Jane becomes a porn star aged just 18
Jane's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever.
Although Jane excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the taller girls. She then tried gymnastics and, even though she was supple enough, she'd started rather later than the other girls and never caught up. Being a realist she settled for just keeping very fit and eventually her new PE teacher called Patsy persuaded her to look at a sports degree at University with a mind to being a Sports Teacher or a Coach. Patsy was only 21 herself and she and Jane had become very good friends, sharing those girlie moments that only real friends can and now sharing everything two people can share. Jane had enjoyed a good working relationship with Andy, the previous PE teacher, and she was rather shocked when he left a couple of years ago. He'd encouraged her and she had quite a crush on him as he was very good looking and the older girls used to flock around him.
Patsy's 5ft 10inches tall, very slim and strong, as you would expect for a PE teacher. She's quite pale skinned but with long jet-black hair tied back in a ponytail.
Jane had been with her one-and-only boyfriend, Jason, for over two years and she'd had her only sexual experiences with him, up until now. They seemed to get on well and Jane never realised that Jason was about as unfaithful to her as any lad could be, as he was always putting his good looks to full use, bedding every girl he could. Jason was not very tall either and, although Jane was devoted to him, he reverted to the typecast little bloke, arrogantly trying to prove he was better than everyone else. Jane had not really looked at other men in a sexual way while she was with Jason because of her misplaced trust for him. She probably expected to spend the rest of her life with him in some kind of ideal relationship. Oh was that going to change?
Jane really was quite naïve as she was an only c***d and had no really close girl friends in the school, until she got to know Patsy. Jane was popular with most of her classmates but her time with Jason had kept her away from them and she never got very close to them individually.
It was Patsy that finally let Jane know what everyone else already knew about Jason and, after a very traumatic break-up; Jane was now enjoying herself again, albeit with a hole in her life, which she could not seem to fill. There were always plenty of lads around but she kept them at arm’s length, not trusting any boy after what she'd suffered, and concentrating on her studies, but now she had finished school, her mind started to wander. Although she was incredibly pretty she was strangely unsure of herself. She had the confidence of most modern young girls but her bad experience with Jason had put her on her guard. She felt used and betrayed, not only by Jason, but also by her school friends who had let her believe Jason was her one-and-only, even though some of them were among Jason's lovers.
There is no doubt that Jane was missing sex, as she'd had nothing since the break-up. Jane honestly believed that what she enjoyed with Jason was how sex should be, but she now knows how wrong she was.
It was on a Tuesday afternoon in late July and Jane had volunteered to stay at home and look after the cat, while her Mum and Dad were away. They had left that morning for a month in Hawaii to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Her Dad recently had Broadband Internet access installed and Jane took the opportunity of looking through various sites to do with her University and other related issues. One of the subjects she was looking up was about massage for sports people and Jane was suddenly confronted with a porn-site pop-up showing a naked girl being massaged by a well-built man. Jane was intrigued and opened the thumbnails, which were on show. She was visibly shaking as each one opened and she could feel herself getting really turned on. When she reached the third page she saw the final stages of the massage as the man rubbed and licked the girls’ open pussy. Jane burst out with a squeal of, what can only be described as lust, as the girl was obviously in heaven. With one shaking hand on the mouse her other hand reached down to her own panties and she pulled them to one side and started masturbating. She was really wet as she found a video clip of the whole scene, which she quickly downloaded. As the beep sounded to inform her the download was complete, she quickly opened the clip and the on-screen massage and the girl’s screaming orgasm coincided with Jane's own orgasm as they came together. Jane shuddered and shouted out loud as the waves of her self-induced orgasm blasted through her. It was as though someone had turned on a light in her head as she realised that this was the first proper orgasm she had ever had. All those lovely feelings with Jason were nothing other than just nice feelings – This was the real McCoy. Her chest was heaving as she calmed down and the video clip started all over again. This time she watched more closely to learn what he was doing to her. Jane had never had her pussy licked before either and she suddenly realised that she was almost angry with Jason again.
Over the next couple of days Jane spent virtually every waking moment at the computer screen, as she looked at all kind of sex acts. She was especially fascinated with Bondage where the girl was fucked with her legs tied open and the also huge penises on the Black men stretching the girl's pussies so wide. She looked at oral sex, lesbian sex and was convinced that she had missed out on one hell of a lot thanks to that bastard Jason.
Patsy rang Jane on the Thursday morning asking if she was OK, as she hadn't seen her that week which was unusual. Jane was still full of all the things that she had watched on the computer and she had to talk to someone, so she quickly invited Patsy round.
Jane knew a little about Patsy's love life with her various men but not much else. Although she was only 21 Patsy had been around the block sexually and had enjoyed a colourful sex life with lots of men, and occasionally with women. Jane knew about none of this. Now, if she looks back at what was about to happen to her, she realises that Patsy was always making little innuendos to her but Jane had not taken her seriously.
When Patsy arrived at the house it all came pouring out like a flood out of a broken dam. Jane just went on and on until she stopped to take a breath and Patsy quickly jumped in.
"Whoa Jane!" she interjected out with her hands up. "I think we need to do something about this before you burst don't you? You need a good sorting out and I think I know exactly how to do it. I'll be your teacher again, OK?"
Jane looked back at her with a quizzical look with her mind all over the place.
"Look Jane, the first thing you found on the Net got you going, Yeh? So why don't we go back to my place and let's give you an intimate massage to relax you for a start, then we can take it from there OK?" said Patsy moving towards the door.
Patsy was inwardly cheering to herself as her best mate, who she actually fancied like mad but hadn't dare let on, was now bursting for sex and God was she going to get it.
Jane just followed as she really didn't take in what Patsy meant by intimate, but she trusted her enough to go along with it, after all Patsy was a trained masseur.
Whilst Patsy was driving the short trip across to her flat she was encouraging Jane to relax.
"Jane you've come into the real world of sex with a bump over the last couple of days and it's unsettled you, Yeh?" she glanced over at Jane who nodded. "Just try and calm down and let me do everything OK? Just follow my directions and I'll sort you out, right?"
The big Nissan Patrol stopped in the underground garage and the two girls got out, and Patsy took Jane's hand and pulled her gently towards the stairs. Jane was feeling slightly wobbly as she started to register what Patsy was planning. "Intimate massage?" she thought back to the video which had set her off and this was going through her mind as they walked into her apartment, Patsy locking the door behind her. They went straight through to her second bedroom, which was fitted out as a massage parlour with the large padded table with a hole for the face to fit in. There were retractable arms at the bottom end which pulled out at 45 degrees to the table and a large loop at the top end, all three with Velcro straps attached, which Jane looked at but they didn't register as her mind was working overtime and she was starting to get quite excited. A big mirror was fastened to the ceiling above the table covering the full-length, which intrigued her.
Two things here that Jane also didn't know, but was to find out much later:
1.Patsy had two digital movie cameras hidden behind each end of the mirror and all the proceedings were going to be recorded on video; and
2.Patsy had been making porn movies for well over two years now.
Patsy went to hang her coat up in the cupboard and reached the side and turned on the cameras. The monitors glowed and she could see virtually the whole room. She closed the door and returned to Jane.
"Come on Jane," Patsy ordered. "Let's not hang around. Let's have your clothes off and I'll get to work on you OK?" Jane bent down to take off her trainers as Patsy immediately got hold of the thin tee-shirt which Jane was wearing and whipped it up and off over her head. Her tiny bra followed as Patsy deftly unhooked it and dropped it on the floor. Jane's small but beautifully formed breasts had no sag in them and her nipples stuck out proudly from the raised aura around them. Patsy took no time at all to undo the chord fastening her friend's hipster slacks and down her legs they went as Jane dutifully stepped out of them. Patsy very adeptly pulled Jane's thong type panties down and Jane could hardly believe that she had been stripped naked by another woman and it had only been two minutes since they came into the apartment.
Patsy stood back and gasped at the beautiful apparition in front of her. There was no doubt that Jane's body was perfect in every way. Jane went quite red in the face as she stood there with Patsy staring at her, looking her up and down. "God Jane! You're fucking beautiful. I'm going to enjoy massaging you darling. Come on climb onto the table and lie face down sweetheart" Whilst Jane was doing what she was told Patsy went to the top of the table and opened the cupboard again to get her massage lotion and to check that the cameras were getting everything. She could see the naked form of her victim as she dutifully did as she was told. Patsy returned and helped get Jane comfortable with her face through the hole to ease the strain on her neck, her arms straight out and over the sides of the table and finally her legs slightly apart with her feet near the sides. Patsy reached out for her massage lotion and liberally spread it all over Jane's shoulders, back and legs. Then she rubbed it in gently before starting to massage Jane's shoulders. Patsy was humming quietly and with the soothing massage Jane started to relax and nearly fall asleep. Her arms, shoulders, neck and back were expertly massaged and Patsy slowly moved down Jane's spine and spent a lot of time on manipulating either side of her waist and massaging Jane's firm buttocks. Patsy then concentrated on Jane's bottom and hips and upper thighs before moving down her legs to her feet. This was pure heaven and Jane almost forgot she was naked as the relaxing foot massage made her feel wonderful.
Patsy finished off her work on Jane's feet and started to move slowly up her legs massaging her muscles all the way back up to her bottom again, before pulling Jane's legs slightly wider apart and starting work on her inside legs. She started at the knees and moved up towards her inner thighs where she concentrated her efforts just where the beautiful curve of the inner thighs opens out near the vagina. Jane was starting to squirm a little as Patsy's hands got so close to her pussy as she moved around the upper thighs and back onto her lower bottom. "Are you enjoying your massage Jane darling?" whispered Patsy in a low seductive voice and Jane could only moan a little and try and nod her head. Patsy suddenly stopped massaging and gently placed her fingers right close to Jane's pussy and just tickled the wispy pubic hair. Jane's body jerked slightly and she moaned again giving Patsy the excuse to actually stroke Jane's hot vagina lips, gently moving her fingers in a feather light touch around her clitoris. Jane's whole body jerked stronger now as Patsy's touch caught her unawares. "Oh God!" she moaned a little louder as her hips shook reacting to the beautiful sensations she was getting.
"I think you’re ready, roll over darling, let's do your front now," ordered Patsy and Jane slowly did as she was told, like a dutiful pupil.
Patsy moved up the table and took both of Jane's wrists and wrapped them up with the Velcro strap to the loop at the head of the table. She had to leave plenty of slack on the Velcro; with Jane being so small she hardly reached the end of the table. Patsy then moved back down the table and pulled her by her hips, down the table until her arms were stretched above her head. This made Jane's little breasts stick out as her back was slightly arched. Patsy then tucked a pillow under Jane's waist to raise her up off the table a little. Patsy then pulled the two arms at the bottom of the table out a little and then Velcro strapped each of Jane's ankles onto them. She adjusted the arms until Jane's legs were as far apart as they would go, and then locked the arms into place with Jane's legs stretched her wide open and her bottom slightly off the end of the table. Her wet pussy was now clearly visible with the lips spread open. Jane's whole body was now stretched from her bound wrists, tight across her chest and tummy and then down to her wide spread ankles.
Patsy let Jane lie there for a little while, getting used to being bound so tight and making sure she was not uncomfortable. Jane was looking up at her reflection in the mirror and was very red in the face with anticipation. Patsy realised that the cameras were getting a beautiful view.
Patsy went between Jane's stretched thighs. "Now comes your real massage Jane darling," said Patsy and she started tickling Jane's skin all over her body with that same feather light touch as Jane squirmed and wriggled, but should could not move as her bonds held her tight. All those dreams engendered by her time on the Internet were about to come true as Jane was about to find out what an orgasm really should be like.
Patsy gently tickled and caressed Jane's nipples until the whole centre area stuck out like a second mini breast as Jane moaned louder as Patsy's expert touch was bringing her to heights of arousal she'd never felt before.
Patsy slowly moved down Jane's tummy and onto her soft flesh below her navel, gently fingertip caressing down further onto her mound of Venus and her wispy blonde pubic hair. She allowed her fingers to spread right out as she went between Jane's wide-open thighs and encircled her very wet and open vagina lips. Jane was shuddering with anticipation, as she knew her pussy was going to be touched very soon and she tensed herself, still shaking. Patsy gently pulled Jane's pussy lips wide apart causing Jane to moan as Patsy's fingers sent spasms through her expectant body. Jane just managed to keep her eyes open enough to see in the mirror Patsy opening her up. The video cameras were also getting every bit as well.
Patsy waited a few seconds then said "Is this what you've been waiting for sweetheart?" as she knelt down with her head between Jane's stretched thighs and started furiously licking up and down her clitoris. The effect on Jane was devastating as she screamed loudly as her orgasm exploded immediately with a spurt of her cum covering Patsy's mouth and face. This surprised even Patsy as she'd made girls come quickly before doing this but never that quick and the ejaculation was a real bonus. She kept licking as Jane's orgasm seemed to go on and on with screams that only a woman in ecstasy could make. Jane was bucking in her restraints as the waves of orgasmic spasms engulfed her whole being. "Oh god, Oh god, Yes!" she screamed as another wave of orgasm ripped through her just as Patsy pushed two of her long fingers deep inside Jane's pussy and started to finger fuck her. Her other hand replaced her tongue in rubbing Jane's clitoris furiously until Jane's back was right off the table as she ejaculated again and another scream of a****l passion burst out as another giant orgasm racked her whole body. Her back was arched and her whole body shuddering as the orgasm reached its peak. "Ah! Aieee," she screamed again "Oh my god, god yes!"
Patsy moved to one side and carried on rubbing Jane's spread pussy and finger fucking from the side until, eventually, Jane started to calm down as she was truly spent.
Patsy stood back and let Jane lie there almost gasping for air as her body started to settle down after her orgasms. She looked an absolute picture of one truly fucked girl with her red face and inflamed pussy. Her pubic hair was matted with her cum and her bottom was glistening with her juices, which had flowed out so freely.
Patsy undid her ankles and held onto them while Jane pushed herself back onto the table. The pillow was taken away and Jane's wrists released. Still gasping for air after her exertions Jane put her right hand between her legs and felt her sopping wet pussy. Patsy just leaned over and kissed her lovingly full on the lips. Jane could now taste her own cum which had splattered all over Patsy's face and lips. "Well Jane darling, I don't think I need to ask how it was for you, do I?"
"Oh god, I never believed anything could be so wonderful. Thank you," she gasped, still struggling to get her breath back.
"That was your first sex lesson. Not bad covering massage, oral sex, masturbation, bondage and lesbianism all in one go." Said Patsy smiling. "The only thing is that you've not quite finished your lessons quite yet." Patsy helped Jane sit up and hang her legs over the side of the table and she took hold of Jane's hand and carefully placed her hand between her legs and made Jane feel her crotch which had quite a damp patch showing. "It's my turn Jane!" she whispered. "You know what I did to you and now I want you to do the same to me. I'll forgo the massage. I just want you to fuck me Jane before I burst. Just copy what I did to you and make me come Jane please?"
Patsy was visibly shaking herself now as she was finally going to have her best mate, now her lover, make love to her.
Patsy took her top off as Jane couldn't reach and she was bra-less with her small firm breasts sticking out just like Jane's. Jane undid the tie-chord of Patsy's slacks and they fell down on their own with a little encouraging wiggle of Patsy's hips. She stepped out of them as Jane hooked her fingers in the waistband of Patsy's little thong and pulled them down and Patsy stepped out of them. Patsy was completely devoid of pubic hair as she regularly shaved to keep her pussy bald.
Both girls now stood naked facing each other and Patsy bent down and pulled Jane to her and gave her the most passionate kiss Jane had ever had with their tongues entwined, searching and licking.
As Patsy pulled away Jane was gasping for air. She now realised that Patsy was now more than her teacher, she was her lesbian lover as well.
Patsy took Jane's hands and moved them all over her breasts and her pussy. Jane had never felt another woman before in this way and she was amazed at how wet her hands were after touching Patsy's pussy. Patsy then sat on the table and layback putting her hands up above her head. Jane dutifully went to that end of the table and bound Patsy's wrists to the loop at the top. She then went to the bottom end and pulled her willing patient down as far as she could, then stretched her legs wide open until Patsy's bald pussy was fully open and her inner thighs were really stretched. She fastened her in and Jane started to massage Patsy's breasts but Patsy said, "Just go for my pussy Jane before I orgasm on my own."
Jane knelt down and her head barely reached the table but was just high enough. She opened out Patsy's pussy as far as she could and she could feel the heat coming from her as she put her head closer. Patsy was already moaning at Jane's touch and Jane stuck out her tongue and went for it. Her first time giving oral sex to anyone, and it was to another woman.
Jane found out very quickly that she could move her tongue very fast up and down and started to licked Patsy's clitoris as fast and hard as she could. Patsy was bucking furiously and Jane had to hang onto her thighs to stop her moving off her tongue. After only a few seconds of this intense licking Patsy let out a blood-curdling scream as she came with little squirts of her cum spattering Jane's mouth and chin. Jane was struggling to keep hold of her but she clung on and licked her hot, wet pussy and clitoris for all she was worth. There is no doubt that Patsy came for a second time in less than a minute as even more cum squirted in Jane's mouth before another enormous scream burst out from Patsy. Jane then started the finger fucking and fast rubbing with her fingers over Patsy's clitoris bringing more howls of a****l pleasure from her friend and teacher. As Jane carried on rubbing as fast as she could Patsy was bucking and shuddering at what she was doing and shouted over and over again "Oh yes Jane Yes Yes."
Patsy's screams never seemed to subside and then, amazingly another, squirt of cum shot out of Patsy's vagina and sprayed all over Jane's face as Patsy bellowed as her third gut wrenching orgasm enveloped her. Later on, when Jane was discussing this with Patsy, she confided to her that no one had ever made her ejaculate three times before.
Faster and faster Jane went, kneeling between her stretched thighs and rubbing across her bald sopping pussy until her arms were aching with the effort until even Patsy had to calm down and she was totally spent. Jane left Patsy while she slowly calmed down, her body still twitching as the dying throes of her final orgasm came to an end. Jane stood up and just stared at the naked prone form of Patsy still tied tight and her chest heaving with her exertions. Jane felt really proud that she'd been able to help bring her teacher to the satisfying orgasm she deserved after what she's done to her. Jane had never even considered lesbian activity until seeing it on the Internet and now, not only had she been totally fucked by another woman, but she had done exactly the same to her and was obviously very good at it.
Jane stepped back towards the table and released Patsy. She was still breathing quite heavily, as she sat up and grabbed Jane pulled her on top of her and gave her a huge kiss on the lips and thanking her over and over again as she held her naked body close to her.
Still naked the two girls went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee before showering and dressing. After a while they left the apartment to drive Jane back to her house.
On leaving Jane's house Patsy promised that there would be another lesson to come as soon as she had time to recover properly from this lesson. "I'll call you later Jane as I'll have something very special to show you for your second lesson." On arriving back home Patsy went straight to her cameras, which were still working away and removed the mini DV tapes. She was wondering when to let on about the video to Jane but decided she would edit it and create a DVD and bide her time before spilling the beans. After all Patsy had much more in mind for her beautiful protégé before this and, if everything went according to plan, she would willingly agree to be videoed soon anyway.
Jane spent Thursday night and most of Friday fitfully cat-napping unable to sleep properly as her mind was going over and over her massage session with Patsy. She hadn't even looked at the computer and early on Friday evening, the lack of sleep finally caught up with her and she crashed out. She was awoken by the phone ringing and quickly checked her watch - it was nearly 1pm. She'd slept for nearly 17 hours. She shot down the stairs and picked up the phone. It was Patsy.
"How do you fancy lesson two right now Jane love?" Jane's heart had skipped a beat when she heard Patsy's voice and the memories of Thursday came flooding back. She just muttered something incoherently and Patsy said, "I'll take that as a yes then. I'm on my way. See you soon. Be ready for me" And the phone went dead.
Jane quickly showered and dressed in a little pale blue mini dress, as the weather was really warm with just her white panties underneath. She got downstairs just in time for the doorbell ringing. Patsy was carrying a large brown box and two large bags over her shoulder. "Looks like you’re coming for a week?" said Jane playfully and Patsy smiled back at her. "Sweetheart, it'll be you coming for as long as this can make you!" she said, tapping the big brown box, which she put on the floor. "This is the first guaranteed female orgasm machine and you're going to prove how good it is OK? – and also I'm going to film you as well."
Jane started shaking with anticipation as those same feeling started to build up in her once again. She looked down at the box and the name 'Sybian' was prominent.
"For this lesson Jane sweetheart, I want you to become a girl showing off your body to an audience. The camera and I will be your audience and, to make it more exciting, I want you to perform in full view of your patio door, so if any lucky chap happens to pass by and look in he'll get a real eyeful. You're going to strip naked showing all of your body to the audience and then you're going to ride the Sybian and enjoy the amazing feelings that it will generate."
Patsy knelt down and unpacked the Sybian from its box. It consisted of a black padded saddle shaped box with a spigot sticking out the top. There were two electric leads trailing from the box, one to a control box and the other with a mains plug attached. The control box had two dials on it, one labelled vibrate, and the other rotate. Patsy then took the white dildo shaped attachment with its raised base from the box and pushed it onto the spigot on the top of the Sybian.
Jane finally realised what it was as it dawned on her that the dildo would be inside her and she would be sitting on the base. Patsy plugged the lead in and asked Jane to kneel down and hold onto the dildo while she tested it out. Jane was taken completely unawares when the vibrations started and then the gyrations sending deep tingling sensations up her arm. What Jane didn't know was Patsy had still only got it on the lowest setting and that had already got Jane moaning as the sense of anticipation of what was going to happen to her took over.
Patsy took the control with her next to the patio door as she set up the tripod and mounted her expensive little digital camcorder. As soon as she was ready she called over to Jane, "OK sweetheart, it's show time and I want your best performance for our audience." Jane was already shaking and she quickly looked out of the patio door to see if there was anyone about. There was a low fence at the bottom of the garden about 20m from the window and a footpath to a sports field ran past along the fence. If anyone did walk by on their way to the pavilion and looked in they would definitely see her. Patsy knew that this uncertainty would bring Jane up to a fever pitch of nerves, which would show up beautifully on the video.
"Come on Jane, it's orgasm time again!" said Patsy in that suggestive way that took Jane off guard every time. "I know the feelings you receive may seem too much, but just keep your hand away from the Sybian, lean back, caress yourself, put your hands behind your head, but keep your pussy in full view of the audience OK?" Jane nodded as her whole body was now trembling.
Patsy switched on the camcorder and pointed over to Jane to stand next to the Sybian and then called "Action".
Jane ran her hands erotically over her little mini dress and slowly lifted the hem until her panties were visible and then pulled her dress over her head and off, exposing her firm pointed breasts with that beautiful raised aura around the nipples which some porn sites call 'puffy nipples'. With her dress thrown away she hooked her thumbs into her waistband of the panties and slowly pulled them down showing the very damp patch in the gusset. In no time she was naked and started caressing herself all over.
Patsy just looked on in lust at the tiny, beautifully formed apparition in front of her and it was all on video. Jane was quite red in the face and neck with her arousal and Patsy motioned her to open her legs and rub her pussy, then she gestured her to put her fingers in her mouth. Jane did exactly as she was ordered and was visibly shaking as she caressed her swollen vagina lips causing her to jerk with her own touch. Her finger were wet with her juices as she put them in her mouth and sucked on them. It was the first time Jane had ever really tasted her own juices and they tasted very similar to Patsy's juices when she'd licked her recently. On her own volition Jane now put her hand back on her pussy and gently stroked herself while thrusting her pelvis backwards and forwards in a very erotic and sexy way. With her head thrown back she was obviously not acting as she moaned in her fully aroused state. She was very close to coming.
Patsy gestured her to spread her legs and squat down on the Sybian, which Jane was now already doing. The dildo slid easily inside Jane's wet swollen pussy but Patsy noticed how much it filled her tiny vagina, stretching her lips around it. Patsy also noticed that, because Jane was so small, her legs were stretched so wide with her knees only just touching the floor. Her full weight was on her pussy, pressed down hard on the Sybian.
"God she's going to enjoy this," she thought to herself, feeling more than a little aroused herself, knowing how well this wonderful orgasm machine works on its female recipients.
Jane hardly had time to get used to the feel of the dildo inside her before Patsy turned the Sybian on. The effect on Jane was immediate as the vibration and rotation brought her within seconds to an immense orgasm, which brought out a scream sheer a****l lust and passion from this little beauty. She was jerking and screaming, "Oh my God, yes Oh God yes Ahh!!" as her whole body was wracked with the most amazing orgasm. She only just remembered to keep her hands away from resting on the Sybian as she wanted to ease the huge vibrations which were taking over her mind. Patsy could see how far gone Jane was already so she brought the Sybian up to full power and watched as this little beauty got the greatest orgasmic experience of her life as orgasm after orgasm merged into one vast explosion of sheer a****l passion. Patsy could see Jane's clitoris bouncing as the vibrations ripped through it and the attachment through which all this pleasure was being transferred was running with her cum as she screamed and jerked as each spasm of pure sexual perfection took hold of her.
Patsy was sure that no girl had ever responded like this and so fast as she just watched, almost mesmerised, as Jane went through the greatest series of orgasms Patsy had ever seen. The beautiful young girl was in paradise.
Jane's cries of pure passion were turning Patsy on even more as she watched Jane's whole body jerking and twitching as the power of each orgasmic explosion ripped through her slight frame.
Eventually, even the orgasm ridden frame of the beautiful 18 year old had to give in as she shouted out "Stop please, It's too much, please Ahh!!" Patsy slowly turned the knobs down to the minimum and the turned the Sybian off, as Jane slumped forwards and slowly lifted herself off the machine, collapsing in a twitching, jerking heap at the side. The Sybian was wet through with Jane's cum and it had dribbled down onto the floor at the sides.
"Oh God that was too much," gasped Jane as she fought to get her breath back. "I feel totally drained."
Patsy turned off the Camcorder and went over to Jane who was lying on her side gasping for breath as Patsy lifted her tiny sexually ravaged body and carried her, quite easily, over to the couch and laid her there to rest.
Jane was asleep in seconds leaving a very turned on Patsy to clear up. Patsy didn't bother and whipped her clothes off, took the controls in her hands and spread herself on the still wet Sybian and brought herself off on the greatest series of orgasms she's ever experienced before finally collapsing, a spent, satisfied girl.
Patsy recovered quite quickly and noticed Jane totally dead to the world curled up in a ball fast asleep. She quickly tidied up and packed her camcorder gear away after sneaking a quick look to make sure everything had recorded OK. It was perfect. This was going to be some video. She popped out and stowed her equipment in the car and went back inside to find Jane stirring. "Hello sweetheart," she greeted her, "How my little pupil, suitably fucked I assume?"
Jane's mind was still reeling as she remembered her shattering orgasms. "Oh God Patsy, I can't believe that machine, how often did I come? It was like I couldn't stop coming, I just had to get off before I died of an overdose of orgasms. What a machine!"
Patsy smiled and said, "I've never known any girl not orgasm on the Sybian but you must hold the record for the quickest orgasm ever and so many in such a short time. My God Jane you're something else."
Patsy picked up her bag and took out a DVD case. "Later on pop that in the drive on your computer. It's a video of Andy who used to be your PE teacher at the school a couple of years ago and this" she waved the DVD case in the air "is the reason he left in such a hurry."
As Patsy handed the DVD over Jane's heart gave a flutter as she remembered her crush on Andy when she was about 13 and she remembered fantasizing about him making love to her.
"Give it a play and ring me tomorrow," she smiled. "If you like what you see then we can get together on Monday and take it from there."
Patsy was using those same tactics of throwing Jane off-guard again as she was now totally intrigued. As Patsy left Jane quickly went through to the computer study and, still naked, she sat down and waited for the PC to start up.
Jane's heart was pounding with anticipation as the clip opened with a view of a naked Andy having a shower with his back to the camera. Jane noticed what a beautiful bum he had and his slim with broad shoulders and a not overly muscular body. He was obviously fit because there was no suggestion of fat. She remembered that he was a very handsome man and he looked even better naked, standing just under 6ft tall with his light brown hair cut short to mask his growing baldness. Andy reached across and turned off the shower and just as he turned around he suddenly spotted he was being watched. Jane was mesmerised as she looked at his strong chest with no hair and her eyes were automatically drawn to his penis hanging there before he tried to cover it up with his hands. He had no public hair and Jane guessed he'd been shaved as well. Even in its flaccid state it was long and thick and Jane realised. "This is what Patsy meant".
Suddenly four girls, who Jane recognised as girls from her school, appeared in the camera shot and ran over to Andy grabbing his arms. "It's birthday present time for you Andy," said a voice, which Jane immediately recognised as Patsy. She must have been operating the camera.
One of the girls had a coil of rope with her and, despite Andy's protests they were strong enough to tie his hand to the rails above him on either side of the shower. In all honesty, Andy did not struggle that much. They pulled the ropes until he was stretched out and his body looked wonderful as Jane stared intently. She'd seen Jason naked but his body was nothing compared with Andy who was a real man in every sense.
The girls now tied the ropes to each of Andy's ankles and slowly pulled them apart until he was virtually hanging in his restraints, then these ropes were tied to the lower rails leaving Andy naked, stretched wide and helpless for whatever the girls wanted to do to him.
Jane could now see that Andy's beautiful penis was showing signs of life as it stuck out slightly. He had no foreskin as he'd been circumcised as a baby, which made the sight of his penis even more intriguing to Jane who was starting to get turned on again despite her recent comings. His stirring erection became more apparent as each of the girls slowly stripped naked in front of his prone body. His face was very red and he was breathing heavily watching closely as each girl stripped seductively in front of him, now including Patsy, who'd left the camera running while she did her strip for Andy. Jane noticed that all the girls were shaved.
None of the girls actually touched Andy and his erection grew even more as the five beautiful naked girls gyrated sensuously like lap dancers in front of his helpless, prone naked body.
Patsy reached behind Andy and unhooked the showerhead and turned it on. She adjusted the nozzle until there was a fine powerful spray, which bounced off her hands, and she slowly started to spray it all over Andy's torso and legs. She gently moved the spray around his lower spine and between his wide spread thighs until it just touched his hanging balls. Andy moaned and jerked as the intense tickling sensation hit him. Patsy just moved the spray gently across his balls as his erection started to really take shape. His erection was now sticking straight out from his groin and it had filled out and lengthened considerably.
On seeing this reaction Patsy started moving the spray over his growing penis and Andy started shaking as his erection grew and grew until it was fully stiff sticking proudly up at about 45 degrees and twitching slightly. Not only had Jane only ever seen an erection like this on the Internet, it was obvious that the girls were equally impressed by their comments which were picked up on the video.
She now knows that Andy's full erection is 9ins long and 7ins in girth. A real lady pleaser by any definition of the phrase.
Andy was completely aroused now and he just wanted to come and his head was thrown back as he moaned at the sensations the showerhead was generating in him.
Patsy stopped the shower and each girl in turn held Andy's monster erection in their hands and took him into their mouths and giving him a swift blow-job whilst tickling his balls, but they stopped short of making him come. His erection was so big that the girls were gagging as he filled up their mouths.
Andy was now frantic and screamed out loud; "Oh God, let me come, please, let me come?" as his body jerked in its full arousal.
It was Patsy who got the privilege of bringing him to his climax as she gently stroked and licked his erection until his whole body was jerking and shuddering and then she gave him another quick session in her mouth until she could taste his pre-cum. He was obviously about to come, as then she lifted off him and took him in both hands as the other four girls gathered around Andy and caressed every inch of his naked body. A few brisk rubs with her hands tightly around his throbbing erection was enough as an a****l bellow erupted from Andy as the first spurt shot out from his erection. It shot over Patsy's head and dribbled down her naked back as she continued rubbing furiously as Andy came and came with huge spurts and massive amounts of cum pouring out of him. "Oh Jesus Christ Yes!!" he screamed as his orgasm wracked him in spasm after spasm. Patsy knew from experience that a man's helmet is incredibly sensitive as he comes and that they find the sensation almost unbearable, but she was not going to ease up as she concentrated everything on just this area. Andy was going mad with this sensation and was begging Patsy to stop, but there was no way she was going to do that. This was Andy's 30th birthday present and by God he was going to remember this one.
After a couple minutes of intensive rubbing of his red and sensitive helmet, Andy finally started to calm down and his erection subsided. A copious amount of his cum was now spread all over the shower cubicle floor around him and especially all over Patsy. Andy was gasping for air and his restraints were now causing him to really struggle as the girls gently undid his ankles and hung onto him as he tried to stand back up on very unsteady legs indeed. His arms were released and he nearly fell over but the girls held him firmly and all five kissed him passionately, wishing him "Happy Birthday."
The clip ended rather abruptly at this point and Jane found out later that this was their way of thanking him for all the brilliant sex they each had enjoyed with him previously. Andy's sex life and his involvement with the girls had leaked out and, after quite an uproar; Andy was forced to leave the school. The school had managed to suppress the details and, fortunately, did not know about all the girls and this was how Patsy became head PE teacher even though she was party to the sex games. Jane was gob-smacked at what she'd witnessed and she was really turned on, but her body had not recovered enough for her to come again.
Jane spent most of Sunday recovering from her exertions but still managed to find time to look at the DVD again and she brought herself off to a beautiful climax with her fingers.
At around 4pm she rang Patsy as agreed to go with her the following morning.
Patsy duly arrived bright and early and they set off. "What did you think of Andy?" asked Patsy as she drove. Jane wondered when Patsy was going to mention the DVD and answered in as casual way as possible. "He was all man if you know what I mean and I'm sure he thoroughly enjoyed his birthday present."
"Would you fancy a man like that making love to you?" asked Patsy in her matter-of-fact way.
"It would be lovely," said Jane almost knowing what was coming next.
"Well brace yourself darling, we're going to Andy's and he's expecting you. I showed him the DVD of you from Saturday and he nearly flipped. I know you're in for a real treat and lesson No: 3 could be the best yet."
Jane started that now-familiar shaking as she realised what she was doing. She'd worked out for herself that she would be having sex again and hoped it was with Andy, now she knew and she was trembling. The very thought of that massive erection pushing inside her made her stomach tighten even more and her mind was racing.
After nearly half an hour they arrived at a rather exclusive house, which had money, written all over it. As they got out of the car the front door opened and Andy appeared dressed in jeans and a loose top, which accentuated his well-made physique. He smiled directly at Jane who was visibly blushing and there was an immediate bond as Jane's heart was pounding. She realised that Andy was even better looking in the flesh and the look he gave her had lust written all over it. Her schoolgirl crush was soon to be realised but she was now a woman who knew about sexual pleasure and Jane was trembling again.
Andy waited for Patsy to climb out of the car and he gave her a very passionate hug and kiss and Jane could see how close they were. Jane also noticed that they were both the same height as they held each other.
Patsy pulled away and turned to Jane and formally introduced her to Andy.
"I feel as if I know you already Jane sweetheart," as he pulled her gently towards him and stooped down to kiss her. There was real passion and lust in that kiss and Jane found it easy to return his passion. "I hope we'll know each other a lot better very soon darling."
Jane was totally overwhelmed by the whole sensation as she was gently ushered into the building.
Andy guided them into his well-appointed lounge and gestured for Jane to sit down on the big leather settee as he opened a bottle of white wine. Although Jane's family are not short of a few pounds, this house and its fittings oozed real money.
Jane had dressed in a white mini dress with blue polka dots, which fitted quite tightly down to her waist then flared a little until it ended halfway down her shapely legs. As she sat down and sank into the deep pile of the soft leather her dress opened up and gave Andy an eyeful of her skimpy white panties. He just looked at her embarrassment and a look of total lust washed over his face and he smiled as she pushed her skirt back down.
"I intend to see a lot more of you than just your panties before very long Jane darling," he said almost taunting her, as he poured a large glass of white wine and handed it to her. Jane blushed even more strongly making the situation even tenser than it already was as her hands shook almost spilling her wine.
"I've seen the films that Patsy's done of you and I would love to make love to you on film if you'll let me Jane sweetheart?" he was almost begging her, as if she needed any persuading. Jane's heart was pounding almost uncontrollably.
"The most beautiful sounds I've ever heard are the cries of a girl having an orgasm, and watching and hearing you doing the same has driven me to distraction ever since I saw you on the DVD Jane. I want to give you a real fucking here and now if you'll let me?"
Jane's heart was racing even faster and his words just stunned her. All she could do was nod and whimper a little as her mind whirled as the visions of his monster cock flashed across her imagination and she looked pointedly at his groin.
"I'll go and set up the cameras then," said Patsy, smiling wickedly at Jane as Andy knelt down at Jane's feet and gently stroked her thighs moving slowly up to her panties. As the back of his fingers touched her pussy she gasped a little. This was all Andy needed as put his hands under her legs and back and lifted easily off the settee.
"Come on darling, let's make love," he whispered in her ear and he kissed her firmly on the lips, which Jane returned with relish. She was so far gone now that he could do anything to her and that's exactly what he was going to do.
With Jane firmly in Andy's arms, they all went into the next room, which had a large king-sized bed as the centrepiece and a frame in one corner, which looked a bit like a steel four-poster bed – but no mattress etc. Leaning at the side of the frame was a long tube with padding around the middle. There were similar straps on each corner Patsy had on her massage table. It suddenly dawned on Jane that this was also for bondage.
There were cameras set out around the room pointing in all directions as Andy gently laid Jane on her back on the bed.
Patsy had gone to a console near the door and turned on the lights and activated three of the cameras, which were pointing around the bed.
"Are you ready to make love sweetheart?" Andy asked as he looked down at the prone form in front of him. Jane's face was very red and she was visibly shaking as she took in the magnitude of what was happening to her. She nodded slightly as Andy smiled long and hard at her beautiful clothed form, noting her dress was rucked up enough to show her shapely strong legs and the line of her white thong panties. He was already well turned on himself and both Jane and Patsy could see the growing bulge in his jeans as his huge manhood tried to release itself.
Andy quickly pulled her slip-on shoes off and eased Jane over onto her tummy as he undid the short zip of her dress exposing her little white bra. He unhooked this at the same time and gently slid his hands down her exposed back and onto the bottom of her dress. Jane lifted herself off the bed enough for him to pull the dress up and off over her head and her bra followed very quickly. As Jane lay face down with only her tiny thong left on Andy started to touch her naked back as he worked his fingers lightly down her body until reached her panties. As Jane once again lifted herself off the bed Andy gently removed her pants and Jane was totally naked again.
Andy's strong hands and fingers then just caressed every inch of her naked back and sides running them lightly down the backs of her legs, much as Patsy had done to her a few days ago. This time though Andy just slid his hands onto her bottom cheeks with his thumbs between her slightly open thighs, opening her pussy and starting to slowly and gently massage her. Jane was squirming and moaning quietly as his fingers delved into her vagina and across her clitoris and she jumped as the sensations started to overwhelm her.
Andy then stood up and asked Jane to roll over. As she did this Andy took hold of her ankles and pulled her legs wide apart and put his head straight between her thighs. He let go of her ankles and took hold of her sopping wet pussy lips and opened them as wide as he could and started the best cunnilingus Jane had ever experienced as his tongue went to work on her clitoris. Jane's reaction was instantaneous as she screamed loudly as her first orgasm burst from her and the sensations nearly made her pass out. "Oh Jesus Christ, God yes," she screamed as the orgasm went on and on and Andy inspired by this went full out with his tongue and fingers to bring his little lover to another shattering climax. Jane's fingers were clawing at his hair as she came again and again.
Andy quickly stood up and ripped his shirt and jeans off as fast as possible and his erection burst out from his briefs as he pulled them off. Jane responded by pulling herself off her back and grabbing Andy and pulling him onto the bed at her side then she pushed him with some force over onto his back and went down on his enormous erection with her mouth. She'd never given a blowjob before and she immediately gagged as his massive girth nearly choked her. She hadn't realised until now how big Andy's erection really was until she found that she could not hold it with just one hand but had to use both as she tried to suck him as best she could. His moans of delight told her she was doing OK and she could taste the drops of pre-cum oozed out from the end.
Patsy had noticed that Jane's mouth was so small that she could only just get him in her mouth, and then only two or three inches. Even with this much inside her lips she still had both hands on his massive erection, which showed up on the monitors. Patsy also noticed that she had a beautiful view of Jane's pussy on one of the cameras and her fluids her running over her pubic hair as she concentrated on Andy's blowjob.
Andy lifted Jane's head off his erection and pushed her gently over onto her back again as her knelt between her legs. He tucked his hands under each of Jane's knees and pulled them back until they were either side of her tummy, stretching her wet pussy wide apart then he pushed his dick gently at first, but more firmly as her lips stretched to his girth. He slowly eased himself right inside her stretched pussy until every last inch of his nine inches was right inside.
"Oh my God, my God," moaned Jane as she could feel every bit of his erection, and as soon as he started to move out again the feelings of impalement gave way to a wonderful throbbing sensation she'd never experienced before as she realised she could feel the pulse in his penis pumping.
Andy gently pulled out until he was almost out and only his helmet engaged then pushed a little quicker into her again. Jane whole body jerked as she felt his movement and she knew that another orgasm was close. Andy almost sensed this and started to rhythmically push in and out, getting faster and faster.
Jane's body shook as his balls banged against her bottom with each stroke and her orgasm finally burst after less than 30 seconds of his king-sized fucking.
"Yes, Oh God Yes!!" she screamed as the greatest orgasm she'd ever experienced burst inside her and the sounds of her pussy being ravaged by Andy's giant girth were very loud as his penis was now running with her fluids. "Oh Jesus, yes, yes, yes," she kept repeating as this amazing orgasmic sensation went on and on.
Andy was now almost gasping for air as he rammed his manhood into Jane's stretched pussy as fast as he could as her cries of pure ecstasy continued unabated. Whilst Jane was still coming Andy pulled out of her and carefully pulled her onto her knees pushing her head down onto the bed, he entered her again from behind in the classic doggie style and Jane's gasp of sheer pleasure burst out from her. This was new to her and the feeling was very different but the result was exactly the same as another titanic eruption overwhelmed her senses again as her next huge orgasm exploded. If anything Andy was gaining strength and pushing in and out so strongly making Jane's jerk body with the movement as every inch of his amazing manhood sunk deep into her tiny pussy with each thrust. Even Jane was starting to calm down now as Andy's face took on a different look as his own orgasm built. His neck and face were already red with his exertions and his eyes were screwed tight as he let out an enormous roar as his sperm built up like a volcano until finally it burst like a river deep inside Jane's ravaged vagina. Andy was shuddering as his own orgasm ripped through him and his body jerked fiercely with each huge pump of his semen. Jane let out a cry as he came, as she actually felt the hot stream deep inside her. Jason had come inside her before but she'd never actually felt it. She pushed back on Andy's jerking penis as hard as what little strength she had left would allow but Andy was hardly moving now as the final spurts left him as the jerking subsided. He tried to push again but he had little strength left as his orgasm had completely drained his energy and he could feel his erection fading and slowly pulled himself out of Jane's very red pussy collapsing on his back as Jane rolled on top of him and kissed him as they embraced like the two satisfied lovers that they were.
Patsy was stunned at what she'd just witnessed and filmed and was incredibly turned on herself. "Oh wow guys, that was really something else. I think that's going to turn out as the best porn film ever made."
Andy and Jane lay back and smiled and Andy pushed himself to his feet. There was still their combined juices' dripping from his dick as he pulled Patsy to him and kissed her. "You just stay there while I have a quick shower," he said as he walked over to a little room at the side of the frames over in one corner.
Jane managed to stand up herself and go over the Patsy. They kissed and Patsy said quietly, "I told you he was something special and by God Jane you are the best fucking porn star we've ever had," as she held Jane tightly.
Jane suddenly realised in her naivety what she had done over the past few days was become a porn star herself. She honestly had not even thought of herself like that as her mind and body were so concentrated on her newfound sexuality.
"Oh my God Patsy," she gasped as the realisation sunk in." It never even occurred to me in that way even when you filmed me."
"I also filmed our first session together Jane. I knew as soon as you mentioned your feelings that day after seeing porn for the first time, that you were perfect. Andy and I and the other girls have been doing this for about three years now and we can recognise when a person is up for it even, as in your case, you didn't realise at first."
"Now you've been fucked by Andy you've done virtually everything that a porn star would do and as I said, we've probably the best porn film ever made already but there is something else before your education is complete, but we'll keep that a secret until another day."
Jane was totally and absolutely stunned as what Patsy had said sunk in. "Me a porn star." She shook her head as it dawned on her what she's been enjoying and now the possible consequences started to dominate her thoughts.
Jane was lost in her thoughts when Andy's voice suddenly broke into her concentration. "Jane, pop in here and have a shower with me."
Jane walked into the en-suite and joined Andy in the shower and they washed each other. Even though she'd only just been well fucked by Andy, his hands touching her pussy still caused her to stir with the beautiful sensation.
As they dried each other off after their intimate shower Andy said,
"You know it's Patsy's turn now and I know she's desperate for you to make love to her again. Had you realised that she's in love with you?"
Jane's heart skipped a beat as she took in what Andy had said. "If we work together to strip her and tie her into the bondage frame outside then you do the rest to her OK?" Jane was almost shocked at the thought but very excited as well. "Use this directly on her clitoris sweetheart," as he reached into the glass cabinet over the sink and took out a tiny little vibrator not much bigger than a stick of chalk. Jane took it off him. "It's colloquially known as a "pocket- rocket. Give it a twist." The quietness belied the power of the vibrator, which was not obvious until she touched the end and an intense, almost electric shock-like, vibration shot through her hand. "Wow, she's going to love this."
Andy smiled and said "She deserves it for all the work she puts into the business and it's our turn to repay her, and she'll go nuts when you go to work on her, believe me."
They were both still naked as they went back into the room to where Patsy was still working on the cameras and computer.
"Have you got room for a bit more Patsy as it's your turn now?" he asked, and Patsy looked up and smiled.
"Oh yes, I'm make sure I can make room for that!!"
Patsy checked that all the little cameras were ready and the images on the console screen, then she switched them to record and said, "I'm ready," she giggled and gave a sexy wiggle.
From the time she spoke to the time Andy and Jane stripped her naked was exactly 12 seconds, as they timed it on the video later.
The three naked lovers held each other in a big hug before Andy picked Patsy up and carried her into the frame. Jane took each of Patsy's hands and tied them to the corner straps as Andy held her face up.
Patsy let out a little moan as she suddenly realised she was going to get tied up in the frame. "Oh God!" as she started to breath heavily.
Jane then took one ankle and strapped it in, then moved over to the other until Patsy was secured at all four corners. Looking at her legs spread, Jane could see the wetness on Patsy's pussy even at this stage.
Andy gestured to Jane, "Right Jane, turn the handle on the upright," he pointed to the mechanism on the corner nearest the door. "I tell you when to stop, or Patsy will." He smiled again at the prone naked figure still in his arms.
As Jane started winding the handle, the two uprights on the opposite side to her started moving outwards, causing Patsy's trembling body to stretch out as Andy held her gently. Jane slowly kept tightening until she could see the strain on the inside of Patsy's thighs, also across her chest and arms until Andy was only holding her bottom with one had. One final turn of the handle and Patsy shouted, "Stop". Andy beckoned Jane to grab the padded bar and slide it underneath Patsy's waist and rest it on the horizontal bars either side of the frame. As soon as the bar was in place he let Patsy's body settle onto the padded bar.
Jane and Andy stood back to admire this beautiful sight as Patsy's superb body was stretched out wide with her back arched, totally unable to move and open to anything they wanted to do to her. Her head was hanging almost upside down and her face and neck were very red. Even from a distance you could see her body shaking slightly.
Jane went between her stretched thighs, up close to her wide-open pussy and leaned over to start fingertip caressing her stretched tummy and breasts. As she bent over she felt the heat and the wetness of Patsy's pussy and Jane rubbed herself against it, which brought an immediate twitching reaction and low moan from her prone friend. Andy was just standing watching as Jane slowly caressed Patsy's breasts and saw her hands moving over every inch of her torso as Patsy squirmed in her restraints. Gently she moved down Patsy's lower tummy and down her thighs and onwards underneath her bottom. Jane caressed up and down each stretched thigh back up to her bottom, eventually she bringing her fingers slowly back until they were either side of Patsy's shaved spread pussy. Gently she took Patsy's pussy lips and opened them right up until the wet pink flesh was exposed and the little raised hood over her clitoris stuck out. Jane brought her head down and started very slowly licking all around Patsy's sex, causing her to jerk quite strongly. The ecstatic moaning was getting louder as Patsy's body moved as much as she could against her lover's touch until finally Jane moved her tongue to concentrate on licking the exposed clitoris in front of her. Slowly she lapped away with Patsy's movements and moans increasing until Jane started licking as fast a she could and the effect was immediate as Patsy came in a series of jerks and shudders that made the whole frame move. Her screams were ear shattering as this beautiful teacher got what she so richly deserved from her willing pupil. The orgasm went on and on until Jane lifted her head up and reached over to where she'd left the "pocket rocket".
A quick twist and the vibrator came to life. Jane used Patsy's sopping wet pussy juices to lubricate the end of the vibe and she placed quite firmly straight onto Patsy's clitoris.
"Jesus Christ, Yes, fucking God almighty ---- oh wow Yes!!!" screamed Patsy with her head swinging upside down and her whole body bucking hard against the restraints. "Oh my God yes – yes – yes Ahh," her screams were un-abating as her greatest ever orgasm ripped through her shuddering body. It was taking all of Jane's concentration to keep the vibe rotating all over her little clit as, what little movement Patsy had, was transferred to her hips.
Jane kept this up for as long as Patsy was having her orgasms. She noticed Andy had moved over between Patsy's arms with his erection starting to grow swiftly as the visions he was witnessing brought his manhood to life again. He motioned to Jane to use her fingers inside Patsy's dripping pussy as well as using the vibe on her clit while he pushed his almost full erection up to Patsy's mouth.
When they looked at the video afterwards, they all three agreed that the pictures of Patsy having her pussy fingered and clitoris vibed along with giving Andy a blow job was completely unique and brilliant. It was even better when Andy came round to Jane's end and gave Jane a doggie fucking while she was still seeing to Patsy, although she didn't manage to keep going on Patsy as Andy brought her off to another orgasm. The final act was Andy's monster dick inside Patsy's pussy as he gave her a real fucking before coming deep inside her and Jane vibing Patsy's clitoris.
As they finally let Patsy out of her restraints, she was completely fucked in every way and Andy carried her over to the bed to recover.
Andy and Jane left Patsy sleeping naked on the bed totally wrecked after her session. They had another shower together as Andy asked Jane if she wanted to stay that night but she had to reluctantly refuse as she still had her obligation to her Mum's cat.
Andy and Jane left Patsy sleeping as he drove Jane home. "
Are you free on Wednesday as we've got a session at Patsy's place which I want you to be part of?" he asked quietly.
"Um, I think I might be available if you promise to treat me nice," she giggled.
"Oh, I can assure you, that you'll be treated extra specially," he smiled as they pulled into her driveway.
Kissing him goodbye she flounced into the house almost dancing with all that had happened to her recently.
Patsy called round the following morning bringing a DVD of the previous day's session. "It's fucking brilliant Jane, and even I looked OK with you working on me," she smiled waiting for a reaction. Jane was transfixed seeing herself like this and she just went "umm."
"Anyway Jane darling I want you to strip naked here and now as it's time to lose all that pubic hair. We want to see a bald pussy tomorrow when we run our session. OK?"
Jane was taken aback but had always wondered what her pussy would look like shaved. "OK" she replied as she started to strip.
Patsy started by trimming Jane's pubic hair with scissors all around Jane's pussy and anus. Jane was not naturally very hairy so it was quite easy. Patsy then got our her electric lady shaver and using the trimmer to take the stubble down even shorter then used the shaver to take it down as far as it would go.
Jane stood up and looked in the full-length mirror in the living room and was amazed at how different she looked with a shaved pussy.
"We're not finished yet sweetheart; it's waxing time!" Patsy had got a Brazilian waxing kit from her bag and was heating the wax using what looked like a portable kettle, which she'd plugged in to the mains.
She asked Jane to lie on her back again with her legs wide apart again and as the wax melted she laid it onto strips of linen, which she quickly placed onto Jane's pussy. Jane squealed, as the heat made her jump but it was not too bad. Patsy pressed the waxed strip all along its length to ensure the wax got through to the skin and the hair roots. As soon as the wax had cooled enough Patsy told Jane to brace herself as she ripped the strip away pulling what was left of Jane's pubic hair.
"Jesus that hurts!" she yelped as Patsy started to prepare another strip.
"A couple more and we'll be done," she reassured Jane.
After the pain from the last strip started to abate Patsy pulled Jane up and took her upstairs to the bathroom. Jane climbed into the shower as Patsy turned it on and immediately started spraying the cold water all over Jane's red-hot pussy.
"Bloody hell, Patsy that's too much," she shouted as Patsy refused to stop until she was certain the burning had gone, and then she turned the shower off.
Patsy helped dry Jane off and got some cream from her bag, which she rubbed all over Jane's bald pussy. Jane squirmed as those lovely feelings started to grow again.
"Just take a feel yourself Jane," as Jane's fingers went between her thighs.
"Oh wow, it's so smooth and it accentuates the feeling of my fingers." she drooled as she gently stroked herself.
"Save all that for tomorrow," she said as she ushered Jane back downstairs. "It's your big day tomorrow Jane. Tomorrow is the day you finally graduate as a fully fucked porn star."
Jane was curious but Patsy would tell her nothing. "You'll just have to wait and prepare yourself for something extra special," said Patsy as she made to leave.
"I'll pick you up around 10am, be ready OK?" and she left leaving Jane all over the place again in her mind.
Jane stood in front of the mirror and studied her still naked body with her completely bald pussy. It looked very sexy and felt the same. So smooth, almost like she remembered when she was a c***d.
She quickly dressed in a cream silk bra and tiny pants and a sleeveless tea shirt which was quite low at the front exposing her cleavage. She put on a little flared mini skirt which hung quite low on her hips showing just a taster of the top of her silk panties. Her midriff and navel were exposed as she slipped on a pair of flat slip-on shoes. As she walked she could feel the silk material of her panties rubbing lightly on her bald pussy lips and she felt wonderful.
Patsy arrived on time and Jane was ready waiting as they shot off back to Patsy's place.
They went straight into the massage area where all this had started just over a week ago. This time the cameras were not hidden and were strategically placed all around the massage table. Jane started to get those now familiar feelings as she remembered her first day on this table with Patsy. Her mind was racing when she realised that she was going to be the centre of attention again on that table, but what had they got lined up for her this time that she had not already done. She'd done massage, oral, bondage, lesbian, machine sex, a bit of exhibitionism, sex with a stranger and his big dick and a bit of group sex. What else was there? She was to find out very soon.
Patsy jumped up as a car door banged outside. "Sounds like they're here!!" she jumped up and quickly disappeared to greet her guests.
Jane stood expectantly by the massage table listening to the murmur of voices and a distinct Caribbean twang to the male voices.
As they came into the room Jane took a deep breath as four huge black men walked in with Patsy and Andy. All four of them towered over Andy and must have been well over 6ft tall. Jane guessed they must all have been in their 40s but were very fit looking with very tight bodies showing through their clothes.
"Jane," said Patsy with a knowing smile on her face, "This is Danny, Dean, Roland and Leroy." All four shook Jane's hand and gave her more than just a peck on the lips. "They're very well known in the world we are in and you're the lucky girl who's going to enjoy their skills today," she smiled in that disconcerting way of hers.
Jane was all over the place. She'd seen the Gang Bang sites on the internet and one of the things she'd fantasised about was having sex with a black man – but four of them. Her familiar shaking returned as she took in the full impact of what was in store. She was completely overwhelmed as her primal feelings started to take over and her body was taken over by her sexual urges.
Her face and neck were red with the expectancy of what was to come and Andy and Patsy went off to the console which controlled the cameras. "We'll leave her to you then Guys," as they set the equipment running.
No sooner was the word given that the four black lovers gathered next to Jane and started touching her; rubbing their hands all over her breasts and back. As one gently took Jane's face in his hands from behind one of the others put his big hands up inside her shirt from the front and caressed her tummy and sides. The other two were kneeling down on either side running their hands up and down Jane's bare legs under her skirt right up to her panties slowly pulling her thighs apart.
"Oh God. Oh!" Jane's eyes were tight shut at this exquisite treatment and she hardly noticed when the four of them just took her top, skirt, bra and panties off in less than a few seconds. Her shoes had come off with her panties and Jane was totally naked being caressed by four strangers.
Leroy carefully lifted her naked body onto the massage table as the other three started to strip naked themselves. Danny took the massage oil from the shelf at the top of the table as Roland turned Jane over onto her tummy.
All five of them were now naked and Jane noticed how big each of the four men were as she stared at the dick so close to her, and especially Dean who was every well-endowed indeed. The first stirrings of their erections were taking hold as they stood around the naked Jane and commenced to give her the most complete massage any girl has ever had.
With her body smothered in the massage oil they massaged her back and shoulders, bottom, legs and thighs right up to her pussy but leaving that for later. With Jane's face firmly buried in the hole in the table she just moaned as the wonderful feeling of eight hands caressing very part of her naked body overwhelmed her every sense.
In a flash they had turned her over and her legs pulled wide apart exposing her bald pussy for them. The four of them spread all around the table and the massage resumed with two pairs of hands tickling and caressing her breast and nipples until they stood up proud and welcoming. She could feel hands running up the inside of her thighs and all over her lower tummy but they still left her pussy alone. Her whole body was twitching in expectancy and she took hold of both Danny's and Roland's now very erect dicks and tried to concentrate on gently caressing them. Her fingers were not long enough to get round each of the massive erections and they were both as big, maybe bigger, as Andy's weapon which shed so recently enjoyed.
As she lay there her head was being held gently over the top of the table in a big pair of hands. It was Leroy who was caressing her neck and face and he slowly moved up close and pushed her head back over the table and Jane suddenly felt his erection pushing at her lips. She opened her mouth and she let him slide it inside her mouth as he pushed until she was almost choking with the girth of him. Leroy started slowly fucking her mouth going a deep as he dare each stroke. All Jane could see was his shaved balls as they touched her eyes with each stroke. She tried to concentrate on the two dicks in her hands as well but something else happened which took all of her concentration.
Dean had opened up her pussy and started licked at tremendous speed over her clitoris and pushed three of his huge fingers deep inside her sodden pussy. It took all Jane's concentration to avoid biting Leroy's dick as the amazing feeling of her impending orgasm built inside her ravaged body. Dean finger fucked her at tremendous speed and then stopped licking and started rubbing her clitoris with his other hand until Jane could hold back no longer and her first orgasm burst out in an explosion of pent up passion as a jet of cum splashed everywhere all over Dean as he continued hammering the pussy in front of him. As soon as Jane started bucking and jerking with the overpowering spasms of her orgasm he quickly stood up and pushed his massive rock hard erection deep into Jane's open and dripping sex.
Dean's dick was a full 10inches in length and as broad as Andy's and the others as well, but he took no time in pushing every last bit right inside Jane's pussy and then commenced to fuck her at such a terrific rate that Jane was totally and utterly consumed by her quartet of dick which was now going all out to give her the fucking of a lifetime. Dean lifted her ankles onto his shoulders and pushed even further into her as his own orgasm started to build. Faster and faster until he could hold back no longer and Jane took the full force of his ejaculation deep inside her body. Leroy suddenly pulled out of Jane's mouth and shouted "airplane time".
Dean still jerking from his orgasm managed to turn Jane back over onto her tummy with his erection deep inside her whilst they all lifted her off the table and spread her out with her legs and arms outstretched. Roland and Danny put their erections back in each of Jane's hands whilst Leroy lifted Jane's head up and pushed his erection back in her mouth. "Keep your legs straight Jane, we're going to let go," as they released her.
She was suspended in mid-air like an airplane only held up by four big black erections. It was bit of fun but Jane was too far gone to really notice as they put her back on the table and Dean slowly carried on pushing in and out until his erection faded. Ronald and Danny stood close up to the table as Jane commenced to bring them off to tremendous orgasms with a minute of each other, both shooting their cum all over her breasts and neck while Leroy went to take the place of the spent Dean. He started like a madman hammering his erection in and out of her battered pussy until he was on the verge himself, then he came back up the table and Jane finished him off with a blow job. She was willing to let him cum inside her mouth but Leroy pulled out and Jane wanked him off, and he came all over her face.
The four black studs took advantage of Patsy next. Even though they could not fuck her, they gave her the same hand treatment as Jane has enjoyed on the table and her screams of delight echoed around the room.
Jane was still covered in their cum, but she still managed to give Andy a double handed wanking and he also came all over her face.
It's nearly two years since it all happened and Jane still finds it hard to believe how her life changed in those two weeks of total madness. She struggles to come to terms with the fact that her face and body are on display all over the world for any man or woman to look at via the Internet porn site which Patsy runs. Her time at university has been brilliant and she has managed to separate her sex life from her academic life and amazingly no-one has even mentioned having seen her on the Internet. But just last week Jane got the shock of her life.
Her Mum and Dad had gone out and Jane was home for the weekend. The previous weekend she'd spent at Andy's and she been filmed being ****d by six women. Jane found the acting very difficult as she was so totally turned-on and orgasmic that she struggled to make it seem as though she was being forced. She'd been licked, fingered, dildoed, machined to total sexual satisfaction by the six girls. Best of it was that two of them were her old school mates and one of them was married to Jason her old boyfriend. She wondered if he knew what was going on behind his back.
As she settled down to watch the TV, Patsy rang her and gave her a Website address and told her to take a look. She popped up to her own room where she now had her own PC connected to the Net and she commenced to open the site. It was an American Gang-Bang site and she half expected that she would see herself but she could not have been more wrong. The link Patsy gave her opened a section marked MILF Gang-Bangs and it was about mothers being fucked by a gang of black men, very similar to what Jane had enjoyed herself.
It showed a mother called Sally from England being gang-banged whilst on holiday in Hawaii.
Sally was totally naked, spread wide and tied by her wrists and ankles on a table and Gang-fucked by 4 black men.
There was a date on the bottom of the screen.
It was the same day as Jane's experience with the four black men in Patsy's house and the thing that totally blew Jane's mind was:
Sally the mother from England was Jane's mother.
Although Jane excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the taller girls. She then tried gymnastics and, even though she was supple enough, she'd started rather later than the other girls and never caught up. Being a realist she settled for just keeping very fit and eventually her new PE teacher called Patsy persuaded her to look at a sports degree at University with a mind to being a Sports Teacher or a Coach. Patsy was only 21 herself and she and Jane had become very good friends, sharing those girlie moments that only real friends can and now sharing everything two people can share. Jane had enjoyed a good working relationship with Andy, the previous PE teacher, and she was rather shocked when he left a couple of years ago. He'd encouraged her and she had quite a crush on him as he was very good looking and the older girls used to flock around him.
Patsy's 5ft 10inches tall, very slim and strong, as you would expect for a PE teacher. She's quite pale skinned but with long jet-black hair tied back in a ponytail.
Jane had been with her one-and-only boyfriend, Jason, for over two years and she'd had her only sexual experiences with him, up until now. They seemed to get on well and Jane never realised that Jason was about as unfaithful to her as any lad could be, as he was always putting his good looks to full use, bedding every girl he could. Jason was not very tall either and, although Jane was devoted to him, he reverted to the typecast little bloke, arrogantly trying to prove he was better than everyone else. Jane had not really looked at other men in a sexual way while she was with Jason because of her misplaced trust for him. She probably expected to spend the rest of her life with him in some kind of ideal relationship. Oh was that going to change?
Jane really was quite naïve as she was an only c***d and had no really close girl friends in the school, until she got to know Patsy. Jane was popular with most of her classmates but her time with Jason had kept her away from them and she never got very close to them individually.
It was Patsy that finally let Jane know what everyone else already knew about Jason and, after a very traumatic break-up; Jane was now enjoying herself again, albeit with a hole in her life, which she could not seem to fill. There were always plenty of lads around but she kept them at arm’s length, not trusting any boy after what she'd suffered, and concentrating on her studies, but now she had finished school, her mind started to wander. Although she was incredibly pretty she was strangely unsure of herself. She had the confidence of most modern young girls but her bad experience with Jason had put her on her guard. She felt used and betrayed, not only by Jason, but also by her school friends who had let her believe Jason was her one-and-only, even though some of them were among Jason's lovers.
There is no doubt that Jane was missing sex, as she'd had nothing since the break-up. Jane honestly believed that what she enjoyed with Jason was how sex should be, but she now knows how wrong she was.
It was on a Tuesday afternoon in late July and Jane had volunteered to stay at home and look after the cat, while her Mum and Dad were away. They had left that morning for a month in Hawaii to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Her Dad recently had Broadband Internet access installed and Jane took the opportunity of looking through various sites to do with her University and other related issues. One of the subjects she was looking up was about massage for sports people and Jane was suddenly confronted with a porn-site pop-up showing a naked girl being massaged by a well-built man. Jane was intrigued and opened the thumbnails, which were on show. She was visibly shaking as each one opened and she could feel herself getting really turned on. When she reached the third page she saw the final stages of the massage as the man rubbed and licked the girls’ open pussy. Jane burst out with a squeal of, what can only be described as lust, as the girl was obviously in heaven. With one shaking hand on the mouse her other hand reached down to her own panties and she pulled them to one side and started masturbating. She was really wet as she found a video clip of the whole scene, which she quickly downloaded. As the beep sounded to inform her the download was complete, she quickly opened the clip and the on-screen massage and the girl’s screaming orgasm coincided with Jane's own orgasm as they came together. Jane shuddered and shouted out loud as the waves of her self-induced orgasm blasted through her. It was as though someone had turned on a light in her head as she realised that this was the first proper orgasm she had ever had. All those lovely feelings with Jason were nothing other than just nice feelings – This was the real McCoy. Her chest was heaving as she calmed down and the video clip started all over again. This time she watched more closely to learn what he was doing to her. Jane had never had her pussy licked before either and she suddenly realised that she was almost angry with Jason again.
Over the next couple of days Jane spent virtually every waking moment at the computer screen, as she looked at all kind of sex acts. She was especially fascinated with Bondage where the girl was fucked with her legs tied open and the also huge penises on the Black men stretching the girl's pussies so wide. She looked at oral sex, lesbian sex and was convinced that she had missed out on one hell of a lot thanks to that bastard Jason.
Patsy rang Jane on the Thursday morning asking if she was OK, as she hadn't seen her that week which was unusual. Jane was still full of all the things that she had watched on the computer and she had to talk to someone, so she quickly invited Patsy round.
Jane knew a little about Patsy's love life with her various men but not much else. Although she was only 21 Patsy had been around the block sexually and had enjoyed a colourful sex life with lots of men, and occasionally with women. Jane knew about none of this. Now, if she looks back at what was about to happen to her, she realises that Patsy was always making little innuendos to her but Jane had not taken her seriously.
When Patsy arrived at the house it all came pouring out like a flood out of a broken dam. Jane just went on and on until she stopped to take a breath and Patsy quickly jumped in.
"Whoa Jane!" she interjected out with her hands up. "I think we need to do something about this before you burst don't you? You need a good sorting out and I think I know exactly how to do it. I'll be your teacher again, OK?"
Jane looked back at her with a quizzical look with her mind all over the place.
"Look Jane, the first thing you found on the Net got you going, Yeh? So why don't we go back to my place and let's give you an intimate massage to relax you for a start, then we can take it from there OK?" said Patsy moving towards the door.
Patsy was inwardly cheering to herself as her best mate, who she actually fancied like mad but hadn't dare let on, was now bursting for sex and God was she going to get it.
Jane just followed as she really didn't take in what Patsy meant by intimate, but she trusted her enough to go along with it, after all Patsy was a trained masseur.
Whilst Patsy was driving the short trip across to her flat she was encouraging Jane to relax.
"Jane you've come into the real world of sex with a bump over the last couple of days and it's unsettled you, Yeh?" she glanced over at Jane who nodded. "Just try and calm down and let me do everything OK? Just follow my directions and I'll sort you out, right?"
The big Nissan Patrol stopped in the underground garage and the two girls got out, and Patsy took Jane's hand and pulled her gently towards the stairs. Jane was feeling slightly wobbly as she started to register what Patsy was planning. "Intimate massage?" she thought back to the video which had set her off and this was going through her mind as they walked into her apartment, Patsy locking the door behind her. They went straight through to her second bedroom, which was fitted out as a massage parlour with the large padded table with a hole for the face to fit in. There were retractable arms at the bottom end which pulled out at 45 degrees to the table and a large loop at the top end, all three with Velcro straps attached, which Jane looked at but they didn't register as her mind was working overtime and she was starting to get quite excited. A big mirror was fastened to the ceiling above the table covering the full-length, which intrigued her.
Two things here that Jane also didn't know, but was to find out much later:
1.Patsy had two digital movie cameras hidden behind each end of the mirror and all the proceedings were going to be recorded on video; and
2.Patsy had been making porn movies for well over two years now.
Patsy went to hang her coat up in the cupboard and reached the side and turned on the cameras. The monitors glowed and she could see virtually the whole room. She closed the door and returned to Jane.
"Come on Jane," Patsy ordered. "Let's not hang around. Let's have your clothes off and I'll get to work on you OK?" Jane bent down to take off her trainers as Patsy immediately got hold of the thin tee-shirt which Jane was wearing and whipped it up and off over her head. Her tiny bra followed as Patsy deftly unhooked it and dropped it on the floor. Jane's small but beautifully formed breasts had no sag in them and her nipples stuck out proudly from the raised aura around them. Patsy took no time at all to undo the chord fastening her friend's hipster slacks and down her legs they went as Jane dutifully stepped out of them. Patsy very adeptly pulled Jane's thong type panties down and Jane could hardly believe that she had been stripped naked by another woman and it had only been two minutes since they came into the apartment.
Patsy stood back and gasped at the beautiful apparition in front of her. There was no doubt that Jane's body was perfect in every way. Jane went quite red in the face as she stood there with Patsy staring at her, looking her up and down. "God Jane! You're fucking beautiful. I'm going to enjoy massaging you darling. Come on climb onto the table and lie face down sweetheart" Whilst Jane was doing what she was told Patsy went to the top of the table and opened the cupboard again to get her massage lotion and to check that the cameras were getting everything. She could see the naked form of her victim as she dutifully did as she was told. Patsy returned and helped get Jane comfortable with her face through the hole to ease the strain on her neck, her arms straight out and over the sides of the table and finally her legs slightly apart with her feet near the sides. Patsy reached out for her massage lotion and liberally spread it all over Jane's shoulders, back and legs. Then she rubbed it in gently before starting to massage Jane's shoulders. Patsy was humming quietly and with the soothing massage Jane started to relax and nearly fall asleep. Her arms, shoulders, neck and back were expertly massaged and Patsy slowly moved down Jane's spine and spent a lot of time on manipulating either side of her waist and massaging Jane's firm buttocks. Patsy then concentrated on Jane's bottom and hips and upper thighs before moving down her legs to her feet. This was pure heaven and Jane almost forgot she was naked as the relaxing foot massage made her feel wonderful.
Patsy finished off her work on Jane's feet and started to move slowly up her legs massaging her muscles all the way back up to her bottom again, before pulling Jane's legs slightly wider apart and starting work on her inside legs. She started at the knees and moved up towards her inner thighs where she concentrated her efforts just where the beautiful curve of the inner thighs opens out near the vagina. Jane was starting to squirm a little as Patsy's hands got so close to her pussy as she moved around the upper thighs and back onto her lower bottom. "Are you enjoying your massage Jane darling?" whispered Patsy in a low seductive voice and Jane could only moan a little and try and nod her head. Patsy suddenly stopped massaging and gently placed her fingers right close to Jane's pussy and just tickled the wispy pubic hair. Jane's body jerked slightly and she moaned again giving Patsy the excuse to actually stroke Jane's hot vagina lips, gently moving her fingers in a feather light touch around her clitoris. Jane's whole body jerked stronger now as Patsy's touch caught her unawares. "Oh God!" she moaned a little louder as her hips shook reacting to the beautiful sensations she was getting.
"I think you’re ready, roll over darling, let's do your front now," ordered Patsy and Jane slowly did as she was told, like a dutiful pupil.
Patsy moved up the table and took both of Jane's wrists and wrapped them up with the Velcro strap to the loop at the head of the table. She had to leave plenty of slack on the Velcro; with Jane being so small she hardly reached the end of the table. Patsy then moved back down the table and pulled her by her hips, down the table until her arms were stretched above her head. This made Jane's little breasts stick out as her back was slightly arched. Patsy then tucked a pillow under Jane's waist to raise her up off the table a little. Patsy then pulled the two arms at the bottom of the table out a little and then Velcro strapped each of Jane's ankles onto them. She adjusted the arms until Jane's legs were as far apart as they would go, and then locked the arms into place with Jane's legs stretched her wide open and her bottom slightly off the end of the table. Her wet pussy was now clearly visible with the lips spread open. Jane's whole body was now stretched from her bound wrists, tight across her chest and tummy and then down to her wide spread ankles.
Patsy let Jane lie there for a little while, getting used to being bound so tight and making sure she was not uncomfortable. Jane was looking up at her reflection in the mirror and was very red in the face with anticipation. Patsy realised that the cameras were getting a beautiful view.
Patsy went between Jane's stretched thighs. "Now comes your real massage Jane darling," said Patsy and she started tickling Jane's skin all over her body with that same feather light touch as Jane squirmed and wriggled, but should could not move as her bonds held her tight. All those dreams engendered by her time on the Internet were about to come true as Jane was about to find out what an orgasm really should be like.
Patsy gently tickled and caressed Jane's nipples until the whole centre area stuck out like a second mini breast as Jane moaned louder as Patsy's expert touch was bringing her to heights of arousal she'd never felt before.
Patsy slowly moved down Jane's tummy and onto her soft flesh below her navel, gently fingertip caressing down further onto her mound of Venus and her wispy blonde pubic hair. She allowed her fingers to spread right out as she went between Jane's wide-open thighs and encircled her very wet and open vagina lips. Jane was shuddering with anticipation, as she knew her pussy was going to be touched very soon and she tensed herself, still shaking. Patsy gently pulled Jane's pussy lips wide apart causing Jane to moan as Patsy's fingers sent spasms through her expectant body. Jane just managed to keep her eyes open enough to see in the mirror Patsy opening her up. The video cameras were also getting every bit as well.
Patsy waited a few seconds then said "Is this what you've been waiting for sweetheart?" as she knelt down with her head between Jane's stretched thighs and started furiously licking up and down her clitoris. The effect on Jane was devastating as she screamed loudly as her orgasm exploded immediately with a spurt of her cum covering Patsy's mouth and face. This surprised even Patsy as she'd made girls come quickly before doing this but never that quick and the ejaculation was a real bonus. She kept licking as Jane's orgasm seemed to go on and on with screams that only a woman in ecstasy could make. Jane was bucking in her restraints as the waves of orgasmic spasms engulfed her whole being. "Oh god, Oh god, Yes!" she screamed as another wave of orgasm ripped through her just as Patsy pushed two of her long fingers deep inside Jane's pussy and started to finger fuck her. Her other hand replaced her tongue in rubbing Jane's clitoris furiously until Jane's back was right off the table as she ejaculated again and another scream of a****l passion burst out as another giant orgasm racked her whole body. Her back was arched and her whole body shuddering as the orgasm reached its peak. "Ah! Aieee," she screamed again "Oh my god, god yes!"
Patsy moved to one side and carried on rubbing Jane's spread pussy and finger fucking from the side until, eventually, Jane started to calm down as she was truly spent.
Patsy stood back and let Jane lie there almost gasping for air as her body started to settle down after her orgasms. She looked an absolute picture of one truly fucked girl with her red face and inflamed pussy. Her pubic hair was matted with her cum and her bottom was glistening with her juices, which had flowed out so freely.
Patsy undid her ankles and held onto them while Jane pushed herself back onto the table. The pillow was taken away and Jane's wrists released. Still gasping for air after her exertions Jane put her right hand between her legs and felt her sopping wet pussy. Patsy just leaned over and kissed her lovingly full on the lips. Jane could now taste her own cum which had splattered all over Patsy's face and lips. "Well Jane darling, I don't think I need to ask how it was for you, do I?"
"Oh god, I never believed anything could be so wonderful. Thank you," she gasped, still struggling to get her breath back.
"That was your first sex lesson. Not bad covering massage, oral sex, masturbation, bondage and lesbianism all in one go." Said Patsy smiling. "The only thing is that you've not quite finished your lessons quite yet." Patsy helped Jane sit up and hang her legs over the side of the table and she took hold of Jane's hand and carefully placed her hand between her legs and made Jane feel her crotch which had quite a damp patch showing. "It's my turn Jane!" she whispered. "You know what I did to you and now I want you to do the same to me. I'll forgo the massage. I just want you to fuck me Jane before I burst. Just copy what I did to you and make me come Jane please?"
Patsy was visibly shaking herself now as she was finally going to have her best mate, now her lover, make love to her.
Patsy took her top off as Jane couldn't reach and she was bra-less with her small firm breasts sticking out just like Jane's. Jane undid the tie-chord of Patsy's slacks and they fell down on their own with a little encouraging wiggle of Patsy's hips. She stepped out of them as Jane hooked her fingers in the waistband of Patsy's little thong and pulled them down and Patsy stepped out of them. Patsy was completely devoid of pubic hair as she regularly shaved to keep her pussy bald.
Both girls now stood naked facing each other and Patsy bent down and pulled Jane to her and gave her the most passionate kiss Jane had ever had with their tongues entwined, searching and licking.
As Patsy pulled away Jane was gasping for air. She now realised that Patsy was now more than her teacher, she was her lesbian lover as well.
Patsy took Jane's hands and moved them all over her breasts and her pussy. Jane had never felt another woman before in this way and she was amazed at how wet her hands were after touching Patsy's pussy. Patsy then sat on the table and layback putting her hands up above her head. Jane dutifully went to that end of the table and bound Patsy's wrists to the loop at the top. She then went to the bottom end and pulled her willing patient down as far as she could, then stretched her legs wide open until Patsy's bald pussy was fully open and her inner thighs were really stretched. She fastened her in and Jane started to massage Patsy's breasts but Patsy said, "Just go for my pussy Jane before I orgasm on my own."
Jane knelt down and her head barely reached the table but was just high enough. She opened out Patsy's pussy as far as she could and she could feel the heat coming from her as she put her head closer. Patsy was already moaning at Jane's touch and Jane stuck out her tongue and went for it. Her first time giving oral sex to anyone, and it was to another woman.
Jane found out very quickly that she could move her tongue very fast up and down and started to licked Patsy's clitoris as fast and hard as she could. Patsy was bucking furiously and Jane had to hang onto her thighs to stop her moving off her tongue. After only a few seconds of this intense licking Patsy let out a blood-curdling scream as she came with little squirts of her cum spattering Jane's mouth and chin. Jane was struggling to keep hold of her but she clung on and licked her hot, wet pussy and clitoris for all she was worth. There is no doubt that Patsy came for a second time in less than a minute as even more cum squirted in Jane's mouth before another enormous scream burst out from Patsy. Jane then started the finger fucking and fast rubbing with her fingers over Patsy's clitoris bringing more howls of a****l pleasure from her friend and teacher. As Jane carried on rubbing as fast as she could Patsy was bucking and shuddering at what she was doing and shouted over and over again "Oh yes Jane Yes Yes."
Patsy's screams never seemed to subside and then, amazingly another, squirt of cum shot out of Patsy's vagina and sprayed all over Jane's face as Patsy bellowed as her third gut wrenching orgasm enveloped her. Later on, when Jane was discussing this with Patsy, she confided to her that no one had ever made her ejaculate three times before.
Faster and faster Jane went, kneeling between her stretched thighs and rubbing across her bald sopping pussy until her arms were aching with the effort until even Patsy had to calm down and she was totally spent. Jane left Patsy while she slowly calmed down, her body still twitching as the dying throes of her final orgasm came to an end. Jane stood up and just stared at the naked prone form of Patsy still tied tight and her chest heaving with her exertions. Jane felt really proud that she'd been able to help bring her teacher to the satisfying orgasm she deserved after what she's done to her. Jane had never even considered lesbian activity until seeing it on the Internet and now, not only had she been totally fucked by another woman, but she had done exactly the same to her and was obviously very good at it.
Jane stepped back towards the table and released Patsy. She was still breathing quite heavily, as she sat up and grabbed Jane pulled her on top of her and gave her a huge kiss on the lips and thanking her over and over again as she held her naked body close to her.
Still naked the two girls went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee before showering and dressing. After a while they left the apartment to drive Jane back to her house.
On leaving Jane's house Patsy promised that there would be another lesson to come as soon as she had time to recover properly from this lesson. "I'll call you later Jane as I'll have something very special to show you for your second lesson." On arriving back home Patsy went straight to her cameras, which were still working away and removed the mini DV tapes. She was wondering when to let on about the video to Jane but decided she would edit it and create a DVD and bide her time before spilling the beans. After all Patsy had much more in mind for her beautiful protégé before this and, if everything went according to plan, she would willingly agree to be videoed soon anyway.
Jane spent Thursday night and most of Friday fitfully cat-napping unable to sleep properly as her mind was going over and over her massage session with Patsy. She hadn't even looked at the computer and early on Friday evening, the lack of sleep finally caught up with her and she crashed out. She was awoken by the phone ringing and quickly checked her watch - it was nearly 1pm. She'd slept for nearly 17 hours. She shot down the stairs and picked up the phone. It was Patsy.
"How do you fancy lesson two right now Jane love?" Jane's heart had skipped a beat when she heard Patsy's voice and the memories of Thursday came flooding back. She just muttered something incoherently and Patsy said, "I'll take that as a yes then. I'm on my way. See you soon. Be ready for me" And the phone went dead.
Jane quickly showered and dressed in a little pale blue mini dress, as the weather was really warm with just her white panties underneath. She got downstairs just in time for the doorbell ringing. Patsy was carrying a large brown box and two large bags over her shoulder. "Looks like you’re coming for a week?" said Jane playfully and Patsy smiled back at her. "Sweetheart, it'll be you coming for as long as this can make you!" she said, tapping the big brown box, which she put on the floor. "This is the first guaranteed female orgasm machine and you're going to prove how good it is OK? – and also I'm going to film you as well."
Jane started shaking with anticipation as those same feeling started to build up in her once again. She looked down at the box and the name 'Sybian' was prominent.
"For this lesson Jane sweetheart, I want you to become a girl showing off your body to an audience. The camera and I will be your audience and, to make it more exciting, I want you to perform in full view of your patio door, so if any lucky chap happens to pass by and look in he'll get a real eyeful. You're going to strip naked showing all of your body to the audience and then you're going to ride the Sybian and enjoy the amazing feelings that it will generate."
Patsy knelt down and unpacked the Sybian from its box. It consisted of a black padded saddle shaped box with a spigot sticking out the top. There were two electric leads trailing from the box, one to a control box and the other with a mains plug attached. The control box had two dials on it, one labelled vibrate, and the other rotate. Patsy then took the white dildo shaped attachment with its raised base from the box and pushed it onto the spigot on the top of the Sybian.
Jane finally realised what it was as it dawned on her that the dildo would be inside her and she would be sitting on the base. Patsy plugged the lead in and asked Jane to kneel down and hold onto the dildo while she tested it out. Jane was taken completely unawares when the vibrations started and then the gyrations sending deep tingling sensations up her arm. What Jane didn't know was Patsy had still only got it on the lowest setting and that had already got Jane moaning as the sense of anticipation of what was going to happen to her took over.
Patsy took the control with her next to the patio door as she set up the tripod and mounted her expensive little digital camcorder. As soon as she was ready she called over to Jane, "OK sweetheart, it's show time and I want your best performance for our audience." Jane was already shaking and she quickly looked out of the patio door to see if there was anyone about. There was a low fence at the bottom of the garden about 20m from the window and a footpath to a sports field ran past along the fence. If anyone did walk by on their way to the pavilion and looked in they would definitely see her. Patsy knew that this uncertainty would bring Jane up to a fever pitch of nerves, which would show up beautifully on the video.
"Come on Jane, it's orgasm time again!" said Patsy in that suggestive way that took Jane off guard every time. "I know the feelings you receive may seem too much, but just keep your hand away from the Sybian, lean back, caress yourself, put your hands behind your head, but keep your pussy in full view of the audience OK?" Jane nodded as her whole body was now trembling.
Patsy switched on the camcorder and pointed over to Jane to stand next to the Sybian and then called "Action".
Jane ran her hands erotically over her little mini dress and slowly lifted the hem until her panties were visible and then pulled her dress over her head and off, exposing her firm pointed breasts with that beautiful raised aura around the nipples which some porn sites call 'puffy nipples'. With her dress thrown away she hooked her thumbs into her waistband of the panties and slowly pulled them down showing the very damp patch in the gusset. In no time she was naked and started caressing herself all over.
Patsy just looked on in lust at the tiny, beautifully formed apparition in front of her and it was all on video. Jane was quite red in the face and neck with her arousal and Patsy motioned her to open her legs and rub her pussy, then she gestured her to put her fingers in her mouth. Jane did exactly as she was ordered and was visibly shaking as she caressed her swollen vagina lips causing her to jerk with her own touch. Her finger were wet with her juices as she put them in her mouth and sucked on them. It was the first time Jane had ever really tasted her own juices and they tasted very similar to Patsy's juices when she'd licked her recently. On her own volition Jane now put her hand back on her pussy and gently stroked herself while thrusting her pelvis backwards and forwards in a very erotic and sexy way. With her head thrown back she was obviously not acting as she moaned in her fully aroused state. She was very close to coming.
Patsy gestured her to spread her legs and squat down on the Sybian, which Jane was now already doing. The dildo slid easily inside Jane's wet swollen pussy but Patsy noticed how much it filled her tiny vagina, stretching her lips around it. Patsy also noticed that, because Jane was so small, her legs were stretched so wide with her knees only just touching the floor. Her full weight was on her pussy, pressed down hard on the Sybian.
"God she's going to enjoy this," she thought to herself, feeling more than a little aroused herself, knowing how well this wonderful orgasm machine works on its female recipients.
Jane hardly had time to get used to the feel of the dildo inside her before Patsy turned the Sybian on. The effect on Jane was immediate as the vibration and rotation brought her within seconds to an immense orgasm, which brought out a scream sheer a****l lust and passion from this little beauty. She was jerking and screaming, "Oh my God, yes Oh God yes Ahh!!" as her whole body was wracked with the most amazing orgasm. She only just remembered to keep her hands away from resting on the Sybian as she wanted to ease the huge vibrations which were taking over her mind. Patsy could see how far gone Jane was already so she brought the Sybian up to full power and watched as this little beauty got the greatest orgasmic experience of her life as orgasm after orgasm merged into one vast explosion of sheer a****l passion. Patsy could see Jane's clitoris bouncing as the vibrations ripped through it and the attachment through which all this pleasure was being transferred was running with her cum as she screamed and jerked as each spasm of pure sexual perfection took hold of her.
Patsy was sure that no girl had ever responded like this and so fast as she just watched, almost mesmerised, as Jane went through the greatest series of orgasms Patsy had ever seen. The beautiful young girl was in paradise.
Jane's cries of pure passion were turning Patsy on even more as she watched Jane's whole body jerking and twitching as the power of each orgasmic explosion ripped through her slight frame.
Eventually, even the orgasm ridden frame of the beautiful 18 year old had to give in as she shouted out "Stop please, It's too much, please Ahh!!" Patsy slowly turned the knobs down to the minimum and the turned the Sybian off, as Jane slumped forwards and slowly lifted herself off the machine, collapsing in a twitching, jerking heap at the side. The Sybian was wet through with Jane's cum and it had dribbled down onto the floor at the sides.
"Oh God that was too much," gasped Jane as she fought to get her breath back. "I feel totally drained."
Patsy turned off the Camcorder and went over to Jane who was lying on her side gasping for breath as Patsy lifted her tiny sexually ravaged body and carried her, quite easily, over to the couch and laid her there to rest.
Jane was asleep in seconds leaving a very turned on Patsy to clear up. Patsy didn't bother and whipped her clothes off, took the controls in her hands and spread herself on the still wet Sybian and brought herself off on the greatest series of orgasms she's ever experienced before finally collapsing, a spent, satisfied girl.
Patsy recovered quite quickly and noticed Jane totally dead to the world curled up in a ball fast asleep. She quickly tidied up and packed her camcorder gear away after sneaking a quick look to make sure everything had recorded OK. It was perfect. This was going to be some video. She popped out and stowed her equipment in the car and went back inside to find Jane stirring. "Hello sweetheart," she greeted her, "How my little pupil, suitably fucked I assume?"
Jane's mind was still reeling as she remembered her shattering orgasms. "Oh God Patsy, I can't believe that machine, how often did I come? It was like I couldn't stop coming, I just had to get off before I died of an overdose of orgasms. What a machine!"
Patsy smiled and said, "I've never known any girl not orgasm on the Sybian but you must hold the record for the quickest orgasm ever and so many in such a short time. My God Jane you're something else."
Patsy picked up her bag and took out a DVD case. "Later on pop that in the drive on your computer. It's a video of Andy who used to be your PE teacher at the school a couple of years ago and this" she waved the DVD case in the air "is the reason he left in such a hurry."
As Patsy handed the DVD over Jane's heart gave a flutter as she remembered her crush on Andy when she was about 13 and she remembered fantasizing about him making love to her.
"Give it a play and ring me tomorrow," she smiled. "If you like what you see then we can get together on Monday and take it from there."
Patsy was using those same tactics of throwing Jane off-guard again as she was now totally intrigued. As Patsy left Jane quickly went through to the computer study and, still naked, she sat down and waited for the PC to start up.
Jane's heart was pounding with anticipation as the clip opened with a view of a naked Andy having a shower with his back to the camera. Jane noticed what a beautiful bum he had and his slim with broad shoulders and a not overly muscular body. He was obviously fit because there was no suggestion of fat. She remembered that he was a very handsome man and he looked even better naked, standing just under 6ft tall with his light brown hair cut short to mask his growing baldness. Andy reached across and turned off the shower and just as he turned around he suddenly spotted he was being watched. Jane was mesmerised as she looked at his strong chest with no hair and her eyes were automatically drawn to his penis hanging there before he tried to cover it up with his hands. He had no public hair and Jane guessed he'd been shaved as well. Even in its flaccid state it was long and thick and Jane realised. "This is what Patsy meant".
Suddenly four girls, who Jane recognised as girls from her school, appeared in the camera shot and ran over to Andy grabbing his arms. "It's birthday present time for you Andy," said a voice, which Jane immediately recognised as Patsy. She must have been operating the camera.
One of the girls had a coil of rope with her and, despite Andy's protests they were strong enough to tie his hand to the rails above him on either side of the shower. In all honesty, Andy did not struggle that much. They pulled the ropes until he was stretched out and his body looked wonderful as Jane stared intently. She'd seen Jason naked but his body was nothing compared with Andy who was a real man in every sense.
The girls now tied the ropes to each of Andy's ankles and slowly pulled them apart until he was virtually hanging in his restraints, then these ropes were tied to the lower rails leaving Andy naked, stretched wide and helpless for whatever the girls wanted to do to him.
Jane could now see that Andy's beautiful penis was showing signs of life as it stuck out slightly. He had no foreskin as he'd been circumcised as a baby, which made the sight of his penis even more intriguing to Jane who was starting to get turned on again despite her recent comings. His stirring erection became more apparent as each of the girls slowly stripped naked in front of his prone body. His face was very red and he was breathing heavily watching closely as each girl stripped seductively in front of him, now including Patsy, who'd left the camera running while she did her strip for Andy. Jane noticed that all the girls were shaved.
None of the girls actually touched Andy and his erection grew even more as the five beautiful naked girls gyrated sensuously like lap dancers in front of his helpless, prone naked body.
Patsy reached behind Andy and unhooked the showerhead and turned it on. She adjusted the nozzle until there was a fine powerful spray, which bounced off her hands, and she slowly started to spray it all over Andy's torso and legs. She gently moved the spray around his lower spine and between his wide spread thighs until it just touched his hanging balls. Andy moaned and jerked as the intense tickling sensation hit him. Patsy just moved the spray gently across his balls as his erection started to really take shape. His erection was now sticking straight out from his groin and it had filled out and lengthened considerably.
On seeing this reaction Patsy started moving the spray over his growing penis and Andy started shaking as his erection grew and grew until it was fully stiff sticking proudly up at about 45 degrees and twitching slightly. Not only had Jane only ever seen an erection like this on the Internet, it was obvious that the girls were equally impressed by their comments which were picked up on the video.
She now knows that Andy's full erection is 9ins long and 7ins in girth. A real lady pleaser by any definition of the phrase.
Andy was completely aroused now and he just wanted to come and his head was thrown back as he moaned at the sensations the showerhead was generating in him.
Patsy stopped the shower and each girl in turn held Andy's monster erection in their hands and took him into their mouths and giving him a swift blow-job whilst tickling his balls, but they stopped short of making him come. His erection was so big that the girls were gagging as he filled up their mouths.
Andy was now frantic and screamed out loud; "Oh God, let me come, please, let me come?" as his body jerked in its full arousal.
It was Patsy who got the privilege of bringing him to his climax as she gently stroked and licked his erection until his whole body was jerking and shuddering and then she gave him another quick session in her mouth until she could taste his pre-cum. He was obviously about to come, as then she lifted off him and took him in both hands as the other four girls gathered around Andy and caressed every inch of his naked body. A few brisk rubs with her hands tightly around his throbbing erection was enough as an a****l bellow erupted from Andy as the first spurt shot out from his erection. It shot over Patsy's head and dribbled down her naked back as she continued rubbing furiously as Andy came and came with huge spurts and massive amounts of cum pouring out of him. "Oh Jesus Christ Yes!!" he screamed as his orgasm wracked him in spasm after spasm. Patsy knew from experience that a man's helmet is incredibly sensitive as he comes and that they find the sensation almost unbearable, but she was not going to ease up as she concentrated everything on just this area. Andy was going mad with this sensation and was begging Patsy to stop, but there was no way she was going to do that. This was Andy's 30th birthday present and by God he was going to remember this one.
After a couple minutes of intensive rubbing of his red and sensitive helmet, Andy finally started to calm down and his erection subsided. A copious amount of his cum was now spread all over the shower cubicle floor around him and especially all over Patsy. Andy was gasping for air and his restraints were now causing him to really struggle as the girls gently undid his ankles and hung onto him as he tried to stand back up on very unsteady legs indeed. His arms were released and he nearly fell over but the girls held him firmly and all five kissed him passionately, wishing him "Happy Birthday."
The clip ended rather abruptly at this point and Jane found out later that this was their way of thanking him for all the brilliant sex they each had enjoyed with him previously. Andy's sex life and his involvement with the girls had leaked out and, after quite an uproar; Andy was forced to leave the school. The school had managed to suppress the details and, fortunately, did not know about all the girls and this was how Patsy became head PE teacher even though she was party to the sex games. Jane was gob-smacked at what she'd witnessed and she was really turned on, but her body had not recovered enough for her to come again.
Jane spent most of Sunday recovering from her exertions but still managed to find time to look at the DVD again and she brought herself off to a beautiful climax with her fingers.
At around 4pm she rang Patsy as agreed to go with her the following morning.
Patsy duly arrived bright and early and they set off. "What did you think of Andy?" asked Patsy as she drove. Jane wondered when Patsy was going to mention the DVD and answered in as casual way as possible. "He was all man if you know what I mean and I'm sure he thoroughly enjoyed his birthday present."
"Would you fancy a man like that making love to you?" asked Patsy in her matter-of-fact way.
"It would be lovely," said Jane almost knowing what was coming next.
"Well brace yourself darling, we're going to Andy's and he's expecting you. I showed him the DVD of you from Saturday and he nearly flipped. I know you're in for a real treat and lesson No: 3 could be the best yet."
Jane started that now-familiar shaking as she realised what she was doing. She'd worked out for herself that she would be having sex again and hoped it was with Andy, now she knew and she was trembling. The very thought of that massive erection pushing inside her made her stomach tighten even more and her mind was racing.
After nearly half an hour they arrived at a rather exclusive house, which had money, written all over it. As they got out of the car the front door opened and Andy appeared dressed in jeans and a loose top, which accentuated his well-made physique. He smiled directly at Jane who was visibly blushing and there was an immediate bond as Jane's heart was pounding. She realised that Andy was even better looking in the flesh and the look he gave her had lust written all over it. Her schoolgirl crush was soon to be realised but she was now a woman who knew about sexual pleasure and Jane was trembling again.
Andy waited for Patsy to climb out of the car and he gave her a very passionate hug and kiss and Jane could see how close they were. Jane also noticed that they were both the same height as they held each other.
Patsy pulled away and turned to Jane and formally introduced her to Andy.
"I feel as if I know you already Jane sweetheart," as he pulled her gently towards him and stooped down to kiss her. There was real passion and lust in that kiss and Jane found it easy to return his passion. "I hope we'll know each other a lot better very soon darling."
Jane was totally overwhelmed by the whole sensation as she was gently ushered into the building.
Andy guided them into his well-appointed lounge and gestured for Jane to sit down on the big leather settee as he opened a bottle of white wine. Although Jane's family are not short of a few pounds, this house and its fittings oozed real money.
Jane had dressed in a white mini dress with blue polka dots, which fitted quite tightly down to her waist then flared a little until it ended halfway down her shapely legs. As she sat down and sank into the deep pile of the soft leather her dress opened up and gave Andy an eyeful of her skimpy white panties. He just looked at her embarrassment and a look of total lust washed over his face and he smiled as she pushed her skirt back down.
"I intend to see a lot more of you than just your panties before very long Jane darling," he said almost taunting her, as he poured a large glass of white wine and handed it to her. Jane blushed even more strongly making the situation even tenser than it already was as her hands shook almost spilling her wine.
"I've seen the films that Patsy's done of you and I would love to make love to you on film if you'll let me Jane sweetheart?" he was almost begging her, as if she needed any persuading. Jane's heart was pounding almost uncontrollably.
"The most beautiful sounds I've ever heard are the cries of a girl having an orgasm, and watching and hearing you doing the same has driven me to distraction ever since I saw you on the DVD Jane. I want to give you a real fucking here and now if you'll let me?"
Jane's heart was racing even faster and his words just stunned her. All she could do was nod and whimper a little as her mind whirled as the visions of his monster cock flashed across her imagination and she looked pointedly at his groin.
"I'll go and set up the cameras then," said Patsy, smiling wickedly at Jane as Andy knelt down at Jane's feet and gently stroked her thighs moving slowly up to her panties. As the back of his fingers touched her pussy she gasped a little. This was all Andy needed as put his hands under her legs and back and lifted easily off the settee.
"Come on darling, let's make love," he whispered in her ear and he kissed her firmly on the lips, which Jane returned with relish. She was so far gone now that he could do anything to her and that's exactly what he was going to do.
With Jane firmly in Andy's arms, they all went into the next room, which had a large king-sized bed as the centrepiece and a frame in one corner, which looked a bit like a steel four-poster bed – but no mattress etc. Leaning at the side of the frame was a long tube with padding around the middle. There were similar straps on each corner Patsy had on her massage table. It suddenly dawned on Jane that this was also for bondage.
There were cameras set out around the room pointing in all directions as Andy gently laid Jane on her back on the bed.
Patsy had gone to a console near the door and turned on the lights and activated three of the cameras, which were pointing around the bed.
"Are you ready to make love sweetheart?" Andy asked as he looked down at the prone form in front of him. Jane's face was very red and she was visibly shaking as she took in the magnitude of what was happening to her. She nodded slightly as Andy smiled long and hard at her beautiful clothed form, noting her dress was rucked up enough to show her shapely strong legs and the line of her white thong panties. He was already well turned on himself and both Jane and Patsy could see the growing bulge in his jeans as his huge manhood tried to release itself.
Andy quickly pulled her slip-on shoes off and eased Jane over onto her tummy as he undid the short zip of her dress exposing her little white bra. He unhooked this at the same time and gently slid his hands down her exposed back and onto the bottom of her dress. Jane lifted herself off the bed enough for him to pull the dress up and off over her head and her bra followed very quickly. As Jane lay face down with only her tiny thong left on Andy started to touch her naked back as he worked his fingers lightly down her body until reached her panties. As Jane once again lifted herself off the bed Andy gently removed her pants and Jane was totally naked again.
Andy's strong hands and fingers then just caressed every inch of her naked back and sides running them lightly down the backs of her legs, much as Patsy had done to her a few days ago. This time though Andy just slid his hands onto her bottom cheeks with his thumbs between her slightly open thighs, opening her pussy and starting to slowly and gently massage her. Jane was squirming and moaning quietly as his fingers delved into her vagina and across her clitoris and she jumped as the sensations started to overwhelm her.
Andy then stood up and asked Jane to roll over. As she did this Andy took hold of her ankles and pulled her legs wide apart and put his head straight between her thighs. He let go of her ankles and took hold of her sopping wet pussy lips and opened them as wide as he could and started the best cunnilingus Jane had ever experienced as his tongue went to work on her clitoris. Jane's reaction was instantaneous as she screamed loudly as her first orgasm burst from her and the sensations nearly made her pass out. "Oh Jesus Christ, God yes," she screamed as the orgasm went on and on and Andy inspired by this went full out with his tongue and fingers to bring his little lover to another shattering climax. Jane's fingers were clawing at his hair as she came again and again.
Andy quickly stood up and ripped his shirt and jeans off as fast as possible and his erection burst out from his briefs as he pulled them off. Jane responded by pulling herself off her back and grabbing Andy and pulling him onto the bed at her side then she pushed him with some force over onto his back and went down on his enormous erection with her mouth. She'd never given a blowjob before and she immediately gagged as his massive girth nearly choked her. She hadn't realised until now how big Andy's erection really was until she found that she could not hold it with just one hand but had to use both as she tried to suck him as best she could. His moans of delight told her she was doing OK and she could taste the drops of pre-cum oozed out from the end.
Patsy had noticed that Jane's mouth was so small that she could only just get him in her mouth, and then only two or three inches. Even with this much inside her lips she still had both hands on his massive erection, which showed up on the monitors. Patsy also noticed that she had a beautiful view of Jane's pussy on one of the cameras and her fluids her running over her pubic hair as she concentrated on Andy's blowjob.
Andy lifted Jane's head off his erection and pushed her gently over onto her back again as her knelt between her legs. He tucked his hands under each of Jane's knees and pulled them back until they were either side of her tummy, stretching her wet pussy wide apart then he pushed his dick gently at first, but more firmly as her lips stretched to his girth. He slowly eased himself right inside her stretched pussy until every last inch of his nine inches was right inside.
"Oh my God, my God," moaned Jane as she could feel every bit of his erection, and as soon as he started to move out again the feelings of impalement gave way to a wonderful throbbing sensation she'd never experienced before as she realised she could feel the pulse in his penis pumping.
Andy gently pulled out until he was almost out and only his helmet engaged then pushed a little quicker into her again. Jane whole body jerked as she felt his movement and she knew that another orgasm was close. Andy almost sensed this and started to rhythmically push in and out, getting faster and faster.
Jane's body shook as his balls banged against her bottom with each stroke and her orgasm finally burst after less than 30 seconds of his king-sized fucking.
"Yes, Oh God Yes!!" she screamed as the greatest orgasm she'd ever experienced burst inside her and the sounds of her pussy being ravaged by Andy's giant girth were very loud as his penis was now running with her fluids. "Oh Jesus, yes, yes, yes," she kept repeating as this amazing orgasmic sensation went on and on.
Andy was now almost gasping for air as he rammed his manhood into Jane's stretched pussy as fast as he could as her cries of pure ecstasy continued unabated. Whilst Jane was still coming Andy pulled out of her and carefully pulled her onto her knees pushing her head down onto the bed, he entered her again from behind in the classic doggie style and Jane's gasp of sheer pleasure burst out from her. This was new to her and the feeling was very different but the result was exactly the same as another titanic eruption overwhelmed her senses again as her next huge orgasm exploded. If anything Andy was gaining strength and pushing in and out so strongly making Jane's jerk body with the movement as every inch of his amazing manhood sunk deep into her tiny pussy with each thrust. Even Jane was starting to calm down now as Andy's face took on a different look as his own orgasm built. His neck and face were already red with his exertions and his eyes were screwed tight as he let out an enormous roar as his sperm built up like a volcano until finally it burst like a river deep inside Jane's ravaged vagina. Andy was shuddering as his own orgasm ripped through him and his body jerked fiercely with each huge pump of his semen. Jane let out a cry as he came, as she actually felt the hot stream deep inside her. Jason had come inside her before but she'd never actually felt it. She pushed back on Andy's jerking penis as hard as what little strength she had left would allow but Andy was hardly moving now as the final spurts left him as the jerking subsided. He tried to push again but he had little strength left as his orgasm had completely drained his energy and he could feel his erection fading and slowly pulled himself out of Jane's very red pussy collapsing on his back as Jane rolled on top of him and kissed him as they embraced like the two satisfied lovers that they were.
Patsy was stunned at what she'd just witnessed and filmed and was incredibly turned on herself. "Oh wow guys, that was really something else. I think that's going to turn out as the best porn film ever made."
Andy and Jane lay back and smiled and Andy pushed himself to his feet. There was still their combined juices' dripping from his dick as he pulled Patsy to him and kissed her. "You just stay there while I have a quick shower," he said as he walked over to a little room at the side of the frames over in one corner.
Jane managed to stand up herself and go over the Patsy. They kissed and Patsy said quietly, "I told you he was something special and by God Jane you are the best fucking porn star we've ever had," as she held Jane tightly.
Jane suddenly realised in her naivety what she had done over the past few days was become a porn star herself. She honestly had not even thought of herself like that as her mind and body were so concentrated on her newfound sexuality.
"Oh my God Patsy," she gasped as the realisation sunk in." It never even occurred to me in that way even when you filmed me."
"I also filmed our first session together Jane. I knew as soon as you mentioned your feelings that day after seeing porn for the first time, that you were perfect. Andy and I and the other girls have been doing this for about three years now and we can recognise when a person is up for it even, as in your case, you didn't realise at first."
"Now you've been fucked by Andy you've done virtually everything that a porn star would do and as I said, we've probably the best porn film ever made already but there is something else before your education is complete, but we'll keep that a secret until another day."
Jane was totally and absolutely stunned as what Patsy had said sunk in. "Me a porn star." She shook her head as it dawned on her what she's been enjoying and now the possible consequences started to dominate her thoughts.
Jane was lost in her thoughts when Andy's voice suddenly broke into her concentration. "Jane, pop in here and have a shower with me."
Jane walked into the en-suite and joined Andy in the shower and they washed each other. Even though she'd only just been well fucked by Andy, his hands touching her pussy still caused her to stir with the beautiful sensation.
As they dried each other off after their intimate shower Andy said,
"You know it's Patsy's turn now and I know she's desperate for you to make love to her again. Had you realised that she's in love with you?"
Jane's heart skipped a beat as she took in what Andy had said. "If we work together to strip her and tie her into the bondage frame outside then you do the rest to her OK?" Jane was almost shocked at the thought but very excited as well. "Use this directly on her clitoris sweetheart," as he reached into the glass cabinet over the sink and took out a tiny little vibrator not much bigger than a stick of chalk. Jane took it off him. "It's colloquially known as a "pocket- rocket. Give it a twist." The quietness belied the power of the vibrator, which was not obvious until she touched the end and an intense, almost electric shock-like, vibration shot through her hand. "Wow, she's going to love this."
Andy smiled and said "She deserves it for all the work she puts into the business and it's our turn to repay her, and she'll go nuts when you go to work on her, believe me."
They were both still naked as they went back into the room to where Patsy was still working on the cameras and computer.
"Have you got room for a bit more Patsy as it's your turn now?" he asked, and Patsy looked up and smiled.
"Oh yes, I'm make sure I can make room for that!!"
Patsy checked that all the little cameras were ready and the images on the console screen, then she switched them to record and said, "I'm ready," she giggled and gave a sexy wiggle.
From the time she spoke to the time Andy and Jane stripped her naked was exactly 12 seconds, as they timed it on the video later.
The three naked lovers held each other in a big hug before Andy picked Patsy up and carried her into the frame. Jane took each of Patsy's hands and tied them to the corner straps as Andy held her face up.
Patsy let out a little moan as she suddenly realised she was going to get tied up in the frame. "Oh God!" as she started to breath heavily.
Jane then took one ankle and strapped it in, then moved over to the other until Patsy was secured at all four corners. Looking at her legs spread, Jane could see the wetness on Patsy's pussy even at this stage.
Andy gestured to Jane, "Right Jane, turn the handle on the upright," he pointed to the mechanism on the corner nearest the door. "I tell you when to stop, or Patsy will." He smiled again at the prone naked figure still in his arms.
As Jane started winding the handle, the two uprights on the opposite side to her started moving outwards, causing Patsy's trembling body to stretch out as Andy held her gently. Jane slowly kept tightening until she could see the strain on the inside of Patsy's thighs, also across her chest and arms until Andy was only holding her bottom with one had. One final turn of the handle and Patsy shouted, "Stop". Andy beckoned Jane to grab the padded bar and slide it underneath Patsy's waist and rest it on the horizontal bars either side of the frame. As soon as the bar was in place he let Patsy's body settle onto the padded bar.
Jane and Andy stood back to admire this beautiful sight as Patsy's superb body was stretched out wide with her back arched, totally unable to move and open to anything they wanted to do to her. Her head was hanging almost upside down and her face and neck were very red. Even from a distance you could see her body shaking slightly.
Jane went between her stretched thighs, up close to her wide-open pussy and leaned over to start fingertip caressing her stretched tummy and breasts. As she bent over she felt the heat and the wetness of Patsy's pussy and Jane rubbed herself against it, which brought an immediate twitching reaction and low moan from her prone friend. Andy was just standing watching as Jane slowly caressed Patsy's breasts and saw her hands moving over every inch of her torso as Patsy squirmed in her restraints. Gently she moved down Patsy's lower tummy and down her thighs and onwards underneath her bottom. Jane caressed up and down each stretched thigh back up to her bottom, eventually she bringing her fingers slowly back until they were either side of Patsy's shaved spread pussy. Gently she took Patsy's pussy lips and opened them right up until the wet pink flesh was exposed and the little raised hood over her clitoris stuck out. Jane brought her head down and started very slowly licking all around Patsy's sex, causing her to jerk quite strongly. The ecstatic moaning was getting louder as Patsy's body moved as much as she could against her lover's touch until finally Jane moved her tongue to concentrate on licking the exposed clitoris in front of her. Slowly she lapped away with Patsy's movements and moans increasing until Jane started licking as fast a she could and the effect was immediate as Patsy came in a series of jerks and shudders that made the whole frame move. Her screams were ear shattering as this beautiful teacher got what she so richly deserved from her willing pupil. The orgasm went on and on until Jane lifted her head up and reached over to where she'd left the "pocket rocket".
A quick twist and the vibrator came to life. Jane used Patsy's sopping wet pussy juices to lubricate the end of the vibe and she placed quite firmly straight onto Patsy's clitoris.
"Jesus Christ, Yes, fucking God almighty ---- oh wow Yes!!!" screamed Patsy with her head swinging upside down and her whole body bucking hard against the restraints. "Oh my God yes – yes – yes Ahh," her screams were un-abating as her greatest ever orgasm ripped through her shuddering body. It was taking all of Jane's concentration to keep the vibe rotating all over her little clit as, what little movement Patsy had, was transferred to her hips.
Jane kept this up for as long as Patsy was having her orgasms. She noticed Andy had moved over between Patsy's arms with his erection starting to grow swiftly as the visions he was witnessing brought his manhood to life again. He motioned to Jane to use her fingers inside Patsy's dripping pussy as well as using the vibe on her clit while he pushed his almost full erection up to Patsy's mouth.
When they looked at the video afterwards, they all three agreed that the pictures of Patsy having her pussy fingered and clitoris vibed along with giving Andy a blow job was completely unique and brilliant. It was even better when Andy came round to Jane's end and gave Jane a doggie fucking while she was still seeing to Patsy, although she didn't manage to keep going on Patsy as Andy brought her off to another orgasm. The final act was Andy's monster dick inside Patsy's pussy as he gave her a real fucking before coming deep inside her and Jane vibing Patsy's clitoris.
As they finally let Patsy out of her restraints, she was completely fucked in every way and Andy carried her over to the bed to recover.
Andy and Jane left Patsy sleeping naked on the bed totally wrecked after her session. They had another shower together as Andy asked Jane if she wanted to stay that night but she had to reluctantly refuse as she still had her obligation to her Mum's cat.
Andy and Jane left Patsy sleeping as he drove Jane home. "
Are you free on Wednesday as we've got a session at Patsy's place which I want you to be part of?" he asked quietly.
"Um, I think I might be available if you promise to treat me nice," she giggled.
"Oh, I can assure you, that you'll be treated extra specially," he smiled as they pulled into her driveway.
Kissing him goodbye she flounced into the house almost dancing with all that had happened to her recently.
Patsy called round the following morning bringing a DVD of the previous day's session. "It's fucking brilliant Jane, and even I looked OK with you working on me," she smiled waiting for a reaction. Jane was transfixed seeing herself like this and she just went "umm."
"Anyway Jane darling I want you to strip naked here and now as it's time to lose all that pubic hair. We want to see a bald pussy tomorrow when we run our session. OK?"
Jane was taken aback but had always wondered what her pussy would look like shaved. "OK" she replied as she started to strip.
Patsy started by trimming Jane's pubic hair with scissors all around Jane's pussy and anus. Jane was not naturally very hairy so it was quite easy. Patsy then got our her electric lady shaver and using the trimmer to take the stubble down even shorter then used the shaver to take it down as far as it would go.
Jane stood up and looked in the full-length mirror in the living room and was amazed at how different she looked with a shaved pussy.
"We're not finished yet sweetheart; it's waxing time!" Patsy had got a Brazilian waxing kit from her bag and was heating the wax using what looked like a portable kettle, which she'd plugged in to the mains.
She asked Jane to lie on her back again with her legs wide apart again and as the wax melted she laid it onto strips of linen, which she quickly placed onto Jane's pussy. Jane squealed, as the heat made her jump but it was not too bad. Patsy pressed the waxed strip all along its length to ensure the wax got through to the skin and the hair roots. As soon as the wax had cooled enough Patsy told Jane to brace herself as she ripped the strip away pulling what was left of Jane's pubic hair.
"Jesus that hurts!" she yelped as Patsy started to prepare another strip.
"A couple more and we'll be done," she reassured Jane.
After the pain from the last strip started to abate Patsy pulled Jane up and took her upstairs to the bathroom. Jane climbed into the shower as Patsy turned it on and immediately started spraying the cold water all over Jane's red-hot pussy.
"Bloody hell, Patsy that's too much," she shouted as Patsy refused to stop until she was certain the burning had gone, and then she turned the shower off.
Patsy helped dry Jane off and got some cream from her bag, which she rubbed all over Jane's bald pussy. Jane squirmed as those lovely feelings started to grow again.
"Just take a feel yourself Jane," as Jane's fingers went between her thighs.
"Oh wow, it's so smooth and it accentuates the feeling of my fingers." she drooled as she gently stroked herself.
"Save all that for tomorrow," she said as she ushered Jane back downstairs. "It's your big day tomorrow Jane. Tomorrow is the day you finally graduate as a fully fucked porn star."
Jane was curious but Patsy would tell her nothing. "You'll just have to wait and prepare yourself for something extra special," said Patsy as she made to leave.
"I'll pick you up around 10am, be ready OK?" and she left leaving Jane all over the place again in her mind.
Jane stood in front of the mirror and studied her still naked body with her completely bald pussy. It looked very sexy and felt the same. So smooth, almost like she remembered when she was a c***d.
She quickly dressed in a cream silk bra and tiny pants and a sleeveless tea shirt which was quite low at the front exposing her cleavage. She put on a little flared mini skirt which hung quite low on her hips showing just a taster of the top of her silk panties. Her midriff and navel were exposed as she slipped on a pair of flat slip-on shoes. As she walked she could feel the silk material of her panties rubbing lightly on her bald pussy lips and she felt wonderful.
Patsy arrived on time and Jane was ready waiting as they shot off back to Patsy's place.
They went straight into the massage area where all this had started just over a week ago. This time the cameras were not hidden and were strategically placed all around the massage table. Jane started to get those now familiar feelings as she remembered her first day on this table with Patsy. Her mind was racing when she realised that she was going to be the centre of attention again on that table, but what had they got lined up for her this time that she had not already done. She'd done massage, oral, bondage, lesbian, machine sex, a bit of exhibitionism, sex with a stranger and his big dick and a bit of group sex. What else was there? She was to find out very soon.
Patsy jumped up as a car door banged outside. "Sounds like they're here!!" she jumped up and quickly disappeared to greet her guests.
Jane stood expectantly by the massage table listening to the murmur of voices and a distinct Caribbean twang to the male voices.
As they came into the room Jane took a deep breath as four huge black men walked in with Patsy and Andy. All four of them towered over Andy and must have been well over 6ft tall. Jane guessed they must all have been in their 40s but were very fit looking with very tight bodies showing through their clothes.
"Jane," said Patsy with a knowing smile on her face, "This is Danny, Dean, Roland and Leroy." All four shook Jane's hand and gave her more than just a peck on the lips. "They're very well known in the world we are in and you're the lucky girl who's going to enjoy their skills today," she smiled in that disconcerting way of hers.
Jane was all over the place. She'd seen the Gang Bang sites on the internet and one of the things she'd fantasised about was having sex with a black man – but four of them. Her familiar shaking returned as she took in the full impact of what was in store. She was completely overwhelmed as her primal feelings started to take over and her body was taken over by her sexual urges.
Her face and neck were red with the expectancy of what was to come and Andy and Patsy went off to the console which controlled the cameras. "We'll leave her to you then Guys," as they set the equipment running.
No sooner was the word given that the four black lovers gathered next to Jane and started touching her; rubbing their hands all over her breasts and back. As one gently took Jane's face in his hands from behind one of the others put his big hands up inside her shirt from the front and caressed her tummy and sides. The other two were kneeling down on either side running their hands up and down Jane's bare legs under her skirt right up to her panties slowly pulling her thighs apart.
"Oh God. Oh!" Jane's eyes were tight shut at this exquisite treatment and she hardly noticed when the four of them just took her top, skirt, bra and panties off in less than a few seconds. Her shoes had come off with her panties and Jane was totally naked being caressed by four strangers.
Leroy carefully lifted her naked body onto the massage table as the other three started to strip naked themselves. Danny took the massage oil from the shelf at the top of the table as Roland turned Jane over onto her tummy.
All five of them were now naked and Jane noticed how big each of the four men were as she stared at the dick so close to her, and especially Dean who was every well-endowed indeed. The first stirrings of their erections were taking hold as they stood around the naked Jane and commenced to give her the most complete massage any girl has ever had.
With her body smothered in the massage oil they massaged her back and shoulders, bottom, legs and thighs right up to her pussy but leaving that for later. With Jane's face firmly buried in the hole in the table she just moaned as the wonderful feeling of eight hands caressing very part of her naked body overwhelmed her every sense.
In a flash they had turned her over and her legs pulled wide apart exposing her bald pussy for them. The four of them spread all around the table and the massage resumed with two pairs of hands tickling and caressing her breast and nipples until they stood up proud and welcoming. She could feel hands running up the inside of her thighs and all over her lower tummy but they still left her pussy alone. Her whole body was twitching in expectancy and she took hold of both Danny's and Roland's now very erect dicks and tried to concentrate on gently caressing them. Her fingers were not long enough to get round each of the massive erections and they were both as big, maybe bigger, as Andy's weapon which shed so recently enjoyed.
As she lay there her head was being held gently over the top of the table in a big pair of hands. It was Leroy who was caressing her neck and face and he slowly moved up close and pushed her head back over the table and Jane suddenly felt his erection pushing at her lips. She opened her mouth and she let him slide it inside her mouth as he pushed until she was almost choking with the girth of him. Leroy started slowly fucking her mouth going a deep as he dare each stroke. All Jane could see was his shaved balls as they touched her eyes with each stroke. She tried to concentrate on the two dicks in her hands as well but something else happened which took all of her concentration.
Dean had opened up her pussy and started licked at tremendous speed over her clitoris and pushed three of his huge fingers deep inside her sodden pussy. It took all Jane's concentration to avoid biting Leroy's dick as the amazing feeling of her impending orgasm built inside her ravaged body. Dean finger fucked her at tremendous speed and then stopped licking and started rubbing her clitoris with his other hand until Jane could hold back no longer and her first orgasm burst out in an explosion of pent up passion as a jet of cum splashed everywhere all over Dean as he continued hammering the pussy in front of him. As soon as Jane started bucking and jerking with the overpowering spasms of her orgasm he quickly stood up and pushed his massive rock hard erection deep into Jane's open and dripping sex.
Dean's dick was a full 10inches in length and as broad as Andy's and the others as well, but he took no time in pushing every last bit right inside Jane's pussy and then commenced to fuck her at such a terrific rate that Jane was totally and utterly consumed by her quartet of dick which was now going all out to give her the fucking of a lifetime. Dean lifted her ankles onto his shoulders and pushed even further into her as his own orgasm started to build. Faster and faster until he could hold back no longer and Jane took the full force of his ejaculation deep inside her body. Leroy suddenly pulled out of Jane's mouth and shouted "airplane time".
Dean still jerking from his orgasm managed to turn Jane back over onto her tummy with his erection deep inside her whilst they all lifted her off the table and spread her out with her legs and arms outstretched. Roland and Danny put their erections back in each of Jane's hands whilst Leroy lifted Jane's head up and pushed his erection back in her mouth. "Keep your legs straight Jane, we're going to let go," as they released her.
She was suspended in mid-air like an airplane only held up by four big black erections. It was bit of fun but Jane was too far gone to really notice as they put her back on the table and Dean slowly carried on pushing in and out until his erection faded. Ronald and Danny stood close up to the table as Jane commenced to bring them off to tremendous orgasms with a minute of each other, both shooting their cum all over her breasts and neck while Leroy went to take the place of the spent Dean. He started like a madman hammering his erection in and out of her battered pussy until he was on the verge himself, then he came back up the table and Jane finished him off with a blow job. She was willing to let him cum inside her mouth but Leroy pulled out and Jane wanked him off, and he came all over her face.
The four black studs took advantage of Patsy next. Even though they could not fuck her, they gave her the same hand treatment as Jane has enjoyed on the table and her screams of delight echoed around the room.
Jane was still covered in their cum, but she still managed to give Andy a double handed wanking and he also came all over her face.
It's nearly two years since it all happened and Jane still finds it hard to believe how her life changed in those two weeks of total madness. She struggles to come to terms with the fact that her face and body are on display all over the world for any man or woman to look at via the Internet porn site which Patsy runs. Her time at university has been brilliant and she has managed to separate her sex life from her academic life and amazingly no-one has even mentioned having seen her on the Internet. But just last week Jane got the shock of her life.
Her Mum and Dad had gone out and Jane was home for the weekend. The previous weekend she'd spent at Andy's and she been filmed being ****d by six women. Jane found the acting very difficult as she was so totally turned-on and orgasmic that she struggled to make it seem as though she was being forced. She'd been licked, fingered, dildoed, machined to total sexual satisfaction by the six girls. Best of it was that two of them were her old school mates and one of them was married to Jason her old boyfriend. She wondered if he knew what was going on behind his back.
As she settled down to watch the TV, Patsy rang her and gave her a Website address and told her to take a look. She popped up to her own room where she now had her own PC connected to the Net and she commenced to open the site. It was an American Gang-Bang site and she half expected that she would see herself but she could not have been more wrong. The link Patsy gave her opened a section marked MILF Gang-Bangs and it was about mothers being fucked by a gang of black men, very similar to what Jane had enjoyed herself.
It showed a mother called Sally from England being gang-banged whilst on holiday in Hawaii.
Sally was totally naked, spread wide and tied by her wrists and ankles on a table and Gang-fucked by 4 black men.
There was a date on the bottom of the screen.
It was the same day as Jane's experience with the four black men in Patsy's house and the thing that totally blew Jane's mind was:
Sally the mother from England was Jane's mother.
4 years ago