My search appears to be very successful
When you least expect it your luck, life and future can change in a second. The last year for most of us was disappointing, plans had to change, dreams had to be delayed and progress ground to a halt. For me, it has been a year that had all the disappointments, with plans delayed and dreams all but dead. If you took the time to look over my Xhamster profile you might have noticed I decided to take this past year to seek out adventure and experience things that I hope would bring me happiness and show some accomplishments for the lost year. Last Monday if I had written the state of my life report for the past year it would not of shown much progress or adventure, but then fate stepped in, and I today am much closer to achieving my goal of exposure and finding a 24/7 Master. The most important person I have met in a very long time is Ailton-6hot here on Xhamster, Master Sami as I address my Master. With the meeting of Master he is getting my other goal back on track to get me totally exposed and will be focusing me to expand in other opportunities for adventure. I wish everyone a better year than this past one!! I give you updates on how this all develops.
4 years ago