Writing my own spanking story?

I have always enjoyed thinking up different spanking scenarios and stories, so I thought I’d try my hand at writing one here, so bare with me, it's a work in progress...

Claire was woken up by mum's usual 5 minute warning for her and her two siblings to be in the car and ready for School. The three of them all attended the same school, Redwoods Academy. Claire, being the oldest, was in her final year, Chris was in the year below that, and the youngest, Jessica, in the year below that. Claire had somehow slept through her alarm, so in her mad 5 minute rush to get ready, she managed to go to the bathroom, brush her teeth and get her school uniform on, white knickers, socks and shirt, red plaid skirt and tie, navy blazer and black slip on shoes. She decided to save a few seconds by not putting a bra on, figuring it wouldn’t matter as she didn’t have PE on Mondays. Mum dropped them all off at the school gates and they headed to their classes. The day was going fine for Claire until her second to last class. Mr Adams, Claire’s maths teacher, asked for the weekend homework to be handed in. Claire soon realized in her rush to get ready she had left the completed homework on her bedroom floor. She tried to explain the situation to Mr Adams, but he wouldn’t listen to her excuses, instead sending her to the headmasters office. Claire nervously made her way through the quiet school hallways, she had never been in trouble before but she had heard rumours about what a visit to the headmasters office meant. She knocked on his office door, “come in” the headmasters deep voice bellowed. He was a large man, in his late 50s with balding hair and a grey beard. “Ah, Miss Evans”, Claire was surprised he knew her name, “please take a seat and tell me why you’ve been sent to see me today”. Claire sat on the chair opposite his desk and explained the situation, that she had completed her homework but had left it at home. “I understand”, he said “but we have certain rules here at Redwoods, usually failure to hand in homework is 6 of the best, but as this is your first trip to my office and if you promise to bring me the homework you claim to have completed first thing in the morning, it will only be 4 stripes for you today”. “Stripes?” Claire questioned, looking rather confused. The headmaster pointed out the long thin ratten cane hanging above the door, “Yes young lady, 4 stripes across your knickers”. “Please sir”, she started to beg as tears began to roll down her cheeks. The headmaster tells Claire to stand up, and while pulling her chair away and pushing it to the side of room, he tells strip down to her underwear and place her uniform neatly folded on his desk. Claire started to panic as she remember she wasn’t wearing a bra, “but sir...”. The headmaster stops her mid sentence, “young lady, if you don’t follow my instructions immediately, you will make things a whole lot worse for yourself”. Claire hesitantly started to undress, removing her tie and placing it in the desk. She paused and looked at the headmaster, “please sir” she sniffed. “I warned you young lady, perhaps you need the full 6 stripes after all”, that was all the motivation Claire needed, she raised her arms and pulled her dress off, leaving her big bare breasts bouncing briefly before covering them with her arms. “Claire Evans”, the headmaster raised his voice, “how dare you attend school without wearing the appropriate underwear?!”
Published by FatUglySub
4 years ago
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Loveitall66 10 months ago
Great tantalising start, I feel myself getting hard already, perhaps the headmaster should administer two stripes to her bottom then in the interests of diversity the second two to her naked nubile breasts, perhaps that would remind the lazy slut to wear the correct underwear đŸ˜©đŸ˜˜
moc006 1 year ago
Promising start and too bad there were no more chapters to read...
johnmdh 3 years ago
Nice start, I would love to read more chapters maybe ramping up the levels of punishment and sexual titillation a bit!
bothways1947 3 years ago
hope there is more to cum
spanker0317 4 years ago
She deserves the caning from her  headmaster and a sound spanking from her mom when getting home !
bdj6969 4 years ago
Beautifully and teasingly written. Tell us more :smile:
morning333 4 years ago
hmmm very erotic.....I enjoyed........please write more stories
hmmm promising beginning Claire 
DaveCoach 4 years ago
Maybe she should unbutton her shirt to get the headmasters attention , he is still going to spank her x