it had been 5 days. I felt a twinge of guilt but not too much. I was an 18 year old boy, you cant expect miracles. After clearing up I aimlessly browsed some more porn on my phone then went to bed.
I got in the habit of masturbating one a day, just once. I rationalised this by firstly saying she would never know and by each day attempting to make it last a bit longer. By next Wednesday I was feeling quite proud, I had managed to last nearly 15 minutes. Hopefully this would pay off when I next saw Ma'am.
Birthday on Friday, Ma'am on Saturday. It was going to be a very good weekend.
I woke on Friday with lots of messages from family and friends, and one from Ma'am. Along with a very cheesy e birthday card she said that she would be back on Saturday. She thought operating power tools with a hangover in the morning probably wasn't a good idea but would I be able to come over in the evening, around 7 o'clock. She wanted to wish me happy birthday and give me a special present. There was a devil emoji and a wink after this.
Wild horses couldn't of stopped me, I told her I would love to come round. I couldn't stop smiling... a special present. My heart raced.
Friday night was great, most of my best mates were there. The band rocked and we all got pretty drunk. I stumbled home at about 1am, got a glass of water and fell into bed.
I woke up at about 10 feeling pretty groggy. Ma'am was right, I would have been useless at hers. But being 18, I mean 19, I recovered quickly and was feeling fine by the afternoon. I couldn't wait to see her. Time seemed to crawl, I did some revision but I'm not sure it was worth it. I told my mum I was popping into the village with some friends, and headed off with a big smile on my face.
I knocked on the door,
"Hey birthday boy! Come in."
She gave me a big hug and a big sloppy kiss.
She was wearing skin tight black leggings and a tight black top, accentuating every curve. We chatted about last night and I asked how her trip went. It was all good, very good. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was glowing.
"Right then, time for your present I think."
She gave me a deep passionate kiss, laughed and led me by the hand into the dungeon. I was pretty sure my cock was going to rip straight through my jeans.
"Clothes off, and back to the cross baby."
My clothes came off in record time and she deftly secured me.
"He's seems very happy," she purred and gave it a quick squeeze.
She then unfolded a little table and put it in front of me and placed what looked like a cool box next to it. This seemed odd but what did I know I thought.
"Back in a tick." She went up the stairs and came back very quickly with a laptop which she placed on the table. Moving close to me she held my cock very gently and moved it slowly up and down, just an inch or two. It felt so good.
"So I've been watching you boy. You've been doing lots of work these last couple of weeks haven't you?"
"Yes Ma'am, I've received 2 'A's this week."
"I know boy, well done. You never asked me specifically what I do for a living. I'm co owner of a small financial company that specialises in finding fraudulent activities. Not big corporations, just individuals that are ripping their employers off."
Her hand still felt amazing but I wasn't really sure why she was telling me this now. Was my mum secretly a high level fraudster? That seemed incredibly unlikely. Was this some kind of blackmail scam? I couldn't see that either. We didn't have enough money to go to all this trouble.
"That bit of spyware I installed in your computer is state of the art. The analytics it sends back are mind blowing. It can do other things too."
She opened up the laptop, pressed a few buttons and in front of me were exact details of everything I had done since it had been installed. It was as if my computer was in the room. I still had no idea where this was going but I couldn't see where my special present was coming from.
"That's very impressive Ma'am" was all I could say, and to be fair it was.
She came back to me, smiled and resumed her gentle ministrations.
"As I said it can do other things. Remember that photo I sent you to download? There was a reason for that. When you plugged your phone in to the computer it immediately downloaded a programme into that too."
Ah, I thought, I can see a problem here.
She smiled again,
" I think the penny has dropped... I have been able to see everything that you have been doing on your phone too."
I opened my mouth, I'm not sure what I was going to say but she stopped me.
"Don't bother boy. Phones are quite well encrypted these days so I couldn't get access to your camera or microphone. However I do have access to them on your computer. Your laptop webcam has basically been on 24/7 for the last couple of weeks."
She went back to her laptop, clicked a few more buttons and stepped back.
"It really was good of you to rest your phone on the laptop."
I watched in horror as short video clips showed me masturbating away, day after day. I watched myself cum and clean it up. I even watched myself scoop some of it up and eat it.
I stood there, bound, shocked as clip after clip played. Oh shit. This was bad, this was so bad. I was genuinely scared now, sweating and breathing hard.
"Words can't really describe how disappointed I am boy. But I expected it really. I knew it was too much to ask but I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, you were going to surprise me."
My cock had shrunk back to it's flaccid state with the fear, but Ma'am's words hit me like a hammer. I had been given this amazing opportunity to be with a truly incredible woman and I had totally and utterly fucked it up. I could feel tears welling up. What an idiot, what an absolute moron I was.
She shut the laptop and stood in front of me and just stared.
I broke and started babbling out nonsense, anything that would maybe help. I was sorry, I could change, give me another chance and god knows what else.
She just watched impassively until my ramble came to an incoherent finish.
"What am I to do with you boy? I am tempted to just be done with you and never see you again. I am also tempted to damage you so badly that I'll have to call an ambulance to get you out of here."
She left that one hanging in the air. My fear returned in spades. She could do anything she wanted to me right now and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop her.
"However, I have seen a noticeable improvement in you in a lot of ways. I can also see a lot of potential, both in you and in us."
OK I thought, maybe I will get out of this alive. Maybe I'll even get out of this and still have some kind of relationship.
"Stop shaking boy, I'm not going to hurt you, well not much anyway and I do want to keep seeing you but there have to be some major changes from you."
"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am. I'm so grateful and so so sorry Ma'am.
"I know you are boy. I know how much this means to you. Do you want your present?"
I was hardly in a position to say no but this was a surprise change of direction again.
"Err yes. Yes thank you Ma'am"
She collected a small black box from upstairs and put it on the table. There was a pause,
"Guess I will have to open it for you. Any ideas?"
I haven't got a clue Ma'am." I honestly replied.
She picked the box up and opened the lid. Inside was a black velvet bag.
Jewellery I thought? Surely not.
She gently teased the cord holding the bag closed, put her hand inside...
"Ready?" She said.
"Yes Ma'am," and from inside the bag she brought out a beautiful polished metal chastity device. She placed it on her palm and lifted it up for me to see better.
"Beautiful isn't it? Hand made by a specialist."
It was indeed beautiful. I had seen chastity devices before, even browsed Ebay a few times wondering about them but in comparison to this they were cheap and nasty looking things. It almost seemed to glow under the spotlight. The base ring was thicker than most I had seen, probably three quarters of an inch deep with a slight curve to it. The cage was a series of bars with cross bars for strength. It had an integrated lock too, that again looked slightly bigger than previous ones I'd looked at.
"It is a work of art Ma'am"
My cock had ironically sprang back to life despite my realisation that I was almost certainly soon to wearing something that was designed to stop exactly that.
"Now that is exactly the reaction I had hoped for boy. I had noted that quite a few of your videos featured chaste men. Obviously in those videos the men get released and usually have an orgasm. But as I've said before most porn is made from the male perspective."
She let that sink in while holding the device in front of me. It was both sexy and scary. I had read about chastity but I knew that actually experiencing it would be a completely different story.
"Let me tell you about this cage," she said,
"It's made from a steel chromium alloy, one of the strongest metals in existence. An angle grinder wouldn't even touch it, assuming you were daft enough to try. The bars are connected seamlessly so there are no little burrs or sharp edges. You might have noticed that the integrated lock is a bit bigger than usual. The lock and the casing, which completely covers the lock are both made from the same alloy. When locked no part of the mechanism is exposed and there is a small screw in plug with rubber flanges that forms an air and water tight seal so the lock will stay in pristine condition. The lock is custom made by one of the worlds top manufacturers. There are probably fewer than 10 people in the world who could pick it.
I've been in discussion with the manufacturer and showed him photos of you. There is a camera in here too by the way, and he is sure that this will fit perfectly. He always errs on the side of too small just to be on the safe side."
This talk wasn't softening my cock at all, quite the opposite if anything. Ma'am was clearly very pleased by that.
"Good boy, well your cock had made a clear choice. He wants it a lot. But how about you boy? Before you decide let me say a few things. Firstly, you have clearly proven over the last 2 weeks that you can not be trusted to control your urges. Don't worry, few men can. But your urges and desires have made you lie and cheat. That is unacceptable. Secondly, you clearly have a big chastity fantasy. It's in your psyche to want to be controlled and nothing is more powerful than wanting your manhood, the very essence of what makes you a man to be taken from you. Thirdly, this is pretty much a deal breaker. If you don't want to try then I will let you go right now and you walk away. No hard feelings either way but we both know that there is a lot of potential here. Lastly I have to warn you. This isn't a 10 minute video. This will be very real. It doesn't come off every day for an orgasm. I will unlock it when I want, I will lock it when I want, and what happens when it's unlocked is entirely up to me. I want total and unlimited control over your cock and your orgasms."
In my psyche? She was right. My cock was still at full erection. I would agree to anything right now.
"I'm going upstairs for 10 minutes. You will give me your decision when I get back."
I was left there, strapped immobile to the cross, cock helplessly bobbing away looking at the beautiful device on the table.
I took a moment, she always told me to relax and breathe so I did. This was serious. I had put myself in this predicament by my own hand, literally as it turned out. I had lied and cheated just for a few cheap thrills. I trusted her. She knew I was submissive, I had always suspected but had never really had to confront it until now. It occurred to me that chastity was always probably going to have been part of our relationship in the future, but that I had forced her hand. Had I done it deliberately, or through my subconscious? That was way too deep for me to consider. Maybe I would bring it up with her at some time in the future. The future kept coming into my mind. I wanted it to have her in it. I needed her in my life for so many reasons.
Decision made. I relaxed a little and waited.
Down she came. She stood directly in front of me and put her hand on my chest.
"Have you made your choice Tom?"
"Yes Ma'am, I have."
I knew what was expected.
"Ma'am. Please lock me in chastity. I want you to have complete control over my cock and my orgasms. I willingly give you my cock Ma'am."
She kept her hand on my chest. I knew she could feel my heart thumping away.
"Are you certain?"
"I am Ma'am.I trust you completely. I beg you to take my manhood."
She smiled and took a breath.
"I will my boy. Thank you, thank you so much. This isn't a very dominant thing to say but I demand honesty from you, and I will give you honesty in return. I was climbing the walls up there. I was worried I had gone too far, worried you would be too scared and run. But I trusted my instincts and I was right to.
"Right then, let's sort this big boy out."
Her hand slid down my chest and gripped my rigid member. She massaged it gently at first, right down at the base. Watching carefully she modulated her speed, feeling the pulses in my shaft. Moving to my head she deftly slid my foreskin down and let her finger tips graze across my sensitive knob. She licked her fingers, wrapped them around me and pumped slowly back a forth. I was in heaven. All my thoughts were centered on the amazing sensations she was creating. I closed my eyes and let the feelings engulf me. It was building, it was coming. I was moaning softly, and barely registered a little noise in the background. Oh yeah, oh yeah...
Suddenly my cock was gripped by something freezing cold. I cried out, what was happening? My eyes flew open and I saw that with her other hand she had reached down, opened the cool box I had seen earlier and had wrapped my cock up tightly in a freezing cold towel.
"Ahhh nooo!' I cried out, "Ma'am, please no."
She just smiled, a different smile, a wicked smile. It was the physical equivalent of that tone of voice I had heard a few times. This was her as a Domme.
"Ah Ma'am, please Ma'am"
She laughed and said,
"Have I punished you for lying to me and cheating yet?"
"No. Oh Ma'am please. No you haven't." The towel was chilling my cock to the core, it rapidly began to shrink.
"If you hadn't cheated I would have given you a birthday orgasm you would have never forgotten boy. But you did, and now they are mine."
My cock hurt from the cold, really hurt yet she kept the pressure on. She moved the towel around to make sure the coldest parts remained pressed against my withering cock.
"You know that bad behaviour gets you punished boy. There's no orgasm for you tonight. It's time we tried your special present out."
Ah damn it. It was my own fault, I knew that but I had been convinced that she was going to give me a different present.
She kept the towel on my cock for much longer than necessary, enjoying my discomfort. Eventually the towel came off and I looked down. My cock looked like I had been skinny dipping in the Arctic Ocean.
"Oh look," she said, "you're quite proud of your cock aren't you boy? It doesn't look so big now does it?"
I groaned.
"No Ma'am, it doesn't."
"Looks like the cold has tightened those balls up a bit too."
With that she put her thumb and forefinger around them and began squeezing and pulling. I grunted a little but she wasn't trying to hurt me, she was just extending and loosening me up a bit. She let go and picked up the base ring. Holding it close to my balls she started pulling some loose skin through. She slid my first ball through easily, the second was a slightly tighter fit but with a bit of pressure it popped through the ring.
Quickly she got the end of my cock and unceremoniously stuffed it through the ring. She pulled all the skin around until she was satisfied everything was in order. Smiling she picked up the cage.
"You sure?"
I gulped.
"Yes Ma'am. Please lock me in chastity."
My cock was starting to stir again so she deftly slid the cage down and got it in position, making sure there was no pinched skin anywhere. She had the locking mechanism with the key inserted in her hand. She held it up for me to see.
"Thank you boy."
The lock slid home perfectly and she slowly turned the key and removed it.
Locked. My cock was locked away. She had the key.
She looked at me holding the key in the palm of her hand. Slowly she closed her hand and made a tight fist.
"I will keep this very safe, don't you worry. The other key is in a high security safety deposit box."
My cock was only just starting to expand yet the tip was already against the end if the cage and pressed against the bars running down the side. She leaned into me and gave me a long passionate kiss. It kept hardening but there was nowhere to go. As the pressure built so did my excitement. As the blood continued to flow the base ring felt smaller and smaller and it began to throb. She backed off, put her hand under my balls and lifted the device up for me to see. My engorged flesh was tight against the bars, trying to push through. The ring had moved a little away from my body but there was no give at all. Trapped, confined and constricted I throbbed in her hand. It felt incredible. It kept trying to get harder and harder, pressing into the unforgiving steel. I groaned and fruitlessly pushed my hips forward. Nothing happened, absolutely nothing. There was nowhere for it to go. She bounced it up and down a few times.
"Your cock always looked good but this is beautiful, just perfect.
It did look amazing, I had to agree.
"Isn't it a bit tight Ma'am?"
I asked hopefully.
She laughed,
"No boy, it's just right I think. As the manufacturer said it's best to err slightly on the small side. Feeling horny baby?"
"God Yes Ma'am."
"Good, me too."
She set about freeing my and we almost ran up the stairs. She threw herself on to the sofa and had her leggings off in record time. She scooted up to the end of the sofa, threw one leg across the back, and just said,
"Tongue, now!"
Instantly I was buried between her thighs.
"Remember everything i taught you? Forget it, just make me cum!"
She was soaking, it didn't take long. She pulled my head into her crotch as she came. She recovered, let my head go and pulled me up on top of her. She kissed me deeply savouring her taste on my tongue and lips.
"Lovely lovely lovely. It's your birthday but I've been given the best present. Thank you."
"No, thank you Ma'am. Thank you for...everything."
She shifted slightly and I could feel the heat of her pussy pressing against my caged cock. She rocked her hips and I could feel her sliding across the curve of the cage. Almost without thinking I joined her movements. Bodies tight, we moved together. I could feel her where my engorged flesh was trying to break through the bars. It was lovely but I knew there would never be enough stimulation for me to cum.
I didn't care at all. All I cared about was this moment, her amazing body moving with mine.
She was starting to heat up again, her movement getting quicker. I tried to match her increasing the friction between my cage and her pussy.
"Oh baby, yeah... good good. Keep going."
Her nails were digging into my back now. I kept the rhythm, as one we sped up until she came again. Groaning she dragged her nails up my back and held my head tight as she spasmed over the cage. We lay motionless for a while as she composed herself then she put her hands on my shoulders and I lent back away from her a little. Softly kissing me she said
"Wow baby, I've never cum like that before. Oh wow."
She moved onto her side and I slid in next to her.
"Chemistry, attraction, whatever you call it. You can't measure it or quantify it. It just is. I knew I fancied you when you first came round to work, despite the fact I'm nearly twice your age. It must have been instinct combined with your... I don't know... eager willingness. I took a gamble when I gave you those clothes to wear in the stable. I knew you were embarrassed but you put them on. I took another gamble when I told you to get on your knees and do the corners properly. By the way you did a great job first time. The corners were fine."
She laughed, I giggled and said
"I remember thinking is she serious? There's nothing there. But I did it anyway. I didn't know why then but it was just right. Obeying you was just right."
She narrowed her eyes and slipped her hand down to my balls. She squeezed them gently,
"Obeying me is always right boy."
She was smiling, just playing with me but I knew there was a hard truth in her words. My cock twitches involuntarily.
"See? You love it. And when you knelt there, hard in the shorts I knew I could make you my little submissive."
I kissed her gently and said,
"I'm so glad you trusted your instincts Ma'am."
"I know you trust me Tom but I just want to tell you that I will always look after you. Owning a sub is responsibility I take very seriously. I will keep you safe. I will hurt you, I like hurting subs, but I will never harm you. Do you understand?"
"I think so Ma'am. I do trust you, completely."
Her hand was playing with my balls, caressing and squeezing them. My cock was still pressing insistently against the cage.
"Mmmm. I'm hungry boy."
She jumped up and slipped her clothes back on and beckoned me to follow her to the kitchen.
"Want a beer?"
I laughed,
"Sure, thanks Ma'am."
She got a few bits and bobs out of the fridge and we ate with a beer.
"I love the way you are so casual about being naked." She said.
"Yeah, that's new " I replied, "I've no idea where that came from. I know I'm not a bad looking boy but usually I'm quite shy around women."
"Must be your instincts, a sub naturally wants to place themselves below a Domme, wants to be vulnerable and show their submissiveness.
Like a pack of wolves, all the others know to lower their head and eyes to the pack leader."
True I thought. I naturally wanted to follow and obey her. She was the leader. She didn't have to make a big show of it, she just was. That small but vital difference between confidence and arrogance.
I cleaned up when we had finished our snacks.
"Time to go home my little chastity boy."
That sounded good. She paused,
"This all seems like a lot of fun at the moment but at some point reality is going to kick in, maybe tonight, maybe next week. You are going to realise that this is for real now. It's not a video, the cage isn't just going to vanish. It's locked on and you have no choice about that."
"Yes Ma'am. I'm sure you are right. I don't really know how I'm going to react but I will try to stay positive and think about how much my chastity means to you. Every day in chastity makes you happy, I will keep repeating that to myself."
"Good boy. I'll email you some links and advice about chastity care. They should be helpful."
We kissed and hugged, I remembered to put my clothes on and off I went into the night.
I was still semi hard in the cage but it felt good. It held me tight, I could feel it with every step which made me swell a little more. It was going to be there as a reminder every waking moment. I loved it but I also knew that there were going to be difficult days ahead, very difficult days.
Ma'am had already sent over the info when I got home. I got another beer and started reading. It ranged from the basic if your balls go numb then remove the cage immediately kind of thing to much more useful advice about moisturizing my skin, particularly around the base ring and how to cope with nocturnal erections. I had already been hard in the cage. It felt great but I had noticed as my cock forced the ring away from my body a low level dull ache in my balls. If that was as bad as it got then I couldn't see a problem.
One recommendation was to wear fairly tight underwear to keep the cage in place so if I became erect there would not be too much pulling on my balls. Good call, I would try that.
My phone pinged, it was Ma'am wishing her chastity boy a good night's sleep and sweet dreams. I replied in kind and slipped into bed.
I thought about what had happened and ran my fingers over the outline of the cage. I remembered the cross and making my beautiful Domme cum. My cock began to swell as I continued stroking the steel bars, it felt amazing. I stretched and flexed my body. Oh nice. It got harder, my mind wandered to various kinky scenarios still stroking. It felt so good, I wanted to cum. I wanted to grab my hard cock and have a great big orgasm.
But I couldn't. All I could do was stroke the bars and feel my flesh through them. I moved my hand away but the throbbing carried on. Ma'am please I thought. She was right. This was real. There was no orgasm to relieve me. All there was my cock pressing into steel. I couldn't stop it and I couldn't stop thinking of her and her touch. The cane, the cross, her pussy, her orgasms on my mouth.
I don't know how long I lay there. She could control it by putting it behind bars but my mind was free and it was not going to let me sleep.
Eventually sleep came, sweet dreams? I don't know but I woke with what would usually have been morning wood. I could feel that ache but it was more painful now. I wondered how long I had been trying to get hard. Hours probably. OK, this wasn't great but it wasn't that bad either. Have a pee, they said that would help. It did, my cock slowly softened and the ache went away. I was due over at Ma'am's house at 11 as usual. I had some breakfast. I had put my usual jeans on. The cage was pretty tight in them and formed what I thought was a noticeable bulge. In one sense I liked the look but practically it might seem a bit odd. Maybe a trip to the shops was in order for some slightly bigger trousers.
Ma'am was in the stables when I arrived. This was how I had first seen her. Knee length boots and tight jodhpurs. It was a good look on her, I loved it.
She smiled, came over and hugged me.
"Hi, how are you? How was your first night?"
I explained what had happened.
"But you feel alright though?'
"I do Ma'am. I'm a bit tired but there weren't any sharp pains or numbness or anything that would make me need to take it off."
She beamed at me,
"That's great news. Some people just can't wear a device. It doesn't matter what they do, what sort they wear. Some people just get pain they can't deal with, even issues that might need medical attention. I'm so happy that you are OK."
She winked and said,
"There will probably be times when you wish you were one of those people but too late now my chastity boy."
I laughed nervously. I could only imagine.
She noticed my jeans and I told her of my plan. She approved, saying that this was just for us. She had no desire to expose me or humiliate me in public. This was a private thing and would always remain so. She did mention that she had a couple of good friends who were "in the scene" so to speak and asked my if I would be worried about meeting them as a sub. I asked exactly what she meant and she said if they came over, or we went to their houses would I be OK with playing with them, being her sub with them. I was honest about being slightly worried about the idea but I trusted her so if she trusted them I was sure it would be fine. She assured me that they were good people and it wouldn't happen anytime soon.
"Work time boy. I'll get your work clothes."
The tight shorts were even tighter now. The cage was clearly visible through the thin cloth. She thought it looked great, I wasn't quite so sure and told me that I could disappear if anyone showed up until she could get my normal clothes to me. I was just a handyman as far as the rest of the world was concerned.
I went about my chores, the shorts didn't help. Every movement made me very aware of the cage. My cock swelled, then shrank many times. This was a bizarre roller coaster I thought.
Work done and inspected she told me to take my clothes off and join her in the shower.
It was amazing to be naked with her again. Getting clean wasn't really the point of the shower I realised. Our bodies moved easily against each other. My cock was raging hard in the cage as she soaped it up and made a meal of cleaning me.
She guided my hand between her legs.
"Use your fingers baby. I'll teach you."
She turned so her arse was pressing down on my cage, trapping it between her cheeks. I had one hand on her breasts, playing softly with her nipples the other moving and exploring between her slippery folds. With her soft words she guided me as her passion increased. Grinding her arse into the cage she breathed, " My clit... quicker... nipples... pinch them... harder, it's OK."
She came hard, I felt her body bucking against me and held her by the waist as I felt her legs trembling beneath her. She pulled my hand away and I held her tight as she recovered. My cock was still pulsing in the cage desperate to be released, desperate to be allowed to get fully erect, desperate for her touch. She turned and held it with both hands, moving them across the cage, caressing my balls. I didn't even notice that I was moaning softly. I was lost in the moment, consumed by lust.
"Easy tiger, come on."
She put on a silk dressing gown and I followed her down to the kitchen. I was still pretty hard in the cage. Laughing she said
"Look at the state of you, it's only been a day."
I had to ask,
"Please Ma'am, when can I cum?"
She smiled but that edge was there. The Domme in her was never far from the surface I realised. She hid it well but it was integral to her personality.
"I'm not going to answer that question boy. Firstly, it is no longer your concern. I am in charge of your orgasms as well you know.
Secondly, I don't actually know. That might sound odd but it's true. I know you have read stories where there are regular releases, or orgasm schedules. That is too formal for me. I want to learn about you. I will watch you, spot the signals you give me. Some will be obvious, but a lot of them will be u*********s. I'm going to know you in ways you don't even know yourself.
Thirdly, don't imagine that I have forgotten for one second about the unauthorised orgasms you had last week. There were at least 5 that I have proof of, maybe there were more. But that has not been forgotten boy."
That wasn't going to be a question I asked her again any time soon. I hung my head.
"Sorry Ma'am."
Her smile sweetened,
"Don't worry. I set you up to fail really. I would have been gobsmacked if you had managed it, not this soon into our relationship and with so little training."
True but I was still sorry.
She opened her robe and pressed her body against me. She got on to her tip toes and pushed my cage down between her legs.
"Feeling horny baby?"
She made little thrusting motions with her hips.
"Does your big strong dick want out of the cage? Shall I unlock you? What would you do right now if you were free? You could pick my legs up and thrust your cock deep inside my tight wet pussy. Imagine that... push me against the wall and fuck me, fuck me hard. Go balls deep again and again as I cry out in ecstasy. Fuck me like a wild a****l until you came deep in my pussy. Oh baby that sounds good doesn't it?"
She kissed me hard, we were both panting. She was driving me crazy.
"Ma'am god Ma'am." I croaked and in a flash she stepped away smiling.
"Nope, not today big boy."
My cock was almost quivering with need. I groaned with lust.
"You've got revision and I've got some prep for next week. Get your clothes on baby. Home time."
I tried to clear my head. She laughed as she watched me try and stuff my very full cage into my jeans. It'll probably go down in a few days she said still laughing.
I had calmed down a little by the time I got home but my cock was still far from flaccid. I chatted to my mum while trying to pretend that I wasn't a half crazed lust filled madman. I did some revision, deliberately getting stuck in and trying to lose myself in it. It was fairly successful surprisingly. Keeping busy was good, it was the down time that was tricky. My thoughts inevitably turned kinky, my cock would stir and I would get in a viscous circle of lust and desire. So, busy I tried to stay. This would also make Ma'am happy, as she was determined that I should do well. Do my best, that was the mantra.
Bed was a different matter though. I lay there in that viscous circle again. She was going to drive me mad I thought. I mean literally mad.
One weekend and my whole life had changed and I had a suspicion that it had changed for good. The feelings I had weren't going to just go away. They were far too intense.
I hoped that the nights after I had been with her would be the worst and that school nights would be easier.
I did sleep, eventually and went off to school. I was drawing some praise from my teachers for my new work ethic, that was good. I told Ma'am that night and she texted back that she was pleased and that hard work always pays off. I also asked her if Saturday and Sunday were the only days I could see her. She said she had a lot on, and reminded me that I did too. However she was sure we could sort some weekend evenings out to go with the days when I was supposed to be working for her.
The week was uneventful and the hoped for easier sleeping during school days appeared. I had started going to bed earlier in anticipation of not being able to drop off quickly. I had a couple of rough nights but also had a couple where I slept for over 9 hours. I needed it I figured. My attempts at morning wood were still painful but just so long as I slept I could deal with those.
My excitement grew as Thursday moved into Friday. I made sure to keep working hard, it was easier that way. This was the longest I had ever gone without an orgasm but I wasn't holding it too much hope for this weekend. Ma'am had showed her inner Domme when talking about my unauthorised orgasms. I suspected I was a long way from paying the full price for those.
It was pouring down on Saturday. I hoped she wouldn't cancel, although the work aspect of my presence there seemed secondary these days.
She texted,
"Come over chastity boy. Lots of work to be done in the dungeon!"
I was off like a shot. We hugged and caught up. We had both been busy. She led me down to the dungeon. I had a better idea of what all the 'furniture' was now but still didn't know what I would be building.
"Start with the chair" she said, "it's no ordinary chair though."
It wasn't. It was a sort of cross between a dentist's chair, something a woman would give birth on, and a throne. It was pretty complicated but the instructions were clear and I had it done in an hour. It could tilt and move, there were parts that extended out to secure legs to I assumed, and there were pads that could be moved around for comfort.
"Lovely work boy. We are both going to spend lots of time here. My time here will be considerably more pleasant than yours though."
I realised it could be a very comfy place for her to sit or recline with me between her legs, or a sort of torture chair for me to be strapped to and played with.
"You first I think, strip and sit."
I did just that with the usual reaction inside the cage.
"I've found some of my toys," she said, "you've watched plenty of dungeon scenes, have you seen anything that you would view as a hard limit? For the record I'm not into blood or cutting, no p*o, and certainly nothing that would be permanent. Just good old fashioned BDSM stuff."
We had never really discussed limits or likes and dislikes but she had seen my search history and seen me through her spy cam.
"I don't think so Ma'am. I think you know lots more about me than I know about you but I trust you."
She set about strapping me down. As with the cross there was no shortage of straps and fixing points. She was nothing if not thorough.
I pointed this out, she grinned her evil grin and said
"I've never had a sub escape yet, and you are no different. Sometimes a sub has to be kept very still for their own safety."
She let me digest that as she disappeared upstairs, returning few minutes later in an amazing tight black latex dress which seemed to be like a second skin. I responded accordingly down below and gushed about how gorgeous she looked. She had a bowl, a few things wrapped in a cloth and the dreaded cool box.
I shuddered remembering the ice cold towel on my cock but it occurred to me that it probably meant I would be unlocked. She put the stuff by my side out of sight. Out of one of the boxes she came a ball gag with long straps.
"Open wide baby, any last words?"
I smiled and accepted the large ball into my mouth. The long strap allowed her to secure it around the headrest. She made sure it was nice and tight. Now my head was immobilized along with my whole body. I felt very vulnerable but very turned on too.
She bent down and picked up something out of the cloth. With a dramatic flourish she opened up a cut throat razor. Jesus! My eyes bulged wider than the than the ball gag as she waved it in front of me.
"Time to shave your genitals boy!"
I was frozen watching the blade dance before me.
She kept a straight face for about 2 seconds before bursting out laughing.
"Your face is a picture!"
She carefully closed the blade and showed me a Bic safety razor. She winked and said,
"How about this instead?"
I made some sort of growling moaning sound and did what I hoped was a comedy eye roll.
She laughed again.
"Oh that was funny baby."
The shock had taken my erection away so she quickly unscrewed the little cap and removed the lock. Carefully she slid the cage off me.
"There he is." She gave it a little pat and it instantly started to swell again. It felt so good to finally get a proper erection, unencumbered by the tight cage.
"That's lovely baby but I need to get the ring off. I'm not shaving everything off, just your bits and bobs and the skin around where the ring sits. It will look much better and feel better too.
I knew what was coming but the freezing towel was still a massive shock. I gasped and as before she kept it squeezed tightly round me longer than necessary. She threw the towel away and carefully got my parts out of the cage.
I had never shaved down there before, it was an odd feeling. I was slightly nervous as the razor slid across my balls. She was very deliberate and obviously as she touched me, moving my cock and balls around I quickly regained my erection.
"Done," she announced, "that looks much better."
I couldn't see with my head against the rest so I gave what I hoped was a positive sounding grunt. She ran her hands across my balls then up and down my shaft. It did feel better, smooth and soft. I reveled in her touch as her gentle hands caressed me. It was heavenly.
She held my balls, quite tightly and started pulling them down, away from my shaft while squeezing gently. I felt an ache in them. It wasn't painful, not really, but as the pressure increased so did the ache. She relaxed a little then tightened a little, each time gripping and pulling a little more. My cock remained hard as she continued. The pain was building now and I let out a low moan. Strapped down as I was, with my legs held wide apart I became very aware of how vulnerable she had made me.
My groaning alternated with the whistling of my breath going through gritted teeth. My body squirmed in its bounds, and I let out a loud moan.
She froze, looked up at me.
"Ok boy?" I nodded, "would you like me to stop or carry on?"
I grunted.
"Was that carry on?"
She looked up, This hurt but I knew what she wanted. I nodded.
"Good boy."
She carried on, but didn't push any further. The pain was radiating out through my balls into my groin. This went on for a few minutes, a light sweat covered my chest as I hissed and moaned until suddenly she stopped.
"Nice," she said and grabbed what looked like a long boot lace, "sometimes simple things are just as effective as the flashy expensive stuff you can buy online."
She skillfully wrapped the string around me, 4 or 5 turns, then began a figure of eight separating my balls. It was tight but not painfully so. My balls were now held an inch or so from my body and half an inch from each other. She tapped them gently and made some small adjustments making sure there was no pinched skin between the loops. My cock was still hard and she smiled.
She made pretend writing motions with her hand.
"Subject loves chastity, tick. Subject enjoys cbt, tick.
She went off to the boxes and came back with more implements. One looked a bit like a small cat o' nine tails, the other a thin round plastic rod.
"This is a soft cat," she swooshed it around, "soft suede and not much weight. No good for arses, but very useful for genitals."
She showed my the rod, It was about a foot long. She held it at one end and bent it to about 90 degrees. Letting go it whipped straight.
"I like this," she smiled, I wasn't so sure. I knew where that was going to be used.
With another dramatic flourish she bent over and picked up a latex glove which she slipped on to her left hand. She wriggled her fingers around.
"One for pleasure," showing me her other hand, "one for pain. Your self control will dictate how often I use each one."
Disappearing between my legs I felt liquid trickling down my shaft, it was lube. Briskly she covered my shaft and glans. I felt her lightly grip my cock and slowly move from the base right up to the tip and down again. Slowly and gently she continued, it was a lovely feeling. She added a little twist on my glans every now and again. It wasn't long before I felt my orgasm growing. I began to tense. Almost before I had realised that she had stopped there was a crack and my left testicle erupted in pain. I gasped and then my right testicle did the same. Another gasp, the pain was sharp and intense. I took a few short sharp breaths. The pain faded fairly quickly.
"Remember those videos boy? No one likes premature ejaculation."
The massage began again, slowly up and down. The pain was fading into pleasure, the little twists over my head were delicious and soon I was building back up again, getting closer. I wanted to cum, to cum now. This time i noticed she had stopped but the pain was still a shock. Right testicle first this time, then the left. A second searing pain, right then left. I was gasping as the pain radiated into my groin.
"You're never going to cum without permission boy, so stop trying to. Just enjoy it."
Her hand started again. I tried to concentrate on her words. I wasn't going to cum so just let the amazing sensations wash over me. It worked briefly I think. But all too soon I felt that familiar rise. I tried to stop it but her hand was relentless until as one I heard the crack and felt the pain, 3 times on each sore testicle this time. As with the cane she didn't rush. She let the pain sink in and start to fade before the next hit, enough time for me to think and anticipate the pain. I was writhing in the chair, sweating. The cycle repeated 3 more times. She moved the target area, hitting the sides and the underside of my testicles.
I was in pieces now. I couldn't think, I couldn't remember her words of advice. She realised this and took a break.
She mopped my brow and picked up the cat. She started striking my genitals. The cat went all over my cock, the shaft and the glans. My testicles didn't escape. The cat stung, not badly but as she continued the stinging increased, especially on my exposed and very sensitive glans. With one last hard swat on my shaft she stopped.
There were more words of advice and encouragement I felt more lube dribble down my cock. Compose yourself Tom, come on I thought. Her hand slowly got to work again. It was beautiful as she slipped her hand over me. I realised I wasn't thinking about my orgasm, I was just there, in the moment, loving every sensation.
I vaguely heard a 'good boy' or two. My cock was alive, twitching and throbbing but eventually I lost it. My moaning took on a desperate tone as the inevitable approached. So close, yes yes...
No! My world erupted in pain again. This time she struck the underside of both testicles, harder than any of the others. I exhaled with a big 'ooph' noise then started keening in pain. Every muscle was tensed as I shook in agony.
She stood and watched me as I bit down hard on the gag, sweat pouring off me as the shock ran through me.
I saw her and started making unintelligible noises through the gag. She put her hand on my chest.
"Hush baby, it's over for now."
She stayed like that, her hand like a sort of anchor, centering me, calming me.
She got the cloth and carefully removed the gag, clearing my drool as she went. I coughed and cleared my throat.
"Ma'am Ma'am thank you sorry sorry Ma'am"
She leaned in and kissed my lips, stopping my random words.
She began to release me. That last blow had knocked the wind out of my cock too. The intensity had overwhelmed everything.
"Can you stand?"
Carefully I stood, my legs were weak and shaky. She took me in her arms, her head on my shoulder and we stood there for a couple of minutes. I could still feel the pain radiating through me but it was slowly leaving me. The shaking slowly abated too and I regained my senses.
She told me to sit back down and she took the opportunity to quickly lock me back up just before my cock began to come back to life.
She told me to shower, which I did, carefully around my sore balls.
I came out and she was standing by the bed, latex swapped for her dressing gown.
She sat next to me and give me a quick cuddle.
"I think so Ma'am. The intensity was... it was a lot... I'm... I'm OK."
She reached down and very gently caressed my sore jewels.
"These OK?"
"They ache Ma'am. Everywhere down there aches but it is fading."
"They will be slightly tender for a day but you will be fine. They can take a surprising amount. As long as they don't get pierced or crushed there is very little chance of damage."
I was slightly reassured but words like piercing and crushing didn't really help.
She smiled,
"Squashing is different from crushing. You'll find out."
I wasn't in a hurry after what I had just been through.
"You did very well baby. I was watching you very carefully. There's no hiding from pain, no faking. It's a brutally honest experience. Your true self is revealed. I saw a boy who enjoys pain and who enjoys suffering for his woman.
I love that."
I couldn't answer. My cock had betrayed my desires as she hurt me. To suffer, to hurt, to need, to please. All for her. I wanted all of those things.
"I've not done this before, but you are young and I feel I have rushed you so it's necessary."
She put the chastity key in my hand.
"You won't have this chance again Tom."
There was no further explanation but I knew what it meant. I could stop here, or choose to carry on. I looked at the key. It held so much power. But I knew it wasn't mine, it was hers.
Realising that this was an important moment I slowly dropped to my knees.
I looked up at her and key in my open palm I said,
"I am yours Ma'am, for as long as you want me. This is your key, I am your boy, your sub. My trust in you is absolute and I give myself to you completely."
Looking deep into my eyes she took the key.
"Thank you Tom. I will care you for, cherish you, teach you and guide you. You are my boy and my sub."
We embraced, holding each other tight.
"I'm so excited," she said, "this could be great, really really great. Oh, the things I'm going to do with you. You have no idea."
He legs scissored quickly up round my waist and she literally dragged me up the bed, opening her gown as she went.
"Worship my pussy boy."
Excitedly I got moved my head between her legs. She grabbed my hair and pulled my head up,
"Worship it boy. I want this to go on for a long time. Remember, listen to my voice and body."
She let go and I began. Ma'am had begun my pussy licking lessons but there was so much more for me to learn. She encouraged me, scolded me when necessary. She had her knees up and my arms were wrapped around her legs. My hands could stroke her thighs and her stomach. She encouraged me to use them to learn, I could feel her muscles, when they tensed and twitched and when they relaxed. Consciously and probably u*********sly too, I was putting this information away, making connections between her reactions and my movements. I was desperate to please Ma'am in every way but this was clearly close to the top of the list.
As always my cock, now recovered was hard in the cage.
It was probably about 20 minutes before I made her cum. It was deep and came from her core. I loved it. I could give her such a profound pleasure, it made my heart sing.
She pulled me up and we lay there happily intertwined. She usually looked perfect but i loved the way after I had made her cum she looked slightly flushed and disheveled.
"We need to talk about your cock boy."
She was lightly caressing the cage, my cock was stiffening in response.
"I want you in me, I want you deep inside me. I want that lovely big cock to stretch me open and fuck me. I want to ride you and feel you. But you wouldn't last would you? It would be over very quickly."
I felt embarrassed.
"Yes Ma'am, sorry Ma'am."
She playfully slapped the cage.
"There's no need to apologise. I don't think there is an 19 year old boy, let alone an 19 year old with no experience anywhere in the world who could last very long. You will be able to but it will take training. I know that my pleasure means everything to you so I know you want to learn. I've seen proof of that already. I've noticed that you have already started to try and keep your orgasms back. During the hand job you held off well at the end. I will use the carrot and the stick..."
She giggled,
"You've already experienced the stick."
I made a low groan.
"I will guide you, and encourage you and as you know I will punish you too. I will gain control of your cock and your mind.
"Don't you mean 'your' cock Ma'am?" I said.
"Ha! No I don't mean 'my' cock. It's not my cock, it's yours.
I hate that possessive nonsense. it might give the sub a cheap thrill to say it but I think subconsciously it gives him an excuse as well. If 'my' cock misbehaves then who is to blame? Me, not him. It's bullshit. It's your cock. I can lock it up and control it that way but when it's free it's you who are in control. It is attached to your body and controlled by your feelings and your mind. A sub must take responsibility for it, not the Domme.
Ok, if grabbed your cock and went up and down like a jack hammer of course you are going to cum. But 'accidents' are usually the sub's fault. It was the sub who let himself cum, it was the sub who gave up and gave in. It is your cock boy. I will use all the tools at my disposal. I will give you agony and ecstasy, I will encourage and discourage. I will reinforce good ideas, I will use all my skills but ultimately it is your responsibility and your choice."
I took this on board. She was right, my cock so my responsibility. It all tied together with her wanting me to be the best me. In all ways she wanted me to be make the right decisions, make the right choices and do my best. No feeble excuses, be responsible for your own actions.
"I understand Ma'am. I am ultimately accountable for my own actions and behaviour. You can only lead me so far, the rest is up to me."
"Good boy. She pushed my shoulders down,
"You know what to do."
It was another marathon session. By the end my jaw was aching and it felt like I could barely move my tongue. She was lying there, totally satisfied. She ruffled my hair,
"Baby, you've got some talent in that tongue."
"Thanks Ma'am. I was grinning broadly. Her compliments meant everything to me.
"Anyway, back to your cock. As I said you have showed some promise. You have to stop worrying about the destination and just enjoy the journey. It doesn't matter if your brain is screaming 'cum' or 'don't cum.' If you are thinking about your orgasm you are in trouble. What have you used your cock for since you were able to orgasm? Pleasure. Your pleasure. It's hardwired into all men. My cock gives me pleasure. I get erect and I have an orgasm. That is it's sole purpose. We have to break those links. Your cock is for my pleasure now. It will give you pleasure too but it's main purpose is pleasing me. I know you want to learn, but we need to get the message down there. Down to your cock and down into your subconscious. My stroking felt great didn't it?"
"It was amazing Ma'am."
"What would have happened if you had cum? 2 things, firstly, you would displease me and secondly all those lovely sensations stop because of a few seconds of fun. I know it feels like hell when you're so close but it isn't. It's a beautiful place to be, you feel alive. Energy is flowing through you. Learn to enjoy it and don't chase an ultimately unrewarding moment. Some day you will be fucking me and you will realise that you haven't even thought about orgasming. You will be lost in me, in us and all you will want is for the moment to carry on.
I will let you cum obviously, that's part of the carrot. But you will truly be a sub when you give up your own pleasure and put all your faith, trust, desire and longing in me.
She smiled at me.
"I know this all sounds a bit deep and philosophical. There's no rush. It will be a fun journey. It may in some ways be easier because you are young. Your mind is more flexible and there are fewer barriers to break down. There will be dark days, days where you fail and I will have to hurt you to punish you. Every time I break you down I will build you up and you will be a step closer.
She smiled again.
"Pussy, now."
After spending more time in my favourite place we showered and went downstairs.
"It's late Tom, nearly 7 o'clock."
She was right, I usually got home around 5.
"You should go. I wouldn't want your mother to think I was taking advantage of you!"
We laughed and I said, " but I don't want to leave Ma'am, can I stay please? I'll phone my mum and tell her I had some food here and I'm going to the pub with friends?"
She looked thoughtful,
"I really have to do some work. I was supposed to do it this afternoon but your damn tongue kept distracting me. However, since you asked nicely I think we can sort something out. You may be left to your own devices for a while though. I do have to do some things."
"As you wish Ma'am. I promise I won't bother you."
'Indeed you won't..."
That sounded menacing but there was no way I could back out.
"Wait there, I need to do some rummaging around." There was silence for a few minutes then.
"Get down here and take this box to the bedroom." I collected the box and we went upstairs.
"Time for some bondage boy. Like ropes?"
"I have no idea Ma'am but if you do then I do too."
Smiling she said. "Right answer."
Out of the box came rope, lots of rope.
"A yoke to start."
She started wrapping the rope around my chest. She then took the rope over one shoulder, looped it under the rope across my back and came back over my other shoulder. She went round my body and over my shoulders a couple of times and tied the rope off. She tested it, pulling hard at the ropes. They didn't shift at all.
"Oh look!" She said glancing down, "bondage, tick."
My cock was filling the cage again.
"Is there anything that doesn't make you hard?"
"Not if you're with me Ma'am." I replied.
"Smooth talk will get you nowhere."
She said and gave a comedy evil laugh.
"Arms behind your back."
She pulled my arms behind me and placed my forearms next to each other horizontally. Rope was wrapped around my wrists and lower forearms quite loosely. There was some pulling and tugging and and i felt the bindings slowly tighten.
"Can you move?"
I flexed my arms, there was no give at all. I was surprised as they didn't feel that tight.
"Always use lots of rope, the more times you go round and the more loops you make the more the load is spread. That way it doesn't need to be as tight to be secure and there is far less chance of cutting of the blood to a hand or foot. That's a big no no. Bondage 101, first book I ever read when I was 4 years old...true story."
We both laughed. She then went about securing my elbows by tying across from just under each bicep.
Well, I thought, my arms are going nowhere.
"Feet about six inches apart." I shifted slightly and the rope went round my ankles, plenty of loops again I looked and thought that I could easily wriggle my feet out but then she started wrapping rope around the loops she had created and a saw the one large loop around my ankles disappear until each ankle was held securely with what looked like a thick spiral of rope between them. She tied it off and slid a finger between the rope and each ankle.
"If you can't do that they are too tight."
This was like my own private lesson in rope bondage I thought. She then did the same just below my knees. Now my legs were going nowhere too, it felt good and my cock was still responding in kind.
"Shuffle to the foot of the bed."
Taking tiny steps I moved inch by inch until I was there.
"Trust me?"
I was just about to reply when she nudged me in the back I fell on to the bed, bouncing as I landed.
"There you go!" She laughed.
She then used more rope between my ankles and the yoke around my chest and shoulders and pulled my ankles up until they were touching my arse. I knew this, she had hog tied me. My head was the only thing left with any movement at all. With a little help I wriggled a little further up the bed so my knees were on it. I felt more ropes being secured behind my back but didn't know what they were for.
"Time to see how strong I am." She said. I felt the yoke tighten and slowly my torso was lifted. My knees remained on the bed as I pivoted up. She took me to about 45 degrees and stopped. Jumping on to the bed she said.
"Something for your nipples now."
I wasn't sure what I was looking at, it seemed to be cocktail sticks with bits of string attached to them.
"You can pay silly money for all sorts of fancy clamps but I've never found anything as effective as this. So simple but adjustable and very painful."
It was indeed just 2 cocktail sticks with string tied fairly tightly at either end. She pulled at the middle and the sticks came apart, the thin wood bending as the string held the ends tight. She slipped the first one over a nipple, let go and the sticks closed on my nipple. She repeated the process on my other nipple. It hurt but not much. I had tried clothes pegs by myself and they hurt more.
"That's OK isn't it baby? Let me adjust them."
With that she slowly moved the string towards my nipple, first from one side and then the other. This forced the sticks together. The closer the string got to the middle the more painful it became. She had moved them about half way in when i let out a small noise.
Through gritted teeth I told her I trusted her judgement. She slid them closer. It was excruciating. I grimaced and made more pained sounds. She stopped. It was like little daggers stabbing my nipples. She flicked the sticks and pain got worse. I couldn't believe something so simple could be so agonising.
"Great aren't they boy?"
"Yes Ma'am." I hissed.
She stroked my balls watching me carefully. My cock was still hard and she smiled.
"These are going to be on for a while, so I'm going to be kind to you."
With that she slid the string out a little and the pain lessened but my nipples were throbbing.
"Are you claustrophobic? Any worries with a leather hood?
"No, that's fine Ma'am."
It was more than fine, I had watched lots of videos where subs had been confined in leather and latex, they always turned me on as I imagined being in their position. This mask, like all her stuff was beautiful, top of the range. It had laces down the back and lots of adjustable buckles. She slid it over my head and I realised there were no eye holes and a padded blindfold inside. Everything went black. There were small nose holes and slit over my mouth. She checked the nose and mouth holes were in the right place and began to methodically tighten the laces. The leather surrounding my head got tighter and tighter, pressing down on my skin. It felt incredibly erotic and my cock was now rock hard in my cage. She gave it a quick fondle and and tightened the buckles up making the mask even tighter. It had a thick collar but she didn't tighten this one much. A ball gag appeared and was secured deep in my mouth.
"You're done baby."
She left the bed and a second later i felt myself being lowered back down. As my chest touched the bed the wooden clamps bit a little harder but not as badly as before. She placed a thick towel under my face for the drool and asked me if I was alright. I nodded, I was more than alright. I was in bondage heaven.
"I've got work to do. I will do it up here. I will be in the room all the time baby, OK?"
I nodded again and she was gone. I heard some noises but then silence. I was in my own world, totally immobile, no sight, nothing to hear except my own breathing, a faint heartbeat in my ears and drool slowly dripping from my gagged mouth.
It could have been scary but it was just very erotic. I flexed gently a few times and there was no give at all but I knew Ma'am was with me so everything was fine, absolutely everything was fine. My cock was still pulsing in the cage, and my nipples hurt but I loved it. I have no idea how long I lay there but suddenly there was movement on the bed.
"Hey baby, how's it going?"
I nodded and made what I hoped was a long pleasurable 'mmmmm' sound.
"That good eh? Fantastic."
I felt her fiddling around with my hood and then my ankles. My head began to slowly lift and crank back, not too far, just a few inches so there was no strain on my neck. Now I understood why the collar around my neck was loose.
There was a creak and the bed bounced a little and I felt skin on my shoulders.
"Open wide."
She removed the gag, there was a bit of shuffling and I smelled a now familiar smell.
"I'm about half way through my work and decided I need a break. Worship me."
Another little shuffle, I opened my mouth and found her pussy pressed up against the hood. I pushed my tongue out into her soft wet center. The only feeling I had was from my tongue although I could feel the heat of her thighs against the side of the hood.
"You've got 10 minutes boy. I still have work to do."
The time wasn't a threat. I knew I could make her cum much quicker than that. She was merely telling me when she wanted to cum so I could decide how quickly to arouse her to the point of no return.
Obviously I had no clock so I did my best. A little preamble then down to business. It was odd having no senses other than my tongue.
I could barely hear her breathing so I concentrated on her clit. I felt her orgasm through the bed as it moved beneath my bound body. A minute of stillness then she patted me on the head and said,
"Good boy. Too fast though, only 8 minutes. I'll punish you later."
With that she was gone, but not before replacing my gag. As it slipped in noticed she had coated it in her juices. I gave an appreciative 'mmm' and savoured them.
She released my head and it flopped down on to the bed again. I moved to from side to side a few times and then lay there waiting with my cock throbbing between my bound legs.
Time had little meaning. I couldn't move, I didn't want to move. I was where wanted me, nothing else mattered.
I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable now. My jaw was aching from the gag and my nipples were sending dull waves of pain across my chest. Suddenly I felt my head being lifted again and my aches and pains became irrelevant as my tongue found her pussy again. I was told 15 minutes this time so I gently worked my magic until she had another big orgasm.
My head was lowered and the gag replaced. She was on the bed by my side and after a few seconds she held my ankles and told me to slowly straighten my legs. Ah, that was nice. I flexed them a few times and shook them out as best I could. Ma'am told me to wriggle down the bed until my knees were just off the edge. I was told not to worry and that the yoke would hold me. She began to lift my torso again, this time past 45 degrees to near vertical. I felt my feet on the ground and then her hands on me.
"Lean back a bit. Let's get you standing."
With her holding and I bit of leaning I was up.
"I'm not letting go, with no sight and no way to move your feet there's a fair chance you could fall. Start moving back, I'll guide."
A minute later I felt by arms bump into something behind me. I stopped and she went behind me.
"Yoke secured, you can't fall now." Then she tightened the thick collar of the hood.
"Good. Lovely orgasms boy but you were 2 minutes too quick first time and 3 minutes too slow the second time. You know I demand perfection."
She did, but I realised she just wanted an excuse to punish me. She held my balls, I was nervous now.
"I think i will leave these alone for now. They've probably had enough for today. These though could do with some more attention. With that i felt the string on the clamps sliding towards the centre of the sticks again. Pain shot through my nipples and I grunted. This was really painful. She then spent some time twisting and pulling the sticks sending wave after wave of pain through my chest. I was taking short sharp breaths.
"Lovely." She said. The strings were moved out again to my relief. The sticks moved and suddenly the pressure was gone and my nipples were free. The pain came streaming back but began to fade fairly quickly. Her fingers gently began to massage my sore nipples. This hurt too but felt good. Gradually though the massage changed and she started squeezing and pinching. Her nails dug into my sensitive flesh I was on tip toes, bouncing up and down with the pain. With one last hard pinch she stopped.
"That was for the first error. Now for the second. You missed your target by more second time round. Let's change the angle."
I moaned through the gag. I didn't know what she was going to do but I knew it was going to hurt and hurt a lot. The cocktail sticks had been horizontal before. This time she applied them vertically. Pain tore into me again and then unbelievably got worse as she brought the strings together. I was whining quietly trying to deal with the horrible sensations going through my nipples.
Completely out of the blue I suddenly felt her pulling the cage off my still hard cock. It sprang free and her hand gripped it hard. She started masturbating me, slowly but firmly. I didn't know what was going on. The agony on my nippples was overwhelming but the feeling in my cock as it became rock hard in her hand was amazing.
"Pain is pleasure baby," she whispered, "pain makes you hard doesn't it? You love the rush. I'm going to enjoy reinforcing that. Pain is pleasure, pain will always make you hard. Your pain makes me so wet, mmm yeah. I didn't know but her hand was between her legs rubbing her sensitive spot. Her hand briefly left my cock and her nails dug into the ends of my nipples poking out from the sticks. I let out a strangled cry and her hand was back on my cock. She didn't move it but her grip was like a vice then I felt her body against mine, shaking as she came. She let go and held the yoke for support, her hot breath on my neck. I stood there in agony yet somehow full of pride that my pain had helped bring her to orgasm. Pain is pleasure. It was. It was my pleasure and it was hers too.
Recovering she stood up, "Oh baby, what are you doing to me?"
She sighed deeply and held my rock hard cock again.
"This is going to be interesting..."
I felt the sticks loosen and then they were off. Interesting wasn't the word I would of used. Somehow I kept quiet as I reached a new level of agony but it faded quickly. My nipples were still on fire but it was slowly going out.
She freed my legs, released the rope holding me to the wall and slowly freed my arms.
Holding my upper arms she gently let them fall to my side.
"Move around."
I began flexing my arms and legs loosening them up after their confinement. I loved being bound but freedom felt good after over 2 hours. She led me to the bed and sat me down. Moving behind me she got the towel and undid my gag which came out with a plop and lots of drool. The straps and buckles were undone and she loosen the strings.
"Close your eyes."
She slid the hood up and off and hugged me from behind. I opened my eyes, blinking and getting used to the light.
Her chin was on my shoulder as she held me tight.
"I'm going to have to punish you for getting me so damn hot all the time baby," She giggled, "Oh damn, punishing you gets me hot too!"
We both laughed.
"I can't apologise enough for getting you so worked up Ma'am. I promise it won't happen again."
More laughter, her hand slid down and held my cock. It wasn't quite at full mast but quickly reacted. She gave it a few quick pumps then said.
"Back in the cage for you boy."
Weirdly I didn't feel disappointed. It belonged there.
"Yes Ma'am." I said.
"You've got 10 minutes to lose that erection or it's cold towel time. Stand up, legs apart and hands above your your head."
Turns out it's actually quite hard work to hold your hands up over your head. Gradually as my attention turned to my arms my erection faded.
Ma'am had wisely turned me around so I couldn't watch her as she picked up the ropes and gear. Suddenly I felt the cage being squeezed over my cock. I hadn't gone completely limp so she had to work quickly before it hardened again but she managed it and again I was locked.
We had some food and a glass of wine downstairs.
"I'm meeting a business associate tomorrow. I'll be here when you arrive and hopefully back before you leave." She said.
"That's why I had to do that work. Anyway, I've played with your balls and your nipples now, and had a lot of fun too. Have you done much anal?"
As direct as ever I thought. I explained that I had a vibrator, just a standard one that was about 6 inches long and just over an inch wide. Nothing special. I had used it on occasion. I'd tried fucking myself with it, I had sat on it and masturbated a few times which felt good. The feelings of being penetrated and violated were better though.
She nodded and told me that we would definitely be exploring that.
"Just imagine if I could make you cum just by fucking you with a big thick strap on, I would never have to go to the trouble of unlocking you ever again."
She grinned,
"Your cock is nice but if you used the strap on to fuck me senseless first not only would I have no use for it but the strap on would be ready lubed for action."
I bowed my head and said,
"Yes Ma'am. Whatever you desire Ma'am."
"Careful, some of those stories you read are pretty much true. Slaves with evil Mistresses etc. I used to go to fetish clubs years ago, met some lovely and very interesting people. There was this one couple, they must have been in their forties, who lived 24/7 as Mistress and slave. He was only allowed out of the house when she took him to the club. He spent every moment in some form of bondage. Every day he had ankle shackles on connected by a six inch chain. His wrists were chained to a waist belt. He dressed as a latex maid, full costume, locking high heels, posture collar, full make up... the works. And that was just his standard gear. When I met them his chastity device had not been removed for over 2 years. Imagine that baby?"
Her hand had dropped to my locked cock which was very hard.
"Oh look, he likes that idea doesn't he? Interesting eh?"
I gulped and looked nervous.
"Let's make that happen baby. It would be wonderful..."
As usual she couldn't keep a straight face.
Laughing she said.
"No, sounds like way to much hard work and who needs that sort of responsibility anyway."
"I agree wholeheartedly Ma'am!"
She laughed again.
"I bet you do! Anyway I'm going to have far too much fun with your cock to lock it away permanently. A strap on is all well and good but nothing beats a well trained tongue and a well trained cock. I crave the dominance, the control. Having a man fuck me while knowing that he is willingly and deliberately withholding his orgasm, stopping himself from cumming just to give me more pleasure is such a turn on.
You'll get there boy I promise. I won't ever stop, won't ever relent. I will mold you. You will be my perfect chastity slave, my fucktoy, my painslut and anything else I want. Trust me."
She was still fondling me and I was like a rock, skin and veins bulging against the bars.
"Oh Ma'am yes. Please Ma'am."
I wasn't even sure what I was asking for I was so horny. My nipples were as sore as hell and the power of my attempted erection was making my balls ache again.
"You love this, don't you boy?"
"Ma'am it's incredible. I feel so horny yet so good at the same time. Thank you Ma'am."
"You're most welcome boy but all that is for the future. You should go home, it's late."
We said our goodbyes. My cock stayed hard most of the way home and my nipples rubbed on my top as I moved. I was a very happy sub.
Later as I lay in bed failing to convince my cock to calm down I realised it had been 2 weeks since my last orgasm. I was so horny, unbelievably horny but somehow it didn't seem to matter. I was supposed to feel like this. It was right that I felt like this. In some bizarre submissive way I didn't really care about when my next orgasm would be. It had nothing to do with me now, it was entirely up to her. I fell asleep still quite hard. Two weeks ago I would have been beside myself trying to sleep like this but in some way I think I had accepted the situation and made peace with it.
At home I was a bit aimless, I did a bit of cleaning and watched a little TV. I went to my room and sat in front of the computer. I was suddenly aware that everything I did here was now being logged. Usually I would be straight to some porn on a Saturday evening but instead I just did some social media stuff, threw out a few "lols" at some posts my friends had posted.
A couple of people were asking me about my birthday as it was 3 weeks away. I replied, no big deal, maybe go into town. Somebody had spotted that a half decent band were playing. Maybe do that, have a few drinks... I was going to be 19 after all. The thing was I'd rather be with her. I had some good mates but at this moment they didn't seem as important to me.
Christ, I was tired. All the excitement was wearing off. I went downstairs, got a beer and watched telly for a while then went to bed. One welt was quite sore but otherwise my arse was OK.
I slept like a baby and as usual woke up with a stiffie. It felt like it might have been there all night and I slipped my hand down and started to stroke.
I sat bolt upright. Hang on, hands off Tom. That's not allowed. I briefly felt annoyed but told myself to stay strong.
Day 1 and I'm struggling. Get a grip. I had some breakfast. It had been agreed by some of my mates that the band and a night out would do. It was a Friday so I would still be able to see Ma'am that weekend.
I turned on the computer and looked at her face. Beautiful yet demanding. I started studying and kept at it until lunchtime. I tried to carry on in the afternoon but I had too much nervous energy to concentrate properly so I decided to go for a run. That would help, burn off some energy and keep fit. When I got home my mum was back. She had had a brilliant time with her friends and I was really pleased for her. She even commented on how clean the house was and I blushed, little did she know!
Later that evening I was back in my room, doing a bit of studying but I was mainly looking at Ma'am in the corner off my screen.
My cock twitched a little and I wished I could access some porn. I wanted to see bound men and latex clad Dommes.
Hang on a second, my phone! Why hadn't that occurred to me? I couldn't put it through my computer to watch on a bigger screen but so what? A small Domme was better than no Domme at all.
I went immediately to my favourite site and found something suitable. It started playing and I began to stiffen. The sub was tied spreadeagled to a bed and the Domme was teasing his nipples and his cock which was in a chastity cage. I could see his flesh bulging through the bars as his cock tried to escape. It looked a bit painful but I found it very erotic. After a minute of so she unlocked him and somehow pulled the cage off him. His cock flopped on to his stomach and quickly hardened. Mine was already very hard. I watched as the Domme slowly ran one finger up and down his cock. It was exactly like what Ma'am had done to me.
What Ma'am had done to me.
My promise, my hand stopped moving. I had promised, I remembered the pride I felt as I said it and the smile she had given me. I hadn't lasted a day, pathetic.
OK, I had stopped. I hadn't cum. I logged out of the site and took a deep breath. This was good, well maybe not good as I had watched some porn but I had realised my mistake. It wasn't a 'good boy' moment but I was learning. She was definitely in my head, the chances that I would ever have stopped in that situation a few weeks ago were zero, but now I had. Rome wasn't built in a day so I gave myself a small internal 'good boy' tucked my cock away and went downstairs feeling pretty good.
I woke up hard again on Monday morning but I ignored it and went off to school. They were ramping up the workload a bit now so I had no problem when I got home in finding things to occupy my time. I even did an hour or so extra. No doubt that the mini Ma'am in the screen corner helped.
Tuesday became Wednesday, I was still keeping busy. I had exchanged a couple of texts and emails with Ma'am but I figured she probably didn't want as much attention as I wanted to give her. She did something in finance, it sounded quite serious so I just replied to whatever she sent and left it there.
I finished earlier than usual on Wednesday. I pottered around on line for a bit. Bored, I stretched in my chair and noticed that I could still feel that big welt. Taking my clothes off I had a look in the mirror. All the other marks had gone but the double hit welt was still visible. A slightly raised horizontal red line across both cheeks. I remembered being bound to the cross and Ma'am Ma'am teasing me.
Sod it I thought and went back to the chair. I propped my phone up against the laptop screen, found what I needed and got down to it. I tried to go slow but all too soon I came. Big load too I thought but then it had been 5 days. I felt a twinge of guilt but not too much. I was an 18 year old boy, you cant expect miracles. After clearing up I aimlessly browsed some more porn on my phone then went to bed.
I got in the habit of masturbating one a day, just once. I rationalised this by firstly saying she would never know and by each day attempting to make it last a bit longer. By next Wednesday I was feeling quite proud, I had managed to last nearly 15 minutes. Hopefully this would pay off when I next saw Ma'am.
Birthday on Friday, Ma'am on Saturday. It was going to be a very good weekend.
I woke on Friday with lots of messages from family and friends, and one from Ma'am. Along with a very cheesy e birthday card she said that she would be back on Saturday. She thought operating power tools with a hangover in the morning probably wasn't a good idea but would I be able to come over in the evening, around 7 o'clock. She wanted to wish me happy birthday and give me a special present. There was a devil emoji and a wink after this.
Wild horses couldn't of stopped me, I told her I would love to come round. I couldn't stop smiling... a special present. My heart raced.
Friday night was great, most of my best mates were there. The band rocked and we all got pretty drunk. I stumbled home at about 1am, got a glass of water and fell into bed.
I woke up at about 10 feeling pretty groggy. Ma'am was right, I would have been useless at hers. But being 18, I mean 19, I recovered quickly and was feeling fine by the afternoon. I couldn't wait to see her. Time seemed to crawl, I did some revision but I'm not sure it was worth it. I told my mum I was popping into the village with some friends, and headed off with a big smile on my face.
I knocked on the door,
"Hey birthday boy! Come in."
She gave me a big hug and a big sloppy kiss.
She was wearing skin tight black leggings and a tight black top, accentuating every curve. We chatted about last night and I asked how her trip went. It was all good, very good. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was glowing.
"Right then, time for your present I think."
She gave me a deep passionate kiss, laughed and led me by the hand into the dungeon. I was pretty sure my cock was going to rip straight through my jeans.
"Clothes off, and back to the cross baby."
My clothes came off in record time and she deftly secured me.
"He's seems very happy," she purred and gave it a quick squeeze.
She then unfolded a little table and put it in front of me and placed what looked like a cool box next to it. This seemed odd but what did I know I thought.
"Back in a tick." She went up the stairs and came back very quickly with a laptop which she placed on the table. Moving close to me she held my cock very gently and moved it slowly up and down, just an inch or two. It felt so good.
"So I've been watching you boy. You've been doing lots of work these last couple of weeks haven't you?"
"Yes Ma'am, I've received 2 'A's this week."
"I know boy, well done. You never asked me specifically what I do for a living. I'm co owner of a small financial company that specialises in finding fraudulent activities. Not big corporations, just individuals that are ripping their employers off."
Her hand still felt amazing but I wasn't really sure why she was telling me this now. Was my mum secretly a high level fraudster? That seemed incredibly unlikely. Was this some kind of blackmail scam? I couldn't see that either. We didn't have enough money to go to all this trouble.
"That bit of spyware I installed in your computer is state of the art. The analytics it sends back are mind blowing. It can do other things too."
She opened up the laptop, pressed a few buttons and in front of me were exact details of everything I had done since it had been installed. It was as if my computer was in the room. I still had no idea where this was going but I couldn't see where my special present was coming from.
"That's very impressive Ma'am" was all I could say, and to be fair it was.
She came back to me, smiled and resumed her gentle ministrations.
"As I said it can do other things. Remember that photo I sent you to download? There was a reason for that. When you plugged your phone in to the computer it immediately downloaded a programme into that too."
Ah, I thought, I can see a problem here.
She smiled again,
" I think the penny has dropped... I have been able to see everything that you have been doing on your phone too."
I opened my mouth, I'm not sure what I was going to say but she stopped me.
"Don't bother boy. Phones are quite well encrypted these days so I couldn't get access to your camera or microphone. However I do have access to them on your computer. Your laptop webcam has basically been on 24/7 for the last couple of weeks."
She went back to her laptop, clicked a few more buttons and stepped back.
"It really was good of you to rest your phone on the laptop."
I watched in horror as short video clips showed me masturbating away, day after day. I watched myself cum and clean it up. I even watched myself scoop some of it up and eat it.
I stood there, bound, shocked as clip after clip played. Oh shit. This was bad, this was so bad. I was genuinely scared now, sweating and breathing hard.
"Words can't really describe how disappointed I am boy. But I expected it really. I knew it was too much to ask but I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, you were going to surprise me."
My cock had shrunk back to it's flaccid state with the fear, but Ma'am's words hit me like a hammer. I had been given this amazing opportunity to be with a truly incredible woman and I had totally and utterly fucked it up. I could feel tears welling up. What an idiot, what an absolute moron I was.
She shut the laptop and stood in front of me and just stared.
I broke and started babbling out nonsense, anything that would maybe help. I was sorry, I could change, give me another chance and god knows what else.
She just watched impassively until my ramble came to an incoherent finish.
"What am I to do with you boy? I am tempted to just be done with you and never see you again. I am also tempted to damage you so badly that I'll have to call an ambulance to get you out of here."
She left that one hanging in the air. My fear returned in spades. She could do anything she wanted to me right now and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop her.
"However, I have seen a noticeable improvement in you in a lot of ways. I can also see a lot of potential, both in you and in us."
OK I thought, maybe I will get out of this alive. Maybe I'll even get out of this and still have some kind of relationship.
"Stop shaking boy, I'm not going to hurt you, well not much anyway and I do want to keep seeing you but there have to be some major changes from you."
"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am. I'm so grateful and so so sorry Ma'am.
"I know you are boy. I know how much this means to you. Do you want your present?"
I was hardly in a position to say no but this was a surprise change of direction again.
"Err yes. Yes thank you Ma'am"
She collected a small black box from upstairs and put it on the table. There was a pause,
"Guess I will have to open it for you. Any ideas?"
I haven't got a clue Ma'am." I honestly replied.
She picked the box up and opened the lid. Inside was a black velvet bag.
Jewellery I thought? Surely not.
She gently teased the cord holding the bag closed, put her hand inside...
"Ready?" She said.
"Yes Ma'am," and from inside the bag she brought out a beautiful polished metal chastity device. She placed it on her palm and lifted it up for me to see better.
"Beautiful isn't it? Hand made by a specialist."
It was indeed beautiful. I had seen chastity devices before, even browsed Ebay a few times wondering about them but in comparison to this they were cheap and nasty looking things. It almost seemed to glow under the spotlight. The base ring was thicker than most I had seen, probably three quarters of an inch deep with a slight curve to it. The cage was a series of bars with cross bars for strength. It had an integrated lock too, that again looked slightly bigger than previous ones I'd looked at.
"It is a work of art Ma'am"
My cock had ironically sprang back to life despite my realisation that I was almost certainly soon to wearing something that was designed to stop exactly that.
"Now that is exactly the reaction I had hoped for boy. I had noted that quite a few of your videos featured chaste men. Obviously in those videos the men get released and usually have an orgasm. But as I've said before most porn is made from the male perspective."
She let that sink in while holding the device in front of me. It was both sexy and scary. I had read about chastity but I knew that actually experiencing it would be a completely different story.
"Let me tell you about this cage," she said,
"It's made from a steel chromium alloy, one of the strongest metals in existence. An angle grinder wouldn't even touch it, assuming you were daft enough to try. The bars are connected seamlessly so there are no little burrs or sharp edges. You might have noticed that the integrated lock is a bit bigger than usual. The lock and the casing, which completely covers the lock are both made from the same alloy. When locked no part of the mechanism is exposed and there is a small screw in plug with rubber flanges that forms an air and water tight seal so the lock will stay in pristine condition. The lock is custom made by one of the worlds top manufacturers. There are probably fewer than 10 people in the world who could pick it.
I've been in discussion with the manufacturer and showed him photos of you. There is a camera in here too by the way, and he is sure that this will fit perfectly. He always errs on the side of too small just to be on the safe side."
This talk wasn't softening my cock at all, quite the opposite if anything. Ma'am was clearly very pleased by that.
"Good boy, well your cock had made a clear choice. He wants it a lot. But how about you boy? Before you decide let me say a few things. Firstly, you have clearly proven over the last 2 weeks that you can not be trusted to control your urges. Don't worry, few men can. But your urges and desires have made you lie and cheat. That is unacceptable. Secondly, you clearly have a big chastity fantasy. It's in your psyche to want to be controlled and nothing is more powerful than wanting your manhood, the very essence of what makes you a man to be taken from you. Thirdly, this is pretty much a deal breaker. If you don't want to try then I will let you go right now and you walk away. No hard feelings either way but we both know that there is a lot of potential here. Lastly I have to warn you. This isn't a 10 minute video. This will be very real. It doesn't come off every day for an orgasm. I will unlock it when I want, I will lock it when I want, and what happens when it's unlocked is entirely up to me. I want total and unlimited control over your cock and your orgasms."
In my psyche? She was right. My cock was still at full erection. I would agree to anything right now.
"I'm going upstairs for 10 minutes. You will give me your decision when I get back."
I was left there, strapped immobile to the cross, cock helplessly bobbing away looking at the beautiful device on the table.
I took a moment, she always told me to relax and breathe so I did. This was serious. I had put myself in this predicament by my own hand, literally as it turned out. I had lied and cheated just for a few cheap thrills. I trusted her. She knew I was submissive, I had always suspected but had never really had to confront it until now. It occurred to me that chastity was always probably going to have been part of our relationship in the future, but that I had forced her hand. Had I done it deliberately, or through my subconscious? That was way too deep for me to consider. Maybe I would bring it up with her at some time in the future. The future kept coming into my mind. I wanted it to have her in it. I needed her in my life for so many reasons.
Decision made. I relaxed a little and waited.
Down she came. She stood directly in front of me and put her hand on my chest.
"Have you made your choice Tom?"
"Yes Ma'am, I have."
I knew what was expected.
"Ma'am. Please lock me in chastity. I want you to have complete control over my cock and my orgasms. I willingly give you my cock Ma'am."
She kept her hand on my chest. I knew she could feel my heart thumping away.
"Are you certain?"
"I am Ma'am.I trust you completely. I beg you to take my manhood."
She smiled and took a breath.
"I will my boy. Thank you, thank you so much. This isn't a very dominant thing to say but I demand honesty from you, and I will give you honesty in return. I was climbing the walls up there. I was worried I had gone too far, worried you would be too scared and run. But I trusted my instincts and I was right to.
"Right then, let's sort this big boy out."
Her hand slid down my chest and gripped my rigid member. She massaged it gently at first, right down at the base. Watching carefully she modulated her speed, feeling the pulses in my shaft. Moving to my head she deftly slid my foreskin down and let her finger tips graze across my sensitive knob. She licked her fingers, wrapped them around me and pumped slowly back a forth. I was in heaven. All my thoughts were centered on the amazing sensations she was creating. I closed my eyes and let the feelings engulf me. It was building, it was coming. I was moaning softly, and barely registered a little noise in the background. Oh yeah, oh yeah...
Suddenly my cock was gripped by something freezing cold. I cried out, what was happening? My eyes flew open and I saw that with her other hand she had reached down, opened the cool box I had seen earlier and had wrapped my cock up tightly in a freezing cold towel.
"Ahhh nooo!' I cried out, "Ma'am, please no."
She just smiled, a different smile, a wicked smile. It was the physical equivalent of that tone of voice I had heard a few times. This was her as a Domme.
"Ah Ma'am, please Ma'am"
She laughed and said,
"Have I punished you for lying to me and cheating yet?"
"No. Oh Ma'am please. No you haven't." The towel was chilling my cock to the core, it rapidly began to shrink.
"If you hadn't cheated I would have given you a birthday orgasm you would have never forgotten boy. But you did, and now they are mine."
My cock hurt from the cold, really hurt yet she kept the pressure on. She moved the towel around to make sure the coldest parts remained pressed against my withering cock.
"You know that bad behaviour gets you punished boy. There's no orgasm for you tonight. It's time we tried your special present out."
Ah damn it. It was my own fault, I knew that but I had been convinced that she was going to give me a different present.
She kept the towel on my cock for much longer than necessary, enjoying my discomfort. Eventually the towel came off and I looked down. My cock looked like I had been skinny dipping in the Arctic Ocean.
"Oh look," she said, "you're quite proud of your cock aren't you boy? It doesn't look so big now does it?"
I groaned.
"No Ma'am, it doesn't."
"Looks like the cold has tightened those balls up a bit too."
With that she put her thumb and forefinger around them and began squeezing and pulling. I grunted a little but she wasn't trying to hurt me, she was just extending and loosening me up a bit. She let go and picked up the base ring. Holding it close to my balls she started pulling some loose skin through. She slid my first ball through easily, the second was a slightly tighter fit but with a bit of pressure it popped through the ring.
Quickly she got the end of my cock and unceremoniously stuffed it through the ring. She pulled all the skin around until she was satisfied everything was in order. Smiling she picked up the cage.
"You sure?"
I gulped.
"Yes Ma'am. Please lock me in chastity."
My cock was starting to stir again so she deftly slid the cage down and got it in position, making sure there was no pinched skin anywhere. She had the locking mechanism with the key inserted in her hand. She held it up for me to see.
"Thank you boy."
The lock slid home perfectly and she slowly turned the key and removed it.
Locked. My cock was locked away. She had the key.
She looked at me holding the key in the palm of her hand. Slowly she closed her hand and made a tight fist.
"I will keep this very safe, don't you worry. The other key is in a high security safety deposit box."
My cock was only just starting to expand yet the tip was already against the end if the cage and pressed against the bars running down the side. She leaned into me and gave me a long passionate kiss. It kept hardening but there was nowhere to go. As the pressure built so did my excitement. As the blood continued to flow the base ring felt smaller and smaller and it began to throb. She backed off, put her hand under my balls and lifted the device up for me to see. My engorged flesh was tight against the bars, trying to push through. The ring had moved a little away from my body but there was no give at all. Trapped, confined and constricted I throbbed in her hand. It felt incredible. It kept trying to get harder and harder, pressing into the unforgiving steel. I groaned and fruitlessly pushed my hips forward. Nothing happened, absolutely nothing. There was nowhere for it to go. She bounced it up and down a few times.
"Your cock always looked good but this is beautiful, just perfect.
It did look amazing, I had to agree.
"Isn't it a bit tight Ma'am?"
I asked hopefully.
She laughed,
"No boy, it's just right I think. As the manufacturer said it's best to err slightly on the small side. Feeling horny baby?"
"God Yes Ma'am."
"Good, me too."
She set about freeing my and we almost ran up the stairs. She threw herself on to the sofa and had her leggings off in record time. She scooted up to the end of the sofa, threw one leg across the back, and just said,
"Tongue, now!"
Instantly I was buried between her thighs.
"Remember everything i taught you? Forget it, just make me cum!"
She was soaking, it didn't take long. She pulled my head into her crotch as she came. She recovered, let my head go and pulled me up on top of her. She kissed me deeply savouring her taste on my tongue and lips.
"Lovely lovely lovely. It's your birthday but I've been given the best present. Thank you."
"No, thank you Ma'am. Thank you for...everything."
She shifted slightly and I could feel the heat of her pussy pressing against my caged cock. She rocked her hips and I could feel her sliding across the curve of the cage. Almost without thinking I joined her movements. Bodies tight, we moved together. I could feel her where my engorged flesh was trying to break through the bars. It was lovely but I knew there would never be enough stimulation for me to cum.
I didn't care at all. All I cared about was this moment, her amazing body moving with mine.
She was starting to heat up again, her movement getting quicker. I tried to match her increasing the friction between my cage and her pussy.
"Oh baby, yeah... good good. Keep going."
Her nails were digging into my back now. I kept the rhythm, as one we sped up until she came again. Groaning she dragged her nails up my back and held my head tight as she spasmed over the cage. We lay motionless for a while as she composed herself then she put her hands on my shoulders and I lent back away from her a little. Softly kissing me she said
"Wow baby, I've never cum like that before. Oh wow."
She moved onto her side and I slid in next to her.
"Chemistry, attraction, whatever you call it. You can't measure it or quantify it. It just is. I knew I fancied you when you first came round to work, despite the fact I'm nearly twice your age. It must have been instinct combined with your... I don't know... eager willingness. I took a gamble when I gave you those clothes to wear in the stable. I knew you were embarrassed but you put them on. I took another gamble when I told you to get on your knees and do the corners properly. By the way you did a great job first time. The corners were fine."
She laughed, I giggled and said
"I remember thinking is she serious? There's nothing there. But I did it anyway. I didn't know why then but it was just right. Obeying you was just right."
She narrowed her eyes and slipped her hand down to my balls. She squeezed them gently,
"Obeying me is always right boy."
She was smiling, just playing with me but I knew there was a hard truth in her words. My cock twitches involuntarily.
"See? You love it. And when you knelt there, hard in the shorts I knew I could make you my little submissive."
I kissed her gently and said,
"I'm so glad you trusted your instincts Ma'am."
"I know you trust me Tom but I just want to tell you that I will always look after you. Owning a sub is responsibility I take very seriously. I will keep you safe. I will hurt you, I like hurting subs, but I will never harm you. Do you understand?"
"I think so Ma'am. I do trust you, completely."
Her hand was playing with my balls, caressing and squeezing them. My cock was still pressing insistently against the cage.
"Mmmm. I'm hungry boy."
She jumped up and slipped her clothes back on and beckoned me to follow her to the kitchen.
"Want a beer?"
I laughed,
"Sure, thanks Ma'am."
She got a few bits and bobs out of the fridge and we ate with a beer.
"I love the way you are so casual about being naked." She said.
"Yeah, that's new " I replied, "I've no idea where that came from. I know I'm not a bad looking boy but usually I'm quite shy around women."
"Must be your instincts, a sub naturally wants to place themselves below a Domme, wants to be vulnerable and show their submissiveness.
Like a pack of wolves, all the others know to lower their head and eyes to the pack leader."
True I thought. I naturally wanted to follow and obey her. She was the leader. She didn't have to make a big show of it, she just was. That small but vital difference between confidence and arrogance.
I cleaned up when we had finished our snacks.
"Time to go home my little chastity boy."
That sounded good. She paused,
"This all seems like a lot of fun at the moment but at some point reality is going to kick in, maybe tonight, maybe next week. You are going to realise that this is for real now. It's not a video, the cage isn't just going to vanish. It's locked on and you have no choice about that."
"Yes Ma'am. I'm sure you are right. I don't really know how I'm going to react but I will try to stay positive and think about how much my chastity means to you. Every day in chastity makes you happy, I will keep repeating that to myself."
"Good boy. I'll email you some links and advice about chastity care. They should be helpful."
We kissed and hugged, I remembered to put my clothes on and off I went into the night.
I was still semi hard in the cage but it felt good. It held me tight, I could feel it with every step which made me swell a little more. It was going to be there as a reminder every waking moment. I loved it but I also knew that there were going to be difficult days ahead, very difficult days.
Ma'am had already sent over the info when I got home. I got another beer and started reading. It ranged from the basic if your balls go numb then remove the cage immediately kind of thing to much more useful advice about moisturizing my skin, particularly around the base ring and how to cope with nocturnal erections. I had already been hard in the cage. It felt great but I had noticed as my cock forced the ring away from my body a low level dull ache in my balls. If that was as bad as it got then I couldn't see a problem.
One recommendation was to wear fairly tight underwear to keep the cage in place so if I became erect there would not be too much pulling on my balls. Good call, I would try that.
My phone pinged, it was Ma'am wishing her chastity boy a good night's sleep and sweet dreams. I replied in kind and slipped into bed.
I thought about what had happened and ran my fingers over the outline of the cage. I remembered the cross and making my beautiful Domme cum. My cock began to swell as I continued stroking the steel bars, it felt amazing. I stretched and flexed my body. Oh nice. It got harder, my mind wandered to various kinky scenarios still stroking. It felt so good, I wanted to cum. I wanted to grab my hard cock and have a great big orgasm.
But I couldn't. All I could do was stroke the bars and feel my flesh through them. I moved my hand away but the throbbing carried on. Ma'am please I thought. She was right. This was real. There was no orgasm to relieve me. All there was my cock pressing into steel. I couldn't stop it and I couldn't stop thinking of her and her touch. The cane, the cross, her pussy, her orgasms on my mouth.
I don't know how long I lay there. She could control it by putting it behind bars but my mind was free and it was not going to let me sleep.
Eventually sleep came, sweet dreams? I don't know but I woke with what would usually have been morning wood. I could feel that ache but it was more painful now. I wondered how long I had been trying to get hard. Hours probably. OK, this wasn't great but it wasn't that bad either. Have a pee, they said that would help. It did, my cock slowly softened and the ache went away. I was due over at Ma'am's house at 11 as usual. I had some breakfast. I had put my usual jeans on. The cage was pretty tight in them and formed what I thought was a noticeable bulge. In one sense I liked the look but practically it might seem a bit odd. Maybe a trip to the shops was in order for some slightly bigger trousers.
Ma'am was in the stables when I arrived. This was how I had first seen her. Knee length boots and tight jodhpurs. It was a good look on her, I loved it.
She smiled, came over and hugged me.
"Hi, how are you? How was your first night?"
I explained what had happened.
"But you feel alright though?'
"I do Ma'am. I'm a bit tired but there weren't any sharp pains or numbness or anything that would make me need to take it off."
She beamed at me,
"That's great news. Some people just can't wear a device. It doesn't matter what they do, what sort they wear. Some people just get pain they can't deal with, even issues that might need medical attention. I'm so happy that you are OK."
She winked and said,
"There will probably be times when you wish you were one of those people but too late now my chastity boy."
I laughed nervously. I could only imagine.
She noticed my jeans and I told her of my plan. She approved, saying that this was just for us. She had no desire to expose me or humiliate me in public. This was a private thing and would always remain so. She did mention that she had a couple of good friends who were "in the scene" so to speak and asked my if I would be worried about meeting them as a sub. I asked exactly what she meant and she said if they came over, or we went to their houses would I be OK with playing with them, being her sub with them. I was honest about being slightly worried about the idea but I trusted her so if she trusted them I was sure it would be fine. She assured me that they were good people and it wouldn't happen anytime soon.
"Work time boy. I'll get your work clothes."
The tight shorts were even tighter now. The cage was clearly visible through the thin cloth. She thought it looked great, I wasn't quite so sure and told me that I could disappear if anyone showed up until she could get my normal clothes to me. I was just a handyman as far as the rest of the world was concerned.
I went about my chores, the shorts didn't help. Every movement made me very aware of the cage. My cock swelled, then shrank many times. This was a bizarre roller coaster I thought.
Work done and inspected she told me to take my clothes off and join her in the shower.
It was amazing to be naked with her again. Getting clean wasn't really the point of the shower I realised. Our bodies moved easily against each other. My cock was raging hard in the cage as she soaped it up and made a meal of cleaning me.
She guided my hand between her legs.
"Use your fingers baby. I'll teach you."
She turned so her arse was pressing down on my cage, trapping it between her cheeks. I had one hand on her breasts, playing softly with her nipples the other moving and exploring between her slippery folds. With her soft words she guided me as her passion increased. Grinding her arse into the cage she breathed, " My clit... quicker... nipples... pinch them... harder, it's OK."
She came hard, I felt her body bucking against me and held her by the waist as I felt her legs trembling beneath her. She pulled my hand away and I held her tight as she recovered. My cock was still pulsing in the cage desperate to be released, desperate to be allowed to get fully erect, desperate for her touch. She turned and held it with both hands, moving them across the cage, caressing my balls. I didn't even notice that I was moaning softly. I was lost in the moment, consumed by lust.
"Easy tiger, come on."
She put on a silk dressing gown and I followed her down to the kitchen. I was still pretty hard in the cage. Laughing she said
"Look at the state of you, it's only been a day."
I had to ask,
"Please Ma'am, when can I cum?"
She smiled but that edge was there. The Domme in her was never far from the surface I realised. She hid it well but it was integral to her personality.
"I'm not going to answer that question boy. Firstly, it is no longer your concern. I am in charge of your orgasms as well you know.
Secondly, I don't actually know. That might sound odd but it's true. I know you have read stories where there are regular releases, or orgasm schedules. That is too formal for me. I want to learn about you. I will watch you, spot the signals you give me. Some will be obvious, but a lot of them will be u*********s. I'm going to know you in ways you don't even know yourself.
Thirdly, don't imagine that I have forgotten for one second about the unauthorised orgasms you had last week. There were at least 5 that I have proof of, maybe there were more. But that has not been forgotten boy."
That wasn't going to be a question I asked her again any time soon. I hung my head.
"Sorry Ma'am."
Her smile sweetened,
"Don't worry. I set you up to fail really. I would have been gobsmacked if you had managed it, not this soon into our relationship and with so little training."
True but I was still sorry.
She opened her robe and pressed her body against me. She got on to her tip toes and pushed my cage down between her legs.
"Feeling horny baby?"
She made little thrusting motions with her hips.
"Does your big strong dick want out of the cage? Shall I unlock you? What would you do right now if you were free? You could pick my legs up and thrust your cock deep inside my tight wet pussy. Imagine that... push me against the wall and fuck me, fuck me hard. Go balls deep again and again as I cry out in ecstasy. Fuck me like a wild a****l until you came deep in my pussy. Oh baby that sounds good doesn't it?"
She kissed me hard, we were both panting. She was driving me crazy.
"Ma'am god Ma'am." I croaked and in a flash she stepped away smiling.
"Nope, not today big boy."
My cock was almost quivering with need. I groaned with lust.
"You've got revision and I've got some prep for next week. Get your clothes on baby. Home time."
I tried to clear my head. She laughed as she watched me try and stuff my very full cage into my jeans. It'll probably go down in a few days she said still laughing.
I had calmed down a little by the time I got home but my cock was still far from flaccid. I chatted to my mum while trying to pretend that I wasn't a half crazed lust filled madman. I did some revision, deliberately getting stuck in and trying to lose myself in it. It was fairly successful surprisingly. Keeping busy was good, it was the down time that was tricky. My thoughts inevitably turned kinky, my cock would stir and I would get in a viscous circle of lust and desire. So, busy I tried to stay. This would also make Ma'am happy, as she was determined that I should do well. Do my best, that was the mantra.
Bed was a different matter though. I lay there in that viscous circle again. She was going to drive me mad I thought. I mean literally mad.
One weekend and my whole life had changed and I had a suspicion that it had changed for good. The feelings I had weren't going to just go away. They were far too intense.
I hoped that the nights after I had been with her would be the worst and that school nights would be easier.
I did sleep, eventually and went off to school. I was drawing some praise from my teachers for my new work ethic, that was good. I told Ma'am that night and she texted back that she was pleased and that hard work always pays off. I also asked her if Saturday and Sunday were the only days I could see her. She said she had a lot on, and reminded me that I did too. However she was sure we could sort some weekend evenings out to go with the days when I was supposed to be working for her.
The week was uneventful and the hoped for easier sleeping during school days appeared. I had started going to bed earlier in anticipation of not being able to drop off quickly. I had a couple of rough nights but also had a couple where I slept for over 9 hours. I needed it I figured. My attempts at morning wood were still painful but just so long as I slept I could deal with those.
My excitement grew as Thursday moved into Friday. I made sure to keep working hard, it was easier that way. This was the longest I had ever gone without an orgasm but I wasn't holding it too much hope for this weekend. Ma'am had showed her inner Domme when talking about my unauthorised orgasms. I suspected I was a long way from paying the full price for those.
It was pouring down on Saturday. I hoped she wouldn't cancel, although the work aspect of my presence there seemed secondary these days.
She texted,
"Come over chastity boy. Lots of work to be done in the dungeon!"
I was off like a shot. We hugged and caught up. We had both been busy. She led me down to the dungeon. I had a better idea of what all the 'furniture' was now but still didn't know what I would be building.
"Start with the chair" she said, "it's no ordinary chair though."
It wasn't. It was a sort of cross between a dentist's chair, something a woman would give birth on, and a throne. It was pretty complicated but the instructions were clear and I had it done in an hour. It could tilt and move, there were parts that extended out to secure legs to I assumed, and there were pads that could be moved around for comfort.
"Lovely work boy. We are both going to spend lots of time here. My time here will be considerably more pleasant than yours though."
I realised it could be a very comfy place for her to sit or recline with me between her legs, or a sort of torture chair for me to be strapped to and played with.
"You first I think, strip and sit."
I did just that with the usual reaction inside the cage.
"I've found some of my toys," she said, "you've watched plenty of dungeon scenes, have you seen anything that you would view as a hard limit? For the record I'm not into blood or cutting, no p*o, and certainly nothing that would be permanent. Just good old fashioned BDSM stuff."
We had never really discussed limits or likes and dislikes but she had seen my search history and seen me through her spy cam.
"I don't think so Ma'am. I think you know lots more about me than I know about you but I trust you."
She set about strapping me down. As with the cross there was no shortage of straps and fixing points. She was nothing if not thorough.
I pointed this out, she grinned her evil grin and said
"I've never had a sub escape yet, and you are no different. Sometimes a sub has to be kept very still for their own safety."
She let me digest that as she disappeared upstairs, returning few minutes later in an amazing tight black latex dress which seemed to be like a second skin. I responded accordingly down below and gushed about how gorgeous she looked. She had a bowl, a few things wrapped in a cloth and the dreaded cool box.
I shuddered remembering the ice cold towel on my cock but it occurred to me that it probably meant I would be unlocked. She put the stuff by my side out of sight. Out of one of the boxes she came a ball gag with long straps.
"Open wide baby, any last words?"
I smiled and accepted the large ball into my mouth. The long strap allowed her to secure it around the headrest. She made sure it was nice and tight. Now my head was immobilized along with my whole body. I felt very vulnerable but very turned on too.
She bent down and picked up something out of the cloth. With a dramatic flourish she opened up a cut throat razor. Jesus! My eyes bulged wider than the than the ball gag as she waved it in front of me.
"Time to shave your genitals boy!"
I was frozen watching the blade dance before me.
She kept a straight face for about 2 seconds before bursting out laughing.
"Your face is a picture!"
She carefully closed the blade and showed me a Bic safety razor. She winked and said,
"How about this instead?"
I made some sort of growling moaning sound and did what I hoped was a comedy eye roll.
She laughed again.
"Oh that was funny baby."
The shock had taken my erection away so she quickly unscrewed the little cap and removed the lock. Carefully she slid the cage off me.
"There he is." She gave it a little pat and it instantly started to swell again. It felt so good to finally get a proper erection, unencumbered by the tight cage.
"That's lovely baby but I need to get the ring off. I'm not shaving everything off, just your bits and bobs and the skin around where the ring sits. It will look much better and feel better too.
I knew what was coming but the freezing towel was still a massive shock. I gasped and as before she kept it squeezed tightly round me longer than necessary. She threw the towel away and carefully got my parts out of the cage.
I had never shaved down there before, it was an odd feeling. I was slightly nervous as the razor slid across my balls. She was very deliberate and obviously as she touched me, moving my cock and balls around I quickly regained my erection.
"Done," she announced, "that looks much better."
I couldn't see with my head against the rest so I gave what I hoped was a positive sounding grunt. She ran her hands across my balls then up and down my shaft. It did feel better, smooth and soft. I reveled in her touch as her gentle hands caressed me. It was heavenly.
She held my balls, quite tightly and started pulling them down, away from my shaft while squeezing gently. I felt an ache in them. It wasn't painful, not really, but as the pressure increased so did the ache. She relaxed a little then tightened a little, each time gripping and pulling a little more. My cock remained hard as she continued. The pain was building now and I let out a low moan. Strapped down as I was, with my legs held wide apart I became very aware of how vulnerable she had made me.
My groaning alternated with the whistling of my breath going through gritted teeth. My body squirmed in its bounds, and I let out a loud moan.
She froze, looked up at me.
"Ok boy?" I nodded, "would you like me to stop or carry on?"
I grunted.
"Was that carry on?"
She looked up, This hurt but I knew what she wanted. I nodded.
"Good boy."
She carried on, but didn't push any further. The pain was radiating out through my balls into my groin. This went on for a few minutes, a light sweat covered my chest as I hissed and moaned until suddenly she stopped.
"Nice," she said and grabbed what looked like a long boot lace, "sometimes simple things are just as effective as the flashy expensive stuff you can buy online."
She skillfully wrapped the string around me, 4 or 5 turns, then began a figure of eight separating my balls. It was tight but not painfully so. My balls were now held an inch or so from my body and half an inch from each other. She tapped them gently and made some small adjustments making sure there was no pinched skin between the loops. My cock was still hard and she smiled.
She made pretend writing motions with her hand.
"Subject loves chastity, tick. Subject enjoys cbt, tick.
She went off to the boxes and came back with more implements. One looked a bit like a small cat o' nine tails, the other a thin round plastic rod.
"This is a soft cat," she swooshed it around, "soft suede and not much weight. No good for arses, but very useful for genitals."
She showed my the rod, It was about a foot long. She held it at one end and bent it to about 90 degrees. Letting go it whipped straight.
"I like this," she smiled, I wasn't so sure. I knew where that was going to be used.
With another dramatic flourish she bent over and picked up a latex glove which she slipped on to her left hand. She wriggled her fingers around.
"One for pleasure," showing me her other hand, "one for pain. Your self control will dictate how often I use each one."
Disappearing between my legs I felt liquid trickling down my shaft, it was lube. Briskly she covered my shaft and glans. I felt her lightly grip my cock and slowly move from the base right up to the tip and down again. Slowly and gently she continued, it was a lovely feeling. She added a little twist on my glans every now and again. It wasn't long before I felt my orgasm growing. I began to tense. Almost before I had realised that she had stopped there was a crack and my left testicle erupted in pain. I gasped and then my right testicle did the same. Another gasp, the pain was sharp and intense. I took a few short sharp breaths. The pain faded fairly quickly.
"Remember those videos boy? No one likes premature ejaculation."
The massage began again, slowly up and down. The pain was fading into pleasure, the little twists over my head were delicious and soon I was building back up again, getting closer. I wanted to cum, to cum now. This time i noticed she had stopped but the pain was still a shock. Right testicle first this time, then the left. A second searing pain, right then left. I was gasping as the pain radiated into my groin.
"You're never going to cum without permission boy, so stop trying to. Just enjoy it."
Her hand started again. I tried to concentrate on her words. I wasn't going to cum so just let the amazing sensations wash over me. It worked briefly I think. But all too soon I felt that familiar rise. I tried to stop it but her hand was relentless until as one I heard the crack and felt the pain, 3 times on each sore testicle this time. As with the cane she didn't rush. She let the pain sink in and start to fade before the next hit, enough time for me to think and anticipate the pain. I was writhing in the chair, sweating. The cycle repeated 3 more times. She moved the target area, hitting the sides and the underside of my testicles.
I was in pieces now. I couldn't think, I couldn't remember her words of advice. She realised this and took a break.
She mopped my brow and picked up the cat. She started striking my genitals. The cat went all over my cock, the shaft and the glans. My testicles didn't escape. The cat stung, not badly but as she continued the stinging increased, especially on my exposed and very sensitive glans. With one last hard swat on my shaft she stopped.
There were more words of advice and encouragement I felt more lube dribble down my cock. Compose yourself Tom, come on I thought. Her hand slowly got to work again. It was beautiful as she slipped her hand over me. I realised I wasn't thinking about my orgasm, I was just there, in the moment, loving every sensation.
I vaguely heard a 'good boy' or two. My cock was alive, twitching and throbbing but eventually I lost it. My moaning took on a desperate tone as the inevitable approached. So close, yes yes...
No! My world erupted in pain again. This time she struck the underside of both testicles, harder than any of the others. I exhaled with a big 'ooph' noise then started keening in pain. Every muscle was tensed as I shook in agony.
She stood and watched me as I bit down hard on the gag, sweat pouring off me as the shock ran through me.
I saw her and started making unintelligible noises through the gag. She put her hand on my chest.
"Hush baby, it's over for now."
She stayed like that, her hand like a sort of anchor, centering me, calming me.
She got the cloth and carefully removed the gag, clearing my drool as she went. I coughed and cleared my throat.
"Ma'am Ma'am thank you sorry sorry Ma'am"
She leaned in and kissed my lips, stopping my random words.
She began to release me. That last blow had knocked the wind out of my cock too. The intensity had overwhelmed everything.
"Can you stand?"
Carefully I stood, my legs were weak and shaky. She took me in her arms, her head on my shoulder and we stood there for a couple of minutes. I could still feel the pain radiating through me but it was slowly leaving me. The shaking slowly abated too and I regained my senses.
She told me to sit back down and she took the opportunity to quickly lock me back up just before my cock began to come back to life.
She told me to shower, which I did, carefully around my sore balls.
I came out and she was standing by the bed, latex swapped for her dressing gown.
She sat next to me and give me a quick cuddle.
"I think so Ma'am. The intensity was... it was a lot... I'm... I'm OK."
She reached down and very gently caressed my sore jewels.
"These OK?"
"They ache Ma'am. Everywhere down there aches but it is fading."
"They will be slightly tender for a day but you will be fine. They can take a surprising amount. As long as they don't get pierced or crushed there is very little chance of damage."
I was slightly reassured but words like piercing and crushing didn't really help.
She smiled,
"Squashing is different from crushing. You'll find out."
I wasn't in a hurry after what I had just been through.
"You did very well baby. I was watching you very carefully. There's no hiding from pain, no faking. It's a brutally honest experience. Your true self is revealed. I saw a boy who enjoys pain and who enjoys suffering for his woman.
I love that."
I couldn't answer. My cock had betrayed my desires as she hurt me. To suffer, to hurt, to need, to please. All for her. I wanted all of those things.
"I've not done this before, but you are young and I feel I have rushed you so it's necessary."
She put the chastity key in my hand.
"You won't have this chance again Tom."
There was no further explanation but I knew what it meant. I could stop here, or choose to carry on. I looked at the key. It held so much power. But I knew it wasn't mine, it was hers.
Realising that this was an important moment I slowly dropped to my knees.
I looked up at her and key in my open palm I said,
"I am yours Ma'am, for as long as you want me. This is your key, I am your boy, your sub. My trust in you is absolute and I give myself to you completely."
Looking deep into my eyes she took the key.
"Thank you Tom. I will care you for, cherish you, teach you and guide you. You are my boy and my sub."
We embraced, holding each other tight.
"I'm so excited," she said, "this could be great, really really great. Oh, the things I'm going to do with you. You have no idea."
He legs scissored quickly up round my waist and she literally dragged me up the bed, opening her gown as she went.
"Worship my pussy boy."
Excitedly I got moved my head between her legs. She grabbed my hair and pulled my head up,
"Worship it boy. I want this to go on for a long time. Remember, listen to my voice and body."
She let go and I began. Ma'am had begun my pussy licking lessons but there was so much more for me to learn. She encouraged me, scolded me when necessary. She had her knees up and my arms were wrapped around her legs. My hands could stroke her thighs and her stomach. She encouraged me to use them to learn, I could feel her muscles, when they tensed and twitched and when they relaxed. Consciously and probably u*********sly too, I was putting this information away, making connections between her reactions and my movements. I was desperate to please Ma'am in every way but this was clearly close to the top of the list.
As always my cock, now recovered was hard in the cage.
It was probably about 20 minutes before I made her cum. It was deep and came from her core. I loved it. I could give her such a profound pleasure, it made my heart sing.
She pulled me up and we lay there happily intertwined. She usually looked perfect but i loved the way after I had made her cum she looked slightly flushed and disheveled.
"We need to talk about your cock boy."
She was lightly caressing the cage, my cock was stiffening in response.
"I want you in me, I want you deep inside me. I want that lovely big cock to stretch me open and fuck me. I want to ride you and feel you. But you wouldn't last would you? It would be over very quickly."
I felt embarrassed.
"Yes Ma'am, sorry Ma'am."
She playfully slapped the cage.
"There's no need to apologise. I don't think there is an 19 year old boy, let alone an 19 year old with no experience anywhere in the world who could last very long. You will be able to but it will take training. I know that my pleasure means everything to you so I know you want to learn. I've seen proof of that already. I've noticed that you have already started to try and keep your orgasms back. During the hand job you held off well at the end. I will use the carrot and the stick..."
She giggled,
"You've already experienced the stick."
I made a low groan.
"I will guide you, and encourage you and as you know I will punish you too. I will gain control of your cock and your mind.
"Don't you mean 'your' cock Ma'am?" I said.
"Ha! No I don't mean 'my' cock. It's not my cock, it's yours.
I hate that possessive nonsense. it might give the sub a cheap thrill to say it but I think subconsciously it gives him an excuse as well. If 'my' cock misbehaves then who is to blame? Me, not him. It's bullshit. It's your cock. I can lock it up and control it that way but when it's free it's you who are in control. It is attached to your body and controlled by your feelings and your mind. A sub must take responsibility for it, not the Domme.
Ok, if grabbed your cock and went up and down like a jack hammer of course you are going to cum. But 'accidents' are usually the sub's fault. It was the sub who let himself cum, it was the sub who gave up and gave in. It is your cock boy. I will use all the tools at my disposal. I will give you agony and ecstasy, I will encourage and discourage. I will reinforce good ideas, I will use all my skills but ultimately it is your responsibility and your choice."
I took this on board. She was right, my cock so my responsibility. It all tied together with her wanting me to be the best me. In all ways she wanted me to be make the right decisions, make the right choices and do my best. No feeble excuses, be responsible for your own actions.
"I understand Ma'am. I am ultimately accountable for my own actions and behaviour. You can only lead me so far, the rest is up to me."
"Good boy. She pushed my shoulders down,
"You know what to do."
It was another marathon session. By the end my jaw was aching and it felt like I could barely move my tongue. She was lying there, totally satisfied. She ruffled my hair,
"Baby, you've got some talent in that tongue."
"Thanks Ma'am. I was grinning broadly. Her compliments meant everything to me.
"Anyway, back to your cock. As I said you have showed some promise. You have to stop worrying about the destination and just enjoy the journey. It doesn't matter if your brain is screaming 'cum' or 'don't cum.' If you are thinking about your orgasm you are in trouble. What have you used your cock for since you were able to orgasm? Pleasure. Your pleasure. It's hardwired into all men. My cock gives me pleasure. I get erect and I have an orgasm. That is it's sole purpose. We have to break those links. Your cock is for my pleasure now. It will give you pleasure too but it's main purpose is pleasing me. I know you want to learn, but we need to get the message down there. Down to your cock and down into your subconscious. My stroking felt great didn't it?"
"It was amazing Ma'am."
"What would have happened if you had cum? 2 things, firstly, you would displease me and secondly all those lovely sensations stop because of a few seconds of fun. I know it feels like hell when you're so close but it isn't. It's a beautiful place to be, you feel alive. Energy is flowing through you. Learn to enjoy it and don't chase an ultimately unrewarding moment. Some day you will be fucking me and you will realise that you haven't even thought about orgasming. You will be lost in me, in us and all you will want is for the moment to carry on.
I will let you cum obviously, that's part of the carrot. But you will truly be a sub when you give up your own pleasure and put all your faith, trust, desire and longing in me.
She smiled at me.
"I know this all sounds a bit deep and philosophical. There's no rush. It will be a fun journey. It may in some ways be easier because you are young. Your mind is more flexible and there are fewer barriers to break down. There will be dark days, days where you fail and I will have to hurt you to punish you. Every time I break you down I will build you up and you will be a step closer.
She smiled again.
"Pussy, now."
After spending more time in my favourite place we showered and went downstairs.
"It's late Tom, nearly 7 o'clock."
She was right, I usually got home around 5.
"You should go. I wouldn't want your mother to think I was taking advantage of you!"
We laughed and I said, " but I don't want to leave Ma'am, can I stay please? I'll phone my mum and tell her I had some food here and I'm going to the pub with friends?"
She looked thoughtful,
"I really have to do some work. I was supposed to do it this afternoon but your damn tongue kept distracting me. However, since you asked nicely I think we can sort something out. You may be left to your own devices for a while though. I do have to do some things."
"As you wish Ma'am. I promise I won't bother you."
'Indeed you won't..."
That sounded menacing but there was no way I could back out.
"Wait there, I need to do some rummaging around." There was silence for a few minutes then.
"Get down here and take this box to the bedroom." I collected the box and we went upstairs.
"Time for some bondage boy. Like ropes?"
"I have no idea Ma'am but if you do then I do too."
Smiling she said. "Right answer."
Out of the box came rope, lots of rope.
"A yoke to start."
She started wrapping the rope around my chest. She then took the rope over one shoulder, looped it under the rope across my back and came back over my other shoulder. She went round my body and over my shoulders a couple of times and tied the rope off. She tested it, pulling hard at the ropes. They didn't shift at all.
"Oh look!" She said glancing down, "bondage, tick."
My cock was filling the cage again.
"Is there anything that doesn't make you hard?"
"Not if you're with me Ma'am." I replied.
"Smooth talk will get you nowhere."
She said and gave a comedy evil laugh.
"Arms behind your back."
She pulled my arms behind me and placed my forearms next to each other horizontally. Rope was wrapped around my wrists and lower forearms quite loosely. There was some pulling and tugging and and i felt the bindings slowly tighten.
"Can you move?"
I flexed my arms, there was no give at all. I was surprised as they didn't feel that tight.
"Always use lots of rope, the more times you go round and the more loops you make the more the load is spread. That way it doesn't need to be as tight to be secure and there is far less chance of cutting of the blood to a hand or foot. That's a big no no. Bondage 101, first book I ever read when I was 4 years old...true story."
We both laughed. She then went about securing my elbows by tying across from just under each bicep.
Well, I thought, my arms are going nowhere.
"Feet about six inches apart." I shifted slightly and the rope went round my ankles, plenty of loops again I looked and thought that I could easily wriggle my feet out but then she started wrapping rope around the loops she had created and a saw the one large loop around my ankles disappear until each ankle was held securely with what looked like a thick spiral of rope between them. She tied it off and slid a finger between the rope and each ankle.
"If you can't do that they are too tight."
This was like my own private lesson in rope bondage I thought. She then did the same just below my knees. Now my legs were going nowhere too, it felt good and my cock was still responding in kind.
"Shuffle to the foot of the bed."
Taking tiny steps I moved inch by inch until I was there.
"Trust me?"
I was just about to reply when she nudged me in the back I fell on to the bed, bouncing as I landed.
"There you go!" She laughed.
She then used more rope between my ankles and the yoke around my chest and shoulders and pulled my ankles up until they were touching my arse. I knew this, she had hog tied me. My head was the only thing left with any movement at all. With a little help I wriggled a little further up the bed so my knees were on it. I felt more ropes being secured behind my back but didn't know what they were for.
"Time to see how strong I am." She said. I felt the yoke tighten and slowly my torso was lifted. My knees remained on the bed as I pivoted up. She took me to about 45 degrees and stopped. Jumping on to the bed she said.
"Something for your nipples now."
I wasn't sure what I was looking at, it seemed to be cocktail sticks with bits of string attached to them.
"You can pay silly money for all sorts of fancy clamps but I've never found anything as effective as this. So simple but adjustable and very painful."
It was indeed just 2 cocktail sticks with string tied fairly tightly at either end. She pulled at the middle and the sticks came apart, the thin wood bending as the string held the ends tight. She slipped the first one over a nipple, let go and the sticks closed on my nipple. She repeated the process on my other nipple. It hurt but not much. I had tried clothes pegs by myself and they hurt more.
"That's OK isn't it baby? Let me adjust them."
With that she slowly moved the string towards my nipple, first from one side and then the other. This forced the sticks together. The closer the string got to the middle the more painful it became. She had moved them about half way in when i let out a small noise.
Through gritted teeth I told her I trusted her judgement. She slid them closer. It was excruciating. I grimaced and made more pained sounds. She stopped. It was like little daggers stabbing my nipples. She flicked the sticks and pain got worse. I couldn't believe something so simple could be so agonising.
"Great aren't they boy?"
"Yes Ma'am." I hissed.
She stroked my balls watching me carefully. My cock was still hard and she smiled.
"These are going to be on for a while, so I'm going to be kind to you."
With that she slid the string out a little and the pain lessened but my nipples were throbbing.
"Are you claustrophobic? Any worries with a leather hood?
"No, that's fine Ma'am."
It was more than fine, I had watched lots of videos where subs had been confined in leather and latex, they always turned me on as I imagined being in their position. This mask, like all her stuff was beautiful, top of the range. It had laces down the back and lots of adjustable buckles. She slid it over my head and I realised there were no eye holes and a padded blindfold inside. Everything went black. There were small nose holes and slit over my mouth. She checked the nose and mouth holes were in the right place and began to methodically tighten the laces. The leather surrounding my head got tighter and tighter, pressing down on my skin. It felt incredibly erotic and my cock was now rock hard in my cage. She gave it a quick fondle and and tightened the buckles up making the mask even tighter. It had a thick collar but she didn't tighten this one much. A ball gag appeared and was secured deep in my mouth.
"You're done baby."
She left the bed and a second later i felt myself being lowered back down. As my chest touched the bed the wooden clamps bit a little harder but not as badly as before. She placed a thick towel under my face for the drool and asked me if I was alright. I nodded, I was more than alright. I was in bondage heaven.
"I've got work to do. I will do it up here. I will be in the room all the time baby, OK?"
I nodded again and she was gone. I heard some noises but then silence. I was in my own world, totally immobile, no sight, nothing to hear except my own breathing, a faint heartbeat in my ears and drool slowly dripping from my gagged mouth.
It could have been scary but it was just very erotic. I flexed gently a few times and there was no give at all but I knew Ma'am was with me so everything was fine, absolutely everything was fine. My cock was still pulsing in the cage, and my nipples hurt but I loved it. I have no idea how long I lay there but suddenly there was movement on the bed.
"Hey baby, how's it going?"
I nodded and made what I hoped was a long pleasurable 'mmmmm' sound.
"That good eh? Fantastic."
I felt her fiddling around with my hood and then my ankles. My head began to slowly lift and crank back, not too far, just a few inches so there was no strain on my neck. Now I understood why the collar around my neck was loose.
There was a creak and the bed bounced a little and I felt skin on my shoulders.
"Open wide."
She removed the gag, there was a bit of shuffling and I smelled a now familiar smell.
"I'm about half way through my work and decided I need a break. Worship me."
Another little shuffle, I opened my mouth and found her pussy pressed up against the hood. I pushed my tongue out into her soft wet center. The only feeling I had was from my tongue although I could feel the heat of her thighs against the side of the hood.
"You've got 10 minutes boy. I still have work to do."
The time wasn't a threat. I knew I could make her cum much quicker than that. She was merely telling me when she wanted to cum so I could decide how quickly to arouse her to the point of no return.
Obviously I had no clock so I did my best. A little preamble then down to business. It was odd having no senses other than my tongue.
I could barely hear her breathing so I concentrated on her clit. I felt her orgasm through the bed as it moved beneath my bound body. A minute of stillness then she patted me on the head and said,
"Good boy. Too fast though, only 8 minutes. I'll punish you later."
With that she was gone, but not before replacing my gag. As it slipped in noticed she had coated it in her juices. I gave an appreciative 'mmm' and savoured them.
She released my head and it flopped down on to the bed again. I moved to from side to side a few times and then lay there waiting with my cock throbbing between my bound legs.
Time had little meaning. I couldn't move, I didn't want to move. I was where wanted me, nothing else mattered.
I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable now. My jaw was aching from the gag and my nipples were sending dull waves of pain across my chest. Suddenly I felt my head being lifted again and my aches and pains became irrelevant as my tongue found her pussy again. I was told 15 minutes this time so I gently worked my magic until she had another big orgasm.
My head was lowered and the gag replaced. She was on the bed by my side and after a few seconds she held my ankles and told me to slowly straighten my legs. Ah, that was nice. I flexed them a few times and shook them out as best I could. Ma'am told me to wriggle down the bed until my knees were just off the edge. I was told not to worry and that the yoke would hold me. She began to lift my torso again, this time past 45 degrees to near vertical. I felt my feet on the ground and then her hands on me.
"Lean back a bit. Let's get you standing."
With her holding and I bit of leaning I was up.
"I'm not letting go, with no sight and no way to move your feet there's a fair chance you could fall. Start moving back, I'll guide."
A minute later I felt by arms bump into something behind me. I stopped and she went behind me.
"Yoke secured, you can't fall now." Then she tightened the thick collar of the hood.
"Good. Lovely orgasms boy but you were 2 minutes too quick first time and 3 minutes too slow the second time. You know I demand perfection."
She did, but I realised she just wanted an excuse to punish me. She held my balls, I was nervous now.
"I think i will leave these alone for now. They've probably had enough for today. These though could do with some more attention. With that i felt the string on the clamps sliding towards the centre of the sticks again. Pain shot through my nipples and I grunted. This was really painful. She then spent some time twisting and pulling the sticks sending wave after wave of pain through my chest. I was taking short sharp breaths.
"Lovely." She said. The strings were moved out again to my relief. The sticks moved and suddenly the pressure was gone and my nipples were free. The pain came streaming back but began to fade fairly quickly. Her fingers gently began to massage my sore nipples. This hurt too but felt good. Gradually though the massage changed and she started squeezing and pinching. Her nails dug into my sensitive flesh I was on tip toes, bouncing up and down with the pain. With one last hard pinch she stopped.
"That was for the first error. Now for the second. You missed your target by more second time round. Let's change the angle."
I moaned through the gag. I didn't know what she was going to do but I knew it was going to hurt and hurt a lot. The cocktail sticks had been horizontal before. This time she applied them vertically. Pain tore into me again and then unbelievably got worse as she brought the strings together. I was whining quietly trying to deal with the horrible sensations going through my nipples.
Completely out of the blue I suddenly felt her pulling the cage off my still hard cock. It sprang free and her hand gripped it hard. She started masturbating me, slowly but firmly. I didn't know what was going on. The agony on my nippples was overwhelming but the feeling in my cock as it became rock hard in her hand was amazing.
"Pain is pleasure baby," she whispered, "pain makes you hard doesn't it? You love the rush. I'm going to enjoy reinforcing that. Pain is pleasure, pain will always make you hard. Your pain makes me so wet, mmm yeah. I didn't know but her hand was between her legs rubbing her sensitive spot. Her hand briefly left my cock and her nails dug into the ends of my nipples poking out from the sticks. I let out a strangled cry and her hand was back on my cock. She didn't move it but her grip was like a vice then I felt her body against mine, shaking as she came. She let go and held the yoke for support, her hot breath on my neck. I stood there in agony yet somehow full of pride that my pain had helped bring her to orgasm. Pain is pleasure. It was. It was my pleasure and it was hers too.
Recovering she stood up, "Oh baby, what are you doing to me?"
She sighed deeply and held my rock hard cock again.
"This is going to be interesting..."
I felt the sticks loosen and then they were off. Interesting wasn't the word I would of used. Somehow I kept quiet as I reached a new level of agony but it faded quickly. My nipples were still on fire but it was slowly going out.
She freed my legs, released the rope holding me to the wall and slowly freed my arms.
Holding my upper arms she gently let them fall to my side.
"Move around."
I began flexing my arms and legs loosening them up after their confinement. I loved being bound but freedom felt good after over 2 hours. She led me to the bed and sat me down. Moving behind me she got the towel and undid my gag which came out with a plop and lots of drool. The straps and buckles were undone and she loosen the strings.
"Close your eyes."
She slid the hood up and off and hugged me from behind. I opened my eyes, blinking and getting used to the light.
Her chin was on my shoulder as she held me tight.
"I'm going to have to punish you for getting me so damn hot all the time baby," She giggled, "Oh damn, punishing you gets me hot too!"
We both laughed.
"I can't apologise enough for getting you so worked up Ma'am. I promise it won't happen again."
More laughter, her hand slid down and held my cock. It wasn't quite at full mast but quickly reacted. She gave it a few quick pumps then said.
"Back in the cage for you boy."
Weirdly I didn't feel disappointed. It belonged there.
"Yes Ma'am." I said.
"You've got 10 minutes to lose that erection or it's cold towel time. Stand up, legs apart and hands above your your head."
Turns out it's actually quite hard work to hold your hands up over your head. Gradually as my attention turned to my arms my erection faded.
Ma'am had wisely turned me around so I couldn't watch her as she picked up the ropes and gear. Suddenly I felt the cage being squeezed over my cock. I hadn't gone completely limp so she had to work quickly before it hardened again but she managed it and again I was locked.
We had some food and a glass of wine downstairs.
"I'm meeting a business associate tomorrow. I'll be here when you arrive and hopefully back before you leave." She said.
"That's why I had to do that work. Anyway, I've played with your balls and your nipples now, and had a lot of fun too. Have you done much anal?"
As direct as ever I thought. I explained that I had a vibrator, just a standard one that was about 6 inches long and just over an inch wide. Nothing special. I had used it on occasion. I'd tried fucking myself with it, I had sat on it and masturbated a few times which felt good. The feelings of being penetrated and violated were better though.
She nodded and told me that we would definitely be exploring that.
"Just imagine if I could make you cum just by fucking you with a big thick strap on, I would never have to go to the trouble of unlocking you ever again."
She grinned,
"Your cock is nice but if you used the strap on to fuck me senseless first not only would I have no use for it but the strap on would be ready lubed for action."
I bowed my head and said,
"Yes Ma'am. Whatever you desire Ma'am."
"Careful, some of those stories you read are pretty much true. Slaves with evil Mistresses etc. I used to go to fetish clubs years ago, met some lovely and very interesting people. There was this one couple, they must have been in their forties, who lived 24/7 as Mistress and slave. He was only allowed out of the house when she took him to the club. He spent every moment in some form of bondage. Every day he had ankle shackles on connected by a six inch chain. His wrists were chained to a waist belt. He dressed as a latex maid, full costume, locking high heels, posture collar, full make up... the works. And that was just his standard gear. When I met them his chastity device had not been removed for over 2 years. Imagine that baby?"
Her hand had dropped to my locked cock which was very hard.
"Oh look, he likes that idea doesn't he? Interesting eh?"
I gulped and looked nervous.
"Let's make that happen baby. It would be wonderful..."
As usual she couldn't keep a straight face.
Laughing she said.
"No, sounds like way to much hard work and who needs that sort of responsibility anyway."
"I agree wholeheartedly Ma'am!"
She laughed again.
"I bet you do! Anyway I'm going to have far too much fun with your cock to lock it away permanently. A strap on is all well and good but nothing beats a well trained tongue and a well trained cock. I crave the dominance, the control. Having a man fuck me while knowing that he is willingly and deliberately withholding his orgasm, stopping himself from cumming just to give me more pleasure is such a turn on.
You'll get there boy I promise. I won't ever stop, won't ever relent. I will mold you. You will be my perfect chastity slave, my fucktoy, my painslut and anything else I want. Trust me."
She was still fondling me and I was like a rock, skin and veins bulging against the bars.
"Oh Ma'am yes. Please Ma'am."
I wasn't even sure what I was asking for I was so horny. My nipples were as sore as hell and the power of my attempted erection was making my balls ache again.
"You love this, don't you boy?"
"Ma'am it's incredible. I feel so horny yet so good at the same time. Thank you Ma'am."
"You're most welcome boy but all that is for the future. You should go home, it's late."
We said our goodbyes. My cock stayed hard most of the way home and my nipples rubbed on my top as I moved. I was a very happy sub.
Later as I lay in bed failing to convince my cock to calm down I realised it had been 2 weeks since my last orgasm. I was so horny, unbelievably horny but somehow it didn't seem to matter. I was supposed to feel like this. It was right that I felt like this. In some bizarre submissive way I didn't really care about when my next orgasm would be. It had nothing to do with me now, it was entirely up to her. I fell asleep still quite hard. Two weeks ago I would have been beside myself trying to sleep like this but in some way I think I had accepted the situation and made peace with it.
3 years ago