Μωρά μου λείπω σε επαγγελματικό ταξίδι εκτός Ελλάδας και δουλεύω φούλ. Γι αυτό δεν προλαβαίνω να απαντήσω στα μηνύματα σας. Τα βλέπω όμως και θα χαρώ ιδιαίτερα αν με βοηθήσετε με τις μοναξιές μου. Περιμένω porn gifs ή ότι άλλο σας αρέσει ( porn videos, videos που χύνετε για μένα) στο inbox μου. Φιλιάαα!!!
Υ.Γ. Γυρίζω Κυριακή!
My sweet studs, i m on a business trip outside of Greece and i m working foul hours. That s why i dont have time to respond to your messages. However, i see them and i would really aprreciate it if you could help me with my loneliness. I m waiting porn gifs ( or anything else you fancy) in my inbox. Kisseeeessss!!!!
P.S Be back on Sunday!
Υ.Γ. Γυρίζω Κυριακή!
My sweet studs, i m on a business trip outside of Greece and i m working foul hours. That s why i dont have time to respond to your messages. However, i see them and i would really aprreciate it if you could help me with my loneliness. I m waiting porn gifs ( or anything else you fancy) in my inbox. Kisseeeessss!!!!
P.S Be back on Sunday!
4 years ago