Party Goes South Part 3
Alice had called Rebecca's mother, as she was helping Ashley into the shower. Chris was standing beside her, fondling her breasts, and kissing her neck. He had enjoyed taking the virginity of Ashley, but his real thrill was yet to come.
The Colonel had asked him to go by and see his wife and daughter. He smiled and added, "You KNOW she's going to give you some pussy. Just do as good as I know you can, and we can hope she ran out of her pills. I would love to go home, and see her with a swelled belly, or holding a baby in her arms. I keep hoping she will let someone knock her up, but, it looks like a lost cause. Give them both my love, and anything else you can get away with.
Alice got Louise on the phone, and asked if it would be alright for Rebecca to spend the night with Ashley and her. They had a hot game of monopoly going, and were having so much fun. Louise gave her permission. Christopher had gone to visit some of his old friends, and it looked like he was going to make a night of it. Alice thanked her, and promised to make sure she brushed her teeth, before she went to bed.
She put the phone down, and turned to wrap her arms around Chris's neck, and kiss him, telling him, "I don't know what I'm going to do with you. I'm trying to talk to your Mom, and you're making it nearly impossible for me to even talk. You know how much I've missed you, and you do this, and I have trouble talking, and trying NOT to moan out loud. Going overseas has made you into an even worse stinker than you were, already. Now lets go up and you can take care of ME! Watching you and Ashley, and thinking of what you must have done to Rebecca, has me so excited I can't stand it. I want to feel you for myself."
Chris smiled at her "tirade" and gave her a peck on the forehead. Then he scooped her naked form into his arms, and carried her to HER bedroom. He looked at the large bed sitting there, and remembered it was where she had taken HIS virginity. It was where she almost always took him when she wanted him to make love to her. It was, also the place where he and the Colonel, at that time, he just called him Mr. Vern, had used Mrs. Collins in a threesome. That had been their graduation gift to him.
He laid her on the bed, admiring her naked body, as he nearly always did. She, to him, was the perfect woman. Beautiful, smart, and always horny. She had what he thought was the most beautiful body he could imagine. She was about 5' 7 or 8, with long, honey blonde hair, that framed a face worthy of a Rembrandt painting. Her neck was long, and slender, and her skin was just the slightest bit tanned. Her full breasts hung down on her chest, and the off center nipples, and areola, were always pointed upward. He had NEVER seen her nipples when they weren't erect, and begging for someone to wrap their lips around them. Her tummy was as flat as her daughters, and her full, round hips melded into long, beautiful legs that were toned, by the exercises she did, to perfection. Her Mons was full, but NOT overwhelming. It was just enough to be VERY soft, and the home to a well trimmed bush of very light brown, almost blonde, pubic hair. She kept it trimmed to a sort of shield, that was just above a very nice clitoris, and plucked, or shaven clean, between her legs. Her labia were, for some, a bit on the longish side, but her loved to take them in his lips, or his fingers and pull them out to their full length. If he used his lips, he would gently chew on them, or if he used his fingers, he would lick the inner surfaces. Either way would send her into screaming fits.
She lay there, her legs slightly open, and smiling up at him, her arms held out in welcome to him. He gave her his smile, and stretched out beside her, taking her in his arms, and kissing her freely. Their tongues entwined, searching each other for the first time since his return. It had been all he could do, NOT to kiss her like this, at the dealership the other day. It would have made tongues wag, all over town, to do such a thing. Instead, he gave her a light peck on the cheek, and shook her hand.
He rolled her to her back, and set out so seek anything that had changed, since he left, a year ago. As he kissed her, one hand ran down her torso, squeezing her breasts, then probing her navel, and going on down to cup his hand around her soft Mons, and feeling the hair tickling the palm of his hand. His middle finger, traced over the slit, feeling the prominent clitoris, and going on down, to separate those exquisite labia, and feel the moisture she was already seeping so freely. He could tell that she was already excited by the open lips, and her rapid breathing. She oozed feminine charm, like most people sweated.
As he rubbed over the entrance to her vagina, she moaned. "PLEASE!!! DON'T TEASE ME!!! TAKE ME, AND MAKE ME YOUR OWN!!! I WANT YOU SO BADLY!!! He kissed her lips, to silence her, and went down to take those spectacular nipples in his lips, and licked them, in turn, with his tongue. She groaned at the touch of his lips, and whimpered when he started licking her nipples. He was more than aware of the effect it had on her, to suck her breasts. Only one thing had more of an effect on her. IT would come, soon enough.
He kissed his way down, and across, her tummy. She was VERY ticklish, and she jumped as he kissed her. He went down to kiss the small creases, where her legs and abdomen joined, stopping, every time, just short of the Mons, but letting his breath stir the pubic hair on it. This made her legs open, even wider. He skipped down to the insides of her legs, at her knees, and started upward, kissing and licking at the tender insides of her thighs, and making her groan even louder. Her hands, which had been resting on his shoulders, went around the back of his head, encouraging him to go on, and do the things she loved, to her.
He raised each leg, holding her calves, gently, but firmly, and kissed her anus as it came into sight. She loved to be made into a crying wreck, by her partners. Men who could make her beg, were her favored lovers. His tongue encircled her anus, as if he were rimming her, but it slipped upwards, to separate her labia, and he grasped them each, one at a time, and pulled them out, as far as he could stretch them. The juices that coated them, was a bit on the salty side, but sweet to his taste, and her back bowed, as she pulled his head, and face, closer to the wellspring of her charm.
They had, purposely, left the door open, and the lights on. Each of them loved to be able to see what the other was doing, and judge, by their expressions, what they thought about the other. They had always been careful about doing anything when Ashley was at home. Most times he would wait until Ashley was visiting with Rebecca, or had gone on a date, before doing anything. She had been watching for signs that Ashley was no longer a virgin, before she introduced her to the erotic world that her and her husband so enjoyed. Now she knew that Ashley was no longer a virgin, she hoped that watching her in bed with Chris would serve to make her even MORE curious about how to use her talents.
After the two girls finished their shower, Rebecca had told Ashley that she would go down and get them some more Cokes. She had passed Alice's door, and saw her and her brother on the bed, and saw the way she was acting. She rushed back, and told Ashley what was happening, just down the hall. Both of the girls tiptoed back and took a post outside Alice's door, to observe. Both girls were curious to see what THEY had looked like, as they enjoyed Chris's lovemaking.
They arrived just in time to see him pulling out Alice's labia, and chewing them. Then he grasped each of them in his fingers, and holding them at their full length, almost three inches, and begin to lick them on the inside. They watched as Alice went into a crying fit, her head shaking back and forth on her pillow, and her hands looking like they were trying to push his head inside of her, and crying out, "EAT ME!!! OH, GOD!!! EAT ME ALL YOU CAN!!! NEVER STOP LICKING ME LIKE THAT!!! I LOVE IT!!! NEVER STOP DOING ME LIKE THAT!!! I LOVE IT!!! OH, GOD HAVE MERCY!!! IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! SHOVE THAT TONGUE UP MY TWAT!!! MORE!!! PLEASE, MORE!!!"
Chris stopped licking her, and let her legs go onto the bed, but raised up and attacked another part of her. His lips pushed the hood down from covering her clitoris, and his tongue was busy with licking IT! The response was even more violent. She stopped barely short of screaming, but lay there babbling, as he took advantage of her excitement. He spent several more seconds on her clit, then began to use his lips to pull the hairs on her Mons.
He began kissing his way up her body, stopping long enough to pay homage to her nipples, one more time. Her whole body was shaking, and she was crying, and begging him to make love to her. "PLEASE!!! DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!!! JUST FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME HARD AS YOU CAN!!! FUCK ME HALF TO DEATH!!! PLEASE, MASTER!!!"
They couldn't hear his response, but she rolled around, and took his cock in her mouth, and began to suck it for him. He had his hands around her face, and was putting it all the way down into her throat. She gagged a couple of times, and he slapped her cheek. "YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT, BITCH!!! NOW DO IT RIGHT!!!" She kept going, until they saw him push hard, into her mouth, and saw her throat as she was swallowing. "NOW CUNT!!! WHAT DOES MY CUM TASTE LIKE??? It tastes wonderful, Master. May I have some more?" He pushed her down on the bed, and went on top of her. DID YOU STOP TAKING YOUR PILLS, LIKE YOU WERE TOLD? She looked up at him, her eyes wide, and bright. "YES, MASTER!!! HOW LONG? he asked. "About three weeks, Master." she replied. "GOOD!!! Your other Master says he wants you to either have a big belly, when he gets home, or be carrying a baby in your arms." Yes, Master. I'll do my best!!!" He went on. "He sent you some pills for you to take. He said to go out, by yourself, and let anybody that wants, to fuck you. Take one of those pills each time you go out, first, though. Did you take one, tonight?" He nodded to him. "Yes, Master. It makes my pussy itch inside. Please scratch it for me."
Neither of the girls had ever seen Alice like this. Using the words she told them NOT to use, and completely obedient to a lover. They hadn't even seen her undressed, fully. They had seen her in her panties and bra a few times, but mostly, she was fully dressed when she came out of her room.
Chris lifted her legs as she guided him to her, and he pushed inside of her. She whimpered as he began to thrust into her. "Please fuck me. It feels so good. I want you to fuck me as long, and as hard, as you can. I want all the cum you can give me." Chris rammed into her, and she hooked her fingers around his butt cheeks, to pull him further into her. Her legs went around his waist, and she pulled him down, her tongue probing at his mouth, and whimpering as he drove deeply inside of her. Both of the girls admired the way the muscles in his back, legs, and shoulders, rippled as he took advantage of the older lady. Ashley looked over at Rebecca. "Do you think he might have put something in OUR drinks?" Rebecca, wide eyed with wonder, looked back at her friend. "I don't know. I don't think so, but, I don't know for sure. He didn't even want to fuck me, but I backed him into a corner. I've wanted him for at least two or three years, now. I would have let him fuck me any time he wanted. I know YOU were the same, TOO."
They watched as Chris made her beg him, more, to cum inside of her, and to make her pregnant. Finally, they saw him pushing deep into her, and she cried out, "YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! CUM IN ME!!! OH, THANK YOU, MASTER!!! THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME YOUR CUM!!!" They glanced over at the clock. It was nearly midnight. Rebecca smiled at Ashley. "I guess I'm staying with you, tonight." Chris looked over at the girls. "She called Mom before we came up here. Mom said you could stay the night. You two need to get to bed. Alice has a big day planned for you, tomorrow." He got up and closed the door, and carried her to the shower. If he could, he wanted to fuck her, at least, one more time, tonight.
The next morning they all got dressed, and Chris kissed all of them, bye. He had some business to take care of. Alice took Ashley and Rebecca and went to the clinic, on post, to see their assigned doctor. He had been here for around 4 years, now, and they had been assigned to his team, when he first started, as a contract doctor. Alice led the two girls back to the examination room, and were joined by the doc, shortly. He came in as he always did, smiling, and inquiring about Colonel Collins. They had been friends for most of the time that they had known each other.
"How's Vern doing?" he asked. "When you write him, tell him I got a new boat, and I'm gonna show him how to catch a whopper." Alice told him about her husband getting shot down, and his leg getting broke. Then she told him of his promotion, and getting command of the battalion, and removed, temporarily, from flight status. Dr. Chase shook his head. "I bet that losing his flight status hurt him more than anything. He do love to fly. NOW!!! What can I do for you lovely ladies?" Alice smiled, and told him. "I want to get prescriptions for both girls for birth control pills. Ashley is s*******n, now, and Becky will be s*******n in a couple of months. Her parents let her come, and keep Ashley company for their Senior year. I THINK they're both virgins, but I don't know for sure. I'd rather be safe than sorry. if anything happened. The doc looked at the two girls. "Is there anything you'd like to tell your Mom, or would you rather for me to put you on the examination table, and see for ourselves?" Alice smiled at him. "I think I'd rather NOT know, for sure. It'd break my heart to find out that they weren't."
Doc smiled at her. "Many parents feel the same way. What they don't know, won't hurt them. Okay. Ill write the prescriptions. You'll have to get the prescription for Becky filled down town, if you aren't a legal guardian. I'll write one for you and Ashley both. You should be getting low, by now. Go to the pharmacy, and pick both of them up. Becky's shouldn't be but a few dollars, at any pharmacy in town." He wrote the three prescriptions, and bade them good bye.
The prescriptions only took a few minutes of their time, and Alice went to a local place, and got Becky's filled too. It only cost five dollars. Becky hugged and kissed Alice for getting her the prescription. Alice was feeling, after last night, like she was in better than usual spirits, and stopped at a drive in, and bought them all cheeseburgers, and malts, then started on down the road, telling the girls that it had been nice the last few days, and she was going to show them where they went swimming, when SHE was growing up. It was only about an hours drive, and they took the highway out of town, and turned onto a blacktop road.
They followed the blacktop for a ways, and she turned onto a dirt road, and followed it a little further, and turned onto a two track, that went down a hill to a gate, then to a second gate. They laughed at the rough road, joking at each other. They got to the end, and pulled around some trees, and a pond was in front of them. It was good sized, and had a welded stand in the middle, with a home made diving board. The walkway was planks, covered in old gunny sacks.
Alice turned around, and backed to near the end of the walkway, and killed the engine. "This is where we went swimming when I was growing up. Some elderly people owned it, and their son ran it for them. They come down to see who's here, and sometimes, even bring some drinks, or snacks with them. He would drive a buggy with a horse pulling it, and they'd sit and tell stories about the old days. We all loved them to death. They were the sweetest people you could find."
Ashley looked at her Mom. "UH, MOM? WE DON'T HAVE ANY BATHING SUITS WITH US! DO WE?" Alice smiled at them. We have the best bathing suits in the world. We were born with 'em. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? That's how we went swimming, MOST of the time. Boys and girls, both. We were all farm k**s, and figured that if someone hadn't seen what the other had under their clothes, it was time they DID. Every boy in the school had seen every girl naked, and likewise, the girls, by the time they were in High School. All but a few had done more than look. Strip down and put your clothes in the back seat. I keep towels in the trunk, and we can try it. The worst that can happen is for your teeth to chatter a little, and your nipples to poke out for you. It'll be fun. Then we can get out and lay in the sun to warm up. Later, we can come back, and see if other people still swim here. THAT'LL be EVEN MORE FUN!!!"
They got out, undressed, and put their clothes in the seat, and walked out to the stand. They water was about seven or eight feet down from the diving board, and Alice got on it and went to the end, and demonstrated how to do a swan dive. She went deep into the water, and the two girls just stood on the board, and did cannonballs. The water WAS a bit chilly, but not badly so. They played around for a few minutes, and went up to lay on the trunk lid, and warm up in the sun. They had done so, several times, talking about yesterday, and last night, as they lay together.
Alice raised up and looked at the girls. "I guess the cat is out of the bag, so I'll tell you like we used to say, when I was growing up. You girls need to shave your pussies, between your legs, at least. If a boy you like, doesn't like hairy girls, he'll tell you, and you can shave the rest off, if that's what you want to do. You'll have to decide if you want to shave your pussy for him. The main thing, though is to keep it clean, and use powder, or a vaginal spray, so it don't stink. You can even put a drop of perfume on the lips, as long as you don't get it inside you. Guys like the perfume, best, when they start eating your pussy." By the time I was sixteen, most of the boys in our school had put a lip lock on MY twat. I loved how it felt, and they liked the way I shook my ass, when they were eating me out. I never let them cum inside of me, though. I told them they could put it on my ass, or my belly, or they could put it in my mouth. Just don't cum in my pussy. I didn't want to get knocked up. Some other time, I'll tell ya even more. YOU have to promise me, though, that you'll never tell anyone else." Both girls crossed their hearts, and promised.
"I think we're going to have company, in a few minutes. Someone is coming." Almost as she spoke, an old pickup, sideboards and all, came close enough to see through the trees, pulling in next to them. There were two men in the front, and three more in the back. The driver looked to be in his mid to late 30's, and the passenger looked to be a bit older. All three of the men in the back were in their twenties. HOWDY, NEIGHBOR!!! HOW'S IT GOING? Is the water cool " All of them came out on the ground to stand in front of them. "The older man smiled. "LOOKY HERE BOSS!!! NOOKIE ON THE HOOF!!!" The other man looked at him. "Let's get cleaned up, and we can tend to them, then." Alice looked and saw that they were blocked in.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "TAKE CARE OF US?" she demanded. The older man smiled at her. "He means that as soon as we clean up a little, we're going to fuck all of you, as many times as we want. WE'RE TAKING YOU HOME, AND GONNA FUCK ALL YOUR BRAINS OUT!!!" Alice fixed him with a withering glare. "You're going to make a place for us to leave, and leave us alone, or I'll see you all in prison, an sent to the gas chamber. Now get this heap out of our way, so we can go!" The younger man looked at the older man. "Ma'am. I can shoot you all, right on the spot. Then all I have to do is call the state police and say you were rustling cattle. Nothing more will be said. Now! How do you want it. We can either shoot you with a gun, or we can shoot you with our peckers. This is private property. You're trespassing on it. Any questions?"
The men had been undressing as they spoke. Alice decided she had only one option. "Please. Leave the girls alone, and take me. I brought them here. I was raised just over the way, and graduated from Kinsey High. My Dad was a pumper for the oil companies while I was growing up. I pulled bolls, and chopped cotton for most of the farmers around these parts. We used to come here and go skinny dipping back then. My name then, was Baldwin. Chuck and Ethel were my parents. The people who had this land were an old couple, and they used to drive a horse and buggy down, and tell us stories. Their name was Alder."
The younger man, looked at her. "Did you know David Alder" She nodded her head at him. "He was a bit older than me, but, YEAH! I knew him." He glared at her. "We're gonna clean up a bit. Been mowing hay all day. You're gonna follow us to the house, and sit for a while, while I make up my mind what I'm going to do with you."
The men went in the water, and washed off then took some feed sacks to dry off. They got back in their pickup, and the older man leaned out. "Foller us to the house. Don't try to run for it. The gate's locked, and your car can't outrun a bullet. Just foller us up, and we'll see to ya', when we get there." They backed around, and went slowly, until they saw the women get behind them. They turned at the near gate, and took another two track for a few hundred yards. It intersected a blacktop road, with grain fields, of what looked like wheat, on both sides. The road was better and soon became a driveway. At the bottom of a low rise, stood a structure that looked like a warehouse, or a barn, but wasn't tall enough for either. There were two doors facing them, and, as one raised, the pickup drove inside, with the women right behind them. Alice stopped when they did, and looked at the two girls. "Just calm down, and do what they say. It'll be over before you know it. Who knows. You might enjoy what happens. Just don't fight, don't argue with them, and, above all else, DON'T CRY OR BEG!!! I got you into this, so I get all the blame for whatever happens. Just leave your clothes here. I've got the feeling we won't be needing them, for a little while, at least.
They walked behind the men to a sliding glass door, and the older man held it open for them, but patted Alice on the butt, as she passed. "I'm gonna have me some fun!" he told her. She smiled at him. "I hope you do. I'd like to think that ONE of us is enjoying themselves."
She looked at her surroundings as she entered. It was as lavish as she had ever seen in her life. Carpets on the floors, cutrains over the windows, and some of the most comfortable looking furniture she had ever seen. There was a long hallway, to the other end, and out through another sliding door, was a swimming pool, that was, at least, partially covered. On the other side of the room, was a buffet line, with steam rising from it, and a long, banquet table, with what looked like twelve places set, and flower arrangements. At either end of the table was an ornate candelabra. She could see some of the doors to what must be bedrooms, and from the spacing, all would be huge. She turned and looked at their captors. THEY were all SMILING!!!
The man who had been driving came over and hugged her, then kissed her on the cheek. "You didn't know me. I was born after you left. David was my Pop. He used to talk about you, all the time. I thought he had to be stretching the truth, six ways to Sunday, but now, I see he wasn't. He had the blues for years after you cut out. He kicked his own butt, for not asking you to marry him. He was too shy to do anything. Mom was the one to ask HIM, if he wanted to marry HER. I was born six months later. They jumped the gun, by a little. Told everyone I was premature. Grandma and Grandpa talked about ya, too. They swore the sun rose and set by your smile. Granny said you was the sweetest girl she ever knew. She said that all the boys around was crazy in love with ya. Granny and Grandpa died a year or so, ago. They went to bed, like always, and the next morning I came to see them. They were gone. I called the doctor and he called the police, and the coroner. They said that their hearts stopped beating in the middle of the night. They were over 90, and had been married for over 70 years."
"I thought I knew you when we pulled up beside you. The rest was just some funnin'. Sorry if I scared you, but one of the things that Dad said, was that you didn't have a bit of crawdad in you. You didn't know how to back down. I had to find out for myself."
The memories were pouring out of her. She grabbed him and pulled him into her, wrapping her arms around him, and smothering him with her kisses. The girls were surprised at the reaction of Alice. She was laughing and crying at the same time, and stammering as she tried to speak. Finally she got words out. "DAMMIT!!! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!! I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO BE GANG ****D, AND THROWN OUT FOR THE BUZZARDS!!! I SHOULD GIVE YOU AN ASS KICKING, BUT I'M NOT!!! I'M GOING TO FUCK YOU CROSS EYED!!! IF YOU GOT OYSTERS OVER ON THE TABLE, YOU BETTER EAT A COUPLE DOZEN OF 'EM. YOU'RE GONNA NEED 'EM.!!!"
She looked around, at the older man. There were only him, and one of the younger men. "What happened to the other two guys?" she asked, him. He snorted, and smiled at the question. Then he answered, "They went to take care of they own selves. They're fags, and live together. They got their own house, and don't mess with women. Both are the best hands that a person could ask for, so we don't mess with 'em. Just as long as they do whatever they do to each other, and leave the rest of us be. Don't worry, though, the three of us will take real good care of all of you."
She went over and put her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry I spoke so harshly to you. I was scared, and trying to put on a brave face. My knees are STILL knocking, though." This time all three of them laughed at her. The younger one spoke for the first time she had heard. "We sat on the top of the hill, and watched you through some binoculars, for a while, and the boss said he was almost certain that he knowed ya'. He had the window in the back open so we could talk, back and forth. When we got down closer, he slowed down, and said he knowed, for certain who ya' was, and for us to come on, mean, if we talked at all. HELLFIRE!!! I saw these two cuties, and the cat got my tongue. I wanted to jump out, and eat 'em both up, alive. I ain't seen such as them in a WHILE!!! Beggin' ya pardon, Ma'am. YOU ain't nothin' to sneeze at, but THEM. If they ain't prettier than a brand new colt, I'm goin' to kiss someone's ass, and give 'em crowd drawin' time, first."
Alice gave the older man a kiss, then went over and did the same with the younger man. "NO OFFENSE TAKEN!!! The little blonde is my daughter, and the other girl, is her best friend. Treat 'em right, and you'll be glad you did. I think they're BOTH special, but, I'm prejudiced. I've know Becky almost all her life. They're just learning to spread their wings, so be patient, and be gentle with 'em."
The driver, had barely mentioned their names. "I'm Steve, this old fart, is Ben, my foreman, and this k**, is Jack. After they clean up, the other two will be over to eat supper with us. Their names are Kenny and Finis. I inherited my white hair from Granny's side of the house. All the men in her family had white hair before their 21st birthdays. Mine turned when I was 19. I have a business in McCreary, and he runs the farm for me. The other boys all like to come out here in the spring and summer months, so I load 'em up, and bring 'em out. Kenny and Finis stay here, and give Ben a hand on the farm. I let them live here, because the other boys wouldn't get anything done when they're out here, for chasing pussy. Things here AIN'T changed THAT much. We still got plenty of willing fillies."
"Now, if you're hungry, the food's waiting for us. Go grab a plate, and load it up. Kenny and Finis might be awhile. I've seen it take them over an hour to get back. The ladies went over, and saw food like would be found in the finest restaurants. Prime rib, Potatoes au Grauten, green beans, cooked with onions, and bacon, hot rolls, corn bread, and a big bowl of fresh churned butter. Further down were a cherry, and an apricot, cobblers, and next to it was a large container of, what looked like, homemade ice cream, with all the toppings anybody could ever want. Another table held everything for any type of salad a person could think of, and fresh vegetables. There were, also, a table full of wines, and a pitcher of ice tea, and a box full of sodas. The girls squealed, when they saw old favorites sitting among the other bottles. Icy cold "G****tte" pop. And bottles of "Dad's" root beer.
Steve smiled when her heard the reaction from the girls. "Now you've got a good reason to make your Mom bring you back to see us." Each of them fixed a plate how they wanted it, and chose drinks to go with it. Soon the happy sounds of feasting filled the room, and Alice, sitting next to Steve, began swapping memories of the days gone by. Most of the old friends had moved off, and had never been seen, again, but several were still around. Alice shook her head when Steve told her of his parent's demise. They had been in a car wreck, when Steve was 16, and his Grandparents had raised him after that. They had left him the farm, but he had gone to Law School, and had a practice in town. He had left the firm, after a bit, and had gotten into construction, and found his second love. He had designed and built this place, after his Grandparents had passed away, and his sister and her family lived in Grandpa and Granny's old house. His sister was three years younger than him.
They finished eating and went out by the pool. IT WAS HUGE!!! It was bigger than the pool at the park in town, had been. All of them had remained naked, after leaving the pond, and during their meal. Steve invited them to try it out. It was heated to 75 degrees. All of them went into the water, that was cool, but not even chilly. Rebecca and Jack had paired off, and Ashley had taken a shine to Ben. After a bit, they had all gone elsewhere, leaving Steve and Alice alone. Steve, as a matter of courtesy, asked if the two girls were still virgins. Alice laughed, and told him, "NOT since yesterday and last night." Both of them WERE more than a little curious about the boys, though. Steve smiled and told her, "GOOD! Ben will show Ashley everything a good girl should know, and, I've been told, Jack won't leave anything to the imagination of Becky." Alice smiled, and put her arms around his neck. "What about ME? Did you learn anything from your Dad? He wasn't THAT shy, when we went for walks. He was the one I hoped to pop the question to me. I would have told him YES in a heartbeat, just like I told him yes, to all the other things he asked me for. Steve kissed her, and asked, "Do you want to get out of the water, first?
She went over to the ladder, and started climbing out of the water. "I was never any good at holding my breath. I'm a screamer, when I get going." Steve came over, and followed her out of the pool. He took her hand, and led her to a chaise, and sat her on it. "Dad said you could call coyotes from the next county, sometimes. The bedrooms are all soundproofed, so the others won't hear us, unless we open the doors."
Alice drew him down, beside her, and pushed him to his back. "This is what your Dad used to enjoy." She leaned over and took his penis in her mouth, and began to lick it from, one end to the other, taking the time to take his testicles in her mouth, and suck on them, too. She followed his direction, as he took her leg and pulled her around, so he could do to her, what she was doing to him. She presented herself to him, and soon they were going 69 like old friends. She thought to herself, His Dad like to eat my pussy, too. The nut didn't fall TOO far from the tree. No sooner than that thought had come into her mind, that she felt another orgasm ripping out of her. He's as good at it as Pappy was, too!, she thought. He gave her more thrills, but soon he turned her around, and put HER on the chaise. Her legs went to either side of the couch like chair, and he sucked her nipples, until they were aching, from the lust in her. She raised her arms, and pulled his face to her, kissing him. "Please, Steve. Fuck me, now. You're even better than your Dad was. Show me what you learned from him. DON'T WORRY ABOUT CUMMING INSIDE OF ME. He must have told you about how I didn't let anybody, but him, cum inside of me. Now it's your turn. Fill me with your seed. I want to have a baby from you, since I didn't get one from him. My husband wants someone to make me pregnant, and I want it to be YOU! Give me what I want, so much. I will be back, every time I can, and we can do it all we ever want."
He eased inside of her, with no further fanfare, and began to thrust, deeply, inside of her. She had been sated, the night, before, and that morning, but, she was as wanton, with him, as she was able. Old memories took her, and, suddenly, she was a teenager, again. Giving herself to one lover after another, always with a wet towel, to wipe the cum from her ass, belly, tits, or face. She would, always, wash it out, under the hydrant in the back yard. Then she would go straight into the bathroom, and take a bath, and diddle herself, to finish off any feeling she still had.
He brought her to the point of screaming, several times, before he gave her what she so desperately wanted. He shoved deep inside of her, and filled her impossibly full, to where it ran down the crack of her butt, and onto the upholstery. They laid there holding each other, and kissing, for a long time. His weight was a comfort to her.
He finally got off of her, and helped her to her feet. There was a shower head on the wall, a few feet from them, that, he assured her, was warm water. They washed themselves, and kissed again, and he took her out to her car, and she got the clothing they had taken off, a few hours, ago. As they were coming back in, from the garage, the others were coming out of the other doors. Both of the girls looked well used, and happy. Ashley said what both of them were thinking. "Oh, God, MOM!!! He fucked me cross eyed. Now I know what it feels like to have a man. I might even be in love." She turned and wrapped her arms around Ben. "If I come back, will you do it all to me, AGAIN?" He smiled and hugged her, kissing her, soundly. "I'd be glad to, Sweetkins. ALL YOU WANT!!!"
The women all redressed, reluctantly, and Steve raised the door for them. As they pulled out into the evening twilight, they thought about how long it would take for them to return. TOO LONG!!! They each shared the afternoon's experiences with the others, so the trip didn't seem as long. Alice was already making plans for another trip out here.
The Colonel had asked him to go by and see his wife and daughter. He smiled and added, "You KNOW she's going to give you some pussy. Just do as good as I know you can, and we can hope she ran out of her pills. I would love to go home, and see her with a swelled belly, or holding a baby in her arms. I keep hoping she will let someone knock her up, but, it looks like a lost cause. Give them both my love, and anything else you can get away with.
Alice got Louise on the phone, and asked if it would be alright for Rebecca to spend the night with Ashley and her. They had a hot game of monopoly going, and were having so much fun. Louise gave her permission. Christopher had gone to visit some of his old friends, and it looked like he was going to make a night of it. Alice thanked her, and promised to make sure she brushed her teeth, before she went to bed.
She put the phone down, and turned to wrap her arms around Chris's neck, and kiss him, telling him, "I don't know what I'm going to do with you. I'm trying to talk to your Mom, and you're making it nearly impossible for me to even talk. You know how much I've missed you, and you do this, and I have trouble talking, and trying NOT to moan out loud. Going overseas has made you into an even worse stinker than you were, already. Now lets go up and you can take care of ME! Watching you and Ashley, and thinking of what you must have done to Rebecca, has me so excited I can't stand it. I want to feel you for myself."
Chris smiled at her "tirade" and gave her a peck on the forehead. Then he scooped her naked form into his arms, and carried her to HER bedroom. He looked at the large bed sitting there, and remembered it was where she had taken HIS virginity. It was where she almost always took him when she wanted him to make love to her. It was, also the place where he and the Colonel, at that time, he just called him Mr. Vern, had used Mrs. Collins in a threesome. That had been their graduation gift to him.
He laid her on the bed, admiring her naked body, as he nearly always did. She, to him, was the perfect woman. Beautiful, smart, and always horny. She had what he thought was the most beautiful body he could imagine. She was about 5' 7 or 8, with long, honey blonde hair, that framed a face worthy of a Rembrandt painting. Her neck was long, and slender, and her skin was just the slightest bit tanned. Her full breasts hung down on her chest, and the off center nipples, and areola, were always pointed upward. He had NEVER seen her nipples when they weren't erect, and begging for someone to wrap their lips around them. Her tummy was as flat as her daughters, and her full, round hips melded into long, beautiful legs that were toned, by the exercises she did, to perfection. Her Mons was full, but NOT overwhelming. It was just enough to be VERY soft, and the home to a well trimmed bush of very light brown, almost blonde, pubic hair. She kept it trimmed to a sort of shield, that was just above a very nice clitoris, and plucked, or shaven clean, between her legs. Her labia were, for some, a bit on the longish side, but her loved to take them in his lips, or his fingers and pull them out to their full length. If he used his lips, he would gently chew on them, or if he used his fingers, he would lick the inner surfaces. Either way would send her into screaming fits.
She lay there, her legs slightly open, and smiling up at him, her arms held out in welcome to him. He gave her his smile, and stretched out beside her, taking her in his arms, and kissing her freely. Their tongues entwined, searching each other for the first time since his return. It had been all he could do, NOT to kiss her like this, at the dealership the other day. It would have made tongues wag, all over town, to do such a thing. Instead, he gave her a light peck on the cheek, and shook her hand.
He rolled her to her back, and set out so seek anything that had changed, since he left, a year ago. As he kissed her, one hand ran down her torso, squeezing her breasts, then probing her navel, and going on down to cup his hand around her soft Mons, and feeling the hair tickling the palm of his hand. His middle finger, traced over the slit, feeling the prominent clitoris, and going on down, to separate those exquisite labia, and feel the moisture she was already seeping so freely. He could tell that she was already excited by the open lips, and her rapid breathing. She oozed feminine charm, like most people sweated.
As he rubbed over the entrance to her vagina, she moaned. "PLEASE!!! DON'T TEASE ME!!! TAKE ME, AND MAKE ME YOUR OWN!!! I WANT YOU SO BADLY!!! He kissed her lips, to silence her, and went down to take those spectacular nipples in his lips, and licked them, in turn, with his tongue. She groaned at the touch of his lips, and whimpered when he started licking her nipples. He was more than aware of the effect it had on her, to suck her breasts. Only one thing had more of an effect on her. IT would come, soon enough.
He kissed his way down, and across, her tummy. She was VERY ticklish, and she jumped as he kissed her. He went down to kiss the small creases, where her legs and abdomen joined, stopping, every time, just short of the Mons, but letting his breath stir the pubic hair on it. This made her legs open, even wider. He skipped down to the insides of her legs, at her knees, and started upward, kissing and licking at the tender insides of her thighs, and making her groan even louder. Her hands, which had been resting on his shoulders, went around the back of his head, encouraging him to go on, and do the things she loved, to her.
He raised each leg, holding her calves, gently, but firmly, and kissed her anus as it came into sight. She loved to be made into a crying wreck, by her partners. Men who could make her beg, were her favored lovers. His tongue encircled her anus, as if he were rimming her, but it slipped upwards, to separate her labia, and he grasped them each, one at a time, and pulled them out, as far as he could stretch them. The juices that coated them, was a bit on the salty side, but sweet to his taste, and her back bowed, as she pulled his head, and face, closer to the wellspring of her charm.
They had, purposely, left the door open, and the lights on. Each of them loved to be able to see what the other was doing, and judge, by their expressions, what they thought about the other. They had always been careful about doing anything when Ashley was at home. Most times he would wait until Ashley was visiting with Rebecca, or had gone on a date, before doing anything. She had been watching for signs that Ashley was no longer a virgin, before she introduced her to the erotic world that her and her husband so enjoyed. Now she knew that Ashley was no longer a virgin, she hoped that watching her in bed with Chris would serve to make her even MORE curious about how to use her talents.
After the two girls finished their shower, Rebecca had told Ashley that she would go down and get them some more Cokes. She had passed Alice's door, and saw her and her brother on the bed, and saw the way she was acting. She rushed back, and told Ashley what was happening, just down the hall. Both of the girls tiptoed back and took a post outside Alice's door, to observe. Both girls were curious to see what THEY had looked like, as they enjoyed Chris's lovemaking.
They arrived just in time to see him pulling out Alice's labia, and chewing them. Then he grasped each of them in his fingers, and holding them at their full length, almost three inches, and begin to lick them on the inside. They watched as Alice went into a crying fit, her head shaking back and forth on her pillow, and her hands looking like they were trying to push his head inside of her, and crying out, "EAT ME!!! OH, GOD!!! EAT ME ALL YOU CAN!!! NEVER STOP LICKING ME LIKE THAT!!! I LOVE IT!!! NEVER STOP DOING ME LIKE THAT!!! I LOVE IT!!! OH, GOD HAVE MERCY!!! IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! SHOVE THAT TONGUE UP MY TWAT!!! MORE!!! PLEASE, MORE!!!"
Chris stopped licking her, and let her legs go onto the bed, but raised up and attacked another part of her. His lips pushed the hood down from covering her clitoris, and his tongue was busy with licking IT! The response was even more violent. She stopped barely short of screaming, but lay there babbling, as he took advantage of her excitement. He spent several more seconds on her clit, then began to use his lips to pull the hairs on her Mons.
He began kissing his way up her body, stopping long enough to pay homage to her nipples, one more time. Her whole body was shaking, and she was crying, and begging him to make love to her. "PLEASE!!! DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!!! JUST FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME HARD AS YOU CAN!!! FUCK ME HALF TO DEATH!!! PLEASE, MASTER!!!"
They couldn't hear his response, but she rolled around, and took his cock in her mouth, and began to suck it for him. He had his hands around her face, and was putting it all the way down into her throat. She gagged a couple of times, and he slapped her cheek. "YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT, BITCH!!! NOW DO IT RIGHT!!!" She kept going, until they saw him push hard, into her mouth, and saw her throat as she was swallowing. "NOW CUNT!!! WHAT DOES MY CUM TASTE LIKE??? It tastes wonderful, Master. May I have some more?" He pushed her down on the bed, and went on top of her. DID YOU STOP TAKING YOUR PILLS, LIKE YOU WERE TOLD? She looked up at him, her eyes wide, and bright. "YES, MASTER!!! HOW LONG? he asked. "About three weeks, Master." she replied. "GOOD!!! Your other Master says he wants you to either have a big belly, when he gets home, or be carrying a baby in your arms." Yes, Master. I'll do my best!!!" He went on. "He sent you some pills for you to take. He said to go out, by yourself, and let anybody that wants, to fuck you. Take one of those pills each time you go out, first, though. Did you take one, tonight?" He nodded to him. "Yes, Master. It makes my pussy itch inside. Please scratch it for me."
Neither of the girls had ever seen Alice like this. Using the words she told them NOT to use, and completely obedient to a lover. They hadn't even seen her undressed, fully. They had seen her in her panties and bra a few times, but mostly, she was fully dressed when she came out of her room.
Chris lifted her legs as she guided him to her, and he pushed inside of her. She whimpered as he began to thrust into her. "Please fuck me. It feels so good. I want you to fuck me as long, and as hard, as you can. I want all the cum you can give me." Chris rammed into her, and she hooked her fingers around his butt cheeks, to pull him further into her. Her legs went around his waist, and she pulled him down, her tongue probing at his mouth, and whimpering as he drove deeply inside of her. Both of the girls admired the way the muscles in his back, legs, and shoulders, rippled as he took advantage of the older lady. Ashley looked over at Rebecca. "Do you think he might have put something in OUR drinks?" Rebecca, wide eyed with wonder, looked back at her friend. "I don't know. I don't think so, but, I don't know for sure. He didn't even want to fuck me, but I backed him into a corner. I've wanted him for at least two or three years, now. I would have let him fuck me any time he wanted. I know YOU were the same, TOO."
They watched as Chris made her beg him, more, to cum inside of her, and to make her pregnant. Finally, they saw him pushing deep into her, and she cried out, "YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! CUM IN ME!!! OH, THANK YOU, MASTER!!! THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME YOUR CUM!!!" They glanced over at the clock. It was nearly midnight. Rebecca smiled at Ashley. "I guess I'm staying with you, tonight." Chris looked over at the girls. "She called Mom before we came up here. Mom said you could stay the night. You two need to get to bed. Alice has a big day planned for you, tomorrow." He got up and closed the door, and carried her to the shower. If he could, he wanted to fuck her, at least, one more time, tonight.
The next morning they all got dressed, and Chris kissed all of them, bye. He had some business to take care of. Alice took Ashley and Rebecca and went to the clinic, on post, to see their assigned doctor. He had been here for around 4 years, now, and they had been assigned to his team, when he first started, as a contract doctor. Alice led the two girls back to the examination room, and were joined by the doc, shortly. He came in as he always did, smiling, and inquiring about Colonel Collins. They had been friends for most of the time that they had known each other.
"How's Vern doing?" he asked. "When you write him, tell him I got a new boat, and I'm gonna show him how to catch a whopper." Alice told him about her husband getting shot down, and his leg getting broke. Then she told him of his promotion, and getting command of the battalion, and removed, temporarily, from flight status. Dr. Chase shook his head. "I bet that losing his flight status hurt him more than anything. He do love to fly. NOW!!! What can I do for you lovely ladies?" Alice smiled, and told him. "I want to get prescriptions for both girls for birth control pills. Ashley is s*******n, now, and Becky will be s*******n in a couple of months. Her parents let her come, and keep Ashley company for their Senior year. I THINK they're both virgins, but I don't know for sure. I'd rather be safe than sorry. if anything happened. The doc looked at the two girls. "Is there anything you'd like to tell your Mom, or would you rather for me to put you on the examination table, and see for ourselves?" Alice smiled at him. "I think I'd rather NOT know, for sure. It'd break my heart to find out that they weren't."
Doc smiled at her. "Many parents feel the same way. What they don't know, won't hurt them. Okay. Ill write the prescriptions. You'll have to get the prescription for Becky filled down town, if you aren't a legal guardian. I'll write one for you and Ashley both. You should be getting low, by now. Go to the pharmacy, and pick both of them up. Becky's shouldn't be but a few dollars, at any pharmacy in town." He wrote the three prescriptions, and bade them good bye.
The prescriptions only took a few minutes of their time, and Alice went to a local place, and got Becky's filled too. It only cost five dollars. Becky hugged and kissed Alice for getting her the prescription. Alice was feeling, after last night, like she was in better than usual spirits, and stopped at a drive in, and bought them all cheeseburgers, and malts, then started on down the road, telling the girls that it had been nice the last few days, and she was going to show them where they went swimming, when SHE was growing up. It was only about an hours drive, and they took the highway out of town, and turned onto a blacktop road.
They followed the blacktop for a ways, and she turned onto a dirt road, and followed it a little further, and turned onto a two track, that went down a hill to a gate, then to a second gate. They laughed at the rough road, joking at each other. They got to the end, and pulled around some trees, and a pond was in front of them. It was good sized, and had a welded stand in the middle, with a home made diving board. The walkway was planks, covered in old gunny sacks.
Alice turned around, and backed to near the end of the walkway, and killed the engine. "This is where we went swimming when I was growing up. Some elderly people owned it, and their son ran it for them. They come down to see who's here, and sometimes, even bring some drinks, or snacks with them. He would drive a buggy with a horse pulling it, and they'd sit and tell stories about the old days. We all loved them to death. They were the sweetest people you could find."
Ashley looked at her Mom. "UH, MOM? WE DON'T HAVE ANY BATHING SUITS WITH US! DO WE?" Alice smiled at them. We have the best bathing suits in the world. We were born with 'em. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? That's how we went swimming, MOST of the time. Boys and girls, both. We were all farm k**s, and figured that if someone hadn't seen what the other had under their clothes, it was time they DID. Every boy in the school had seen every girl naked, and likewise, the girls, by the time they were in High School. All but a few had done more than look. Strip down and put your clothes in the back seat. I keep towels in the trunk, and we can try it. The worst that can happen is for your teeth to chatter a little, and your nipples to poke out for you. It'll be fun. Then we can get out and lay in the sun to warm up. Later, we can come back, and see if other people still swim here. THAT'LL be EVEN MORE FUN!!!"
They got out, undressed, and put their clothes in the seat, and walked out to the stand. They water was about seven or eight feet down from the diving board, and Alice got on it and went to the end, and demonstrated how to do a swan dive. She went deep into the water, and the two girls just stood on the board, and did cannonballs. The water WAS a bit chilly, but not badly so. They played around for a few minutes, and went up to lay on the trunk lid, and warm up in the sun. They had done so, several times, talking about yesterday, and last night, as they lay together.
Alice raised up and looked at the girls. "I guess the cat is out of the bag, so I'll tell you like we used to say, when I was growing up. You girls need to shave your pussies, between your legs, at least. If a boy you like, doesn't like hairy girls, he'll tell you, and you can shave the rest off, if that's what you want to do. You'll have to decide if you want to shave your pussy for him. The main thing, though is to keep it clean, and use powder, or a vaginal spray, so it don't stink. You can even put a drop of perfume on the lips, as long as you don't get it inside you. Guys like the perfume, best, when they start eating your pussy." By the time I was sixteen, most of the boys in our school had put a lip lock on MY twat. I loved how it felt, and they liked the way I shook my ass, when they were eating me out. I never let them cum inside of me, though. I told them they could put it on my ass, or my belly, or they could put it in my mouth. Just don't cum in my pussy. I didn't want to get knocked up. Some other time, I'll tell ya even more. YOU have to promise me, though, that you'll never tell anyone else." Both girls crossed their hearts, and promised.
"I think we're going to have company, in a few minutes. Someone is coming." Almost as she spoke, an old pickup, sideboards and all, came close enough to see through the trees, pulling in next to them. There were two men in the front, and three more in the back. The driver looked to be in his mid to late 30's, and the passenger looked to be a bit older. All three of the men in the back were in their twenties. HOWDY, NEIGHBOR!!! HOW'S IT GOING? Is the water cool " All of them came out on the ground to stand in front of them. "The older man smiled. "LOOKY HERE BOSS!!! NOOKIE ON THE HOOF!!!" The other man looked at him. "Let's get cleaned up, and we can tend to them, then." Alice looked and saw that they were blocked in.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "TAKE CARE OF US?" she demanded. The older man smiled at her. "He means that as soon as we clean up a little, we're going to fuck all of you, as many times as we want. WE'RE TAKING YOU HOME, AND GONNA FUCK ALL YOUR BRAINS OUT!!!" Alice fixed him with a withering glare. "You're going to make a place for us to leave, and leave us alone, or I'll see you all in prison, an sent to the gas chamber. Now get this heap out of our way, so we can go!" The younger man looked at the older man. "Ma'am. I can shoot you all, right on the spot. Then all I have to do is call the state police and say you were rustling cattle. Nothing more will be said. Now! How do you want it. We can either shoot you with a gun, or we can shoot you with our peckers. This is private property. You're trespassing on it. Any questions?"
The men had been undressing as they spoke. Alice decided she had only one option. "Please. Leave the girls alone, and take me. I brought them here. I was raised just over the way, and graduated from Kinsey High. My Dad was a pumper for the oil companies while I was growing up. I pulled bolls, and chopped cotton for most of the farmers around these parts. We used to come here and go skinny dipping back then. My name then, was Baldwin. Chuck and Ethel were my parents. The people who had this land were an old couple, and they used to drive a horse and buggy down, and tell us stories. Their name was Alder."
The younger man, looked at her. "Did you know David Alder" She nodded her head at him. "He was a bit older than me, but, YEAH! I knew him." He glared at her. "We're gonna clean up a bit. Been mowing hay all day. You're gonna follow us to the house, and sit for a while, while I make up my mind what I'm going to do with you."
The men went in the water, and washed off then took some feed sacks to dry off. They got back in their pickup, and the older man leaned out. "Foller us to the house. Don't try to run for it. The gate's locked, and your car can't outrun a bullet. Just foller us up, and we'll see to ya', when we get there." They backed around, and went slowly, until they saw the women get behind them. They turned at the near gate, and took another two track for a few hundred yards. It intersected a blacktop road, with grain fields, of what looked like wheat, on both sides. The road was better and soon became a driveway. At the bottom of a low rise, stood a structure that looked like a warehouse, or a barn, but wasn't tall enough for either. There were two doors facing them, and, as one raised, the pickup drove inside, with the women right behind them. Alice stopped when they did, and looked at the two girls. "Just calm down, and do what they say. It'll be over before you know it. Who knows. You might enjoy what happens. Just don't fight, don't argue with them, and, above all else, DON'T CRY OR BEG!!! I got you into this, so I get all the blame for whatever happens. Just leave your clothes here. I've got the feeling we won't be needing them, for a little while, at least.
They walked behind the men to a sliding glass door, and the older man held it open for them, but patted Alice on the butt, as she passed. "I'm gonna have me some fun!" he told her. She smiled at him. "I hope you do. I'd like to think that ONE of us is enjoying themselves."
She looked at her surroundings as she entered. It was as lavish as she had ever seen in her life. Carpets on the floors, cutrains over the windows, and some of the most comfortable looking furniture she had ever seen. There was a long hallway, to the other end, and out through another sliding door, was a swimming pool, that was, at least, partially covered. On the other side of the room, was a buffet line, with steam rising from it, and a long, banquet table, with what looked like twelve places set, and flower arrangements. At either end of the table was an ornate candelabra. She could see some of the doors to what must be bedrooms, and from the spacing, all would be huge. She turned and looked at their captors. THEY were all SMILING!!!
The man who had been driving came over and hugged her, then kissed her on the cheek. "You didn't know me. I was born after you left. David was my Pop. He used to talk about you, all the time. I thought he had to be stretching the truth, six ways to Sunday, but now, I see he wasn't. He had the blues for years after you cut out. He kicked his own butt, for not asking you to marry him. He was too shy to do anything. Mom was the one to ask HIM, if he wanted to marry HER. I was born six months later. They jumped the gun, by a little. Told everyone I was premature. Grandma and Grandpa talked about ya, too. They swore the sun rose and set by your smile. Granny said you was the sweetest girl she ever knew. She said that all the boys around was crazy in love with ya. Granny and Grandpa died a year or so, ago. They went to bed, like always, and the next morning I came to see them. They were gone. I called the doctor and he called the police, and the coroner. They said that their hearts stopped beating in the middle of the night. They were over 90, and had been married for over 70 years."
"I thought I knew you when we pulled up beside you. The rest was just some funnin'. Sorry if I scared you, but one of the things that Dad said, was that you didn't have a bit of crawdad in you. You didn't know how to back down. I had to find out for myself."
The memories were pouring out of her. She grabbed him and pulled him into her, wrapping her arms around him, and smothering him with her kisses. The girls were surprised at the reaction of Alice. She was laughing and crying at the same time, and stammering as she tried to speak. Finally she got words out. "DAMMIT!!! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!! I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO BE GANG ****D, AND THROWN OUT FOR THE BUZZARDS!!! I SHOULD GIVE YOU AN ASS KICKING, BUT I'M NOT!!! I'M GOING TO FUCK YOU CROSS EYED!!! IF YOU GOT OYSTERS OVER ON THE TABLE, YOU BETTER EAT A COUPLE DOZEN OF 'EM. YOU'RE GONNA NEED 'EM.!!!"
She looked around, at the older man. There were only him, and one of the younger men. "What happened to the other two guys?" she asked, him. He snorted, and smiled at the question. Then he answered, "They went to take care of they own selves. They're fags, and live together. They got their own house, and don't mess with women. Both are the best hands that a person could ask for, so we don't mess with 'em. Just as long as they do whatever they do to each other, and leave the rest of us be. Don't worry, though, the three of us will take real good care of all of you."
She went over and put her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry I spoke so harshly to you. I was scared, and trying to put on a brave face. My knees are STILL knocking, though." This time all three of them laughed at her. The younger one spoke for the first time she had heard. "We sat on the top of the hill, and watched you through some binoculars, for a while, and the boss said he was almost certain that he knowed ya'. He had the window in the back open so we could talk, back and forth. When we got down closer, he slowed down, and said he knowed, for certain who ya' was, and for us to come on, mean, if we talked at all. HELLFIRE!!! I saw these two cuties, and the cat got my tongue. I wanted to jump out, and eat 'em both up, alive. I ain't seen such as them in a WHILE!!! Beggin' ya pardon, Ma'am. YOU ain't nothin' to sneeze at, but THEM. If they ain't prettier than a brand new colt, I'm goin' to kiss someone's ass, and give 'em crowd drawin' time, first."
Alice gave the older man a kiss, then went over and did the same with the younger man. "NO OFFENSE TAKEN!!! The little blonde is my daughter, and the other girl, is her best friend. Treat 'em right, and you'll be glad you did. I think they're BOTH special, but, I'm prejudiced. I've know Becky almost all her life. They're just learning to spread their wings, so be patient, and be gentle with 'em."
The driver, had barely mentioned their names. "I'm Steve, this old fart, is Ben, my foreman, and this k**, is Jack. After they clean up, the other two will be over to eat supper with us. Their names are Kenny and Finis. I inherited my white hair from Granny's side of the house. All the men in her family had white hair before their 21st birthdays. Mine turned when I was 19. I have a business in McCreary, and he runs the farm for me. The other boys all like to come out here in the spring and summer months, so I load 'em up, and bring 'em out. Kenny and Finis stay here, and give Ben a hand on the farm. I let them live here, because the other boys wouldn't get anything done when they're out here, for chasing pussy. Things here AIN'T changed THAT much. We still got plenty of willing fillies."
"Now, if you're hungry, the food's waiting for us. Go grab a plate, and load it up. Kenny and Finis might be awhile. I've seen it take them over an hour to get back. The ladies went over, and saw food like would be found in the finest restaurants. Prime rib, Potatoes au Grauten, green beans, cooked with onions, and bacon, hot rolls, corn bread, and a big bowl of fresh churned butter. Further down were a cherry, and an apricot, cobblers, and next to it was a large container of, what looked like, homemade ice cream, with all the toppings anybody could ever want. Another table held everything for any type of salad a person could think of, and fresh vegetables. There were, also, a table full of wines, and a pitcher of ice tea, and a box full of sodas. The girls squealed, when they saw old favorites sitting among the other bottles. Icy cold "G****tte" pop. And bottles of "Dad's" root beer.
Steve smiled when her heard the reaction from the girls. "Now you've got a good reason to make your Mom bring you back to see us." Each of them fixed a plate how they wanted it, and chose drinks to go with it. Soon the happy sounds of feasting filled the room, and Alice, sitting next to Steve, began swapping memories of the days gone by. Most of the old friends had moved off, and had never been seen, again, but several were still around. Alice shook her head when Steve told her of his parent's demise. They had been in a car wreck, when Steve was 16, and his Grandparents had raised him after that. They had left him the farm, but he had gone to Law School, and had a practice in town. He had left the firm, after a bit, and had gotten into construction, and found his second love. He had designed and built this place, after his Grandparents had passed away, and his sister and her family lived in Grandpa and Granny's old house. His sister was three years younger than him.
They finished eating and went out by the pool. IT WAS HUGE!!! It was bigger than the pool at the park in town, had been. All of them had remained naked, after leaving the pond, and during their meal. Steve invited them to try it out. It was heated to 75 degrees. All of them went into the water, that was cool, but not even chilly. Rebecca and Jack had paired off, and Ashley had taken a shine to Ben. After a bit, they had all gone elsewhere, leaving Steve and Alice alone. Steve, as a matter of courtesy, asked if the two girls were still virgins. Alice laughed, and told him, "NOT since yesterday and last night." Both of them WERE more than a little curious about the boys, though. Steve smiled and told her, "GOOD! Ben will show Ashley everything a good girl should know, and, I've been told, Jack won't leave anything to the imagination of Becky." Alice smiled, and put her arms around his neck. "What about ME? Did you learn anything from your Dad? He wasn't THAT shy, when we went for walks. He was the one I hoped to pop the question to me. I would have told him YES in a heartbeat, just like I told him yes, to all the other things he asked me for. Steve kissed her, and asked, "Do you want to get out of the water, first?
She went over to the ladder, and started climbing out of the water. "I was never any good at holding my breath. I'm a screamer, when I get going." Steve came over, and followed her out of the pool. He took her hand, and led her to a chaise, and sat her on it. "Dad said you could call coyotes from the next county, sometimes. The bedrooms are all soundproofed, so the others won't hear us, unless we open the doors."
Alice drew him down, beside her, and pushed him to his back. "This is what your Dad used to enjoy." She leaned over and took his penis in her mouth, and began to lick it from, one end to the other, taking the time to take his testicles in her mouth, and suck on them, too. She followed his direction, as he took her leg and pulled her around, so he could do to her, what she was doing to him. She presented herself to him, and soon they were going 69 like old friends. She thought to herself, His Dad like to eat my pussy, too. The nut didn't fall TOO far from the tree. No sooner than that thought had come into her mind, that she felt another orgasm ripping out of her. He's as good at it as Pappy was, too!, she thought. He gave her more thrills, but soon he turned her around, and put HER on the chaise. Her legs went to either side of the couch like chair, and he sucked her nipples, until they were aching, from the lust in her. She raised her arms, and pulled his face to her, kissing him. "Please, Steve. Fuck me, now. You're even better than your Dad was. Show me what you learned from him. DON'T WORRY ABOUT CUMMING INSIDE OF ME. He must have told you about how I didn't let anybody, but him, cum inside of me. Now it's your turn. Fill me with your seed. I want to have a baby from you, since I didn't get one from him. My husband wants someone to make me pregnant, and I want it to be YOU! Give me what I want, so much. I will be back, every time I can, and we can do it all we ever want."
He eased inside of her, with no further fanfare, and began to thrust, deeply, inside of her. She had been sated, the night, before, and that morning, but, she was as wanton, with him, as she was able. Old memories took her, and, suddenly, she was a teenager, again. Giving herself to one lover after another, always with a wet towel, to wipe the cum from her ass, belly, tits, or face. She would, always, wash it out, under the hydrant in the back yard. Then she would go straight into the bathroom, and take a bath, and diddle herself, to finish off any feeling she still had.
He brought her to the point of screaming, several times, before he gave her what she so desperately wanted. He shoved deep inside of her, and filled her impossibly full, to where it ran down the crack of her butt, and onto the upholstery. They laid there holding each other, and kissing, for a long time. His weight was a comfort to her.
He finally got off of her, and helped her to her feet. There was a shower head on the wall, a few feet from them, that, he assured her, was warm water. They washed themselves, and kissed again, and he took her out to her car, and she got the clothing they had taken off, a few hours, ago. As they were coming back in, from the garage, the others were coming out of the other doors. Both of the girls looked well used, and happy. Ashley said what both of them were thinking. "Oh, God, MOM!!! He fucked me cross eyed. Now I know what it feels like to have a man. I might even be in love." She turned and wrapped her arms around Ben. "If I come back, will you do it all to me, AGAIN?" He smiled and hugged her, kissing her, soundly. "I'd be glad to, Sweetkins. ALL YOU WANT!!!"
The women all redressed, reluctantly, and Steve raised the door for them. As they pulled out into the evening twilight, they thought about how long it would take for them to return. TOO LONG!!! They each shared the afternoon's experiences with the others, so the trip didn't seem as long. Alice was already making plans for another trip out here.
4 years ago