The Queen of Spade Definition and Symbol:
The Queen of Spade Definition and Symbol:
1 a female sovereign who is the official ruler or head of state
2 the wife or widow of a king
3 a woman or a thing personified as a woman considered the best or most important of her kind
1 plural form of spade
2 One of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the black symbol ♠.
3 A card game in which the spade suit cards are trumps.
4 A former derogatory term for a Black Americans, more commonly used in the post-Civil War era than today.
Therefore the definition of Queen of Spades would be a woman considered the best of her kind who has a strong sexual preference for a man who trumps others which is a Dominant Black male.
The symbol:
A Black Spade with with a 'Q' above or inside. Wearing the symbol demonstrates white women who live a lifestyle with a sexual preference for black men. It can be seen on tee shirts or even as a tattoo. Also a way for a white woman to let potential black lovers know she is available.
To wear or be branded with the tattoo shows and represents a dedicated commitment and choice that their pussy belongs to the strong black male also known as Black Bulls.
This is what I'm talking about - "Say it loud ladies-I LOVE BLACK COCK AND I'M PROUD!
1 a female sovereign who is the official ruler or head of state
2 the wife or widow of a king
3 a woman or a thing personified as a woman considered the best or most important of her kind
1 plural form of spade
2 One of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the black symbol ♠.
3 A card game in which the spade suit cards are trumps.
4 A former derogatory term for a Black Americans, more commonly used in the post-Civil War era than today.
Therefore the definition of Queen of Spades would be a woman considered the best of her kind who has a strong sexual preference for a man who trumps others which is a Dominant Black male.
The symbol:
A Black Spade with with a 'Q' above or inside. Wearing the symbol demonstrates white women who live a lifestyle with a sexual preference for black men. It can be seen on tee shirts or even as a tattoo. Also a way for a white woman to let potential black lovers know she is available.
To wear or be branded with the tattoo shows and represents a dedicated commitment and choice that their pussy belongs to the strong black male also known as Black Bulls.
This is what I'm talking about - "Say it loud ladies-I LOVE BLACK COCK AND I'M PROUD!
4 years ago