Surprise prince albert piercing.
Not sure if this has happened to anyone else. I went out for a drink with my mates to our local gay club on friday evening, We got t talking about cock piercings and I admitted that I had thought of getting a prince albert through my cut cock head.
I woke up this morning, looked at the clock, 1130 and the sun was out and SUNDAY,, Sunday?? what happened to Saturday??
I really needed a pee so went to get out of bed and realised that there was something wrong with my cock and balls they felt so hevy and I always sleep in shorts and there was a massive bulge in the. I got out of bed and into bathroom and pulled down my shorts for a piss. Before I could stop piss was going everywhere, the toilet, the wall, floor, over me. I looked down and recoiled in horror, whatwas the monster cock and balls doing hanging from my crotch and what ws the huge steel ring at the end of my cock. I sat on the toilet, I stood up to clean up the toilet and walked to the mirror and checked myself.
I had a huge throbbing cock, shit, it must have been 10" long and thick, it looked very red and felt hard as hell. Out of my piss slit was a very thick heavy steel ring, without checking I knew it was a 00 Ring, biggest there is. I lifted my cock up and it was fucking heavy, and felt odd.. I lloked and there on the underside, were about 20 small straight bar bells through my shaft skin, right from the head of my cock to underneat my balls. My balls were hige and heavy abd felt hard, silicone came to mind.
I phoned one of the lads and he confirmed they had slipped me a knockout tablet, and then taken me to a late night piercer, who had given me the biggest circular barbell he could, plus 20 straight barbells down my cock and balls Before doing this he had injected silicone inside my cock and balls, which I now know is irreversible, something needs to be done and NOW.
I phoned my boss at the BANK and said I had tested Covid positive and had to stay at home, and booked a flight for Bangkok.. Cutting the story short, I found a decent surgeon and tolld him to remove my cock and balls and leave me with a sort of small pussy to take a cock.
A week later off came the bandages and to my delight I found he had removed my cock and balls, and used some of the skin to make a sort of gash to piss frojm and also to take a cock. After three weeks I was allowed to fly home.
At home I looked in the mirror, I have slighly a raised mound between my legs, and I can get a fairly large dildo inside. Only problem is unable to wear shorts, the cut into my pussy so went out and bought a load of panties and tights (pantyhose) and as I dripp all the time, a supply of tampons. Back home I slipped a tampon inside my gash and felt it swell up and seal off the cum drips, slipped on a pair of pantie and tights and rang one of my pals.
20 minutes later Don arrived, and asked what had happened, I dropped my pants and he gaped at my tan tights and panties and SMOOTH crotch. "you did this you fucking bastard" I yelled "I could not wear pants over that monstrosity you all gave me so had to get it amputated and replaced with this, a man cunt"
Don looked horrified and hugged and kissed me. I could feel he ws hard as hell, I looked at him "Want to try your cock in it?" I asked.
He dropped his pants pulled out his huge cut cock, pre cum on the head, pushed me against the wall, pulled down my tights and panties and poushed his cock inside me.##
Fuck t was amazing. He fucked me for about 10 minutes and let three loads inside me..... I was also dripping juices amd we were both soaked in cum. He pulled away, "Best fuck every" he said smiling, "When can I move in", But that's another story.
I woke up this morning, looked at the clock, 1130 and the sun was out and SUNDAY,, Sunday?? what happened to Saturday??
I really needed a pee so went to get out of bed and realised that there was something wrong with my cock and balls they felt so hevy and I always sleep in shorts and there was a massive bulge in the. I got out of bed and into bathroom and pulled down my shorts for a piss. Before I could stop piss was going everywhere, the toilet, the wall, floor, over me. I looked down and recoiled in horror, whatwas the monster cock and balls doing hanging from my crotch and what ws the huge steel ring at the end of my cock. I sat on the toilet, I stood up to clean up the toilet and walked to the mirror and checked myself.
I had a huge throbbing cock, shit, it must have been 10" long and thick, it looked very red and felt hard as hell. Out of my piss slit was a very thick heavy steel ring, without checking I knew it was a 00 Ring, biggest there is. I lifted my cock up and it was fucking heavy, and felt odd.. I lloked and there on the underside, were about 20 small straight bar bells through my shaft skin, right from the head of my cock to underneat my balls. My balls were hige and heavy abd felt hard, silicone came to mind.
I phoned one of the lads and he confirmed they had slipped me a knockout tablet, and then taken me to a late night piercer, who had given me the biggest circular barbell he could, plus 20 straight barbells down my cock and balls Before doing this he had injected silicone inside my cock and balls, which I now know is irreversible, something needs to be done and NOW.
I phoned my boss at the BANK and said I had tested Covid positive and had to stay at home, and booked a flight for Bangkok.. Cutting the story short, I found a decent surgeon and tolld him to remove my cock and balls and leave me with a sort of small pussy to take a cock.
A week later off came the bandages and to my delight I found he had removed my cock and balls, and used some of the skin to make a sort of gash to piss frojm and also to take a cock. After three weeks I was allowed to fly home.
At home I looked in the mirror, I have slighly a raised mound between my legs, and I can get a fairly large dildo inside. Only problem is unable to wear shorts, the cut into my pussy so went out and bought a load of panties and tights (pantyhose) and as I dripp all the time, a supply of tampons. Back home I slipped a tampon inside my gash and felt it swell up and seal off the cum drips, slipped on a pair of pantie and tights and rang one of my pals.
20 minutes later Don arrived, and asked what had happened, I dropped my pants and he gaped at my tan tights and panties and SMOOTH crotch. "you did this you fucking bastard" I yelled "I could not wear pants over that monstrosity you all gave me so had to get it amputated and replaced with this, a man cunt"
Don looked horrified and hugged and kissed me. I could feel he ws hard as hell, I looked at him "Want to try your cock in it?" I asked.
He dropped his pants pulled out his huge cut cock, pre cum on the head, pushed me against the wall, pulled down my tights and panties and poushed his cock inside me.##
Fuck t was amazing. He fucked me for about 10 minutes and let three loads inside me..... I was also dripping juices amd we were both soaked in cum. He pulled away, "Best fuck every" he said smiling, "When can I move in", But that's another story.
4 years ago