Party Goes South Part 4
The trip home was, largely, uneventful. They each shared, with the other two, what had happened, AFTER they had parted company. They girls were especially curious about what had happened between Alice, and the son of her old flame. She told them, in great detail, what they had done, and that he, like his father, was an especially talented lover. He even used most of the same methods as his father, including, but NOT limited to, the way he had eaten her pussy. He had even used some of the same terms. His father had called her long pussy lips, her "Mud Flaps," as he was admiring them. Then he had taken them, one at a time, and licked the inner surfaces, until she had squirted. She told them that he, also, was the only boy that she allowed to cum inside her pussy. She had been 15 when they made love for the first time. The last time had been when she was s*******n, and the day before they moved out of the house, for Daddy's new job. He had been promoted, and was given a supervisors job, not far from here. They had made love, at least, two or three times, every week. Ashley broke in, "But MOM! How old were you, when you lost YOUR cherry.
Alice almost had to pull the side of the road, because she was laughing so hard. "Honey! Some girls got started earlier than I did, but I was 13. I was chopping cotton for a neighbor. We got 25 cents an hour for it. In THOSE days, THAT was good money. Most farm work, in those days, only paid a dollar a DAY. Mom and me would work in the fields, when we could, and use the money to buy groceries, to make Daddy's check go farther. HE only got 40 dollars a month. Most of the hands were women, and old men, or c***dren. The men were off fighting the war. Daddy couldn't go, because the bones in his feet were bad, and they were flat. He went to join when it started, and they classified him "4F." The company bought him special shoes to wear, so he could walk as good as he did."
"We had to pay five dollars a month for our house, and electricity cost us about three or four dollars a month. Our propane for the stove and the heater, was in a tank outside, and it cost around 15 or 20 dollars to fill for 6 months. It was a fairly big tank, though. All we had then was radio. We never even saw a TV until I was 16. THAT was after the war had ended. Daddy got his job for the same reason. The company started hiring people, like gangbusters, and they needed someone who knew the job, to teach the new guys, that were just coming home from the war. He was getting almost 50 dollars a month by then. They company give him a power wagon, that was a four wheel drive truck, to use to teach the guys how to take care of the gas wells. Our new house, when we moved, cost us 10 dollars a month, and had indoor plumbing.
The old place had an outhouse, for us to go to the bathroom. That was a little shack out in back of the house, a ways. It was just a hole in the ground, with a seat over it, for us to go to the bathroom. We used anything made of paper, or sometimes, we just used corn shucks, the leaves around the ears of corn, to wipe ourselves with. Daddy, when him and Mom moved in, found some old tar paper, and glued it to the "sittin' board," so they wouldn't get a splinter in their butts."
"Mom and me had, a few years earlier, been chopping cotton, and I went to the bushes to pee. I was sittin' there, doin' what I had to do, with my pants around my ankles, and this boy came up, and was looking at my bare butt. He was a little older than me, and, I THOUGHT, was a nice k**. I think he was 15 or 16. He started sweet talkin' me, and told me that if I would show him mine, he would show me HIS. I had to stand up, to pull my britches up, and he saw my pussy, and asked if he could touch it. He reached over and started rubbing it, and , before long, I was feeling funny, and got dizzy. He told me to take ALL of my clothes off, and he would make me feel better. I couldn't understand why he wanted me to be naked, but, I figured, he knew what he was doing."
"There was a little creek there, and he put me on my back, and started feeling of me, kissing me, and rubbing my tits, and then I saw his jigger was big and hard. He told me that I had given him the same thing that was bothering me, and the only way for us to get rid of it, was for him to put his jigger inside my hole, until some of the bad stuff came out of him. Then I could wash it off in the creek, and we would BOTH feel better. He stuck his jigger in me, and went in and out of me for some time. It hurt a little, at first, but then, it got to feeling good, then it felt REAL good. He pulled his jigger out and put this white stuff all over my belly, and told me to wade out in the creek a bit, and use the water to wash myself.. I was doin' that and another girl came up and told me that he had just fucked me. She asked if he had cum inside of me, I asked her what THAT was. She said it was white creamy stuff, that came out of his dick. I told her that he had put some stuff on my belly, and that was what I was doing, was washing it off. She let out a big breath, and told me that he had done the same to another girl, and she had got pregnant, and had to leave the country, to go have her baby. Her Papa said that if HE ever caught up with him, HE was going to cut his dick off. That's what, SHE said, was what his jigger, was called.
"Mama came looking for me, and the girl told her what had happened, and who had done it. They went looking for him, but the straw boss told us he had drawn his pay, and had lit out for unknown parts, like he was in a hurry There was train tracks across the road from the field, and the straw boss said he went over there, and jumped into a boxcar that had a door open, and was gone. I told Mama, what he had done, and she told Daddy. He went to looking for him, but he was long gone. Nobody ever saw HIM, AGAIN!!! THAT'S how I lost MY cherry. I was a dumb farm girl, that didn't know shit, and lost my cherry to a liar."
"David was our neighbor, and we went to Junior High, and High School, together, before we moved. His Mom and Dad were well off folks. Real nice people. He and I were friends, and did a lot of things together. We always partnered up to chop cotton, or to hoe corn. But HE did things that I couldn't, 'cause I was a GIRL. He hauled hay, broke horses, and worked cattle. I wasn't strong enough to lift those bales high, and the cattle could get dangerous. He'd have horses to break, and I would sit on the fence, and watch him ride them. When he had them broke, he would let me ride them for a little, but his Dad and Mom, and MY Dad, and Mom, told me to sit sideways on the saddle. HE always rode with his legs over the horse. When we would finish doing what we were doing, in the summer, we would go to the pond we visited today, and take off our clothes, and go swimming. Then, after, we would leave our clothes off, and walk most of the way to his house, still naked. He said I was fun to look at. He never said that to the other girls. I had had "the talk" from Mom, and had asked questions to the other girls, and had found out that what the boy had done to me, was the way babies were made. We were about 15 or 16, and I asked him, when he told me I was fun to look at, if he wanted to fuck me. He stopped dead in his tracks. Then he put his arm around me, and asked if I would let him. I told him I would. There was a place right off the trail we were walking on, and we went in there, and he asked if he could kiss me, first. I told him he could. THEN he asked if he could kiss me, down between my legs. I told him that he could, as long as he didn't bite me. He laughed, and asked me if I REALLY thought he would do ANYTHING, to hurt me. I had to shake my head "no." He went down there and licked and kissed me, and i started feeling funny, then he got on top of me, and stuck his dick in me, real slow, and started fucking me. I loved how it felt, and how it made ME feel, too. I told him to go ahead, when he was ready, and cum inside of me. After that, we fucked all we could, and I told him to cum inside of me, every time. I knew that if he made me pregnant, that he would marry me. I loved him, so much."
"Daddy got the new job, and we moved to town. He didn't know they were going to get him the truck. We had a house that had some land around it, so we had a place for chickens, and space for a garden. Mom saw I was getting restless, with so much time on my hands, and nothing to do. She talked to a neighbor, and, when I graduated High School, she got me a job at the hospital, as a "Candy Striper." I did odd jobs to help the patients, Doctors, and Nurses. Making beds, emptying bed pans, and helping the ladies to take their baths. If they needed, or wanted, something, I would fetch it for them. Sometimes all I did, was sit and talk to them, when they were lonely. One old man, that didn't have any family, and I got to be good friends. The doctor saw us talking, and asked him if I was bothering him. The old man raised up and told him to mind his own business. I was worth every "Dang" one of the others, rolled into a ball. The doctor laughed, and told him that he only wanted to know. The old man was there for a couple of months, and every day I would go to his room. He would be looking out the window, and have tears on his face, and tell me he was missing his wife, and his friends, but they had all gone ahead of him. He asked me questions about, did I like working in a hospital. I told him I did. A few weeks later, he went home. Not too much later, a lawyer came to see me, and said he had left me over 40 thousand dollars, on the promise that I would go to school, and learn nursing. Mom and Dad started crying. Me, too. I enrolled to learn to be an LPN. WHen I finished that, another school was starting, and I enrolled to be an RN. I was in my third year, and met your Dad. He was an Officer Candidate in the School there. I was working at the base hospital, for my training. He and I went out, and fell in love. He got shipped overseas, and was gone for quite a while. I dated some, and slept with a few, but I missed your Dad."
He came back, eventually. He had been to Korea, and had been wounded. He spent some time in a hospital in Japan, and had been transferred back to Ft. Sill, for another school. We went out a few times, and we slept together, EVERY TIME, and he asked if I would marry him. I told him that I was pregnant with Ashley, and he and I got married. Seven months later, he saw his baby girl. He gave you the name, because I wouldn't let him name you Phoenix. He said you came out of the ashes, of war, like the bird in the stories he had studied. A little later, he came home and told me he was going to another school, to learn to fly. I thought he was joking, and told him, his tail feathers were too heavy. He was going to a place down south, and then to another place in Texas. The first school was just for flying airplanes, the second one was to learn to fly helicopters. I was only a few miles from my parents, so I knew that, if anything came up, they would help me, and he went to school. When he came back, he was wearing railroad tracks, he called them, and was up to get Major. He had graduated at the top of BOTH classes."
"He told me, when he came home, that he was qualified to fly everything from a "whirlybird," the old O-10, to a "Flying Banana." He took me out to the airfield, and showed me a long "ship" he called it. with what HE called "Twin Rotors." on it. He said, "When you see it in the air, it looks like a banana going over. Just then one came over us, and damned if it didn't."
He went to other schools over the years, and learned new ships. The last was the Huey he flies, now. He said the other one, HE calls it a "Shit Hook," is faster, and tougher, but it shakes the shit out of you. He wanted to learn the other new one. He called it a Huey Cobra, but they said he couldn't for security reasons. He said he was going to try to go for a ride in one, at least, though."
Alice pulled into Rebecca's driveway. She told Ashley to wait her for her, and went in the house to smooth things for Rebecca. Alice went in to explain why Rebecca had been kept out, so late. She told Louise that they had visited where she had grown up, and they had seen some old friends. They had become so involved with catching up on old times, that the time had gotten away from her. She also asked if, sometime in the future, Rebecca could go with them, again. She had made a big hit with some of the older people, and some of the younger ones, too. Louise had laughed, and hugged Alice, and told her that she could go with them as much as Rebecca wanted. She would remind Becca to take a bathing suit, and some towels, though. Being that they would be swimming in a farm pond, she wouldn't need her bathing cap to go swimming. She had noted her daughters wet hair, and asked her how it had gotten that way. She looked at Alice's wet hair, and shook her head, again. "The water must have been cold. Good thing it was so warm, today." Then she turned to her daughter. "Go and take a hot bath. Make sure you didn't get a chill." They touched cheeks, and made kissing motions with their lips, as they nearly always did, and Alice told her "Good Night, and Thanks for being so understanding." She went out and got under the steering wheel for the trip to THEIR house, after giving Ashley an "okay" sign, with her fingers. The next thing was to show Ashley how to douche properly. It was something she would show to Rebecca, tomorrow.
Rebecca didn't come over as she was expected to, so Alice called Louise, and asked if there was any problem. Louise told her, "Becca's started her period, and is cramping a bit. She needs to get her mind off of it, though. How about you bringing Ashley over? Maybe they will get to gabbing, and give her something else to think about, besides her problem. Alice laughed. "You know those two. What one can't think of, the other will. Are you SURE you want THAT much headache. Louise laughed at her friend. "I've been fighting THAT headache for almost 17 years, now. I get a kick out of their antics, for the most part. If they get too rowdy, I give them a swat on their backsides, and tell them to "cool it." It always takes care of the problem." Alice laughed at her friend. "AMEN, SISTER!!! Spare the rod and spoil the c***d, or what my Mom used to say, " c***dren should be given a pat on the back. LOW, HARD, and OFTEN!!!" I'll pack a few goodies for them, and bring Ashley over. I have to take care of some things, anyway. See ya' in a few."
This was her chance to go out and see about a return engagement with Steve. If HE wasn't there, she could find out about BEN. Ashley had been suitably impressed with HIM! Either way.
Alice almost had to pull the side of the road, because she was laughing so hard. "Honey! Some girls got started earlier than I did, but I was 13. I was chopping cotton for a neighbor. We got 25 cents an hour for it. In THOSE days, THAT was good money. Most farm work, in those days, only paid a dollar a DAY. Mom and me would work in the fields, when we could, and use the money to buy groceries, to make Daddy's check go farther. HE only got 40 dollars a month. Most of the hands were women, and old men, or c***dren. The men were off fighting the war. Daddy couldn't go, because the bones in his feet were bad, and they were flat. He went to join when it started, and they classified him "4F." The company bought him special shoes to wear, so he could walk as good as he did."
"We had to pay five dollars a month for our house, and electricity cost us about three or four dollars a month. Our propane for the stove and the heater, was in a tank outside, and it cost around 15 or 20 dollars to fill for 6 months. It was a fairly big tank, though. All we had then was radio. We never even saw a TV until I was 16. THAT was after the war had ended. Daddy got his job for the same reason. The company started hiring people, like gangbusters, and they needed someone who knew the job, to teach the new guys, that were just coming home from the war. He was getting almost 50 dollars a month by then. They company give him a power wagon, that was a four wheel drive truck, to use to teach the guys how to take care of the gas wells. Our new house, when we moved, cost us 10 dollars a month, and had indoor plumbing.
The old place had an outhouse, for us to go to the bathroom. That was a little shack out in back of the house, a ways. It was just a hole in the ground, with a seat over it, for us to go to the bathroom. We used anything made of paper, or sometimes, we just used corn shucks, the leaves around the ears of corn, to wipe ourselves with. Daddy, when him and Mom moved in, found some old tar paper, and glued it to the "sittin' board," so they wouldn't get a splinter in their butts."
"Mom and me had, a few years earlier, been chopping cotton, and I went to the bushes to pee. I was sittin' there, doin' what I had to do, with my pants around my ankles, and this boy came up, and was looking at my bare butt. He was a little older than me, and, I THOUGHT, was a nice k**. I think he was 15 or 16. He started sweet talkin' me, and told me that if I would show him mine, he would show me HIS. I had to stand up, to pull my britches up, and he saw my pussy, and asked if he could touch it. He reached over and started rubbing it, and , before long, I was feeling funny, and got dizzy. He told me to take ALL of my clothes off, and he would make me feel better. I couldn't understand why he wanted me to be naked, but, I figured, he knew what he was doing."
"There was a little creek there, and he put me on my back, and started feeling of me, kissing me, and rubbing my tits, and then I saw his jigger was big and hard. He told me that I had given him the same thing that was bothering me, and the only way for us to get rid of it, was for him to put his jigger inside my hole, until some of the bad stuff came out of him. Then I could wash it off in the creek, and we would BOTH feel better. He stuck his jigger in me, and went in and out of me for some time. It hurt a little, at first, but then, it got to feeling good, then it felt REAL good. He pulled his jigger out and put this white stuff all over my belly, and told me to wade out in the creek a bit, and use the water to wash myself.. I was doin' that and another girl came up and told me that he had just fucked me. She asked if he had cum inside of me, I asked her what THAT was. She said it was white creamy stuff, that came out of his dick. I told her that he had put some stuff on my belly, and that was what I was doing, was washing it off. She let out a big breath, and told me that he had done the same to another girl, and she had got pregnant, and had to leave the country, to go have her baby. Her Papa said that if HE ever caught up with him, HE was going to cut his dick off. That's what, SHE said, was what his jigger, was called.
"Mama came looking for me, and the girl told her what had happened, and who had done it. They went looking for him, but the straw boss told us he had drawn his pay, and had lit out for unknown parts, like he was in a hurry There was train tracks across the road from the field, and the straw boss said he went over there, and jumped into a boxcar that had a door open, and was gone. I told Mama, what he had done, and she told Daddy. He went to looking for him, but he was long gone. Nobody ever saw HIM, AGAIN!!! THAT'S how I lost MY cherry. I was a dumb farm girl, that didn't know shit, and lost my cherry to a liar."
"David was our neighbor, and we went to Junior High, and High School, together, before we moved. His Mom and Dad were well off folks. Real nice people. He and I were friends, and did a lot of things together. We always partnered up to chop cotton, or to hoe corn. But HE did things that I couldn't, 'cause I was a GIRL. He hauled hay, broke horses, and worked cattle. I wasn't strong enough to lift those bales high, and the cattle could get dangerous. He'd have horses to break, and I would sit on the fence, and watch him ride them. When he had them broke, he would let me ride them for a little, but his Dad and Mom, and MY Dad, and Mom, told me to sit sideways on the saddle. HE always rode with his legs over the horse. When we would finish doing what we were doing, in the summer, we would go to the pond we visited today, and take off our clothes, and go swimming. Then, after, we would leave our clothes off, and walk most of the way to his house, still naked. He said I was fun to look at. He never said that to the other girls. I had had "the talk" from Mom, and had asked questions to the other girls, and had found out that what the boy had done to me, was the way babies were made. We were about 15 or 16, and I asked him, when he told me I was fun to look at, if he wanted to fuck me. He stopped dead in his tracks. Then he put his arm around me, and asked if I would let him. I told him I would. There was a place right off the trail we were walking on, and we went in there, and he asked if he could kiss me, first. I told him he could. THEN he asked if he could kiss me, down between my legs. I told him that he could, as long as he didn't bite me. He laughed, and asked me if I REALLY thought he would do ANYTHING, to hurt me. I had to shake my head "no." He went down there and licked and kissed me, and i started feeling funny, then he got on top of me, and stuck his dick in me, real slow, and started fucking me. I loved how it felt, and how it made ME feel, too. I told him to go ahead, when he was ready, and cum inside of me. After that, we fucked all we could, and I told him to cum inside of me, every time. I knew that if he made me pregnant, that he would marry me. I loved him, so much."
"Daddy got the new job, and we moved to town. He didn't know they were going to get him the truck. We had a house that had some land around it, so we had a place for chickens, and space for a garden. Mom saw I was getting restless, with so much time on my hands, and nothing to do. She talked to a neighbor, and, when I graduated High School, she got me a job at the hospital, as a "Candy Striper." I did odd jobs to help the patients, Doctors, and Nurses. Making beds, emptying bed pans, and helping the ladies to take their baths. If they needed, or wanted, something, I would fetch it for them. Sometimes all I did, was sit and talk to them, when they were lonely. One old man, that didn't have any family, and I got to be good friends. The doctor saw us talking, and asked him if I was bothering him. The old man raised up and told him to mind his own business. I was worth every "Dang" one of the others, rolled into a ball. The doctor laughed, and told him that he only wanted to know. The old man was there for a couple of months, and every day I would go to his room. He would be looking out the window, and have tears on his face, and tell me he was missing his wife, and his friends, but they had all gone ahead of him. He asked me questions about, did I like working in a hospital. I told him I did. A few weeks later, he went home. Not too much later, a lawyer came to see me, and said he had left me over 40 thousand dollars, on the promise that I would go to school, and learn nursing. Mom and Dad started crying. Me, too. I enrolled to learn to be an LPN. WHen I finished that, another school was starting, and I enrolled to be an RN. I was in my third year, and met your Dad. He was an Officer Candidate in the School there. I was working at the base hospital, for my training. He and I went out, and fell in love. He got shipped overseas, and was gone for quite a while. I dated some, and slept with a few, but I missed your Dad."
He came back, eventually. He had been to Korea, and had been wounded. He spent some time in a hospital in Japan, and had been transferred back to Ft. Sill, for another school. We went out a few times, and we slept together, EVERY TIME, and he asked if I would marry him. I told him that I was pregnant with Ashley, and he and I got married. Seven months later, he saw his baby girl. He gave you the name, because I wouldn't let him name you Phoenix. He said you came out of the ashes, of war, like the bird in the stories he had studied. A little later, he came home and told me he was going to another school, to learn to fly. I thought he was joking, and told him, his tail feathers were too heavy. He was going to a place down south, and then to another place in Texas. The first school was just for flying airplanes, the second one was to learn to fly helicopters. I was only a few miles from my parents, so I knew that, if anything came up, they would help me, and he went to school. When he came back, he was wearing railroad tracks, he called them, and was up to get Major. He had graduated at the top of BOTH classes."
"He told me, when he came home, that he was qualified to fly everything from a "whirlybird," the old O-10, to a "Flying Banana." He took me out to the airfield, and showed me a long "ship" he called it. with what HE called "Twin Rotors." on it. He said, "When you see it in the air, it looks like a banana going over. Just then one came over us, and damned if it didn't."
He went to other schools over the years, and learned new ships. The last was the Huey he flies, now. He said the other one, HE calls it a "Shit Hook," is faster, and tougher, but it shakes the shit out of you. He wanted to learn the other new one. He called it a Huey Cobra, but they said he couldn't for security reasons. He said he was going to try to go for a ride in one, at least, though."
Alice pulled into Rebecca's driveway. She told Ashley to wait her for her, and went in the house to smooth things for Rebecca. Alice went in to explain why Rebecca had been kept out, so late. She told Louise that they had visited where she had grown up, and they had seen some old friends. They had become so involved with catching up on old times, that the time had gotten away from her. She also asked if, sometime in the future, Rebecca could go with them, again. She had made a big hit with some of the older people, and some of the younger ones, too. Louise had laughed, and hugged Alice, and told her that she could go with them as much as Rebecca wanted. She would remind Becca to take a bathing suit, and some towels, though. Being that they would be swimming in a farm pond, she wouldn't need her bathing cap to go swimming. She had noted her daughters wet hair, and asked her how it had gotten that way. She looked at Alice's wet hair, and shook her head, again. "The water must have been cold. Good thing it was so warm, today." Then she turned to her daughter. "Go and take a hot bath. Make sure you didn't get a chill." They touched cheeks, and made kissing motions with their lips, as they nearly always did, and Alice told her "Good Night, and Thanks for being so understanding." She went out and got under the steering wheel for the trip to THEIR house, after giving Ashley an "okay" sign, with her fingers. The next thing was to show Ashley how to douche properly. It was something she would show to Rebecca, tomorrow.
Rebecca didn't come over as she was expected to, so Alice called Louise, and asked if there was any problem. Louise told her, "Becca's started her period, and is cramping a bit. She needs to get her mind off of it, though. How about you bringing Ashley over? Maybe they will get to gabbing, and give her something else to think about, besides her problem. Alice laughed. "You know those two. What one can't think of, the other will. Are you SURE you want THAT much headache. Louise laughed at her friend. "I've been fighting THAT headache for almost 17 years, now. I get a kick out of their antics, for the most part. If they get too rowdy, I give them a swat on their backsides, and tell them to "cool it." It always takes care of the problem." Alice laughed at her friend. "AMEN, SISTER!!! Spare the rod and spoil the c***d, or what my Mom used to say, " c***dren should be given a pat on the back. LOW, HARD, and OFTEN!!!" I'll pack a few goodies for them, and bring Ashley over. I have to take care of some things, anyway. See ya' in a few."
This was her chance to go out and see about a return engagement with Steve. If HE wasn't there, she could find out about BEN. Ashley had been suitably impressed with HIM! Either way.
4 years ago