Looking After Kelly

I spent the afternoon sorting out the spare room ready for my overnight guest and took a shower putting on a clean tee shirt and my tatty old silky boxers which Anna liked so much and prepared myself for their arrival, Anna had told me she would Feed Kelly and be with me around 6ish as she was meeting her soon to be ex at 7.
I told Anna to come around the back as parking was easier and from my chair I had the perfect view of the back gate so would see them arrive.
It wasn’t much before 6pm when the gate opened and the lovely Anna walked through with her daughter Kelly a couple of steps behind, she looked just like a mini-Anna with her mousy brown shoulder length hair and I could see she had big blue eyes and looks that will break many a heart.

I stood up as they walked in through the open patio door and I have to say Anna looked hot for her date while Kelly was still in her school uniform of white shirt and short black skirt showing far too much leg, Anna handed me her overnight bag telling me it had her nightshirt and toiletries in it.
“This is Frank” she said introducing me, “And this is Kelly” and bless her if she didn’t hold out her hand which I gracefully accepted even if we held hands for what seemed a little too long but I had to be welcoming.
I figured that Anna was in for a torrid night and the last thing I wanted as her worrying about Kelly, “You look nice Frank” she said softly, “I wish I was staying now” she continued glancing down at my tatty old shorts.

“Good luck” I said as Anna turned to leave giving her daughter a peck on the top of her head, “You behave, Frank will look after you” she said and Kelly rolled her eyes, “OK mum, I will be fine” she said and Anna went off on her merry way. I asked Kelly if she would be kind enough to slip off her shoes which she happily did, “And socks?” she said with a girlish giggle which in a way broke the ice, “Sure, why not” I replied and watched as her dainty little feet came into view.
I could see that Kelly had her skirt rolled up like many teenagers her age although I had no idea why they do that however I am the last to complain as the sight of an inch or two more of her smooth thighs was not a bad thing in my eyes.

“Tell you what Kelly, I will show you to your room and then if you want I have some homemade juice in the fridge, how does that sound?” I asked and Kelly smiled, “Sounds good Frank” she said and picking up her bag she started off out to the hall with me close behind her looking at her smooth slightly tanned legs.
I could also see from the back of her white shirt that she wasn’t wearing a bra having noticed that she takes after her mother in the breast department.
We got to the foot of the stairs and like a gentleman I let her go up first and as I followed a few steps behind her I was able to get a quick peek up the back of her skirt and OMG her arse was nicely rounded and I noticed her white cotton panties were wedged into her arse crack, I was just hoping that old Percy would behave as it would become totally obvious in these tatty old boxers.

“Oooh this is a nice room sir” she said feeling how soft the king size bed was, “I will get lost in here though” she continued giggling making me think she had never slept in a king size bed before and as she placed her bag on the bed she took out a baggy tee shirt which I was guessing that she slept in.
“If I get my nightshirt on can I come down and watch TV for a bit sir?” she asked and I had no problem with that, “Sure Kelly, I will give you some privacy and go fix the drinks” I replied turning to leave the room, “Cool sir, be down in a jiffy” she replied softly.

As I went back downstairs I was thinking how a nice evening in front of the TV would be just what I needed but I was wondering how Anna was getting on with her important ‘chat’ with her husband, was it the end or the fact she wanted me to look after Kelly mean she was hoping for a night of overdue passion? I guess I will know the answer to that in the morning.
I poured out two big glasses of my special homemade juice and knowing how it affected me I thought I had better take it easy and just as I had poured them a smiling Kelly walked into the kitchen in her nightshirt which only just covered her, wow! I have to admit that she did look good and I could just see her nipples poking through the top.
I handed her the juice and she took a sip, “OMG Frank, this is nice, do you make it yourself?” she asked and I had to admit that I did from my own special recipe, she smiled and took a bigger sip and we walked into the lounge and she put her glass on the side table next to the sofa and sat herself down, I didn’t want to be too forward so I sat down in my chair opposite taking a sip of my drink and firing up the tele.

I saw Kelly look over at me while I had the TV guide up and her eyes dropped to between my legs and from the look on her face it became obvious that my balls were on show and the very fact that I knew she was looking was making my cock stir under the silk of my boxers and while my head was pointing to the TV I could see out the corner of my eye Kelly reaching for her drink and in doing so had widened her legs giving me a perfect flash of her white cotton panties, this was not helping my condition as I felt my cock stirring more.

After taking a big gulp of her drink she straightened up and got out her phone and while she pretended to be on Facebook or something I was sure she was taking a few snaps which to be honest I didn’t mind at all however my cock was beginning to raise the front of my shorts up and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I had a full erection which in these shorts was impossible to hide, Kelly was pretending to look at the TV but I knew out the corner of her eye she was watching the developments between my legs.
She reached across again to get more drink and now her nightshirt had ridden up further and I just had to turn my head looking straight at her white cotton panties which were now in plain sight and it appeared that she didn’t seem to mind as she took another big gulp of her drink, “Wow sir, this is awesome juice sir, gives me tingles” she said as she finished off the glass.

“Can I have some more please sir?” she asked and I knew that when I stood up my cock would be pointing out at her but I think she had already seen most of it anyway, I tried acting cool, “Sure you can” I replied standing up and true to form my erection was unmistakable standing out in front of me, Kelly noticed immediately as I stepped across the room to her, “Oh wow sir, I love your shorts sir” she said with a girlish giggle forcing me to look down and make a feeble attempt to hide my embarrassment only to be put at ease, “It’s ok sir, I quite like them sir” she said softly as I took her glass and retreated to the kitchen to refill her glass.

I couldn’t do anything to quell my hardness so as I returned to give Kelly her drink her eyes were glued to the front of my shorts and even my tee shirt couldn’t hide my erection from prying eyes so I just played it down and returned to my seat knowing that in the sitting position my cock and balls were now open to her gaze, Kelly found it fascinating that I was so open about displaying my bits and even became more relaxed about the fact her knickers were also on display even sitting with her legs slightly parted.
I put a channel on that had some kind of animated stuff on it which for all intents and purposes was just for background but Kelly seemed to like it, “Can I come sit with you sir, mummy lets me sit with her to help me to sleep sir?” she asked with a soft voice making me think that’s all well and good but mummy doesn’t have a boner to contend with, “Sure you can” I replied taking a bigger gulp of my drink.

Kelly walked over bringing her drink with her and placing it on the table and I reached out grabbing her by the waist and lifting her onto my lap, as it happened her nightshirt rode up as I lifted her and as I put her on my lap it was her white cotton panties which were now pressing hard against my boner, she wiggled around a little which wasn’t helping as I could feel my cock getting harder but eventually she found her place and laid back with her arm around my neck and my cock was pressed hard against the cheeks of her pantie clad arse.
“Are you comfortable Kelly?” I asked and with her head on my shoulders she sighed, “Yes sir, its very nice sir” and I could feel my cock pulsing, I place one hand around her waist and the other on her thigh feeling the soft smooth skin and it was actually a nice comfortable feeling.

Kelly was quite affectionate and smelt quite fresh and as she reached across me to get her drink I could feel her little bee stings push against my face which again made my cock pulse which I was sure she could feel between the cheeks of her arse and after doing this a couple of times her drink was finished and I think she was feeling sleepy however she was in no rush to go to bed and found it more comforting sitting with me, her head was nicely nestled on my shoulder and I could feel her warm breath on my neck, my hand meanwhile was inching its way up her thigh as each time I took a sip of my drink I replaced it a little higher up and the fact that Kelly’s legs were apart and she hadn’t complained I figured she was ok with it.

Kelly was dozing and I was OK with that and she adjusted her position and now had the leg I had my hand on now up against the arm of the chair so I reclined the chair a little to make her a little more comfortable and I heard her sigh softly still feeling her warm breath on my neck, with her leg the way it was it allowed my hand slip and was now resting on the gusset of her thin white cotton panties and I could feel the warmth of her pussy and it soon became apparent that she had fallen asleep.
I could feel her soft lips under my fingertips and wiggled them a little to see if I got a reaction and there wasn’t one and I could feel the fine tuft of pubic hair hidden underneath as my fingers wandered a little but I was careful not to make it too obvious and then remembered that Anna had told me she was a heavy sleeper.

Maybe I should get her up to bed because the way she was laying on me was all kinds of twisted and as she had her arm wrapped around my neck I figured it would be quite easy to carry her up the stairs so I attempted to get up from the chair with Kelly still attached which after a couple of failed attempts actually woke her enough for her to, with my help, walk up the stairs to the bedroom, I wont say it was easy but I eventually got her into the spare bedroom. I pulled the sheet back and carefully got Kelly to lay down although she adopted a position on her belly but in all the movement her nightshirt had ridden up around her waist so I was confronted with her arse which had her panties wedged up her crack, she was now sound asleep.

As I stood over her watching her sleep my cock was wide awake and standing to attention especially with the arousing sight of her arse and with her legs slightly apart I could see the loose fabric between her legs and temptation was winning the battle as I pulled my cock out of my tatty old shorts and gave it a quick rub and knowing that I had also drunk the juice I figured my erection wasn’t going away anytime soon.
With so many perverted thoughts running through my mind looking down at Kelly I decided to remove my tee shirt and my shorts and I quickly put them in my room thinking that if she woke up to find me naked I can always use the excuse that I was asleep and heard a noise and came in to check on her, seemed logical.

When I returned Kelly had shifted and was now on her side facing outwards and there was just enough room for me to sit down beside her so I did that and started to run my fingers through her hair in a comforting fashion and as I did so I heard a faint moan of comfort and contentment and again she shuffled and ended up with her head on my thigh and her arm around my waist, I had to check that her eyes were still shut which they were and as I ran my fingers through her hair again I let my hand run down her back all the way to her arse and as I got no reaction I left it there gently rubbing her cheeks and then soon realised that my body had twisted and her head was getting extremely close to my throbbing erection, damn I reckon she could smell it.

With my right hand on her arse and my finger gently running up and down her crack I took hold of my cock with my left hand and aimed it towards her face and found that I could rub the shiny head across her cheek and down towards her lips, dare I go any further? Well she wasn’t stirring and I had my finger in the crack of her arse so I decided to give it a try and ran my oozing cock head across her lips and waited for a response which there wasn’t any so I slowly tried to force her mouth open and was amazed at how easy it was so I slowly inserted the shiny head of my cock into her mouth, OMG I can’t believe I did that and I don’t know if it was my imagination or not but I am sure I felt her arm which was around my waist tighten its grip.

So there I was with my fingers probing around her arsehole and my cock inserted into her mouth and instinctively I started to push it further inside and I could definitely feel her tongue moving against my helmet, maybe she was dreaming of sucking a lolly or something but either way it actually felt good.
I was able to push in a little bit further as the last thing I wanted was her to choke and wake up in a panic so I felt I was about as far as I could go and I was just able to work a gentle thrust and as I now had my fingers inside her panties I was able to gently poke around her little starfish, OMG it was lovely however I thought I had better pull out of her mouth before I shot my load.

I found out its exceedingly difficult to stop something that is giving you so much pleasure and I just couldn’t bring myself to pull my cock out of Kelly’s mouth especially as my mind was playing tricks on me as I was sure I felt her actually sucking on the head, maybe she was having a dream however I would be surprised that she was dreaming of sucking my cock or any cock for that matter however I was sure I felt her sucking it.
It was too late to do anything about it because I had got to the point and as much as I tried to hold myself back from shooting my load I couldn’t and with my finger pushing into Kelly’s arsehole I found my cock pulsating shooting my hot load into her mouth, OMG I was so busted now as surely she would wake up.

I could see my cum dribbling out of her mouth and onto my thigh however I was sure she had swallowed a large proportion of it and still laid there with eyes firmly closed and it still felt like she was sucking on the helmet so I just stayed still for a couple of minutes before easing myself back freeing my weapon from her grasp, her head went back on the pillow and I saw a little of my cum running down her cheek, she looked so sweet and I even had to quickly pull my hand out of her arse as she now laid on her back which looking down was even sweeter as her legs were open and her panties were on full view.

Her night shirt was now half way up her belly showing her bare tummy and her panties weren’t what you would call tight and looked kinda cute as she laid there, I reached across and lifted her shirt up to expose her cute little bee stings and if I didn’t know any better I would say her nipples were a little stiff and I just couldn’t resist the temptation to bend down and give each of those little mini bullets a quick kiss, Mmm I loved it and leaving her shirt up and then went down to the foot of the bed and widened her legs a bit further so I could have total access to what was between them.

I was like a ninja as I got on the foot of the bed and eased my head down to the front of her little white panties and straight away the musky aroma hit me and the warmth of her pussy seemed to burn my face and very gently I started to lick around the cotton gusset all the time checking for any movement. Mmm the taste of her moist gusset was very arousing and I could feel my cock coming back to life and I could also hear Kelly’s breathing starting to increase the more I licked and as I started to assert a bit more pressure with my tongue I must have flicked her stiffening little nubbin as she jolted a little but still didn’t stir and I wasn’t giving up just yet.

I gently eased her panties to one side and her little tuft of fine pubic hair came into view and I could see her protruding labia lips showed signs of wetness and as I got my tongue back in there the taste was so sweet that my cock sprung to life and again I had a full-blown erection. I licked and sucked and prodded her lips which finally opened up allowing my tongue to push into her sweet hole and her breathing became noticeably quicker so I wondered what kind of dream she was having now and seeing her sweet pussy really had me tempted to fill it but would it be too risky? I mean, how do I explain her waking up to find my cock buried deep inside her?

I decided that it would probably be over with pretty quick anyway so it was just about figuring out how to get in there as it wasn’t possible missionary as my weight would be too much, maybe if I could get her to the edge of the bed I could kneel on the floor as it was about the right height, Hmm good plan I thought.
I eased back off the bed and gently pulled Kelly to the edge which I found surprisingly easy and she now had her legs dangling off the end so I bent her knees so her feet were on the floor and widened her legs as far as I could, bingo! I had her just where I wanted her now so I pulled her panties to one side again and eased my cock head between her wet lips, gently does it I thought as she hadn’t stirred at all.
I slowly pushed myself inside her warm little pussy and as she let out a gasp I thought I had been busted but I rode my luck again inching slowly inside her warm cunt, OMG it was tight but even as her breathing seemed to increase her eyes stayed shut. I was in and could feel my balls against the base of the bed and slowly started to thrust in and out and I don’t know if it was my imagination but I thought I felt her cunt muscles tightening but then she was tight anyway so I guess I was over thinking it, I started to set a gentle rhythm knowing that I wasn’t going to last long such was the thrill of it all.

It was only when Kelly started to mumble and moan under her breath that struck the button and I felt myself cumming inside her, I stopped thrusting as I felt the spurts shooting deep into her belly and I figured now would not be a good time to wake up and luckily she didn’t however I still felt a firm grip on my cock as the spurting started to subside. I waited a few seconds until I was sure I had finished and slowly eased myself back and fuck me if as soon as I pulled out another spurt shot out landing half on her belly and half on her white cotton panties, it actually looked quite hot seeing it there and with the cum that was on her face there was no mistaking what had taken place, Oh how I like to live dangerously.

Now all that was needed was to get Kelly back on the bed which was easy enough by climbing on the bed and pulling her back up and the only down side to that was in doing so her knickers came down and were now set resting on her thighs, gave me a nice look at her arse though
I pulled the sheet over her and went to my room for a well-earned sleep.
Published by britguy
4 years ago
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Taras73 2 years ago
Hot situation.
kcjones2 3 years ago
Hot stuff!
bobhoss469 4 years ago
I read this morning before work - I was hoping to come back to some more of Kelly :smile:
Wow that got me sooooo hard.
23tim 4 years ago
Damn, that was hot.