Double Trouble – Saturday Morning

The early morning sun came shining through the window and because of the brightness it took me a few minutes to focus my eyes and with the clock showing 8.25am I was surprised to see the two girls still fast asleep and what a nice picture it was which Rosie to my right bent in the foetal position with her bare arse pushed against my hip and Kelly to my left laying flat on her back with her legs slightly apart and with me in the middle sporting a stiff morning wood it was so tempting however with it being the weekend and the girls not being picked up until later I decided to let them sleep.

I crept out of bed and grabbed my long tee shirt and went downstairs to put some coffee on, I don’t know why I didn’t put my shorts on as well but I felt so free in just the tee shirt and it covered the important bits although for a while my cock was sticking out like a tent pole but I figured the only people who would see it would be the girls and they’d seen it all before.
As I poured out my coffee I heard voices and giggling coming from upstairs so guessed the girls were now awake so I went to the bottom of the stairs and shouted up to them that there was coffee down here if they wanted any, “YES PLEASE” came the reply so I poured another two cups.

By now my morning wood had disappeared however I was sure once the girls came down it would make another appearance and as I stood there lost in my thoughts it was Kelly who made the first appearance, “Morning Frank” she said walking in still a bit sleepy eyed and dressed in just her nightshirt and from the way it stuck to her arse cheeks I was guessing she had nothing underneath, I handed her the coffee and she informed me that Rosie was just finding her nightshirt and would be down. “How did you sleep?” I asked and when Kelly smiled I knew they had been talking between them about the activities in the night, “Oh it was lovely sir, lovely dreams sir” she sighed softly with her eyes glancing down seeing the bottom of my tee shirt moving.

Rosie finally made her entrance and her nightshirt was shorter than Kelly’s and as she reached for her coffee I could just see the bottom of her rounded arse cheeks confirming that she was also naked underneath, “How did you sleep Rosie?” I asked and again I got a pleasant reply, “Oh very nicely sir, it was really good sir” and she also glanced down seeing some movement under my shirt which forced them both to giggle.
“Are you not wearing your shorts sir?” Rosie asked with that little hopeful glint in her eye and they both looked down waiting on my answer, “Um.. no I didn’t put them on” I replied causing them both to smile.

Because my cock seemed to be the focus of attention again I was powerless to stop my morning wood reappearing and very soon it had raised m y shirt right up at the front making my erection visible to both girls, “Wow sir, why does it get so hard sir?” said Kelly as she sat down on a chair so she was at a better height to see it, “I don’t know” I replied knowing that with Kelly sitting just a couple of feet away it wasn’t going to go down anytime soon, Rosie didn’t want to miss out and pulled up a chair so she could also get a better view and to help them out I stepped closer to them and was now within touching distance.

Like the terrible twins they were they bot reached out and lifted my shirt up exposing my hanging balls and solid rod standing up loud and proud, I took hold of my shirt and pulled it up and over my head so they had both hands free to use basically as they wished, I could see their eyes widen as they looked hard at my veiny shaft standing strong. “Can you wank for us sir?” Rosie asked and while I had no problem with that request I was a bit cautious in squirting all over their nightshirts, “Of course but it might be a good idea to take your nightshirts off though, I would hate them to get stained” I replied as I took hold of my throbbing rod.

They were excited as they both pulled off their shirts and looking down at their naked bodies I could see their nipples standing out from their little bee stings, it was a very arousing sight for me as I started stroking my cock in front of them, Kelly was the first to move her hand down between her legs and on seeing her Rosie followed suit and now I was wanking in front of the two girls who were frigging themselves off, WOW!!!
They both had their legs spread giving me a perfect view of their finger actions and the faster they frigged their clits the faster I stroked my cock and I knew I wasn’t going to last too long and with this being my first cum of the day I knew my balls were at capacity so they were in for a good load, “Open your mouths girls and get ready” I said and they both did as asked. Rosie reached out with her free hand and cupped my balls giving them a gentle squeeze which tipped me over the edge, “OH FUCK YESSSS!” I cried as I pointed my cock in the general direction of their faces and watched as my first squirt spewed out hitting Kelly square in the face with some going in her mouth, I quickly turned to Rosie letting her have the second squirt and with slightly reduced velocity most of it hit the target and she quickly swallowed waiting for more.

Kelly leant forward as my first squirt started dripping down her chin onto her chest and got the third squirt directly into her mouth and with Rosie eager for more she also leant forward wrapping her lips around my helmet sucking the last squirt from me and she wasn’t going to let go until I was completely empty however Kelly wasn’t going to let her have all the fun and nudged her out of the way taking my cock into her mouth to get the last little bit.
As I pulled away Rosie looked at Kelly and seeing dollops of cum on her face did what any best friend would do and started to lick it off of her, OMG how erotic was that??.

My cock was softening but seeing what Rosie was doing I thought it wouldn’t stay like that for long if she carried it on and what was worse she had her hand on one of her little titties while she was doing it and then their lips met and I could see that tongues were involved, damn they were giving me a surprisingly good show which would have gone on for much longer if Rosie’s phone didn’t ring.
At first she was going to ignore it but then when I looked and saw it was her mother I suggested she break away and answer it.

Again all I could hear was one side of the conversation which started with “Oh OK mum” which was then followed by, “Oh yes mum, we had a fabulous time” and then a short silence before, “Yes mum, OK mum” then another silence before, “And I am sure he will be delighted to meet you too mum” which gave me the impression that Rosie’s mum was coming to get them and not Anna which was a bit of a blow but what I wasn’t expecting was when she said, “Yes mum, his shorts are great and I will tell him to wear them” before she said, “OK mum, see you soon” and then she hung up.

It would appear that my tatty old silky boxers were getting a bit of a reputation amongst some circles and I had to laugh about it really, Rosie told me that her mum was coming around 12ish to collect them and she had heard from Anna about my somewhat revealing shorts, should make the visit interesting.
In some ways I was excited about meeting Rosie’s mum who I found out that her name was Beth and I was intrigued that she had talked with Anna about me, I was slowly building up a picture and was now convinced that Anna knew what was going on, it was also nice to know she was willing to share her experiences with her best friend.

“Do you want to see some picture of mum sir?” Rosie asked and as I agreed my heart was beating as to what kind of pictures she was going to show me as I had discovered that anything was possible with these two families. We were all still naked when we went into the lounge and all sat on the sofa with me in the middle which was a bit of a squeeze but also nice having their bare flesh pressed up to mine, Rosie got her phone and started to flick through her pictures.
I have to say that at first impressions Beth looked hot, she was 32 years old according to Rosie and had long blonde hair and striking blue eyes and seeing a picture of her in a bikini showed she had a surprisingly good figure too and there was one picture of her in a light pink summer dress which was rather short showing off her legs to perfection, I said to Rosie to text her mum and tell her if she wears that dress I will wear my shorts.
Rosie laughed but sent the text and within a minute received a reply with a few smiley faces so without confirmation I guess I would have to wait and see.
Rosie was still flicking through her pictures and I was amazed at how close the family seemed to be especially as she showed me a picture of her older brother in just his tight boxer briefs, Rosie giggled when she showed me, “This is my brother Gary” she said and it was clear from the picture that he was sporting a rather nice sized boner which she seemed to have a few pictures of. Even Kelly didn’t seem surprised at it which told me she must have had experience of Gary’s boner in the past and when she showed me one of him without his boxers I nearly died as for a 16yo he had a good tool at his disposal and why Rosie would have naked pictures of her brother on her phone was anybody’s guess.

I must admit that sitting in the middle of two naked girls and seeing a picture of naked Gary did get a reaction from old Percy which led Rosie to ask, “Have you ever been with another guy sir?” and I felt it best to be honest especially as my cock was starting to rise as she flicked through more pictures of her brother’s tackle, “Um.. yes I have Rosie” was my reply, “Wow sir, so hot” she replied as they both had a little giggle, “Maybe you should meet Gary then” she added with a smile, Hmm I thought, certainly sounds a possibility and it was obvious from the pictures that Rosie and Gary were active together.

I was getting lost in the moment with various combinations running through my mind involving Anna and Kelly along with Beth and her two and it wasn’t long before I felt my arousal returning and with the clock ticking I knew that Beth would be with us shortly, I told the girls to run upstairs and sort themselves out and also to bring down any dirty laundry so I could give it a quick wash, they both jumped up telling me their nightshirts were in the kitchen.
I thought it best that I go find my shorts so throwing on my big tee shirt I headed up the stairs and into my room to find the girls getting dressed, I could see a pile of clothes on the floor luckily all whites so I picked them up and turned to the girls who were standing there in just their clean panties, “Is this everything?” I asked and they both nodded so I put on my tatty old shorts much to the delight of Rosie and headed off downstairs.

When I got to the kitchen I sifted through the clothes to find their soiled panties and immediately knew which were Kelly’s due to the cum stain on the front and held them up to my nose taking a deep sniff, OMG the musky aroma went straight to my head and I could feel my cock starting to respond.
I took hold of Rosie’s and took a big sniff and OMG they smelt awesome and again sending a rush right to my head, ‘damn’ I thought, it would be a shame to wash them.
I was so engrossed in their dirty knickers that I didn’t hear them coming down the stairs and standing in the doorway of the kitchen, “OMG sir, what are you doing?” said Rosie as they both gave a girlish giggle, I turned towards them slowly lowering the evidence from my face and realising my cock was pushing out the front of my tee shirt, “Oh.. um.. I was just checking if they needed washing” I stuttered knowing that my face was like a beetroot having been busted smelling their knickers.

“Cool sir, it’s ok sir mummy does the same thing” Kelly said as they walked into the kitchen with Rosie chipping in with, “Yeah sir, so does mine sir” making me feel a whole lot better even though my obvious boner told a different story. The girls looked good dressed in their black school skirts with a tee shirt and while Rosie sat down at the table Kelly rushed off to the lounge to get their little white socks which could be added to the wash.
I got chatting to Rosie about her home life as I was intrigued as to how she had intimate photos of her brother on her phone and she told me that they had always been open at home often wearing just undies around the house and nudity was nothing to be ashamed of and she thought that as they got older, like when Gary started to get erections, that it would drop off however it hasn’t and she quite enjoys seeing his erect cock and was telling me all about it quite openly which was nice.

I told her that I grew up in similar circumstances and agreed that nudity should be embraced and not hidden away, I think Kelly and Anna were in a similar vein.
It was coming up to noon and I knew that Beth would be here any minute, “Can you sit for us again sir? Rosie asked, “We really enjoyed it sir” she added and I told them they were welcome anytime.
Published by britguy
4 years ago
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Taras73 2 years ago
cumwatch 4 years ago
Mmmmm brilliant story
tommy523 4 years ago
Yummy, I can hardly wait for the next chapter