Aunty sheryl
Sheryl was in her kitchen tidying up, her family had all gone for the day k**s to school, husband Steve to work so she was looking at a full day of housework.
She was just starting in the front room when there was a knock at the door she answered it and there was her nephew Simon, she smiled at him and ushered him into the front room pleased to have an excuse for not doing her chores. She had always been fond of Simon whos 16th birthday party she had been to the previous month, she cast her mind back to the summer before when they had all been down the river, her family and her sisters, there was a barbique and plenty to drink, Simon was getting out of the river when one of his brothers pulled his shorts down and Sheryl got a full frontal of Simon, she should have looked away but found herself entranced by his cock it was enormous at least 6 inches when it was soft and so thick with a big arrogant red head, at the time she had been so aroused by the sight of it she eventually tore her eyes away blushing furiously trying to make a joke out of it. Every time she had seen him since she caught herself looking at the front of his trousers wondering what it would be like when it was hard and then reproaching herself for feeling that way about her own nephew, of late though when ever she fucked her husband she would always pretend it was Simon until she was wanting so much sex that Steve commented on it so she had started to masturbate instead creating scenarios in her head always about Simon catching her naked accidentally and fucking her, or her walking in on him wanking and "helping him out" with a blowjob,she didn't think it was an obsession just a healthy sex drive as long as she didnt do anything about it no one would ever know it was her little secret.
Not so little she thought to herself smiling inwardly as she welcomed him in and asked him what he was doing around her house on a school day.
" well aunty" he says " I am on a suspension from school and mam said you needed some help in the garden so I thought I would come and help"
he then launched into an explanation of why he had been suspended and how it wasnt his fault etc etc.
Sheryl had asked her sister if any of her sons wanted some pocket money for mowing her back lawn because that lazy bastard Steve never got around to doing it so she said,
"well you picked a nice day for doing it the mowers in the shed just get stuck in" and then just carried on with the housework, he walked out the back she watched him go and found herself staring at his ass in his tight shorts as he went by she sighed wistfully to herself wondering what the front end looked like.
She started hoovering but couldn't help thinking about Simon mowing away outside, she wandered through to the kitchen and watched him through the window cutting the grass, he had took his top off because it was a hot day so he was working in just shorts,she stood there for about 5 mins daydreaming watching his tight young body working until she found herself starting to get a little breathless, so she went back into the front room and carried on working trying to concentrate on what she was doing, but it was no good so she gave in with a sigh of self disgust and wandered out the back and shouted to Simon asking if he wanted a drink he said he did so she went and made them both some orange juice and then sat down outside on the patio and shouted him over, as he approached she watched him glancing down occasionally to see if she could make out his cock, sure enough as he got closer she could see the outline of it, it took all her self control to tear her eyes away she felt herself blushing she knew it was wrong but she was fascinated, Steves cock was only half that size.
When he sat down they chatted about family matters and small stuff how he was doing at school when he suddenly blurted out
"aunty Shez I have a problem" then blushed a deep red
"ok what is it " she enquired
"its about girls" he answered
"shouldn't you be talking to your parents about this sort of thing" she said
he squirmed in his chair " its not the sort of thing I would talk to them about" he said
"ok" she said " what is it" she smiled as she said it trying to make it as easy as possible for him expecting a birds and bees conversation,
"well erm ......its like this ....." he blushed "I went with this girl and errrm" and blushed an even deeper red
"cmon Simon its me Aunty Shez I have seen it all before you can tell me it wont go any further I wont discuss it with your mam so spit it out" she was intrigued in spite of herself
"ok ok I went with this girl and when we started to ..... er you know "
"have sex" suggested Sheryl
"yes" he said nearly fainting with embarrassment " she said I was too big" he blurted it all out
"what you mean too big down there" she said pointing to the front of his trousers
"er yes" he said miserably
"well " she said absolutely fascinated now " I have never heard of that before, how big is it? Im sure it wont be a problem maybe your partner was just lacking experience"
" I dont know how big it is about average i guess" he answered "I wouldn't know what to compare it against" his face crimson now
"First of all its nothing to worry about ..... in fact you should be pleased that you are lucky enough to be well endowed a lot of men are not well blessed in that department (Steve for instance she thought to herself)"
"what am I going to do though" he said " I cant go with a girl if I think this going to be a problem"
"You will have to find the right girl and work it out with her" Sheryl suggested "and besides it doesn't look like that much of a problem from where Im standing" she added trying to be helpful
"you don't know Aunty Sheryl you've never seen it, that girl I was with was horrified and refused to take it any further I had to get dressed and go home I wouldn't dare get undressed in front of a girl again" he was nearly in tears by now,
she looked at him feeling sorry for him poor lad she thought,
" tell you what Simon why don't you show it to me and I will tell you if its too big or not" she blushed as she said it titillated by the thought,
"I cant do that" he said "it wouldn't be right"
"well ok" she answered "I was just trying to help" she smiled winningly at him shrugged her shoulders and walked off, he watched her go then returned to his mowing.
half an hour later Sheryl was back outside sat at her garden table she had got changed into a long print summers dress, she was watching Simon sorting out her garden she was thinking about the offer she made and was regretting it now she knew her sister would be horrified if she found out, but she couldn't help wondering what it looked like it certainly looked impressive in his shorts she thought with a grin. As she watched Simon looked up at her and made his way over he flumped down in the chair looking thoroughly miserable.
"Simon" she said " I don't think you should tell anyone about our little conversation I don't think they would understand"
"Oh ok" he answered crestfallen " does that mean you dont want to see it now because I think I was wrong to say no I would really like to know what you think.....I mean if it is too big I guess I will never be able to go with a girl I might as well become a monk, every time I am out with my mates I push girls away cos im scared of what they will say if I get anywhere with them, my mates are even starting to call me gay!!" he was almost in tears she felt so sorry for him
"ok" said Sheryl "if you are comfortable with showing me then show me" she leaned forward as she said it one of her legs becoming exposed by the split in her dress
"well its a bit embarrassing" he said "promise you wont laugh or say anything nasty"
"I promise" she said " im your aunty remember " she said with a rising sense of anticipation she smiled at him she could feel the heat building up in her loins she found she really did want to see it.
He stood up abruptly "right here?" he said she looked round her garden it was surrounded by a high fence she knew from experience nobody could see in she sunbathed topless out here all the time when it was hot so she nodded jerkily she did not trust her voice, he started to pull down his shorts slowly she watched fascinated the top of his cock came into view it was thick and veiny with one big vein starting at the top and snaking down as he pulled his shorts slowly down more and more was revealed she in-took breath sharply her eyes wide fucking hell its huge she thought he dropped his shorts to his ankles she looked on in awe there was at least 8 inches and it wasn't fully hard ....AND it was so thick the end was a bright red colour and already wet.
"well what do you think " said Simon a bit abruptly she realized she had been staring in mute admiration
"well" she said " well" she said again " its the most....." her voice broke " wonderful cock I have ever seen " she croaked she couldn't believe how she was feeling she couldn't get out a coherent sentence she was so moved,
"really " he said with scepticism
"really" she affirmed " er how much bigger does it get when its hard? "
"I don't know ive never noticed" he said as she watched it started to rise and harden the foreskin started to pull back the glans glistened it was now half mast sticking out in front of him and it was massive her breath came a bit quicker,
"if you want it to get bigger you will have to show me something aunty Sheryl" he said she looked up at him her mouth open "after all ive shown you" he said
she undid the front of her dress and pulled it down to her waist letting her big boobs swing free and it was his turn to gasp
"oh my god aunty Sheryl I knew you had big tits but these are awesome Ive never seen anything that looks that good"
She smiled at him then returned her gaze to his trouser front it had started to move up towards his belly jerking slightly as it pulsed she could see clear liquid leaking from the tip then it was hard against his belly the foreskin all the way back so thick and long tapping gently against his shirt front as it throbbed
"oh my god" said Sheryl and reached forward to grasp it she had never seen a cock so big and beautiful her hand couldn't reach round to the other side she started to pull it up and down Simon groaned out loud
"awwww fuuuuck aunty Sheryl" she looked up and grinned
"are you a virgin Simon"
"yes I am" he stammered embarrassed
she dropped her dress to the ground and stepped out of it turned around and bent over the table then grasped his cock and pulled it towards her she positioned it on her pussy lips and was rewarded with a grunt from simon
"now push it in slowly let me get used to it first" and he did she felt like she was being cleaved apart she could feel every inch against her pussy walls as he inched himself into her he kept pushing parting her pussy, Sheryl was in ecstasy she had never felt so full and it just kept cumming she understood why that girl had said no but the silly bitch was missing a once in a lifetime cock, then he with drew right to the head then pushed in again
"oh god" whimpered Sheryl as he started to push in and out in earnest she became frenzied "o fuck, o fuck o fuck" in time to his thrusts her pussy was being pummelled now his pace was picking up "o fuck ofuckofuckofuck" she said her tits were cold against the table top her nipples sensitive being roughly rubbed against the hard plastic as he slammed in to her
"oh my god" she screamed a she started to cum she could feel his cock squirting and jerking inside her she was still cumming the most intense orgasm she ever had his big cock coupled with the fact what they were doing was so wrong had brought her to heights she never thought possible.
They quickly got dressed and couldn't look at each other shortly after Simon went but before he left Sheryl said to him "if you ever feel that your cock is too big again come and see me"
A week later Sheryl was at her sisters and got into a conversation with her about Simon and asked about how he never seemed to have a steady girlfriend and asked if he was a bit shy around girls?
"god no" said her sister "hes been sexually active since he was f******n there's a constant stream of young girls up and down to his bedroom always has been"
Sheryl just stood there astounded "the little bastard" she thought " ive been had" and on the heels of that with a rueful smile " in more than one way"
She was just starting in the front room when there was a knock at the door she answered it and there was her nephew Simon, she smiled at him and ushered him into the front room pleased to have an excuse for not doing her chores. She had always been fond of Simon whos 16th birthday party she had been to the previous month, she cast her mind back to the summer before when they had all been down the river, her family and her sisters, there was a barbique and plenty to drink, Simon was getting out of the river when one of his brothers pulled his shorts down and Sheryl got a full frontal of Simon, she should have looked away but found herself entranced by his cock it was enormous at least 6 inches when it was soft and so thick with a big arrogant red head, at the time she had been so aroused by the sight of it she eventually tore her eyes away blushing furiously trying to make a joke out of it. Every time she had seen him since she caught herself looking at the front of his trousers wondering what it would be like when it was hard and then reproaching herself for feeling that way about her own nephew, of late though when ever she fucked her husband she would always pretend it was Simon until she was wanting so much sex that Steve commented on it so she had started to masturbate instead creating scenarios in her head always about Simon catching her naked accidentally and fucking her, or her walking in on him wanking and "helping him out" with a blowjob,she didn't think it was an obsession just a healthy sex drive as long as she didnt do anything about it no one would ever know it was her little secret.
Not so little she thought to herself smiling inwardly as she welcomed him in and asked him what he was doing around her house on a school day.
" well aunty" he says " I am on a suspension from school and mam said you needed some help in the garden so I thought I would come and help"
he then launched into an explanation of why he had been suspended and how it wasnt his fault etc etc.
Sheryl had asked her sister if any of her sons wanted some pocket money for mowing her back lawn because that lazy bastard Steve never got around to doing it so she said,
"well you picked a nice day for doing it the mowers in the shed just get stuck in" and then just carried on with the housework, he walked out the back she watched him go and found herself staring at his ass in his tight shorts as he went by she sighed wistfully to herself wondering what the front end looked like.
She started hoovering but couldn't help thinking about Simon mowing away outside, she wandered through to the kitchen and watched him through the window cutting the grass, he had took his top off because it was a hot day so he was working in just shorts,she stood there for about 5 mins daydreaming watching his tight young body working until she found herself starting to get a little breathless, so she went back into the front room and carried on working trying to concentrate on what she was doing, but it was no good so she gave in with a sigh of self disgust and wandered out the back and shouted to Simon asking if he wanted a drink he said he did so she went and made them both some orange juice and then sat down outside on the patio and shouted him over, as he approached she watched him glancing down occasionally to see if she could make out his cock, sure enough as he got closer she could see the outline of it, it took all her self control to tear her eyes away she felt herself blushing she knew it was wrong but she was fascinated, Steves cock was only half that size.
When he sat down they chatted about family matters and small stuff how he was doing at school when he suddenly blurted out
"aunty Shez I have a problem" then blushed a deep red
"ok what is it " she enquired
"its about girls" he answered
"shouldn't you be talking to your parents about this sort of thing" she said
he squirmed in his chair " its not the sort of thing I would talk to them about" he said
"ok" she said " what is it" she smiled as she said it trying to make it as easy as possible for him expecting a birds and bees conversation,
"well erm ......its like this ....." he blushed "I went with this girl and errrm" and blushed an even deeper red
"cmon Simon its me Aunty Shez I have seen it all before you can tell me it wont go any further I wont discuss it with your mam so spit it out" she was intrigued in spite of herself
"ok ok I went with this girl and when we started to ..... er you know "
"have sex" suggested Sheryl
"yes" he said nearly fainting with embarrassment " she said I was too big" he blurted it all out
"what you mean too big down there" she said pointing to the front of his trousers
"er yes" he said miserably
"well " she said absolutely fascinated now " I have never heard of that before, how big is it? Im sure it wont be a problem maybe your partner was just lacking experience"
" I dont know how big it is about average i guess" he answered "I wouldn't know what to compare it against" his face crimson now
"First of all its nothing to worry about ..... in fact you should be pleased that you are lucky enough to be well endowed a lot of men are not well blessed in that department (Steve for instance she thought to herself)"
"what am I going to do though" he said " I cant go with a girl if I think this going to be a problem"
"You will have to find the right girl and work it out with her" Sheryl suggested "and besides it doesn't look like that much of a problem from where Im standing" she added trying to be helpful
"you don't know Aunty Sheryl you've never seen it, that girl I was with was horrified and refused to take it any further I had to get dressed and go home I wouldn't dare get undressed in front of a girl again" he was nearly in tears by now,
she looked at him feeling sorry for him poor lad she thought,
" tell you what Simon why don't you show it to me and I will tell you if its too big or not" she blushed as she said it titillated by the thought,
"I cant do that" he said "it wouldn't be right"
"well ok" she answered "I was just trying to help" she smiled winningly at him shrugged her shoulders and walked off, he watched her go then returned to his mowing.
half an hour later Sheryl was back outside sat at her garden table she had got changed into a long print summers dress, she was watching Simon sorting out her garden she was thinking about the offer she made and was regretting it now she knew her sister would be horrified if she found out, but she couldn't help wondering what it looked like it certainly looked impressive in his shorts she thought with a grin. As she watched Simon looked up at her and made his way over he flumped down in the chair looking thoroughly miserable.
"Simon" she said " I don't think you should tell anyone about our little conversation I don't think they would understand"
"Oh ok" he answered crestfallen " does that mean you dont want to see it now because I think I was wrong to say no I would really like to know what you think.....I mean if it is too big I guess I will never be able to go with a girl I might as well become a monk, every time I am out with my mates I push girls away cos im scared of what they will say if I get anywhere with them, my mates are even starting to call me gay!!" he was almost in tears she felt so sorry for him
"ok" said Sheryl "if you are comfortable with showing me then show me" she leaned forward as she said it one of her legs becoming exposed by the split in her dress
"well its a bit embarrassing" he said "promise you wont laugh or say anything nasty"
"I promise" she said " im your aunty remember " she said with a rising sense of anticipation she smiled at him she could feel the heat building up in her loins she found she really did want to see it.
He stood up abruptly "right here?" he said she looked round her garden it was surrounded by a high fence she knew from experience nobody could see in she sunbathed topless out here all the time when it was hot so she nodded jerkily she did not trust her voice, he started to pull down his shorts slowly she watched fascinated the top of his cock came into view it was thick and veiny with one big vein starting at the top and snaking down as he pulled his shorts slowly down more and more was revealed she in-took breath sharply her eyes wide fucking hell its huge she thought he dropped his shorts to his ankles she looked on in awe there was at least 8 inches and it wasn't fully hard ....AND it was so thick the end was a bright red colour and already wet.
"well what do you think " said Simon a bit abruptly she realized she had been staring in mute admiration
"well" she said " well" she said again " its the most....." her voice broke " wonderful cock I have ever seen " she croaked she couldn't believe how she was feeling she couldn't get out a coherent sentence she was so moved,
"really " he said with scepticism
"really" she affirmed " er how much bigger does it get when its hard? "
"I don't know ive never noticed" he said as she watched it started to rise and harden the foreskin started to pull back the glans glistened it was now half mast sticking out in front of him and it was massive her breath came a bit quicker,
"if you want it to get bigger you will have to show me something aunty Sheryl" he said she looked up at him her mouth open "after all ive shown you" he said
she undid the front of her dress and pulled it down to her waist letting her big boobs swing free and it was his turn to gasp
"oh my god aunty Sheryl I knew you had big tits but these are awesome Ive never seen anything that looks that good"
She smiled at him then returned her gaze to his trouser front it had started to move up towards his belly jerking slightly as it pulsed she could see clear liquid leaking from the tip then it was hard against his belly the foreskin all the way back so thick and long tapping gently against his shirt front as it throbbed
"oh my god" said Sheryl and reached forward to grasp it she had never seen a cock so big and beautiful her hand couldn't reach round to the other side she started to pull it up and down Simon groaned out loud
"awwww fuuuuck aunty Sheryl" she looked up and grinned
"are you a virgin Simon"
"yes I am" he stammered embarrassed
she dropped her dress to the ground and stepped out of it turned around and bent over the table then grasped his cock and pulled it towards her she positioned it on her pussy lips and was rewarded with a grunt from simon
"now push it in slowly let me get used to it first" and he did she felt like she was being cleaved apart she could feel every inch against her pussy walls as he inched himself into her he kept pushing parting her pussy, Sheryl was in ecstasy she had never felt so full and it just kept cumming she understood why that girl had said no but the silly bitch was missing a once in a lifetime cock, then he with drew right to the head then pushed in again
"oh god" whimpered Sheryl as he started to push in and out in earnest she became frenzied "o fuck, o fuck o fuck" in time to his thrusts her pussy was being pummelled now his pace was picking up "o fuck ofuckofuckofuck" she said her tits were cold against the table top her nipples sensitive being roughly rubbed against the hard plastic as he slammed in to her
"oh my god" she screamed a she started to cum she could feel his cock squirting and jerking inside her she was still cumming the most intense orgasm she ever had his big cock coupled with the fact what they were doing was so wrong had brought her to heights she never thought possible.
They quickly got dressed and couldn't look at each other shortly after Simon went but before he left Sheryl said to him "if you ever feel that your cock is too big again come and see me"
A week later Sheryl was at her sisters and got into a conversation with her about Simon and asked about how he never seemed to have a steady girlfriend and asked if he was a bit shy around girls?
"god no" said her sister "hes been sexually active since he was f******n there's a constant stream of young girls up and down to his bedroom always has been"
Sheryl just stood there astounded "the little bastard" she thought " ive been had" and on the heels of that with a rueful smile " in more than one way"
4 years ago