Confessions of a serial masturbator
I guess its fair to say I masturbate (wank) a lot but its fun so why not LOL
I guess I first started getting erections when about 11 at which point I did not know what they were about but quickly discovered that stroking my hard cock was fun although it was a long time before I discovered the pleasure of cumming as not knowing what was going on I just knew playing with my cock was fun, during this period there were several times where I needed to pee badly but had a hardon that would not quit so had to strip off sit on the toilet and pee over myself while stroking my cock. I guess it was the relief of peeing I enjoyed doing this but it did provide me with pleasure but again I still had not achieved climax by wanking, although again not knowing what was going on I started having wet dreams, the first time I thought I had pissed myself initially but the smell was not pee so was not sure what was going on but have to say looking back I did produce a large amount of cum in those dreams. not sure how long it was before I felt the pleasure building while playing with my cock and kept going till I achieved my first orgasm shooting a large amount of cum over myself lying in my bed much to my surprise and pleasure. This is when I realised what the wet dreams were and just natural process. From that point onwards I guess i was very similar to most boys who have discovered wanking and did it a lot, mainly in bed before sleep and it did reduce my wet dreams a lot.
From that day onwards I must have averaged more than one wank a day, I guess the next development was porn mags (this is way before the internet) and as a shy person it took me some time to build up courage to buy my first mag from the news agent but ohh the adrenalin rush of pretending to browse until there was no other customers while checking out the top shelf mags. Once I was the only person in the shop I would grab a couple of mags and quickly pay for them then rush home to wank over them and have stuck many a page together with my cum. Some times I would spend the best part of the day naked and wanking over the pages and my favourites were the readers wives who received lots of my cum and shaped my future porn preference to amateur posts over porn models.
I guess the next stage was moving into my own house where finally I could have a wank whenever I wanted and the internet had just started to be a thing and remember sitting naked stroking my cock waiting for an image to download over dialup, the anticipation as the picture slowly populated was almost as good as getting the final image. Who would have thought I would be sitting here now with fiber to premises with unlimited porn on tap back in those days oh to have had that back then.
The internet really boosted my sexual knowledge and diversity but one thing has remained I love real women posting the readers wives, I find them really inspiring and was regularly wanking over them and even chatting with them. then as things improved videos became possible and chat. I met a wonderful lady over a picture posting site and had a relationship with her which I guess we would both say was based on sex and lasted almost 12 month during which while having regular sex we both regularly wanked both when apart but also when together as we both enjoyed wanking in front of each other as well as fucking and I learned a lot about how to pleasure her while watching her play with herself as I wanked my hard cock for her. I guess we were both exhibitionists and voyeurs as we both loved watching as much as showing.
After we split up and a lot more solo wanking I started searching for ways to indulge my pleasure with others and joined a website for swingers and exhibitionists who held parties every couple on months in Coventry, eventually I plucked up courage to go to one which was about a 3 hour drive away. The adrenalin was pumping even as I was getting ready to go and just kept rising as a got closer and eventually turned into the drive way and parked up. By now my cock was already hard but having learnt from an early age to wear tight pants to hide any erection I was not obviously showing. I signed into the club and as I was early had a bit of a look around and they were still setting up the theme and chatted to a few people who I suspect could see how nervous I was. As the night went on I saw lots of naked people and had watched several couples and groups fucking just stroking my hard cock under my trousers. I then decide to strip to my pants only and while I was very self conscious doing this it was very exhilarating and very daring for me who would not take my shirt off in public. After a half hour or so it was feeling very natural being in my pants in public even now my hardon was very obvious, there were a couple naked and fucking on a padded bench out in a public not one of the booths so I moved over to get a better view and was stood a couple of feet away from them and they did not care so I stayed watching them until I just had to take my pants off and have a wank. So there I am naked and having my first public wank and it felt great. It did not take me long to cum but it felt great doing it in a room with probably 150 people in it, very exhilarating. I stayed for a few more hours naked the whole time and striking up a few conversations and watching the show.
I went to a few more of these parties until they stopped, having many great experiences including a few fucks and making a few friends one of whom gave me an edible gel to try that was similar to Viagra, I had never taken Viagra as to be fair my problem was keeping my cock down not keeping it up but he said it would enhance the experience and several people were taking it. I hindsight I should not have taken it as I had no idea what it was but just wanted to try it. I did not feel any difference that night (Friday) and was thinking well its not any good and what's the fuss about, well that was until Saturday morning and I woke up with a hard cock, now this was not unusual and a Saturday morning wank in bed was almost part of my routine and I was not aware of anything different other than I was very hard to the point it was rigid. So I start wanking my cock and an hour or so later I'm still hard and yet to cum so decide its time to get the computer on and look at some good porn to get me off, having a good naked wank I eventually cum but my cock does not go down I'm still rock hard and I need a piss as well now. I tried to manoeuvre over the toilet so my cock was pointing in the right direction and it was still possible to take a piss but could not find one so now busting for a pee I got in the shower and let it go discovering that yes you can pee with a hardon. Quick shower to clean up and its back to wanking to try and get rid of the hardon but its stubborn and not going down easily. After a hour or so I managed another large cum and it subsided to a semi so decided time to put some clothes on but no a couple of minutes later I'm fully erect again. My cock is not starting to get a little bit sore but still standing to attention so lube it up and continue wanking to try and cure the issue, this time it was about 2 hours of continuous wanking before I cum and were back to a semi again. At this point half way through the afternoon and had been wanking almost all day, the TV is on and I get a flash of a nice cleavage and boom I'm fully erect again. I cant get dressed due to how hard I am so spend the rest of the day naked. I try just leaving it alone but the slightest stimulation and I'm hard again and for the minimum of half an hour then 5 minutes until I'm hard again. I go back to wanking and around 11 go to bed with a raging hard on.
Sunday morning I'm hard again as a wake and thinking shit how long will this go on for, have a good wank in the bed and it goes down to a semi and is better than yesterday but still the slightest thing is getting me hard but it is going down between each wank but it does need a climax to go down. An improvement but I'm now thinking what's going to happen tomorrow when I have to go to work but I can actually get dressed today. Anyway many wanks later its off to bed and see what comes up in the morning! Thankfully I was back to my normal horniness in the morning so work was possible!
Sadly these events stopped when the venue closed and I started to look for ways to meet with others again and eventually found a site called swing B&B who held parties every couple of weeks and were only 1 1/2 hours away in Wales and you could stay the night as well (normal B&B the rest of the time) so I book in and on the allotted Saturday set off again the adrenalin is flowing and arrive to be welcomed by a very friendly lady (the hostess in a very short denim skirt) who showed me to my room and explained everything. I had arrived early to get ready and stayed in the room for a while building up courage and then went back to the main house and a few people had arrived with several couples, everyone was chatting away and and very friendly. After a while it was clear people were disappearing so I decide to investigate following the rule if the door is closed stay out and while some doors are closed others are open and there are the sounds of pleasure filling the halls so stick my head through an open door and there are two couples naked and fucking and I watch for a while then move on watching lots of people fucking and a few kinks including a bit of bondage and a full on gangbang. Back to the kitchen but the draw of the other rooms it too much and this time a couple who are fucking invite me to have my cock sucked so quickly take my clothes off and offer my hard cock to suck on. I attend these parties about once a month for about 18 months until the place is sold. I had many wanks, fucks and even had 2 regular fucks that if we were at the same party we always had sex and had some great times.
I guess about 12 months later I started to occasionally go to a local well known dogging spot but I think I was about 10 years to late onto the scene as 99% of the time it was just a group of single blokes sat in their cars hoping a woman would turn up. In the space of 2 years of sporadic visit's I actually had one dogging experience where I was stood by their car wanking while she was naked and sucking his cock, she then wanked me a while before the boy racers turned up and put an end to it. I did meet a couple up there a few times purely by accident who I had been fucking regularly and would usually go back to theirs for a fuck although one time we did go to a quieter spot for a full on naked fuck in a carpark.
At this point I have started to get an interest in nudism so when I was in the area of a North Wales nudist beach I decide to check it out, unfortunately one the beach its pretty windy so only one hardy couple is there and its too bloody cold to strip off. I did notice one lady on her own in the dunes who appeared to be topless at least but she did not hang around long, I then decide to explore the dunes but they are empty. I try again a few days later when the weather is better but again on the beach its freezing and the only people there are single males just like me. I guess there are to reasons I wanted to try a nude beach 1 I love being naked with other people and taking that next step to doing it in a totally public place thrilled me and 2 I admit the idea of seeing naked ladies did appeal as well. That same year I went to a beach in Dorset and it was a beautiful sunny day and there were loads of naked people so I found a spot in the dunes and spread out my towel and stripped off which was a real rush. After a while I went for a walk through the dunes and along the beach and it was really exhilarating being naked but felt so natural I did not get the feared erection LOL. I went for several walks and its amazing what you see in the dunes with lots of exhibitionist ladies making sure of a full all over tan by spreading wide and putting on a wonderful display. I did not have a wank at the beach but loved my time there and I'm now addicted to nude beaches. At future visits to this beach I have seen people having sex but I have never got hard while watching them although I have stroked my cock a few times when posing for my own picture so it looks its best LOL.
I'm now searching for more nudist places and find a resort in Kent that is nudist but holds a lot of adult parties if you know what I mean LOL so I book a few days there. The adrenalin is flowing as I park up and book into the reception. After booking in I walk back to the car through their lawn area and there are lots of naked and semi clothed people around so back at the car I strip off and take my stuff to the accommodation and get settled in, Im just about to go exploring when I get a semi and being new to the place dont know if this is acceptable or not so decide I better have a wank to get it soft again, it did not take long looking out of the windows at all the naked people knowing they may be able to see me! Firstly I decide to look round the building and not sure of the etiquette I put a wrap around my waist and have a look around finding the hot tubs, sauna, communal showers and the play rooms which are unfortunately empty. Back to the accommodation and naked again, grab a towel and explore outside, at the end of the lawn is a path down to a grassy field and there are loads of people here, mainly single men but a substantial number of couples as well. I setup shop in the shade and enjoy the experience, first thing I notice is men moving around a couple and they are fucking which gets me hard and I have a few strokes. then I notice more couples fucking and decide I like this place very much. I have noticed the single men going into the wooded area as well so go and explore that to find little clearings with benches in obviously for playing in but no one is playing at this time. Back to the towel I go exploring again a little while later and in the woods there are a group of men watching something and they are all wanking so I go and check it out and there is a woman having a gang bang with 5 guys so needles to say I stopped to watch the show and not only is she enjoying the attention of the 5 men she is also loving being watched as she keeps looking at us voyeurs and smiling as we wank our cocks. The other guys appear to be hoping to join in so controlling their wanks but I have decided I need to cum so shoot my load and back to the towel to recover LOL
I love this place but can only get there a few times a year and this year only once and obviously it was a very different experience with no contact but I did get to see one lady spreading and dildoing herself in the woods for all to see and shot my load for her at a safe 2 meters. I love the fact that I can spend the whole time naked there and sex is just a natural thing to do and not be ashamed of and being hard is just normal
I finish with despite being much older I still play with my cock most days although I dont cum every day but enjoy stoking it while looking at porn and I will still have days when I will spend many hours wanking and I love it. Thank god for high speed internet and real ladies who like to show their bodies off, homemade porn is only beaten by watching real people fucking in person so here's to the future when those of us with more open minds can get back to playing with each other.
The future
I guess I first started getting erections when about 11 at which point I did not know what they were about but quickly discovered that stroking my hard cock was fun although it was a long time before I discovered the pleasure of cumming as not knowing what was going on I just knew playing with my cock was fun, during this period there were several times where I needed to pee badly but had a hardon that would not quit so had to strip off sit on the toilet and pee over myself while stroking my cock. I guess it was the relief of peeing I enjoyed doing this but it did provide me with pleasure but again I still had not achieved climax by wanking, although again not knowing what was going on I started having wet dreams, the first time I thought I had pissed myself initially but the smell was not pee so was not sure what was going on but have to say looking back I did produce a large amount of cum in those dreams. not sure how long it was before I felt the pleasure building while playing with my cock and kept going till I achieved my first orgasm shooting a large amount of cum over myself lying in my bed much to my surprise and pleasure. This is when I realised what the wet dreams were and just natural process. From that point onwards I guess i was very similar to most boys who have discovered wanking and did it a lot, mainly in bed before sleep and it did reduce my wet dreams a lot.
From that day onwards I must have averaged more than one wank a day, I guess the next development was porn mags (this is way before the internet) and as a shy person it took me some time to build up courage to buy my first mag from the news agent but ohh the adrenalin rush of pretending to browse until there was no other customers while checking out the top shelf mags. Once I was the only person in the shop I would grab a couple of mags and quickly pay for them then rush home to wank over them and have stuck many a page together with my cum. Some times I would spend the best part of the day naked and wanking over the pages and my favourites were the readers wives who received lots of my cum and shaped my future porn preference to amateur posts over porn models.
I guess the next stage was moving into my own house where finally I could have a wank whenever I wanted and the internet had just started to be a thing and remember sitting naked stroking my cock waiting for an image to download over dialup, the anticipation as the picture slowly populated was almost as good as getting the final image. Who would have thought I would be sitting here now with fiber to premises with unlimited porn on tap back in those days oh to have had that back then.
The internet really boosted my sexual knowledge and diversity but one thing has remained I love real women posting the readers wives, I find them really inspiring and was regularly wanking over them and even chatting with them. then as things improved videos became possible and chat. I met a wonderful lady over a picture posting site and had a relationship with her which I guess we would both say was based on sex and lasted almost 12 month during which while having regular sex we both regularly wanked both when apart but also when together as we both enjoyed wanking in front of each other as well as fucking and I learned a lot about how to pleasure her while watching her play with herself as I wanked my hard cock for her. I guess we were both exhibitionists and voyeurs as we both loved watching as much as showing.
After we split up and a lot more solo wanking I started searching for ways to indulge my pleasure with others and joined a website for swingers and exhibitionists who held parties every couple on months in Coventry, eventually I plucked up courage to go to one which was about a 3 hour drive away. The adrenalin was pumping even as I was getting ready to go and just kept rising as a got closer and eventually turned into the drive way and parked up. By now my cock was already hard but having learnt from an early age to wear tight pants to hide any erection I was not obviously showing. I signed into the club and as I was early had a bit of a look around and they were still setting up the theme and chatted to a few people who I suspect could see how nervous I was. As the night went on I saw lots of naked people and had watched several couples and groups fucking just stroking my hard cock under my trousers. I then decide to strip to my pants only and while I was very self conscious doing this it was very exhilarating and very daring for me who would not take my shirt off in public. After a half hour or so it was feeling very natural being in my pants in public even now my hardon was very obvious, there were a couple naked and fucking on a padded bench out in a public not one of the booths so I moved over to get a better view and was stood a couple of feet away from them and they did not care so I stayed watching them until I just had to take my pants off and have a wank. So there I am naked and having my first public wank and it felt great. It did not take me long to cum but it felt great doing it in a room with probably 150 people in it, very exhilarating. I stayed for a few more hours naked the whole time and striking up a few conversations and watching the show.
I went to a few more of these parties until they stopped, having many great experiences including a few fucks and making a few friends one of whom gave me an edible gel to try that was similar to Viagra, I had never taken Viagra as to be fair my problem was keeping my cock down not keeping it up but he said it would enhance the experience and several people were taking it. I hindsight I should not have taken it as I had no idea what it was but just wanted to try it. I did not feel any difference that night (Friday) and was thinking well its not any good and what's the fuss about, well that was until Saturday morning and I woke up with a hard cock, now this was not unusual and a Saturday morning wank in bed was almost part of my routine and I was not aware of anything different other than I was very hard to the point it was rigid. So I start wanking my cock and an hour or so later I'm still hard and yet to cum so decide its time to get the computer on and look at some good porn to get me off, having a good naked wank I eventually cum but my cock does not go down I'm still rock hard and I need a piss as well now. I tried to manoeuvre over the toilet so my cock was pointing in the right direction and it was still possible to take a piss but could not find one so now busting for a pee I got in the shower and let it go discovering that yes you can pee with a hardon. Quick shower to clean up and its back to wanking to try and get rid of the hardon but its stubborn and not going down easily. After a hour or so I managed another large cum and it subsided to a semi so decided time to put some clothes on but no a couple of minutes later I'm fully erect again. My cock is not starting to get a little bit sore but still standing to attention so lube it up and continue wanking to try and cure the issue, this time it was about 2 hours of continuous wanking before I cum and were back to a semi again. At this point half way through the afternoon and had been wanking almost all day, the TV is on and I get a flash of a nice cleavage and boom I'm fully erect again. I cant get dressed due to how hard I am so spend the rest of the day naked. I try just leaving it alone but the slightest stimulation and I'm hard again and for the minimum of half an hour then 5 minutes until I'm hard again. I go back to wanking and around 11 go to bed with a raging hard on.
Sunday morning I'm hard again as a wake and thinking shit how long will this go on for, have a good wank in the bed and it goes down to a semi and is better than yesterday but still the slightest thing is getting me hard but it is going down between each wank but it does need a climax to go down. An improvement but I'm now thinking what's going to happen tomorrow when I have to go to work but I can actually get dressed today. Anyway many wanks later its off to bed and see what comes up in the morning! Thankfully I was back to my normal horniness in the morning so work was possible!
Sadly these events stopped when the venue closed and I started to look for ways to meet with others again and eventually found a site called swing B&B who held parties every couple of weeks and were only 1 1/2 hours away in Wales and you could stay the night as well (normal B&B the rest of the time) so I book in and on the allotted Saturday set off again the adrenalin is flowing and arrive to be welcomed by a very friendly lady (the hostess in a very short denim skirt) who showed me to my room and explained everything. I had arrived early to get ready and stayed in the room for a while building up courage and then went back to the main house and a few people had arrived with several couples, everyone was chatting away and and very friendly. After a while it was clear people were disappearing so I decide to investigate following the rule if the door is closed stay out and while some doors are closed others are open and there are the sounds of pleasure filling the halls so stick my head through an open door and there are two couples naked and fucking and I watch for a while then move on watching lots of people fucking and a few kinks including a bit of bondage and a full on gangbang. Back to the kitchen but the draw of the other rooms it too much and this time a couple who are fucking invite me to have my cock sucked so quickly take my clothes off and offer my hard cock to suck on. I attend these parties about once a month for about 18 months until the place is sold. I had many wanks, fucks and even had 2 regular fucks that if we were at the same party we always had sex and had some great times.
I guess about 12 months later I started to occasionally go to a local well known dogging spot but I think I was about 10 years to late onto the scene as 99% of the time it was just a group of single blokes sat in their cars hoping a woman would turn up. In the space of 2 years of sporadic visit's I actually had one dogging experience where I was stood by their car wanking while she was naked and sucking his cock, she then wanked me a while before the boy racers turned up and put an end to it. I did meet a couple up there a few times purely by accident who I had been fucking regularly and would usually go back to theirs for a fuck although one time we did go to a quieter spot for a full on naked fuck in a carpark.
At this point I have started to get an interest in nudism so when I was in the area of a North Wales nudist beach I decide to check it out, unfortunately one the beach its pretty windy so only one hardy couple is there and its too bloody cold to strip off. I did notice one lady on her own in the dunes who appeared to be topless at least but she did not hang around long, I then decide to explore the dunes but they are empty. I try again a few days later when the weather is better but again on the beach its freezing and the only people there are single males just like me. I guess there are to reasons I wanted to try a nude beach 1 I love being naked with other people and taking that next step to doing it in a totally public place thrilled me and 2 I admit the idea of seeing naked ladies did appeal as well. That same year I went to a beach in Dorset and it was a beautiful sunny day and there were loads of naked people so I found a spot in the dunes and spread out my towel and stripped off which was a real rush. After a while I went for a walk through the dunes and along the beach and it was really exhilarating being naked but felt so natural I did not get the feared erection LOL. I went for several walks and its amazing what you see in the dunes with lots of exhibitionist ladies making sure of a full all over tan by spreading wide and putting on a wonderful display. I did not have a wank at the beach but loved my time there and I'm now addicted to nude beaches. At future visits to this beach I have seen people having sex but I have never got hard while watching them although I have stroked my cock a few times when posing for my own picture so it looks its best LOL.
I'm now searching for more nudist places and find a resort in Kent that is nudist but holds a lot of adult parties if you know what I mean LOL so I book a few days there. The adrenalin is flowing as I park up and book into the reception. After booking in I walk back to the car through their lawn area and there are lots of naked and semi clothed people around so back at the car I strip off and take my stuff to the accommodation and get settled in, Im just about to go exploring when I get a semi and being new to the place dont know if this is acceptable or not so decide I better have a wank to get it soft again, it did not take long looking out of the windows at all the naked people knowing they may be able to see me! Firstly I decide to look round the building and not sure of the etiquette I put a wrap around my waist and have a look around finding the hot tubs, sauna, communal showers and the play rooms which are unfortunately empty. Back to the accommodation and naked again, grab a towel and explore outside, at the end of the lawn is a path down to a grassy field and there are loads of people here, mainly single men but a substantial number of couples as well. I setup shop in the shade and enjoy the experience, first thing I notice is men moving around a couple and they are fucking which gets me hard and I have a few strokes. then I notice more couples fucking and decide I like this place very much. I have noticed the single men going into the wooded area as well so go and explore that to find little clearings with benches in obviously for playing in but no one is playing at this time. Back to the towel I go exploring again a little while later and in the woods there are a group of men watching something and they are all wanking so I go and check it out and there is a woman having a gang bang with 5 guys so needles to say I stopped to watch the show and not only is she enjoying the attention of the 5 men she is also loving being watched as she keeps looking at us voyeurs and smiling as we wank our cocks. The other guys appear to be hoping to join in so controlling their wanks but I have decided I need to cum so shoot my load and back to the towel to recover LOL
I love this place but can only get there a few times a year and this year only once and obviously it was a very different experience with no contact but I did get to see one lady spreading and dildoing herself in the woods for all to see and shot my load for her at a safe 2 meters. I love the fact that I can spend the whole time naked there and sex is just a natural thing to do and not be ashamed of and being hard is just normal
I finish with despite being much older I still play with my cock most days although I dont cum every day but enjoy stoking it while looking at porn and I will still have days when I will spend many hours wanking and I love it. Thank god for high speed internet and real ladies who like to show their bodies off, homemade porn is only beaten by watching real people fucking in person so here's to the future when those of us with more open minds can get back to playing with each other.
The future
4 years ago
Love the idea of going to your resort in Kent sound perfect given we have very similar masturbation experiences and needs.
You could PM me the postcode or name I'd like to look it up.
Our differences are I'm married (40+) years but my wanking is tolerated these days wife loves sex and we have it regularly but my Libido is 10 x her so I like to watch porn and wank, which is what I'm doing now as she's out shopping.