My first early bi-experience

My first Bi-experience happened, when I was a teenager, living in a little town in Germany. I cant exactly remember my age, may be it was one year before or later, but I remember very good what happend there, because it was a wonderfull experience! I love to remember this moments of lust with this good elder man, and so I write it down here as good as I can and exactly as I remember this hot summer days.

There was a friendly man, who lived some months in our house, he payed rent for one room. He was from the Chez Republik, but lived here in Germany. I liked to be with him, because he had some porn magazins and something like this in his room, and when I was there, I coud have a little look on it.

One hot summer day, I was in the garden with him, and I weared a short sport slip. He startet to scuffle with me, and by this way his hand touched me between my legs. I looked, the scuffling went on, and angain his hand found my Dick. And immideately I got an erection - and he noticed it and made a comment about it.

I broke away from him, because I thought that may not be and I may not do that. But when I was inside the house, I realized that this was exactly what I wantet! Waves of horniness and prurience shook my body, and I went to his room, where he was gone to meanwhile. He let me in and I didnt say a word, but he must have seen how horny I was. He started to scuffle again a little, by this he touched my already hard preg, and then he layed me down on the floor and fixed the upper part of my body with his knees, while his hands fondled my dick. I was extremly hot, I had masturbated since years before and I had done masturbation-games with girls in my age, but never I had had such an intense sexual experiene before in my life... I wanted him to see me and to take me in all my horniness and prurience, and I wantet to give myself to him and let him make me to a accumulation of sexual lust and lascivious depravity...

In fact he didnt do very much with me: He made me a fine, insightful handjob, also escorting me with nice words to a great orgasm. By this way I tried to grab to his cock, but than I hadnt the heart to do this, and so I never touched or have seen his preg (I think he masturbated after I had come and while he played with my sperm, that was now on my legs, but he did this masturbation inside his trousers) I was still a little time at him, he invited me to see his porn-magazins, and than I went away. - In the next weeks we often came togehter, in the garden or in his room, and always I instantly came near to him and he grabbed my dick; he put me with my back to the wall or to a pillar and pressed his great body to mine, while masturbating me. It was a great feeling: I coudnt move, but I also WANTED NOT to move from this.... I wanted to be there with him, caught in lust, and it was wonderfull for me to be with this man, who did this things, which I wanted so much, to me... It was wonderfull to be with this man, who saw me als the lascivious and horny person, that I REALLY was (and am) and who took me, as I really wanted (and want) to be taken! It were great weeks in my life, and I think they were essential and constitutive for my whole future.

He never did more than masturbating me. Surely I would have done more than that, touch him, suck his dick, maybe anal stimulations... I was horny and ready for everything. But he didnt do that - may be it was enaugh for him to see me in my hornyness, or may be he was in fear of the german laws for the protection of the youth, which outlawed sex between grown-ups and younger boys, even if it is done by mutual agreement. After this weeks he went away; months later he came back - with his new wife and her two sons. They all lived together in this room for two oder three days, and I managed that we came together unescorted in the garden, and again he immideately took me to a pillar and did a great handjob to me. Than the drove away... and I never saw him again.

Now its about 30 years ago, since this happened. I tried to find his name in the internet, because I would like to see him again and to do all this things to him that I could not do than. I would like to feel him come in my mouth... but I cant find him yet. I am bisexual and I had sex with very, very much more women than men, but sometimes I like to have sexual fun from man to man, and with good grace I remember this Chez man, who enabled me this great expirience!

I hope there are not too much mistakes in my English!


4 years ago
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