Hi everyone.
You may have noticed that on many occasions, I don't answer to your messages even if you see me connected. Or, I answer you days or weeks later.
The reason is that even if you see me sexy or attractive (or so I like to think) in photos, I am currently very ill. I've been hospitalized for covid-19 and currently I'm semi-hospitalized in my parents' house, with serum and painkiller through my veins 24/7.
Although I no longer have the virus, I've had the two worst covid-19 sequels: pulmonary fibrosis and extreme fatigue. From the first, doctors are already medicating me, but it's something palliative for the pain and we must see how the scars in the lungs evolve, because they ARE NOT operable. Of the second, current science simply doesn't know how to treat it and all they do is gorge me on vitamins to try to strengthen me.
Due to this situation, it's very difficult for me to spend long periods of time in front of the computer, or sometimes, I enter XHamster and my head is not very focused in those moments how to answer.
In any case, step by step, I will keep trying to upload videos of my sexual adventures, which I know you like, bitches!!
Bye Bye XXX
You may have noticed that on many occasions, I don't answer to your messages even if you see me connected. Or, I answer you days or weeks later.
The reason is that even if you see me sexy or attractive (or so I like to think) in photos, I am currently very ill. I've been hospitalized for covid-19 and currently I'm semi-hospitalized in my parents' house, with serum and painkiller through my veins 24/7.
Although I no longer have the virus, I've had the two worst covid-19 sequels: pulmonary fibrosis and extreme fatigue. From the first, doctors are already medicating me, but it's something palliative for the pain and we must see how the scars in the lungs evolve, because they ARE NOT operable. Of the second, current science simply doesn't know how to treat it and all they do is gorge me on vitamins to try to strengthen me.
Due to this situation, it's very difficult for me to spend long periods of time in front of the computer, or sometimes, I enter XHamster and my head is not very focused in those moments how to answer.
In any case, step by step, I will keep trying to upload videos of my sexual adventures, which I know you like, bitches!!
Bye Bye XXX
4 years ago