Thoughts on Resuming Exposure 1

Now that there's a vaccine, there's a decent possibility I'll be able to get vaccinated and resume exposing myself this coming summer. Because of that I've been thinking about how I'll go about it once I'm able to, since I have new goals that I didn't before. Here's the goals I'll have for each time I expose myself once I start doing it again:

• To be entirely naked
• To have my clothes placed so I can't quickly cover up
• To be in a secluded place
• To be vulnerable and alone
• To have my pussy fully exposed, so my legs can't be together
• When guys catch me, they fuck my pussy
• And they cum inside me

The last two are the new goals: before I wanted to be naked, vulnerable and alone in a secluded place, but hopefully not get fucked. I was fine with any other kind of sexual m*****ation (and had plenty of it happen), but was scared of strangers fucking me. Next time I go expose myself, having a stranger fuck me and cum inside my pussy is something I very much hope will happen.

Because of that I know I need to make myself look more ready-to-be-fucked, but I'm wondering if it would also be a good idea to make it apparent I can't run away. Before I would sit on a park bench with my legs spread wide enough to fully expose my pussy, and face in the direction I heard someone coming from. By the time they could see me, I was facing their way and holding my pussy lips spread open. But since I was completely naked, I could have gotten up and run away if I wanted to, leaving my clothes behind. (I always hid my backpack that had my keys, purse & phone in the woods near the clearing.)

I'm worried that the pose isn't one that seems to be inviting sex, and the fact I could run away discourages any guys who think about r***** me. No guy ever tried to have sex with me, or asked if they could. I was cum on a lot, fingered, licked, forced to give a blowjob, and even had one guy take all my clothes, but no attempts at sex. I can't help but think I need to address that and make it obvious I can't run away when a guy catches me.

So here's my current thinking: I'll be sure to wear panties & pantyhose every time I expose myself. Instead of getting entirely naked, I'll take off everything except the panties and hose. I'll pull my panties & hose down around my ankles, and leave them there. Then I'll lay on my back, either on the bench or on the ground in the clearing, using my clothes as a pillow. If I lay on the bench I think I can d**** one leg up over the back of the bench, and rest the other one on the ground. If I can do that comfortably I'll be pretty much trapped on my back when caught, because it'll take me several seconds to even sit up. Then I'd still have to stand, get the hose & panties off, and run.

I'm hoping that will be enough to encourage any guy who catches me to come over and take my pussy for a test run without asking permission first.¹ I don't want them to ask, as I'm afraid I might chicken out and say no. I'd regret it later, but the fear in the moment could definitely cause me to refuse. I'm not an idiot, I know the risks I'm taking letting strangers fuck me and cum inside me, so I'll probably always have that fear nagging at me.

I've also thought about laying on my back on the grass. Also naked with my panties and hose around my ankles, my knees spread apart and on my back. I could try falling asleep, or fake it, because that'd make me even more vulnerable.

I'm really interested in hearing what others think about this plan, especially from guys since you're the target of the whole thing. Should I do the panties/hose-around-the-ankles thing, or is that unnecessary?

Edit: In case anyone's uncomfortable replying openly to tell me their thoughts on this plan, please feel free to send me a private message instead.

¹ I guess I have a r*** fetish now, since I'm hoping guys will fuck me without permission. Just one more sexual thing I never thought would happen in my life.
Published by lauraloli
4 years ago
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y8dude 3 years ago
Lol fucking love this Post! Reads like a game design document with goals and such! But ya know super kinky and shit.... :smile:
jaykam99 4 years ago
Do it baby!
lauraloli Publisher 4 years ago
I figure by summer we'll know for sure if the vaccine protects against that new virulent strain or not.  If it doesn't, I'll just have to recalculate and determine if it's safe or not.  For example if there's no reports of that strain in my state at that point, I may feel it's safe enough to expose myself at least a couple of times.  But if it does protect against it I'm hoping to do it more often than that.

I haven't talked about it on my blog here, but I'm aware that I'll almost certainly get an STD from doing this.  I saw my gynecologist in February of last year and had her test me to make sure I didn't get anything from the three strangers on New Year's day.  (Nope, I'm still clean!)  I didn't tell her exactly what I'm going to be doing, but told her I planned to be more sexually active after the pandemic was over, so I'd probably need to see her regularly for STD testing.  She talked with me to make sure I fully understood the risks, which I did, and told me how often I should be tested.  She made a note in my chart that I was planning to become more sexually active and would need STD testing, so that I can call and schedule for testing once I do.  I'm sure she'll talk to me about it again when I see her this February.

I'm not sure xenophilia is right for my case, because the main reason I want to have sex with strangers is because I'm not supposed to let strangers see or touch me down there.  That's what turns me on so much at exposing my pussy, and letting a stranger put his dick in me is letting them explore deeper into my private area than I can easily show them.  I like them cumming inside me because I know that some of their sperm will swim up into my uterus, a part of me so private that even _I_ can't see it or touch it.  Basically I want to have sex with strangers as an extension of exposing my pussy to strangers.