Double Trouble

I was all set and ready for my guests by 3.30pm and sat down in my chair with a beer, I decided on a rather long tee shirt for starters which when standing did hide the majority of my tatty old shorts as not having met Rosie before I decided to err on the side of caution.
About 10 minutes later the gate opened and the terrible twins came bounding down the garden path and I could see on Kelly’s face that she was excited to be back so soon and exactly what she had told her bestie about me was at this point unknown. I got up and met them at the patio door and received the biggest possible hug from Kelly, “Hi Frank” she said excitedly, “This is Rosie” she said pointing at her friend, I knew I wasn’t going to get such a welcome from Rosie so I just held out my hand which she gracefully shook, “Hi Rosie, welcome to the madhouse” I said making her smile, “Hello sir” she replied and the way she immediately looked down told me that my shorts had certainly been a topic of conversation, luckily my long tee shirt covered any embarrassment.

Without asking they both removed their shoes and even their socks leaving them both barefooted and with them both dressed the same in there white shirts and black skirts which incidentally had both been rolled up at the waist to make them shorter and looking at their bare legs I certainly wasn’t complaining.
“I bet you are both thirsty eh girls, do you want some of my homemade juice?” I asked and they both nodded as they walked over to the sofa with their bags, “Make yourself comfy then” I said as I walked out to get their drinks.
I could hear a bit of whispering and giggling and when I returned with their drinks they both shut up and took them from me and both taking a big gulp as I sat in my chair watching.

“Wow sir, this is so good” Rosie said softly and I watched as they both reached across to put the glasses on the tables either side of the sofa and they both gave me a quick flash of their white cotton panties without giving it a second thought. I pretended to be reading a pizza menu and was sitting with my legs apart knowing that my balls would be on show and knew that Rosie had now seen them as I heard her gasp “OMG” quietly before turning to Kelly and whispering something in her ear, they both giggled and I could see that they both had their knees slightly apart and due to the shortness of their skirts I could easily see the white triangles of their panties, they both knew how to tease me, “Are we having pizza tonight sir?” Kelly said, “We both like pizza”.
I stood up and took the menu over for them to look at and could see that Rosie was definitely trying to see my tatty old shorts and the fact that my tee shirt covered the best part I figured it was fun to leave them in suspense for as long as possible, “Tell me what you want girls and I will get it ordered” I said as I went back and sat down but this time I sat looking directly at them on the pretence of waiting for them to decide however my gaze was firmly lower looking at the soft flesh of their thighs and little white cotton triangles that were on display, they knew it and took their time in deciding.

As I waited I could feel old Percy coming to life however it was well hidden by my baggy shirt and after a bit of giggling Kelly looked up, “Meat lovers sir, can we have the meat lovers please” she said and they both tried very hard not to laugh at the double meaning it implied, “Good choice girls, I will have the same” I replied and then proceeded to go on the app on my phone to place the order.
The pizza was ordered and we chatted while we waited and the girls both reached across to get their drinks again and both widened their legs in doing so, OMG the sight was electric as I saw their panties tight up in their crotch, I was sure they knew I was watching as they seemed to take their time, my cock was certainly responding as I felt my boner growing under my shirt.

“Can we play twister after tea sir? I got the mat sir?” Rosie asked and Kelly seemed excited to play too so I figured it could be fun, been a while since I last played twister, “Sure, tell you what, after we have eaten and you girls get into your nightwear we can certainly play” I said and it was nice seeing the excitement on their faces.
The doorbell rang and I now had to get up knowing my cock was hard and bound to show and as I got up I could see my cock forming a tent pole out the front of my shirt, both girls could clearly see it and as I walked to the door I could hear them giggling and whispering.

We didn’t stand on ceremony and sat eating the pizza out of the box, luckily for me the box hid the bulge however the downside was the boxes hid my view up their skirts too but I knew it was only temporary, “So are you both meat lovers?” I asked as they munched away and Rosie was the first to react, “Yes sir, I do like a nice bit of meat sir” she said with a girlish giggle, “Oh and me-too sir” added Kelly and somehow I guessed it wasn’t just food they were talking about.
The girls finished first and I wasn’t far behind them, Rosie got up and grabbed Kelly’s box and then walked over to me and I thought it was a nice gesture as she reached down to get my box however her hand went down the back of the box in the exact place my cock was hiding under my shirt and there was definite contact with my boner as she took hold of the box, “Ooops sorry sir” she said softly knowing exactly what she had touched, “It’s ok Rosie, thank you for clearing up” I said as she took the boxes out to the kitchen.

“Right girls” I said as Rosie re-entered the room, “I will show you up to your room so you can get into your night things” I continued as I stood up and watched both girls pick up their drinks finishing them off, “Oh wow sir, this drink is so yummy, it gives me tingles” she said as she bent down opening her bag, Kelly saw me looking at her arse as her skirt rode up but didn’t say a word but gave me a cheeky grin, Rosie did have a nice arse though and I could see her white cotton panties wedged into her crack, Mmm.
She pulled out the twister mat and left it on the sofa and then straightening up she picked up her bag and followed Kelly out to the hall.

I watched as they both climbed the stairs and was given a nice view up the back of their skirts by both and then followed them up, when I got to the top I suggested they take their bags into my room, Kelly smiled but Rosie looked confused, “If you want girls, you can sleep with me as I don’t want Rosie getting scared in a strange house” I said and while Kelly looked excited Rosie did look a bit apprehensive, “Are you sure sir?” she asked and seeing the excitement on her best friends face agreed and they both went into my room to change.
“If you have any dirty laundry girls I will happily wash for you” I said leaving them to sort themselves out.

“Do you both want some more juice?” I shouted back as I was halfway down the stairs and they both said “Yes please” in unison so I fixed some more drinks and one for myself and returned to the lounge and set up the twister mat. It was bigger than I anticipated and with it in front of the sofa it stretched right across to the base of my chair however I figured it could be interesting.
They both came down together excited to be playing twister and while Kelly was dressed in her tee shirt and I assumed panties underneath Gracie on the other hand had a pair of rather short PJ shorts which sat on her hips and a loose crop top which only just covered her little bee stings making me think that this was going to be an interesting game.

Kelly remained standing and picked up her drink while Rosie sat on the sofa and reached across to get hers and in doing so her legs widened forcing a gap up her PJ shorts and it became apparent that she had no panties on giving me a clear view of her protruding labia lips, OMG I thought I would cum in my shorts right there and then especially as time seemed to stop. I sat in my chair with my feet on the mat and as Rosie straightened up she told me that I was likely to interfere with the game if my feet were on the mat, she suggested I widen my legs as much as I could so my feet were off the mat and the only way I could do it was have a leg over each arm of the chair which invariably meant my balls were clearly hanging out plus my shirt rode up and with the front of my shorts lifting up I also knew my throbbing cock was also on display.

“How’s that?” I asked Rosie who seemed to be in charge, she looked across with her eyes diverted between my legs, “Perfect sir, just perfect” she said as she handed me the spinner, “Me and Kels will go first sir, is that OK?” she said smiling over at her friend, “Sure thing” I replied and started to spin the wheel calling out what they needed to do and after a few spins I could see just how exciting this game was going to be.
Now I can’t say I am an expert at the rules of twister however at one point I had Rosie on all fours and not only were her shorts slipping to show the top of her crack but her crop top was hanging down giving me a view up to see her little bee stings and I was sure her nipples were stiffening, what was also interesting was that Kelly was in a similar position except with her belly in the air and Rosie’s head was right there between her outstretched legs and her face was pushed against Kelly’s panties, my cock was now standing upright and clearly visible.

I sensed that any minute they would collapse in a heap but the view they were giving me, especially Rosie as she had her legs spread and I could see right up her PJ’s at her sweet little pussy, surely she must have known?
To be honest I was sure they were making up the rules as they went but hey, I wasn’t complaining and after they collapsed in a heap with Rosie’s face firmly between Kelly’s legs we all burst into a fit of laughter.
I must say I was getting rather warm as I sat watching and decided to rehydrate myself by drinking my juice down in one and immediately felt the tingles running through my body and my boner was pushing all boundaries and it was Rosie that first saw how flushed I was as she picked herself up off the floor, “Are you OK sir” she said concerned that I was burning up, “Why don’t you take your shirt off sir?” Kelly suggested which I thought was a good idea.

I pulled my shirt off over my head and both girls looked down between my legs as now there was nothing to hide my full arousal, Rosie was first to react, “Wow sir, I do love your shorts sir” she said smiling at Kelly who’s expression seemed to say, ‘I told you so’.
“Can we play one more game before bed sir?” Rosie asked trying not to look directly at my visible erection and with my legs still spread over each arm there was no hiding place, “Yes sure, but do you mind if I sit it out” I replied and they both nodded, after all it was their game and their sleep over and I was happy being a spectator.
I don’t know how it happed but with the yellow dots right by my chair somehow Rosie had got both arms stretched out on yellow and both legs stretched out on red so her head was now pushed right between my legs and her face touching my balls, “So sorry sir” she sighed, “I didn’t mean to.. well you know” she added with a giggle trying to hold her position but there was definite contact as her mouth was covering my balls, suddenly I felt her tongue touch the base of my throbbing cock which caused me to let out a soft moan, “Its ok Rosie, carry on” I said and with Kelly right behind her sitting on the sofa I could see her looking at Rosie’s arse.
I don’t know how or even if it was part of the game but suddenly Kelly was off the sofa and sitting on the floor with Rosie’s arse pressed up against her face which seem to push Rosie further into my crotch and as I looked at Kelly she had her hands on the cheeks of her friends arse and her face pressed between her outstretched legs causing Rosie to mumble as her face pushed harder into my groin, she was definitely licking and sucking on my balls and damn if it didn’t feel good.
The game seemed to have lost it’s importance now as Kelly was working between Rosie’s legs giving her all kinds of pleasure and Rosie’s tongue was now definitely running up my exposed boner, there were no excuses and this was far from accidental as she neared to top where my swollen helmet was oozing precum.

Whatever Kelly was doing and I had my ideas it was certainly turning Rosie on as when she got her mouth to the top of my cock she immediately wrapped her warm lips around it and started to suck on my helmet, OMG it felt so good that I couldn’t contain my moans, “Oh yes Rosie, that’s it girl, suck on that bad boy” I said softly and then watched as my cock slowly disappeared into her warm mouth, Damn it felt good and her actions seemed to spur Kelly on as she got her tongue working forcing Rosie to shudder to an orgasm and I had to reach down grabbing her head in an effort to keep her in control. I started to thrust upwards into Rosie’s mouth and could feel the tightness of her throat and after a quick gag spewing her saliva down the length of my cock she soon got back to bobbing her head in a steady rhythm.

I was about to cum and I just homed that Rosie was ready because I wasn’t able to give too much warning as my cock started to pulsate shooting my hot cream into Rosie’s mouth, “Oh fuck yessss!” I mumbled as Rosie tried hard to swallow what was being injected into her mouth, OMG this was more than I expected but had certainly set the president for the rest of their stay.
When I was done spurting my jizz I felt Rosie start to suck my softening helmet, “Mmm sir, so nice sir” she mumbled as she finished her clean up duties and Kelly, realizing I had cum lifted up from between her legs and smiled at me, “You OK sir?” she asked and could see from my face that I was more than OK.

I looked at the clock and it was only 7.45pm and with it being Friday there was no need for the girls to go to bed too early and as they cleared up the twister mat I had made a couple of conclusions from the events thus far, one was that Rosie and Kelly were more than comfortable with each other from a sexual point of view which made me wonder exactly what they had got up to together and the other conclusion was that Rosie had sucked a cock before as her performance was in no way amateur making me wonder who she had played with before? Maybe her brother who being a few years older was certainly sexually active.

As I sat there topless in my chair with my cock now soft (ish) and mostly hidden I finished up my juice and with the TV on I let them have the controls to find a suitable program, “Fancy some more juice girls?” I asked and they both said they would like some so I took their glasses and went and got refills and while in the kitchen I could hear them giggling and whispering about what had just taken place and although I couldn’t hear word for word I got the impression that Rosie loved sucking me off and loved the taste of my adult man seed.
I returned with the drinks and put them on the side tables for them and returned to my chair sitting in my usual position knowing that again my balls were on show and although they both looked after what happened earlier there seemed less importance in trying to hide them.

Kelly was the first to reach across to get her drink widening her legs giving me a nice view of her panty clad crotch and now her nightshirt had ridden up I was able to see pretty much all of her panties and even after she took a gulp and returned her glass she made no real effort to cover herself up and as Rosie reached over to get hers and her legs widening gave a totally different view as her PJ shorts provided a gap big enough for me to view her succulent pussy lips which were just too much for my soft cock to ignore and I could feel it rising to the occasion pushing up the front of my shorts again which did not go unnoticed.
When Rosie straightened up she sat with her legs crossed and wide giving me a permanent view inside her PJ’s and seeing how she was sitting Kelly followed suit, they were determined to make me suffer.
Published by britguy
4 years ago
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Taras73 2 years ago
funpics70 3 years ago
well written so sexy
tommy523 4 years ago
chiefconsultant 4 years ago
Hot stuff.