Some people think I’m done with xham because of them putting vids back into conversion. It’s more than just that. For about 2 years I’ve been wanting to be done with this. The main reason is because the candid game is not the same anymore. Everybody trying to make a buck off of recording a female with clothes on. Let’s think about it for minute, if you wouldn’t pay let’s say $20 for an Onlyfans chick getting fucked, why would you pay to see a woman walk around in Walmart or Target with clothes on. Plus you have to give out certain information like Email adresses and credit/debit card numbers. I absolutely do not trust any random person to have my info like that. Scammers are everywhere especially this year in 2020. I’m not throwing any shade to a specific person this is just my opinion. Now I know a lot of people are pissed off about xham but I completely understand what they are doing. c***d pornography is despicable and plain gross. So to anyone that is upset just calm down and try to find somewhere to post candids or just keep them to yourself for your own personal pleasure.
Published by tornadomaster
4 years ago
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theb00tyobsession 4 years ago
I totally agree me and a partner of mine was just talking about people charging for clothed booty I can see plenty ass for free in da store so I understand what you saying about the game being changed and card info etc .
RickyStreet 4 years ago
U going out a legend tho...
btylvr 4 years ago
Damn bro, i hate to see you leave, your one of the best doing it. If not ever. But i dont get why you pay for something you can do yourself? Yeah the culture took a major hit with everybody trying to their work now smh.
frankthebank1992 4 years ago
I agree they ruined it with the paying for videos' but naa candid is not gross or despicable its just another fetish like any of the of the thousands that are out there. Either it gets you hard or it does not and of it does not you dont have to shame it,but yea good catalog and im sure will all find another platform or hell its 2020 one of us can make our own!! all in all just lets all post it so pelople know. I mean look at the numbers some of our vids do people enjoy it and it brings traffic to websites that can be sold for ads and can make money the same way xham is doing off of our own vidoes 
Yeah I agree bro. That mega folder stuff ruined everything! That's why the scene isn't the same anymore . People that have content are less likely to share their catches now because dudes be out there selling other people's work.
Well said, but I thought candid-voyeurism vids were considered to be soft-porn, no more despicable then the rest of the crap on Ham. All the videos they gave a PASS seem to be gross. But, thanks so much for your contributions, and your catalog is unmatched. 
CH33KSG33K 4 years ago