I have very little understanding for...

... anyone who writes tales here, or anywhere else for that matter, and don't know how to write a conversation.

Can anyone tell me when the last time you talked to someone and they said, 'I am going to do this', or 'I will do this', or any other comments where someone is talking that they don't use contractions while talking? I don't believe I've ever said - to anyone - 'I will do this' instead of saying 'I'll do this' or 'I'm going to do this'.

I realize that most writers on here, or any other site, aren't professional writers but please, use some common sense when you pen your prose and do conversations like a real person and not like Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation who was unable to use contractions. That will definitely make your tale(s) much more believable and realistic.
Published by eprise01
4 years ago
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broadsword2 3 years ago
Plain good old fashioned English is always acceptible. There are so many people around now who are unable to string more than rwo or three words together.