Xham Halloween Contest Rules & Details

Most people know the rules. This is mostly for first-time players.


No fighting or attacking other users taking place in the contest.

The contest is open to everyone unless I have you blocked for being a troll, being creepy or attacking me.

Questions will be posted here. You will have approximately 24 hours to answer. (sometimes more) It's according to how busy I am to close them and reward points. I leave it 24 because of the different time zones.

If I ask you link an image for a question. You must link that image on Xhamster no outside source sites. You can start your own gallery on Xhamster as some do during the contest.

All images you link, upload, or post most follow Xhamster rules. No content posted that is not allowed. In other words, follow xhamster uploading rules. ALSO, NO FAKE BLOOD is Allowed. I would allow it. But it's against Xhamster rules so no fake blood either.

Some questions will have a chance for bonus points. Also if you know nothing about Halloween or Horror movies don't worry the contest is a lot of luck for one. So yes there will be some Halloween and Horror related questions. But there will also be a lot of pretty girls. Enjoy and have fun. Any questions post below.


Published by LauraPaImer
4 years ago