The girl who never says no
The girl who never says no
It was the end of the term and classes begin to end earlier than usual, two hours earlier to be exact. The semester felt like it had been dragging on for ages, I was physically and mentally exhausted. My final High School year was not smooth sailing; it was demanding and consumed most of my day. I had a girlfriend who I barely spoke to. Time spent together was close to zero. I guess that's the norm during ones' final year.
The school allowing us to go home earlier was a breath of fresh air, some would say a reward, classes’ ending earlier was a blessing, this meant for the next couple of days I could spend some much needed time with my girl after school. Time spent together was usually cut short by many reasons; on top of that list was us living in opposite directions. Since traveling together was out of the equation we had to find other ways to spend time together.
On a sunny Tuesday around 12:10 pm just after school had ended, We were making our way home, when I noticed her mood was not in my favor, I knew the reason to her sour heart, she was still soaking from the previous period, we had to present a decorated cake as a class, during all this I was guilty of paying attention to everyone else around besides her, and I know that got under her skin a little, she did not say it aloud nor did she have to.
It was clearly written on her facial expressions and body language towards me. We were on the usual route home, walking slower than the traffic of pupils rushing to get home, we had something else on our minds, a direct route home was not an option for us, I say us but I mean me. We walked at a pace of snails allowing the traffic of pupils to overtake us until there was but a few left near us, the path was more silent.
As we walked hand in hand she found a way to annoy me, I cannot remember exactly what she did but I knew why she did what she did. It was revenge for spoiling her mood in the class. Whatever she did made us part ways hastily. I remember us standing in front of the shopping mall entrance when I walked off and left her without a word said. I recall feeling annoyed more than anything, that plus the fact that I was tired, I walked away without looking back, a part of me was relieved to be heading home another part of me was enraged at the outcome.
I can imagine she too felt a mix of emotions; satisfaction from the fact that she managed to get under my skin while also feeling frustration that it lead to me walking away, that in itself could be the reason why she never tried to apologize, neither did she try to stop me from walking away she was conscious of her actions and like me, I believe the semester had taken a lot out of her, as far as she was concerned we were even. I never apologized or acknowledged what I did to her during classes why does she have to be the one who calms the situation.
I proceeded towards the bus station before stopping as if my foot had been caught inside a bear trap. I stood still, exactly like the scene in the movies where a character stands in an open field reflecting on his actions, looking back to what lead him there, what choices he could have made differently. So there I was contemplating whether I should continue in the direction of the bus station or turn back, I stood like a tree for about two minutes thinking, “what am I doing, am I gone let this day go past me, There is no way I will, right? I haven't had a moment with her alone in such a long time”
After I collected my thoughts I turned like a sports car on a race track approximately at the pace of a horse, I galloped in the direction I came from, retracing my steps. I ran for about ten seconds before realizing how foolish I probably looked to the onlookers. I eased my tempo but my heart was still pounding, beating inside my chest like a sledgehammer.
I was excited by the possibility of seeing her, the chance for us to reconcile. Turning back was a far greater choice than heading home without the opportunity of fully embracing my girl.
I glided through the mall, my feet moving like a pro-ice-skater on ice, no steps were wasted. I walked with a sense of confidence because I knew what fruits my effort would yield. I was astonished when I saw her inside the mall. I walked straight towards her, wrapped her tightly inside my arms before she could react, and whispered hey inside her ear.
We embraced one another for a couple of minutes before easing my grip around her before eventually letting her go. I could sense my presence startled her. Her voice was soft and her breathing was deep. I was not completely sure I was going to run into her there was some doubt, but once we both settled, there appeared a mirrored smile across both our faces.
I joined her on her journey inside a shop where she bought a few things before we made our way to her aunt’s house. I was nervous, excited, and angry, the fact that we let pride get between us. The temperature inside the house changed once I locked the front door. I took the groceries out her hands placed them on the table. She took my hand and pulled me inside the bedroom.
We began kissing, exchanging energy like a couple who had decided to embrace each other for the first time after a long-drawn-out wait; I welcomed her hands on to my skin with her palms brushing across my abs observing my muscularity while I tasted the sugary nectar from her lip glossed lips. I peeled the garment from her skin as we kissed, my hands traveling without command across her frame. I laid her on the mattress with her body resigned to my command; I hovered over her body observing every inch on her flawless figure. I felt my shaft expand, blood rushing from my toes to my cock. I looked down before looking back at her with a grin.
I leaned over with my body hovering over her like an umbrella, stretching my hands to massaging her teats. My hands remained planted on her breast while my head relocated to her belly giving her tiny kissy along her entire stomach; her familiar fragrance was flowing through my nostrils as I inhaled it like a breath of fresh air, I maintained eye contact as I ventured lower towards her concealed treasure, once I arrived I blew on the insides of her thighs sucking on them deeply as my hands ran up and down her thighs, as she lavished on my touch I removed her panties instantly making my way move towards her center.
She let out a seductive moan when my tongue made contact with the heart of her femininity. My face remained purposefully planted between her legs, French kissing her pink pearl while I inserted my finger inside moving it gently inside her pool of moisture trying to suck all the sweet nectar from her honeypot, as I continued to manipulate her core affectionately, I shifted all my energy on to her clitoris, The more I sucked the more she tussled on the bed, her hands seizing the bedsheets, (begging them to come to her aid) she was breathing profoundly, as she twirled trying to remain sane.
I embraced her reaction to my efforts as she held my head between her thighs while she orgasmed, releasing a powerful groan as her legs trembled from the uncontainable pleasure. Once her body eased her legs finally released me from captivity, I looked over at her as she laid in a bliss taking in deep long breaths, a lovely aroma was in the air, I grasped her ankles pulling her closer to the edge of the bed lifted her legs then went back to work.
This time I eased two fingers inside her, her moans were more perverted as if she was urging me to do more after every orgasm; I questioned myself whether I should increase the number of fingers. I was in control, leading her on while utilizing two fingers, provoking her depths before I was captivated, placed under a spell from her moans. My mind solely occupied with the urge to give her another powerful orgasm.
I was becoming more aggressive, the louder she moaned the harder I rammed my fingers inside her; she was in sync with my hand moaning from every thrust, I went faster my hand rocking back and forth like a power-drill as she screamed in ecstasy. She was barely conscious, consumed by the unimaginable pleasure. Every orgasm became more vigorous, as she yelled, "I love you" every time she came, she was gasping for air before releasing it again in a groan.
Her box was a pool of moisture flooding my palm. I removed my fingers and awarded her a taste of her essence. I watched in awe as she sucked on my fingers, her tongue slithering in between each one. With my fingers drenched from the nectar of her mouth, I descended back to the mouth of her arousal, awaiting my next move; she began seductively massaging her breasts as she bit her lip.
It was the end of the term and classes begin to end earlier than usual, two hours earlier to be exact. The semester felt like it had been dragging on for ages, I was physically and mentally exhausted. My final High School year was not smooth sailing; it was demanding and consumed most of my day. I had a girlfriend who I barely spoke to. Time spent together was close to zero. I guess that's the norm during ones' final year.
The school allowing us to go home earlier was a breath of fresh air, some would say a reward, classes’ ending earlier was a blessing, this meant for the next couple of days I could spend some much needed time with my girl after school. Time spent together was usually cut short by many reasons; on top of that list was us living in opposite directions. Since traveling together was out of the equation we had to find other ways to spend time together.
On a sunny Tuesday around 12:10 pm just after school had ended, We were making our way home, when I noticed her mood was not in my favor, I knew the reason to her sour heart, she was still soaking from the previous period, we had to present a decorated cake as a class, during all this I was guilty of paying attention to everyone else around besides her, and I know that got under her skin a little, she did not say it aloud nor did she have to.
It was clearly written on her facial expressions and body language towards me. We were on the usual route home, walking slower than the traffic of pupils rushing to get home, we had something else on our minds, a direct route home was not an option for us, I say us but I mean me. We walked at a pace of snails allowing the traffic of pupils to overtake us until there was but a few left near us, the path was more silent.
As we walked hand in hand she found a way to annoy me, I cannot remember exactly what she did but I knew why she did what she did. It was revenge for spoiling her mood in the class. Whatever she did made us part ways hastily. I remember us standing in front of the shopping mall entrance when I walked off and left her without a word said. I recall feeling annoyed more than anything, that plus the fact that I was tired, I walked away without looking back, a part of me was relieved to be heading home another part of me was enraged at the outcome.
I can imagine she too felt a mix of emotions; satisfaction from the fact that she managed to get under my skin while also feeling frustration that it lead to me walking away, that in itself could be the reason why she never tried to apologize, neither did she try to stop me from walking away she was conscious of her actions and like me, I believe the semester had taken a lot out of her, as far as she was concerned we were even. I never apologized or acknowledged what I did to her during classes why does she have to be the one who calms the situation.
I proceeded towards the bus station before stopping as if my foot had been caught inside a bear trap. I stood still, exactly like the scene in the movies where a character stands in an open field reflecting on his actions, looking back to what lead him there, what choices he could have made differently. So there I was contemplating whether I should continue in the direction of the bus station or turn back, I stood like a tree for about two minutes thinking, “what am I doing, am I gone let this day go past me, There is no way I will, right? I haven't had a moment with her alone in such a long time”
After I collected my thoughts I turned like a sports car on a race track approximately at the pace of a horse, I galloped in the direction I came from, retracing my steps. I ran for about ten seconds before realizing how foolish I probably looked to the onlookers. I eased my tempo but my heart was still pounding, beating inside my chest like a sledgehammer.
I was excited by the possibility of seeing her, the chance for us to reconcile. Turning back was a far greater choice than heading home without the opportunity of fully embracing my girl.
I glided through the mall, my feet moving like a pro-ice-skater on ice, no steps were wasted. I walked with a sense of confidence because I knew what fruits my effort would yield. I was astonished when I saw her inside the mall. I walked straight towards her, wrapped her tightly inside my arms before she could react, and whispered hey inside her ear.
We embraced one another for a couple of minutes before easing my grip around her before eventually letting her go. I could sense my presence startled her. Her voice was soft and her breathing was deep. I was not completely sure I was going to run into her there was some doubt, but once we both settled, there appeared a mirrored smile across both our faces.
I joined her on her journey inside a shop where she bought a few things before we made our way to her aunt’s house. I was nervous, excited, and angry, the fact that we let pride get between us. The temperature inside the house changed once I locked the front door. I took the groceries out her hands placed them on the table. She took my hand and pulled me inside the bedroom.
We began kissing, exchanging energy like a couple who had decided to embrace each other for the first time after a long-drawn-out wait; I welcomed her hands on to my skin with her palms brushing across my abs observing my muscularity while I tasted the sugary nectar from her lip glossed lips. I peeled the garment from her skin as we kissed, my hands traveling without command across her frame. I laid her on the mattress with her body resigned to my command; I hovered over her body observing every inch on her flawless figure. I felt my shaft expand, blood rushing from my toes to my cock. I looked down before looking back at her with a grin.
I leaned over with my body hovering over her like an umbrella, stretching my hands to massaging her teats. My hands remained planted on her breast while my head relocated to her belly giving her tiny kissy along her entire stomach; her familiar fragrance was flowing through my nostrils as I inhaled it like a breath of fresh air, I maintained eye contact as I ventured lower towards her concealed treasure, once I arrived I blew on the insides of her thighs sucking on them deeply as my hands ran up and down her thighs, as she lavished on my touch I removed her panties instantly making my way move towards her center.
She let out a seductive moan when my tongue made contact with the heart of her femininity. My face remained purposefully planted between her legs, French kissing her pink pearl while I inserted my finger inside moving it gently inside her pool of moisture trying to suck all the sweet nectar from her honeypot, as I continued to manipulate her core affectionately, I shifted all my energy on to her clitoris, The more I sucked the more she tussled on the bed, her hands seizing the bedsheets, (begging them to come to her aid) she was breathing profoundly, as she twirled trying to remain sane.
I embraced her reaction to my efforts as she held my head between her thighs while she orgasmed, releasing a powerful groan as her legs trembled from the uncontainable pleasure. Once her body eased her legs finally released me from captivity, I looked over at her as she laid in a bliss taking in deep long breaths, a lovely aroma was in the air, I grasped her ankles pulling her closer to the edge of the bed lifted her legs then went back to work.
This time I eased two fingers inside her, her moans were more perverted as if she was urging me to do more after every orgasm; I questioned myself whether I should increase the number of fingers. I was in control, leading her on while utilizing two fingers, provoking her depths before I was captivated, placed under a spell from her moans. My mind solely occupied with the urge to give her another powerful orgasm.
I was becoming more aggressive, the louder she moaned the harder I rammed my fingers inside her; she was in sync with my hand moaning from every thrust, I went faster my hand rocking back and forth like a power-drill as she screamed in ecstasy. She was barely conscious, consumed by the unimaginable pleasure. Every orgasm became more vigorous, as she yelled, "I love you" every time she came, she was gasping for air before releasing it again in a groan.
Her box was a pool of moisture flooding my palm. I removed my fingers and awarded her a taste of her essence. I watched in awe as she sucked on my fingers, her tongue slithering in between each one. With my fingers drenched from the nectar of her mouth, I descended back to the mouth of her arousal, awaiting my next move; she began seductively massaging her breasts as she bit her lip.
4 years ago