Fucking the boss

Sheryl looked up from her desk at Simon with contempt, she didn't like him he was arrogant and overbearing always thought he knew better than her she was constantly having to remind him who was in charge he was constantly going over her head to the next level of management, but she had him today he had made a mistake in his paper work 2 weeks ago and it had cost the company a lot of money so it was the end of the day and she was going to give him a humiliating dressing down and then go home in a good mood and spend the night with her boyfriend. She sat in her chair and smirked up at Simon not offering him a seat preferring to let him stand just to remind him who had the whip hand,   
"well you really fucked up this time" she said with venom she felt perversely turned on using bad language in the office it wasn't her usual style at all always miss correct professional at all times " yes you really fucked it right up" she added with relish enjoying the look of surprise on his face.
"er fucked what up" he asked with an infuriating smile on his face
"the sale to evens brothers ltd" she said "you havnt charged anywhere near enough for it and the top floor is looking for blood for this" she was really enjoying her self now "your blood in fact, the boss is even talking about a written warning or ....." she paused dragging out the moment  "maybe even dismissal"
god that felt good she thought to herself that's wiped the smile off his arrogant face
"getting the sack for one mistake" he said calmly "that's a bit over the top isn't it especially considering the amount of business ive brought in, the sales have doubled since I arrived, Ive dragged this department up by its bootstraps" he paused for a moment in thought then said "you are enjoying this arnt you Sheryl ? " 
" no im not it throws a bad light on my whole department" she said a bit surprised that he knew "Its not my fault that you rushed through that job and made a complete mess of it perhaps if you wernt quite so fucking (that word again it gave her such a thrill) arrogant all the time and asked for help when you needed it you wouldn't be in this predicament now" she smiled at him maliciously " besides im sure somebody of your gifts will soon find another job" she added sarcastically
"what a horrible boss you are Sheryl " he said his anger showing a bit " I bet you never even tried to defend me I bet you just threw me to the wolves"
"if you wernt such a fucking arrogant cunt I might have looked after you" she said feeling a bit breathless god am I gonna fuck Steve when I get in she thought just as soon as I get this pig out of my office Im going home and fucking his brains out
" so thats it then Im getting the push for Christmas after all the work ive done for you Sheryl " said simon angrily
" yes" she said "Im going to do my best to see the back of you" god that felt good she thought "you have been a fuckin nightmare to work with for 6 months strutting about like you own the fucking place giving orders left and fucking right even trying to tell ME what to do" it was a long speech to give she was out of breath and she leaned forward in her chair as she gave it her chest heaving ......... she couldn't believe her eyes .....the cheeky bastard was looking down her blouse!!!! she was FURIOUS 
He looked up to her face and grinned at her knowing she had seen where he was looking
"how fucking DARE you" she said "you fucking arrogant TWAT" she let her self go in an orgy of loathing he just smiled that infuriating smile
 she stood up and walked angrily around her desk her temper had snapped he watched her approach her boobs moving up and down in her agitation he loved Sheryls big boobs he could never understand why she didnt like him, it had been obvious of course the minute he had met her there was an instant antagonism between them  which was a bit sad all he wanted to do was fuck her he had never met somebody more in need of a good fucking with that thought he smiled to himself knowing his smile would wind her up .
Sheryl stopped in front of him and stared up at his face she was hopping mad in fact she was fucking furious she was speechless the bastard was smiling at her while he ogled her boobs daring her to do something about it well I will show him she thought and with that slapped him across the face his head rocked back and he stared at her in surprise red finger marks standing out on his face her hand flew to her mouth what have I done she thought in trepidation her eyes wide with horror.
"You young lady have a lot to learn " he said
" that may be  true " she retorted defiantly " but you wont be the one to teach me....you won't even be here" and with that she headed to the door but he stepped in her way and grabbed her arm
" get your fucking hands off me " she almost shouted suddenly aware she was probably the last one here
He turned around and turned the key in the lock and put it in his pocket keeping hold of her arm at the same time
"What the fuck do you think you are doing you bastard" she shouted suddenly feeling powerless in his grip
"You are about to learn that you cant treat people like this even if you dont like them" he said calmly
"I can do anything I want " she answered less convincingly
With that he reached up and squeezed her left boob painfully while holding her easily with the other hand
"You bastard you cant do that to me " she said but her voice quavered slightly as she said it
"I still don't think you get it" he said " we are alone here I can do anything I want....besides you are saying one thing but your tits are saying something else" and she looked down and to her shame and self loathing she could see her nipples standing proud and painfully erect her body was reacting shamefully to him she could feel her pussy heating up as well that wet widening she got when she was horny Steve always called it as her getting a wide on,
Simon turned her round and pushed her towards her desk
"Ok ok I will make sure u dont lose your job" she said over her shoulder
"I know you will" said simon " but thats not gonna help you now" he said calmly
He bent her over her desk then cracked her sharply over her ass once twice three times with each smack she yelped louder he pulled her up roughly
" now strip" he said
"No " she replied and shook her head
"Ok have it your way" he said and span her back round bent her over and smacked her again and again and again spreading the smacks around her ass so never touching one area twice with every spank he said  you...smack...need...to...do....as...smack...you....smack ...are...smack...told...
He stopped and stood her up
"Right are you gonna do as I say"
"Yes I am " she said in a small voice
"Ok strip down to your knickers and lie face down on the table"
Sheryl took off her top and skirt and stood there in her knickers bra and stockings all matching in white then stopped hands in front of her crossed
" nice"said simon in honest admiration " but lose the bra "
With a sigh she did her bottom was hot, red hot in fact she could feel her pussy melting she lay down on the desk trembling wondering where this was going next suddenly there was a flash she looked around at him and there was another he was taking photos
"Just some insurance" he said" in case you dont behave"
She realized belatedly that she would have to do as she was told from now on otherwise she was sure those photos would find there way onto a public forum somewhere.

So there she was lying face down naked on her desk the desk top was cool against her skin she looked up at his face then her eyes travelled down his body she could see he was aroused his cock was making a tent down his trouser leg it looked enormous

"you will be getting some of that in a moment" he said noticing where she was looking "but first im gonna punish you some more" and with that he picked up a ruler from her desk and brought it down hard across her ass again and again carefully laying stripes across her not too hard to cause intense pain but just hard enough to leave a red mark and cause her to yelp.

He paused for a moment and said "turn over and remove your knickers" which she did straight away although she still hated him she was torn, she was finding she was enjoying the subservient role, she was enjoying being humiliated, she was enjoying the pain across her ass she found herself looking forward (with some trepidation) to what he wanted next 

he took a breast in each hand and squeezed them firmly then went down to her legs and pulled her roughly to the end of the desk so her legs dangled over the edge and said "right Im leaving the room to get something you are NOT to move" and he walked out leaving the door open she lay there glancing worriedly at the door what if someone walks past and sees her spread eagled and naked on her desk she assumed everyone was gone by now but some one could be working late she felt vulnerable and soooo horny her pussy felt fat and full it was screaming out to be filled he seemed to have been gone a while 5 minutes passed then 10 she was tempted to get up and look ..... but she didnt dare now he had those photos she would be ruined if they got out a laughing stock so she stayed where she was her emotions hovering between being scared and feeling exposed and vulnerable too and so randy she could barely keep her hands off herself.

After about 15 mins he walked back in with some string in his hands and started to tie her ankles to her desk legs with her legs spread her pussy exposed and accessible he then tied her arms so they where over her head and she couldnt move them.

He took all his clothes off and stood in front of her she couldnt take her eyes off his cock it was just like him arrogant and proud he was massively virile his cock was rough and veiny and it must have been at least 8 inches but so thick as well she stared at it hungrily she wanted it now she wanted to feel it spurting inside her he climbed onto her desk and straddled her chest his cock lay between her huge boobs

"ive wanted to do this to you since I first met you" he said his face a riticus of lust he pushed her boobs together and started to move his cock between them shuttling it back and forth groaning out loud as he did stopping every now and then so he didnt get to close to cumming and slapping her tits and pinching her nipples.

"are you enjoying this humiliation Sheryl you slut"he said she new instantly what reply he wanted   

"oh yes Simon I am I love you using me this way I dont want you to stop until you jam that big cock inside me ive never been used like this before I want to be at your beck and call" and as she said it she found it was true she wanted this arrogant bastard to use her whenever he felt like it.

He carried on tit fucking her he could feel his orgasm starting to build up so he slowed down he wanted this to last he had dreamt of fucking Sheryl since he had first met her she was everything he liked in a woman big tits big ass cute face blue eyes and now she was compliant as well he could see this relationship going on for a while as long as she stuck to the rules as he thought about everything he was going to do to this girl he moved up her body grabbed his cock and put it on her lips she stayed like that waiting for instruction "open your mouth slowly im gonna slide this in" she slowly opened her mouth feeling his cock enter her mouth slowly pushing its way in all covered in veins and lumps she could taste his pre cum his cock was soaking, leaking more as it went in he pushed it all the way to the back she gagged slightly and he pulled back out then back in back out then back in face fucking her he was grunting and she was moaning mmmmmm he reached back to touch her cunt for the first time just rubbing around the hood she groaned out load her pussy felt swollen and so sensitive he pulled out of her mouth and moved down her body and stood up in front of her dangling legs he grabbed his cock at the base and began to rub his cock up and down her slit stopping occasionally to slap it wetly against her clit she moaned out loud fighting and squirming against her restraints wanting to take over and pull his cock into her but being unable to he carried on rubbing lightly then hard then putting the tip against her hole and pushing in ever so slightly and then pulling away when she pushed down to take it into her and she groaned with disappointment until neither of them could take any more and he thrust up into her he spread her open and fucked her she could feel his cock stretching her pussy as he forced himself inside all the way to the hilt pulling back and in again and again and again each thrust filling her and sending her higher and higher she was screaming out loud "fuck me fuck me FUCK me I fucking love this fuck me fuck me" and then she was cumming and shouting and cumming and he was cumming at the same time shooting his load into her again and again he spurted and she came again and again until he fell back spent he untied her and watched her get dressed they didnt speak untill he said

"tomorrow is no underwear day for you"

"I cant do that with my boobs" she complained

"find a way Sheryl" he said or.......

"ok ok " she said resigned she knew now who was in control

end of part 1
Published by fitzy40
4 years ago
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