Master King David's BDSM Laws and Policies

Master King David's Laws and Policies vow of clarity between Dominate male Master King & submissive females.

1) When we role play together you must vow to serve obey and please me Master King David as your Master. All laws and polices need to be followed, even if you disagree with them. All laws and polices must be obeyed without question maintaining our dominate and submissive roles at all times with the utmost integrity.

2) When I serve as your Master King you must trust in my ability, strength, character, instructions, wisdom and knowledge with wholehearted confidence at all times.

3) Vow of affection when I serve as your Master King you shall devote yourself to affectionate communication. This means all forms of communication between us at all times verbal and written communication. Learn to communicate with me well as your Master King at all times during our correspondence. Good communication is about the way we talk and listen, and about our interests concerns with showing affectionate companionship. Good communication is an important part of all relationships. Open and clear communication can be learnt. Study also listen at all times and practice mentioning effective affectionate communication to avoid any unnecessary conflict.

4) When I serve as your Master King you must be aware of your tone at all times. Share positive feelings with me while I serve as your Master King, put aside your own thoughts ask for feedback to avoid any misunderstandings. Approach me when I serve as your Master King with a calm approach. For resolution stay in your place at all times. We need to communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings that may cause hurt, anger, resentment or confusion.

5) When I serve as your Master King you must acknowledge my responsibilities, skills, my hungers, and my needs. Be conscious of my concerns know that I confide in you. Show concerns for my safety emotional, psychological, social, sexual and physical health at all times. Avoid using the silent treatment let's learn to understand each other, not to defeat each other. You shall not hesitate when responding to me when I serve as your Master King.

6) Upmost respect at all times no threats laws and policies. Be flattered appreciate all the admiration that I display for you and reciprocate. At all times during our correspondence respond with all the love, honor, and respect that I require. So be mindful at all times of your words, gestures, and actions towards me your Master King. Give me acceptance with positive feedback. Be graceful and joyful at all times without negative feelings or actions. No threats there shall be no threats communicated between us of psychological, emotional, social, physical or sexual safety. A threat is a considered act of coercion. Threats of any kind is totally unacceptable there is no place in our relationship for communicated threats. I shall never be intimidated, disrespected, or harmed in anyway with your behavior towards me your Master King David. You shall be submissive and aware of your actions at all times to avoid any unnecessary conflict.

Master King David's Laws & Policies contract of clarity between Dominate male Master King and submissive females.

6)Respect, Appreciation, No Treats
Published by strongwind
4 years ago
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nadia877 4 years ago
Very nice. :smile: