Colonoscopy REVIEW

Hi guys and gals. I wanted to give you my review of a colonoscopy I had yesterday.
I planned this a few months ago by telling my doctor I was having difficulty when going to the toilet.
I told him I was noticing blood when having bowel movements..
I really wanted to just have a look inside so I made up this story to hopefully get recommended for a colonoscopy.
And guess what. it worked. I was really turned on by the thought of seeing the insides of my ass pipe.
I was really hoping to get the video of the procedure but as I found out minutes before the procedure. Here in Australia, they don't record the procedure for later viewing. They only take pictures along the way if they see anything out of the norm.
There went my plan of having a recording of my ass pipe.
So the next plan of attack was to see if I was able to have the procedure without anesthetic.
The nurse on the phone who I spoke with a day before the procedure told me it was not possible to do it without anesthetic.
FUCK!!! I was even more pissed now.
My plan was doomed....
On the day of the procedure, I was again asked obligatory questions regarding previous ops or any issues in the past medically.
While answering all the question. I again asked this new nurse if it was possible to have the procedure without anesthetic.
She too said NO. Apparently it's a requirement to have the anesthetic.
After the questioning was done. I was asked to change into the hospital gown and then escorted to the waiting area.
20 minutes later, I was called into a room by a male doctor this time.
And after re confirming all my details and explaining the procedure. I thought I'd ask him the same question.
He told me no at first, but then siad. You really want to do it without anesthetic?
And I said YES. He replied, Ok, I will have to ask the surgeon. But I don't think he will allow it.
So after that, he asked me to follow him to the procedure room.
When we arrived in to the room, I was told to sit for a few minutes and then asked to get onto the procedure bed.
The doctor went through the obligatory identification questions and then said ok. Get onto the bed.
While getting onto the bed he told the surgeon that I wanted to do the procedure without anesthetic.
And he said, really. Are you sure about it.
And I said YES. I want to do it without anesthetic.
I told him I understood what the procedure involved and said I wanted to do it because I wanted to SEE personally inside my own body.... I asked if they have the option to record live video and he said no. He said the scope he uses doesn't record video. I think it might have been done as it was sending a live feed to a HD monitor. Maybe if I had requested this through the hospital prior to the visit. It might have been possible.
Anyway. No video but I was able to view everything from start to finish....Long story short.
All good. No polyps, no cancers and no issues found.
After getting dressed and waiting for the surgeon to bring me the report for my local GP.
I asked him a question in private.
I asked him did he see anything out of normal in ANY way.
And he said no.
I asked him again. Did you see anything that was out of place in ANY WAY?
And he said NO.I asked him one more time.
And he said. NO..
I then pulled out my phone and asked him if I could show him something.
He was little hesitant at first and then said what is it.
I then told him I like to put big things up my ass.
I have a video I'd like to show you to if you are ok with it.
I need you to see with perspective just how big the things are I put up my ass.
He said. Ok.
So I showed him a gif image of me with a 15 inch long x 3 inch wide dildo going balls deep.
I told him, I have been doing this for over 30 years.
That's why I asked him if there was anything out of place or damaged or not normal during the procedure.
He said no.
SO, There wasn't any indication or any signs of damage caused by prolonged ass play with monster dildo's.

I want to share my experience to others who also enjoy anal play with huge objects.
The key thing to remember with monster anal insertions is this. take it easy and go bigger gradually.
I wasn't a big fan of lube. I mainly used my natural ass juices with the occasional Vaseline.
Nothing else.
Vaseline was used initially to get things started, but then the ass juices along with the remaining water from my enemas was enough to ensure I could fuck the shit out of myself.
SO at the end of the day.
If you enjoy going bigger and deeper.
It's possible without any damage as long as you take it slow and easy.
A little pain is normal along the journey to taking monster didoes along with the occasional minor bleeding.
There is no gain without a little pain.
Hope this helps newbies..
Take care folks.
Published by str8ndevious1
4 years ago
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Jayboi-Ist 2 years ago
:heart: :heart:
kittyliquor69 2 years ago
Love the inspiration to keep going larger, longer!!
Superhick 3 years ago
You have great confidence man.  Thats awesome.
analternity 4 years ago
I guess you'll just have to shove a GoPro on a stick up your ass then!! As long as we get to watch it!!
gym_tonic 4 years ago
Who would have thought it after seeing your knife video! LOL :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: